Ejemplo n.º 1
static void aggregate_layer_child_visible_toggle ( menu_array_values values )
  VikAggregateLayer *val = VIK_AGGREGATE_LAYER ( values[MA_VAL] );
  VikLayersPanel *vlp = VIK_LAYERS_PANEL ( values[MA_VLP] );
  VikLayer *vl;

  // Loop around all (child) layers applying visibility setting
  // This does not descend the tree if there are aggregates within aggregrate - just the first level of layers held
  GList *iter = val->children;
  while ( iter ) {
    vl = VIK_LAYER ( iter->data );
    vl->visible = !vl->visible;
    // Also set checkbox on/off
    vik_treeview_item_toggle_visible ( vik_layers_panel_get_treeview ( vlp ), &(vl->iter) );
    iter = iter->next;
  // Redraw as view may have changed
  vik_layer_emit_update ( VIK_LAYER ( val ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void aggregate_layer_child_visible ( gpointer data[2], gboolean on_off)
  // Convert data back to correct types
  VikAggregateLayer *val = VIK_AGGREGATE_LAYER ( data[0] );
  VikLayersPanel *vlp = VIK_LAYERS_PANEL ( data[1] );
  VikLayer *vl;

  // Loop around all (child) layers applying visibility setting
  // This does not descend the tree if there are aggregates within aggregrate - just the first level of layers held
  GList *iter = val->children;
  while ( iter ) {
    vl = VIK_LAYER ( iter->data );
    vl->visible = on_off;
    // Also set checkbox on_off
    vik_treeview_item_set_visible ( vik_layers_panel_get_treeview ( vlp ), &(vl->iter), on_off );
    iter = iter->next;
  // Redraw as view may have changed
  vik_layer_emit_update ( VIK_LAYER ( val ) );