Ejemplo n.º 1
int totalCardCountTest(struct gameState* state){

   state->numPlayers = 2;
   state->deckCount[0] = 27;

   int i;
   //Deck will contain one of each card
   for(i = 0;  i < state->deckCount[0]; i++){
      state->deck[0][i] = i;
   //Fill hand with village cards
   state->handCount[0] = 5;
   for(i = 5;  i < 5 + state->handCount[0]; i++){
      state->hand[0][i-5] = village;
   //Fill discard pile with arbitrary 10 cards
   state->discardCount[0] = 10;
   for(i = 0;  i < state->discardCount[0]; i++){
      state->discard[0][i] = i;

   struct gameState* cpy = (struct gameState*)(malloc(sizeof(struct gameState)));
   memcpy(cpy, state, sizeof(struct gameState));

   villageCard(state, 0, 0);

   int cardCount = 0;
   cardCount += state->deckCount[0] + state->handCount[0] + state->discardCount[0];
   if(cardCount != cpy->deckCount[0] + cpy->handCount[0] + cpy->discardCount[0]){
	   return -1;
   //Card should exit normally as expected
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void checkVillage(int thisPlayer, struct gameState *G, int handPos) {
    int otherPlayer;
    int result;
    int discardCount = 0;
    struct gameState testG;
    memcpy (&testG, G, sizeof(struct gameState));

    if (thisPlayer == 1)
        otherPlayer = 0;
        otherPlayer = 1;

    result = villageCard(&testG, thisPlayer, handPos);

    // do to G what we think village should do
    drawCard(thisPlayer, G);
    G->numActions += 2;
    // discard village from hand
    discardCard(handPos, thisPlayer, G, 0);

    // -- TESTS --//
    printf("Village returned successfully - return value %d, expected %d\n", result, 0);
    assert (result == 0); // village returned correctly
    printf("Number of actions incremented properly - actions %d, expected %d\n", testG.numActions, G->numActions);
    // assert (testG.numActions == G->numActions);
    if (testG.numActions != G->numActions) // replace assert since it always catches bug
        printf("Failure: incorrect number of actions added\n");

    printf("Played card discarded as expected - played card pile %d, expected %d\n",
           testG.playedCardCount, G->playedCardCount);
    assert(testG.playedCardCount == G->playedCardCount);
    printf("Discarded card is village - played card value %d, expected %d\n",
           testG.playedCards[testG.playedCardCount - 1], village);
    assert(testG.playedCards[testG.playedCardCount - 1] == village);
    // check for state change to other player
    printf("No state change to other player:\n");
    printf("     Other player deck count - actual %d, expected %d\n",
           testG.deckCount[otherPlayer], G->deckCount[otherPlayer]);
    assert(testG.deckCount[otherPlayer] == G->deckCount[otherPlayer]);
    printf("     Other player hand count - actual %d, expected %d\n",
           testG.handCount[otherPlayer], G->handCount[otherPlayer]);
    assert(testG.handCount[otherPlayer] == G->handCount[otherPlayer]);
    printf("     Other player discard count - actual %d, expected %d\n",
           testG.discardCount[otherPlayer], G->discardCount[otherPlayer]);
    assert(testG.discardCount[otherPlayer] == G->discardCount[otherPlayer]);

    // test game states have been altered the same way
    printf("Testing for identical game states...\n");
    if (memcmp(G, &testG, sizeof(struct gameState)) == 0)
        printf("Success: both game states identical\n");
        printf("Fail: game states are not identical\n");
    //assert(memcmp(&G, testG, sizeof(struct gameState)) == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main () {

  struct gameState actual, expected;
  int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine,
	       remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall};
  int num_players = 2;
  initializeGame(num_players, k, 1, &actual);

  int player = 0;
  //Set up player's deck.
  actual.hand[player][0] = village;
  actual.hand[player][1] = gold;
  //+1 card from the deck -1 village card = the same.
  actual.handCount[player] = 2;

  memcpy(&expected, &actual, sizeof(struct gameState));

  //Copy the game state to the pre game state test case.
  assert(memcmp(&expected, &actual, sizeof(struct gameState)) == 0);
  printf("The state of the actual and expected both initialized the same.\n");

  //Set up expected results.
  expected.deckCount[player] = actual.deckCount[player] - 1;
  expected.numActions = 2;

  int handpos = 0;

  if( villageCard(player, &actual, handpos) == 0){
	printf("The village card was called successfully.\n");
	printf("The village card failed to be called.i\n");

  //Check results.
  //a card was taken from the deck successfully.
  assert( expected.deckCount[player] == actual.deckCount[player] );
  //+ 1 card from the deck -1 village card. Hand Count should be the same.
  assert( expected.handCount[player] == actual.handCount[player] );
  //Check that the player has two actions left.
  assert( expected.numActions == actual.numActions );
  //Check that the village card is discarded.
  assert( actual.hand[player][0] != village );
  printf("The function executed successfully for the player.\n");

  int player2 = 1;
  //Check that no other players were not altered.
  assert( expected.deckCount[player2] == actual.deckCount[player2] );
  assert( expected.handCount[player2] == actual.handCount[player2] );
  printf("The function didn't alter other player's state.\n");

  return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 4
int main() {
    int i, j, m;
    int actions;
    int success = 1;
    int failed = 0;
    int seed = 1000;
    int count = 0;
    int numPlayer = 2;
    int maxBonus = 10;
    int p = 0, r, deckC;
    int shuffled = 0;
    int originalDeck[100];
    int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine
                 , remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall
    struct gameState G;

    printf ("TESTING villlageCard():\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        memset(&G, 23, sizeof(struct gameState));   // clear the game state
        r = initializeGame(numPlayer, k, seed, &G); // initialize a new game
        G.numActions = i;
        for (m = 0; m < 5; m++) {
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
            printf("Actions in players hand before village: %d\n", G.numActions);
            actions = G.numActions;
            villageCard(p, &G, G.handCount[p] - 1);
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
            printf("Actions in players hand after village: %d\n", G.numActions);
            printf("Should be: %d\n", (m+1)*2);
            if ((m+1)*2 != G.numActions) {
                printf("TEST FAILED\n");
                success = 0;

    if (success) {
        printf("All tests passed!\n");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void villageCard(struct gameState* state, int currentPlayer, int handPos){

      drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
      state->numActions = 2;
      //discard played card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
int basicTest(struct gameState* state){

   state->numPlayers = 2;
   state->deckCount[0] = 27;

   int i;
   //Deck should include at one copper, one silver, and one gold to be found
   for(i = 0;  i < state->deckCount[0]; i++){
      state->deck[0][i] = i;
   state->handCount[0] = 5;
   for(i = 5;  i < 5 + state->handCount[0]; i++){
      state->hand[0][i-5] = village;
   state->discardCount[0] = 10;
   for(i = 0;  i < state->discardCount[0]; i++){
      state->discard[0][i] = i;

   struct gameState* cpy = (struct gameState*)(malloc(sizeof(struct gameState)));
   memcpy(cpy, state, sizeof(struct gameState));

   villageCard(state, 0, 0);

   //Use 1 action, add 2 actions
   if(state->numActions != cpy->numActions +1){
	   return -1;
   //Discard village card, add one new card
   if(state->handCount[0] != cpy->handCount[0]){
	   return -2;
   //Discard only the village card
   if(state->discardCount[0] != cpy->discardCount[0] +1){
	   return -3;

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int discardTest(struct gameState* state){

   state->numPlayers = 2;
   state->deckCount[0] = 27;

   int i;

   for(i = 0;  i < state->deckCount[0]; i++){
      state->deck[0][i] = i;
   state->handCount[0] = 5;
   for(i = 5;  i < 5 + state->handCount[0]; i++){
      state->hand[0][i-5] = village;
   state->discardCount[0] = 10;
   for(i = 0;  i < state->discardCount[0]; i++){
      state->discard[0][i] = i;

   struct gameState* cpy = (struct gameState*)(malloc(sizeof(struct gameState)));
   memcpy(cpy, state, sizeof(struct gameState));

   villageCard(state, 0, 0);

   if(state->discardCount[0] != cpy->discardCount[0]+1){
	   return -1;

   if(state->discard[0][state->discardCount[0]-1] != village){
	   return -2;

   //Card should exit normally as expected
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    struct gameState state;
    struct gameState stateCopy;
    memset(&state, 0, sizeof(struct gameState));
    /* copy of gameState for comparison */
    stateCopy = state;

    /*Init deck with 4 cards.*/

    state.deck[0][0] = silver;
    state.deck[0][1] = province;
    state.deck[0][2] = gold;
    state.deck[0][3] = duchy;

    state.hand[0][0] = village;
    state.deckCount[0] = 4;
    state.discardCount[0] = 0;
    state.handCount[0] = 1;
    state.numActions = 0;
    state.playedCardCount = 0;

    villageCard(&state, 0, 0);

    printf("villageCard(): %s empty hand (except Village card) case\n", 
        (state.handCount[0] == 1 &&
        state.playedCardCount == 1 &&
        state.deckCount[0] == 3 &&
        state.numActions == 2) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");

    /* clear game state */
    memset(&state, 0, sizeof(struct gameState));

    /*Init deck with 4 cards.*/

    state.deck[0][0] = silver;
    state.deck[0][1] = province;
    state.deck[0][2] = gold;
    state.deck[0][3] = duchy;

    state.hand[0][0] = village;
    state.handCount[0] = 1;
    state.deckCount[0] = 0;
    state.discardCount[0] = 0;
    state.numActions = 0;
    state.playedCardCount = 0;

    villageCard(&state, 0, 0);

    printf("villageCard(): %s empty deck case\n", 
    (state.handCount[0] == 0 &&
    state.playedCardCount == 1 &&
    state.deckCount[0] == 0 &&
    state.numActions == 2) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");

    /* clear verified changes made by villageCard() */
    memset(&state.handCount[0], 0, sizeof(int));
    memset(&state.deckCount[0], 0, sizeof(int)); 
    memset(&state.discardCount[0], 0, sizeof(int));
    memset(&state.playedCardCount, 0, sizeof(int)); 
    memset(&state.hand[0], 0, sizeof(int) * MAX_HAND); 
    memset(&state.deck[0], 0, sizeof(int) * MAX_DECK);
    memset(&state.discard[0], 0, sizeof(int) * MAX_DECK);
    memset(&state.playedCards, 0, sizeof(int) * MAX_DECK);
    memset(&state.numActions, 0, sizeof(int) * MAX_DECK);

    /* verify that no erroneous changes are made to game state */
    printf("villageCard(): %s changes to correct player only\n", 
        (memcmp(&state, &stateCopy, sizeof(struct gameState)) == 0) 
        ? "PASS" : "FAIL");    

    /* clear game state */
    memset(&state, 0, sizeof(struct gameState));

    /*Init deck with 4 cards.*/

    state.deck[0][0] = silver;
    state.deck[0][1] = province;
    state.deck[0][2] = gold;
    state.deck[0][3] = duchy;

    state.hand[0][0] = village;
    state.hand[0][1] = village;
    state.deckCount[0] = 4;
    state.discardCount[0] = 0;
    state.handCount[0] = 2;
    state.numActions = 0;
    state.playedCardCount = 0;

    villageCard(&state, 0, 0);
    villageCard(&state, 0, 1);

    printf("villageCard(): %s 2 consecutive Village cards case\n", 
        (state.handCount[0] == 2 &&
        state.playedCardCount == 2 &&
        state.deckCount[0] == 2 &&
        state.numActions == 4) ? "PASS" : "FAIL");

    // printf("deckCount: %i handCount: %i playedCardCount: %i\n", 
    //     state.deckCount[0], state.handCount[0], state.playedCardCount);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void testVillage()

    int seed = 1000;
    int numPlayer = 2;

    int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine
               , remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall};
	int testPlayer=1;
	int handCount=5;
//initialize gamestate
    struct gameState G;

//loading hand with 5 cards first, hardcoded in

int firstHand[5];

//place specific cards in each possible spot

firstHand[0] = feast;
firstHand[1] = feast;
firstHand[2] = estate;
firstHand[3] = smithy;
firstHand[4] = village;

initializeGame(numPlayer, k, seed, &G);

//set specifics for new game state

G.handCount[testPlayer]= handCount;

//place cards in test player's hand

memcpy(G.hand[testPlayer], firstHand, sizeof(int) * handCount);

//The adventure card has two basic functions
//draws cards until two treasures are drawn
//discards all other cards

//now to test actual function

villageCard(&G, testPlayer, 4);

//now going to test state after passing correct values
//since it adds two treasures, handCount should be at 7

if(G.numActions == 3)
    printf ("Passed, game action =3, expected %d\n", G.numActions);
    printf ("Failed, game action = %d cards, expected 3\n", G.numActions);


Ejemplo n.º 9
int cardEffect(int card, int choice1, int choice2, int choice3, struct gameState *state, int handPos, int *bonus)
  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  int x;
  int index;
  int currentPlayer = whoseTurn(state);
  int nextPlayer = currentPlayer + 1;

  int tributeRevealedCards[2] = {-1, -1};
  int temphand[MAX_HAND];// moved above the if statement
  int drawntreasure=0;
  int cardDrawn;
  int z = 0;// this is the counter for the temp hand
  if (nextPlayer > (state->numPlayers - 1)){
    nextPlayer = 0;
  //uses switch to select card and perform actions
  switch( card ) 
    case adventurer:
      adventurerCard(state, currentPlayer, temphand);
      return 0;
    case council_room:
      //+4 Cards
      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
      //+1 Buy
      //Each other player draws a card
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	  if ( i != currentPlayer )
	      drawCard(i, state);
      //put played card in played card pile
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case feast:
      //gain card with cost up to 5
      //Backup hand
      for (i = 0; i <= state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++){
	temphand[i] = state->hand[currentPlayer][i];//Backup card
	state->hand[currentPlayer][i] = -1;//Set to nothing
      //Backup hand

      //Update Coins for Buy
      updateCoins(currentPlayer, state, 5);
      x = 1;//Condition to loop on
      while( x == 1) {//Buy one card
	if (supplyCount(choice1, state) <= 0){
	  if (DEBUG)
	    printf("None of that card left, sorry!\n");

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Cards Left: %d\n", supplyCount(choice1, state));
	else if (state->coins < getCost(choice1)){
	  printf("That card is too expensive!\n");

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Coins: %d < %d\n", state->coins, getCost(choice1));

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Deck Count: %d\n", state->handCount[currentPlayer] + state->deckCount[currentPlayer] + state->discardCount[currentPlayer]);

	  gainCard(choice1, state, 0, currentPlayer);//Gain the card
	  x = 0;//No more buying cards

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Deck Count: %d\n", state->handCount[currentPlayer] + state->deckCount[currentPlayer] + state->discardCount[currentPlayer]);


      //Reset Hand
      for (i = 0; i <= state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++){
	state->hand[currentPlayer][i] = temphand[i];
	temphand[i] = -1;
      //Reset Hand
      return 0;
    case gardens:
      return -1; 
    case mine:
      j = state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1];  //store card we will trash

      if (state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1] < copper || state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1] > gold)
	  return -1;
      if (choice2 > treasure_map || choice2 < curse)
	  return -1;

      if ( (getCost(state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]) + 3) > getCost(choice2) )
	  return -1;

      gainCard(choice2, state, 2, currentPlayer);

      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);

      //discard trashed card
      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == j)
	      discardCard(i, currentPlayer, state, 0);			
      return 0;
    case remodel:
      j = state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1];  //store card we will trash

      if ( (getCost(state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]) + 2) > getCost(choice2) )
	  return -1;

      gainCard(choice2, state, 0, currentPlayer);

      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);

      //discard trashed card
      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == j)
	      discardCard(i, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      return 0;
    case smithy:
      smithyCard(state, currentPlayer, handPos);
      return 0;
    case village:
      villageCard(state, currentPlayer, handPos);
      return 0;
    case baron:
      baronCard(state, currentPlayer, choice1);

      return 0;
    case great_hall:
      //+1 Card
      drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
      //+1 Actions
      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);

      return 0;
    case minion:
      //+1 action
      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      if (choice1)		//+2 coins
	  state->coins = state->coins + 2;
      else if (choice2)		//discard hand, redraw 4, other players with 5+ cards discard hand and draw 4
	  //discard hand
	  while(numHandCards(state) > 0)
	      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
	  //draw 4
	  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	      drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	  //other players discard hand and redraw if hand size > 4
	  for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	      if (i != currentPlayer)
		  if ( state->handCount[i] > 4 )
		      //discard hand
		      while( state->handCount[i] > 0 )
			  discardCard(handPos, i, state, 0);
		      //draw 4
		      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			  drawCard(i, state);
      return 0;
    case steward:
      stewardCard(state, handPos, currentPlayer, choice1, choice2, choice3);
      return 0;
    case tribute:
      if ((state->discardCount[nextPlayer] + state->deckCount[nextPlayer]) <= 1){
	if (state->deckCount[nextPlayer] > 0){
	  tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	else if (state->discardCount[nextPlayer] > 0){
	  tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->discard[nextPlayer][state->discardCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	  //No Card to Reveal
	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("No cards to reveal\n");
	if (state->deckCount[nextPlayer] == 0){
	  for (i = 0; i < state->discardCount[nextPlayer]; i++){
	    state->deck[nextPlayer][i] = state->discard[nextPlayer][i];//Move to deck
	    state->discard[nextPlayer][i] = -1;
	  shuffle(nextPlayer,state);//Shuffle the deck
	tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]--] = -1;
	tributeRevealedCards[1] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]--] = -1;
      if (tributeRevealedCards[0] == tributeRevealedCards[1]){//If we have a duplicate card, just drop one 
	state->playedCards[state->playedCardCount] = tributeRevealedCards[1];
	tributeRevealedCards[1] = -1;

      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i ++){
	if (tributeRevealedCards[i] == copper || tributeRevealedCards[i] == silver || tributeRevealedCards[i] == gold){//Treasure cards
	  state->coins += 2;
	else if (tributeRevealedCards[i] == estate || tributeRevealedCards[i] == duchy || tributeRevealedCards[i] == province || tributeRevealedCards[i] == gardens || tributeRevealedCards[i] == great_hall){//Victory Card Found
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	else{//Action Card
	  state->numActions = state->numActions + 2;
      return 0;
    case ambassador:
      j = 0;		//used to check if player has enough cards to discard

      if (choice2 > 2 || choice2 < 0)
	  return -1;				

      if (choice1 == handPos)
	  return -1;

      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (i != handPos && i == state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1] && i != choice1)
      if (j < choice2)
	  return -1;				

      if (DEBUG) 
	printf("Player %d reveals card number: %d\n", currentPlayer, state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]);

      //increase supply count for choosen card by amount being discarded
      state->supplyCount[state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]] += choice2;
      //each other player gains a copy of revealed card
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	  if (i != currentPlayer)
	      gainCard(state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1], state, 0, i);

      //discard played card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      //trash copies of cards returned to supply
      for (j = 0; j < choice2; j++)
	  for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	      if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1])
		  discardCard(i, currentPlayer, state, 1);

      return 0;
    case cutpurse:

      updateCoins(currentPlayer, state, 2);
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	  if (i != currentPlayer)
	      for (j = 0; j < state->handCount[i]; j++)
		  if (state->hand[i][j] == copper)
		      discardCard(j, i, state, 0);
		  if (j == state->handCount[i])
		      for (k = 0; k < state->handCount[i]; k++)
			  if (DEBUG)
			    printf("Player %d reveals card number %d\n", i, state->hand[i][k]);

      //discard played card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      return 0;

    case embargo: 
      //+2 Coins
      state->coins = state->coins + 2;
      //see if selected pile is in play
      if ( state->supplyCount[choice1] == -1 )
	  return -1;
      //add embargo token to selected supply pile
      //trash card
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 1);		
      return 0;
    case outpost:
      //set outpost flag
      //discard card
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case salvager:
      //+1 buy
      if (choice1)
	  //gain coins equal to trashed card
	  state->coins = state->coins + getCost( handCard(choice1, state) );
	  //trash card
	  discardCard(choice1, currentPlayer, state, 1);	
      //discard card
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case sea_hag:
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++){
	if (i != currentPlayer){
	  state->discard[i][state->discardCount[i]] = state->deck[i][state->deckCount[i]--];			    state->deckCount[i]--;
	  state->deck[i][state->deckCount[i]--] = curse;//Top card now a curse
      return 0;
    case treasure_map:
      //search hand for another treasure_map
      index = -1;
      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == treasure_map && i != handPos)
	      index = i;
      if (index > -1)
	  //trash both treasure cards
	  discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 1);
	  discardCard(index, currentPlayer, state, 1);

	  //gain 4 Gold cards
	  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	      gainCard(gold, state, 1, currentPlayer);
	  //return success
	  return 1;
      //no second treasure_map found in hand
      return -1;
  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main() {
    int i;
    int seed = 1000;
    int numPlayer = 2;
    int p, r, handCount;
    int playedCardCount;
    int numActions;
    int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine
               , remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall};
    struct gameState G;
    int maxHandCount = 5;
    int passFlag = 1;
    int maxplayedCardCount = 10;
    // arrays of all coppers, villages
    int coppers[MAX_HAND];
    int villages[MAX_HAND];
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_HAND; i++)
        coppers[i] = copper;
        villages[i] = village;

    printf ("TESTING villageCard():\n");
    for (p = 0; p < numPlayer; p++)
        for (handCount = 1; handCount <= maxHandCount; handCount++)
            for (playedCardCount = 0; playedCardCount <= maxplayedCardCount; playedCardCount++)
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
                printf("Test player %d with %d card(s) on hand and %d playedCardCount.\n", p, handCount, playedCardCount);
                memset(&G, 23, sizeof(struct gameState));   // clear the game state
                r = initializeGame(numPlayer, k, seed, &G); // initialize a new game
                G.handCount[p] = handCount;                 // set the number of cards on hand
                G.playedCardCount = playedCardCount;        //Set the number of played card 
                memcpy(G.hand[p], villages, sizeof(int) * handCount); // set all the cards to copper
                memcpy(G.playedCards, coppers, sizeof(int) * playedCardCount); // set all the cards to copper
                numActions = G.numActions;
                villageCard(0, p, &G, 0);
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
                printf("G.handCount = %d, expected = %d\n", G.handCount[p], handCount);
                if(G.handCount[p] != handCount){ // check if the number of cards on hand is correct
                    printf("FAIL, G.handCount is not as expected.\n");
                    passFlag = 0;
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
                printf("G.playedCardCount = %d, expected = %d\n", G.playedCardCount, playedCardCount + 1);
                if(G.playedCardCount != playedCardCount + 1){ // check if the number of played card count is correct
                    printf("FAIL, G.playedCardCount is not as expected.\n");
                    passFlag = 0;
#if (NOISY_TEST == 1)
                printf("G.playedCards[playedCardCount] = %d, expected = %d\n", G.playedCards[playedCardCount], village);
                if(G.playedCards[playedCardCount] != village){ 
                    printf("FAIL, village card is not in played card pile\n");
                    passFlag = 0;

                printf("G.numActions = %d, expected = %d\n", G.numActions, numActions + 2);
                if(G.numActions != numActions + 2){
                     printf("FAIL, numActions is not as expected.\n");
                     passFlag = 0;

    if(passFlag == 1)
        printf("All tests passed!\n");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int cardEffect(int card, int choice1, int choice2, int choice3, struct gameState *state, int handPos, int *bonus)
  int i;
  int j;
  int k;
  int x;
  int index;
  int currentPlayer = whoseTurn(state);
  int nextPlayer = currentPlayer + 1;

  int tributeRevealedCards[2] = {-1, -1};
  int temphand[MAX_HAND];// moved above the if statement
  int drawntreasure=0;
  int cardDrawn;
  int z = 0;// this is the counter for the temp hand
  if (nextPlayer > (state->numPlayers - 1)){
    nextPlayer = 0;
  //uses switch to select card and perform actions
  switch( card ) 
    case adventurer:
	if (state->deckCount[currentPlayer] <1){//if the deck is empty we need to shuffle discard and add to deck
	  shuffle(currentPlayer, state);
	drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	cardDrawn = state->hand[currentPlayer][state->handCount[currentPlayer]-1];//top card of hand is most recently drawn card.
	if (cardDrawn == copper || cardDrawn == silver || cardDrawn == gold)
	  state->handCount[currentPlayer]--; //this should just remove the top card (the most recently drawn one).
	state->discard[currentPlayer][state->discardCount[currentPlayer]++]=temphand[z-1]; // discard all cards in play that have been drawn
      return 0;
    case council_room:
      return council_roomCard(currentPlayer, state, handPos);
    case feast:
      //gain card with cost up to 5
      //Backup hand
      for (i = 0; i <= state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++){
	temphand[i] = state->hand[currentPlayer][i];//Backup card
	state->hand[currentPlayer][i] = -1;//Set to nothing
      //Backup hand

      //Update Coins for Buy
      updateCoins(currentPlayer, state, 5);
      x = 1;//Condition to loop on
      while( x == 1) {//Buy one card
	if (supplyCount(choice1, state) <= 0){
	  if (DEBUG)
	    printf("None of that card left, sorry!\n");

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Cards Left: %d\n", supplyCount(choice1, state));
	else if (state->coins < getCost(choice1)){
	  printf("That card is too expensive!\n");

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Coins: %d < %d\n", state->coins, getCost(choice1));

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Deck Count: %d\n", state->handCount[currentPlayer] + state->deckCount[currentPlayer] + state->discardCount[currentPlayer]);

	  gainCard(choice1, state, 0, currentPlayer);//Gain the card
	  x = 0;//No more buying cards

	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("Deck Count: %d\n", state->handCount[currentPlayer] + state->deckCount[currentPlayer] + state->discardCount[currentPlayer]);


      //Reset Hand
      for (i = 0; i <= state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++){
	state->hand[currentPlayer][i] = temphand[i];
	temphand[i] = -1;
      //Reset Hand
      return 0;
    case gardens:
      return -1;
    case mine:		
      return mineCard(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1, choice2);
    case remodel:
      j = state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1];  //store card we will trash

      if ( (getCost(state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]) + 2) > getCost(choice2) )
	  return -1;

      gainCard(choice2, state, 0, currentPlayer);

      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);

      //discard trashed card
      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == j)
	      discardCard(i, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      return 0;
    case smithy:	
      return smithyCard(currentPlayer, state, handPos);

    case village:
     return villageCard(currentPlayer, state, handPos);
    case baron:
      state->numBuys++;//Increase buys by 1!
      if (choice1 > 0){//Boolean true or going to discard an estate
	int p = 0;//Iterator for hand!
	int card_not_discarded = 1;//Flag for discard set!
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][p] == estate){//Found an estate card!
	    state->coins += 4;//Add 4 coins to the amount of coins
	    state->discard[currentPlayer][state->discardCount[currentPlayer]] = state->hand[currentPlayer][p];
	    for (;p < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; p++){
	      state->hand[currentPlayer][p] = state->hand[currentPlayer][p+1];
	    state->hand[currentPlayer][state->handCount[currentPlayer]] = -1;
	    card_not_discarded = 0;//Exit the loop
	  else if (p > state->handCount[currentPlayer]){
	    if(DEBUG) {
	      printf("No estate cards in your hand, invalid choice\n");
	      printf("Must gain an estate if there are any\n");
	    if (supplyCount(estate, state) > 0){
	      gainCard(estate, state, 0, currentPlayer);
	      state->supplyCount[estate]--;//Decrement estates
	      if (supplyCount(estate, state) == 0){
	    card_not_discarded = 0;//Exit the loop
	    p++;//Next card
	if (supplyCount(estate, state) > 0){
	  gainCard(estate, state, 0, currentPlayer);//Gain an estate
	  state->supplyCount[estate]--;//Decrement Estates
	  if (supplyCount(estate, state) == 0){
      return 0;
    case great_hall:
      //+1 Card
      drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
      //+1 Actions
      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case minion:
      return minionCard(currentPlayer, state, handPos, choice1, choice2);
    case steward:
      if (choice1 == 1)
	  //+2 cards
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
      else if (choice1 == 2)
	  //+2 coins
	  state->coins = state->coins + 2;
	  //trash 2 cards in hand
	  discardCard(choice2, currentPlayer, state, 1);
	  discardCard(choice3, currentPlayer, state, 1);
      //discard card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case tribute:
      if ((state->discardCount[nextPlayer] + state->deckCount[nextPlayer]) <= 1){
	if (state->deckCount[nextPlayer] > 0){
	  tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	else if (state->discardCount[nextPlayer] > 0){
	  tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->discard[nextPlayer][state->discardCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	  //No Card to Reveal
	  if (DEBUG){
	    printf("No cards to reveal\n");
	if (state->deckCount[nextPlayer] == 0){
	  for (i = 0; i < state->discardCount[nextPlayer]; i++){
	    state->deck[nextPlayer][i] = state->discard[nextPlayer][i];//Move to deck
	    state->discard[nextPlayer][i] = -1;
	  shuffle(nextPlayer,state);//Shuffle the deck
	tributeRevealedCards[0] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]--] = -1;
	tributeRevealedCards[1] = state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]-1];
	state->deck[nextPlayer][state->deckCount[nextPlayer]--] = -1;
      if (tributeRevealedCards[0] == tributeRevealedCards[1]){//If we have a duplicate card, just drop one 
	state->playedCards[state->playedCardCount] = tributeRevealedCards[1];
	tributeRevealedCards[1] = -1;

      for (i = 0; i <= 2; i ++){
	if (tributeRevealedCards[i] == copper || tributeRevealedCards[i] == silver || tributeRevealedCards[i] == gold){//Treasure cards
	  state->coins += 2;
	else if (tributeRevealedCards[i] == estate || tributeRevealedCards[i] == duchy || tributeRevealedCards[i] == province || tributeRevealedCards[i] == gardens || tributeRevealedCards[i] == great_hall){//Victory Card Found
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	  drawCard(currentPlayer, state);
	else{//Action Card
	  state->numActions = state->numActions + 2;
      return 0;
    case ambassador:
      j = 0;		//used to check if player has enough cards to discard

      if (choice2 > 2 || choice2 < 0)
	  return -1;				

      if (choice1 == handPos)
	  return -1;

      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (i != handPos && i == state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1] && i != choice1)
      if (j < choice2)
	  return -1;				

      if (DEBUG) 
	printf("Player %d reveals card number: %d\n", currentPlayer, state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]);

      //increase supply count for choosen card by amount being discarded
      state->supplyCount[state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1]] += choice2;
      //each other player gains a copy of revealed card
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	  if (i != currentPlayer)
	      gainCard(state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1], state, 0, i);

      //discard played card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      //trash copies of cards returned to supply
      for (j = 0; j < choice2; j++)
	  for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	      if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == state->hand[currentPlayer][choice1])
		  discardCard(i, currentPlayer, state, 1);

      return 0;
    case cutpurse:

      updateCoins(currentPlayer, state, 2);
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++)
	  if (i != currentPlayer)
	      for (j = 0; j < state->handCount[i]; j++)
		  if (state->hand[i][j] == copper)
		      discardCard(j, i, state, 0);
		  if (j == state->handCount[i])
		      for (k = 0; k < state->handCount[i]; k++)
			  if (DEBUG)
			    printf("Player %d reveals card number %d\n", i, state->hand[i][k]);

      //discard played card from hand
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);			

      return 0;

    case embargo: 
      //+2 Coins
      state->coins = state->coins + 2;
      //see if selected pile is in play
      if ( state->supplyCount[choice1] == -1 )
	  return -1;
      //add embargo token to selected supply pile
      //trash card
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 1);		
      return 0;
    case outpost:
      //set outpost flag
      //discard card
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case salvager:
      //+1 buy
      if (choice1)
	  //gain coins equal to trashed card
	  state->coins = state->coins + getCost( handCard(choice1, state) );
	  //trash card
	  discardCard(choice1, currentPlayer, state, 1);	
      //discard card
      discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 0);
      return 0;
    case sea_hag:
      for (i = 0; i < state->numPlayers; i++){
	if (i != currentPlayer){
	  state->discard[i][state->discardCount[i]] = state->deck[i][state->deckCount[i]--];			    state->deckCount[i]--;
	  state->deck[i][state->deckCount[i]--] = curse;//Top card now a curse
      return 0;
    case treasure_map:
      //search hand for another treasure_map
      index = -1;
      for (i = 0; i < state->handCount[currentPlayer]; i++)
	  if (state->hand[currentPlayer][i] == treasure_map && i != handPos)
	      index = i;
      if (index > -1)
	  //trash both treasure cards
	  discardCard(handPos, currentPlayer, state, 1);
	  discardCard(index, currentPlayer, state, 1);

	  //gain 4 Gold cards
	  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	      gainCard(gold, state, 1, currentPlayer);
	  //return success
	  return 1;
      //no second treasure_map found in hand
      return -1;
  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int cardEffect(int card, int choice1, int choice2, int choice3, struct gameState *state, int handPos, int *bonus)
  	int currentPlayer = whoseTurn(state);
  	int nextPlayer = currentPlayer + 1;
  	int tributeRevealedCards[2] = {-1, -1};
  	int temphand[MAX_HAND];// moved above the if statement
  	int drawntreasure=0;
  	int cardDrawn;
  	int z = 0;// this is the counter for the temp hand

  	if (nextPlayer > (state->numPlayers - 1))
    	nextPlayer = 0;

	switch( card )
	  case adventurer:
    	return adventurerCard(&drawntreasure, state, &cardDrawn, &currentPlayer, temphand, &z);
	  case council_room:
		return council_roomCard(&currentPlayer, state, &handPos);
	  case feast:
    	return feastCard(state, temphand, &currentPlayer, &choice1);
	  case gardens:
		return -1;

	  case mine:
    	return mineCard(state, &currentPlayer, &choice1, &choice2, &handPos);
	  case remodel:
    	return remodelCard(state, &currentPlayer, &choice1, &choice2, &handPos);
	  case smithy:
    	return smithyCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos);
	  case village:
    	return villageCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos);
 	  case baron:
    	return baronCard(state, &currentPlayer, &choice1);

	  case great_hall:
    	return great_hallCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos);
	  case minion:
    	return minionCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos, &choice1, &choice2);
	  case steward:
    	return stewardCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos,  &choice1, &choice2, &choice3);

	  case tribute:
    	return tributeCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos, &nextPlayer, tributeRevealedCards); 

	  case ambassador:
    	return ambassadorCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos, &choice1, &choice2);
	  case cutpurse:
    	return cutpurseCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos);

	  case embargo:
    	return embargoCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos, &choice1);

	  case outpost:
    	return outpostCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos);

	  case salvager:
    	return salvagerCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos, &choice1);

	  case sea_hag:
    	return sea_hagCard(state, &currentPlayer);

	  case treasure_map:
    	return treasure_mapCard(state, &currentPlayer, &handPos);

	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main() {

	int gameSeed = rand() % 1000 + 1;
	int p = 0; //player 1
	int numPlayer = 4;
	int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine,
				 remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall};

	struct gameState* GS = newGame();

	initializeGame(numPlayer, k, gameSeed, GS);

	GS->hand[p][4] = village; //5th card in hand is village

	printf("Playing Village card and testing...\n");

	/*Checking handcount and cards in hand before playing village*/
	printf("Hand count before village is %d...\n", GS->handCount[p]);
	int i = 0, cardStatus;
	char c[25];
	for(i = 0; i < GS->handCount[p]; i++){
		cardNumToName(GS->hand[p][i], c);	//Converts card number to string
		printf( "%s, ", c);
		if(strcmp(c, "Village") == 0){
			cardStatus = 1;	//Card is present in hand

	/*Check if village card is in hand before use*/
	if(cardStatus == 1){
		printf("\nTest PASSED, card is present in player %d's hand\n\n", p);
	} else {
		printf("\nTest FAILED, card is NOT present in player %d's hand\n\n", p);

	villageCard(p, GS, 4);	//Play village card

	cardStatus = 0; //Reset to zero

	/*Checking handcount and cards in hand after playing village*/
	printf("Hand count after village is %d...\n", GS->handCount[p]);
	for(i = 0; i < GS->handCount[p]; i++){
		cardNumToName(GS->hand[p][i], c);	//Converts card number to string
		printf( "%s, ", c);
		if(strcmp(c, "Village") == 0){
			cardStatus = 1;	//Card is present in hand

	/*Check if village card is in hand*/
	if(cardStatus == 0){
		printf("\nTest PASSED, card is NOT present in player %d's hand\n\n", p);
	} else {
		printf("\nTest FAILED, card is present in player %d's hand\n\n", p);

	printf("Testing for correct number of cards drawn...\n");
	/*Check current state player's handcount +1 cards after discard is 5 cards*/
	if(GS->handCount[p] == 5){
		printf("Test PASSED, Player %d drew +1 cards\n\n", p);
	} else {
		printf("Test FAILED, Player %d drew incorrect amount of cards\n\n", p);

	printf("Testing for correct number of actions...\n");
	/*Check if numActions is incremented*/
	if(GS->numActions == 3){
		printf("Test PASSED, Player %d has +2 numActions\n\n", p);
	} else {
		printf("Test FAILED, Player %d has incorrect number of numActions\n\n", p);

	printf("Checking if card is in played pile...\n");
	/*Check if card is in played pile*/
	if(GS->playedCards[p] == village){
		printf("Test PASSED, Village is in played pile\n\n");
	} else {
		printf("Test FAILED, Village is NOT in played pile\n\n");

	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 14
int stateTest(struct gameState* state, int expectedStateChanges){

   int* stateTracker = (int*)(malloc(19*sizeof(int)));
   memset(stateTracker, 0, 19*sizeof(int));

   int i, retVal;
   state->numPlayers = 2;
   state->deckCount[0] = 27;

   for(i = 0;  i < state->deckCount[0]; i++){
      state->deck[0][i] = i;
   state->handCount[0] = 5;
   for(i = 0;  i < state->handCount[0]; i++){
      state->hand[0][i] = village;
   state->discardCount[0] = 10;
   for(i = 0;  i < state->discardCount[0]; i++){
      state->discard[0][i] = i;

   struct gameState* cpy = (struct gameState*)(malloc(sizeof(struct gameState)));
   memcpy(cpy, state, sizeof(struct gameState));

   villageCard(state, 0, 0);

      retVal = _stateTestHelper(state, cpy, 0);
    	  if(stateTracker[retVal] > 1){
    		  printf("stateTest %i: Can't Clear State Error\n", retVal);
    		  return -1;
   } while (retVal);

   int sc = _stateTrackerChecker(stateTracker);
   //numActions should change
	   return -1;
   //Hand Should change
	   return -2;
   //Hand Count Shouldn't CHange
	   return -3;
   //discard should change
	   return -4;
   //discard count
	   return -5;
	   return -6;
	   return -7;
	   return -8;
   //deck should change
	   return -9;
   if(sc != expectedStateChanges){
	   printf("stateTest -1: State error, %i Extra Changes\n", sc-expectedStateChanges);
	   return -10;
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main()
	int i, r, j;
	int players = 4;
    int seed = rand() % 1000;
	int check;
	struct gameState G;
	struct gameState pre; 
	int k[10] = {adventurer, council_room, feast, gardens, mine, remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall}; 
    //Initialize game 
    memset(&G, 0, sizeof(struct gameState)); // zero game state
	r = initializeGame(players, k, seed, &G); // initializeGame returns 0 on success
	assert(r == 0);
	printf("Testing: village() in process...!\n");	
	//Initialize all player decks and hands
	for(i = 0; i < players; i++) {
		//initialize and set hand
		G.handCount[i] = 5;
		G.hand[i][0] = village;
		G.hand[i][1] = feast;
		G.hand[i][2] = mine;
		G.hand[i][3] = smithy;
		G.hand[i][4] = baron;
		//initialize and set deck
        G.deckCount[i] = 5;
        G.deck[i][0] = adventurer;
        G.deck[i][1] = council_room;
        G.deck[i][2] = copper;
        G.deck[i][3] = silver;
		G.deck[i][3] = gold;
	memcpy(&pre, &G, sizeof(struct gameState));
	for(j = 0; j < G.numPlayers; j++) {
		//Set player turn
		G.whoseTurn = j;
		//Manually set pre game condition
		//Increase handCount since village adds +1 cards to hand
		//Increase numActions since village adds +2 actions to a player's turn
		pre.numActions = 1;	//Always starts at 1 for each turn
		pre.handCount[j] += 1;
		pre.numActions += 2; //village adds +2 actions
		//Test for +1 card, +2 action 
        check = villageCard(&G, 0);
		if(check != 0)
			printf("great_hall card function returned unsuccessful!\n");
		//Test for the same handCount: great_hall adds +1 cards into the players hand
		if(G.handCount[j] != pre.handCount[j]) {
			printf("Fail: pre.handCount = %d post.handCount = %d\n", pre.handCount[j], G.handCount[j]);
			printf("Player %d\n", j+1);
		//Test for the same numActions: great_hall = +1 actions  
		if(G.numActions != pre.numActions) {
			printf("Fail: pre.numActions = %d post.numActions = %d\n", pre.numActions, G.numActions);
			printf("Player %d\n", j+1);
	printf("Testing: village() complete!\n");	

	return 0;