Ejemplo n.º 1
 * return the phased amplitude of a data point at the specified coordinates
 * @param k slice index
 * @param j trace index
 * @param i point index
 * @param options
 * @return data value at input indexes
 double CGLDataMgr::vertexValue(int k, int j, int i){
	 int ni=0,nj=0,nk=0,maxi=0,maxj=0;
	// swizzle input indexes to extract the appropriate sliceplane
		case X: ni=i; nj=j; nk=k; maxi=slices-1; maxj=traces-1;break;
		case Y: ni=j; nj=k; nk=i; maxi=np-1; maxj=slices-1; break;
		default: // 1D 2D
		case Z: ni=k; nj=j; nk=i; maxi=np-1; maxj=traces-1; break;
	int adrs = 0;
	adrs = traces * np * ni + ws * nj * np + nk;
	if (adrs >= data_size || adrs < 0)
		return 0;
	double rvalue = vertexValue(adrs);
	if (complex) {
		double ivalue = vertexValue(adrs + np);
		if (absval)
			return pa * fabs(rvalue) + pb * fabs(ivalue);
			return pa * rvalue + pb * ivalue;
	} else
		return rvalue;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Foam::scalar Foam::face::areaInContact
    const pointField& meshPoints,
    const scalarField& v
) const
    // Calculate area in contact given displacement of vertices relative to
    // the face plane. Positive displacement is above the face (no contact);
    // negative is in contact

    // Assemble the vertex values
    const labelList& labels = *this;

    scalarField vertexValue(labels.size());

    forAll(labels, i)
        vertexValue[i] = v[labels[i]];

    // Loop through vertexValue. If all greater that 0 return 0 (no contact);
    // if all less than zero return 1
    // all zeros is assumed to be in contact.

    bool allPositive = true;
    bool allNegative = true;

    forAll(vertexValue, vI)
        if (vertexValue[vI] > 0)
            allNegative = false;
            allPositive = false;

    if (allPositive)
        return 0.0;

    if (allNegative)
        return 1.0;

    // There is a partial contact.
    // Algorithm:
    // Go through all edges. if both vertex values for the edge are
    // positive, discard. If one is positive and one is negative,
    // create a point and start the edge with it. If both are
    // negative, add the edge into the new face.  When finished,
    // calculate area of new face and return relative area (0<x<1)

    // Dimension new point list to max possible size
    const labelList& faceLabels = *this;

    pointField newFacePoints(2*size());
    label nNewFacePoints = 0;

    for (label vI = 0; vI < size() - 1; vI++)
        if (vertexValue[vI] <= 0)
            // This is a point in contact
            newFacePoints[nNewFacePoints] = meshPoints[faceLabels[vI]];

            (vertexValue[vI] > 0 && vertexValue[vI + 1] < 0)
         || (vertexValue[vI] < 0 && vertexValue[vI + 1] > 0)
            // Edge intersection. Calculate intersection point and add to list
            point intersection =
              + vertexValue[vI]/(vertexValue[vI + 1] - vertexValue[vI])
                *(meshPoints[faceLabels[vI]] - meshPoints[faceLabels[vI + 1]]);

            newFacePoints[nNewFacePoints] = intersection;

    // Do last point by hand
    if (vertexValue[size() - 1] <= 0)
        // This is a point in contact
        newFacePoints[nNewFacePoints] = meshPoints[faceLabels[size() - 1]];

        (vertexValue[size() - 1] > 0 && vertexValue[0] < 0)
     || (vertexValue[size() - 1] < 0 && vertexValue[0] > 0)
        // Edge intersection. Calculate intersection point and add to list
        point intersection =
            meshPoints[faceLabels[size() - 1]]
          + vertexValue[size() - 1]/(vertexValue[0] - vertexValue[size() - 1])
            *(meshPoints[faceLabels[size() - 1]] - meshPoints[faceLabels[0]]);

        newFacePoints[nNewFacePoints] = intersection;


    // Make a labelList for the sub-face (points are ordered!)
    labelList sfl(newFacePoints.size());

    forAll(sfl, sflI)
        sfl[sflI] = sflI;

    // Calculate relative area
    return face(sfl).mag(newFacePoints)/(mag(meshPoints) + VSMALL);