Ejemplo n.º 1
double ODSelect::vGetLengthOfNormal( pODVector2D a, pODVector2D b, pODVector2D n )
    ODvector2D c, vNormal;
    vNormal.x = 0;
    vNormal.y = 0;
    //Obtain projection vector.
    //c = ((a * b)/(|b|^2))*b
    c.x = b->x * ( vDotProduct( a, b ) / vDotProduct( b, b ) );
    c.y = b->y * ( vDotProduct( a, b ) / vDotProduct( b, b ) );
    //Obtain perpendicular projection : e = a - c
    vSubtractVectors( a, &c, &vNormal );
    //Fill PROJECTION structure with appropriate values.
    *n = vNormal;

    return ( vVectorMagnitude( &vNormal ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool Routeman::UpdateProgress()
    bool bret_val = false;

    if( pActiveRoute ) {
//      Update bearing, range, and crosstrack error

//  Bearing is calculated as Mercator Sailing, i.e. a  cartographic "bearing"
        double north, east;
        toSM( pActivePoint->m_lat, pActivePoint->m_lon, gLat, gLon, &east, &north );
        double a = atan( north / east );
        if( fabs( pActivePoint->m_lon - gLon ) < 180. ) {
            if( pActivePoint->m_lon > gLon ) CurrentBrgToActivePoint = 90. - ( a * 180 / PI );
                CurrentBrgToActivePoint = 270. - ( a * 180 / PI );
        } else {
            if( pActivePoint->m_lon > gLon ) CurrentBrgToActivePoint = 270. - ( a * 180 / PI );
                CurrentBrgToActivePoint = 90. - ( a * 180 / PI );

//      Calculate range using Great Circle Formula

        double d5 = DistGreatCircle( gLat, gLon, pActivePoint->m_lat, pActivePoint->m_lon );
        CurrentRngToActivePoint = d5;

//      Get the XTE vector, normal to current segment
        vector2D va, vb, vn;

        double brg1, dist1, brg2, dist2;
        DistanceBearingMercator( pActivePoint->m_lat, pActivePoint->m_lon,
                                 pActiveRouteSegmentBeginPoint->m_lat, pActiveRouteSegmentBeginPoint->m_lon, &brg1,
                                 &dist1 );
        vb.x = dist1 * sin( brg1 * PI / 180. );
        vb.y = dist1 * cos( brg1 * PI / 180. );

        DistanceBearingMercator( pActivePoint->m_lat, pActivePoint->m_lon, gLat, gLon, &brg2,
                                 &dist2 );
        va.x = dist2 * sin( brg2 * PI / 180. );
        va.y = dist2 * cos( brg2 * PI / 180. );

        double sdelta = vGetLengthOfNormal( &va, &vb, &vn );             // NM
        CurrentXTEToActivePoint = sdelta;

//    Calculate the distance to the arrival line, which is perpendicular to the current route segment
//    Taking advantage of the calculated normal from current position to route segment vn
        vector2D vToArriveNormal;
        vSubtractVectors( &va, &vn, &vToArriveNormal );

        CurrentRangeToActiveNormalCrossing = vVectorMagnitude( &vToArriveNormal );

//          Compute current segment course
//          Using simple Mercater projection
        double x1, y1, x2, y2;
        toSM( pActiveRouteSegmentBeginPoint->m_lat, pActiveRouteSegmentBeginPoint->m_lon,
              pActiveRouteSegmentBeginPoint->m_lat, pActiveRouteSegmentBeginPoint->m_lon, &x1,
              &y1 );

        toSM( pActivePoint->m_lat, pActivePoint->m_lon, pActiveRouteSegmentBeginPoint->m_lat,
              pActiveRouteSegmentBeginPoint->m_lon, &x2, &y2 );

        double e1 = atan2( ( x2 - x1 ), ( y2 - y1 ) );
        CurrentSegmentCourse = e1 * 180 / PI;
        if( CurrentSegmentCourse < 0 ) CurrentSegmentCourse += 360;

        //      Compute XTE direction
        double h = atan( vn.y / vn.x );
        if( vn.x > 0 ) CourseToRouteSegment = 90. - ( h * 180 / PI );
            CourseToRouteSegment = 270. - ( h * 180 / PI );

        h = CurrentBrgToActivePoint - CourseToRouteSegment;
        if( h < 0 ) h = h + 360;

        if( h > 180 ) XTEDir = 1;
            XTEDir = -1;

//      Determine Arrival

        bool bDidArrival = false;

        if( CurrentRangeToActiveNormalCrossing <= pActiveRoute->GetRouteArrivalRadius() ) {
            m_bArrival = true;

            bDidArrival = true;

            if( !ActivateNextPoint( pActiveRoute, false ) )            // at the end?
                Route *pthis_route = pActiveRoute;
                DeactivateRoute( true );                  // this is an arrival
                if( pthis_route->m_bDeleteOnArrival ) {
                    pConfig->DeleteConfigRoute( pthis_route );
                    DeleteRoute( pthis_route );
                    if( pRoutePropDialog ) {
                        pRoutePropDialog->SetRouteAndUpdate( NULL );
                    if( pRouteManagerDialog ) pRouteManagerDialog->UpdateRouteListCtrl();



        if( !bDidArrival )                                        // Only once on arrival

        bret_val = true;                                        // a route is active

    m_bDataValid = true;

    return bret_val;