Ejemplo n.º 1
static enum v7_err jsBotSay(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
	long argc = v7_argc(v7);
	if (argc == 0) {
		return V7_OK;
	v7_val_t v = v7_arg(v7, 0);
	if (!v7_is_string(v)) {
		return V7_OK;
	TString str = (const char*)v7_to_cstring(v7, &v);
	TString font;
	if (argc >= 2) {
		v7_val_t fontt = v7_arg(v7, 1);
		if (!v7_is_null(fontt) && !v7_is_undefined(fontt)) font = (const char*)v7_to_cstring(v7, &fontt);
	int size = 0;
	if (argc >= 3) {
		v7_val_t sizee = v7_arg(v7, 2);
		if (v7_is_number(sizee)) size = floor(v7_to_number(sizee));
		if (size < 10) size = 10;
	TString col;
	if (argc >= 4) {
		v7_val_t coll = v7_arg(v7, 3);
		if (v7_is_string(coll)) col = (const char*)v7_to_cstring(v7, &coll);
		if (col.GetAt(0) != L'#' || col.GetLength() != 7) col = L"";
	_activeBot->say(str, font, size, col);
	return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Publishes a message to a topic.
 * Args:
 * - `topic`: topic, string.
 * - `message`: message, string.
 * Only QOS 0 is implemented at the moment.
enum v7_err MQTT_publish(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  struct user_data *ud;
  struct mg_connection *nc;
  const char *topic;
  const char *message;
  size_t message_len;
  v7_val_t topicv = v7_arg(v7, 0), messagev = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  (void) res;

  topic = v7_get_cstring(v7, &topicv);
  if (topic == NULL || strlen(topic) == 0) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "TypeError", "invalid topic");
    goto clean;

  if (!v7_is_string(messagev)) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "TypeError", "invalid message");
    goto clean;
  message = v7_get_string(v7, &messagev, &message_len);

  nc = v7_get_ptr(v7, v7_get(v7, v7_get_this(v7), "_nc", ~0));
  if (nc == NULL) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "invalid connection");
    goto clean;
  ud = (struct user_data *) nc->user_data;

  mg_mqtt_publish(nc, topic, ud->msgid++, MG_MQTT_QOS(0), message, message_len);

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 3
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err Http_response_writeHead(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;

  unsigned long code = 200;
  v7_val_t arg0 = v7_arg(v7, 0), arg1 = v7_arg(v7, 1);

  if (v7_is_truthy(v7, v7_get(v7, v7_get_this(v7), "_whd", ~0))) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "Headers already sent");
    goto clean;

  if (v7_is_number(arg0)) {
    code = v7_to_number(arg0);

  write_http_status(c, code);
  http_write_headers(v7, arg1, c);
  mg_send(c, "\r\n", 2);
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_this(v7), "_whd", ~0, v7_mk_boolean(1));
  *res = v7_get_this(v7);

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * `on` method on a mqtt client object registers an event handler
 * for a given event type. Recognized event types:
 * - `connect`: invoked on sucessfull connection (mqtt connack message)
 * - `error`: invoked on connection error
 * - `close`: invoked when the connection gets closed
 * - `message`: invoked when a new message is received. The callback
 *              receives (topic, message) arguments, both strings
enum v7_err MQTT_on(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  v7_val_t evv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  const char *ev, *key = NULL;

  ev = v7_get_cstring(v7, &evv);
  if (strcmp(ev, "connect") == 0) {
  } else if (strcmp(ev, "message") == 0) {
  } else if (strcmp(ev, "error") == 0) {
    key = SJ_MQTT_ERROR_CB;
  } else if (strcmp(ev, "close") == 0) {
    key = SJ_MQTT_CLOSE_CB;
  } else {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "unsupported protocol");
    goto clean;

  v7_def(v7, v7_get_this(v7), key, ~0, V7_DESC_ENUMERABLE(0), cb);

  (void) res;
  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static v7_val_t sj_http_post(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t urlv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t body = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 2);

  return sj_http_call_helper(v7, urlv, body, cb, "POST");
Ejemplo n.º 6
static enum v7_err jsSetTimeout(struct v7* v7, v7_val_t* res) {
	v7_val_t* func = new v7_val_t;
	v7_own(v7, func);
	*func = v7_arg(v7, 0);
	v7_val_t inv = v7_arg(v7, 1);

	if (!v7_is_callable(v7, *func)) {
		//TODO: catch error if 1st argument not callable code
		return V7_OK;

	if (!v7_is_number(inv)) {
		//TODO: catch error if 2nd argument not a number
		return V7_OK;

	double ms = v7_to_number(inv);
	long lms = floor(ms);

	//v7_apply(v7, func, _activeBot->getV7Obj(), v7_mk_undefined(), NULL);

	TIMER* newTimer = new TIMER;
	newTimer->pToFunc = func;
	newTimer->delay = lms;
	newTimer->timeBegin = GetTickCount();
	newTimer->id = (long)newTimer;


	double vOut = (double)newTimer->id;

	*res = v7_mk_number(vOut);

	return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static enum v7_err dsleep(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  v7_val_t time_v = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  double time = v7_to_number(time_v);
  v7_val_t flags_v = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  uint8 flags = v7_to_number(flags_v);

  if (!v7_is_number(time_v) || time < 0) {
    *res = v7_mk_boolean(false);
    goto clean;
  if (v7_is_number(flags_v)) {
    if (!system_deep_sleep_set_option(flags)) {
      *res = v7_mk_boolean(false);
      goto clean;

  system_deep_sleep((uint32_t) time);

  *res = v7_mk_boolean(true);
  goto clean;

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 8
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err global_clearTimeoutOrInterval(struct v7 *v7,
                                                     v7_val_t *res) {
  (void) res;
  if (v7_is_number(v7_arg(v7, 0))) {
    sj_clear_timer(v7_get_double(v7, v7_arg(v7, 0)));
  return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static enum v7_err js_sum(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  double arg0 = v7_to_number(v7_arg(v7, 0));
  double arg1 = v7_to_number(v7_arg(v7, 1));
  double result = sum(arg0, arg1);

  *res = v7_mk_number(result);
  return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 10
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err GPIO_setISR(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t typev = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 2);
  v7_val_t current_cb;

  char prop_name[15];
  int pin, type, len, has_isr, new_isr_provided;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv) || !v7_is_number(typev)) {
    printf("Invalid arguments\n");
    *res = v7_mk_boolean(v7, 0);
    goto clean;

  pin = v7_get_double(v7, pinv);
  type = v7_get_double(v7, typev);

  len = snprintf(prop_name, sizeof(prop_name), "_ih_%d", (int) pin);
  current_cb = v7_get(v7, v7_get_global(v7), prop_name, len);
  has_isr = v7_is_callable(v7, current_cb);
  new_isr_provided = v7_is_callable(v7, cb);

  if (!has_isr && !new_isr_provided) {
    printf("Missing callback\n");
    *res = v7_mk_boolean(v7, 0);
    goto clean;

  if (has_isr && new_isr_provided && current_cb != cb) {
    printf("Only one interruption handler is allowed for pin\n");
    *res = v7_mk_boolean(v7, 0);
    goto clean;

  if (type == 0 && has_isr) {
    v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), prop_name, len, V7_UNDEFINED);
  } else if (!has_isr && new_isr_provided) {
    v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), prop_name, len, cb);

  if (type != 0 && !s_gpio_intr_installed) {
    sj_gpio_intr_init(gpio_intr_handler_proxy, v7);
    s_isr_cb_proxy_v = v7_mk_cfunction(isr_cb_proxy);
    v7_own(v7, &s_isr_cb_proxy_v);
    s_gpio_intr_installed = 1;
  *res =
      v7_mk_boolean(v7, sj_gpio_intr_set(pin, (enum gpio_int_mode) type) == 0);
  goto clean;

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* JS signature: listen(addr, [options]) */
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err Http_Server_listen(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  char buf[50], *p = buf;
  const char *ca_cert = NULL, *cert = NULL;
  v7_val_t this_obj = v7_get_this(v7);
  v7_val_t arg0 = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t opts = v7_arg(v7, 1);

  if (!v7_is_number(arg0) && !v7_is_string(arg0)) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "TypeError", "Function expected");
    goto clean;

  if (!v7_is_undefined(opts) && !v7_is_object(opts)) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "TypeError", "Options must be an object");
    goto clean;

  if (!v7_is_undefined(opts)) {
    v7_val_t ca_cert_v = v7_get(v7, opts, "ssl_ca_cert", ~0);
    v7_val_t cert_v = v7_get(v7, opts, "ssl_cert", ~0);
    if (!v7_is_undefined(ca_cert_v) && !v7_is_string(ca_cert_v)) {
      rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "TypeError", "ca_cert must be a string");
      goto clean;

    if (!v7_is_undefined(cert_v) && !v7_is_string(cert_v)) {
      rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "TypeError", "cert must be a string");
      goto clean;

    if (!v7_is_undefined(ca_cert_v)) {
      ca_cert = v7_to_cstring(v7, &ca_cert_v);

    if (!v7_is_undefined(cert_v)) {
      cert = v7_to_cstring(v7, &cert_v);

  p = v7_stringify(v7, arg0, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
  rcode = start_http_server(v7, p, this_obj, ca_cert, cert);
  if (rcode != V7_OK) {
    goto clean;

  *res = this_obj;

  if (p != buf) {
  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static enum v7_err UART_onTXEmpty(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  struct esp_sj_uart_state *us;
  enum v7_err ret = esp_sj_uart_get_state(v7, &us);
  if (ret != V7_OK) return ret;
  v7_set(v7, us->obj, "_txcb", 5, v7_arg(v7, 0));
  if (v7_is_callable(v7, v7_arg(v7, 0))) {
  *res = v7_mk_undefined();
  return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static enum v7_err GPIO_setisr(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t typev = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 2);
  v7_val_t current_cb;

  char prop_name[15];
  int pin, type, len, has_isr, new_isr_provided;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv) || !v7_is_number(typev)) {
    printf("Invalid arguments\n");
    *res = v7_create_boolean(0);
    goto clean;

  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);
  type = v7_to_number(typev);

  len = snprintf(prop_name, sizeof(prop_name), "_ih_%d", (int) pin);
  current_cb = v7_get(v7, v7_get_global(v7), prop_name, len);
  has_isr = v7_is_function(current_cb);
  new_isr_provided = v7_is_function(cb);

  if (!has_isr && !new_isr_provided) {
    printf("Missing callback\n");
    *res = v7_create_boolean(0);
    goto clean;

  if (has_isr && new_isr_provided && current_cb != cb) {
    printf("Only one interruption handler is allowed for pin\n");
    *res = v7_create_boolean(0);
    goto clean;

  if (type == 0 && has_isr) {
    v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), prop_name, len, 0, v7_create_undefined());
  } else if (!has_isr && new_isr_provided) {
    v7_set(v7, v7_get_global(v7), prop_name, len, 0, cb);

  if (type != 0 && !s_gpio_intr_installed) {
    s_gpio_intr_installed = 1;

  *res = v7_create_boolean(sj_gpio_intr_set(pin, type) == 0);
  goto clean;

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 14
/* Args: callable, disable_rx */
static enum v7_err UART_onRecv(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  struct esp_sj_uart_state *us;
  enum v7_err ret = esp_sj_uart_get_state(v7, &us);
  if (ret != V7_OK) return ret;
  v7_set(v7, us->obj, "_rxcb", 5, v7_arg(v7, 0));
  esp_uart_set_rx_enabled(us->uart_no, !v7_is_truthy(v7, v7_arg(v7, 1)));
  if (v7_is_callable(v7, v7_arg(v7, 0))) {
  *res = V7_UNDEFINED;
  return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static enum v7_err jsBotFontStyle(struct v7* v7, v7_val_t* res) {
	v7_val_t fontName = v7_arg(v7, 0);
	v7_val_t fontSize = v7_arg(v7, 1);
	v7_val_t fontColor = v7_arg(v7, 2);
	if (!v7_is_string(fontName) || !v7_is_number(fontSize) || !v7_is_string(fontColor)) {
		return V7_OK;
	TString fontColor2 = v7_to_cstring(v7, &fontColor);
	TString strFontName = (v7_is_null(fontName)) ? "" : (const char*)v7_to_cstring(v7, &fontName);
	int nFontSize = (!v7_is_number(fontSize)) ? NULL : (int)v7_to_number(fontSize);
	COLORREF nFontColor = (!v7_is_string(fontColor)) ? NULL : GetCol(fontColor2.GetAsWChar());
	_activeBot->setFontStyle(strFontName, nFontSize, nFontColor);
	return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 16
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err Http_request_set_timeout(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;

  struct user_data *ud = (struct user_data *) c->user_data;
  mg_set_timer(c, time(NULL) + v7_to_number(v7_arg(v7, 0)) / 1000.0);
  ud->timeout_callback = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  v7_own(v7, &ud->timeout_callback);

  *res = v7_get_this(v7);

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * Regiter a callback to be invoked when there is at least N bytes available.
 * N defaults to maxint if undefined
static enum v7_err UART_recv(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  v7_val_t this_obj = v7_get_this(v7);
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t wantv = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  v7_val_t udv = v7_get(v7, this_obj, "_ud", ~0);
  size_t want = v7_is_number(wantv) ? (size_t) v7_to_number(wantv) : ~0;

  struct user_data *ud = (struct user_data *) v7_to_foreign(udv);
  ud->cb = cb;
  v7_own(v7, &ud->cb);
  ud->want = want;
  /* TODO(mkm): trigger cb if there is already something in the buffer */

  return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static v7_val_t dsleep(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t time_v = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  uint32 time = v7_to_number(time_v);
  v7_val_t flags_v = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  uint8 flags = v7_to_number(flags_v);

  if (!v7_is_number(time_v) || time < 0) return v7_create_boolean(false);
  if (v7_is_number(flags_v)) {
    if (!system_deep_sleep_set_option(flags)) return v7_create_boolean(false);


  return v7_create_boolean(true);
Ejemplo n.º 19
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err Wifi_ready(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  int ret = 0;
  v7_val_t cbv = v7_arg(v7, 0);

  if (!v7_is_callable(v7, cbv)) {
    LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Invalid arguments"));
    goto exit;

  if (sj_wifi_get_status() == SJ_WIFI_IP_ACQUIRED) {
    sj_invoke_cb0(v7, cbv);
    ret = 1;
  } else {
    struct wifi_cb_arg *arg = (struct wifi_cb_arg *) calloc(1, sizeof(*arg));
    if (arg != NULL) {
      arg->v7 = v7;
      arg->v = cbv;
      v7_own(v7, &arg->v);
      sj_wifi_add_on_change_cb(sj_wifi_ready_js, arg);
    } else {
      ret = 0;

  *res = v7_mk_boolean(v7, ret);
  return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 20
static enum v7_err isr_cb_proxy(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t args = v7_arg(v7, 1);

  v7_own(v7, &cb);
  v7_own(v7, &args);

  enum v7_err ret = v7_apply(v7, cb, v7_get_global(v7), args, res);

  sj_reenable_intr(v7_get_double(v7, v7_array_get(v7, args, 0)));

  v7_disown(v7, &args);
  v7_disown(v7, &cb);

  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Usage:
 * new UART("platform_specific_name")
static enum v7_err UART_ctor(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  v7_val_t this_obj = v7_get_this(v7);
  v7_val_t dev = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  struct user_data *ud;
  void *uart;
  const char *name;
  size_t len;

  if (!v7_is_string(dev)) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "device must be string");
    goto clean;

  ud = (struct user_data *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct user_data));
  ud->v7 = v7;
  ud->want = 0;
  ud->cb = v7_create_undefined();
  v7_own(v7, &ud->cb);

  name = v7_get_string_data(v7, &dev, &len);
  uart = sj_hal_open_uart(name, (void *) ud);
  if (uart == NULL) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "cannot open uart");
    goto clean;

  v7_set(v7, this_obj, "_ud", ~0, V7_PROPERTY_HIDDEN, v7_create_foreign(ud));
  v7_set(v7, this_obj, "_dev", ~0, V7_PROPERTY_HIDDEN, v7_create_foreign(uart));

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * Serve static files.
 * Takes an object containing mongoose http server options.
 * Commonly used properties:
 * - `document_root`: Path to the web root directory
 * - `enable_directory_listing`: Set to "no" to disable directory listing.
 *   Enabled by default.
 * - `extra_headers`: Extra HTTP headers to add to each server response.
 * For the full option object definition see:
 * https://docs.cesanta.com/mongoose/dev/index.html#/c-api/http.h/struct_mg_serve_http_opts/
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err Http_response_serve(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  struct mg_serve_http_opts opts;
  struct http_message hm;
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;

  size_t i, n;
  v7_val_t request = v7_get(v7, v7_get_this(v7), "_r", ~0);
  v7_val_t url_v = v7_get(v7, request, "url", ~0);
  const char *url = v7_get_string_data(v7, &url_v, &n);
  const char *quest = strchr(url, '?');

  memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));
  memset(&hm, 0, sizeof(hm));

  /* Set up "fake" parsed HTTP message */
  hm.uri.p = url;
  hm.uri.len = quest == NULL ? n : n - (quest - url);

  if (v7_argc(v7) > 0) {
    populate_opts_from_js_argument(v7, v7_arg(v7, 0), &opts);
  mg_serve_http(c, &hm, opts);
  for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(s_map); i++) {
    free(*(char **) ((char *) &opts + s_map[i].offset));

  *res = v7_get_this(v7);

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * Subscribes a mqtt client to a topic.
enum v7_err MQTT_subscribe(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  struct user_data *ud;
  struct mg_connection *nc;
  struct mg_mqtt_topic_expression expr;
  v7_val_t topicv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  const char *topic;

  nc = v7_get_ptr(v7, v7_get(v7, v7_get_this(v7), "_nc", ~0));
  if (nc == NULL) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "Error", "unsupported protocol");
    goto clean;
  ud = (struct user_data *) nc->user_data;

  topic = v7_get_cstring(v7, &topicv);
  if (topic == NULL || strlen(topic) == 0) {
    rcode = v7_throwf(v7, "TypeError", "invalid topic");
    goto clean;

  expr.topic = topic;
  expr.qos = 0;
  mg_mqtt_subscribe(nc, &expr, 1, ud->msgid++);

  *res = v7_mk_boolean(v7, 1);
  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static v7_val_t Wifi_changed(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  if (!v7_is_function(cb)) return v7_create_boolean(0);
  v7_set(v7, s_wifi, "_ccb", ~0, V7_PROPERTY_DONT_ENUM | V7_PROPERTY_HIDDEN,
  return v7_create_boolean(1);
Ejemplo n.º 25
static enum v7_err jsBotLoadFile(struct v7* v7, v7_val_t* res) {
	v7_val_t file = v7_arg(v7, 0);
	if (!v7_is_string(file)) {
		return V7_OK;
	TString fullPath = _activeBot->getWorkDir();
	TString fileName = v7_to_cstring(v7, &file);
	fullPath += fileName.GetAsWChar();
	if (!fexists(fullPath)) {
		return V7_OK;
	v7_val_t result;
	enum v7_err ress = V7_OK;
	ress = v7_exec_file(v7, fullPath.GetAsChar(), &result);

	//v7_val_t* v7Obj = _activeBot->getV7Obj();
	//*v7Obj = v7_mk_object(v7);

	if (ress != V7_OK) {
		if (result == V7_SYNTAX_ERROR) MessageBox(NULL, "script fail syntax error", "Nooo", 0);
		else if (result == V7_EXEC_EXCEPTION) MessageBox(NULL, "script fail, exception", "Nooo", 0);
		else if (result == V7_EXEC_EXCEPTION) MessageBox(NULL, "script fail, exception", "Nooo", 0);
		else if (result == V7_AST_TOO_LARGE) MessageBox(NULL, "script fail, ast too large", "Nooo", 0);

	return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static v7_val_t sj_Wifi_setup(struct v7 *v7) {
  v7_val_t ssidv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t passv = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  const char *ssid, *pass;
  size_t ssid_len, pass_len;

  if (!v7_is_string(ssidv) || !v7_is_string(passv)) {
    printf("ssid/pass are not strings\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  ssid = v7_to_string(v7, &ssidv, &ssid_len);
  pass = v7_to_string(v7, &passv, &pass_len);

  return v7_create_boolean(sj_wifi_setup_sta(ssid, pass));
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * Read the content of the UART. It does not block.
 * Optional `max_len` parameter, defaults to max size_t.
static enum v7_err UART_read(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  v7_val_t this_obj = v7_get_this(v7);
  v7_val_t dev = v7_get(v7, this_obj, "_dev", ~0), maxv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  size_t max = v7_is_number(maxv) ? (size_t) v7_to_number(maxv) : ~0;
  *res = sj_hal_read_uart(v7, v7_to_foreign(dev), max);

  return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 28
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err sj_Wifi_setup(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  enum v7_err rcode = V7_OK;
  v7_val_t ssidv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t passv = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  v7_val_t extrasv = v7_arg(v7, 2);

  const char *ssid, *pass;
  size_t ssid_len, pass_len;
  int permanent = 1, ret = 0;

  if (!v7_is_string(ssidv) || !v7_is_string(passv)) {
    printf("ssid/pass are not strings\n");
    *res = V7_UNDEFINED;
    goto clean;

  if (v7_is_object(extrasv)) {
    permanent = v7_is_truthy(v7, v7_get(v7, extrasv, "permanent", ~0));

  ssid = v7_get_string(v7, &ssidv, &ssid_len);
  pass = v7_get_string(v7, &passv, &pass_len);

  struct sys_config_wifi_sta cfg;
  memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
  cfg.ssid = (char *) ssid;
  cfg.pass = (char *) pass;

  LOG(LL_INFO, ("WiFi: connecting to '%s'", ssid));

  ret = sj_wifi_setup_sta(&cfg);

  if (ret && permanent) {
    struct sys_config *cfg = get_cfg();
    cfg->wifi.sta.enable = 1;
    sj_conf_set_str(&cfg->wifi.sta.ssid, ssid);
    sj_conf_set_str(&cfg->wifi.sta.pass, pass);

  *res = v7_mk_boolean(v7, ret);

  goto clean;

  return rcode;
Ejemplo n.º 29
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err GPIO_setmode(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t modev = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  v7_val_t pullv = v7_arg(v7, 2);
  int pin, mode, pull;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv) || !v7_is_number(modev) || !v7_is_number(pullv)) {
    printf("Invalid arguments");
    *res = v7_mk_undefined();
  } else {
    pin = v7_to_number(pinv);
    mode = v7_to_number(modev);
    pull = v7_to_number(pullv);
    *res = v7_mk_boolean(sj_gpio_set_mode(pin, mode, pull) == 0);

  return V7_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 30
SJ_PRIVATE enum v7_err sj_set_interval_or_timeout(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res,
                                                  int repeat) {
  v7_val_t msecsv = v7_arg(v7, 1);
  int msecs;
  (void) res;

  if (!v7_is_callable(v7, v7_arg(v7, 0))) {
    printf("cb is not a function\n");
  } else if (!v7_is_number(msecsv)) {
    printf("msecs is not a number\n");
  } else {
    v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 0);
    msecs = v7_get_double(v7, msecsv);
    *res = v7_mk_number(v7, sj_set_js_timer(msecs, repeat, v7, cb));

  return V7_OK;