Ejemplo n.º 1
void PolarRing::create(const RLLMesh &mesh, bool hasHalfLevel) {
    this->mesh = &mesh;
    vr.set_size(mesh.getNumGrid(0, GridType::FULL, true),
                mesh.getNumGrid(2, GridType::FULL));
    divr.set_size(mesh.getNumGrid(0, GridType::FULL, true),
                  mesh.getNumGrid(2, GridType::FULL));
    for (int k = 0; k < vr.n_cols; ++k) {
        for (int i = 0; i < vr.n_rows; ++i) {
            vr(i, k) = new TimeLevels<SphereVelocity, 2>(hasHalfLevel);
            for (int l = 0; l < vr(i, k)->getNumLevel(INCLUDE_HALF_LEVEL); ++l) {
                vr(i, k)->getLevel(l).setNumDim(mesh.getDomain().getNumDim());
            divr(i, k) = new TimeLevels<double, 2>(hasHalfLevel);
Ejemplo n.º 2
vector<uint8_t> ModCom::comunicate(vector<uint8_t> buffer, bool readdata, int sizeread) {
	uint8_t *buffer_out = &(buffer[0]);

	uint8_t buffer_in[255];

	serialport_write(fd, (char*)buffer_out);

	if (!readdata) {
		vector<uint8_t> toreturn;
		return toreturn;
	} // if only send
	//serial_read(fd, buffer_in, 1, DEF_TIMEOUT);
	serialport_read(fd, buffer_in, sizeread, DEF_TIMEOUT);

	if (buffer_in[0] != 0xFF) {
		vector<uint8_t> toreturn;
		return toreturn;
	vector<uint8_t> vr(buffer_in, buffer_in + sizeread);
	return vr;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CPlayerToolBar::ArrangeControls()
    if (!::IsWindow(m_volctrl.m_hWnd)) {

    CRect r;

    CRect br = GetBorders();

    CRect r10;
    GetItemRect(10, &r10);

    CRect vr(r.right + br.right - 60, r.top - 2, r.right + br.right + 6, r.bottom);

    CRect thumbRect;
    m_volctrl.MapWindowPoints(this, thumbRect);
    vr.top += std::max((r.bottom - thumbRect.bottom - 4) / 2, 0l);
    vr.left -= m_volumeMinSizeInc = MulDiv(thumbRect.Height(), 50, 19) - 50;

    UINT nID;
    UINT nStyle;
    int iImage;
    GetButtonInfo(12, nID, nStyle, iImage);
    SetButtonInfo(11, GetItemID(11), TBBS_SEPARATOR, vr.left - iImage - r10.right - (r10.bottom - r10.top) + 11);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int LicensePlate::GetComponent(const Mat& LP, vector<int>& area, vector<Rect>& rect) {
	int R = LP.rows;
	int C = LP.cols;
	memset(mark, -1, R * sizeof(mark[0]));
	int nComponent = 0;
	for(int r = 0; r < R; r++)
		for(int c = 0; c < C; c++) {
			if(mark[r][c] == -1 && LP.at<uchar>(r, c))
				myFloodFill(LP, r, c, nComponent++, R, C);
	area.resize(nComponent, 0);
	vector<pair<Point, Point> > vr(nComponent);
	for(int i = 0; i < nComponent; i++) {
		vr[i].first.x = 10000;
		vr[i].first.y = 10000;
		vr[i].second.x = 0;
		vr[i].second.y = 0;
	for(int r = 0; r < R; r++)
		for(int c = 0; c < C; c++) {
			int which = mark[r][c];
			if(which != -1) {
				if(vr[which].first.x > c) vr[which].first.x = c;
				if(vr[which].first.y > r) vr[which].first.y = r;
				if(vr[which].second.x < c) vr[which].second.x = c;
				if(vr[which].second.y < r) vr[which].second.y = r;
	for(int i = 0;  i < nComponent; i++) {
		rect[i] = Rect(vr[i].first, vr[i].second);
	return nComponent;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* ==============================================
	main task routine
   ============================================== */
int main(void) {
	pool_memadd((uint32_t)pool, sizeof(pool));

#ifdef DEBUG
	int val;
	float degrees;

	CAdc vr(AD5);		// use A5 for VR
	CServo servo(PWM1);	// use PWM1 for Servo Motor


	// Enter an endless loop
 	 	 val = vr.read(0.1, 8);
 	 	 degrees = AD2Degrees(val);
 	 	 servo = degrees;

#ifdef DEBUG
 	 	 if ( dbg.isDebugMode() ) {
 	 		 dbg.println("ADC=%d, Degrees=%f\n", val, degrees);
	return 0 ;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void graph3d::grid_draw(void)
  VECT vn(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f);
  VECT vf(0.0f,0.0f, 1.0f);
  GPIPE *p_gpipe = gpipe_get();
  // v1->v2 
  VECT dir;
  dir  = vf-vn;
  dir *= 0.5f;  
  vn  += dir;
  vn.y = 0.0f;
  VECT vl(-1.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
  VECT vr( 1.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
  VECT width;
  width = vr-vl;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void file_bstore::add_file(const std::string& name)
    file_info fi;
    fi.name = m_dir + "/" + name;
    file_io* file = new file_io(fi.name);
    fi.io = file;
    char prefix;
    std::vector<char> record;
    if (!read_record(file, prefix, record))
        throw io_exception("File has no header data");
    if (prefix != 'S')
        throw io_exception("File has incorrect header data");

    vector_reader vr(record);
    off_t start_loc;
    deserialize(vr, start_loc);
    m_slabs.insert(std::make_pair(start_loc, fi));
    off_t file_size = file->get_offset();
    if (start_loc + file_size > m_size)
        m_cur_slab = file;
        m_size = start_loc + file_size;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main()
	try {

	std::shared_ptr<gal::verb::VerbosityRegistry> vr(
			new gal::verb::VerbosityRegistry);
	vr->reg<gal::mng::managed_process>( "gal managed_process");
	vr->reg<gal::mng::managed_object>(  "gal managed_object");
	vr->reg<gal::registry_base>(   "gal registry_base");
	vr->reg<gal::mng::registry_process>("gal registry_process");
	vr->reg<gal::mng::registry_object>( "gal registry_object");
	typedef gal::mng::registry_object R1;
	typedef std::shared_ptr<R1> S_R1;
	typedef gal::mng::registry_process R0;
	typedef std::shared_ptr<R0> S_R0;
	// process registry
	S_R0 r0(new R0);

	// object registry
	S_R1 r1(new R1);



	typedef std::shared_ptr<foo> S_F;

	S_F f0(new foo);
	S_F f1(new foo);
	S_F f2(new foo);



	gal::object_index i0 = f0->get_index();


	} catch(std::exception & e) {
	printf("%s\n", e.what());

Ejemplo n.º 9
void VoxelSceneNode::SetValue(irr::core::vector3d<int> Position, float value)
    VoxelReference vr(Position);

    if(chunkMap.find(vr.Chunk) != chunkMap.end())
        chunkMap[vr.Chunk].SetValue(vr.Position, value);
Ejemplo n.º 10
PolarRing::~PolarRing() {
    if (vr.size() > 0) {
        for (int k = 0; k < vr.n_cols; ++k) {
            for (int i = 0; i < vr.n_rows; ++i) {
                delete vr(i, k);
                delete divr(i, k);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void fct(const LCC& lcc)
  vertex_range vr(vertices(lcc));
  std::cout << "new for loop" << std::endl;
  for(vertex_descriptor vd : vr){
    std::cout << vd->point() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "boost::tie + std::for_each" << std::endl;
  vertex_iterator vb, ve;
  boost::tie(vb,ve) = vertices_range(lcc);
  std::for_each(vb,ve, Fct());
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main(void)
  std::size_t i;

  scitbx::fftpack::complex_to_complex<double> cfft(10);
  std::vector<std::complex<double> > vc(cfft.n());
  for(i=0;i<cfft.n();i++) {
    vc[i] = std::complex<double>(2.*i, 2.*i+1.);
  for(i=0;i<cfft.n();i++) {
    std::cout << vc[i].real() << " " << vc[i].imag() << std::endl;
  for(i=0;i<cfft.n();i++) {
    std::cout << vc[i].real() << " " << vc[i].imag() << std::endl;

  scitbx::fftpack::real_to_complex<double> rfft(10);
  std::vector<double> vr(2 * rfft.n_complex());
  for(i=0;i<rfft.n_real();i++) {
    vr[i] = 1.*i;
  for(i=0;i<2*rfft.n_complex();i++) {
    std::cout << vr[i] << std::endl;
  for(i=0;i<rfft.n_real();i++) {
    std::cout << vr[i] << std::endl;

  scitbx::fftpack::complex_to_complex_3d<double> cfft3d(2, 3, 5);
  scitbx::af::versa<std::complex<double>, scitbx::af::c_grid<3> >

  scitbx::fftpack::real_to_complex_3d<double> rfft3d(3, 4, 5);
  scitbx::af::versa<double, scitbx::af::c_grid<3> >

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
PapxFKPage::PapxFKPage(DataReader& dr)
	unsigned char pagedata[512];

	dr.Read(&pagedata, 512);
	m_icrun = pagedata[511];

	MemoryReader vr(pagedata, m_icrun*17+4);

	for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_BXMap.ObjectCount(); i++)
		int iOffset = m_BXMap.ObjectAt(i).iWordPos * 2;
		MemoryReader mr(pagedata + iOffset, 512 - iOffset);
		m_vecPapxs.push_back(PapX(mr, false));
Ejemplo n.º 14
  TreeNode* sortedArrayToBST(std::vector<int>& nums) {
    // base condition
    if (nums.size()==0)
      return NULL;

    // extract left, right vector
    const auto mid = nums.begin() + nums.size() / 2;
    std::vector<int> vl(nums.begin(), mid);
    std::vector<int> vr(mid+1, nums.end());

    // recursion
    TreeNode* p = new TreeNode(*mid);
    p->left = sortedArrayToBST(vl);
    p->right = sortedArrayToBST(vr);
    return p;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  bool vtkPointSet_to_polygon_mesh(vtkPointSet* poly_data,
                                   TM& tmesh)
    typedef typename boost::property_map<TM, CGAL::vertex_point_t>::type VPMap;
    typedef typename boost::property_map_value<TM, CGAL::vertex_point_t>::type Point_3;
    typedef typename boost::graph_traits<TM>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;

    VPMap vpmap = get(CGAL::vertex_point, tmesh);

    // get nb of points and cells
    vtkIdType nb_points = poly_data->GetNumberOfPoints();
    vtkIdType nb_cells = poly_data->GetNumberOfCells();

    //extract points
    std::vector<vertex_descriptor> vertex_map(nb_points);
    for (vtkIdType i = 0; i<nb_points; ++i)
      double coords[3];
      poly_data->GetPoint(i, coords);

      vertex_descriptor v = add_vertex(tmesh);
      put(vpmap, v, Point_3(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]));

    //extract cells
    for (vtkIdType i = 0; i<nb_cells; ++i)
      if(poly_data->GetCellType(i) != 5
         && poly_data->GetCellType(i) != 7
         && poly_data->GetCellType(i) != 9) //only supported cells are triangles, quads and polygons
      vtkCell* cell_ptr = poly_data->GetCell(i);

      vtkIdType nb_vertices = cell_ptr->GetNumberOfPoints();
      if (nb_vertices < 3)
        return false;
      std::vector<vertex_descriptor> vr(nb_vertices);
      for (vtkIdType k=0; k<nb_vertices; ++k)

      CGAL::Euler::add_face(vr, tmesh);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
	virtual V m_bang() 
		if(!ref.Ok() || !ref.Check()) {
				post("%s - No length defined!",thisName());
				ImmBuf ibuf(frms,zero);
				Vasp ret(frms,Vasp::Ref(ibuf));
		else if(ref.Vectors() > 1) 
			post("%s - More than one vector in vasp!",thisName());
		else {
			VBuffer *buf = ref.Buffer(0);
			const I len = buf->Length(),chns = buf->Channels();

			// size of memory reservation (at least frms samples)
			const I rlen = frms > len?frms:len; 
			ImmBuf imm(rlen,false);

			BS *dst = imm.Pointer();
			const BS *src = buf->Pointer();

//			post("!copy: src: %p,%i,%i -> dst: %p,%i",src,len,chns,dst,rlen);

			register int i;
			_DE_LOOP(i,len, ( dst[i] = *src,src += chns ) )
			if(zero && rlen > len) ZeroSamples(dst+len,rlen-len);

			Vasp::Ref vr(imm);

//			post("!vr: %s,%i",vr.Ok()?vr.Symbol().Name():"***",vr.Offset());

			Vasp ret(len,vr);

            delete buf;
Ejemplo n.º 17
v4r::Registration::MultiSessionModelling<PointT>::computeFSV (const typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr & cloud,
                                                              pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::ConstPtr & normals,
                                                              const std::vector<int> & indices,
                                                              const Eigen::Matrix4f & pose,
                                                              const typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr & range_image)
    v4r::VisibilityReasoning<PointT> vr (525.f, 640, 480);
    vr.setThresholdTSS (0.01f);

    typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr model(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());
    pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud, indices, *model, pose);

    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr model_normals (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
    v4r::transformNormals(*normals, *model_normals, indices, pose);

    //Eigen::Matrix4f identity = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();

    float fsv = vr.computeFSVWithNormals (range_image, model, model_normals);

    //the more points on the same surface the more reliable this is, so increase fsv if not many points
    int ss = vr.getFSVUsedPoints();
    float ratio = 1.f - ss / static_cast<float>(model->points.size());

    //std::cout << model->points.size() << " " << indices.size() << " fsv:" << fsv << std::endl;

    /*if(fsv > 0.1)
    /*    ///debug
        pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer vis("correspondences");
        //int v1,v2;

        pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> handler(model, 255, 0, 0);
        vis.addPointCloud(range_image, "cloud_2");
        vis.addPointCloud(model, handler, "cloud_1");


    return fsv * ratio;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void VoxelSceneNode::UpdateVoxel(VoxelData & vd, bool subtract)
    VoxelReference vr(vd.Position);

    chunkMapIterator = chunkMap.find(vr.Chunk);

    if(chunkMap.find(vr.Chunk) == chunkMap.end())
        //chunkMap[vr.Chunk] = VoxelChunk();
        //chunkMap[vr.Chunk].Initialize(dimensions, vr.Chunk);
        //meshMap[vr.Chunk] = ChunkMesh();
        //meshMap[vr.Chunk].Initialize(this, vr.Chunk);

    chunkMap[vr.Chunk].UpdateVoxel(vr.Position, vd.Value, vd.Material, subtract);
    chunkMap[vr.Chunk].status = DIRTY;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int VoxelSceneNode::GetMaterial(irr::core::vector3d<int> Position)
    VoxelReference vr(Position);

    if(chunkMap.find(vr.Chunk) != chunkMap.end())
        if(chunkMap[vr.Chunk].status != EMPTY && chunkMap[vr.Chunk].status != FILLING)
            return chunkMap[vr.Chunk].GetMaterial(vr.Position);
            return -1;
        return -2;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Rename virtual methods.
size_t rename_virtuals(Scope& classes) {
  // build a ClassScope a RefsMap and a VirtualRenamer
  ClassScopes class_scopes(classes);
  RefsMap def_refs;
  collect_refs(classes, def_refs);
  VirtualRenamer vr(class_scopes, def_refs);

  // rename virtual only first
  const auto obj_t = get_object_type();
  int seed = 0;
  size_t renamed = vr.rename_virtual_scopes(obj_t, seed);
  TRACE(OBFUSCATE, 2, "Virtual renamed: %ld\n", renamed);

  // rename interfaces
  std::unordered_set<const VirtualScope*> visited;
  size_t intf_renamed = vr.rename_interface_scopes(seed);
  TRACE(OBFUSCATE, 2, "Interface renamed: %ld\n", intf_renamed);
  TRACE(OBFUSCATE, 2, "MAX seed: %d\n", seed);
  return renamed + intf_renamed;
Ejemplo n.º 21
int VoxelSceneNode::GetAltitude(const irr::core::vector3d<int> & Position)
	unsigned y;

	int height;

	for(y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
	    VoxelReference vr(irr::core::vector3d<int>(Position.X, Position.Y - (y * dimensions.Y), Position.Z));

	    chunkMapIterator = chunkMap.find(vr.Chunk);

	    if(chunkMapIterator != chunkMap.end())
	        height = chunkMapIterator->second.GetHeight(irr::core::vector2d<int>(vr.Position.X, vr.Position.Z));

	        if(height >= 0)
	            return (vr.Chunk.Y * dimensions.Y) + height;

	return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    bool ok = true;
    vector< 4, double > v;
    double data[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    v.iter_set( data, data+4 );
    // tests copyFrom1DimCArray function
	ok = true;
		size_t tmp = 1;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index, ++tmp )
            ok = v.at( index ) == tmp;
        tmp = 4;
        float dataf[] = { 4, 3, 2, 1 };
        v.iter_set( dataf, dataf + 4 );
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index, --tmp )
            ok = v.at( index ) == tmp;

		log( "set( input_iterator begin_, input_iterator end_ )", ok  );
		if ( ! ok )
			std::stringstream error;
			error << v << std::endl;
			log_error( error.str() );

    // tests operator+ function
	ok = true;
        vector< 4, double > v_other;
        vector< 4, double > v_result;
        v = data;
        double datad[] = { 4, 3, 2, 1 };
        v_other = datad;

        v_result = v + v_other;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == 5;

        v_result = v;
        v_result += v_other;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == 5;

        v = data;
        v_result = v + 2;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == index + 3;
        v_result = v;
        v_result += 2;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == index + 3;

		log( "operator+, operator+=", ok  );
		if ( ! ok )
			std::stringstream error;
                << "\n"
                << "v        " << v 
                << "v_other  " << v_other
                << "v_result " << v_result
                << std::endl;
			log_error( error.str() );

    // tests operator- function
	ok = true;
        vector< 4, double > v_other;
        vector< 4, double > v_result;
        v = data;
        double datad[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
        v_other = datad;

        v_result = v - v_other;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == 0;

        v_result = v;
        v_result -= v_other;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == 0;

        v_result = v - 1.0;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == index;

        v_result = v;
        v_result -= 1.0;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == index;

		log( "operator-, operator-=", ok  );
		if ( ! ok )
			std::stringstream error;
                << "\n"
                << "v        " << v 
                << "v_other  " << v_other
                << "v_result " << v_result
                << std::endl;
			log_error( error.str() );

    // tests operator* function
	ok = true;
        vector< 4, double > v_other;
        vector< 4, double > v_result;
        v = data;
        double datad[] = { 24, 12, 8, 6 };
        v_other = datad;

        v_result = v * v_other;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == 24;

        v_result = v;
        v_result *= v_other;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == 24;

        v_result = v * 2.0;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == v.at( index ) * 2.0;

        v_result = v;
        v_result *= 2.0;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = v_result.at( index ) == v.at( index ) * 2.0;

		log( "operator*, operator*=", ok  );
		if ( ! ok )
			std::stringstream error;
                << "\n"
                << "v        " << v 
                << "v_other  " << v_other
                << "v_result " << v_result
                << std::endl;
			log_error( error.str() );

    // tests operator/ function
	ok = true;
        vector< 4, double > v_other;
        vector< 4, double > v_result;
        v = data;
        double datad[] = { 2, 4, 6, 8 };
        v_other = datad;

        v_result = v / v_other;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = ( v_result.at( index ) - 0.5 ) < 1e-12;

        v_result = v;
        v_result /= v_other;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = ( v_result.at( index ) - 0.5 ) < 1e-12;

        v_result = v / 1.5;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = ( v_result.at( index ) - ( v.at( index ) / 1.5 ) ) < 1e-12;

        v_result = v;
        v_result /= 1.5;
		for( size_t index = 0; ok && index < 4; ++index )
            ok = ( v_result.at( index ) - ( v.at( index ) / 1.5 ) ) < 1e-12;

		log( "operator/, operator/=", ok  );
		if ( !ok )
			std::stringstream error;
                << "\n"
                << "v        " << v 
                << "v_other  " << v_other
                << "v_result " << v_result
                << std::endl;
			log_error( error.str() );

    // tests norm / normSquared (length/lengthSquared) computation
	ok = true;
        vector< 4, double > vec;
        vec = data;
        double normSquared = vec.squared_length();
        ok = normSquared == 1 * 1 + 2 * 2 + 3 * 3 + 4 * 4;

        double norm = vec.length();
        if ( ok ) 
            ok = sqrt( normSquared ) == norm;

		log( "length(), squared_length()", ok  );


    // tests normalize
	ok = true;
        vector< 4, double > vec;
        vec = data;
        ok = vec.length() == 1.0;

		log( "normalize(), maximum precision", ok, true  );
        if ( ! ok )
            ok = vec.length() - 1.0 < 1e-15;
            log( "normalize(), tolerance 1e-15", ok  );

        if ( ! ok )
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << "length after normalize() " << vec.length() << std::endl;
            log_error( ss.str() );


    // constructor tests
        bool ok = true;
        double vData[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
        vector< 4, double > v4( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
        vector< 2, double > v2C;
        v2C = vData;
        vector< 2, double > v2( 1, 2 );
        if ( ok && v2 != v2C )
            ok = false;

        vector< 3, double > v3C;
        v3C = vData;
        vector< 3, double > v3( 1, 2, 3 );

        if ( ok && v3 != v3C )
            ok = false;
        vector< 4, double > v4C;
        v4C = vData;
        if ( ok && v4 != v4C ) 
            ok = false;
        double vData2[] = { 23, 23, 23, 23 };
        v4C = vData2;
        vector< 4, double > v4_( 23 );
        if ( ok && v4_ != v4C )
            ok = false;
        v3 = vData;
        v4C = vData;
        vector< 4, double > v4from3_1( v3, vData[ 3 ] );
        if ( ok && v4from3_1 != v4C )
            ok = false;
        double hvData[] = { 1., 2., 3., 0.25 };
        double xvData[] = { 4.0, 8.0, 12.0 };
        vector< 4, double > homogenous;
        homogenous.iter_set( hvData, hvData + 4 );
        vector< 3, double > nonh;
        nonh.iter_set( xvData, xvData + 3 );
        vector< 4, double > htest( nonh );

        // to-homogenous-coordinates ctor
        if ( ok && htest != vector< 4, double >( 4, 8., 12., 1. ) )
            ok = false;
        vector< 3, double > nhtest( homogenous );
        // from homogenous-coordiates ctor
        if ( ok && nhtest != nonh )
            ok = false;

        log( "constructors ", ok );

    // set tests 
        bool ok = true;
        vector< 4, double > vec;
        vec.set( 2, 3, 4, 5 );
        vector< 4, double > vecCorrect;
        double vCData[] = { 2, 3, 4, 5 };
        vecCorrect = vCData;
        if ( vec != vecCorrect )
            ok = false;
        vec.set( 2 );
        double vCData2[] = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };
        vecCorrect = vCData2;
        if ( vec != vecCorrect )
            ok = false;
        vector< 3, double > v( 2, 3, 4 );
        // uncommenting the following line will throw a compiler error because the number 
        // of arguments to set is != M
        //v.set( 2, 3, 4, 5 );
        vecCorrect = vCData;
        vec.set( v, 5 );
        if ( vec != vecCorrect )
            ok = false;
        log( "set() functions", ok );

    // component accessors
        bool ok = true;
        vector< 4, double > vd( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
        if ( vd.x() == 1 && vd.y() == 2 && vd.z() == 3 && vd.w() == 4 )
            ok = false;
        log( "component accessors ( x(), y(), z(), w() )", ok );

    // dot product
        bool ok = true;
        vector< 3, float > v0( 1, 2, 3 );
        vector< 3, float > v1( -6, 5, -4 );
        if ( v0.dot( v1 ) != -8 )
            ok = false;
        log( "dot product, dot()", ok );

    // cross product
        bool ok = true;
        vector< 3, float > v0( 1, 2, 3 );
        vector< 3, float > v1( -6, 5, -4 );
        vector< 3, float > vcorrect( -23, -14, 17 );
        if ( v0.cross( v1 ) != vcorrect )
            ok = false;
        log( "cross product, cross()", ok );
        // TODO 
        vector< 3, float > v0( 1, 2, 3 );
        vector< 3, float > v1( -6, 5, -4 );
        vector< 3, float > v2( -2, 2, -1 );
        v0.squared_distance( v1 );
        vector< 3, float > n;
        n.compute_normal( v0, v1, v2 );
        vector< 3, double > vd( 3, 2, 1 );
        v0 = vd;
        vector< 4, float > vf( -1.0f, 3.0f, -99.0f, -0.9f );
        vector< 4, size_t > vui( 0, 5, 2, 4 );
        bool ok = true;
        size_t index = vf.find_min_index();
        float f = vf.find_min();
        if ( index != 2 || f != -99.0f )
            ok = false;
        if ( ok )
            index = vf.find_max_index();
            f = vf.find_max();
            if ( index != 1 || f != 3.0f )
                ok = false;
        size_t ui;
        if ( ok )
            index = vui.find_min_index();
            ui = vui.find_min();
            if ( index != 0 || ui != 0 )
                ok = false;

        if ( ok )
            index = vui.find_max_index();
            ui = vui.find_max();
            if ( index != 1 || ui != 5 )
                ok = false;

        log( "find_min/max(), find_min_index/max_index()", ok );

        vector< 4, float > v( -1.0f, 3.0f, -99.0f, -0.9f );
        float f = 4.0f;
        vector< 4, float > v_scaled = f * v;

        ok = true;
        if ( v_scaled != vector< 4, float >( -4.0f, 12.0f, -396.0f, -3.6f ) )
            ok = false;
        log( "operator*( float, vector )", ok );


        vector< 3, float > vf( 3.0, 2.0, 1.0 );
        vector< 3, double > vd( vf );
        vector< 3, double >::const_iterator it = vd.begin(), it_end = vd.end();
        vector< 3, float >::const_iterator fit = vf.begin();
        bool ok = true;
        for( ; ok && it != it_end; ++it, ++fit )
            if ( *it != *fit )
                ok = false;
        vd = 0.0;
        vd = vf;
        for( ; ok && it != it_end; ++it, ++fit )
            if ( *it != *fit )
                ok = false;
        // to-homogenous-coords and from-homogenous-coords assignment ops
        // are already tested in the tests for the respective ctors,
        // since the ctors call the assignment ops
        log( "conversion operator=, conversion ctor", ok );
        vector< 4, float > vf( 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
        vector< 3, float >& v3 = vf.get_sub_vector< 3 >();
        bool ok = v3.x() == vf.x() && v3.y() == vf.y();

        if ( ok ) 
            ok = v3.x() == vf.x() && v3.y() == vf.y();
        log( "get_sub_vector< N >()", ok );
        vector< 4, double > v;
        double* array               = v;
        //const double* const_array   = v;

        array[ 1 ]          = 2.0;
        //const_array[ 2 ]    = 3.0;
		//elementwise sqrt
        vector< 4, float > vsq( 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0 );
        vector< 4, float > vsq_check( 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.414213538169861 );
        bool ok = vsq == vsq_check;
		log( "elementwise sqrt ", ok );
		//elementwise sqrt
        vector< 4, float > vr( 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0 );
        vector< 4, float > vr_check( 0.1111111119389534, 0.25, 1, 0.5 );
        bool ok = vr == vr_check;
		log( "reciprocal ", ok );
		//l2 norm
        vector< 4, float > vr( 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2.0 );
		double v_norm_check = 10.09950493836208;
		double v_norm = vr.norm();
        bool ok = ((v_norm - v_norm_check) < 0.0001);
		log( "l2 norm ", ok );
    return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int ForEachStatement::execRef(QoreValue& return_value, ExceptionSink* xsink) {
   int rc = 0;

   // instantiate local variables
   LVListInstantiator lvi(lvars, xsink);

   ParseReferenceNode* r = reinterpret_cast<ParseReferenceNode*>(list);

   // here we get the runtime reference
   ReferenceHolder<ReferenceNode> vr(r->evalToRef(xsink), xsink);
   if (*xsink)
      return 0;

   // get the current value of the lvalue expression
   ReferenceHolder<AbstractQoreNode> tlist(vr->eval(xsink), xsink);
   if (!code || *xsink || is_nothing(*tlist))
      return 0;

   QoreListNode* l_tlist = tlist->getType() == NT_LIST ? reinterpret_cast<QoreListNode*>(*tlist) : 0;
   if (l_tlist && l_tlist->empty())
      return 0;

   // execute "foreach" body
   ReferenceHolder<AbstractQoreNode> ln(0, xsink);
   unsigned i = 0;

   if (l_tlist)
      ln = new QoreListNode;

   while (true) {
	 LValueHelper n(var, xsink);
	 if (!n)
	    return 0;

	 // assign variable to current value in list
	 if (n.assign(l_tlist ? l_tlist->get_referenced_entry(i) : tlist.release()))
	    return 0;

      // set offset in thread-local data for "$#"
      ImplicitElementHelper eh(l_tlist ? (int)i : 0);

      // execute "for" body
      rc = code->execImpl(return_value, xsink);
      if (*xsink)
	 return 0;

      // get value of foreach variable
      AbstractQoreNode* nv = var->eval(xsink);
      if (*xsink)
	 return 0;

      // assign new value to temporary variable for later assignment to referenced lvalue
      if (l_tlist)
	 ln = nv;

      if (rc == RC_BREAK) {
	 // assign remaining values to list unchanged
	 if (l_tlist)
	    while (++i < l_tlist->size())

	 rc = 0;

      if (rc == RC_RETURN)
      else if (rc == RC_CONTINUE)
	 rc = 0;

      // break out of loop if appropriate
      if (!l_tlist || i == l_tlist->size())

   // write the value back to the lvalue
   LValueHelper val(**vr, xsink);
   if (!val)
      return 0;

   if (val.assign(ln.release()))
      return 0;

   return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int main()
	//Stel onderstaande poorten in op Output en laad allemaal enen in

	//Stel de timer in die een interrupt genereert bij en overflow
	//Stel odnerstaande poorten in op Input en laad allemaal enen in


	// Aanmaken van de verschillende autolichtobjecten
	AutoLicht azl(0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFB, ADRESPORTB);
	AutoLicht azr(0xF7, 0xEF, 0xDF, ADRESPORTB);
	AutoLicht ahl(0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFB, ADRESPORTC);
	AutoLicht ahr(0xF7, 0xEF, 0xDF, ADRESPORTC);

	// Aanmaken van de verschillende voetgangerlichtobjecten
	VoetgangerLicht vhr(0xFE, 0xFD, ADRESPORTA);
	VoetgangerLicht vz(0xBF, 0x7F, ADRESPORTB);
	VoetgangerLicht vhl(0xBF, 0x7F, ADRESPORTC);

	List<VoetgangerLicht*> l1, l2, l3;
	List<Scenario*> s;

	//Lijst l1 vullen

	//Lijst l2 vullen

	//Lijst l3 vullen
	//Scenario's definieren
	Scenario s1(&l1, &variabelebeheerder);
	Scenario s2(&l2, &variabelebeheerder);
	Scenario s3(&l3, &variabelebeheerder);


	//Scenario's toekennen aan sensoren

	VerkeersRegelaar vr(&s, &wachtrijbeheerder, &variabelebeheerder);
	sei(); //Zet interrupts aan

	while(1) {
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool Triangle::intersect(const Ray &r, Hit &h, float tmin)
	Matrix A;



	Vec4f vr(a.x()-r.getOrigin().x(),a.y()-r.getOrigin().y(),a.z()-r.getOrigin().z(),1);

		if((vr.x()+vr.y())<=1 && vr.x()>=0 && vr.y()>=0 && vr.z()>tmin && vr.z()<h.getT())
			return 1;
	return 0;
	//为什么当使用transform之后,这里的求交函数就不能用了?  用没有加速的程序检测了一下,也无法求交,应该是这里的求交写错掉了
	//Vec3f origin = r.getOrigin();
	//Vec3f direct = r.getDirection();
	//float isParallel = normal.Dot3(direct);
	//Vec3f tempbeta0;
	//Vec3f tempbeta1;
	//Vec3f tempbeta2;
	//float beta0;
	//float beta1;
	//float beta2;
	//	float dist = -(normal.Dot3(origin)+d)/isParallel;
	//	Vec3f q = origin + direct*dist;
	//	Vec3f::Cross3(tempbeta0,(c-b),(q-b));
	//	Vec3f::Cross3(tempbeta1,(a-c),(q-c));
	//	Vec3f::Cross3(tempbeta2,(b-a),(q-a));
	//	if(i0 == 0)
	//	{
	//		beta0 = tempbeta0.x()/normal.x();	
	//		beta1 = tempbeta1.x()/normal.x();
	//		beta2 = tempbeta2.x()/normal.x();
	//	}
	//	else if(i0 == 1)
	//	{
	//		beta0 = tempbeta0.y()/normal.y();
	//		beta1 = tempbeta1.y()/normal.y();
	//		beta2 = tempbeta2.y()/normal.y();
	//	}
	//	else
	//	{
	//		beta0 = tempbeta0.z()/normal.z();
	//		beta1 = tempbeta1.z()/normal.z();
	//		beta2 = tempbeta2.z()/normal.z();
	//	}
	//	if(beta0>=0 && beta0<=1 && beta1>=0 && beta1<=1 && beta2>=0 && beta2<=1)
	//	{
	//		if(dist > tmin && dist < h.getT())
	//		{
	//			h.set(dist,material,normal,r);
	//			return true;	
	//		}
	//	}
	//return false;
Ejemplo n.º 26
PView *GMSH_EigenvectorsPlugin::execute(PView *v)
  int scale = (int)EigenvectorsOptions_Number[0].def;
  int iView = (int)EigenvectorsOptions_Number[1].def;

  PView *v1 = getView(iView, v);
  if(!v1) return v;

  PViewData *data1 = getPossiblyAdaptiveData(v1);
    Msg::Error("Eigenvectors plugin cannot be run on multi-mesh views");
    return v;

  PView *min = new PView();
  PView *mid = new PView();
  PView *max = new PView();

  PViewDataList *dmin = getDataList(min);
  PViewDataList *dmid = getDataList(mid);
  PViewDataList *dmax = getDataList(max);

  int nbcomplex = 0;
  fullMatrix<double> mat(3, 3), vl(3, 3), vr(3, 3);
  fullVector<double> dr(3), di(3);
  for(int ent = 0; ent < data1->getNumEntities(0); ent++){
    for(int ele = 0; ele < data1->getNumElements(0, ent); ele++){
      if(data1->skipElement(0, ent, ele)) continue;
      int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(0, ent, ele);
      if(numComp != 9) continue;
      int type = data1->getType(0, ent, ele);
      int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
      std::vector<double> *outmin = dmin->incrementList(3, type, numNodes);
      std::vector<double> *outmid = dmid->incrementList(3, type, numNodes);
      std::vector<double> *outmax = dmax->incrementList(3, type, numNodes);
      if(!outmin || !outmid || !outmax) continue;
      double xyz[3][8];
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++)
        data1->getNode(0, ent, ele, nod, xyz[0][nod], xyz[1][nod], xyz[2][nod]);
      for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
      for(int step = 0; step < data1->getNumTimeSteps(); step++){
        for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
          for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
              data1->getValue(step, ent, ele, nod, 3 * i + j, mat(i, j));
          if(mat.eig(dr, di, vl, vr, true)){
            if(!scale) dr(0) = dr(1) = dr(2) = 1.;
            for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
              double res;
              res = dr(0) * vr(i, 0); outmin->push_back(res);
              res = dr(1) * vr(i, 1); outmid->push_back(res);
              res = dr(2) * vr(i, 2); outmax->push_back(res);
            if(di(0) || di(1) || di(2)) nbcomplex++;
            Msg::Error("Could not compute eigenvalues/vectors");

    Msg::Error("%d tensors have complex eigenvalues", nbcomplex);
  for(int i = 0; i < data1->getNumTimeSteps(); i++){
    double time = data1->getTime(i);
  dmin->setName(data1->getName() + "_MinEigenvectors");
  dmin->setFileName(data1->getName() + "_MinEigenvectors.pos");
  dmid->setName(data1->getName() + "_MidEigenvectors");
  dmid->setFileName(data1->getName() + "_MidEigenvectors.pos");
  dmax->setName(data1->getName() + "_MaxEigenvectors");
  dmax->setFileName(data1->getName() + "_MaxEigenvectors.pos");

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void NDG2D::MakeCylinder2D
  const IMat& faces, 
  double ra,
  double xo,
  double yo
  // Function: MakeCylinder2D(faces, ra, xo, yo)
  // Purpose:  Use Gordon-Hall blending with an isoparametric  
  //           map to modify a list of faces so they conform 
  //           to a cylinder of radius r centered at (xo,yo)

  int NCurveFaces = faces.num_rows();
  IVec vflag(VX.size()); IMat VFlag(EToV.num_rows(),EToV.num_cols());
  int n=0,k=0,f=0,v1=0,v2=0;
  double theta1=0.0,theta2=0.0,x1=0.0,x2=0.0,y1=0.0,y2=0.0;
  double newx1=0.0,newx2=0.0,newy1=0.0,newy2=0.0;
  DVec vr, fr, theta, fdx,fdy, vdx, vdy, blend,numer,denom;
  IVec va,vb,vc, ks, Fm_f, ids;  DMat Vface, Vvol;

  for (n=1; n<=NCurveFaces; ++n)
    // move vertices of faces to be curved onto circle
    k = faces(n,1); f = faces(n,2);
    v1 = EToV(k, f); v2 = EToV(k, umMOD(f,Nfaces)+1);
    theta1 = atan2(VY(v1),VX(v1)); theta2 = atan2(VY(v2),VX(v2));
    newx1 = xo + ra*cos(theta1); newy1 = yo + ra*sin(theta1);
    newx2 = xo + ra*cos(theta2); newy2 = yo + ra*sin(theta2);
    // update mesh vertex locations
    VX(v1) = newx1; VX(v2) = newx2; VY(v1) = newy1; VY(v2) = newy2; 

    // store modified vertex numbers
    vflag(v1) = 1;  vflag(v2) = 1;

  // map modified vertex flag to each element
//vflag = vflag(EToV);
  VFlag.set_map(EToV, vflag); // (map, values)

  // locate elements with at least one modified vertex
//ks = find(sum(vflag,2)>0);
  ks = find(VFlag.row_sums(), '>', 0);

  // build coordinates of all the corrected nodes
  IMat VA=EToV(ks,1), VB=EToV(ks,2), VC=EToV(ks,3);

  // FIXME: loading 2D mapped data into 1D vectors
  int Nr=VA.num_rows(); 

  // Note: outer products of (Vector,MappedRegion1D)
  x(All,ks) = 0.5*(-(r+s)*VX(va)+(1.0+r)*VX(vb)+(1.0+s)*VX(vc));
  y(All,ks) = 0.5*(-(r+s)*VY(va)+(1.0+r)*VY(vb)+(1.0+s)*VY(vc));

  // deform specified faces
  for (n=1; n<=NCurveFaces; ++n)
    k = faces(n,1); f = faces(n,2);

    // find vertex locations for this face and tangential coordinate
    if      (f==1) { v1=EToV(k,1); v2=EToV(k,2); vr=r; }
    else if (f==2) { v1=EToV(k,2); v2=EToV(k,3); vr=s; }
    else if (f==3) { v1=EToV(k,1); v2=EToV(k,3); vr=s; }

    fr = vr(Fmask(All,f));
    x1 = VX(v1); y1 = VY(v1); x2 = VX(v2); y2 = VY(v2);

    // move vertices at end points of this face to the cylinder
    theta1 = atan2(y1-yo, x1-xo); theta2 = atan2(y2-yo, x2-xo);

    // check to make sure they are in the same quadrant
    if ((theta2 > 0.0) && (theta1 < 0.0)) { theta1 += 2*pi; }
    if ((theta1 > 0.0) && (theta2 < 0.0)) { theta2 += 2*pi; }

    // distribute N+1 nodes by arc-length along edge
    theta = 0.5*theta1*(1.0-fr) + 0.5*theta2*(1.0+fr);

    // evaluate deformation of coordinates
    fdx = xo + ra*apply(cos,theta) - x(Fmask(All,f),k); 
    fdy = yo + ra*apply(sin,theta) - y(Fmask(All,f),k);

    // build 1D Vandermonde matrix for face nodes and volume nodes
    Vface = Vandermonde1D(N, fr); Vvol = Vandermonde1D(N, vr);

    // compute unblended volume deformations 
    vdx = Vvol * (Vface|fdx); vdy = Vvol * (Vface|fdy);

    // blend deformation and increment node coordinates
    ids = find(abs(1.0-vr), '>', 1e-7); // warp and blend

    denom = 1.0-vr(ids);
    if      (1==f) { numer = -(r(ids)+s(ids));  }
    else if (2==f) { numer =  (r(ids)+1.0   );  }
    else if (3==f) { numer = -(r(ids)+s(ids));  }
    blend = numer.dd(denom);

    x(ids,k) += (blend.dm(vdx(ids)));
    y(ids,k) += (blend.dm(vdy(ids)));

  // repair other coordinate dependent information
  Fx = x(Fmask, All); Fy = y(Fmask, All);
  ::GeometricFactors2D(x,y,Dr,Ds,  rx,sx,ry,sy,J);
  Normals2D(); Fscale = sJ.dd(J(Fmask,All));
Float evaluate_sequences(vector<vector<int> > &goldS,vector<vector<int> > &predicted,vector<string> &LIS ,int num_labels,vector<verbose_res> &VR){
  int numtag,numctag,numbtag;
  int num_class =  ( num_labels / 2 ) + 1;
  vector<int> ccount(num_class,0),pcount(num_class,0),ncorrect(num_class,0),
  int match,bmatch;
  int num_seq = goldS.size();

  for (int i = 0; i < num_seq ; ++i){                                 // For each sequence
    unsigned int N = goldS[i].size();
    if ( N != predicted[i].size() ) {
      cerr << "Unmatching length of labels for sentence" << i << "\n"; abort();
    for ( unsigned int n = 0 ; n < N ; ++n, ++numtag )   {
      int clabel = goldS[i][n];
      int cclass = class_type( clabel );
      int cbraket = braket_type( n, goldS[i] );
      if ( cbraket == SBrac || cbraket == BBrac ) {

      int plabel = predicted[i][n];
      int pclass = class_type( plabel );
      int pbraket = braket_type( n, predicted[i] );
      if ( pbraket == SBrac || pbraket == BBrac ) {
      if ( cbraket == pbraket ) numbtag++;
      if ( clabel == plabel && cbraket == pbraket ) numctag++;
      if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == SBrac ) {
	nbcorrect[pclass]++; nbleft[pclass]++; nbright[pclass]++;
	if( pclass == cclass ) { 
	  ncorrect[pclass]++; nleft[pclass]++; nright[pclass]++; 
      else if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == EBrac ) { 
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nright[pclass]++; }
      else if ( pbraket == SBrac  &&  cbraket == BBrac ) { 
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; }
      else if ( pbraket == BBrac  &&  cbraket == SBrac ) { 
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; }
      else if ( pbraket == BBrac  &&  cbraket == BBrac ) { 
	nbleft[pclass]++;   bmatch=1;
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nleft[pclass]++; match=1;}
      if ( pbraket != cbraket || pbraket == none )  bmatch = 0;
      if ( cclass != pclass || !bmatch )            match = 0;
      if ( pbraket == EBrac && cbraket == SBrac )  {
	if( pclass == cclass ) { nright[pclass]++; }
      if ( pbraket == EBrac && cbraket == EBrac ) {
	if( bmatch )  nbcorrect[pclass]++;
	if( pclass == cclass ) {
	  if ( match && ncorrect[pclass] <= pcount[pclass]) 

  Float score;
  int numans = getsum(pcount), numref = getsum(ccount);
  verbose_res vr("ALL",int(numref),int(numans));
  if ( !numref ) cerr << "\n\nNo names in reference!\n";
  if ( !numans ) cerr << "\n\nNo names in answers!\n";
  Float ret_val = compute_score(getsum(ncorrect),numans,numref,"FULLY CORRECT answer",vr);

  if (num_class > 2)
    for( unsigned int cl = 1 ; cl < pcount.size() ; ++cl ) {
      string cl_str = LIS[reverse_class_type(cl)];
      verbose_res vr_cl(string(cl_str,2,int(cl_str.size()-2)),ccount[cl],pcount[cl]);
      score = compute_score(ncorrect[cl],pcount[cl],ccount[cl],"FULLY CORRECT answer",vr_cl);
  if (ret_val>1.0) ret_val=1.0;
  return ret_val;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  void BackendScene::generateVPL( size_t vplNum, const char* vplFile,size_t vpldepth )
    SET_CLAMPING_DISTANCE( 0.05 * sceneradius );

    //------------------------- READ FILE IF IT DOES EXIST--------------------------------------
    if( strcmp(vplFile,"")){
      FILE *ptr;
      ptr = fopen(vplFile,"rb");  
      if (ptr)
        size_t siz;
        for (size_t i = 0 ; i<siz; ++i)

        std::cout << "Vpl file read. Total # of vpls:"<< vpls.size()<<std::endl;
      else  std::cout << "Unable to read vpl file."<< std::endl;

    //------------------------- OTHERWISE GENERATE VPLS--------------------------------------

    Random rnd(RND_SEED);

    // Place VPLs that substitute the original lights (direct VPLs)
    std::vector<Ref<Light> >::iterator it = allLights.begin();
    for ( ; it !=allLights.end(); ++it)
      // Replace TriangleLight
      if( (*it).dynamicCast<TriangleLight>() )
        Ref<TriangleLight> tr = (*it).dynamicCast<TriangleLight>();
        Color I = tr->L * length(cross(tr->e1,tr->e2)) * 0.5;
        int triangleSamples = 1024;
        // HACK to avoid too many VPLs for many quads...
        if (allLights.size() > 2000)
          triangleSamples = 100;
        for (int i=0 ; i < triangleSamples ; ++i)
          Vector3f pos = uniformSampleTriangle(rnd.getFloat(),rnd.getFloat(),tr->v0,tr->v1,tr->v2);
          this->vpls.push_back(vplVPL(pos, -tr->Ng, I * rcp((float)triangleSamples) ) );
      // Replace SpotLight
      else if ((*it).dynamicCast<SpotLight>())
        Ref<SpotLight> sl = (*it).dynamicCast<SpotLight>();
        if ( sl->cosAngleMax >= 0.05 || sl->cosAngleMin <= 0.95 )
          throw std::runtime_error("Not supporting spotlights with other than 90 degree falloff for VPL generation.");

      // Replace environment map
      else if ((*it).dynamicCast<HDRILight>())
        Ref<HDRILight> hd = (*it).dynamicCast<HDRILight>();
        int envmapSamples = 32768;
        float dirlightdistance = DIR_LIGHT_DISTANCE;
        for (int i=0 ; i < envmapSamples ; ++i)
          Vector3f pos(uniformSampleSphere(rnd.getFloat(),rnd.getFloat()));
          Vector3f dir = -pos;
          pos *= dirlightdistance; pos += scenecenter;
          // CHECK below line later it is not completely precise
          Color I = hd->Le(-dir) * four_pi * rcp((float)envmapSamples) * dirlightdistance * dirlightdistance;               
          this->vpls.push_back(vplVPL(pos, -dir , I ));
      else if ((*it).dynamicCast<DirectionalLight>())
        Ref<DirectionalLight> sl = (*it).dynamicCast<DirectionalLight>();
        float distance = 100000;
        throw std::runtime_error("Not supported light type for VPL generation.");

    // Place VPLs  (indirect VPLs)
    size_t direct = this->vpls.size();
    size_t orig = this->allLights.size();
    if (vpldepth <=1) return;
    while (this->vpls.size() < (vplNum+direct))
      // Sample orig lights for photons
      Ref<Light> vp = this->allLights[rnd.getInt(orig)];
      Vector3f pos; 
      Sample3f dir;
      Vec2f vr(rnd.getFloat(),rnd.getFloat());
      Vec2f vs(rnd.getFloat(),rnd.getFloat());

      Color I = vp->samplePhoton(dir,pos,vr,vs,sceneradius,scenecenter);
      if (dir.pdf==0.0f) continue;
      I *= (float) orig  *  rcp(dir.pdf);

      // Generate a path for the photon and add VPLs 
      int maxdepth = int(vpldepth) - 1;   // -1 because 1 for pt means only direct light
      while ( maxdepth-- && (I != zero ) )
        Ray ray (pos,dir,32*std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(), inf);
        DifferentialGeometry dg;

        if (!ray)//nothing is hit
        /*! face forward normals */
        if (dot(dg.Ng, ray.dir) > 0)
          dg.Ng = -dg.Ng; dg.Ns = -dg.Ns;
        CompositedBRDF brdfs;
        if (dg.material) dg.material->shade(ray, Medium::Vacuum(), dg, brdfs);
        BRDFType diffuseBRDFTypes = (BRDFType)(DIFFUSE); 
        Vec2f s = Vec2f(rnd.getFloat(),rnd.getFloat());
        Color c = brdfs.sample(-ray.dir,dg, dir,diffuseBRDFTypes,s,rnd.getFloat(),diffuseBRDFTypes);
        if (c==zero || dir.pdf==0.0f) break;

        // the dot prod should not be zero since then c would be zero
        float dott = dot(dir,dg.Ns);
        if (dott==0.0f) break;
        Color contrib = I * c * rcp(dott) * rcp((float)vplNum) ;
        //if (std::isnan(contrib.r) || std::isnan(contrib.g) || std::isnan(contrib.b))
        //  break;


        Color contribScale =  c * rcp(dir.pdf);
        float rrProb = min(1.0f, reduce_avg(contribScale));
        if(rrProb == 0.0f)break;
        if (rnd.getFloat() > rrProb)

        I *= contribScale * rcp(rrProb);
        pos = dg.P;

    //------------------------------PERTURB VPLS WITH THE SAME POSITION-----------------------------------------------------------
    auto vplComp = [] (const vplVPL& vp1,const vplVPL& vp2) { return vp1.P < vp2.P; };
    std::vector<vplVPL>::iterator itt = this->vpls.begin();
    while(itt != ( vpls.end() - 1 ) && itt != vpls.end())
      vplVPL& v1 = *itt, & v2 = *(itt+1);
      if(v1.P == v2.P)
        v2.I += v1.I;
        itt = this->vpls.erase(itt);

    //------------------------------WRITE OUT VPLS INTO A FILE-----------------------------------------------------------

    // writing out the VPLs
    FILE *ptr;
    ptr = fopen(vplFile,"wb");  
    if (ptr)
      size_t siz = this->vpls.size();
      if (vpls.size())
        for (size_t i = 0 ; i<siz; ++i)

      std::cout << "Vpl file written. Total # of vpls:"<< vpls.size()<<std::endl;
    else std::cout << "Unable to write vpl file. Total # of vpls: "<<vpls.size() << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 30
PView *GMSH_HarmonicToTimePlugin::execute(PView * v)
  int rIndex = (int)HarmonicToTimeOptions_Number[0].def;
  int iIndex = (int)HarmonicToTimeOptions_Number[1].def;
  int nSteps = (int)HarmonicToTimeOptions_Number[2].def;
  int iView = (int)HarmonicToTimeOptions_Number[3].def;

  PView *v1 = getView(iView, v);
  if(!v1) return v;
  PViewData *data1 = v1->getData();

    Msg::Error("HarmonicToTime plugin cannot be applied to multi-mesh views");
    return v1;

  if(rIndex < 0 || rIndex >= data1->getNumTimeSteps() ||
     iIndex < 0 || iIndex >= data1->getNumTimeSteps()){
    Msg::Error("Wrong real or imaginary part index");
    return v1;

  if(nSteps <= 0){
    Msg::Error("nSteps should be > 0");
    return v1;

  PView *v2 = new PView();
  PViewDataList *data2 = getDataList(v2);
  for(int ent = 0; ent < data1->getNumEntities(0); ent++){
    for(int ele = 0; ele < data1->getNumElements(0, ent); ele++){
      if(data1->skipElement(0, ent, ele)) continue;
      int numNodes = data1->getNumNodes(0, ent, ele);
      int type = data1->getType(0, ent, ele);
      int numComp = data1->getNumComponents(0, ent, ele);
      std::vector<double> *out = data2->incrementList(numComp, type, numNodes);
      std::vector<double> x(numNodes), y(numNodes), z(numNodes);
      std::vector<double> vr(numNodes * numComp), vi(numNodes * numComp);
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++){
        data1->getNode(0, ent, ele, nod, x[nod], y[nod], z[nod]);
        for(int comp = 0; comp < numComp; comp++){
          data1->getValue(rIndex, ent, ele, nod, comp, vr[numComp * nod + comp]);
          data1->getValue(iIndex, ent, ele, nod, comp, vi[numComp * nod + comp]);
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(x[nod]); 
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(y[nod]); 
      for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) out->push_back(z[nod]); 
      for(int t = 0; t < nSteps; t++) {
        double p = 2. * M_PI * t / nSteps;
        for(int nod = 0; nod < numNodes; nod++) {
          for(int comp = 0; comp < numComp; comp++) {
            double val = vr[numComp * nod + comp] * cos(p) - 
              vi[numComp * nod + comp] * sin(p);

  for(int i = 0; i < nSteps; i++){
    double p = 2. * M_PI * i / (double)nSteps;
  data2->setName(data1->getName() + "_HarmonicToTime");
  data2->setFileName(data1->getName() + "_HarmonicToTime.pos");

  return v2;