Ejemplo n.º 1
//laddar heightmap från en rawfil.
void HeigthMap::Load(std::string filename, int Width, int Height)
    m_Width		= Width;
    m_Height	= Height;

    m_Map = new float*[Height];
    for (int z = 0; z < Height; z++)
        m_Map[z] = new float[Width];

    std::vector<unsigned char> vertexHeights(Width * Height);

    //läser in data från raw filen.
    std::ifstream fin;
    fin.open(filename, std::ios_base::binary);

    if (!fin) HRESULT(E_FAIL);

    fin.read((char *)&vertexHeights[0], (std::streamsize)vertexHeights.size());

    //sparar den inladdade informationen i heigtmappen.
    for (int z = 0; z < Height; z++)
        //Inverterar data i Z axeln.
        int Z = Height - 1 - z;
        for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
            m_Map[Z][x] = (float) vertexHeights[z*Width + x];

    //filtrerar höjdmappen 20 gånger.
Ejemplo n.º 2
//Laddar BlendMap från RAW-fil
void BlendMap::Load(std::string filename, int Width, int Height)
	m_Width		= Width;
	m_Height	= Height;

	m_Map = new XMFLOAT4*[Height];
	for (int z = 0; z < Height; z++)
		m_Map[z] = new XMFLOAT4[Width];

	std::vector<unsigned char> vertexHeights(4 * Width * Height);

	//Läser in data från fil.
	std::ifstream fin;
	fin.open(filename, std::ios_base::binary);

	if (!fin) HRESULT(E_FAIL);

	fin.read((char *)&vertexHeights[0], (std::streamsize)vertexHeights.size());

	int k = 0;
	for (int z = 0; z < Height; z++)
		//Inverterar data i Z axeln.
		int Z = Height - 1 - z;
		for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
			float r			= (float) vertexHeights[k];		//Rött värde för pixeln.
			float g			= (float) vertexHeights[k + 1];	//Grönt värde för pixeln.
			float b			= (float) vertexHeights[k + 2];	//Blått värde för pixeln.
			float a			= (float) vertexHeights[k + 3];	//Alpha värde för pixeln.
			float sum		= r + g + b + a;				//Summan av färgkomponenterna för pixeln.

			r				= r / sum;						//Andel rött i pixeln.
			g				= g / sum;						//Andel grönt i pixeln.
			b				= b / sum;						//Andel blått i pixeln.
			a				= a / sum;						//Andel alpha i pixeln.

			m_Map[Z][x] = XMFLOAT4(r,g,b, a);			//Sparar värderna.
			k += 4;											//Räknar fram.
Ejemplo n.º 3
void HeightMap::LoadRaw(int rows, int cols, const std::string& filename, const float& heightScale, const float& heightOffset)
	this->zHeightMapName = filename;
	this->zHeightOffset = heightOffset;
	this->zHeightScale = heightScale;

	this->zCols = cols;
	this->zRows = rows;

	std::vector<unsigned char> vertexHeights(rows * cols);
	std::ifstream fin;
	fin.open(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);

	if (!fin.is_open())



	this->zHeightMap.resize(rows * cols);

	for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
			int index = i * rows + j;

			this->zHeightMap[index] = (float)vertexHeights[index] 
				* this->zHeightScale 
					+ this->zHeightOffset;

	//Filter the table to smooth it out. We do this because x height
	//steps may be rough. And now that we copied the data into a
	//float-table, we have more precision. (Boxfilter)