Ejemplo n.º 1
// Renaming Functions
V3NtkHandler::setAuxRenaming() {
   V3AuxHierSeparator = "_v3_hier_";
   V3AuxNameInvPrefix = "v3_inv_";
   V3AuxNameBitPrefix = "_v3_slice_";
   V3AuxNameBitSuffix = "";
   V3AuxExpansionName = "_v3_expand_at_";
   V3AuxNetNamePrefix = "v3_" + v3Int2Str(time(NULL)) + "_";
Ejemplo n.º 2
// General Utilities for the Construction of Bit-Width Matching Ntk
const V3NetId createNetExtensionGate(V3BvNtk* const ntk, const V3NetId& id, const uint32_t& width) {
   assert (ntk); assert (id.id < ntk->getNetSize()); assert (width > ntk->getNetWidth(id));
   const uint32_t ext = width - ntk->getNetWidth(id);
   const V3NetId id1 = ntk->createNet(ext); assert (V3NetUD != id1);
   if (!createBvConstGate(ntk, id1, v3Int2Str(ext) + "'b" + string(ext, '0'))) return V3NetUD;
   const V3NetId id2 = ntk->createNet(width); assert (V3NetUD != id2);
   if (!createBvPairGate(ntk, BV_MERGE, id2, id1, id)) return V3NetUD;
   return id2;
Ejemplo n.º 3
const string
V3NtkHandler::getAuxPropertyName() const {
   const string pNamePrefix = "p";
   string pName = ""; uint32_t i = 0;
   while (true) {
      pName = pNamePrefix + v3Int2Str(++i);
      if (!existProperty(pName)) break;
   return pName;
Ejemplo n.º 4
const string
V3NtkHandler::getAuxFSMName() const {
   const string fsmNamePrefix = "fsm";
   string fsmName = ""; uint32_t i = 0;
   while (true) {
      fsmName = fsmNamePrefix + v3Int2Str(++i);
      if (!existFSM(fsmName)) break;
   assert (isLegalFSMName(fsmName));
   return fsmName;
Ejemplo n.º 5
V3Handler::printRecurHierarchy(V3NtkHandler* const handler, const uint32_t& maxLevel, const uint32_t& level) const {
   assert (handler); assert (handler->getNtk());
   uint32_t i = 0; for (; i < _ntkHandlerList.size(); ++i) if (handler == _ntkHandlerList[i]) break;
   const string curPath = "/" + v3Int2Str(i);
   assert (i < _ntkHandlerList.size()); Msg(MSG_IFO) << setw(5) << left << curPath;
   if ((!handler->getNtk()->getModuleSize()) || (maxLevel == level)) { Msg(MSG_IFO) << endl; return; }
   for (i = 0; i < handler->getNtk()->getModuleSize(); ++i) {
      if (i) for (i = 0; i <= level; ++i) Msg(MSG_IFO) << "     ";  // setw(5)
      printRecurHierarchy(handler->getNtk()->getModule(i)->getNtkRef(), maxLevel, 1 + level);
Ejemplo n.º 6
const bool createIOExtensionGate(V3BvNtk* const ntk, const V3NetId& id, const V3NetId& id1) {
   assert (ntk); assert (id.id < ntk->getNetSize()); assert (id1.id < ntk->getNetSize());
   assert (ntk->getNetWidth(id) != ntk->getNetWidth(id1));
   if (ntk->getNetWidth(id) > ntk->getNetWidth(id1)) {
      const uint32_t ext = ntk->getNetWidth(id) - ntk->getNetWidth(id1);
      const V3NetId id2 = ntk->createNet(ext); assert (V3NetUD != id2);
      if (!createBvConstGate(ntk, id2, v3Int2Str(ext) + "'b" + string(ext, '0'))) return false;
      return createBvPairGate(ntk, BV_MERGE, id, id2, id1);
   assert (ntk->getNetWidth(id) < ntk->getNetWidth(id1));
   return createBvSliceGate(ntk, id, id1, ntk->getNetWidth(id) - 1, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Ntk for BV Gate Functions
const V3BVXId
V3BvNtk::hashV3ConstBitVec(const string& input_exp) {
   V3ConstHash::const_iterator it = _V3ConstHash.find(input_exp);
   if (it != _V3ConstHash.end()) return it->second;
   V3BitVecX* const value = new V3BitVecX(input_exp.c_str()); assert (value);
   const string exp = v3Int2Str(value->size()) + "'" + value->toExp();
   if (input_exp != exp) {
      it = _V3ConstHash.find(exp);
      if (it != _V3ConstHash.end()) { delete value; return it->second; }
   assert (_V3ConstHash.size() == _V3ValueVec.size());
   _V3ConstHash.insert(make_pair(exp, _V3ValueVec.size()));
   _V3ValueVec.push_back(value); return _V3ValueVec.size() - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Net Ancestry Functions
V3NtkExpand::getNetName(V3NetId& id, string& name) const {
   if (V3NetUD == id) return;
   // Current Network
   if (!id.cp) {
      V3NetStrHash::const_iterator it = _netHash.find(id.id);
      if (it != _netHash.end()) { name = it->second; return; }
   // Parent Networks
   if (_handler) {
      const V3NetId netId = id; id = getParentNetId(id); _handler->getNetName(id, name); if (!name.size()) return;
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _cycle; ++i)
         if (netId.id == _p2cMap[i][id.id].id) { name += (V3AuxExpansionName + v3Int2Str(i)); break; }
Ejemplo n.º 9
const string
V3NtkExpand::getInoutName(const uint32_t& index) const {
   // Current Network
   assert (_ntk); if (index >= _ntk->getInoutSize()) return "";
   V3NetStrHash::const_iterator it = _netHash.find(_ntk->getInout(index).id);
   if (it != _netHash.end()) { assert (!_ntk->getInout(index).cp); return it->second; }
   // Parent Networks
   string name = "";
   if (_handler) {
      const V3Ntk* const ntk = _handler->getNtk(); assert (ntk);
      name = _handler->getInoutName(index % ntk->getInoutSize());
      if (name.size()) name += (V3AuxExpansionName + v3Int2Str(index / ntk->getInoutSize()));
   return name.size() ? name : getNetNameOrFormedWithId(_ntk->getInout(index));
Ejemplo n.º 10
const string
V3NtkExpand::getOutputName(const uint32_t& index) const {
   // Current Network
   assert (_ntk); if (index >= _ntk->getOutputSize()) return "";
   V3IdxStrHash::const_iterator it = _outIndexHash.find(index);
   if (it != _outIndexHash.end()) return it->second;
   // Parent Networks
   string name = "";
   if (_handler) {
      const V3Ntk* const ntk = _handler->getNtk(); assert (ntk);
      name = _handler->getOutputName(index % ntk->getOutputSize());
      if (name.size()) name += (V3AuxExpansionName + v3Int2Str(index / ntk->getOutputSize()));
   return name;
Ejemplo n.º 11
V3BvBlastBv::getNetName(V3NetId& id, string& name) const {
   if (V3NetUD == id) return;
   // Current Network
   if (!id.cp) {
      V3NetStrHash::const_iterator it = _netHash.find(id.id);
      if (it != _netHash.end()) { name = it->second; return; }
   // Parent Networks
   if (_handler) {
      const V3NetId netId = id; id = getParentNetId(id); _handler->getNetName(id, name);
      if (_handler->getNtk()->getNetSize() <= netId.id && name.size()) 
         name += (V3AuxNameBitPrefix + v3Int2Str(getParentIndex(netId)) + V3AuxNameBitSuffix);
Ejemplo n.º 12
// Net Ancestry Functions
const string
V3BvBlastBv::getInoutName(const uint32_t& index) const {
   // Current Network
   assert (_ntk); if (index >= _ntk->getInoutSize()) return "";
   V3NetStrHash::const_iterator it = _netHash.find(_ntk->getInout(index).id);
   if (it != _netHash.end()) { assert (!_ntk->getInout(index).cp); return it->second; }
   // Parent Networks
   string name = "";
   if (_handler) {
      const V3Ntk* const ntk = _handler->getNtk(); assert (ntk);
      uint32_t i = 0, pIndex = index;
      for (; i < ntk->getInoutSize(); ++i)
         if (pIndex < ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInout(i))) break;
         else pIndex -= ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInout(i));
      name = _handler->getInoutName(i); assert (pIndex < ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInout(i)));
      if (name.size() && 1 < ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInout(i)))
         name += (V3AuxNameBitPrefix + v3Int2Str(pIndex) + V3AuxNameBitSuffix);
   return name.size() ? name : getNetNameOrFormedWithId(_ntk->getInout(index));
Ejemplo n.º 13
V3Handler::setCurHandlerFromPath(const string& path) {
   assert (path.size());
   string curPath = path;
   uint32_t i;
   // Split Path by '/'
   V3Vec<string>::Vec idStr; idStr.clear();
   while (curPath.size()) {
      for (i = 0; i < curPath.size(); ++i) if ('/' == curPath[i]) break;
      if (!i) idStr.push_back("");
      else idStr.push_back(curPath.substr(0, i));
      if ((i + 1) >= curPath.size()) break;
      else curPath = curPath.substr(i + 1);
   // Copy Current Handler and RefId
   const uint32_t curHandlerId = _curHandlerId; assert (getHandler(curHandlerId));
   V3UI32Vec curRefIdVec = _curRefIdVec; assert (curRefIdVec.size());
   V3NtkHandler* handler = 0;
   bool isRoot = false; int temp;
   for (i = 0; i < idStr.size(); ++i) {
      if (handler) {  // Expecting Sub-Module Index
         if (!idStr[i].size()) continue;
         if (v3Str2Int(idStr[i], temp)) {
            const uint32_t id = (uint32_t)temp;
            if (id < handler->getNtk()->getModuleSize()) {
               handler = handler->getNtk()->getModule(id)->getNtkRef();
               uint32_t j = 0; for (; j < _ntkHandlerList.size(); ++j) if (handler == _ntkHandlerList[j]) break;
               _curHandlerId = j; _curRefIdVec.push_back(id);
            else {
               string recoverPath = "";
               for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _curRefIdVec.size(); ++j) recoverPath += ("/" + v3Int2Str(_curRefIdVec[j]));
               Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Sub-Module of " << recoverPath << " with Index = " 
                            << idStr[i] << " Does NOT Exist !!" << endl; return;
      else {  // Expecting NtkID or Location Symbols (/, ./, ~/, .)
         if (!idStr[i].size()) isRoot = true;
         else {
            // Lex if current token is a SubModule Index
            if (v3Str2Int(idStr[i], temp)) {
               const uint32_t id = (uint32_t)temp;
               if (isRoot) {
                  if (id < getHandlerCount()) {
                     handler = getHandler(id); _curHandlerId = id;
                     _curRefIdVec.clear(); _curRefIdVec.push_back(id);
                  else {
                     Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Ntk with ID = " << idStr[i] << " Does NOT Exist !!" << endl; return;
               else {
                  if (id < getCurHandler()->getNtk()->getModuleSize()) {
                     handler = getCurHandler()->getNtk()->getModule(id)->getNtkRef();
                     uint32_t j = 0; for (; j < _ntkHandlerList.size(); ++j) if (handler == _ntkHandlerList[j]) break;
                     _curHandlerId = j; _curRefIdVec.push_back(id);
                  else {
                     string recoverPath = "";
                     for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _curRefIdVec.size(); ++j) recoverPath += ("/" + v3Int2Str(_curRefIdVec[j]));
                     Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Sub-Module of " << recoverPath << " with Index = " 
                                  << idStr[i] << " Does NOT Exist !!" << endl; return;
            else if (idStr[i].size() > 1) {
               Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Unexpected Symbol \"" << idStr[i] << "\" in the Path !!" << endl; return;
            else if ('~' == idStr[i][0]) {
               const uint32_t baseId = _curHandlerId = _curRefIdVec[0]; handler = getHandler(baseId);
               _curRefIdVec.clear(); _curRefIdVec.push_back(baseId);
            else if ('.' == idStr[i][0]) handler = getCurHandler(); assert (handler);
   // Copy Data for Last if Valid, Or Resume Data for Current
   if (_curHandlerId < _ntkHandlerList.size()) {
      _lastHandlerId = curHandlerId; _lastRefIdVec = curRefIdVec;
   else {
      _curHandlerId = curHandlerId; _curRefIdVec = curRefIdVec;
      Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Network " << path << " was Implicitly Created and it is Currently Untraceable !!" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// I/O Ancestry Functions
const string
V3NtkElaborate::getOutputName(const uint32_t& index) const {
   assert (_ntk); assert (index < _ntk->getOutputSize());
   if (index >= _pOutput.size()) return "c_" + v3Int2Str((size_t)(this)) + "_" + v3Int2Str(index);
   else return "p_" + v3Int2Str((size_t)(_pOutput[index])) + "_" + _pOutput[index]->getName();
Ejemplo n.º 15
// Renaming Functions
V3NtkHandler::setAuxRenaming() {
   V3AuxNameInvPrefix = "v3_Inv_"; V3AuxExpansionName = "v3_expT_"; 
   V3AuxNetNamePrefix = "v3_" + v3Int2Str(time(NULL)) + "_";
Ejemplo n.º 16
const string
V3NtkHandler::getNetNameOrFormedWithId(const V3NetId& id) const {
   const string name = getNetName(id); if (name.size()) return name;
   return (id.cp ? V3AuxNameInvPrefix : "") + V3AuxNetNamePrefix + v3Int2Str(id.id);
Ejemplo n.º 17
const bool V3QuteRTLFFHandler(V3NtkInput* const quteHandler, CktModule* const module, const bool& async2sync, V3NetVec& inputs) {
   assert (quteHandler); assert (module);
   CktCell* cell; CktOutPin* OutPin;
   uint32_t width; string name;
   V3NetId id, id1, id2, id3;
   // Build FF Nets  (Renders the Same Order As Design Created by QuteRTL)
   V3BvNtk* const ntk = dynamic_cast<V3BvNtk*>(quteHandler->getNtk()); assert (ntk);
   V3NetVec quteFFVec; quteFFVec.clear();
   V3Set<string>::Set quteFFClk; quteFFClk.clear();
   for (uint32_t i = 0, j = quteGetDesignIoSize(module, QUTE_DFF_CELL); i < j; ++i) {
      // Get Cell Info from QuteRTL
      cell = quteGetDesignIoCell(module, QUTE_DFF_CELL, i); assert (cell);
      assert (quteGetCellOutputSize(cell) == 1);
      OutPin = quteGetCellOutputPin(cell, 0); assert (OutPin);
      name = quteGetOutPinName(OutPin); assert (name.size());
      // Build DFF in V3 Ntk
      id = quteHandler->createNet(name, getOutPinWidthFromQuteRTL(name, OutPin));
      if (V3NetUD == id) return false; quteFFVec.push_back(id);
   // DFS Traverse On DFF Fanin Cone
   for (uint32_t i = 0, j = quteGetDesignIoSize(module, QUTE_DFF_CELL); i < j; ++i) {
      // Get Cell Info from QuteRTL
      cell = quteGetDesignIoCell(module, QUTE_DFF_CELL, i); assert (cell);
      const uint32_t inPinSize = quteGetCellInputSize(cell); assert (inPinSize >= 2);
      // Check Clock Signal
      OutPin = quteGetCellInputPin(cell, 1); assert (OutPin);
      name = quteGetOutPinExpr(OutPin); assert (name.size()); quteFFClk.insert(name);
      if (inPinSize > 2) {  // Asynchronous Reset DFF : D, clk, reset, default
         OutPin = quteGetCellInputPin(cell, 0); assert (OutPin);
         id1 = dfsBuildNtkFromQuteRTL(quteHandler, OutPin, async2sync); if (V3NetUD == id1) return false;
         OutPin = quteGetCellInputPin(cell, 2); assert (OutPin);
         id2 = dfsBuildNtkFromQuteRTL(quteHandler, OutPin, async2sync); if (V3NetUD == id2) return false;
         OutPin = quteGetCellInputPin(cell, 3); assert (OutPin);
         id3 = dfsBuildNtkFromQuteRTL(quteHandler, OutPin, async2sync); if (V3NetUD == id3) return false;
         // Build DFF
         name = quteGetOutPinName(OutPin); assert (name.size());
         width = quteHandler->getNtk()->getNetWidth(quteFFVec[i]);
         if (async2sync) {  // Renders all Asynchronous DFF be Regarded as Synchronous DFF
            // Build MUX
            id = quteHandler->createNet(V3AsyncMuxName + name, width); if (V3NetUD == id) return false;
            if (!createBvMuxGate(ntk, id, id1, id3, id2)) return false;
            // Build DFF
            id2 = ntk->createNet(width); if (V3NetUD == id2) return false;
            if (!createBvConstGate(ntk, id2, v3Int2Str(width) + "'d0")) return false;
            if (!createV3FFGate(ntk, quteFFVec[i], id, id2)) return false;
         else {  // Retain Asynchronous Behavior in V3 Ntk
            // Build MUX
            id = quteHandler->createNet(V3AsyncDFFName + name, width); if (V3NetUD == id) return false;
            if (!createBvMuxGate(ntk, quteFFVec[i], id, id3, id2)) return false;
            // Build DFF
            id2 = ntk->createNet(width); if (V3NetUD == id2) return false;
            if (!createBvConstGate(ntk, id2, v3Int2Str(width) + "'d0")) return false;
            if (!createV3FFGate(ntk, id, id1, id2)) return false;
      else {  // Synchronous Reset DFF : D, clk
         // Traverse DFF Input
         OutPin = quteGetCellInputPin(cell, 0); assert (OutPin);
         id1 = dfsBuildNtkFromQuteRTL(quteHandler, OutPin, async2sync);
         if (V3NetUD == id1) return false;
         // Build DFF
         width = quteHandler->getNtk()->getNetWidth(quteFFVec[i]);
         id2 = ntk->createNet(width); if (V3NetUD == id2) return false;
         if (!createBvConstGate(ntk, id2, v3Int2Str(width) + "'d0")) return false;
         if (!createV3FFGate(ntk, quteFFVec[i], id1, id2)) return false;
   // Report Multiple Clock Domain if Exists
   if (quteFFClk.size() > 1) {
      Msg(MSG_WAR) << "Multiple Clock Domains Found in RTL Design \"" << quteHandler->getNtkName() << "\" !!" << endl;
      Msg(MSG_IFO) << "Clock Domains (in terms of RTL signal names) are: ";
      for (V3Set<string>::Set::const_iterator it = quteFFClk.begin(); it != quteFFClk.end(); ++it)
         Msg(MSG_IFO) << (it == quteFFClk.begin() ? "" : ", ") << (*it);
      Msg(MSG_IFO) << endl;
      Msg(MSG_WAR) << "V3 Simply Treat All Clock Domains to be the Same One !!" << endl;
   // Set Clock Signal and Remove Clock from Inputs
   if (V3NetUD == ntk->getClock()) {
      if (quteFFClk.size()) ntk->createClock(quteHandler->getNetId(*(quteFFClk.begin())));
   else {
      if (quteFFClk.size() && (ntk->getClock() != quteHandler->getNetId(*(quteFFClk.begin()))))
         Msg(MSG_WAR) << "Multiple Clock Domains Found in RTL Design \"" << quteHandler->getNtkName() << "\" !!" << endl;
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
const V3NetId
V3NtkElaborate::elaborateL2S(const V3NetId& id) {
   assert (_ntk); assert (_p2cMap.size()); assert (id.id < _ntk->getNetSize());
   assert (isMutable()); assert (_shadow.size() == _handler->getNtk()->getLatchSize());
   // Create L2S Data Members if NOT Exist
   V3BvNtk* const bvNtk = dynamic_cast<V3BvNtk*>(_ntk);
   V3InputVec inputs; inputs.clear(); inputs.reserve(4);
   if (V3NetUD == _saved || V3NetUD == _1stSave || V3NetUD == _inLoop) {
      assert (V3NetUD == _saved && V3NetUD == _1stSave && V3NetUD == _inLoop);
      _saved = _ntk->createNet(1);  // Create Latch (_saved) for "In the Loop"
      const V3NetId oracle = _ntk->createNet(1), inSaved = _ntk->createNet(1);
      inputs.push_back(~_saved); inputs.push_back(~oracle); _ntk->setInput(inSaved, inputs);
      _ntk->createGate((bvNtk ? BV_AND : AIG_NODE), inSaved); inputs.clear();
      inputs.push_back(~inSaved); inputs.push_back(0); _ntk->setInput(_saved, inputs);
      _ntk->createLatch(_saved); inputs.clear(); _ntk->createInput(oracle);
      _1stSave = _ntk->createNet(1);  // Create Net (_1stSave) for "Loop Start"
      inputs.push_back(oracle); inputs.push_back(~_saved); _ntk->setInput(_1stSave, inputs);
      _ntk->createGate((bvNtk ? BV_AND : AIG_NODE), _1stSave); inputs.clear();
      _inLoop = _ntk->createNet(1);  // Create Net (_inLoop) for "_1stSave || _saved"
      inputs.push_back(~_1stSave); inputs.push_back(~_saved); _ntk->setInput(_inLoop, inputs);
      _ntk->createGate((bvNtk ? BV_AND : AIG_NODE), _inLoop); inputs.clear(); _inLoop = ~_inLoop;
   // Create Equivalence Logic and Shadow FF if NOT Exist
   V3NetId ffId; V3GateType type; V3UI32Vec newShadow; newShadow.clear();
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _shadow.size(); ++i) {
      ffId = _p2cMap[_handler->getNtk()->getLatch(i).id]; assert (V3_FF == _ntk->getGateType(ffId));
      if (V3NetUD == ffId || V3NetUD != _shadow[i]) continue; newShadow.push_back(i);
      // Create Net for Shadow FF
      _shadow[i] = _ntk->createNet(_ntk->getNetWidth(ffId)); assert (V3NetUD != _shadow[i]);
      V3NetId shadowMux = V3NetUD;  // Create Input MUX of Shadow FF
      if (bvNtk) {
         inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]); inputs.push_back(ffId); inputs.push_back(_1stSave);
         type = BV_MUX; shadowMux = elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, inputs, _netHash);
      else {
         inputs.push_back(_1stSave); inputs.push_back(ffId);
         inputs.push_back(~_1stSave); inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]);
         type = AIG_NODE; shadowMux = elaborateAigAndOrAndGate(_ntk, inputs, _netHash);
      // Create Shadow FF
      assert (V3NetUD != shadowMux); inputs.clear(); inputs.push_back(shadowMux);
      if (_ntk->getNetWidth(ffId) == 1) inputs.push_back(0);
      else {
         V3InputVec constInputs(1, bvNtk->hashV3ConstBitVec(v3Int2Str(_ntk->getNetWidth(ffId)) + "'d0"));
         type = BV_CONST; inputs.push_back(elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, constInputs, _netHash));
      _ntk->setInput(_shadow[i], inputs); _ntk->createLatch(_shadow[i]); inputs.clear();
      // Create Equivalence Gate and Update _shadow
      if (bvNtk) {
         inputs.push_back(ffId); inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]); type = BV_EQUALITY;
         _shadow[i] = elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, inputs, _netHash);
      else {
         inputs.push_back(ffId); inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]);
         inputs.push_back(~ffId); inputs.push_back(~_shadow[i]);
         _shadow[i] = elaborateAigAndOrAndGate(_ntk, inputs, _netHash);
      assert (V3NetUD != _shadow[i]); assert (1 == _ntk->getNetWidth(_shadow[i])); inputs.clear();
   // Create or Update Net (_looped) for "Loop Found" if NOT Exist
   if (V3NetUD == _looped) _looped = _saved;
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < newShadow.size(); ++i) {
      assert (V3NetUD != _p2cMap[_handler->getNtk()->getLatch(i).id]); assert (V3NetUD != _shadow[i]);
      inputs.push_back(_looped); inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]);
      if (bvNtk) { type = BV_AND; _looped = elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, inputs, _netHash); }
      else { type = AIG_NODE; _looped = elaborateAigGate(_ntk, type, inputs, _netHash); }
      assert (V3NetUD != _looped); inputs.clear();
   if (V3NetId::makeNetId(0) == ~id) return _looped;
   // Create Latch (pLatch) for Recording Existence of Violation to id
   const V3NetId pLatch = _ntk->createNet(1), in_pLatch = _ntk->createNet(1);
   inputs.push_back(~pLatch); inputs.push_back(id); _ntk->setInput(in_pLatch, inputs);
   _ntk->createGate((bvNtk ? BV_AND : AIG_NODE), in_pLatch); inputs.clear();
   inputs.push_back(~in_pLatch); inputs.push_back(0); _ntk->setInput(pLatch, inputs);
   _ntk->createLatch(pLatch); inputs.clear();
   // Create L2S Property Output (to Witness "_looped && in_pLatch")
   V3NetId pId = V3NetUD; inputs.push_back(_looped); inputs.push_back(in_pLatch);
   if (bvNtk) { type = BV_AND; pId = elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, inputs, _netHash); }
   else { type = AIG_NODE; pId = elaborateAigGate(_ntk, type, inputs, _netHash); }
   assert (V3NetUD != pId); inputs.clear(); return pId;
Ejemplo n.º 19
const string
V3NtkHandler::getNetRecurExpression(const V3NetId& id) const {
   assert (_ntk); assert (id.id < _ntk->getNetSize()); string name = "";
   const V3GateType& type = _ntk->getGateType(id); assert (V3_XD > type);
   if (V3_FF >= type) return (id.cp ? V3AuxNameInvPrefix : "") + v3Int2Str(id.id);
   else if (V3_MODULE == type) {
      Msg(MSG_WAR) << "Currently Expression Over Module Instances has NOT Been Implemented !!" << endl;
   else {
      if (dynamic_cast<V3BvNtk*>(_ntk)) {
         assert (AIG_FALSE < type);
         if (isV3PairType(type)) {
            const string name1 = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 0)); assert (name1.size());
            const string name2 = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 1)); assert (name2.size());
            if (BV_MERGE == type) name = "{" + name1 + ", " + name2 + "}";
            else {
               switch (type) {
                  case BV_AND      : name = "(" + name1 + " & "  + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_XOR      : name = "(" + name1 + " ^ "  + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_ADD      : name = "(" + name1 + " + "  + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_SUB      : name = "(" + name1 + " - "  + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_MULT     : name = "(" + name1 + " * "  + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_SHL      : name = "(" + name1 + " << " + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_SHR      : name = "(" + name1 + " >> " + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_DIV      : name = "(" + name1 + " / "  + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_MODULO   : name = "(" + name1 + " % "  + name2 + ")"; break;
                  case BV_EQUALITY : return "(" + name1 + (id.cp ? " != " : " == ") + name2 + ")";
                  case BV_GEQ      : return "(" + name1 + (id.cp ? " < "  : " >= ") + name2 + ")";
                  default          : assert (0);
         else if (isV3ReducedType(type)) {
            const string name1 = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 0)); assert (name1.size());
            switch (type) {
               case BV_RED_AND : name = "(&(" + name1 + "))"; break;
               case BV_RED_OR  : name = "(|(" + name1 + "))"; break;
               case BV_RED_XOR : name = "(^(" + name1 + "))"; break;
               default         : assert (0);
         else if (BV_MUX == type) {
            const string fName = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 0)); assert (fName.size());
            const string tName = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 1)); assert (tName.size());
            const string sName = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 2)); assert (sName.size());
            name = "(" + sName + " ? " + tName + " : " + fName + ")";
         else if (BV_SLICE == type) {
            const string name1 = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 0)); assert (name1.size());
            const uint32_t msb = dynamic_cast<V3BvNtk*>(_ntk)->getInputSliceBit(id, true);
            const uint32_t lsb = dynamic_cast<V3BvNtk*>(_ntk)->getInputSliceBit(id, false);
            const uint32_t width = _ntk->getNetWidth(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 0)); assert (width);
            name = ((msb >= lsb) && (width == (1 + msb - lsb))) ? name1 : 
                   (msb == lsb) ? ("(" + name1 + ")[" + v3Int2Str(msb) + "]") : 
                   ("(" + name1 + ")[" + v3Int2Str(msb) + ":" + v3Int2Str(lsb) + "]");
         else {
            assert (BV_CONST == type);
            const V3BitVecX value = dynamic_cast<V3BvNtk*>(_ntk)->getInputConstValue(id);
            return v3Int2Str(value.size()) + "'b" + value.regEx();
      else {
         assert (AIG_FALSE >= type);
         if (AIG_NODE == type) {
            const string name1 = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 0)); assert (name1.size());
            const string name2 = getNetExpression(_ntk->getInputNetId(id, 1)); assert (name2.size());
            name = "(" + name1 + " && " + name2 + ")";
         else {
            assert (AIG_FALSE == type);
            return (id.cp ? "AIGER_TRUE" : "AIGER_FALSE");
   return (id.cp ? V3AuxNameInvPrefix : "") + name;
Ejemplo n.º 20
const V3NetId
V3NtkElaborate::elaborateL2S(const V3NetId& id) {
   assert (_ntk); assert (_p2cMap.size()); assert (id.id < _ntk->getNetSize());
   assert (isMutable()); assert (_shadow.size() == _handler->getNtk()->getLatchSize());
   // Create L2S Data Members if NOT Exists
   V3BvNtk* const bvNtk = dynamic_cast<V3BvNtk*>(_ntk);
   V3InputVec inputs; inputs.clear(); inputs.reserve(4);
   V3GateType type;
   if ((V3NetUD == _saved) || (V3NetUD == _1stSave)) {
      assert ((V3NetUD == _saved) && (V3NetUD == _1stSave));
      _saved = _ntk->createNet(1); _1stSave = _ntk->createNet(1);
      const V3NetId oracle = _ntk->createNet(1), inSaved = _ntk->createNet(1);
      inputs.push_back(~_saved); inputs.push_back(~oracle); _ntk->setInput(inSaved, inputs);
      _ntk->createGate((bvNtk ? BV_AND : AIG_NODE), inSaved); inputs.clear();
      inputs.push_back(~inSaved); inputs.push_back(0); _ntk->setInput(_saved, inputs);
      _ntk->createLatch(_saved); inputs.clear(); _ntk->createInput(oracle);
      // Set Inputs of _1stSave
      inputs.push_back(oracle); inputs.push_back(~_saved); _ntk->setInput(_1stSave, inputs);
      _ntk->createGate((bvNtk ? BV_AND : AIG_NODE), _1stSave); inputs.clear();
   // Create Equivalence Logic and Shadow FF if NOT Exists
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _shadow.size(); ++i) {
      if (V3NetUD == _shadow[i] && V3NetUD != _p2cMap[_handler->getNtk()->getLatch(i).id]) {
         assert (V3_FF == _ntk->getGateType(_p2cMap[_handler->getNtk()->getLatch(i).id]));
         _shadow[i] = _ntk->createNet(_ntk->getNetWidth(_p2cMap[_handler->getNtk()->getLatch(i).id]));
         // Create Input MUX of Shadow FF
         V3NetId shadowMux = V3NetUD;
         if (bvNtk) {
            inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]); inputs.push_back(~_1stSave);
            type = BV_MUX; shadowMux = elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, inputs, _netHash);
         else {
            inputs.push_back(_1stSave); inputs.push_back(_p2cMap[_handler->getNtk()->getLatch(i).id]);
            inputs.push_back(~_1stSave); inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]);
            type = AIG_NODE; shadowMux = elaborateAigAndOrAndGate(_ntk, inputs, _netHash);
         assert (V3NetUD != shadowMux); inputs.clear();
         // Create Shadow FF
         inputs.clear(); inputs.push_back(shadowMux);
         const uint32_t width = (bvNtk) ? _ntk->getNetWidth(_p2cMap[_handler->getNtk()->getLatch(i).id]) : 1;
         if (width > 1) {
            V3InputVec constInputs(1, bvNtk->hashV3ConstBitVec(v3Int2Str(width) + "'d0"));
            type = BV_CONST; inputs.push_back(elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, constInputs, _netHash));
         else inputs.push_back(0);
         _ntk->setInput(_shadow[i], inputs); _ntk->createLatch(_shadow[i]); inputs.clear();
         // Create Equivalence Gate and Update _shadow
         if (bvNtk) {
            inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]); type = BV_EQUALITY;
            _shadow[i] = elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, inputs, _netHash);
         else {
            inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]); inputs.push_back(~_shadow[i]);
            _shadow[i] = elaborateAigAndOrAndGate(_ntk, inputs, _netHash);
         inputs.clear(); assert (V3NetUD != _shadow[i]);
   // Build LTL Formula Output Logic
   const V3NetId pLatch = _ntk->createNet(1), in_pLatch = _ntk->createNet(1);
   inputs.push_back(~pLatch); inputs.push_back(~id); _ntk->setInput(in_pLatch, inputs);
   _ntk->createGate((bvNtk ? BV_AND : AIG_NODE), in_pLatch); inputs.clear();
   inputs.push_back(~in_pLatch); inputs.push_back(0); _ntk->setInput(pLatch, inputs);
   _ntk->createLatch(pLatch); inputs.clear();
   // Build LTL Formula Output
   V3NetId pId = V3NetUD; inputs.push_back(_saved); inputs.push_back(~pLatch);
   if (bvNtk) { type = BV_AND; pId = elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, inputs, _netHash); }
   else { type = AIG_NODE; pId = elaborateAigGate(_ntk, type, inputs, _netHash); }
   assert (V3NetUD != pId); inputs.clear();
   // Build LTL Formula Output with Related Latches Only
   _ntk->newMiscData(); dfsRecurMarkFaninCone(_ntk, id);
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _shadow.size(); ++i) {
      if (V3NetUD == _shadow[i]) continue;
      if (!_ntk->isLatestMiscData(_p2cMap[_handler->getNtk()->getLatch(i).id])) continue;
      inputs.push_back(pId); inputs.push_back(_shadow[i]);
      if (bvNtk) { type = BV_AND; pId = elaborateBvGate(bvNtk, type, inputs, _netHash); }
      else { type = AIG_NODE; pId = elaborateAigGate(_ntk, type, inputs, _netHash); }
      assert (V3NetUD != pId); inputs.clear();
   return pId;