Ejemplo n.º 1
void character_update(character* c) {
  c->velocity.x = clamp(c->velocity.x, -7.0, 7.0);
  c->position = v2_add(c->position, c->velocity);
  if (c->flap_timer > 0.0) {
    c->flap_timer -= frame_time();
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Compute the mean of a set of vectors */
v2_t v2_mean(int n, v2_t *v) {
    int i;
    v2_t mean = v2_new(0.0, 0.0);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	mean = v2_add(mean, v[i]);

    return v2_scale(1.0 / n, mean);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ui_spinner_render(ui_spinner* s) {
  if (!s->active) return;
  vector2 top_left = s->top_left;
  vector2 top_right = v2(s->bottom_right.x, s->top_left.y);
  vector2 bot_left = v2(s->top_left.x, s->bottom_right.y);
  vector2 bot_right = s->bottom_right;
  vector2 center;
  center.x = (top_left.x + top_right.x) / 2;
  center.y = (top_left.y + bot_left.y) / 2;
  top_left = v2_sub(top_left, center);
  top_right = v2_sub(top_right, center);
  bot_left = v2_sub(bot_left, center);
  bot_right = v2_sub(bot_right, center);
  matrix_2x2 rot = m22_rotation(s->rotation);
  top_left = m22_mul_v2(rot, top_left);
  top_right = m22_mul_v2(rot, top_right);
  bot_left = m22_mul_v2(rot, bot_left);
  bot_right = m22_mul_v2(rot, bot_right);
  top_left = v2_add(top_left, center);
  top_right = v2_add(top_right, center);
  bot_left = v2_add(bot_left, center);
  bot_right = v2_add(bot_right, center);
	glOrtho(0, graphics_viewport_width(), graphics_viewport_height(), 0, -1, 1);
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, *(s->texture) );
  glColor4f(s->color.r, s->color.g, s->color.b, s->color.a);
    glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f(top_left.x, top_left.y, 0);
    glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex3f(bot_left.x, bot_left.y, 0);
    glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex3f(bot_right.x, bot_right.y, 0);
    glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex3f(top_right.x, top_right.y, 0);
  glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Create a new image by applying transformation T to img and 
 * resampling.  Resize the image so that the whole thing fits when
 * transformed. */
img_t *img_resample_bbox(img_t *img, trans2D_t *T) {
    int w = img->w, h = img->h;
    int x, y;
    trans2D_t *Tinv = transform_invert(T);
    int w_new, h_new, i;
    // double x_min = DBL_MAX, x_max = -DBL_MAX, y_min = DBL_MAX, y_max = -DBL_MAX;
    v2_t min = v2_new(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX);
    v2_t max = v2_new(-DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX);
    v2_t origin;
    img_t *Timg;

    /* Find the new dimensions of the window */
    v2_t crs[4]; /* Four corners of the original image */

    crs[0] = v2_new(0, 0);
    crs[1] = v2_new(0, h - 1);
    crs[2] = v2_new(w - 1, 0);
    crs[3] = v2_new(w - 1, h - 1);

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	crs[i] = v2_add(crs[i], img->origin);
	crs[i] = transform_vector(T, crs[i]);
	min = v2_minimum(min, crs[i]);
	max = v2_maximum(max, crs[i]);

    Vx(min) = floor(Vx(min));
    Vy(min) = floor(Vy(min));

    w_new = iround(floor(Vx(max) - Vx(min) + 1));
    h_new = iround(floor(Vy(max) - Vy(min) + 1));
    origin = min;

    Timg = img_new(w_new, h_new);
    Timg->origin = origin;

    for (y = 0; y < h_new; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < w_new; x++) {
            double Tp[2];
	    fcolor_t c;

            /* Invert the point (x, y) - trans */
            transform_point(Tinv, x + Vx(origin), y + Vy(origin), &Tp[0], &Tp[1]);
#if 1
            /* Check if the result is in range */
            if (Tp[0] < Vx(img->origin) || Tp[1] < Vy(img->origin) || 
		Tp[0] > Vx(img->origin) + w - 1 || Tp[1] > Vy(img->origin) + h - 1) {

		/* pass */

	    } else {
		/* Check if the result is valid */
		int x_f = (int) (Tp[0] - Vx(img->origin));
		int x_c = x_f + 1;
		int y_f = (int) (Tp[1] - Vy(img->origin));
		int y_c = y_f + 1;

		if (img_pixel_is_valid(img, x_f, y_f) ||
		    img_pixel_is_valid(img, x_c, y_f) ||
		    img_pixel_is_valid(img, x_f, y_c) ||
		    img_pixel_is_valid(img, x_c, y_c)) {

		    /* Apply bilinear interpolation */
		    c = pixel_lerp(img, Tp[0] - Vx(img->origin), Tp[1] - Vy(img->origin));
		    img_set_pixel(Timg, x, y, iround(c.r), iround(c.g), iround(c.b));
		} else {
		    // img_nullify_pixel(Timg, x, y);
	    if (Tp[0] < 0.0) Tp[0] = 0.0;
	    else if (Tp[0] > w - 1) Tp[0] = w - 1;
	    if (Tp[1] < 0.0) Tp[1] = 0.0;
	    else if (Tp[1] > h - 1) Tp[1] = h - 1;

	    c = pixel_lerp(img, Tp[0], Tp[1]);
	    img_set_pixel(Timg, x, y, c.r, c.g, c.b);

    /* Add the old origin to the image */
    // Timg->origin = v2_add(origin, img->origin);

    return Timg;
Ejemplo n.º 5
INTERNAL void gameUpdate(GameState *state, Memory *memory, f32 dt)
	GameWorldState *world =
	    GET_STATE_DATA(state, &state->persistentArena, GameWorldState);

	if (!common_isSet(world->flags, gameworldstateflags_init))

			u8 *data = (u8 *)world;
			for (i32 i = 0; i < sizeof(GameWorldState); i++)
				ASSERT(data[i] == 0);
		world->pixelsPerMeter = 70.0f;

		MemoryIndex entityArenaSize =
		    (MemoryIndex)((f32)memory->transientSize * 0.5f);

		u8 *arenaBase = state->transientArena.base + state->transientArena.size;
		memory_arenaInit(&world->entityArena, arenaBase, entityArenaSize);

		world->camera.min = V2(0, 0);
		world->camera.max = state->renderer.size;
		world->size       = state->renderer.size;

		world->entityListSize = 1024;
		world->entityList     = MEMORY_PUSH_ARRAY(&world->entityArena,
		                                      world->entityListSize, Entity);

		{ // Init null entity
			Entity *nullEntity = &world->entityList[world->entityIndex++];
			nullEntity->id     = world->entityIdCounter++;

		{ // Init asteroid entities
			world->numAsteroids = 15;

		{ // Init audio renderer
			world->numAudioRenderers = 8;
			world->audioRenderer     = MEMORY_PUSH_ARRAY(
			    &world->entityArena, world->numAudioRenderers, AudioRenderer);

		{ // Global Collision Rules
			setCollisionRule(world, entitytype_ship, entitytype_asteroid_small,
			setCollisionRule(world, entitytype_ship, entitytype_asteroid_medium,
			setCollisionRule(world, entitytype_ship, entitytype_asteroid_large,
			setCollisionRule(world, entitytype_bullet,
			                 entitytype_asteroid_small, TRUE);
			setCollisionRule(world, entitytype_bullet,
			                 entitytype_asteroid_medium, TRUE);
			setCollisionRule(world, entitytype_bullet,
			                 entitytype_asteroid_large, TRUE);

		world->numStarP = 100;
		world->starPList =
		    MEMORY_PUSH_ARRAY(&world->entityArena, world->numStarP, v2);
		world->starMinOpacity = 0.25f;

		for (i32 i = 0; i < world->numStarP; i++)
			i32 randX = rand() % (i32)world->size.x;
			i32 randY = rand() % (i32)world->size.y;

			world->starPList[i] = V2i(randX, randY);

		world->flags |= gameworldstateflags_init;

		world->scoreMultiplier                = 5;
		world->scoreMultiplierBarTimer        = 0.0f;
		world->scoreMultiplierBarThresholdInS = 2.0f;

	if (common_isSet(world->flags, gameworldstateflags_level_started))
		Font *arial40 = asset_fontGet(&state->assetManager, "Arial", 40);

		Renderer *renderer = &state->renderer;

		/* Render scores onto screen */
		v2 stringP =
		    V2((renderer->size.w * 0.5f), renderer->size.h - arial40->size);
		char gamePointsString[COMMON_ITOA_MAX_BUFFER_32BIT] = {0};
		common_itoa(world->score, gamePointsString,

		renderer_stringFixedCentered(renderer, &state->transientArena, arial40,
		                             gamePointsString, stringP, V2(0, 0), 0,
		                             V4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 1, 0);

		/* Render multiplier accumulator bar onto screen */
		v2 stringDim = asset_fontStringDimInPixels(arial40, gamePointsString);
		v2 multiplierOutlineSize =
		    V2(renderer->size.w * 0.5f, stringDim.h * 0.25f);

		v2 multiplierOutlineP = V2(renderer->size.w * 0.5f, stringP.h);
		multiplierOutlineP.x -= (multiplierOutlineSize.w * 0.5f);
		multiplierOutlineP.y -= stringDim.h * 1.5f;

		    renderer, multiplierOutlineP, multiplierOutlineSize, V2(0, 0), 2, 0,
		    NULL, V4(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.8f, 1.0f), 2, renderflag_no_texture);

		f32 progressNormalised = world->scoreMultiplierBarTimer /
		renderer_rectFixed(renderer, multiplierOutlineP,
		                   V2(multiplierOutlineSize.w * progressNormalised,
		                   V2(0, 0), 0, NULL, V4(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.8f, 1.0f), 1,

		/* Render multiplier counter hud onto screen */
		v2 multiplierHudP    = V2(0, 0.05f * renderer->size.h);
		v2 multiplierHudSize =
		    V2((arial40->maxSize.w * 3.5f), arial40->fontHeight * 1.2f);

		renderer_rectFixed(renderer, multiplierHudP, multiplierHudSize,
		                   V2(0, 0), 0, NULL, V4(1, 1, 1, 0.1f), 2,

		/* Render multiplier counter string to hud */
		char multiplierToString[COMMON_ITOA_MAX_BUFFER_32BIT + 1] = {0};
		common_itoa(world->scoreMultiplier, multiplierToString + 1,
		            ARRAY_COUNT(multiplierToString) - 1);
		multiplierToString[0] = 'x';

		v2 multiplierToStringP = multiplierHudP;
		multiplierToStringP =
		    v2_add(multiplierToStringP, v2_scale(multiplierHudSize, 0.5f));

		    renderer, &state->transientArena, arial40, multiplierToString,
		    multiplierToStringP, V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 3, 0);

		/* Process multiplier bar updates */
		if (!common_isSet(world->flags, gameworldstateflags_player_lost))
			f32 barTimerPenalty = 1.0f;
			if (world->timeSinceLastShot < 1.5f)
				barTimerPenalty = 0.1f;

			world->scoreMultiplierBarTimer += (barTimerPenalty * dt);
			world->timeSinceLastShot += dt;

			if (world->scoreMultiplierBarTimer >
				world->scoreMultiplierBarTimer = 0;

				if (world->scoreMultiplier > 9999)
					world->scoreMultiplier = 9999;

	if (common_isSet(world->flags, gameworldstateflags_player_lost))
		Font *arial40 = asset_fontGet(&state->assetManager, "Arial", 40);

		char *gameOver = "Game Over";
		v2 gameOverP = v2_scale(state->renderer.size, 0.5f);
		    &state->renderer, &state->transientArena, arial40, "Game Over",
		    gameOverP, V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1, 1, 1, 1), 0, 0);

		v2 gameOverSize = asset_fontStringDimInPixels(arial40, gameOver);
		v2 replayP = V2(gameOverP.x, gameOverP.y - (gameOverSize.h * 1.2f));

		    &state->renderer, &state->transientArena, arial40,
		    "Press enter to play again or backspace to return to menu", replayP,
		    V2(0, 0), 0, V4(1, 1, 1, 1), 0, 0);

		if (platform_queryKey(&state->input.keys[keycode_enter],
		                      readkeytype_one_shot, 0.0f))
			// TODO(doyle): Extract score init default values to some game
			// definitions file
			world->score                          = 0;
			world->scoreMultiplier                = 5;
			world->scoreMultiplierBarTimer        = 0.0f;
			world->scoreMultiplierBarThresholdInS = 2.0f;


			world->flags ^= gameworldstateflags_player_lost;
		else if (platform_queryKey(&state->input.keys[keycode_backspace],
		                           readkeytype_one_shot, 0.0f))
			common_memset((u8 *)world, 0, sizeof(*world));
			state->currState = appstate_StartMenuState;

	for (u32 i = world->asteroidCounter; i < world->numAsteroids; i++)
		addAsteroid(world, (rand() % asteroidsize_count));

	Radians starRotation   = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(45.0f);
	v2 starSize            = V2(2, 2);

	ASSERT(world->starMinOpacity >= 0.0f && world->starMinOpacity <= 1.0f);
	f32 opacityFadeRateInS = 0.5f;
	if (world->starFadeAway)
		opacityFadeRateInS *= -1.0f;

	if (world->starOpacity > 1.0f)
		world->starOpacity = 1.0f;
		world->starFadeAway = TRUE;
	else if (world->starOpacity < world->starMinOpacity)
		world->starOpacity = world->starMinOpacity;
		world->starFadeAway = FALSE;

	world->starOpacity += (opacityFadeRateInS * dt);
	DEBUG_PUSH_VAR("Star Opacity: %5.2f", world->starOpacity, "f32");

	for (i32 i = 0; i < world->numStarP; i++)
		world->starPList[i] = v2_add(world->starPList[i], V2(4.0f * dt, 0));
		world->starPList[i] = wrapPAroundBounds(
		    world->starPList[i], math_rectCreate(V2(0, 0), world->size));

		renderer_rect(&state->renderer, world->camera, world->starPList[i],
		              starSize, V2(0, 0), starRotation, NULL,
		              V4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, world->starOpacity), 0,
		              renderflag_no_texture | renderflag_wireframe);

	if (platform_queryKey(&state->input.keys[keycode_left_square_bracket],
	                      readkeytype_repeat, 0.2f))
		addAsteroid(world, (rand() % asteroidsize_count));

	ASSERT(world->entityList[0].id == NULL_ENTITY_ID);
	for (i32 i = 1; i < world->entityIndex; i++)
		Entity *entity = &world->entityList[i];
		ASSERT(entity->type != entitytype_invalid);

		v2 pivotPoint    = {0};
		f32 ddPSpeedInMs = 0;
		v2 ddP           = {0};
		if (entity->type == entitytype_ship)
			if (platform_queryKey(&state->input.keys[keycode_up],
			                      readkeytype_repeat, 0.0f))
				// TODO(doyle): Renderer creates upfacing triangles by default,
				// but we need to offset rotation so that our base "0 degrees"
				// is right facing for trig to work
				Radians rotation =
				    DEGREES_TO_RADIANS((entity->rotation + 90.0f));
				v2 direction = V2(math_cosf(rotation), math_sinf(rotation));
				ddP          = direction;

				AudioVorbis *thrust =
				    asset_vorbisGet(&state->assetManager, "thrust");
				AudioRenderer *audioRenderer =
				    getFreeAudioRenderer(world, thrust, 3);
				if (audioRenderer)
					                 &state->audioManager, audioRenderer,
					                 thrust, 1);

			if (platform_queryKey(&state->input.keys[keycode_space],
			                      readkeytype_one_shot, KEY_DELAY_NONE))
				addBullet(world, entity);

				if (world->timeSinceLastShot >= 0)
					world->timeSinceLastShot = 0;

					f32 multiplierPenalty    = -2.0f;
					world->timeSinceLastShot += multiplierPenalty;

				AudioVorbis *fire =
				    asset_vorbisGet(&state->assetManager, "fire");
				AudioRenderer *audioRenderer =
				    getFreeAudioRenderer(world, fire, 2);
				if (audioRenderer)
					// TODO(doyle): Atm transient arena is not used, this is
					// just to fill out the arguments
					                 &state->audioManager, audioRenderer, fire,

			Degrees rotationsPerSecond = 180.0f;
			if (platform_queryKey(&state->input.keys[keycode_left],
			                      readkeytype_repeat, 0.0f))
				entity->rotation += (rotationsPerSecond)*dt;

			if (platform_queryKey(&state->input.keys[keycode_right],
			                      readkeytype_repeat, 0.0f))
				entity->rotation -= (rotationsPerSecond)*dt;
			entity->rotation = (f32)((i32)entity->rotation);

			ddPSpeedInMs = 25;
			DEBUG_PUSH_VAR("Pos: %5.2f, %5.2f", entity->pos, "v2");
			DEBUG_PUSH_VAR("Velocity: %5.2f, %5.2f", entity->dP, "v2");
			DEBUG_PUSH_VAR("Rotation: %5.2f", entity->rotation, "f32");

			DEBUG_PUSH_VAR("TimeSinceLastShot: %5.2f", world->timeSinceLastShot,

			renderer_rect(&state->renderer, world->camera, entity->pos,
			              V2(5, 5), V2(0, 0),
			              DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(entity->rotation), NULL,
			              V4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 0, renderflag_no_texture);
		else if (entity->type >= entitytype_asteroid_small &&
		         entity->type <= entitytype_asteroid_large)

			i32 randValue = rand();

			// NOTE(doyle): If it is a new asteroid with no dp set, we need to
			// set a initial dp for it to move from.
			v2 localDp = {0};
			if ((i32)entity->dP.x == 0 && (i32)entity->dP.y == 0)
				enum Direction direction = randValue % direction_count;
				switch (direction)
				case direction_north:
				case direction_northwest:
					localDp.x = 1.0f;
					localDp.y = 1.0f;

				case direction_west:
				case direction_southwest:
					localDp.x = -1.0f;
					localDp.y = -1.0f;

				case direction_south:
				case direction_southeast:
					localDp.x = 1.0f;
					localDp.y = -1.0f;

				case direction_east:
				case direction_northeast:
					localDp.x = 1.0f;
					localDp.y = 1.0f;

			// NOTE(doyle): Otherwise, if it has pre-existing dp, maintain our
			// direction by extrapolating from it's current dp
				if (entity->dP.x >= 0)
					localDp.x = 1.0f;
					localDp.x = -1.0f;

				if (entity->dP.y >= 0)
					localDp.y = 1.0f;
					localDp.y = -1.0f;

			   NOTE(doyle): We compare current dP with the calculated dP. In the
			   event we want to artificially boost the asteroid, we set a higher
			   dP on creation, which will have a higher dP than the default dP
			   we calculate. So here we choose to keep it until it decays enough
			   that the default dP of the asteroid is accepted.
			v2 newDp     = v2_scale(localDp, world->pixelsPerMeter * 1.5f);
			f32 newDpSum = ABS(newDp.x) + ABS(newDp.y);
			f32 oldDpSum = ABS(entity->dP.x) + ABS(entity->dP.y);

			if (newDpSum > oldDpSum)
				entity->dP = newDp;
		else if (entity->type == entitytype_bullet)
			if (!math_rectContainsP(world->camera, entity->pos))
				deleteEntity(world, i--);

			Radians rotation = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS((entity->rotation + 90.0f));
			v2 localDp       = V2(math_cosf(rotation), math_sinf(rotation));
			entity->dP       = v2_scale(localDp, world->pixelsPerMeter * 5);
		else if (entity->type == entitytype_particle)
			f32 diff = entity->color.a - 0.1f;
			if (diff < 0.01f)
				deleteEntity(world, i--);

			f32 divisor =
			    MAX(entity->particleInitDp.x, entity->particleInitDp.y);
			f32 maxDp = MAX(entity->dP.x, entity->dP.y);

			entity->color.a = maxDp / divisor;

		entity->pos = wrapPAroundBounds(entity->pos,
		                                math_rectCreate(V2(0, 0), world->size));

		/* Loop entity around world */
		i32 collisionIndex = moveEntity(world, &state->transientArena, entity,
		                                i, ddP, dt, ddPSpeedInMs);

		v4 collideColor = {0};
		if (collisionIndex != -1)
			ASSERT(collisionIndex < world->entityIndex);

			Entity *collideEntity = &world->entityList[collisionIndex];

			Entity *colliderA;
			Entity *colliderB;

			if (collideEntity->type < entity->type)
				colliderA = collideEntity;
				colliderB = entity;
				colliderA = entity;
				colliderB = collideEntity;

			// Assumptions made that the collision detect system relies on
			ASSERT(entitytype_ship            < entitytype_asteroid_small);
			ASSERT(entitytype_asteroid_small  < entitytype_asteroid_medium);
			ASSERT(entitytype_asteroid_medium < entitytype_asteroid_large);
			ASSERT(entitytype_asteroid_large  < entitytype_bullet);
			ASSERT(entitytype_asteroid_small + 1 == entitytype_asteroid_medium);
			ASSERT(entitytype_asteroid_medium + 1 == entitytype_asteroid_large);

			if (colliderA->type >= entitytype_asteroid_small &&
			    colliderA->type <= entitytype_asteroid_large)
				f32 numParticles = 4;
				if (colliderA->type == entitytype_asteroid_medium)
					AsteroidSpec spec = {0};
					spec.pos          = colliderA->pos;
					spec.dP           = v2_scale(colliderA->dP, -2.0f);
					addAsteroidWithSpec(world, asteroidsize_small, &spec);

					numParticles = 8;
					world->score += (10 * world->scoreMultiplier);
				else if (colliderA->type == entitytype_asteroid_large)
					AsteroidSpec spec = {0};
					spec.pos          = colliderA->pos;
					spec.dP           = v2_scale(colliderA->dP, -4.0f);
					addAsteroidWithSpec(world, asteroidsize_medium, &spec);

					spec.dP = v2_perpendicular(spec.dP);
					addAsteroidWithSpec(world, asteroidsize_small, &spec);

					spec.dP = v2_perpendicular(colliderA->dP);
					addAsteroidWithSpec(world, asteroidsize_small, &spec);

					numParticles = 16;
					world->score += (20 * world->scoreMultiplier);
					world->score += (5 * world->scoreMultiplier);

				for (i32 i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
					{ // Add particles
						Entity *particle =
						particle->id = world->entityIdCounter++;

						particle->pos  = colliderA->pos;
						particle->size = V2(4.0f, 4.0f);

						i32 randValue = rand();
						Radians rotation =
						    DEGREES_TO_RADIANS((randValue % 360));
						v2 randDirectionVec =
						    V2(math_cosf(rotation), math_sinf(rotation));

						i32 particleDpLimit = 8;
						f32 randDpMultiplier =
						    (f32)(randValue % particleDpLimit) + 1;

						v2 newDp = v2_scale(colliderA->dP, randDpMultiplier);
						newDp    = v2_hadamard(newDp, randDirectionVec);

						particle->dP             = newDp;
						particle->particleInitDp = newDp;

						particle->offset     = v2_scale(particle->size, -0.5f);
						particle->hitbox     = particle->size;
						particle->rotation   = 0;
						particle->renderMode = rendermode_polygon;

						if (!world->particleVertexCache)
							world->particleVertexCache =
							    MEMORY_PUSH_ARRAY(&world->entityArena, 4, v2);
							world->particleVertexCache[0] =
							    V2(0, particle->size.h);
							world->particleVertexCache[1] = V2(0, 0);
							world->particleVertexCache[2] =
							    V2(particle->size.w, 0);
							world->particleVertexCache[3] = particle->size;

						particle->vertexPoints    = world->particleVertexCache;
						particle->numVertexPoints = 4;

						particle->type  = entitytype_particle;
						particle->color = V4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0, 1.0f);

				ASSERT(colliderB->type == entitytype_bullet);

				deleteEntity(world, collisionIndex);
				deleteEntity(world, i--);

				ASSERT(world->asteroidCounter >= 0);

				char *sound;
				i32 choice = rand() % 3;
				if (choice == 0)
					sound = "bang_small";
				else if (choice == 1)
					sound = "bang_medium";
					sound = "bang_large";

				AudioVorbis *explode =
				    asset_vorbisGet(&state->assetManager, sound);
				AudioRenderer *audioRenderer =
				    getFreeAudioRenderer(world, explode, 3);
				if (audioRenderer)
					                 &state->audioManager, audioRenderer,
					                 explode, 1);

			else if (colliderA->type == entitytype_ship)
				if (colliderB->type >= entitytype_asteroid_small &&
				    colliderB->type <= entitytype_asteroid_large)
					world->flags |= gameworldstateflags_player_lost;

					if (collideEntity->type == entitytype_ship)
						deleteEntity(world, collisionIndex);
						deleteEntity(world, i--);

					AudioVorbis *explode =
					    asset_vorbisGet(&state->assetManager, "bang_large");
					AudioRenderer *audioRenderer =
					    getFreeAudioRenderer(world, explode, 3);
					if (audioRenderer)
						                 &state->audioManager, audioRenderer,
						                 explode, 1);


		RenderFlags flags = renderflag_wireframe | renderflag_no_texture;
		renderer_entity(&state->renderer, &state->transientArena, world->camera,
		                entity, V2(0, 0), 0, collideColor, 0, flags);

	for (i32 i = 0; i < world->numAudioRenderers; i++)
		AudioRenderer *audioRenderer = &world->audioRenderer[i];
		audio_updateAndPlay(&state->transientArena, &state->audioManager,
Ejemplo n.º 6
INTERNAL u32 moveEntity(GameWorldState *world, MemoryArena_ *transientArena,
                        Entity *entity, i32 entityIndex, v2 ddP, f32 dt,
                        f32 ddPSpeed)
	ASSERT(ABS(ddP.x) <= 1.0f && ABS(ddP.y) <= 1.0f);
	    Assuming acceleration A over t time, then integrate twice to get

	    newVelocity = a*t + oldVelocity
	    newPos = (a*t^2)/2 + oldVelocity*t + oldPos

	if (ddP.x > 0.0f && ddP.y > 0.0f)
		// NOTE(doyle): Cheese it and pre-compute the vector for
		// diagonal using pythagoras theorem on a unit triangle 1^2
		// + 1^2 = c^2
		ddP = v2_scale(ddP, 0.70710678118f);

	ddP           = v2_scale(ddP, world->pixelsPerMeter * ddPSpeed);
	v2 oldDp      = entity->dP;
	v2 resistance = v2_scale(oldDp, 2.0f);
	ddP           = v2_sub(ddP, resistance);

	v2 newDp = v2_add(v2_scale(ddP, dt), oldDp);

	v2 ddPHalf          = v2_scale(ddP, 0.5f);
	v2 ddPHalfDtSquared = v2_scale(ddPHalf, (SQUARED(dt)));
	v2 oldDpDt          = v2_scale(oldDp, dt);
	v2 oldPos           = entity->pos;

	v2 newPos = v2_add(v2_add(ddPHalfDtSquared, oldDpDt), oldPos);

	i32 collisionIndex = -1;
	// TODO(doyle): Collision for rects, (need to create vertex list for it)
	for (i32 i = 1; i < world->entityIndex; i++)
		if (i == entityIndex) continue;

		Entity *checkEntity = &world->entityList[i];
		ASSERT(checkEntity->id != entity->id);

		if (world->collisionTable[entity->type][checkEntity->type])

			/* Create entity edge lists */
			v2 *entityVertexListOffsetToP =
			    entity_generateUpdatedVertexList(transientArena, entity);

			v2 *checkEntityVertexListOffsetToP =
			    entity_generateUpdatedVertexList(transientArena, checkEntity);

			v2 *entityEdgeList =
			    createNormalEdgeList(transientArena, entityVertexListOffsetToP,

			v2 *checkEntityEdgeList = createNormalEdgeList(
			    transientArena, checkEntityVertexListOffsetToP,

			/* Combine both edge lists into one */
			i32 totalNumEdges =
			    checkEntity->numVertexPoints + entity->numVertexPoints;
			v2 *edgeList =
			    memory_pushBytes(transientArena, totalNumEdges * sizeof(v2));
			for (i32 i = 0; i < entity->numVertexPoints; i++)
				edgeList[i] = entityEdgeList[i];

			for (i32 i = 0; i < checkEntity->numVertexPoints; i++)
				edgeList[i + entity->numVertexPoints] = checkEntityEdgeList[i];

			if (checkEdgeProjectionOverlap(
			        entityVertexListOffsetToP, entity->numVertexPoints,
			        checkEntity->numVertexPoints, edgeList, totalNumEdges))
				collisionIndex = i;

		if (collisionIndex != -1) break;

	entity->dP  = newDp;
	entity->pos = newPos;

	return collisionIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void scotland_init() {
  graphics_viewport_set_dimensions(1280, 720);
  ui_button* loading = ui_elem_new("loading", ui_button);
  ui_button_move(loading, v2(graphics_viewport_width() / 2 - 40,graphics_viewport_height() / 2 - 13));
  ui_button_resize(loading, v2(80,25));
  ui_button_set_label(loading, "Loading...");
  ui_spinner* load_spinner = ui_elem_new("load_spinner", ui_spinner);
  load_spinner->color = v4(1,1,1,1);
  load_spinner->top_left = v2(graphics_viewport_width() / 2 + 50, graphics_viewport_height() / 2 - 13);
  load_spinner->bottom_right = v2_add(load_spinner->top_left, v2(24,24));
  ui_button* framerate = ui_elem_new("framerate", ui_button);
  ui_button_move(framerate, v2(10,10));
  ui_button_resize(framerate, v2(30,25));
  ui_button_set_label(framerate, "FRAMERATE");
  framerate->active = false;
  ui_button* wireframe = ui_elem_new("wireframe", ui_button);
  ui_button_move(wireframe, v2(50,10));
  ui_button_resize(wireframe, v2(80,25));
  ui_button_set_label(wireframe, "wireframe");
  wireframe->active = false;
  ui_elem_add_event("wireframe", toggle_wireframe);
  ui_button* freecam = ui_elem_new("freecam", ui_button);
  ui_button_move(freecam, v2(140,10));
  ui_button_resize(freecam, v2(65,25));
  ui_button_set_label(freecam, "freecam");
  freecam->active = false;
  ui_elem_add_event("freecam", toggle_freecam);
  loading_resources = true;
  SDL_Thread* load_thread = SDL_GL_CreateThread(load_resources, NULL);
  /* New Camera and light */
  camera* cam = entity_new("camera", camera);
  cam->position = v3(512.0, 200.0, 512.0);
  cam->target =  v3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  light* sun = entity_new("sun", light);
  light_set_type(sun, light_type_sun);
  sun->position = v3(0, 512, 0);
  sun->target = v3(512, 0, 512);
  /* Renderer Setup */
  forward_renderer_set_shadow_texture( shadow_mapper_depth_texture() );