void load_image(char *path, float **pImage, int *pnx, int *pny)
  unsigned char *temp;
  float *image;
  char dataIn[MAXLEN], headIn[MAXLEN];
  int ixy, i, j, sizeInput;
  int nx, ny;
  float min, max, scale;
  char *datatail=".bin", *headtail=".hdr";
  FILE *fpIn;

  /* Read header file */
  strcpy(headIn, "");
  strcpy(dataIn, "");
  strcat(strcat(headIn, path), headtail);
  fprintf(stderr, "headIn: %s\n", headIn);
  if ( (fpIn = fopenInputFile(headIn)) == NULL ) {
    error(" cannot open header input file ", headIn);
  else {
    readOneInt(fpIn, &nx);
    readOneInt(fpIn, &ny);
    readOneFloat(fpIn, &min);
    readOneFloat(fpIn, &max);
    readOneFloat(fpIn, &scale);
    fprintf(stderr, "nx: %d\n", nx);
    fprintf(stderr, "ny: %d\n", ny);

  /* Read image file */
  strcat(strcat(dataIn, path), datatail);
  fprintf(stderr, "dataIn: %s,  path: %s  \n\n", dataIn, path);
  if ((fpIn = freopenInputFile(dataIn, fpIn)) == NULL) 
      error("Can't open input files, load_image %s", dataIn);
  grabByteMemory((char **)&temp, nx*ny, "loadImage: temp");
  grabFloatMemory(pImage, nx*ny, "loadImage: pImage");
  image = *pImage;

  sizeInput = nx*ny;
  if (!fread((char *) temp, sizeInput, 1, fpIn)) { 
    utilFree((void **) &temp);
    utilFree((void **) pImage);
    *pnx = *pny = 0;
    error("unexpected end of file on", dataIn);
  *pnx = nx;
  *pny = ny;
      ixy = (i*nx) + j;
      image[ixy] = (((float) temp[ixy]) / scale) + (float) min;
  utilFree((void **) &temp);
int read_ppm_image(unsigned char *pimage[3], FILE *fpIn, char *fnIn, 
		   int *pnx, int *pny)
  unsigned char *raw;
  int i0, ixy, sizeInput;

  /* Read image size off of pgm header, if possible */
  if (stripPpmHeader(fpIn, pnx, pny) < 0)

  sizeInput = (*pnx) * (*pny) * sizeof( char );
  grabByteMemory((char **)pimage, sizeInput, fnIn);
  grabByteMemory((char **)pimage+1, sizeInput, fnIn);
  grabByteMemory((char **)pimage+2, sizeInput, fnIn);

  sizeInput = 3 * (*pnx) * (*pny) * sizeof( char );
  grabByteMemory((char **)&raw, sizeInput, fnIn);
  if ( !fread((char *) raw, sizeInput,1,fpIn)) 
    error("unexpected end of file on", fnIn);

  for(ixy=0; ixy< (*pnx) * (*pny); ixy++) {
   i0 = 3 * ixy;
   pimage[0][ixy] = raw[i0];
   pimage[1][ixy] = raw[i0+1];
   pimage[2][ixy] = raw[i0+2];
  utilFree((void **) &raw);
void save_ppm_image(char *path, unsigned char *cImage[3], int nx, int ny)
  unsigned char *raw;
  char dataOut[MAXLEN], header[MAXLEN];
  int sizeOutput, nHead, ixy, k;
  FILE *outfile;
  grabByteMemory((char **) &raw, 3 * nx * ny, "rawColourImage");   

  strcpy(dataOut, "");
  sprintf(dataOut,"%d %d\n%d\n", nx, ny, 255);
  strcpy(header, "P6\n");
  nHead = strlen(header) + strlen(dataOut);
  while(nHead < minHeadSize) {
   strcat(header, blank);
  strcat(header, dataOut);
  /* Open image */
  strcat(strcat(dataOut, path), ppmFileTail);
  if ( (outfile = fopen(dataOut, "wb")) == NULL  ) 
      error("Can't open output file", dataOut);

  /* Save header */
  sizeOutput = strlen(header) * sizeof( char );
  if ( ! fwrite(header, sizeOutput, 1, outfile))
   error("Unable to write", dataOut);

  /* concatenate RBG byte images */
  for(ixy=0; ixy<nx * ny; ixy++) {
   k = 3*ixy;
   raw[k] = cImage[0][ixy];
   raw[k+1] = cImage[1][ixy];
   raw[k+2] = cImage[2][ixy];
  /* write raw byte image in output image file */
  sizeOutput = 3 * nx * ny * sizeof( char );
  if ( ! fwrite((char *) raw, sizeOutput, 1, outfile))
   error("Unable to write", dataOut);

  utilFree((void **) &raw);
void save_byte_image_from_float_scaled(char *path, float *imageFlt, 
       int nx, int ny, float crop[2], float out_of_range[2])
  char dataOut[MAXLEN], headOut[MAXLEN];
  int sizeOutput;
  float par[2];
  unsigned char *image;
  FILE *outfile;
  if (crop[1] < crop[0]) {
   /* Do not perform cropping */
   range_float_image(imageFlt, nx, ny, crop);
   out_of_range[0] = 0.0;
   out_of_range[1] = 1.0;
  quantize_crop_float_image(&image, imageFlt, nx, ny, crop, out_of_range, par);
  strcpy(headOut, "");
  strcat(strcat(headOut, path), headerFileTail);
  if ((outfile = fopen(headOut, "wb")) == NULL)
    error("Unable to open file", headOut);

  fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %f %f %f %f %f\n", nx,ny, par[0], par[0]+255.0/par[1],
        par[1], crop[0], crop[1]);
  fprintf(outfile, "%d %d %f %f %f %f %f\n", nx,ny, par[0], par[0]+255.0/par[1],
        par[1], crop[0], crop[1]);

  /* Save byte image */
  strcat(strcat(dataOut, path), byteFileTail);
  if ( (outfile = fopen(dataOut, "wb")) == NULL) 
      error("Can't open output file", dataOut);

  sizeOutput = nx * ny * sizeof( char );
  if (! fwrite((char *) image, sizeOutput, 1, outfile))
   error("Unable to write", dataOut);

  utilFree((void **) &image);
int read_pgm_image(unsigned char **pimage, FILE *fpIn, char *fnIn, 
		   int *pnx, int *pny)
  int sizeInput;

  /* Read image size off of pgm header, if possible */
  if (stripPgmHeader(fpIn, pnx, pny) < 0)

  sizeInput = (*pnx) * (*pny) * sizeof( char );
  grabByteMemory((char **)pimage, sizeInput, fnIn);

  if (!fread((char *) (*pimage), sizeInput, 1, fpIn)) { 
    utilFree((void **) pimage);
    error("unexpected end of file on", fnIn);

void read_int_image_strip_bytes(unsigned int * image, FILE * fpIn, char * fnIn,
				int nx, int ny, int bytes)
  char *header;
  int sizeInput;

  if (bytes > 0) {

   grabByteMemory((char **) &header, bytes, "strip-header");

   sizeInput = bytes * sizeof( char );
   if ( !fread((char *) header, sizeInput, 1, fpIn)) 
    error("unexpected end of file on", fnIn);

   utilFree((void **) &header);

  sizeInput = nx * ny * sizeof( unsigned int );
  if ( !fread((char *) image, sizeInput, 1, fpIn)) {
    fprintf(stderr,"error: unexpected end of file on %s\n", fnIn);
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* MEX interface function */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
    FreemanPyramidCntrlStruct *cntrl = NULL;
    FreemanPyramidStruct *fp = NULL;
    FreemanCacheCntrlStruct *fpcc = NULL;
    float *image, *tmp;
    float epsAmp = 0.0;
    float epsC = 0.0;
    int nxImage, nyImage;
    int iChannel, iScale, iOrient;
    int iCell, iOut, iBasis;
    int k, n;
    mwSize dims[3];
    mxArray *mxTmp;

    /* check for the required input arguments */
    if( nrhs < 2 || nrhs > 3 )
        mexErrMsgTxt( "Input expected: CNTRL, IMAGE, CACHECNTRL" );

    /* decode the matlab version of the pyramid control structure
       and allocate the pyramid structure */
    mexFreemanPyramidCntrlStruct( prhs[0], &cntrl, &epsAmp, &epsC );
    fp = newFreemanPyramidStruct( cntrl );
    if( nrhs == 3 )
        mexFreemanCacheCntrlStruct( prhs[2], &fpcc );

    /* get the image to be filtered */
    mex2float( prhs[1], &image, &nxImage, &nyImage );

    /* build the pyramid */
    if( fpcc == NULL ) {
        computeFreemanPyramid_Float(fp, image, nxImage, nyImage,
                                    epsAmp, epsC);
    } else {
        recoverFreemanPyramid_Float(fp, image, nxImage, nyImage,
                                    epsAmp, epsC, fpcc );

    /* return the results to matlab in the order
       they appear in cntrl->storeMap */
    iOut = 0;
    /* return the gradient maps if necessary */
    if( cntrl->storeMap[isGrad] ) {
        if( iOut >= nlhs )
            mexErrMsgTxt( "Too few output arguments" );

        dims[0] = cntrl->nScale;
        dims[1] = cntrl->nOrient;
        dims[2] = 2;
        plhs[iOut] = mxCreateCellArray( 3, dims );

        for( iScale = 0; iScale < cntrl->nScale; iScale++ ) {
            for( iOrient = 0; iOrient < cntrl->nOrient; iOrient++ ) {
                iChannel = 2*(cntrl->nOrient*iScale + iOrient);
                dims[0] = iScale;
                dims[1] = iOrient;
                float2mex( fp->gradMap[iChannel], &mxTmp,
                           fp->nyFilt[iScale] );
                dims[2] = 0;
                iCell = mxCalcSingleSubscript( plhs[iOut], 3, dims );
                mxSetCell( plhs[iOut], iCell, mxTmp );
                float2mex( fp->gradMap[iChannel+1], &mxTmp,
                           fp->nyFilt[iScale] );
                dims[2] = 1;
                iCell = mxCalcSingleSubscript( plhs[0], 3, dims );
                mxSetCell( plhs[iOut], iCell, mxTmp );


    /* return the phase maps if necessary */
    if( cntrl->storeMap[isPhase] ) {
        if( iOut >= nlhs )
            mexErrMsgTxt( "Too few output arguments" );

        dims[0] = cntrl->nScale;
        dims[1] = cntrl->nOrient;
        plhs[iOut] = mxCreateCellArray( 2, dims );

        for( iScale = 0; iScale < cntrl->nScale; iScale++ ) {
            for( iOrient = 0; iOrient < cntrl->nOrient; iOrient++ ) {
                iChannel = cntrl->nOrient*iScale + iOrient;
                dims[0] = iScale;
                dims[1] = iOrient;
                float2mex( fp->phaseMap[iChannel], &mxTmp,
                           fp->nyFilt[iScale] );
                iCell = mxCalcSingleSubscript( plhs[iOut], 2, dims );
                mxSetCell( plhs[iOut], iCell, mxTmp );


    /* return the amplitude maps if necessary */
    if( cntrl->storeMap[isAmp] ) {
        if( iOut >= nlhs )
            mexErrMsgTxt( "Too few output arguments" );

        dims[0] = cntrl->nScale;
        dims[1] = cntrl->nOrient;
        plhs[iOut] = mxCreateCellArray( 2, dims );

        for( iScale = 0; iScale < cntrl->nScale; iScale++ ) {
            for( iOrient = 0; iOrient < cntrl->nOrient; iOrient++ ) {
                iChannel = cntrl->nOrient*iScale + iOrient;
                dims[0] = iScale;
                dims[1] = iOrient;
                float2mex( fp->ampMap[iChannel], &mxTmp,
                           fp->nyFilt[iScale] );
                iCell = mxCalcSingleSubscript( plhs[iOut], 2, dims );
                mxSetCell( plhs[iOut], iCell, mxTmp );


    /* return the filter maps if necessary */
    if( cntrl->storeMap[isFilter] ) {
        if( iOut >= nlhs )
            mexErrMsgTxt( "Too few output arguments" );

        dims[0] = cntrl->nScale;
        dims[1] = cntrl->nOrient;
        dims[2] = 2;

        plhs[iOut] = mxCreateCellArray( 3, dims );

        for( iScale = 0; iScale < cntrl->nScale; iScale++ ) {
            for( iOrient = 0; iOrient < cntrl->nOrient; iOrient++ ) {

                iChannel = 2*(cntrl->nOrient*iScale + iOrient);
                dims[0] = iScale;
                dims[1] = iOrient;
                float2mex( fp->filterMap[iChannel], &mxTmp,
                           fp->nyFilt[iScale] );
                dims[2] = 0;
                iCell = mxCalcSingleSubscript( plhs[iOut], 3, dims );
                mxSetCell( plhs[iOut], iCell, mxTmp );
                float2mex( fp->filterMap[iChannel+1], &mxTmp,
                           fp->nyFilt[iScale] );
                dims[2] = 1;
                iCell = mxCalcSingleSubscript( plhs[0], 3, dims );
                mxSetCell( plhs[iOut], iCell, mxTmp );


    /* return the basis maps if necessary */
    if( cntrl->storeMap[isBasis] ) {
        if( iOut >= nlhs )
            mexErrMsgTxt( "Too few output arguments" );

        dims[0] = cntrl->nScale;
        dims[1] = NUMBASIS;
        plhs[iOut] = mxCreateCellArray( 2, dims );

        for( iScale = 0; iScale < cntrl->nScale; iScale++ ) {
            for( iBasis = 0; iBasis < NUMBASIS; iBasis++ ) {
                iChannel = NUMBASIS*iScale + iBasis;
                dims[0] = iScale;
                dims[1] = iBasis;
                float2mex( fp->basisMap[iChannel], &mxTmp,
                           fp->nyFilt[iScale] );
                iCell = mxCalcSingleSubscript( plhs[iOut], 2, dims );
                mxSetCell( plhs[iOut], iCell, mxTmp );


    /* return the pyramid maps if necessary */
    if( cntrl->storeMap[isPyr] ) {
        if( iOut >= nlhs )
            mexErrMsgTxt( "Too few output arguments" );

        dims[0] = cntrl->nPyr;
        plhs[iOut] = mxCreateCellArray( 1, dims );

        for( iScale = 0; iScale < cntrl->nPyr; iScale++ ) {
            dims[0] = iScale;
            float2mex( fp->pyrMap[iScale], &mxTmp,
                       fp->nyPyr[iScale] );
            iCell = mxCalcSingleSubscript( plhs[iOut], 1, dims );
            mxSetCell( plhs[iOut], iCell, mxTmp );


    /* free the pyramid, etc. */
    freeFreemanPyramid( fp );

    utilFree( (void **)&fp );
    utilFree( (void **)&cntrl );
    utilFree( (void **)&fpcc );

void mexFunction_float( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
  float *image, *tmp;
  int nX, nY;
  ccLabelStruct **label;
  int ixy;
  int numComp, t;
  float minTarget; /* 0.001 = boxes02-add.pgm */
  float *target;
  float debug = 0;


  /*mexPrintf("nlhs:%d nrhs: %d\n",nlhs,nrhs);*/

  /* check for the required input arguments */
  if( nrhs < 2 )
    mexErrMsgTxt( "Input expected: <symmetric-positive-array-for-cca> <affty-threshold> <1-for-debug>" );

  /* get the symmetric matrix */
  mex2float( prhs[0], &target, &nX, &nY);
  /*mexPrintf("size: %d %d\n",nX,nY);*/

  /* get the threshold */
  minTarget = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
  if (nrhs == 3) {
    debug = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);

  if (debug)
    mexPrintf("Affty threshold: %2.3e\n",minTarget);

  /* set up empty labels */
  grabByteMemory((char **) &label,sizeof(ccLabelStruct *) * nX,"label");
  for (ixy=0;ixy < nX; ixy++)
    label[ixy] = NULL;

  if (debug) {
    mexPrintf("Computing connected components....");
  connectSymmetric(label, target, minTarget, nX, nY);
  if (debug) {

  if (debug) {
    mexPrintf("Pruning small or weak connected components....");
  pruneLabelComp(label, nX, 1, 1, 0);
  if (debug) {

  /* component count */
  numComp = countLabelComp(label, nX, 1);
  if (debug) {
    mexPrintf("Found %d components.\n\n", numComp);

  if (numComp > 0)

  /* return the labels to matlab */
  if (nlhs > 0)
    labels2mex(label, &plhs[0], nX ); 
  if (nlhs > 1)
      double *pout;
      plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
      pout = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
      *pout = (double) numComp;
  /* free up memory */
  utilFree( (void **)&target );
  utilFree((void **)label);
  for (ixy = 0; ixy < nX; ixy++)

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
  float *image, *tmp;
  int nX, nY;
  ccLabelStruct **label;
  int ixy;
  int numComp, t;
  double minTarget; /* 0.001 = boxes02-add.pgm */
  double *target;
  float debug = 0;

  /* for sparse array */
  mwIndex *rowPtr, *colInfo;
  double *data;
  int rows, cols;

  int sparseFlag = 0;


  /*mexPrintf("nlhs:%d nrhs: %d\n",nlhs,nrhs);*/

  /* check for the required input arguments */
  if( nrhs < 2 )
    mexErrMsgTxt( "Input expected: <symmetric-positive-array-for-cca> <affty-threshold> <1-for-debug>" );

  /* get the symmetric matrix */
  /*mex2float( prhs[0], &target, &nX, &nY);*/
  nX = mxGetN(prhs[0]); /* cols */ 
  cols = nX;

  nY = mxGetM(prhs[0]); /* rows */
  rows = nY;
  mexPrintf("size: %d %d\n",nX,nY);

  if (mxIsSparse(prhs[0])) {
    sparseFlag = 1;
    mexPrintf("Affy matrix Sparse? : %d\n",sparseFlag);

  if (sparseFlag) {
    mwIndex *jc;

    data    = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); /* pointer to real data */
    rowPtr  = mxGetIr(prhs[0]); /* pointer to row info */
    colInfo = mxGetJc(prhs[0]); /* pointer to col info */
    jc = mxGetJc(prhs[0]);

    for (ixy=0; ixy < mxGetN(prhs[0]); ixy++) {
      mexPrintf("rowBouMain %d (%d %d) \n",ixy,jc[ixy+1],colInfo[ixy+1]);    

  } else {
    target = (double *)mxGetPr(prhs[0]);

  /* get the threshold */
  minTarget = (double) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);

  /* check for debug flag */
  if (nrhs == 3) {
    debug = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);

  if (debug)
    mexPrintf("Affty threshold: %2.3e\n",minTarget);

  /* set up empty labels */
  grabByteMemory((char **) &label,sizeof(ccLabelStruct *) * nX,"label");
  for (ixy=0;ixy < nX; ixy++)
    label[ixy] = NULL;

  if (debug) {
    mexPrintf("Computing connected components....");

  if (sparseFlag) {
    connectSymmetricSparse(label,rowPtr,colInfo,data, minTarget, nX, nY);
  } else {
    connectSymmetricDbl(label, target, minTarget, nX, nY);

  if (debug) {

  /* yalla edition */
  if (debug) {
    mexPrintf("Pruning small or weak connected components....");
  pruneLabelComp(label, nX, 1, 1, 0);

  if (debug) {

  /* component count */
  numComp = countLabelComp(label, nX, 1);
  if (debug) {
    mexPrintf("Found %d components.\n\n", numComp);

  if (numComp > 0)

  /* return the labels to matlab */
  if (nlhs > 0)
    labels2mex(label, &plhs[0], nX ); 
  if (nlhs > 1)
      double *pout;
      plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
      pout = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
      *pout = (double) numComp;
  /* free up memory. */
  /* target is a pointer to prhs[0]. so no need to free. */
  /*utilFree( (void **)&target );*/
  utilFree((void **)label);
  for (ixy = 0; ixy < nX; ixy++)
