Ejemplo n.º 1
inline int32x4_t cv_vrndq_s32_f32(float32x4_t v)
    static int32x4_t v_sign = vdupq_n_s32(1 << 31),
        v_05 = vreinterpretq_s32_f32(vdupq_n_f32(0.5f));

    int32x4_t v_addition = vorrq_s32(v_05, vandq_s32(v_sign, vreinterpretq_s32_f32(v)));
    return vcvtq_s32_f32(vaddq_f32(v, vreinterpretq_f32_s32(v_addition)));
Ejemplo n.º 2
inline v_int32x4 v_round(const v_float32x4& a)
    static const int32x4_t v_sign = vdupq_n_s32(1 << 31),
        v_05 = vreinterpretq_s32_f32(vdupq_n_f32(0.5f));

    int32x4_t v_addition = vorrq_s32(v_05, vandq_s32(v_sign, vreinterpretq_s32_f32(a.val)));
    return v_int32x4(vcvtq_s32_f32(vaddq_f32(a.val, vreinterpretq_f32_s32(v_addition))));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void test_vorrQs32 (void)
  int32x4_t out_int32x4_t;
  int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;
  int32x4_t arg1_int32x4_t;

  out_int32x4_t = vorrq_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t, arg1_int32x4_t);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Update the noise estimation information.
static void UpdateNoiseEstimateNeon(NoiseSuppressionFixedC* inst, int offset) {
  const int16_t kExp2Const = 11819; // Q13
  int16_t* ptr_noiseEstLogQuantile = NULL;
  int16_t* ptr_noiseEstQuantile = NULL;
  int16x4_t kExp2Const16x4 = vdup_n_s16(kExp2Const);
  int32x4_t twentyOne32x4 = vdupq_n_s32(21);
  int32x4_t constA32x4 = vdupq_n_s32(0x1fffff);
  int32x4_t constB32x4 = vdupq_n_s32(0x200000);

  int16_t tmp16 = WebRtcSpl_MaxValueW16(inst->noiseEstLogQuantile + offset,

  // Guarantee a Q-domain as high as possible and still fit in int16
  inst->qNoise = 14 - (int) WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_16_RSFT_WITH_ROUND(kExp2Const,

  int32x4_t qNoise32x4 = vdupq_n_s32(inst->qNoise);

  for (ptr_noiseEstLogQuantile = &inst->noiseEstLogQuantile[offset],
       ptr_noiseEstQuantile = &inst->noiseEstQuantile[0];
       ptr_noiseEstQuantile < &inst->noiseEstQuantile[inst->magnLen - 3];
       ptr_noiseEstQuantile += 4, ptr_noiseEstLogQuantile += 4) {

    // tmp32no2 = kExp2Const * inst->noiseEstLogQuantile[offset + i];
    int16x4_t v16x4 = vld1_s16(ptr_noiseEstLogQuantile);
    int32x4_t v32x4B = vmull_s16(v16x4, kExp2Const16x4);

    // tmp32no1 = (0x00200000 | (tmp32no2 & 0x001FFFFF)); // 2^21 + frac
    int32x4_t v32x4A = vandq_s32(v32x4B, constA32x4);
    v32x4A = vorrq_s32(v32x4A, constB32x4);

    // tmp16 = (int16_t)(tmp32no2 >> 21);
    v32x4B = vshrq_n_s32(v32x4B, 21);

    // tmp16 -= 21;// shift 21 to get result in Q0
    v32x4B = vsubq_s32(v32x4B, twentyOne32x4);

    // tmp16 += (int16_t) inst->qNoise;
    // shift to get result in Q(qNoise)
    v32x4B = vaddq_s32(v32x4B, qNoise32x4);

    // if (tmp16 < 0) {
    //   tmp32no1 >>= -tmp16;
    // } else {
    //   tmp32no1 <<= tmp16;
    // }
    v32x4B = vshlq_s32(v32x4A, v32x4B);

    // tmp16 = WebRtcSpl_SatW32ToW16(tmp32no1);
    v16x4 = vqmovn_s32(v32x4B);

    //inst->noiseEstQuantile[i] = tmp16;
    vst1_s16(ptr_noiseEstQuantile, v16x4);

  // Last iteration:

  // inst->quantile[i]=exp(inst->lquantile[offset+i]);
  // in Q21
  int32_t tmp32no2 = kExp2Const * *ptr_noiseEstLogQuantile;
  int32_t tmp32no1 = (0x00200000 | (tmp32no2 & 0x001FFFFF)); // 2^21 + frac

  tmp16 = (int16_t)(tmp32no2 >> 21);
  tmp16 -= 21;// shift 21 to get result in Q0
  tmp16 += (int16_t) inst->qNoise; //shift to get result in Q(qNoise)
  if (tmp16 < 0) {
    tmp32no1 >>= -tmp16;
  } else {
Ejemplo n.º 5
int32x4_t test_vorrq_s32(int32x4_t a, int32x4_t b) {
  // CHECK-LABEL: test_vorrq_s32
  return vorrq_s32(a, b);
  // CHECK: orr {{v[0-9]+}}.16b, {{v[0-9]+}}.16b, {{v[0-9]+}}.16b