Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Calculate the power spectrum */
void fft::powerSpectrum_vdsp(int start, float *data, float *window, float *magnitude,float *phase) {
    uint32_t        i;
	//multiply by window
	vDSP_vmul(data, 1, window, 1, in_real, 1, n);

	//convert to split complex format - evens and odds
	vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX *) in_real, 2, &A, 1, half);
	//calc fft
	vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &A, 1, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
	//scale by 2 (see vDSP docs)
	static float scale=0.5 ;
	vDSP_vsmul(A.realp, 1, &scale, A.realp, 1, half);
	vDSP_vsmul(A.imagp, 1, &scale, A.imagp, 1, half);

	//back to split complex format
	vDSP_ztoc(&A, 1, (COMPLEX*) out_real, 2, half);
	//convert to polar
	vDSP_polar(out_real, 2, polar, 2, half);
	for (i = 0; i < half; i++) {
		phase[i]=polar[2*i + 1];
Ejemplo n.º 2
void FFTFrame::doInverseFFT(float* data) {
  vDSP_fft_zrip(m_FFTSetup, &m_frame, 1, m_log2FFTSize, FFT_INVERSE);
  vDSP_ztoc(&m_frame, 1, (DSPComplex*)data, 2, m_FFTSize / 2);

  // Do final scaling so that x == IFFT(FFT(x))
  float scale = 1.0f / m_FFTSize;
  VectorMath::vsmul(data, 1, &scale, data, 1, m_FFTSize);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FFT::performIFFT (float* fftBuffer)
    SplitComplex split;
    split.realp = fftBuffer;
	split.imagp = fftBuffer + properties.fftSizeHalved;

    jassert (split.realp != bufferSplit.realp); // These can't point to the same data!

	vDSP_fft_zrip (config, &split, 1, properties.fftSizeLog2, FFT_INVERSE);
    vDSP_ztoc (&split, 1, (COMPLEX*) buffer.getData(), 2, properties.fftSizeHalved);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ifft(FFT_FRAME* frame, float* outputBuffer)
    // get pointer to fft object
    FFT* fft = frame->fft;

    // perform in-place fft inverse
    vDSP_fft_zrip(fft->fftSetup, &frame->buffer, 1, fft->logTwo, FFT_INVERSE);
    // The output signal is now in a split real form.  Use the  function vDSP_ztoc to get a split real vector. 
    vDSP_ztoc(&frame->buffer, 1, (COMPLEX *)outputBuffer, 2, fft->sizeOverTwo);
    // This applies the windowing
    if (fft->window != NULL)
    	vDSP_vmul(outputBuffer, 1, fft->window, 1, outputBuffer, 1, fft->size);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void fft::inversePowerSpectrum_vdsp(int start, float *finalOut, float *window, float *magnitude,float *phase) {
	uint32_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < half; i++) {
//		polar[2*i] = pow(10.0, magnitude[i] / 20.0) - 1.0;
		polar[2*i] = magnitude[i] - 1.0;
		polar[2*i + 1] = phase[i];
	vDSP_rect(polar, 2, in_real, 2, half);
	vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX*) in_real, 2, &A, 1, half);
	vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &A, 1, log2n, FFT_INVERSE);
	vDSP_ztoc(&A, 1, (COMPLEX*) out_real, 2, half);
	static float scale = 1./n;
	vDSP_vsmul(out_real, 1, &scale, out_real, 1, n);

	//multiply by window
	vDSP_vmul(out_real, 1, window, 1, finalOut, 1, n);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/*	Demonstrate the real-to-complex one-dimensional in-place FFT,

	The in-place FFT writes results into the same array that contains the
	input data.

	Applications may need to rearrange data before calling the
	real-to-complex FFT.  This is because the vDSP FFT routines currently
	use a separated-data complex format, in which real components and
	imaginary components are stored in different arrays.  For the
	real-to-complex FFT, real data passed using the same arrangements used
	for complex data.  (This is largely due to the nature of the algorithm
	used in performing in the real-to-complex FFT.) The mapping puts
	even-indexed elements of the real data in real components of the
	complex data and odd-indexed elements of the real data in imaginary
	components of the complex data.

	(It is possible to improve this situation by implementing
	interleaved-data complex format.  If you would benefit from such
	routines, please enter an enhancement request at

	If an application's real data is stored sequentially in an array (as is
	common) and the design cannot be altered to provide data in the
	even-odd split configuration, then the data can be moved using the
	routine vDSP_ctoz.

	The output of the real-to-complex FFT contains only the first N/2
	complex elements, with one exception.  This is because the second N/2
	elements are complex conjugates of the first N/2 elements, so they are

	The exception is that the imaginary parts of elements 0 and N/2 are
	zero, so only the real parts are provided.  The real part of element
	N/2 is stored in the space that would be used for the imaginary part of
	element 0.

	See the vDSP Library manual for illustration and additional
static void DemonstratevDSP_fft_zrip(FFTSetup Setup)
	/*	Define a stride for the array be passed to the FFT.  In many
		applications, the stride is one and is passed to the vDSP
		routine as a constant.
	const vDSP_Stride Stride = 1;

	// Define a variable for a loop iterator.
	vDSP_Length i;

	// Define some variables used to time the routine.
	ClockData t0, t1;
	double Time;

	printf("\n\tOne-dimensional real FFT of %lu elements.\n",
		(unsigned long) N);

	// Allocate memory for the arrays.
	float *Signal = malloc(N * Stride * sizeof Signal);
	float *ObservedMemory = malloc(N * sizeof *ObservedMemory);

	if (ObservedMemory == NULL || Signal == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error, failed to allocate memory.\n");

	// Assign half of ObservedMemory to reals and half to imaginaries.
	DSPSplitComplex Observed = { ObservedMemory, ObservedMemory + N/2 };

	/*	Generate an input signal.  In a real application, data would of
		course be provided from an image file, sensors, or other source.
	const float Frequency0 = 79, Frequency1 = 296, Frequency2 = 143;
	const float Phase0 = 0, Phase1 = .2f, Phase2 = .6f;
	for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
		Signal[i*Stride] =
			  cos((i * Frequency0 / N + Phase0) * TwoPi)
			+ cos((i * Frequency1 / N + Phase1) * TwoPi)
			+ cos((i * Frequency2 / N + Phase2) * TwoPi);

	/*	Reinterpret the real signal as an interleaved-data complex
		vector and use vDSP_ctoz to move the data to a separated-data
		complex vector.  This puts the even-indexed elements of Signal
		in Observed.realp and the odd-indexed elements in

		Note that we pass vDSP_ctoz two times Signal's normal stride,
		because ctoz skips through a complex vector from real to real,
		skipping imaginary elements.  Considering this as a stride of
		two real-sized elements rather than one complex element is a
		legacy use.

		In the destination array, a stride of one is used regardless of
		the source stride.  Since the destination is a buffer allocated
		just for this purpose, there is no point in replicating the
		source stride.
	vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *) Signal, 2*Stride, &Observed, 1, N/2);

	// Perform a real-to-complex FFT.
	vDSP_fft_zrip(Setup, &Observed, 1, Log2N, FFT_FORWARD);

	/*	Prepare expected results based on analytical transformation of
		the input signal.
	float *ExpectedMemory = malloc(N * sizeof *ExpectedMemory);
	if (ExpectedMemory == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error, failed to allocate memory.\n");

	// Assign half of ExpectedMemory to reals and half to imaginaries.
	DSPSplitComplex Expected = { ExpectedMemory, ExpectedMemory + N/2 };

	for (i = 0; i < N/2; ++i)
		Expected.realp[i] = Expected.imagp[i] = 0;

	// Add the frequencies in the signal to the expected results.
	Expected.realp[(int) Frequency0] = N * cos(Phase0 * TwoPi);
	Expected.imagp[(int) Frequency0] = N * sin(Phase0 * TwoPi);

	Expected.realp[(int) Frequency1] = N * cos(Phase1 * TwoPi);
	Expected.imagp[(int) Frequency1] = N * sin(Phase1 * TwoPi);

	Expected.realp[(int) Frequency2] = N * cos(Phase2 * TwoPi);
	Expected.imagp[(int) Frequency2] = N * sin(Phase2 * TwoPi);

	// Compare the observed results to the expected results.
	CompareComplexVectors(Expected, Observed, N/2);

	// Release memory.

	/*	The above shows how to use the vDSP_fft_zrip routine.  Now we
		will see how fast it is.

	/*	Zero the signal before timing because repeated FFTs on non-zero
		data can cause abnormalities such as infinities, NaNs, and
		subnormal numbers.
	for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
		Signal[i*Stride] = 0;
	vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *) Signal, 2*Stride, &Observed, 1, N/2);

	// Time vDSP_fft_zrip by itself.

	t0 = Clock();

	for (i = 0; i < Iterations; ++i)
		vDSP_fft_zrip(Setup, &Observed, 1, Log2N, FFT_FORWARD);

	t1 = Clock();

	// Average the time over all the loop iterations.
	Time = ClockToSeconds(t1, t0) / Iterations;

	printf("\tvDSP_fft_zrip on %lu elements takes %g microseconds.\n",
		(unsigned long) N, Time * 1e6);

	// Time vDSP_fft_zrip with the vDSP_ctoz and vDSP_ztoc transformations.

	t0 = Clock();

	for (i = 0; i < Iterations; ++i)
		vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *) Signal, 2*Stride, &Observed, 1, N/2);
		vDSP_fft_zrip(Setup, &Observed, 1, Log2N, FFT_FORWARD);
		vDSP_ztoc(&Observed, 1, (DSPComplex *) Signal, 2*Stride, N/2);

	t1 = Clock();

	// Average the time over all the loop iterations.
	Time = ClockToSeconds(t1, t0) / Iterations;

"\tvDSP_fft_zrip with vDSP_ctoz and vDSP_ztoc takes %g microseconds.\n",
		Time * 1e6);

	// Release resources.
Ejemplo n.º 7
ITunesPixelFormat ivis_render( ITunesVis* plugin, short audio_data[][512], float freq_data[][512],
                               void* buffer, long buffer_size, bool idle )
  ITunesPixelFormat format = ITunesPixelFormatUnknown;

  /* make sure we have a plugin and a visual handler */
  if ( !plugin || !plugin->imports.visual_handler )
    return format;

  int i=0, w=0;
  RenderVisualData visual_data;
  DSPSplitComplex splitComplex[2];
  float *data[2];

  /* perform FFT if we're not idling */
  if ( ! idle )
    /* allocate some complex vars */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
      splitComplex[i].realp = calloc( 512, sizeof(float) );
      splitComplex[i].imagp = calloc( 512, sizeof(float) );
      data[i] = calloc( 512, sizeof(float) );

    /* 2 channels for spectrum and waveform data */
    visual_data.numWaveformChannels = 2;
    visual_data.numSpectrumChannels = 2;

    /* copy spectrum audio data to visual data strucure */
    for ( w = 0 ; w < 512 ; w++ )
      /* iTunes visualizers expect waveform data from 0 - 255, with level 0 at 128 */
      visual_data.waveformData[0][w] = (UInt8)( (long)(audio_data[0][w]) / 128 + 128 );
      visual_data.waveformData[1][w] = (UInt8)( (long)(audio_data[1][w]) / 128 + 128 );

      /* scale to -1, +1 */
      *( data[0] + w ) = (float)(( audio_data[0][w]) / (2.0 * 8192.0) );
      *( data[1] + w ) = (float)(( audio_data[1][w]) / (2.0 * 8192.0) );

    /* FFT scaler */
    float scale = ( 1.0 / 1024.0 ) ; /* scale by length of input * 2 (due to how vDSP does FFTs) */
    float nyq=0, dc=0, freq=0;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
      /* pack data into format fft_zrip expects it */
      vDSP_ctoz( (COMPLEX*)( data[i] ), 2, &( splitComplex[i] ), 1, 256 );

      /* perform FFT on normalized audio data */
      fft_zrip( plugin->fft_setup, &( splitComplex[i] ), 1, 9, FFT_FORWARD );

      /* scale the values */
      vDSP_vsmul( splitComplex[i].realp, 1, &scale, splitComplex[i].realp, 1, 256 );
      vDSP_vsmul( splitComplex[i].imagp, 1, &scale, splitComplex[i].imagp, 1, 256 );

      /* unpack data */
      vDSP_ztoc( &splitComplex[i], 1, (COMPLEX*)( data[i] ), 2, 256 );

      /* ignore phase */
      dc = *(data[i]) = fabs( *(data[i]) );
      nyq = fabs( *(data[i] + 1) );

      for ( w = 1 ; w < 256 ; w++ )
        /* don't use vDSP for this since there's some overflow */
        freq = hypot( *(data[i] + w * 2), *(data[i] + w * 2 + 1) ) * 256 * 16;
        freq = MAX( 0, freq );
        freq = MIN( 255, freq );
        visual_data.spectrumData[i][ w - 1 ] = (UInt8)( freq );
      visual_data.spectrumData[i][256] = nyq;

    /* deallocate complex vars */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
      free( splitComplex[i].realp );
      free( splitComplex[i].imagp );
      free( data[i] );

    /* update the render message with the new visual data and timestamp */
    plugin->visual_message.u.renderMessage.renderData = &visual_data;

  /* update time */
  plugin->visual_message.u.renderMessage.currentPositionInMS =
    ivis_current_time() - plugin->start_time; // FIXME: real time

  /* save our GL context and send the vis a render message */
  CGLContextObj currentContext = CGLGetCurrentContext();
  if ( plugin->gl_context )
    aglSetCurrentContext( (AGLContext)(plugin->gl_context ) );

  /* call the plugin's render method */
  if ( idle )
    /* idle message */
    if ( plugin->wants_idle )
      plugin->imports.visual_handler( kVisualPluginIdleMessage,
                                      &( plugin->visual_message ),
                                      plugin->vis_ref );
    /* render message */
    plugin->imports.visual_handler( kVisualPluginRenderMessage,
                                    &( plugin->visual_message ),
                                    plugin->vis_ref );

    /* set position message */
      = plugin->visual_message.u.renderMessage.currentPositionInMS;
    plugin->imports.visual_handler( kVisualPluginSetPositionMessage, &( plugin->visual_message ),
                                    plugin->vis_ref );
  /* update message */
  plugin->imports.visual_handler( kVisualPluginUpdateMessage, NULL,
                                  plugin->vis_ref );

  /* read pixels and restore our GL context */
  CGLLockContext( CGLGetCurrentContext() );

  switch ( get_pixels( buffer, buffer_size, CGLGetCurrentContext() != currentContext ) )
  case 3:
    format = ITunesPixelFormatRGB24;

  case 4:
    format = ITunesPixelFormatRGBA32;


  CGLUnlockContext ( CGLGetCurrentContext() );

  /* restore our GL context */
  CGLSetCurrentContext( currentContext );
  return format;