Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: EEPROM.c Proyecto: stmich/BAC2
static void prvEEPROMTask(void *pvParameters)
    const uint32_t ulMaxDelay = 10000UL / portTICK_RATE_MS;

    (void) pvParameters;

    for (;;)
//        FreeRTOS_ioctl(xI2CPort, ioctlRELEASE_WRITE_MUTEX,
//                i2cPARAMETER_NOT_USED );
        /* Write and read-back operations are to be performed on the EEPROM while
         the I2C bus is in interrupt driven zero copy Tx, and interrupt driven
         circular buffer Rx mode.  Indicate this on the OLED. */

        if (xSemaphoreTake( xOLEDMutex, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdTRUE)
            vOLEDPutString(0U, (uint8_t *) "Testing EEPROM", OLED_COLOR_WHITE,
            vOLEDPutString(oledCHARACTER_HEIGHT, (uint8_t *) "in intrpt mode",
                    OLED_COLOR_WHITE, OLED_COLOR_BLACK);

            /* Using zero copy Tx mode means the write mutex must be obtained prior to
             calling vOLEDRefreshDisplay().  The write mutex is retained when
             vOLEDRefreshDisplay() returns. */

            /* Perform the interrupt driven mode EEPROM tests/examples. */

static void prvI2CTask( void *pvParameters )
Peripheral_Descriptor_t xI2CPort;
const uint32_t ulMaxDelay = 500UL / portTICK_RATE_MS;

	( void ) pvParameters;

	/* Open the I2C port used for writing to both the OLED and the EEPROM.  The
	second parameter (ulFlags) is not used in this case.  The port is opened in
	polling mode.  It is changed to interrupt driven mode later in this
	function. */
	xI2CPort = FreeRTOS_open( boardOLED_I2C_PORT, ( uint32_t ) i2cPARAMETER_NOT_USED );
	configASSERT( xI2CPort );

	/* The OLED must be initialised before it is used. */
	vI2C_OLEDInitialise( xI2CPort );

	/* Write and read-back operations are to be performed on the EEPROM while
	the I2C bus is in polling mode.  Indicate this on the OLED. */
	vOLEDPutString( 0U, ( uint8_t * ) "Testing EEPROM", OLED_COLOR_WHITE, OLED_COLOR_BLACK );
	vOLEDPutString( oledCHARACTER_HEIGHT, ( uint8_t * ) "in polling mode", OLED_COLOR_WHITE, OLED_COLOR_BLACK );

	/* Perform the polling mode EEPROM tests/examples. */
	vI2C_EEPROMTest( xI2CPort );

	/* Perform the polling mode OLED write example. */
	vI2C_OLEDTest( xI2CPort, ( uint8_t * ) "in polling mode" );

	/* Switch to interrupt driven zero copy Tx mode and interrupt driven
	circular buffer Rx mode (with a limited time out). */
	FreeRTOS_ioctl( xI2CPort, ioctlUSE_ZERO_COPY_TX, i2cPARAMETER_NOT_USED );
	FreeRTOS_ioctl( xI2CPort, ioctlSET_RX_TIMEOUT, i2c200MS_TIMEOUT );

	/* By default, the I2C interrupt priority will have been set to
	the lowest possible.  It must be kept at or below
	configMAX_LIBRARY_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY, but can be raised above
	its default priority using a FreeRTOS_ioctl() call with the
	ioctlSET_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY command. */
	FreeRTOS_ioctl( xI2CPort, ioctlSET_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY, ( void * ) ( configMIN_LIBRARY_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY - 1 ) );

	/* Write and read-back operations are to be performed on the EEPROM while
	the I2C bus is in interrupt driven zero copy Tx, and interrupt driven
	circular buffer Rx mode.  Indicate this on the OLED. */
	vOLEDPutString( 0U, ( uint8_t * ) "Testing EEPROM", OLED_COLOR_WHITE, OLED_COLOR_BLACK );
	vOLEDPutString( oledCHARACTER_HEIGHT, ( uint8_t * ) "in intrpt mode", OLED_COLOR_WHITE, OLED_COLOR_BLACK );

	/* Using zero copy Tx mode means the write mutex must be obtained prior to
	calling vOLEDRefreshDisplay().  The write mutex is retained when
	vOLEDRefreshDisplay() returns. */
	FreeRTOS_ioctl( xI2CPort, ioctlOBTAIN_WRITE_MUTEX, ( void * ) ulMaxDelay );

	/* Perform the interrupt driven mode EEPROM tests/examples. */
	vI2C_EEPROMTest( xI2CPort );

	/* Finish off by just continuously writing a scrolling message to the
	OLED. */
	for( ;; )
		vI2C_OLEDTest( xI2CPort, ( uint8_t * ) "in intrpt mode" );