Ejemplo n.º 1
static inline
vec_uint4 GENBX(vec_uint4 a, vec_uint4 b, vec_uint4 c)
  return vec_and(vec_or(vec_cmpgt(a, b),
			vec_and(vec_cmpeq(a, b), c)),
Ejemplo n.º 2
 SIMD_INLINE void InterferenceChangeMasked(const Loader<align> & statisticSrc, v128_s16 value, v128_s16 saturation, 
     const Loader<align> & maskSrc, v128_u8 index, v128_u8 tailMask, Storer<align> & statisticDst)
     v128_u8 mask = vec_and(vec_cmpeq(Load<align, first>(maskSrc), index), tailMask);
     InterferenceChange<align, first, increment>(statisticSrc, vec_and(value, (v128_s16)UnpackLoU8(mask, mask)), saturation, statisticDst);
     InterferenceChange<align, false, increment>(statisticSrc, vec_and(value, (v128_s16)UnpackHiU8(mask, mask)), saturation, statisticDst);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static inline void do_recursion(w128_t *r, w128_t *a, w128_t * b,
                                w128_t * lung) {
  const vector unsigned char sl1 = ALTI_SL1;
  const vector unsigned char sl1_perm = ALTI_SL1_PERM;
  const vector unsigned int sl1_msk = ALTI_SL1_MSK;
  const vector unsigned char sr1 = ALTI_SR;
  const vector unsigned char sr1_perm = ALTI_SR_PERM;
  const vector unsigned int sr1_msk = ALTI_SR_MSK;
  const vector unsigned char perm = ALTI_PERM;
  const vector unsigned int msk1 = ALTI_MSK;

  vector unsigned int z = a->s;
  vector unsigned int w = lung->s;
  vector unsigned int x = vec_perm(w, (vector unsigned int)perm, perm);
  vector unsigned int y = vec_perm(z, (vector unsigned int)sl1_perm, sl1_perm);
  y = vec_sll(y, sl1);
  y = vec_and(y, sl1_msk);
  w = vec_xor(x, b->s);
  w = vec_xor(w, y);
  x = vec_perm(w, (vector unsigned int)sr1_perm, sr1_perm);
  x = vec_srl(x, sr1);
  x = vec_and(x, sr1_msk);
  y = vec_and(w, msk1);
  z = vec_xor(z, y);
  r->s = vec_xor(z, x);
  lung->s = w;
Ejemplo n.º 4
gimp_composite_multiply_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_altivec (GimpCompositeContext *ctx)
  const guchar *A = ctx->A;
  const guchar *B = ctx->B;
  guchar *D = ctx->D;
  guint length = ctx->n_pixels;
  vector unsigned char a,b,d,alpha_a,alpha_b,alpha;
  vector unsigned short al,ah;

  while (length >= 4)

      d=vec_perm((vector unsigned char)al,(vector unsigned char)ah,combine_high_bytes);

      alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask);
      alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask);
      alpha=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b);

      d=vec_andc(d, alphamask);
      d=vec_or(d, alpha);

      StoreUnaligned(d, D);

  /* process last pixels */
  length = length*4;
  a=LoadUnalignedLess(A, length);
  b=LoadUnalignedLess(B, length);

  d=vec_perm((vector unsigned char)al,(vector unsigned char)ah,combine_high_bytes);

  alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask);
  alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask);
  alpha=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b);

  d=vec_andc(d, alphamask);
  d=vec_or(d, alpha);

  StoreUnalignedLess(d, D, length);
static inline vec_u8_t h264_deblock_mask( register vec_u8_t p0, register vec_u8_t p1, register vec_u8_t q0,
                                          register vec_u8_t q1, register vec_u8_t alpha, register vec_u8_t beta )
    register vec_u8_t mask;
    register vec_u8_t tempmask;

    mask = diff_lt_altivec(p0, q0, alpha);
    tempmask = diff_lt_altivec(p1, p0, beta);
    mask = vec_and(mask, tempmask);
    tempmask = diff_lt_altivec(q1, q0, beta);
    mask = vec_and(mask, tempmask);

    return mask;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Sum of Squared Errors for a 8x8 block.
 * AltiVec-enhanced.
 * It's the pix_abs8x8_altivec code above w/ squaring added.
int sse8_altivec(void *v, uint8_t *pix1, uint8_t *pix2, int line_size)
    int i;
    int s __attribute__((aligned(16)));
    const vector unsigned int zero = (const vector unsigned int)vec_splat_u32(0);
    vector unsigned char perm1, perm2, permclear, *pix1v, *pix2v;
    vector unsigned char t1, t2, t3,t4, t5;
    vector unsigned int sum;
    vector signed int sumsqr;
    sum = (vector unsigned int)vec_splat_u32(0);

    permclear = (vector unsigned char)AVV(255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

    for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
	/* Read potentially unaligned pixels into t1 and t2
	   Since we're reading 16 pixels, and actually only want 8,
	   mask out the last 8 pixels. The 0s don't change the sum. */
        perm1 = vec_lvsl(0, pix1);
        pix1v = (vector unsigned char *) pix1;
        perm2 = vec_lvsl(0, pix2);
        pix2v = (vector unsigned char *) pix2;
        t1 = vec_and(vec_perm(pix1v[0], pix1v[1], perm1), permclear);
        t2 = vec_and(vec_perm(pix2v[0], pix2v[1], perm2), permclear);

          Since we want to use unsigned chars, we can take advantage
          of the fact that abs(a-b)^2 = (a-b)^2.
	/* Calculate abs differences vector */ 
        t3 = vec_max(t1, t2);
        t4 = vec_min(t1, t2);
        t5 = vec_sub(t3, t4);
        /* Square the values and add them to our sum */
        sum = vec_msum(t5, t5, sum);
        pix1 += line_size;
        pix2 += line_size;
    /* Sum up the four partial sums, and put the result into s */
    sumsqr = vec_sums((vector signed int) sum, (vector signed int) zero);
    sumsqr = vec_splat(sumsqr, 3);
    vec_ste(sumsqr, 0, &s);
    return s;
Ejemplo n.º 7
gimp_composite_difference_rgba8_rgba8_rgba8_altivec (GimpCompositeContext *ctx)
  const guchar *A = ctx->A;
  const guchar *B = ctx->B;
  guchar *D = ctx->D;
  guint length = ctx->n_pixels;
  vector unsigned char a,b,d,e,alpha_a,alpha_b;

  while (length >= 4)

      alpha_a=vec_and(a, alphamask);
      alpha_b=vec_and(b, alphamask);
      d=vec_min(alpha_a, alpha_b);

      a=vec_andc(a, alphamask);
      a=vec_adds(a, d);
      b=vec_andc(b, alphamask);
      d=vec_subs(a, b);
      e=vec_subs(b, a);

      StoreUnaligned(d, D);

  /* process last pixels */
  length = length*4;
  a=LoadUnalignedLess(A, length);
  b=LoadUnalignedLess(B, length);


  e=vec_subs(b, a);

  StoreUnalignedLess(d, D, length);
Ejemplo n.º 8
vector signed int
test1_and (vector bool int x, vector signed int y)
  vector signed int *foo;
  *foo += vec_and (x, y);
  return *foo;
Ejemplo n.º 9
vector unsigned int
test6_and (vector unsigned int x, vector unsigned int y)
  vector unsigned int *foo;
  *foo += vec_and (x, y);
  return *foo;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        template <bool align, bool increment> void InterferenceChange(int16_t * statistic, size_t stride, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t value, int16_t saturation)
            assert(width >= HA);
                assert(Aligned(statistic) && Aligned(stride, HA));

            size_t alignedWidth = Simd::AlignLo(width, HA);
            v128_s16 tailMask = (v128_s16)ShiftLeft(K16_FFFF, HA - width + alignedWidth);

            v128_s16 _value = SetI16(value);
            v128_s16 _saturation = SetI16(saturation);
            for(size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                Loader<align> statisticSrc(statistic);
                Storer<align> statisticDst(statistic);
                InterferenceChange<align, true, increment>(statisticSrc, _value, _saturation, statisticDst);
                for(size_t col = HA; col < alignedWidth; col += HA)
                    InterferenceChange<align, false, increment>(statisticSrc, _value, _saturation, statisticDst);
                if(alignedWidth != width)
                    Loader<false> statisticSrc(statistic + width - HA);
                    Storer<false> statisticDst(statistic + width - HA);
                    InterferenceChange<false, true, increment>(statisticSrc, vec_and(_value, tailMask), _saturation, statisticDst);
                statistic += stride;
Ejemplo n.º 11
// out: newp1 = clip((p2 + ((p0 + q0 + 1) >> 1)) >> 1, p1-tc0, p1+tc0)
static inline vec_u8_t h264_deblock_q1(register vec_u8_t p0,
                                       register vec_u8_t p1,
                                       register vec_u8_t p2,
                                       register vec_u8_t q0,
                                       register vec_u8_t tc0) {

    register vec_u8_t average = vec_avg(p0, q0);
    register vec_u8_t temp;
    register vec_u8_t uncliped;
    register vec_u8_t ones;
    register vec_u8_t max;
    register vec_u8_t min;
    register vec_u8_t newp1;

    temp = vec_xor(average, p2);
    average = vec_avg(average, p2);     /*avg(p2, avg(p0, q0)) */
    ones = vec_splat_u8(1);
    temp = vec_and(temp, ones);         /*(p2^avg(p0, q0)) & 1 */
    uncliped = vec_subs(average, temp); /*(p2+((p0+q0+1)>>1))>>1 */
    max = vec_adds(p1, tc0);
    min = vec_subs(p1, tc0);
    newp1 = vec_max(min, uncliped);
    newp1 = vec_min(max, newp1);
    return newp1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
vector unsigned short
test6_and (vector unsigned short x, vector unsigned short y)
  vector unsigned short *foo;
  *foo += vec_and (x, y);
  return *foo;
Ejemplo n.º 13
// out: newp1 = clip((p2 + ((p0 + q0 + 1) >> 1)) >> 1, p1-tc0, p1+tc0)
static inline vector unsigned char h264_deblock_q1(register vector unsigned char p0,
                                                   register vector unsigned char p1,
                                                   register vector unsigned char p2,
                                                   register vector unsigned char q0,
                                                   register vector unsigned char tc0) {

    register vector unsigned char average = vec_avg(p0, q0);
    register vector unsigned char temp;
    register vector unsigned char uncliped;
    register vector unsigned char ones;
    register vector unsigned char max;
    register vector unsigned char min;
    register vector unsigned char newp1;

    temp = vec_xor(average, p2);
    average = vec_avg(average, p2);     /*avg(p2, avg(p0, q0)) */
    ones = vec_splat_u8(1);
    temp = vec_and(temp, ones);         /*(p2^avg(p0, q0)) & 1 */
    uncliped = vec_subs(average, temp); /*(p2+((p0+q0+1)>>1))>>1 */
    max = vec_adds(p1, tc0);
    min = vec_subs(p1, tc0);
    newp1 = vec_max(min, uncliped);
    newp1 = vec_min(max, newp1);
    return newp1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
sad8_altivec_c(const uint8_t * cur,
	   const uint8_t *ref,
	   const uint32_t stride)
	uint32_t result = 0;
	register vector unsigned int sad;
	register vector unsigned char c;
	register vector unsigned char r;
	/* initialize */
	sad = vec_splat_u32(0);
	/* Perform sad operations */
	/* finish addition, add the first 2 together */
	sad = vec_and(sad, (vector unsigned int)vec_pack(vec_splat_u16(-1),vec_splat_u16(0)));
	sad = (vector unsigned int)vec_sums((vector signed int)sad, vec_splat_s32(0));
	sad = vec_splat(sad,3);
	vec_ste(sad, 0, &result);
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 SIMD_INLINE void AddSquareDifference(const uint8_t * src, ptrdiff_t step, const v128_u8 & mask, v128_u32 & sum)
     const v128_u8 a = Load<align>(src - step);
     const v128_u8 b = Load<align>(src + step);
     const v128_u8 d = vec_and(AbsDifferenceU8(a, b), mask);
     sum = vec_msum(d, d, sum);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        void ConditionalCount8u(const uint8_t * src, size_t stride, size_t width, size_t height, uint8_t value, uint32_t * count)
            assert(width >= A);
            if (align)
                assert(Aligned(src) && Aligned(stride));

            size_t alignedWidth = AlignLo(width, QA);
            size_t bodyWidth = AlignLo(width, A);
            v128_u8 tailMask = ShiftLeft(K8_01, A - width + alignedWidth);
            v128_u8 _value = SIMD_VEC_SET1_EPI8(value);
            v128_u32 counts[4] = { K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000 };
            for (size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                size_t col = 0;
                for (; col < alignedWidth; col += QA)
                    ConditionalCount8u<align, compareType>(src, col, _value, counts[0]);
                    ConditionalCount8u<align, compareType>(src, col + A, _value, counts[1]);
                    ConditionalCount8u<align, compareType>(src, col + 2 * A, _value, counts[2]);
                    ConditionalCount8u<align, compareType>(src, col + 3 * A, _value, counts[3]);
                for (; col < bodyWidth; col += A)
                    ConditionalCount8u<align, compareType>(src, col, _value, counts[0]);
                if (alignedWidth != width)
                    const v128_u8 mask = vec_and(Compare8u<compareType>(Load<false>(src + width - A), _value), tailMask);
                    counts[0] = vec_msum(mask, K8_01, counts[0]);
                src += stride;
            counts[0] = vec_add(vec_add(counts[0], counts[1]), vec_add(counts[2], counts[3]));
            *count = ExtractSum(counts[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 17
vector signed short
test1_and (vector bool short x, vector signed short y)
  vector signed short *foo;
  *foo += vec_and (x, y);
  return *foo;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        void ConditionalCount16i(const uint8_t * src, size_t stride, size_t width, size_t height, int16_t value, uint32_t * count)
            assert(width >= HA);
            if (align)
                assert(Aligned(src) && Aligned(stride));

            size_t alignedWidth = AlignLo(width, DA);
            size_t bodyWidth = Simd::AlignLo(width, HA);
            v128_u16 tailMask = ShiftLeft(K16_0001, HA - width + alignedWidth);
            v128_s16 _value = SIMD_VEC_SET1_EPI16(value);
            v128_u32 counts[4] = { K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000 };
            for (size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                const int16_t * s = (const int16_t *)src;
                size_t col = 0;
                for (; col < alignedWidth; col += DA)
                    ConditionalCount16i<align, compareType>(s, col, _value, counts[0]);
                    ConditionalCount16i<align, compareType>(s, col + HA, _value, counts[1]);
                    ConditionalCount16i<align, compareType>(s, col + 2 * HA, _value, counts[2]);
                    ConditionalCount16i<align, compareType>(s, col + 3 * HA, _value, counts[3]);
                for (; col < bodyWidth; col += HA)
                    ConditionalCount16i<align, compareType>(s, col, _value, counts[0]);
                if (alignedWidth != width)
                    const v128_u16 mask = vec_and((v128_u16)Compare16i<compareType>(Load<false>(s + width - HA), _value), tailMask);
                    counts[0] = vec_msum(mask, K16_0001, counts[0]);
                src += stride;
            counts[0] = vec_add(vec_add(counts[0], counts[1]), vec_add(counts[2], counts[3]));
            *count = ExtractSum(counts[0]);
        template <bool align> void AbsDifferenceSums3x3Masked(const uint8_t *current, size_t currentStride, const uint8_t *background, size_t backgroundStride,
            const uint8_t *mask, size_t maskStride, uint8_t index, size_t width, size_t height, uint64_t * sums)
            assert(height > 2 && width >= A + 2);
            if (align)
                assert(Aligned(background) && Aligned(backgroundStride));

            width -= 2;
            height -= 2;
            current += 1 + currentStride;
            background += 1 + backgroundStride;
            mask += 1 + maskStride;

            size_t bodyWidth = AlignLo(width, A);
            v128_u8 tailMask = ShiftLeft(K8_FF, A - width + bodyWidth);
            v128_u8 _index = SetU8(index);

            for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                sums[i] = 0;

            for (size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                v128_u32 _sums[9];
                for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                    _sums[i] = K32_00000000;

                for (size_t col = 0; col < bodyWidth; col += A)
                    const v128_u8 _mask = LoadMaskU8<false>(mask + col, _index);
                    const v128_u8 _current = vec_and(Load<false>(current + col), _mask);
                    AbsDifferenceSums3x3Masked<align>(_current, background + col, backgroundStride, _mask, _sums);
                if (width - bodyWidth)
                    const v128_u8 _mask = vec_and(LoadMaskU8<false>(mask + width - A, _index), tailMask);
                    const v128_u8 _current = vec_and(Load<false>(current + width - A), _mask);
                    AbsDifferenceSums3x3Masked<false>(_current, background + width - A, backgroundStride, _mask, _sums);

                for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                    sums[i] += ExtractSum(_sums[i]);

                current += currentStride;
                background += backgroundStride;
                mask += maskStride;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        void ConditionalSquareGradientSum(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
            const uint8_t * mask, size_t maskStride, uint8_t value, uint64_t * sum)
            assert(width >= A + 2 && height >= 3);
            if (align)
                assert(Aligned(src) && Aligned(srcStride) && Aligned(mask) && Aligned(maskStride));

            src += srcStride;
            mask += maskStride;
            height -= 2;

            size_t bodyWidth = Simd::AlignLo(width - 1, A);
            v128_u8 noseMask = ShiftRight(K8_FF, 1);
            v128_u8 tailMask = ShiftLeft(K8_FF, A - width + 1 + bodyWidth);
            size_t alignedWidth = Simd::AlignLo(bodyWidth - A, DA);

            v128_u8 _value = SetU8(value);
            *sum = 0;
            for (size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                v128_u32 sums[4] = { K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000 };
                    const v128_u8 _mask = vec_and(Compare8u<compareType>(Load<false>(mask + 1), _value), noseMask);
                    AddSquareDifference<false>(src + 1, 1, _mask, sums[0]);
                    AddSquareDifference<false>(src + 1, srcStride, _mask, sums[1]);
                size_t col = A;
                for (; col < alignedWidth; col += DA)
                    ConditionalSquareGradientSum<align, compareType>(src, srcStride, mask, col, _value, sums);
                    ConditionalSquareGradientSum<align, compareType>(src, srcStride, mask, col + A, _value, sums + 2);
                for (; col < bodyWidth; col += A)
                    ConditionalSquareGradientSum<align, compareType>(src, srcStride, mask, col, _value, sums);
                if (bodyWidth != width - 1)
                    size_t offset = width - A - 1;
                    const v128_u8 _mask = vec_and(Compare8u<compareType>(Load<false>(mask + offset), _value), tailMask);
                    AddSquareDifference<false>(src + offset, 1, _mask, sums[0]);
                    AddSquareDifference<false>(src + offset, srcStride, _mask, sums[1]);
                sums[0] = vec_add(vec_add(sums[0], sums[1]), vec_add(sums[2], sums[3]));
                *sum += ExtractSum(sums[0]);
                src += srcStride;
                mask += maskStride;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static inline vector unsigned char h264_deblock_mask ( register vector unsigned char p0,
                                                       register vector unsigned char p1,
                                                       register vector unsigned char q0,
                                                       register vector unsigned char q1,
                                                       register vector unsigned char alpha,
                                                       register vector unsigned char beta) {

    register vector unsigned char mask;
    register vector unsigned char tempmask;

    mask = diff_lt_altivec(p0, q0, alpha);
    tempmask = diff_lt_altivec(p1, p0, beta);
    mask = vec_and(mask, tempmask);
    tempmask = diff_lt_altivec(q1, q0, beta);
    mask = vec_and(mask, tempmask);

    return mask;
Ejemplo n.º 22
int pix_abs8x8_altivec(uint8_t *pix1, uint8_t *pix2, int line_size)
    int i;
    int s __attribute__((aligned(16)));
    const vector unsigned int zero = (const vector unsigned int)vec_splat_u32(0);
    vector unsigned char perm1, perm2, permclear, *pix1v, *pix2v;
    vector unsigned char t1, t2, t3,t4, t5;
    vector unsigned int sad;
    vector signed int sumdiffs;

    sad = (vector unsigned int)vec_splat_u32(0);

    permclear = (vector unsigned char)AVV(255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

    for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
	/* Read potentially unaligned pixels into t1 and t2
	   Since we're reading 16 pixels, and actually only want 8,
	   mask out the last 8 pixels. The 0s don't change the sum. */
        perm1 = vec_lvsl(0, pix1);
        pix1v = (vector unsigned char *) pix1;
        perm2 = vec_lvsl(0, pix2);
        pix2v = (vector unsigned char *) pix2;
        t1 = vec_and(vec_perm(pix1v[0], pix1v[1], perm1), permclear);
        t2 = vec_and(vec_perm(pix2v[0], pix2v[1], perm2), permclear);

	/* Calculate a sum of abs differences vector */ 
        t3 = vec_max(t1, t2);
        t4 = vec_min(t1, t2);
        t5 = vec_sub(t3, t4);

	/* Add each 4 pixel group together and put 4 results into sad */
        sad = vec_sum4s(t5, sad);

        pix1 += line_size;
        pix2 += line_size;

    /* Sum up the four partial sums, and put the result into s */
    sumdiffs = vec_sums((vector signed int) sad, (vector signed int) zero);
    sumdiffs = vec_splat(sumdiffs, 3);
    vec_ste(sumdiffs, 0, &s);

    return s;
Ejemplo n.º 23
__SIMDd _SIMD_and_pd(__SIMDd a, __SIMDd b)
#ifdef  USE_SSE
  return _mm_and_pd(a,b);
#elif defined USE_AVX
  return _m256_and_ps(a,b);
#elif defined USE_IBM
  return vec_and(a,b);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 template <bool align> v128_u8 LbpEstimate(const uint8_t * src, ptrdiff_t stride)
     v128_u8 threshold = Load<false>(src);
     v128_u8 lbp = K8_00;
     lbp = vec_or(lbp, vec_and(GreaterOrEqual(Load<align>(src - 1 - stride), threshold), K8_01));
     lbp = vec_or(lbp, vec_and(GreaterOrEqual(Load<false>(src     - stride), threshold), K8_02));
     lbp = vec_or(lbp, vec_and(GreaterOrEqual(Load<false>(src + 1 - stride), threshold), K8_04));
     lbp = vec_or(lbp, vec_and(GreaterOrEqual(Load<false>(src + 1         ), threshold), K8_08));
     lbp = vec_or(lbp, vec_and(GreaterOrEqual(Load<false>(src + 1 + stride), threshold), K8_10));
     lbp = vec_or(lbp, vec_and(GreaterOrEqual(Load<false>(src     + stride), threshold), K8_20));
     lbp = vec_or(lbp, vec_and(GreaterOrEqual(Load<align>(src - 1 + stride), threshold), K8_40));
     lbp = vec_or(lbp, vec_and(GreaterOrEqual(Load<align>(src - 1         ), threshold), K8_80));
     return lbp;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        void ConditionalSquareSum(const uint8_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height,
            const uint8_t * mask, size_t maskStride, uint8_t value, uint64_t * sum)
            assert(width >= A);
            if (align)
                assert(Aligned(src) && Aligned(srcStride) && Aligned(mask) && Aligned(maskStride));

            size_t alignedWidth = AlignLo(width, QA);
            size_t bodyWidth = AlignLo(width, A);
            v128_u8 tailMask = ShiftLeft(K8_FF, A - width + alignedWidth);
            v128_u8 _value = SetU8(value);
            *sum = 0;
            for (size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                size_t col = 0;
                v128_u32 sums[4] = { K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000 };
                for (; col < alignedWidth; col += QA)
                    ConditionalSquareSum<align, compareType>(src, mask, col, _value, sums[0]);
                    ConditionalSquareSum<align, compareType>(src, mask, col + A, _value, sums[1]);
                    ConditionalSquareSum<align, compareType>(src, mask, col + 2 * A, _value, sums[2]);
                    ConditionalSquareSum<align, compareType>(src, mask, col + 3 * A, _value, sums[3]);
                sums[0] = vec_add(vec_add(sums[0], sums[1]), vec_add(sums[2], sums[3]));
                for (; col < bodyWidth; col += A)
                    ConditionalSquareSum<align, compareType>(src, mask, col, _value, sums[0]);
                if (alignedWidth != width)
                    const v128_u8 _mask = Compare8u<compareType>(Load<false>(mask + width - A), _value);
                    const v128_u8 _src = vec_and(vec_and(Load<false>(src + width - A), _mask), tailMask);
                    sums[0] = vec_msum(_src, _src, sums[0]);
                *sum += ExtractSum(sums[0]);
                src += srcStride;
                mask += maskStride;
        template <bool align> void AbsDifferenceSums3x3(const uint8_t * current, size_t currentStride,
            const uint8_t * background, size_t backgroundStride, size_t width, size_t height, uint64_t * sums)
            assert(height > 2 && width >= A + 2);
            if (align)
                assert(Aligned(background) && Aligned(backgroundStride));

            width -= 2;
            height -= 2;
            current += 1 + currentStride;
            background += 1 + backgroundStride;

            size_t alignedWidth = AlignLo(width, DA);
            size_t bodyWidth = AlignLo(width, A);
            v128_u8 tailMask = ShiftLeft(K8_FF, A - width + bodyWidth);

            memset(sums, 0, 9 * sizeof(uint64_t));

            for (size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                v128_u32 _sums[2][9];
                memset(_sums, 0, 18 * sizeof(v128_u32));

                size_t col = 0;
                for (; col < alignedWidth; col += DA)
                    AbsDifferenceSums3x3<align>(Load<false>(current + col), background + col, backgroundStride, _sums[0]);
                    AbsDifferenceSums3x3<align>(Load<false>(current + col + A), background + col + A, backgroundStride, _sums[0]);
                for (; col < bodyWidth; col += A)
                    AbsDifferenceSums3x3<align>(Load<false>(current + col), background + col, backgroundStride, _sums[0]);
                if (width - bodyWidth)
                    const v128_u8 _current = vec_and(tailMask, Load<false>(current + width - A));
                    AbsDifferenceSums3x3Masked<false>(_current, background + width - A, backgroundStride, tailMask, _sums[0]);

                for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                    sums[i] += ExtractSum(vec_add(_sums[0][i], _sums[1][i]));

                current += currentStride;
                background += backgroundStride;
        template <bool align> void AbsDifferenceSumMasked(
            const uint8_t *a, size_t aStride, const uint8_t *b, size_t bStride,
            const uint8_t *mask, size_t maskStride, uint8_t index, size_t width, size_t height, uint64_t * sum)
            assert(width >= A);
            if (align)
                assert(Aligned(a) && Aligned(aStride) && Aligned(b) && Aligned(bStride));
                assert(Aligned(mask) && Aligned(maskStride));

            size_t alignedWidth = AlignLo(width, QA);
            size_t bodyWidth = AlignLo(width, A);
            v128_u8 tailMask = ShiftLeft(K8_FF, A - width + bodyWidth);
            v128_u8 _index = SetU8(index);
            *sum = 0;
            for (size_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
                size_t col = 0;
                v128_u32 sums[4] = { K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000, K32_00000000 };
                for (; col < alignedWidth; col += QA)
                    AbsDifferenceSumMasked<align>(a, b, mask, col, _index, sums[0]);
                    AbsDifferenceSumMasked<align>(a, b, mask, col + A, _index, sums[1]);
                    AbsDifferenceSumMasked<align>(a, b, mask, col + 2 * A, _index, sums[2]);
                    AbsDifferenceSumMasked<align>(a, b, mask, col + 3 * A, _index, sums[3]);
                sums[0] = vec_add(vec_add(sums[0], sums[1]), vec_add(sums[2], sums[3]));
                for (; col < bodyWidth; col += A)
                    AbsDifferenceSumMasked<align>(a, b, mask, col, _index, sums[0]);
                if (width - bodyWidth)
                    const v128_u8 _mask = vec_and(tailMask, LoadMaskU8<false>(mask + width - A, _index));
                    AbsDifferenceSumMasked<false>(a, b, width - A, _mask, sums[0]);
                *sum += ExtractSum(sums[0]);
                a += aStride;
                b += bStride;
                mask += maskStride;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static void vorbis_inverse_coupling_altivec(float *mag, float *ang,
                                            intptr_t blocksize)
    int i;
    vector float m, a;
    vector bool int t0, t1;
    const vector unsigned int v_31 = //XXX
    for (i = 0; i < blocksize; i += 4) {
        m = vec_ld(0, mag+i);
        a = vec_ld(0, ang+i);
        t0 = vec_cmple(m, (vector float)vec_splat_u32(0));
        t1 = vec_cmple(a, (vector float)vec_splat_u32(0));
        a = vec_xor(a, (vector float) vec_sl((vector unsigned int)t0, v_31));
        t0 = (vector bool int)vec_and(a, t1);
        t1 = (vector bool int)vec_andc(a, t1);
        a = vec_sub(m, (vector float)t1);
        m = vec_add(m, (vector float)t0);
        vec_stl(a, 0, ang+i);
        vec_stl(m, 0, mag+i);
Ejemplo n.º 29
void pix_background :: processYUVAltivec(imageStruct &image)
register int h,w,i,j,width;
int pixsize = image.xsize * image.ysize * image.csize;
    h = image.ysize;
    w = image.xsize/8;
    width = image.xsize/8;
    //check to see if the buffer isn't 16byte aligned (highly unlikely)
    if (image.ysize*image.xsize % 16 != 0){
        error("image not properly aligned for Altivec - try something SD or HD maybe?");
        unsigned short		s[8];
        vector unsigned short	v;

    if(m_savedImage.xsize!=image.xsize ||
       m_savedImage.ysize!=image.ysize ||

    if (m_reset){
    m_reset = 0; 
    register vector unsigned short	UVres1, Yres1, UVres2, Yres2;//interleave;
    register vector unsigned short	hiImage, loImage;
    register vector unsigned short	Yrange, UVrange, Yblank,UVblank,blank;
    register vector bool short		Ymasklo,Ymaskhi,  UVmaskhi;
    register vector unsigned short	Yhi,Ylo,UVhi,UVlo; 
    register vector unsigned char	one = vec_splat_u8(1);
    register vector unsigned short	sone = vec_splat_u16(1);
    register vector unsigned int			Uhi, Ulo, Vhi, Vlo,Ures,Vres;
    register vector bool int 			Umasklo, Umaskhi, Vmaskhi, Vmasklo;

    vector unsigned char	*inData = (vector unsigned char*) image.data;
    vector unsigned char	*rightData = (vector unsigned char*) m_savedImage.data;
    shortBuffer.s[0] =  m_Yrange;
    Yrange = shortBuffer.v;
    Yrange = vec_splat(Yrange,0);
    shortBuffer.s[0] = 128;
    shortBuffer.s[1] = 0;
    shortBuffer.s[2] = 128;
    shortBuffer.s[3] = 0;
    shortBuffer.s[4] = 128;
    shortBuffer.s[5] = 0;
    shortBuffer.s[6] = 128;
    shortBuffer.s[7] = 0;
    blank = shortBuffer.v;
    shortBuffer.s[0] =  0;
    Yblank = shortBuffer.v;
    Yblank = vec_splat(Yblank,0);
    shortBuffer.s[0] =  128;
    UVblank = shortBuffer.v;
    UVblank = vec_splat(UVblank,0);
    shortBuffer.s[0] = m_Urange;
    shortBuffer.s[1] = m_Vrange;
    shortBuffer.s[2] = m_Urange;
    shortBuffer.s[3] = m_Vrange;
    shortBuffer.s[4] = m_Urange;
    shortBuffer.s[5] = m_Vrange;
    shortBuffer.s[6] = m_Urange;
    shortBuffer.s[7] = m_Vrange;
    UVrange = shortBuffer.v;
    //setup the cache prefetch -- A MUST!!!
    UInt32			prefetchSize = GetPrefetchConstant( 16, 1, 256 );
    #ifndef PPC970 
    vec_dst( inData, prefetchSize, 0 );
    vec_dst( rightData, prefetchSize, 1 );
    vec_dst( inData+32, prefetchSize, 2 );
    vec_dst( rightData+32, prefetchSize, 3 );
    #endif //PPC970
    for ( i=0; i<h; i++){
        for (j=0; j<w; j++)
        #ifndef PPC970
        //this function is probably memory bound on most G4's -- what else is new?
            vec_dst( inData, prefetchSize, 0 );
            vec_dst( rightData, prefetchSize, 1 );
            vec_dst( inData+32, prefetchSize, 2 );
            vec_dst( rightData+32, prefetchSize, 3 );
        //separate the U and V from Y
        UVres1 = (vector unsigned short)vec_mule(one,inData[0]);
        UVres2 = (vector unsigned short)vec_mule(one,rightData[0]);
        //vec_mulo Y * 1 to short vector Y Y Y Y shorts
        Yres1 = (vector unsigned short)vec_mulo(one,inData[0]);
        Yres2 = (vector unsigned short)vec_mulo(one,rightData[0]);
        Yhi = vec_adds(Yres2,Yrange);
        Ylo = vec_subs(Yres2,Yrange);
        //go to ints for comparison
        UVhi = vec_adds(UVres2,UVrange);
        UVlo = vec_subs(UVres2,UVrange);
        Uhi = vec_mule(sone,UVhi);
        Ulo = vec_mule(sone,UVlo);
        Vhi = vec_mulo(sone,UVhi);
        Vlo = vec_mulo(sone,UVlo);
        Ures = vec_mule(sone,UVres1);
         Vres = vec_mulo(sone,UVres1);
         Umasklo = vec_cmpgt(Ures,Ulo);
         Umaskhi = vec_cmplt(Ures,Uhi);
         Vmasklo = vec_cmpgt(Vres,Vlo);
         Vmaskhi = vec_cmplt(Vres,Vhi);
         Umaskhi = vec_and(Umaskhi,Umasklo);
         Vmaskhi = vec_and(Vmaskhi,Vmasklo);
         Umasklo = vec_and(Umaskhi,Vmaskhi);
         Vmasklo = vec_and(Umaskhi,Vmaskhi);
         hiImage = (vector unsigned short)vec_mergeh(Umasklo,Vmasklo);
         loImage = (vector unsigned short)vec_mergel(Umasklo,Vmasklo);
         //pack it back down to bool short
         UVmaskhi = (vector bool short)vec_packsu(hiImage,loImage);
         Ymasklo = vec_cmpgt(Yres1,Ylo);
         Ymaskhi = vec_cmplt(Yres1,Yhi);
         Ymaskhi = vec_and(Ymaskhi,Ymasklo);
         Ymaskhi = vec_and(Ymaskhi,UVmaskhi);
         UVmaskhi = vec_and(Ymaskhi,UVmaskhi);
         //bitwise comparison and move using the result of the comparison as a mask
         Yres1 = vec_sel(Yres1,Yblank,Ymaskhi);
         //UVres1 = vec_sel(UVres1,UVres2,UVmaskhi);
         UVres1 = vec_sel(UVres1,UVblank,UVmaskhi);
         //merge the Y and UV back together
         hiImage = vec_mergeh(UVres1,Yres1);
         loImage = vec_mergel(UVres1,Yres1);
         //pack it back down to unsigned char to store
         inData[0] = vec_packsu(hiImage,loImage);
        #ifndef PPC970
Ejemplo n.º 30
int main ()
  vector float fa = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -4.0};
  vector float fb = {-2.0, -3.0, -4.0, -5.0};
  vector float fc = vec_cpsgn (fa, fb);

  vector long long la = {5L, 14L};
  vector long long lb = {3L, 86L};
  vector long long lc = vec_and (la, lb);
  vector bool long long ld = {0, -1};
  vector long long le = vec_and (la, ld);
  vector long long lf = vec_and (ld, lb);

  vector unsigned long long ua = {5L, 14L};
  vector unsigned long long ub = {3L, 86L};
  vector unsigned long long uc = vec_and (ua, ub);
  vector bool long long ud = {0, -1};
  vector unsigned long long ue = vec_and (ua, ud);
  vector unsigned long long uf = vec_and (ud, ub);

  vector long long lg = vec_andc (la, lb);
  vector long long lh = vec_andc (la, ld);
  vector long long li = vec_andc (ld, lb);

  vector unsigned long long ug = vec_andc (ua, ub);
  vector unsigned long long uh = vec_andc (ua, ud);
  vector unsigned long long ui = vec_andc (ud, ub);

  vector double da = {1.0, -4.0};
  vector double db = {-2.0, 5.0};
  vector double dc = vec_cpsgn (da, db);

  vector long long lj = vec_mergeh (la, lb);
  vector long long lk = vec_mergeh (la, ld);
  vector long long ll = vec_mergeh (ld, la);

  vector unsigned long long uj = vec_mergeh (ua, ub);
  vector unsigned long long uk = vec_mergeh (ua, ud);
  vector unsigned long long ul = vec_mergeh (ud, ua);

  vector long long lm = vec_mergel (la, lb);
  vector long long ln = vec_mergel (la, ld);
  vector long long lo = vec_mergel (ld, la);

  vector unsigned long long um = vec_mergel (ua, ub);
  vector unsigned long long un = vec_mergel (ua, ud);
  vector unsigned long long uo = vec_mergel (ud, ua);

  vector long long lp = vec_nor (la, lb);
  vector long long lq = vec_nor (la, ld);
  vector long long lr = vec_nor (ld, la);

  vector unsigned long long up = vec_nor (ua, ub);
  vector unsigned long long uq = vec_nor (ua, ud);
  vector unsigned long long ur = vec_nor (ud, ua);

  vector long long ls = vec_or (la, lb);
  vector long long lt = vec_or (la, ld);
  vector long long lu = vec_or (ld, la);

  vector unsigned long long us = vec_or (ua, ub);
  vector unsigned long long ut = vec_or (ua, ud);
  vector unsigned long long uu = vec_or (ud, ua);

  vector unsigned char ca = {0,4,8,1,5,9,2,6,10,3,7,11,15,12,14,13};
  vector long long lv = vec_perm (la, lb, ca);
  vector unsigned long long uv = vec_perm (ua, ub, ca);

  vector long long lw = vec_sel (la, lb, lc);
  vector long long lx = vec_sel (la, lb, uc);
  vector long long ly = vec_sel (la, lb, ld);

  vector unsigned long long uw = vec_sel (ua, ub, lc);
  vector unsigned long long ux = vec_sel (ua, ub, uc);
  vector unsigned long long uy = vec_sel (ua, ub, ld);

  vector long long lz = vec_xor (la, lb);
  vector long long l0 = vec_xor (la, ld);
  vector long long l1 = vec_xor (ld, la);

  vector unsigned long long uz = vec_xor (ua, ub);
  vector unsigned long long u0 = vec_xor (ua, ud);
  vector unsigned long long u1 = vec_xor (ud, ua);

  int ia = vec_all_eq (ua, ub);
  int ib = vec_all_ge (ua, ub);
  int ic = vec_all_gt (ua, ub);
  int id = vec_all_le (ua, ub);
  int ie = vec_all_lt (ua, ub);
  int ig = vec_all_ne (ua, ub);

  int ih = vec_any_eq (ua, ub);
  int ii = vec_any_ge (ua, ub);
  int ij = vec_any_gt (ua, ub);
  int ik = vec_any_le (ua, ub);
  int il = vec_any_lt (ua, ub);
  int im = vec_any_ne (ua, ub);

  vector int sia = {9, 16, 25, 36};
  vector int sib = {-8, -27, -64, -125};
  vector int sic = vec_mergee (sia, sib);
  vector int sid = vec_mergeo (sia, sib);

  vector unsigned int uia = {9, 16, 25, 36};
  vector unsigned int uib = {8, 27, 64, 125};
  vector unsigned int uic = vec_mergee (uia, uib);
  vector unsigned int uid = vec_mergeo (uia, uib);

  vector bool int bia = {0, -1, -1, 0};
  vector bool int bib = {-1, -1, 0, -1};
  vector bool int bic = vec_mergee (bia, bib);
  vector bool int bid = vec_mergeo (bia, bib);

  vector unsigned int uie = vec_packsu (ua, ub);

  vector long long l2 = vec_cntlz (la);
  vector unsigned long long u2 = vec_cntlz (ua);
  vector int sie = vec_cntlz (sia);
  vector unsigned int uif = vec_cntlz (uia);
  vector short ssa = {20, -40, -60, 80, 100, -120, -140, 160};
  vector short ssb = vec_cntlz (ssa);
  vector unsigned short usa = {81, 72, 63, 54, 45, 36, 27, 18};
  vector unsigned short usb = vec_cntlz (usa);
  vector signed char sca = {-4, 3, -9, 15, -31, 31, 0, 0,
		            1, 117, -36, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95};
  vector signed char scb = vec_cntlz (sca);
  vector unsigned char cb = vec_cntlz (ca);

  vector double dd = vec_xl (0, &y);
  vec_xst (dd, 0, &z);

  vector double de = vec_round (dd);

  vector double df = vec_splat (de, 0);
  vector double dg = vec_splat (de, 1);
  vector long long l3 = vec_splat (l2, 0);
  vector long long l4 = vec_splat (l2, 1);
  vector unsigned long long u3 = vec_splat (u2, 0);
  vector unsigned long long u4 = vec_splat (u2, 1);
  vector bool long long l5 = vec_splat (ld, 0);
  vector bool long long l6 = vec_splat (ld, 1);

  vector long long l7 = vec_div (l3, l4);
  vector unsigned long long u5 = vec_div (u3, u4);

  vector long long l8 = vec_mul (l3, l4);
  vector unsigned long long u6 = vec_mul (u3, u4);

  vector double dh = vec_ctf (la, -2);
  vector double di = vec_ctf (ua, 2);
  vector long long l9 = vec_cts (dh, -2);
  vector unsigned long long u7 = vec_ctu (di, 2);

  return 0;