Ejemplo n.º 1
TexturePatch::set_pixel_value(math::Vec2i pixel, math::Vec3f color) {
    assert(blending_mask != NULL);

    std::copy(color.begin(), color.end(), &image->at(pixel[0], pixel[1], 0));
    blending_mask->at(pixel[0], pixel[1], 0) = 128;
Ejemplo n.º 2
TexturePatch::get_pixel_value(math::Vec2f pixel) const {

    math::Vec3f color;
    image->linear_at(pixel[0], pixel[1], *color);
    return color;
Ejemplo n.º 3
TextureView::export_triangle(math::Vec3f v1, math::Vec3f v2, math::Vec3f v3,
    std::string const & filename) const {
    assert(image != NULL);
    math::Vec2f p1 = get_pixel_coords(v1);
    math::Vec2f p2 = get_pixel_coords(v2);
    math::Vec2f p3 = get_pixel_coords(v3);

    assert(valid_pixel(p1) && valid_pixel(p2) && valid_pixel(p3));

    Tri tri(p1, p2, p3);

    Rect<float> aabb = tri.get_aabb();
    const int width = ceil(aabb.width());
    const int height = ceil(aabb.height());
    const int left = floor(aabb.min_x);
    const int top = floor(aabb.max_y);

    assert(width > 0 && height > 0);
    mve::image::save_png_file(mve::image::crop(image, width, height, left, top,
        *math::Vec3uc(255, 0, 255)), filename);
Ejemplo n.º 4
   - label_contour is called two times; only once suffices
AnimalExport ImgPUInt32 *
msskl_difference(ann_img *aimg)
   ImgPUInt32 *imcont, *immsskel, *imseed, *imperim;
   puint32 *seed, *cont, *perim, *pred, *label, *msskel,
            maxd1, maxd2, MaxD;
   int r,c,i,j,k,qx,qy,p,q, d1,d2,

   r = aimg->label->rows; 
   c = aimg->label->cols;
   n = r*c;
   idxlut   = aimg->label->lut;
   imcont   = label_contour(aimg->img);  
   imperim  = perimeter(aimg->img);
   immsskel = new_img_puint32(r,c);
   imseed   = root_map(aimg->pred);

   seed     = imseed->data;
   cont     = imcont->data;
   perim    = imperim->data;
   msskel   = immsskel->data;
   pred     = aimg->pred->data;
   label    = aimg->label->data;

   MaxD = 0;
   for (i=0; i<r; i++) 
         for (j=0; j<c; j++) {
            p = index1(i,j,idxlut);
            // @@@ why eliminate the contours??
            if (pred[p] != (unsigned)p) {/* Eliminates the contours and
                                            considers the side option */
               maxd1 = maxd2 = 0;
               for (k=0; k < 4; k++) {
                  qy = n4[k][0] + i;
                  qx = n4[k][1] + j;
                  if (valid_pixel(r,c,qx,qy)) {
                     q = index1(qy,qx,idxlut);
                     if (cont[seed[p]] == cont[seed[q]]) { // not a SKIZ
                        d2 = label[q] - label[p];
                        if (d2 > (int)perim[seed[p]]-d2)
                           d2 = (int)perim[seed[p]]-d2;
                        if (d2 > (int)maxd2)
                           maxd2 = (unsigned)d2;
                     } else { // a SKIZ
                        d1 = cont[seed[q]] - cont[seed[p]];
                        if (d1 > (int)maxd1)
                           maxd1 = (unsigned)d1;
               if (maxd1 > 0)
                  msskel[p] = UINT_MAX;
               else {
                  msskel[p] = maxd2;
                  if (msskel[p] > MaxD)
                     MaxD = msskel[p];

   for (p=0; p < n; p++)
      if (msskel[p] == UINT_MAX)
         msskel[p] = MaxD + 1;

   return immsskel;
Ejemplo n.º 5
TextureView::get_face_info(math::Vec3f const & v1, math::Vec3f const & v2,
    math::Vec3f const & v3, ProjectedFaceInfo * face_info, Settings const & settings) const {

    assert(image != NULL);
    assert(settings.data_term != GMI || gradient_magnitude != NULL);

    math::Vec2f p1 = get_pixel_coords(v1);
    math::Vec2f p2 = get_pixel_coords(v2);
    math::Vec2f p3 = get_pixel_coords(v3);

    assert(valid_pixel(p1) && valid_pixel(p2) && valid_pixel(p3));

    Tri tri(p1, p2, p3);
    float area = tri.get_area();

    if (area < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {
        face_info->quality = 0.0f;

    std::size_t num_samples = 0;
    math::Vec3d colors(0.0);
    double gmi = 0.0;

    bool sampling_necessary = settings.data_term != AREA || settings.outlier_removal != NONE;

    if (sampling_necessary && area > 0.5f) {
        /* Sort pixels in ascending order of y */
        while (true)
            if(p1[1] <= p2[1])
                if(p2[1] <= p3[1]) break;
                else std::swap(p2, p3);
            else std::swap(p1, p2);

        /* Calculate line equations. */
        float const m1 = (p1[1] - p3[1]) / (p1[0] - p3[0]);
        float const b1 = p1[1] - m1 * p1[0];

        /* area != 0.0f => m1 != 0.0f. */
        float const m2 = (p1[1] - p2[1]) / (p1[0] - p2[0]);
        float const b2 = p1[1] - m2 * p1[0];

        float const m3 = (p2[1] - p3[1]) / (p2[0] - p3[0]);
        float const b3 = p2[1] - m3 * p2[0];

        bool fast_sampling_possible = std::isfinite(m1) && m2 != 0.0f && std::isfinite(m2) && m3 != 0.0f && std::isfinite(m3);

        Rect<float> aabb = tri.get_aabb();
        for (int y = std::floor(aabb.min_y); y < std::ceil(aabb.max_y); ++y) {
            float min_x = aabb.min_x - 0.5f;
            float max_x = aabb.max_x + 0.5f;

            if (fast_sampling_possible) {
                float const cy = static_cast<float>(y) + 0.5f;

                min_x = (cy - b1) / m1;
                if (cy <= p2[1]) max_x = (cy - b2) / m2;
                else max_x = (cy - b3) / m3;

                if (min_x >= max_x) std::swap(min_x, max_x);

                if (min_x < aabb.min_x || min_x > aabb.max_x) continue;
                if (max_x < aabb.min_x || max_x > aabb.max_x) continue;

            for (int x = std::floor(min_x + 0.5f); x < std::ceil(max_x - 0.5f); ++x) {
                math::Vec3d color;

                const float cx = static_cast<float>(x) + 0.5f;
                const float cy = static_cast<float>(y) + 0.5f;
                if (!fast_sampling_possible && !tri.inside(cx, cy)) continue;

                if (settings.outlier_removal != NONE) {
                    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++){
                         color[i] = static_cast<double>(image->at(x, y, i)) / 255.0;
                    colors += color;

                if (settings.data_term == GMI) {
                    gmi += static_cast<double>(gradient_magnitude->at(x, y, 0)) / 255.0;

    if (settings.data_term == GMI) {
        if (num_samples > 0) {
            gmi = (gmi / num_samples) * area;
        } else {
            double gmv1 = static_cast<double>(gradient_magnitude->linear_at(p1[0], p1[1], 0)) / 255.0;
            double gmv2 = static_cast<double>(gradient_magnitude->linear_at(p2[0], p2[1], 0)) / 255.0;
            double gmv3 = static_cast<double>(gradient_magnitude->linear_at(p3[0], p3[1], 0)) / 255.0;
            gmi = ((gmv1 + gmv2 + gmv3) / 3.0) * area;

    if (settings.outlier_removal != NONE) {
        if (num_samples > 0) {
            face_info->mean_color = colors / num_samples;
        } else {
            math::Vec3d c1, c2, c3;
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                 c1[i] = static_cast<double>(image->linear_at(p1[0], p1[1], i)) / 255.0;
                 c2[i] = static_cast<double>(image->linear_at(p2[0], p2[1], i)) / 255.0;
                 c3[i] = static_cast<double>(image->linear_at(p3[0], p3[1], i)) / 255.0;
            face_info->mean_color = ((c1 + c2 + c3) / 3.0);

    switch (settings.data_term) {
        case AREA: face_info->quality = area; break;
        case GMI:  face_info->quality = gmi; break;