Ejemplo n.º 1
  double RadarGroundMap::ComputeXv(SpiceDouble X[3]) {
    // Get the spacecraft position (Xsc) and velocity (Vsc) in body fixed
    // coordinates
    SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->BodyRotation();
    SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->InstrumentPosition();

    std::vector<double> Ssc(6);
    // Load the state into Ssc
    vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &Ssc[0]);
    vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &Ssc[3]);

    // Rotate the state to body-fixed
    std::vector<double> bfSsc(6);
    bfSsc = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(Ssc);

    // Extract the body-fixed position and velocity
    std::vector<double> Vsc(3);
    std::vector<double> Xsc(3);
    vequ_c ( &bfSsc[0], &Xsc[0] );
    vequ_c ( &bfSsc[3], &Vsc[0] );

    // Compute the slant range
    SpiceDouble lookB[3];
    p_slantRange = vnorm_c(lookB);

    // Compute and return xv
    double xv = -2.0 * vdot_c(lookB,&Vsc[0]) / (vnorm_c(lookB) * p_waveLength);
    return xv;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** Compute undistorted focal plane coordinate from ground position using current Spice from SetImage call
   * This method will compute the undistorted focal plane coordinate for 
   * a ground position, using the current Spice settings (time and kernels) 
   * without resetting the current point values for lat/lon/radius/x/y.
   * @param lat planetocentric latitude in degrees
   * @param lon planetocentric longitude in degrees 
   * @param radius local radius in m 
   * @return conversion was successful
  bool CameraGroundMap::GetXY(const double lat, const double lon, const double radius,
                              std::vector<double> &lookJ) {

    // Check for Sky images
    if ( p_camera->IsSky() ) {
      return false;

    // Should a check be added to make sure SetImage has been called???
    // Compute the look vector in body-fixed coordinates
    double pB[3]; // Point on surface
    latrec_c( radius/1000.0, lon*Isis::PI/180.0, lat*Isis::PI/180.0, pB);

    // Get spacecraft vector in body-fixed coordinates
    SpiceRotation *bodyRot = p_camera->BodyRotation();
    std::vector<double> sB = bodyRot->ReferenceVector(p_camera->InstrumentPosition()->Coordinate());
    std::vector<double> lookB(3);
    for (int ic=0; ic<3; ic++)   lookB[ic] = pB[ic] - sB[ic];

    // Check for point on back of planet by checking to see if surface point is viewable (test emission angle)
    // During iterations, we may not want to do the back of planet test???
    double upsB[3],upB[3],dist;
    vminus_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &lookB[0], upsB);
    unorm_c (upsB, upsB, &dist);
    unorm_c (pB, upB, &dist);
    double angle = vdot_c(upB, upsB);
    double emission;
    if (angle > 1) {
      emission = 0;
    else if (angle < -1) {
      emission = 180.;
    else {
      emission = acos (angle) * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
    if (fabs(emission) > 90.) return false;

    // Get the look vector in the camera frame and the instrument rotation
    lookJ = p_camera->BodyRotation()->J2000Vector( lookB );
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Computes and returns emission angle in degrees given the observer position.
 * Emission Angle: The angle between the surface normal vector at the
 * intersection point and a vector from the intersection point to the
 * spacecraft. The emission angle varies from 0 degrees when the spacecraft is
 * viewing the sub-spacecraft point (nadir viewing) to 90 degrees when the
 * intercept is tangent to the surface of the target body. Thus, higher values
 * of emission angle indicate more oblique viewing of the target.
 * @param sB: Spacecraft position in body-fixed coordinates
 * @return Emmision angle in decimal degrees
double PlaneShape::emissionAngle(const std::vector<double> & sB) {

    SpiceDouble pB[3];   // surface intersection in body-fixed coordinates
    SpiceDouble psB[3];  // vector from spacecraft to surface intersection
    SpiceDouble upsB[3]; // unit vector from spacecraft to surface intersection
    SpiceDouble dist;    // vector magnitude

    // Get vector from center of body to surface point
    pB[0] = surfaceIntersection()->GetX().kilometers();
    pB[1] = surfaceIntersection()->GetY().kilometers();
    pB[2] = surfaceIntersection()->GetZ().kilometers();

    // Get vector from surface intersect point to observer and normalize it
    vsub_c((ConstSpiceDouble *) &sB[0], pB, psB);
    unorm_c(psB, upsB, &dist);

    // temporary normal vector
    SpiceDouble n[3];
    n[0] = 0.0;
    n[1] = 0.0;
    n[2] = 1.0;

    // flip normal if observer is "below" the plane, assuming that the target
    // body north pole defines the "up" direction
    if (sB[2] < 0.0)
        n[2] = -n[2];

    // dot product of surface normal and observer-surface intersection vector
    double angle = vdot_c(n, upsB);

    if (angle > 1.0)
        return 0.0;

    if (angle < -1.0)
        return 180.0;

    return acos(angle) * RAD2DEG;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Computes and returns incidence angle in degrees given the sun position.
 * Incidence Angle: The incidence angle provides a measure of the lighting
 * condition at the surface intersection point. The angle between the surface
 * normal vector at the intersection point and a vector from the intersection
 * point to the sun. The incidence angle varies from 0 degrees when the
 * intersection point coincides with the sub-solar point to 90 degrees when
 * the intersection point is at the terminator (i.e., in the shadowed or dark
 * portion of the target body). Thus, higher values of incidence angles
 * indicate the existence of a greater number of surface shadows.
 * @param uB: Sun position in body-fixed coordinates
 * @return Incidence angle in decimal degrees
double PlaneShape::incidenceAngle(const std::vector<double> &uB) {

    SpiceDouble pB[3];   // surface intersection in body-fixed coordinates
    SpiceDouble puB[3];  // vector from sun to surface intersection
    SpiceDouble upuB[3]; // unit vector from sun to surface intersection
    SpiceDouble dist;    // vector magnitude

    // Get vector from center of body to surface point
    pB[0] = surfaceIntersection()->GetX().kilometers();
    pB[1] = surfaceIntersection()->GetY().kilometers();
    pB[2] = surfaceIntersection()->GetZ().kilometers();

    // Get vector from surface intersect point to sun and normalize it
    vsub_c((SpiceDouble *) &uB[0], pB, puB);
    unorm_c(puB, upuB, &dist);

    // temporary normal vector
    SpiceDouble n[3];
    n[0] = 0.0;
    n[1] = 0.0;
    n[2] = 1.0;

    // flip normal if sun is "below" the plane, assuming that the target
    // body north pole defines the "up" direction
    if (uB[2] < 0.0)
        n[2] = -n[2];

    double angle = vdot_c((SpiceDouble *) &n[0], upuB);

    if (angle > 1.0)
        return 0.0;

    if(angle < -1.0)
        return 180.0;

    return acos(angle) * RAD2DEG;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  /** Compute ground position from slant range
   * @param ux Slant range distance
   * @param uy Doppler shift (always 0.0)
   * @param uz Not used
   * @return conversion was successful
  bool RadarGroundMap::SetFocalPlane(const double ux, const double uy,
                                     double uz) {

    SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->BodyRotation();
    SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->InstrumentPosition();

    // Get spacecraft position and velocity to create a state vector
    std::vector<double> Ssc(6);
    // Load the state into Ssc
    vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &Ssc[0]);
    vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &Ssc[3]);

    // Rotate state vector to body-fixed
    std::vector<double> bfSsc(6);
    bfSsc = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(Ssc);

    // Extract body-fixed position and velocity
    std::vector<double> Vsc(3);
    std::vector<double> Xsc(3);
    vequ_c ( &bfSsc[0], (SpiceDouble *) &(Xsc[0]) );
    vequ_c ( &bfSsc[3], (SpiceDouble *) &(Vsc[0]) );

    // Compute intrack, crosstrack, and radial coordinate
    SpiceDouble i[3];
    vhat_c (&Vsc[0],i);

    SpiceDouble c[3];
    SpiceDouble dp;
    dp = vdot_c(&Xsc[0],i);
    SpiceDouble p[3],q[3];

    SpiceDouble r[3];

    // What is the initial guess for R
    double radii[3];
    SpiceDouble R = radii[0];
    SpiceDouble lastR = DBL_MAX;
    SpiceDouble rlat;
    SpiceDouble rlon;

    SpiceDouble lat = DBL_MAX;
    SpiceDouble lon = DBL_MAX;

    double slantRangeSqr = (ux * p_rangeSigma) / 1000.;
    slantRangeSqr = slantRangeSqr*slantRangeSqr;
    SpiceDouble X[3];

    int iter = 0;
    do {
      double normXsc = vnorm_c(&Xsc[0]);
      double alpha = (R*R - slantRangeSqr - normXsc*normXsc) /
                     (2.0 * vdot_c(&Xsc[0],c));

      double arg = slantRangeSqr - alpha*alpha;
      if (arg < 0.0) return false;

      double beta = sqrt(arg);
      if (p_lookDirection == Radar::Left) beta *= -1.0;

      SpiceDouble alphac[3],betar[3];


      // Convert X to lat,lon
      lastR = R;

      rlat = lat*180.0/Isis::PI;
      rlon = lon*180.0/Isis::PI;
      R = GetRadius(rlat,rlon);
    while (fabs(R-lastR) > p_tolerance && iter < 30);

    if (fabs(R-lastR) > p_tolerance) return false;

    lat = lat*180.0/Isis::PI;
    lon = lon*180.0/Isis::PI;
    while (lon < 0.0) lon += 360.0;

    // Compute body fixed look direction
    std::vector<double> lookB;
    lookB[0] = X[0] - Xsc[0];
    lookB[1] = X[1] - Xsc[1];
    lookB[2] = X[2] - Xsc[2];

    std::vector<double> lookJ = bodyFrame->J2000Vector(lookB);
    SpiceRotation *cameraFrame = p_camera->InstrumentRotation();
    std::vector<double> lookC = cameraFrame->ReferenceVector(lookJ);

    SpiceDouble unitLookC[3];

    return p_camera->Sensor::SetUniversalGround(lat,lon);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  /** Compute undistorted focal plane coordinate from ground position that includes a local radius
   * @param lat planetocentric latitude in degrees
   * @param lon planetocentric longitude in degrees
   * @param radius local radius in meters
   * @return conversion was successful
  bool RadarGroundMap::SetGround(const double lat, const double lon, const double radius) {
    // Get the ground point in rectangular coordinates (X)
    SpiceDouble X[3];
    SpiceDouble rlat = lat*Isis::PI/180.0;
    SpiceDouble rlon = lon*Isis::PI/180.0;

    // Compute lower bound for Doppler shift 
    double et1 = p_camera->Spice::CacheStartTime();
    double xv1 = ComputeXv(X);

    // Compute upper bound for Doppler shift
    double et2 = p_camera->Spice::CacheEndTime();
    double xv2 = ComputeXv(X);

    // Make sure we bound root (xv = 0.0)
    if ((xv1 < 0.0) && (xv2 < 0.0)) return false;
    if ((xv1 > 0.0) && (xv2 > 0.0)) return false;

    // Order the bounds
    double fl,fh,xl,xh;
    if (xv1 < xv2) {
      fl = xv1;
      fh = xv2;
      xl = et1;
      xh = et2;
    else {
      fl = xv2;
      fh = xv1;
      xl = et2;
      xh = et1;

    // Iterate a max of 30 times
    for (int j=0; j<30; j++) {
      // Use the secant method to guess the next et
      double etGuess = xl + (xh - xl) * fl / (fl - fh);

      // Compute the guessed Doppler shift.  Hopefully
      // this guess converges to zero at some point
      double fGuess = ComputeXv(X);

      // Update the bounds
      double delTime;
      if (fGuess < 0.0) {
        delTime = xl - etGuess;
        xl = etGuess;
        fl = fGuess;
      else {
        delTime = xh - etGuess;
        xh = etGuess;
        fh = fGuess;

      // See if we are done
      if ((fabs(delTime) <= p_timeTolerance) || (fGuess == 0.0)) {
        SpiceRotation *bodyFrame = p_camera->BodyRotation();
        SpicePosition *spaceCraft = p_camera->InstrumentPosition();

        // Get body fixed spacecraft velocity and position
        std::vector<double> Ssc(6);

        // Load the state into Ssc and rotate to body-fixed
        vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Coordinate()[0]), &Ssc[0]);
        vequ_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &(spaceCraft->Velocity()[0]), &Ssc[3]);
        std::vector<double> bfSsc(6);
        bfSsc = bodyFrame->ReferenceVector(Ssc);

        // Extract the body-fixed position and velocity from the state
        std::vector<double> Vsc(3);
        std::vector<double> Xsc(3);
        vequ_c ( &bfSsc[0], (SpiceDouble *) &(Xsc[0]) );
        vequ_c ( &bfSsc[3], (SpiceDouble *) &(Vsc[0]) );

        // Determine if focal plane coordinate falls on the correct side of the
        // spacecraft. Radar has both left and right look directions. Make sure
        // the coordinate is on the same side as the look direction. This is done
        // by (X - S) . (V x S) where X=ground point vector, S=spacecraft position
        // vector, and V=velocity vector. If the dot product is greater than 0, then
        // the point is on the right side. If the dot product is less than 0, then
        // the point is on the left side. If the dot product is 0, then the point is
        // directly under the spacecraft (neither left or right) and is invalid.
        SpiceDouble vout1[3];
        SpiceDouble vout2[3];
        SpiceDouble dp;
        dp = vdot_c(vout1,vout2);
        if (dp > 0.0 && p_lookDirection == Radar::Left) return false;
        if (dp < 0.0 && p_lookDirection == Radar::Right) return false;
        if (dp == 0.0) return false;

        // Compute body fixed look direction
        std::vector<double> lookB;
        lookB[0] = X[0] - Xsc[0];
        lookB[1] = X[1] - Xsc[1];
        lookB[2] = X[2] - Xsc[2];

        std::vector<double> lookJ = bodyFrame->J2000Vector(lookB);
        SpiceRotation *cameraFrame = p_camera->InstrumentRotation();
        std::vector<double> lookC = cameraFrame->ReferenceVector(lookJ);

        SpiceDouble unitLookC[3];

        p_focalPlaneX = p_slantRange / p_rangeSigma;
        p_focalPlaneY = 0.0;
        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
   void vprjp_c ( ConstSpiceDouble    vin   [3],
                  ConstSpicePlane   * plane,
                  SpiceDouble         vout  [3] ) 


   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   vin        I   Vector to be projected. 
   plane      I   A CSPICE plane onto which vin is projected. 
   vout       O   Vector resulting from projection. 
   vin            is a 3-vector that is to be orthogonally projected 
                  onto a specified plane. 
   plane          is a CSPICE plane that represents the geometric 
                  plane onto which vin is to be projected. 
   vout           is the vector resulting from the orthogonal 
                  projection of vin onto plane.  vout is the closest 
                  point in the specified plane to vin. 
   1)  Invalid input planes are diagnosed by the routine pl2nvc_c, 
       which is called by this routine. 
   Projecting a vector v orthogonally onto a plane can be thought of 
   as finding the closest vector in the plane to v.  This `closest 
   vector' always exists; it may be coincident with the original 
   Two related routines are vprjpi_c, which inverts an orthogonal 
   projection of a vector onto a plane, and vproj_c, which projects 
   a vector orthogonally onto another vector. 
   1)   Find the closest point in the ring plane of a planet to a 
        spacecraft located at positn (in body-fixed coordinates). 
        Suppose the vector normal is normal to the ring plane, and 
        that origin, which represents the body center, is in the 
        ring plane.  Then we can make a `plane' with the code 
           pnv2pl_c ( origin, normal, &plane ); 
        can find the projection by making the call 
           vprjp_c ( positn, &plane, proj ); 
   [1] `Calculus and Analytic Geometry', Thomas and Finney. 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 05-MAR-1999 (NJB)

   vector projection onto plane 

{ /* Begin vprjp_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble             constant;
   SpiceDouble             normal    [3];

   Participate in error tracing.

   if ( return_c() ) 
   chkin_c ( "vprjp_c" );

   Obtain a unit vector normal to the input plane, and a constant
   for the plane.
   pl2nvc_c ( plane, normal, &constant );
   Let the notation < a, b > indicate the inner product of vectors
   a and b.

   vin differs from its projection onto plane by some multiple of
   normal.  That multiple is

             < vin - vout, normal >                 *  normal

      =   (  < vin, normal > - < vout, normal >  )  *  normal

      =   (  < vin, normal > - const             )  *  normal

   Subtracting this multiple of normal from vin yields vout.
   vlcom_c (  1.0,
              constant - vdot_c ( vin, normal ),
              vout                              );
   chkout_c ( "vprjp_c" );

} /* End vprjp_c */
Ejemplo n.º 8
   void psv2pl_c ( ConstSpiceDouble    point[3],
                   ConstSpiceDouble    span1[3],
                   ConstSpiceDouble    span2[3],
                   SpicePlane        * plane    ) 

   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   span2      I   A point and two spanning vectors defining a plane. 
   plane      O   A CSPICE plane representing the plane. 
   span2          are, respectively, a point and two spanning vectors 
                  that define a geometric plane in three-dimensional 
                  space. The plane is the set of vectors 
                     point   +   s * span1   +   t * span2 
                  where s and t are real numbers.  The spanning 
                  vectors span1 and span2 must be linearly 
                  independent, but they need not be orthogonal or 
   plane          is a CSPICE plane that represents the geometric 
                  plane defined by point, span1, and span2. 
   1)  If span1 and span2 are linearly dependent, then the vectors 
       point, span1, and span2 do not define a plane.  The error 
       SPICE(DEGENERATECASE) is signaled. 
   CSPICE geometry routines that deal with planes use the `plane' 
   data type to represent input and output planes.  This data type 
   makes the subroutine interfaces simpler and more uniform. 
   The CSPICE routines that produce CSPICE planes from data that 
   define a plane are: 
      nvc2pl_c ( Normal vector and constant to plane ) 
      nvp2pl_c ( Normal vector and point to plane    ) 
      psv2pl_c ( Point and spanning vectors to plane ) 
   The CSPICE routines that convert CSPICE planes to data that 
   define a plane are: 
      pl2nvc_c ( Plane to normal vector and constant ) 
      pl2nvp_c ( Plane to normal vector and point    ) 
      pl2psv_c ( Plane to point and spanning vectors ) 
   Any of these last three routines may be used to convert this 
   routine's output, plane, to another representation of a 
   geometric plane. 
   1)  Project a vector v orthogonally onto a plane defined by 
       point, span1, and span2.  proj is the projection we want; it 
       is the closest vector in the plane to v. 
          psv2pl_c ( point,  span1,   span2,  &plane ); 
          vprjp_c  ( v,      &plane,  proj           );
   2)  Find the plane determined by a spacecraft's position vector 
       relative to a central body and the spacecraft's velocity 
       vector.  We assume that all vectors are given in the same 
       coordinate system. 
          pos is the spacecraft's position, relative to 
          the central body.  vel is the spacecraft's velocity 
          vector.  pos is a point (vector, if you like) in 
          the orbit plane, and it is also one of the spanning 
          vectors of the plane. 
          psv2pl_c ( pos, pos, vel, &plane );
   [1] `Calculus and Analytic Geometry', Thomas and Finney. 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 05-MAR-1999 (NJB)

   point and spanning vectors to plane 

{ /* Begin psv2pl_c */

   This routine checks in only if an error is discovered.

   if ( return_c () ) 

   Find the unitized cross product of SPAN1 and SPAN2; this is our
   unit normal vector, or possibly its inverse.
   ucrss_c (  span1,  span2,  plane->normal  );

   if (  vzero_c ( plane->normal )  )
      chkin_c  ( "psv2pl_c"                       );
      setmsg_c ( "Spanning vectors are parallel." );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(DEGENERATECASE)"          );
      chkout_c ( "psv2pl_c"                       );
   Find the plane constant corresponding to the unit normal
   vector we've found.
   plane->constant  =  vdot_c ( plane->normal, point );
   The constant should be the distance of the plane from the
   origin.  If the constant is negative, negate both it and the
   normal vector.
   if ( plane->constant  <  0. ) 
      plane->constant  =   - (plane->constant);
      vminus_c ( plane->normal, plane->normal );

} /* End psv2pl_c */
Ejemplo n.º 9
   void vprjpi_c ( ConstSpiceDouble    vin    [3],
                   ConstSpicePlane   * projpl,
                   ConstSpicePlane   * invpl,
                   SpiceDouble         vout   [3],
                   SpiceBoolean      * found       ) 


   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   vin        I   The projected vector. 
   projpl     I   Plane containing vin. 
   invpl      I   Plane containing inverse image of vin. 
   vout       O   Inverse projection of vin. 
   found      O   Flag indicating whether vout could be calculated. 
   invpl          are, respectively, a 3-vector, a CSPICE plane 
                  containing the vector, and a CSPICE plane 
                  containing the inverse image of the vector under 
                  orthogonal projection onto projpl. 
   vout           is the inverse orthogonal projection of vin.  This 
                  is the vector lying in the plane invpl whose 
                  orthogonal projection onto the plane projpl is 
                  vin.  vout is valid only when found (defined below) 
                  is SPICETRUE. Otherwise, vout is undefined. 
   found          indicates whether the inverse orthogonal projection 
                  of vin could be computed.  found is SPICETRUE if so, 
                  SPICEFALSE otherwise. 
   1)  If the geometric planes defined by projpl and invpl are 
       orthogonal, or nearly so, the inverse orthogonal projection 
       of vin may be undefined or have magnitude too large to 
       represent with double precision numbers.  In either such 
       case, found will be set to SPICEFALSE. 
   2)  Even when found is SPICETRUE, vout may be a vector of extremely 
       large magnitude, perhaps so large that it is impractical to 
       compute with it.  It's up to you to make sure that this 
       situation does not occur in your application of this routine. 
   Projecting a vector orthogonally onto a plane can be thought of 
   as finding the closest vector in the plane to the original vector. 
   This `closest vector' always exists; it may be coincident with the 
   original vector.  Inverting an orthogonal projection means finding 
   the vector in a specified plane whose orthogonal projection onto 
   a second specified plane is a specified vector.  The vector whose 
   projection is the specified vector is the inverse projection of 
   the specified vector, also called the `inverse image under 
   orthogonal projection' of the specified vector.  This routine 
   finds the inverse orthogonal projection of a vector onto a plane. 
   Related routines are vprjp_c, which projects a vector onto a plane 
   orthogonally, and vproj_c, which projects a vector onto another 
   vector orthogonally. 
   1)   Suppose 
           vin    =  ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ), 
        and that projpl has normal vector 
           projn  =  ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ). 
        Also, let's suppose that invpl has normal vector and constant 
           invn   =  ( 0.0, 2.0, 2.0 ) 
           invc   =    4.0. 
        Then vin lies on the y-axis in the x-y plane, and we want to 
        find the vector vout lying in invpl such that the orthogonal 
        projection of vout the x-y plane is vin.  Let the notation 
        < a, b > indicate the inner product of vectors a and b. 
        Since every point x in invpl satisfies the equation 
           <  x,  (0.0, 2.0, 2.0)  >  =  4.0, 
        we can verify by inspection that the vector 
           ( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) 
        is in invpl and differs from vin by a multiple of projn.  So 
           ( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ) 
        must be vout. 
        To find this result using CSPICE, we can create the 
        CSPICE planes projpl and invpl using the code fragment 
           nvp2pl_c  ( projn,  vin,  &projpl ); 
           nvc2pl_c  ( invn,   invc, &invpl  ); 
        and then perform the inverse projection using the call 
           vprjpi_c ( vin, &projpl, &invpl, vout );
        vprjpi_c will return the value 
           vout = ( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
   [1] `Calculus and Analytic Geometry', Thomas and Finney. 
   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 05-APR-2004 (NJB)
      Computation of LIMIT was re-structured to avoid
      run-time underflow warnings on some platforms.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 05-MAR-1999 (NJB)

   vector projection onto plane inverted 


   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 05-APR-2004 (NJB)

      Computation of LIMIT was re-structured to avoid run-time
      underflow warnings on some platforms. In the revised code,
      BOUND/dpmax_c() is never scaled by a number having absolute value
      < 1.


{ /* Begin vprjpi_c */

   Local constants
   BOUND is used to bound the magnitudes of the numbers that we
   try to take the reciprocal of, since we can't necessarily invert
   any non-zero number.  We won't try to invert any numbers with
   magnitude less than
      BOUND / dpmax_c()
   BOUND is chosen somewhat arbitrarily....
   #define BOUND      10.0

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble             denom;
   SpiceDouble             invc;
   SpiceDouble             invn   [3];
   SpiceDouble             limit;
   SpiceDouble             mult;
   SpiceDouble             numer;
   SpiceDouble             projc;
   SpiceDouble             projn  [3];

   Participate in error tracing.
   if ( return_c() ) 
   chkin_c ( "vprjpi_c" );

   Unpack the planes.
   pl2nvc_c ( projpl, projn, &projc );
   pl2nvc_c ( invpl,  invn,  &invc  );
   We'll first discuss the computation of VOUT in the nominal case,
   and then deal with the exceptional cases.

   When projpl and invpl are not orthogonal to each other, the
   inverse projection of vin will differ from vin by a multiple of
   projn, the unit normal vector to projpl.  We find this multiple
   by using the fact that the inverse projection vout satisfies the
   plane equation for the inverse projection plane invpl.

      We have

         vout = vin  +  mult * projn;                           (1)

      since vout satisfies

         < vout, invn >  =  invc

      we must have

         <  vin  +  mult * projn,  invn  > = invc

      which in turn implies

                   invc  -  < vin, invn >
         mult  =  ------------------------.                     (2)
                      < projn, invn >

      Having mult, we can compute vout according to equation (1).

   Now, if the denominator in the above expression for mult is zero
   or just too small, performing the division would cause a
   divide-by-zero error or an overflow of mult.  In either case, we
   will avoid carrying out the division, and we'll set found to
   Compute the numerator and denominator of the right side of (2).
   numer  =  invc - vdot_c ( vin,   invn );
   denom  =         vdot_c ( projn, invn );
   If the magnitude of the denominator is greater than
      limit  =  abs (  ---------- * numer  ),

   we can safely divide the numerator by the denominator, and the
   magnitude of the result will be no greater than

      ----------- .

   Note that we have ruled out the case where numer and denom are
   both zero by insisting on strict inequality in the comparison of
   denom and limit:
   if ( fabs(numer) < 1.0 )
      limit  =  fabs ( BOUND / dpmax_c() );
      limit  =  fabs (  ( BOUND / dpmax_c() ) * numer  );
   *found  =  ( fabs (denom) > limit );
   if ( *found )  
      We'll compute vout after all.
      mult = numer / denom;

      vlcom_c ( 1.0, vin, mult, projn, vout );

   chkout_c ( "vprjpi_c" );

} /* End vprjpi_c */
Ejemplo n.º 10
void qxq_c ( ConstSpiceDouble    q1   [4],
             ConstSpiceDouble    q2   [4],
             SpiceDouble         qout [4]  )



   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   q1         I   First SPICE quaternion factor.
   q2         I   Second SPICE quaternion factor.
   qout       O   Product of `q1' and `q2'.


   q1             is a 4-vector representing a SPICE-style quaternion.
                  See the discussion of "Quaternion Styles" in the
                  Particulars section below.

                  Note that multiple styles of quaternions are in use.
                  This routine will not work properly if the input
                  quaternions do not conform to the SPICE convention.

   q2             is a second SPICE-style quaternion.


   qout           is 4-vector representing the quaternion product

                     q1 * q2

                  Representing q(i) as the sums of scalar (real)
                  part s(i) and vector (imaginary) part v(i)

                     q1 = s1 + v1
                     q2 = s2 + v2

                  qout has scalar part s3 defined by

                     s3 = s1 * s2 - <v1, v2>

                  and vector part v3 defined by

                     v3 = s1 * v2  +  s2 * v1  +  v1 x v2

                  where the notation < , > denotes the inner
                  product operator and x indicates the cross
                  product operator.




   Error free.




   Quaternion Styles

   There are different "styles" of quaternions used in
   science and engineering applications. Quaternion styles
   are characterized by

      - The order of quaternion elements

      - The quaternion multiplication formula

      - The convention for associating quaternions
        with rotation matrices

   Two of the commonly used styles are

      - "SPICE"

         > Invented by Sir William Rowan Hamilton
         > Frequently used in mathematics and physics textbooks

      - "Engineering"

         > Widely used in aerospace engineering applications

   CSPICE function interfaces ALWAYS use SPICE quaternions.
   Quaternions of any other style must be converted to SPICE
   quaternions before they are passed to CSPICE functions.

   Relationship between SPICE and Engineering Quaternions

   Let M be a rotation matrix such that for any vector V,


   is the result of rotating V by theta radians in the
   counterclockwise direction about unit rotation axis vector A.
   Then the SPICE quaternions representing M are

      (+/-) (  cos(theta/2),
               sin(theta/2) A(1),
               sin(theta/2) A(2),
               sin(theta/2) A(3)  )

   while the engineering quaternions representing M are

      (+/-) ( -sin(theta/2) A(1),
              -sin(theta/2) A(2),
              -sin(theta/2) A(3),
               cos(theta/2)       )

   For both styles of quaternions, if a quaternion q represents
   a rotation matrix M, then -q represents M as well.

   Given an engineering quaternion

      QENG   = ( q0,  q1,  q2,  q3 )

   the equivalent SPICE quaternion is

      QSPICE = ( q3, -q0, -q1, -q2 )

   Associating SPICE Quaternions with Rotation Matrices

   Let FROM and TO be two right-handed reference frames, for
   example, an inertial frame and a spacecraft-fixed frame. Let the

      V    ,   V
       FROM     TO

   denote, respectively, an arbitrary vector expressed relative to
   the FROM and TO frames. Let M denote the transformation matrix
   that transforms vectors from frame FROM to frame TO; then

      V   =  M * V
       TO         FROM

   where the expression on the right hand side represents left
   multiplication of the vector by the matrix.

   Then if the unit-length SPICE quaternion q represents M, where

      q = (q0, q1, q2, q3)

   the elements of M are derived from the elements of q as follows:

        +-                                                         -+
        |           2    2                                          |
        | 1 - 2*( q2 + q3 )   2*(q1*q2 - q0*q3)   2*(q1*q3 + q0*q2) |
        |                                                           |
        |                                                           |
        |                               2    2                      |
    M = | 2*(q1*q2 + q0*q3)   1 - 2*( q1 + q3 )   2*(q2*q3 - q0*q1) |
        |                                                           |
        |                                                           |
        |                                                   2    2  |
        | 2*(q1*q3 - q0*q2)   2*(q2*q3 + q0*q1)   1 - 2*( q1 + q2 ) |
        |                                                           |
        +-                                                         -+

   Note that substituting the elements of -q for those of q in the
   right hand side leaves each element of M unchanged; this shows
   that if a quaternion q represents a matrix M, then so does the
   quaternion -q.

   To map the rotation matrix M to a unit quaternion, we start by
   decomposing the rotation matrix as a sum of symmetric
   and skew-symmetric parts:

      M = [ I  +  (1-cos(theta)) OMEGA  ] + [ sin(theta) OMEGA ]

                   symmetric                   skew-symmetric

   OMEGA is a skew-symmetric matrix of the form

                 +-             -+
                 |  0   -n3   n2 |
                 |               |
       OMEGA  =  |  n3   0   -n1 |
                 |               |
                 | -n2   n1   0  |
                 +-             -+

   The vector N of matrix entries (n1, n2, n3) is the rotation axis
   of M and theta is M's rotation angle.  Note that N and theta
   are not unique.


      C = cos(theta/2)
      S = sin(theta/2)

   Then the unit quaternions Q corresponding to M are

      Q = +/- ( C, S*n1, S*n2, S*n3 )

   The mappings between quaternions and the corresponding rotations
   are carried out by the CSPICE routines

      q2m_c {quaternion to matrix}
      m2q_c {matrix to quaternion}

   m2q_c always returns a quaternion with scalar part greater than
   or equal to zero.

   SPICE Quaternion Multiplication Formula

   Given a SPICE quaternion

      Q = ( q0, q1, q2, q3 )

   corresponding to rotation axis A and angle theta as above, we can
   represent Q using "scalar + vector" notation as follows:

      s =   q0           = cos(theta/2)

      v = ( q1, q2, q3 ) = sin(theta/2) * A

      Q = s + v

   Let Q1 and Q2 be SPICE quaternions with respective scalar
   and vector parts s1, s2 and v1, v2:

      Q1 = s1 + v1
      Q2 = s2 + v2

   We represent the dot product of v1 and v2 by

      <v1, v2>

   and the cross product of v1 and v2 by

      v1 x v2

   Then the SPICE quaternion product is

      Q1*Q2 = s1*s2 - <v1,v2>  + s1*v2 + s2*v1 + (v1 x v2)

   If Q1 and Q2 represent the rotation matrices M1 and M2
   respectively, then the quaternion product


   represents the matrix product



   1)  Let qid, qi, qj, qk be the "basis" quaternions

          qid  =  ( 1, 0, 0, 0 )
          qi   =  ( 0, 1, 0, 0 )
          qj   =  ( 0, 0, 1, 0 )
          qk   =  ( 0, 0, 0, 1 )

       respectively.  Then the calls

          qxq_c ( qi, qj, ixj );
          qxq_c ( qj, qk, jxk );
          qxq_c ( qk, qi, kxi );

       produce the results

          ixj == qk
          jxk == qi
          kxi == qj

       All of the calls

          qxq_c ( qi, qi, qout );
          qxq_c ( qj, qj, qout );
          qxq_c ( qk, qk, qout );

       produce the result

          qout  ==  -qid

       For any quaternion Q, the calls

          qxq_c ( qid, q,   qout );
          qxq_c ( q,   qid, qout );

       produce the result

          qout  ==  q

   2)  Composition of rotations:  let `cmat1' and `cmat2' be two
       C-matrices (which are rotation matrices).  Then the
       following code fragment computes the product cmat1 * cmat2:

          Convert the C-matrices to quaternions.
          m2q_c ( cmat1, q1 );
          m2q_c ( cmat2, q2 );

          Find the product.
          qxq_c ( q1, q2, qout );

          Convert the result to a C-matrix.
          q2m_c ( qout, cmat3 );

          Multiply `cmat1' and `cmat2' directly.
          mxm_c ( cmat1, cmat2, cmat4 );

          Compare the results.  The difference `diff' of
          `cmat3' and `cmat4' should be close to the zero
          vsubg_c ( 9, cmat3, cmat4, diff );






   N.J. Bachman    (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 27-FEB-2008 (NJB)

      Updated header; added information about SPICE
      quaternion conventions.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 27-OCT-2005 (NJB)


   quaternion times quaternion
   multiply quaternion by quaternion

{   /* Begin qxq_c */

    Local variables
    SpiceDouble             cross[3];

    This routine is error free.

    Assign the scalar portion of the product `vout'.
    qout[0]  =  q1[0]*q2[0] - vdot_c( q1+1, q2+1 );

    Compute the cross product term of the vector component of
    vcrss_c ( q1+1, q2+1, cross );

    Assign the vector portion of the product `vout'.
    vlcom3_c ( q1[0],   q2+1,
               q2[0],   q1+1,
               1.0,     cross,   qout+1 );

} /* End qxq_c */