Ejemplo n.º 1
likelihood_vector *copy_likelihood_vectors (tree *tr, nodeptr p)
  assert(tr->useRecom == FALSE);
  likelihood_vector *v = (likelihood_vector *) malloc(sizeof(likelihood_vector));  
  v->node_number = p->number; 
  v->num_partitions = tr->NumberOfModels; 
  v->partition_sizes = (size_t *)malloc(tr->NumberOfModels * sizeof(size_t));
  v->lh_values = (double **)malloc(tr->NumberOfModels * sizeof(double *));

  /* Compute LH vector sizes for each partition */
  size_t rateHet, states, width, vector_size;
  rateHet = discreteRateCategories(tr->rateHetModel);
  int model;
  for(model = 0; model < tr->NumberOfModels; model++)
    width  = (size_t)tr->partitionData[model].width;
    states = (size_t)tr->partitionData[model].states;
    vector_size = virtual_width( width ) * rateHet * states * sizeof(double);
    v->lh_values[model] = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * vector_size);
    assert (v->lh_values[model] != NULL);
    v->partition_sizes[model] = vector_size;
    double *lh_vector_src = tr->partitionData[model].xVector[p->number - tr->mxtips - 1];
    assert (lh_vector_src != NULL);
    vector_size = v->partition_sizes[model];
    memcpy(v->lh_values[model], lh_vector_src, vector_size);
  return v;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static double evaluateGAMMA_FLEX(int *wptr,
    double *x1_start, double *x2_start, 
    double *tipVector, 
    unsigned char *tipX1, const int n, double *diagptable, const int states)
    sum = 0.0, 


  /* span is the offset within the likelihood array at an inner node that gets us from the values 
     of site i to the values of site i + 1 */

  const int 
    span = states * 4;

  int vn = virtual_width(n);  

  printf( "n: %d %d\n", n, vn );

  if( tipX1 == 0 ) {
    reorder_back( x1_start, vn, span );
  reorder_back( x2_start, vn, span );

  /* we distingusih between two cases here: one node of the two nodes defining the branch at which we put the virtual root is 
     a tip. Both nodes can not be tips because we do not allow for two-taxon trees ;-) 
     Nota that, if a node is a tip, this will always be tipX1. This is done for code simplicity and the flipping of the nodes
     is done before when we compute the traversal descriptor.     

  /* the left node is a tip */
    /* loop over the sites of this partition */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      /* access pre-computed tip vector values via a lookup table */
      x1 = &(tipVector[states * tipX1[i]]);	 
      /* access the other(inner) node at the other end of the branch */
      x2 = &(x2_start[span * i]);	 

      /* loop over GAMMA rate categories, hard-coded as 4 in RAxML */
      for(j = 0, term = 0.0; j < 4; j++)
        /* loop over states and multiply them with the P matrix */
        for(k = 0; k < states; k++)
          term += x1[k] * x2[j * states + k] * diagptable[j * states + k];	          	  	  	    	    	  

      /* take the log of the likelihood and multiply the per-gamma rate likelihood by 1/4.
         Under the GAMMA model the 4 discrete GAMMA rates all have the same probability 
         of 0.25 */

      term = LOG(0.25 * FABS(term));

      sum += wptr[i] * term;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 
      /* same as before, only that now we access two inner likelihood vectors x1 and x2 */

      x1 = &(x1_start[span * i]);
      x2 = &(x2_start[span * i]);	  	  

      for(j = 0, term = 0.0; j < 4; j++)
        for(k = 0; k < states; k++)
          term += x1[j * states + k] * x2[j * states + k] * diagptable[j * states + k];

      term = LOG(0.25 * FABS(term));

      sum += wptr[i] * term;
  if( tipX1 == 0 ) {
    reorder( x1_start, vn, span );
  reorder( x2_start, vn, span );

  return sum;