/* * GNETInit: Initialize the GNET subsystem.. * Initialize the necessary data structures. Setup a thread to read the output Queue and * handle the packet. Note that some packets can have valid ARP addresses. Such packets * are sent to the device. Packets that do not have valid ARP addresses need ARP resolution * to get the valid MAC address. They are buffered in the ARP buffer (within the ARP routines) * and injected back into the Output Queue once the ARP reply from a remote machine comes back. * This means a packet can go through the Output Queue two times. */ int GNETInit(int *ghandler, char *config_dir, char *rname, simplequeue_t *sq) { int thread_stat; // do the initializations... vpl_init(config_dir, rname); GNETInitInterfaces(); GNETInitARPCache(); thread_stat = pthread_create((pthread_t *)ghandler, NULL, GNETHandler, (void *)sq); if (thread_stat != 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; else return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main_thread(SceSize size, void *argp) { int thid; u32 psp_model; thid = get_thread_id("SCE_VSH_GRAPHICS"); if(thid < 0) { no_vsh = 1; } sctrlSEGetConfig(&g_config); vpl_init(); suspend_vsh_thread(); proDebugScreenInit(); psp_model = kuKernelGetModel(); fontlist_init(&g_font_list); get_fontlist(&g_font_list, fontpath); get_fontlist(&g_font_list, fontgopath); load_recovery_font_select(); if(g_cur_font_select[0] != '\0') { proDebugScreenSetFontFile(g_cur_font_select, 1); } if(zenkaku!=0){ fontlist_init(&g_font_list); get_fontlist(&g_font_list, kanji); get_fontlist(&g_font_list, kanjigo); } proDebugScreenClearLineDisable(); get_confirm_button(); main_menu(); recovery_exit(); return 0; }
/* * Initialize the virtual physical layer... * At this point, we are just setting up the FIFO for interfacing * with "wireshark". Other functions could be hooked up here? */ void initPhysicalLayer(char *config_dir, char *rname) { vpl_init(config_dir, rname); }