Ejemplo n.º 1
static void unary_op(struct context *context, enum Opcode op)
    if (!context->runtime)
        VM_DEBUGPRINT("%s\n", NUM_TO_STRING(opcodes, op));

    struct variable *v = (struct variable*)variable_pop(context);
    struct variable *result = NULL;

    switch (v->type) {
        case VAR_NIL:
            switch (op) {
                case VM_NEG:    result = variable_new_nil(context);              break;
                case VM_NOT:    result = variable_new_bool(context, true);       break;
                default:        vm_exit_message(context, "bad math operator");   break;
        } break;
        case VAR_INT: {
            int32_t n = v->integer;
            switch (op) {
                case VM_NEG:    result = variable_new_int(context, -n);          break;
                case VM_NOT:    result = variable_new_bool(context, !n);         break;
                case VM_INV:    result = variable_new_int(context, ~n);          break;
                default:        vm_exit_message(context, "bad math operator");   break;
        } break;
        case VAR_FLT: {
            float n = v->floater;
            switch (op) {
                case VM_NEG:    result = variable_new_float(context, -n);        break;
                case VM_NOT:    result = variable_new_bool(context, !n);         break;
                default:        vm_exit_message(context, "bad math operator");   break;
        } break;
            if (op == VM_NOT)
                result = variable_new_bool(context, false);
                vm_exit_message(context, "bad math type");

    variable_push(context, result);

    DEBUGPRINT("%s(%s) = %s\n",
               NUM_TO_STRING(opcodes, op),
               variable_value_str(context, v),
               variable_value_str(context, result));
Ejemplo n.º 2
// this is the fn parameter passed into file_list()
int file_list_callback(const char *path, bool dir, long mod, void *fl_context)
    // -> /
    path = remove_substring(path, "//");
    //printf("file_list_callback %s\n", path);
    size_t size = file_size(path);
    path = remove_substring(path, hal_doc_path(NULL));

    struct file_list_context *flc = (struct file_list_context*)fl_context;
    struct variable *path3 = variable_new_str_chars(flc->context, path);

    struct variable *key2 = variable_new_str_chars(flc->context, RESERVED_DIR);
    struct variable *value = variable_new_bool(flc->context, dir);
    struct variable *metadata = variable_new_list(flc->context, NULL);
    variable_map_insert(flc->context, metadata, key2, value);

    key2 = variable_new_str_chars(flc->context, RESERVED_MODIFIED);
    value = variable_new_int(flc->context, (int32_t)mod);
    variable_map_insert(flc->context, metadata, key2, value);
    variable_map_insert(flc->context, flc->result, path3, metadata);

    key2 = variable_new_str_chars(flc->context, RESERVED_SIZE);
    value = variable_new_int(flc->context, (int32_t)size);
    variable_map_insert(flc->context, metadata, key2, value);
    variable_map_insert(flc->context, flc->result, path3, metadata);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void push_bool(struct context *context, struct byte_array *program)
    int32_t num = serial_decode_int(program);
    VM_DEBUGPRINT("BOOL %d\n", num);
    struct variable* var = variable_new_bool(context, num);
    variable_push(context, var);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static struct variable *binary_op_nil(struct context *context,
                                      enum Opcode op,
                                      const struct variable *u,
                                      const struct variable *v)
    vm_assert(context, u->type==VAR_NIL || v->type==VAR_NIL, "nil op with non-nils");
    if (v->type == VAR_NIL && u->type != VAR_NIL)
        return binary_op_nil(context, op, v, u); // 1st var should be nil

    switch (op) {
        case VM_EQU:    return variable_new_bool(context, v->type == u->type);
        case VM_NEQ:    return variable_new_bool(context, v->type != u->type);
        case VM_ADD:
        case VM_SUB:    return variable_copy(context, v);
        case VM_LTN:
        case VM_GTN:
        case VM_LEQ:
        case VM_GRQ: return variable_new_bool(context, false);
            return vm_exit_message(context, "unknown binary nil op");
Ejemplo n.º 5
struct variable *sys_open(struct context *context)
    struct variable *args = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    struct variable *path = param_var(args, 1);
    char *path2 = byte_array_to_string(path->str);

    bool result = hal_open(path2);

    struct variable *result2 = variable_new_bool(context, result);
    variable_push(context, result2);
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static inline struct variable *cfnc_find2(struct context *context, bool has)
    struct variable *args = (struct variable*)stack_pop(context->operand_stack);
    struct variable *self = (struct variable*)array_get(args->list.ordered, 0);
    struct variable *sought = (struct variable*)array_get(args->list.ordered, 1);
    struct variable *start = args->list.ordered->length > 2 ? (struct variable*)array_get(args->list.ordered, 2) : NULL;

    struct variable *result = variable_find(context, self, sought, start);
    if (has)
        return variable_new_bool(context, result->integer != -1);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void binary_op(struct context *context, enum Opcode op)
    if (!context->runtime)
        VM_DEBUGPRINT("%s\n", NUM_TO_STRING(opcodes, op));

    struct variable *u = variable_pop(context);
    struct variable *v = variable_pop(context);
    enum VarType ut = (enum VarType)u->type;
    enum VarType vt = (enum VarType)v->type;
    struct variable *w;

    if (ut == VAR_NIL || vt == VAR_NIL) {
        w = binary_op_nil(context, op, u, v);
    } else if ((op == VM_EQU) || (op == VM_NEQ)) {
        bool same = variable_compare(context, u, v) ^ (op == VM_NEQ);
        w = variable_new_bool(context, same);
    } else {
        bool floater  = (ut == VAR_FLT && is_num(vt)) || (vt == VAR_FLT && is_num(ut));
        bool inter = (ut==VAR_INT || ut==VAR_BOOL) && (vt==VAR_INT || vt==VAR_BOOL);

        if (floater)                                w = binary_op_float(context, op, u, v);
        else if (inter)                             w = binary_op_int(context, op, v, u);
        else if (vt == VAR_STR || ut == VAR_STR)    w = binary_op_str(context, op, u, v);
        else if (vt == VAR_LST)                     w = binary_op_lst(context, op, u, v);
            vm_exit_message(context, "unknown binary op");

    variable_push(context, w);

    DEBUGPRINT("%s(%s,%s) = %s\n",
               NUM_TO_STRING(opcodes, op),
               variable_value_str(context, v),
               variable_value_str(context, u),
               variable_value_str(context, w));