Ejemplo n.º 1
ShaderVariation* Shader::GetVariation(ShaderType type, const char* defines)
    StringHash definesHash(defines);
    HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<ShaderVariation> > & variations(type == VS ? vsVariations_ : psVariations_);
    HashMap<StringHash, SharedPtr<ShaderVariation> >::Iterator i = variations.Find(definesHash);
    if (i == variations.End())
        // If shader not found, normalize the defines (to prevent duplicates) and check again. In that case make an alias
        // so that further queries are faster
        String normalizedDefines = NormalizeDefines(defines);
        StringHash normalizedHash(normalizedDefines);
        i = variations.Find(normalizedHash);
        if (i != variations.End())
            variations.Insert(MakePair(definesHash, i->second_));
            // No shader variation found. Create new
            i = variations.Insert(MakePair(normalizedHash, SharedPtr<ShaderVariation>(new ShaderVariation(this, type))));
            if (definesHash != normalizedHash)
                variations.Insert(MakePair(definesHash, i->second_));


    return i->second_;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *src = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    FILE *dest = fopen(argv[2], "w");
    isSTIX = isMath = 0;
    if (src == NULL)
    {   fprintf(stderr, "Need %s\n", argv[1]);
    if (dest == NULL)
    {   fprintf(stderr, "Need to write to %s\n", argv[2]);
    if (strstr(argv[1], "STIX") != NULL) isSTIX = 1;
    if (strstr(argv[1], "Math") != NULL) isMath = 1;
    if (isSTIX)
    {   int private_area = 0;
        nmoved = 0;
        for (;;)
        {   int c, i = 0, width;
            while ((c = getc(src)) != EOF && c != '\n')
                linebuffer[i++] = c;
            linebuffer[i] = 0;
            if (i == 0 && c == EOF) break;
            adjustuninames(linebuffer, 0);
// For the STIX fonts that I am using the glyph that fontforge displays as
// if it had been at U+110000 is named ".notdef". Here I collect the
// names that have been provided for all those out-of-range glyphs.
            if (sscanf(linebuffer, "C -1 ; WX %d ; N ",
                       &width) == 1)
            {   char *p = linebuffer + 9;
                int j = 0;
                while (*p != ';') p++;
                p = p + 4;
                while (*p != ' ') name[j++] = *p++;
                name[j] = 0;
                if (strcmp(name, ".notdef") == 0) private_area = 1;
                if (private_area)
                {   strcpy(movedname[nmoved], name);
                    movedwidth[nmoved] = width;
        fseek(src, (off_t)0, SEEK_SET);

    for (;;)
    {   int c, i = 0;
        while ((c = getc(src)) != EOF && c != '\n')
            linebuffer[i++] = c;
        linebuffer[i] = 0;
        if (i == 0 && c == EOF) break;
        if (strcmp(linebuffer, "EndFontMetrics") == 0) continue;
        adjustuninames(linebuffer, 0);
        if (strncmp(linebuffer, "C -1 ; ", 7) == 0)
        {   int width, code;
            if (sscanf(linebuffer, "C -1 ; WX %d ; N u%x ;",
                       &width, &code) == 2)
            {   char *p = linebuffer + 10;
                while (*p != ';') p++;
                while (*p == ' ') p++;
                if (*p != 'N')
                {   printf("Formatting failure\n");
                while (*p == ' ') p++;
                char *q = p;
                while (*q != ' ') q++;
                *q = 0;
                while (*q != ';') q++;
                *q = 0;
                const char *r = uniname(code);
// If there is an official unicode name for the codepoint I will insert
// it. If the codepoint was a copy of one of the STIX glyphs not previously
// within the Unicode range I will transfer the name it originally had to the
// new position at 0x108xxx.
                if (r == NULL)
                {   if  (code >= 0x108000 &&
                            code-0x108000 < nmoved &&
                            width == movedwidth[code-0x108000])
                        r = movedname[code-0x108000];
                    else r = p;
                fprintf(dest, "C %d ; WX %d ; N %s ;%s\n",
                        code, width, r, q+1);
        else fprintf(dest, "%s\n", linebuffer);
    if (isMath)
    {   src = fopen("STIXMath.tables", "r");
        int topAccent = 0, Variants = 0, offset;
        int anything = 0, num = 0;
        int partcount=0, partnumber=0;
        int start, end, full, flags;
        if (src == NULL)
        {   fprintf(stderr, "Need STIXMath.tables\n");
        for (;;)
        {   int c, i = 0;
            char *p;
// I rather arbitrarily truncate the input lines at 400 characters. Something
// like that is needed here because some lines in the "tables" are utterly
// and ridiculously long. Specifically the longest line is has almost 28000
// characters on it! That one starts with
// "char strings 1476: 597 -273 21 232 20 656 20 176 22 hstemhm 0 60 0 60 0..."
            while ((c = getc(src)) != EOF && c != '\n')
                if (i < 400) linebuffer[i++] = c;
            linebuffer[i] = 0;
            if (i == 0 && c == EOF) break;
            adjustuninames(linebuffer, 1);
            if (strncmp(linebuffer, "  MATH Top Accent", 17) == 0)
                topAccent = 1;
            else if (strncmp(linebuffer, " MATH Variants", 14) == 0)
            {   topAccent = 0;
                Variants = 1;
                if (anything) fprintf(dest, "EndTopAccent\n");
                anything = 0;
            if (topAccent &&
                    sscanf(linebuffer, " Glyph %s %d", name, &offset) == 2)
            {   if (!anything)
                {   fprintf(dest, "StartTopAccent\n");
                    anything = 1;
                p = strchr(name, '(');
                if (p != NULL) *p = 0;
                fprintf(dest, "N %s ; DX %d ;\n", name, offset);
            if (Variants)
            {   if (sscanf(linebuffer, " V Glyph %s", name) == 1)
                {   variations(dest, num, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
                    num = 0;
                    if (!anything)
                    {   fprintf(dest, "StartVariations\n");
                        anything = 1;
                    else fprintf(dest, "\n");
                    p = strchr(name, '(');
                    if (p != NULL) *p = 0;
                    fprintf(dest, "VX %s ;" , name);
                if (sscanf(linebuffer, " H Glyph %s", name) == 1)
                {   variations(dest, num, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
                    num = 0;
                    if (!anything)
                    {   fprintf(dest, "StartVariations\n");
                        anything = 1;
                    else fprintf(dest, "\n");
                    p = strchr(name, '(');
                    if (p != NULL) *p = 0;
                    fprintf(dest, "HX %s ;", name);
                if (sscanf(linebuffer, " Variant Count = %d", &num) == 1)
                switch (num)
                case 1:
                    if (sscanf(linebuffer, " Variants: %s",
                               n1) == 1) continue;
                case 2:
                    if (sscanf(linebuffer, " Variants: %s %s",
                               n1, n2) == 1) continue;
                case 3:
                    if (sscanf(linebuffer, " Variants: %s %s %s",
                               n1, n2, n3) == 1) continue;
                case 4:
                    if (sscanf(linebuffer, " Variants: %s %s %s %s",
                               n1, n2, n3, n4) == 1) continue;
                case 5:
                    if (sscanf(linebuffer, " Variants: %s %s %s %s %s",
                               n1, n2, n3, n4, n5) == 1) continue;
                if (sscanf(linebuffer, " Part Count=%d", &partcount) == 1)
                {   partnumber = 0;
                if (sscanf(linebuffer, " %s start=%d end=%d full=%d flags=%d(%s",
                           partname, &start, &end, &full, &flags, junk) == 6)
                {   switch (partnumber)
                    case 0:
                        strcpy(p1, partname);
                        xstart[0] = start;
                        xend[0]   = end;
                        xfull[0]  = full;
                        xflags[0] = flags;
                    case 1:
                        strcpy(p2, partname);
                        xstart[1] = start;
                        xend[1]   = end;
                        xfull[1]  = full;
                        xflags[1] = flags;
                    case 2:
                        strcpy(p3, partname);
                        xstart[2] = start;
                        xend[2]   = end;
                        xfull[2]  = full;
                        xflags[2] = flags;
                    case 3:
                        strcpy(p4, partname);
                        xstart[3] = start;
                        xend[3]   = end;
                        xfull[3]  = full;
                        xflags[3] = flags;
                    case 4:
                        strcpy(p5, partname);
                        xstart[4] = start;
                        xend[4]   = end;
                        xfull[4]  = full;
                        xflags[4] = flags;
                    printf("Part %4d (%4d %4d %4d %4d %s has name %s \n",
                           start, end, full, flags, junk, partname);
        variations(dest, num, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
        if (anything) fprintf(dest, "\nEndVariations\n");
    fprintf(dest, "EndFontMetrics\n");
    return 0;