Ejemplo n.º 1
const char *
version_get_version_with_git ()
    const char *git_version;
    static char version[256];

    git_version = version_get_git ();

    snprintf (version, sizeof (version), "%s%s%s%s",
              version_get_version (),
              (git_version && git_version[0]) ? " (git: " : "",
              (git_version && git_version[0]) ? git_version : "",
              (git_version && git_version[0]) ? ")" : "");

    return version;
Ejemplo n.º 2
gui_main_init ()
    struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer;
    struct t_gui_bar *ptr_bar;
    struct t_gui_bar_window *ptr_bar_win;
    char title[256];

    initscr ();

    if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_eat_newline_glitch))
        gui_term_set_eat_newline_glitch (0);

    curs_set (1);
    noecho ();
    nodelay (stdscr, TRUE);
    raw ();

    gui_color_init ();

    /* build prefixes according to configuration */
    gui_chat_prefix_build ();

    refresh ();

    gui_term_cols  = COLS;
    gui_term_lines = LINES;

    gui_window_read_terminal_size ();

    /* init clipboard buffer */
    gui_input_clipboard = NULL;

    /* get time length */
    gui_chat_time_length = gui_chat_get_time_length ();

    /* init bar items */
    gui_bar_item_init ();

    gui_init_ok = 0;

    /* create core buffer */
    ptr_buffer = gui_buffer_new (NULL, GUI_BUFFER_MAIN,
                                 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (ptr_buffer)
        gui_init_ok = 1;

        ptr_buffer->num_displayed = 1;

        /* set short name */
        if (!ptr_buffer->short_name)
            ptr_buffer->short_name = strdup (GUI_BUFFER_MAIN);

        /* set title for core buffer */
        snprintf (title, sizeof (title), "WeeChat %s %s - %s",
                  version_get_version (),
        gui_buffer_set_title (ptr_buffer, title);

        /* create main window (using full space) */
        if (gui_window_new (NULL, ptr_buffer, 0, 0,
                            gui_term_cols, gui_term_lines, 100, 100))
            gui_current_window = gui_windows;

            if (CONFIG_STRING(config_look_window_title)
                && CONFIG_STRING(config_look_window_title)[0])
                gui_window_set_title (CONFIG_STRING(config_look_window_title));

         * create bar windows for root bars (they were read from config,
         * but no window was created, GUI was not initialized)
        for (ptr_bar = gui_bars; ptr_bar; ptr_bar = ptr_bar->next_bar)
            if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(ptr_bar->options[GUI_BAR_OPTION_TYPE]) == GUI_BAR_TYPE_ROOT)
                && (!ptr_bar->bar_window))
                gui_bar_window_new (ptr_bar, NULL);
        for (ptr_bar_win = gui_windows->bar_windows;
             ptr_bar_win; ptr_bar_win = ptr_bar_win->next_bar_window)
            gui_bar_window_calculate_pos_size (ptr_bar_win, gui_windows);
            gui_bar_window_create_win (ptr_bar_win);

    if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_mouse))
        gui_mouse_enable ();
        gui_mouse_disable ();

    gui_window_set_bracketed_paste_mode (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_paste_bracketed));
Ejemplo n.º 3
const char *
plugin_api_info_get_internal (void *data, const char *info_name,
                              const char *arguments)
    time_t inactivity;
    static char value[32], version_number[32] = { '\0' };
    static char weechat_dir_absolute_path[PATH_MAX] = { '\0' };
    int rgb, limit;
    char *pos, *color;

    /* make C compiler happy */
    (void) data;

    if (!info_name)
        return NULL;

    if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "version") == 0)
        return version_get_version ();
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "version_number") == 0)
        if (!version_number[0])
            snprintf (version_number, sizeof (version_number), "%d",
                      util_version_number (version_get_version ()));
        return version_number;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "version_git") == 0)
        return version_get_git ();
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "date") == 0)
        return version_get_compilation_date ();
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "dir_separator") == 0)
        return DIR_SEPARATOR;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "weechat_dir") == 0)
        if (!weechat_dir_absolute_path[0])
            if (!realpath (weechat_home, weechat_dir_absolute_path))
                return NULL;
        return (weechat_dir_absolute_path[0]) ?
            weechat_dir_absolute_path : weechat_home;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "weechat_libdir") == 0)
        return WEECHAT_LIBDIR;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "weechat_sharedir") == 0)
        return WEECHAT_SHAREDIR;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "weechat_localedir") == 0)
        return LOCALEDIR;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "weechat_site") == 0)
        return WEECHAT_WEBSITE;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "weechat_site_download") == 0)
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "weechat_upgrading") == 0)
        snprintf (value, sizeof (value), "%d", weechat_upgrading);
        return value;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "charset_terminal") == 0)
        return weechat_local_charset;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "charset_internal") == 0)
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "locale") == 0)
        return setlocale (LC_MESSAGES, NULL);
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "inactivity") == 0)
        if (gui_key_last_activity_time == 0)
            inactivity = 0;
            inactivity = time (NULL) - gui_key_last_activity_time;
        snprintf (value, sizeof (value), "%ld", (long int)inactivity);
        return value;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "filters_enabled") == 0)
        snprintf (value, sizeof (value), "%d", gui_filters_enabled);
        return value;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "cursor_mode") == 0)
        snprintf (value, sizeof (value), "%d", gui_cursor_mode);
        return value;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "term_width") == 0)
        snprintf (value, sizeof (value), "%d", gui_window_get_width ());
        return value;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "term_height") == 0)
        snprintf (value, sizeof (value), "%d", gui_window_get_height ());
        return value;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "color_ansi_regex") == 0)
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "color_term2rgb") == 0)
        if (arguments && arguments[0])
            snprintf (value, sizeof (value),
                      gui_color_convert_term_to_rgb (atoi (arguments)));
            return value;
    else if (string_strcasecmp (info_name, "color_rgb2term") == 0)
        if (arguments && arguments[0])
            limit = 256;
            pos = strchr (arguments, ',');
            if (pos)
                color = string_strndup (arguments, pos - arguments);
                if (!color)
                    return NULL;
                rgb = atoi (color);
                limit = atoi (pos + 1);
                free (color);
                rgb = atoi (arguments);
            snprintf (value, sizeof (value),
                      gui_color_convert_rgb_to_term (rgb, limit));
            return value;

    /* info not found */
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
weechat_parse_args (int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;

    weechat_argv0 = (argv && argv[0]) ? strdup (argv[0]) : NULL;
    weechat_upgrading = 0;
    weechat_home = NULL;
    weechat_server_cmd_line = 0;
    weechat_auto_load_plugins = 1;
    weechat_plugin_no_dlclose = 0;

    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-c") == 0)
            || (strcmp (argv[i], "--colors") == 0))
            gui_color_display_terminal_colors ();
            weechat_shutdown (EXIT_SUCCESS, 0);
        else if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-d") == 0)
            || (strcmp (argv[i], "--dir") == 0))
            if (i + 1 < argc)
                weechat_home = strdup (argv[++i]);
                string_iconv_fprintf (stderr,
                                      _("Error: missing argument for \"%s\" "
                weechat_shutdown (EXIT_FAILURE, 0);
        else if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-h") == 0)
                || (strcmp (argv[i], "--help") == 0))
            weechat_display_usage (argv[0]);
            weechat_shutdown (EXIT_SUCCESS, 0);
        else if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-l") == 0)
                 || (strcmp (argv[i], "--license") == 0))
            weechat_display_copyright ();
            string_iconv_fprintf (stdout, "\n");
            string_iconv_fprintf (stdout, "%s%s", WEECHAT_LICENSE_TEXT);
            weechat_shutdown (EXIT_SUCCESS, 0);
        else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--no-dlclose") == 0)
             * Valgrind works better when dlclose() is not done after plugins
             * are unloaded, it can display stack for plugins,* otherwise
             * you'll see "???" in stack for functions of unloaded plugins.
             * This option disables the call to dlclose(),
             * it must NOT be used for other purposes!
            weechat_plugin_no_dlclose = 1;
        else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--no-gnutls") == 0)
             * Electric-fence is not working fine when gnutls loads
             * certificates and Valgrind reports many memory errors with gnutls.
             * This option disables the init/deinit of gnutls,
             * it must NOT be used for other purposes!
            weechat_no_gnutls = 1;
        else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--no-gcrypt") == 0)
             * Valgrind reports many memory errors with gcrypt.
             * This option disables the init/deinit of gcrypt,
             * it must NOT be used for other purposes!
            weechat_no_gcrypt = 1;
        else if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-p") == 0)
                 || (strcmp (argv[i], "--no-plugin") == 0))
            weechat_auto_load_plugins = 0;
        else if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-r") == 0)
                 || (strcmp (argv[i], "--run-command") == 0))
            if (i + 1 < argc)
                weechat_startup_commands = strdup (argv[++i]);
                string_iconv_fprintf (stderr,
                                      _("Error: missing argument for \"%s\" "
                weechat_shutdown (EXIT_FAILURE, 0);
        else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--upgrade") == 0)
            weechat_upgrading = 1;
        else if ((strcmp (argv[i], "-v") == 0)
                 || (strcmp (argv[i], "--version") == 0))
            string_iconv_fprintf (stdout, version_get_version ());
            fprintf (stdout, "\n");
            weechat_shutdown (EXIT_SUCCESS, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void version_test_get_version(void)
    CU_ASSERT(0 == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
TEST(Eval, EvalExpression)
    struct t_hashtable *pointers, *extra_vars, *options;
    struct t_config_option *ptr_option;
    char *value, str_value[256];

    pointers = NULL;

    extra_vars = hashtable_new (32,
                                NULL, NULL);
    hashtable_set (extra_vars, "test", "value");

    options = NULL;

    POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, eval_expression (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));

    /* test with simple strings */
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("", "");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("a b c", "a b c");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("$", "$");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("", "${");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("}", "}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("", "${}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("", "${xyz}");

    /* test eval of substring */
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("\t", "${eval:${\\t}}");

    /* test value from extra_vars */
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("value", "${test}");

    /* test escaped chars */
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("\t", "${\\t}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("\t", "${esc:\t}");

    /* test hidden chars */
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("********", "${hide:*,password}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("\u2603\u2603\u2603", "${hide:${esc:\u2603},abc}");

    /* test color */
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL(gui_color_get_custom ("green"), "${color:green}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL(gui_color_get_custom ("*214"), "${color:*214}");
    snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value),
              gui_color_from_option (config_color_chat_delimiters));
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL(str_value, "${color:chat_delimiters}-test-");
    config_file_search_with_string ("irc.color.message_join", NULL, NULL,
                                    &ptr_option, NULL);
    if (!ptr_option)
        FAIL("ERROR: option irc.color.message_join not found.");
    snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value),
              "%s-test-", gui_color_from_option (ptr_option));
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL(str_value, "${color:irc.color.message_join}-test-");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("test", "${option.not.found}test");

    /* test info */
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL(version_get_version (), "${info:version}");

    /* test date */
    value = eval_expression ("${date}", pointers, extra_vars, options);
    LONGS_EQUAL(19, strlen (value));
    free (value);
    value = eval_expression ("${date:%H:%M:%S}",
                             pointers, extra_vars, options);
    LONGS_EQUAL(8, strlen (value));
    free (value);

    /* test option */
    snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value),
              "%d", CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_scroll_amount));
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL(str_value, "${weechat.look.scroll_amount}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL(str_value, "${${window.buffer.name}.look.scroll_amount}");

    /* test hdata */
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("x", "x${buffer.number");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("1", "${buffer.number}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("1", "${window.buffer.number}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("core.weechat", "${buffer.full_name}");
    WEE_CHECK_EVAL("core.weechat", "${window.buffer.full_name}");

    hashtable_free (extra_vars);