Ejemplo n.º 1
namelist(Namep np)
	register chainp q;
	register Namep v;
	int y;

	if (!np->visused)
	y = 0;

	for(q = np->varxptr.namelist ; q ; q = q->nextp)
		vardcl( v = (Namep) (q->datap) );
		if( !ONEOF(v->vstg, MSKSTATIC) )
			dclerr("may not appear in namelist", v);
		else {
			v->vnamelist = 1;
			v->visused = 1;
			v->vsave = 1;
			y = 1;
	np->visused = y;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* called at end of declarations section to process chains
   created by EQUIVALENCE statements
	register int i;
	int inequiv;			/* True if one namep occurs in
					   several EQUIV declarations */
	int comno;		/* Index into Extsym table of the last
				   COMMON block seen (implicitly assuming
				   that only one will be given) */
	int ovarno;
	ftnint comoffset;	/* Index into the COMMON block */
	ftnint offset;		/* Offset from array base */
	ftnint leng;
	register struct Equivblock *equivdecl;
	register struct Eqvchain *q;
	struct Primblock *primp;
	register Namep np;
	int k, k1, ns, pref, t;
	chainp cp;
	extern int type_pref[];
	char *s;

	for(i = 0 ; i < nequiv ; ++i)

/* Handle each equivalence declaration */

		equivdecl = &eqvclass[i];
		equivdecl->eqvbottom = equivdecl->eqvtop = 0;
		comno = -1;

		for(q = equivdecl->equivs ; q ; q = q->eqvnextp)
			offset = 0;
			if (!(primp = q->eqvitem.eqvlhs))
			vardcl(np = primp->namep);
			if(primp->argsp || primp->fcharp)
				expptr offp;

/* Pad ones onto the end of an array declaration when needed */

				if(np->vdim!=NULL && np->vdim->ndim>1 &&
				    nsubs(primp->argsp)==1 )
					if(! ftn66flag)
			("1-dim subscript in EQUIVALENCE, %d-dim declared",
						    np -> vdim -> ndim);
					cp = NULL;
					ns = np->vdim->ndim;
					while(--ns > 0)
						cp = mkchain((char *)ICON(1), cp);
					primp->argsp->listp->nextp = cp;

				offp = suboffset(primp);
					offset = offp->constblock.Const.ci;
				else	{
			("nonconstant subscript in equivalence ",
					np = NULL;

/* Free up the primblock, since we now have a hash table (Namep) entry */


			if(np && (leng = iarrlen(np))<0)
				dclerr("adjustable in equivalence", np);
				np = NULL;

			if(np) switch(np->vstg)
			case STGBSS:
			case STGEQUIV:

			case STGCOMMON:

/* The code assumes that all COMMON references in a given EQUIVALENCE will
   be to the same COMMON block, and will all be consistent */

				comno = np->vardesc.varno;
				comoffset = np->voffset + offset;

				dclerr("bad storage class in equivalence", np);
				np = NULL;

				q->eqvoffset = offset;

/* eqvbottom   gets the largest difference between the array base address
   and the address specified in the EQUIV declaration */

				equivdecl->eqvbottom =
				    lmin(equivdecl->eqvbottom, -offset);

/* eqvtop   gets the largest difference between the end of the array and
   the address given in the EQUIVALENCE */

				equivdecl->eqvtop =
				    lmax(equivdecl->eqvtop, leng-offset);
			q->eqvitem.eqvname = np;

/* Now all equivalenced variables are in the hash table with the proper
   offset, and   eqvtop and eqvbottom   are set. */

		if(comno >= 0)

/* Get rid of all STGEQUIVS, they will be mapped onto STGCOMMON variables

			eqvcommon(equivdecl, comno, comoffset);
		else for(q = equivdecl->equivs ; q ; q = q->eqvnextp)
			if(np = q->eqvitem.eqvname)
				inequiv = NO;
					if( (ovarno = np->vardesc.varno) == i)

/* Can't EQUIV different elements of the same array */

						if(np->voffset + q->eqvoffset != 0)
			("inconsistent equivalence", np);
					else	{
						offset = np->voffset;
						inequiv = YES;

				np->vstg = STGEQUIV;
				np->vardesc.varno = i;
				np->voffset = - q->eqvoffset;


/* Combine 2 equivalence declarations */

					eqveqv(i, ovarno, q->eqvoffset + offset);

/* Now each equivalence declaration is distinct (all connections have been
   merged in eqveqv()), and some may be empty. */

	for(i = 0 ; i < nequiv ; ++i)
		equivdecl = & eqvclass[i];
		if(equivdecl->eqvbottom!=0 || equivdecl->eqvtop!=0) {

/* a live chain */

			k = TYCHAR;
			pref = 1;
			for(q = equivdecl->equivs ; q; q = q->eqvnextp)
			    if ((np = q->eqvitem.eqvname)
			    		&& !np->veqvadjust) {
				np->veqvadjust = 1;
				np->voffset -= equivdecl->eqvbottom;
				t = typealign[k1 = np->vtype];
				if (pref < type_pref[k1]) {
					k = k1;
					pref = type_pref[k1];
				if(np->voffset % t != 0) {
					dclerr("bad alignment forced by equivalence", np);
					--nerr; /* don't give bad return code for this */
			equivdecl->eqvtype = k;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 LOCAL void
    register Extsym *extptr;
    register chainp q, q1;
    struct Dimblock *t;
    expptr neltp;
    register Namep comvar;
    ftnint size;
    int i, k, pref, type;
    extern int type_pref[];

    for(extptr = extsymtab ; extptr<nextext ; ++extptr)
	if (extptr->extstg == STGCOMMON && (q = extptr->extp)) {

/* If a common declaration also had a list of variables ... */

	    q = extptr->extp = revchain(q);
	    pref = 1;
	    for(k = TYCHAR; q ; q = q->nextp)
		comvar = (Namep) (q->datap);

		if(comvar->vdcldone == NO)
		type = comvar->vtype;
		if (pref < type_pref[type])
			pref = type_pref[k = type];
		if(extptr->extleng % typealign[type] != 0) {
		    dclerr("common alignment", comvar);
		    --nerr; /* don't give bad return code for this */
#if 0
		    extptr->extleng = roundup(extptr->extleng, typealign[type]);
		} /* if extptr -> extleng % */

/* Set the offset into the common block */

		comvar->voffset = extptr->extleng;
		comvar->vardesc.varno = extptr - extsymtab;
		if(type == TYCHAR)
			if (comvar->vleng)
				size = comvar->vleng->constblock.Const.ci;
			else  {
				dclerr("character*(*) in common", comvar);
				size = 1;
			size = typesize[type];
		if(t = comvar->vdim)
		    if( (neltp = t->nelt) && ISCONST(neltp) )
			size *= neltp->constblock.Const.ci;
			dclerr("adjustable array in common", comvar);

/* Adjust the length of the common block so far */

		extptr->extleng += size;
	    } /* for */

	    extptr->extype = k;

/* Determine curno and, if new, save this identifier chain */

	    q1 = extptr->extp;
	    for (q = extptr->allextp, i = 0; q; i++, q = q->nextp)
		if (struct_eq((chainp)q->datap, q1))
	    if (q)
		extptr->curno = extptr->maxno - i;
	    else {
		extptr->curno = ++extptr->maxno;
		extptr->allextp = mkchain((char *)extptr->extp,
	} /* if extptr -> extstg == STGCOMMON */

/* Now the hash table entries have STGCOMMON, vdcldone, voffset, and
   varno.  And the common block itself has its full size in extleng. */

} /* docommon */