Ejemplo n.º 1
void	vrpn_BaseClassUnique::client_mainloop(void)
    struct  timeval now;
    struct  timeval diff;

    // The first time through, set up a callback handler for the pong message so that we
    // know when we are getting them.  Also set up a handler for the system dropped-connection
    // message so that we can initiate a ping cycle when that happens.  Also, we'll initiate
    // the ping cycle here.

    if (d_first_mainloop && (d_connection != NULL)) {

	// Set up handlers for the pong message and for the system connection-drop message
	register_autodeleted_handler(d_pong_message_id, handle_pong, this, d_sender_id);
	    handle_connection_dropped, this);

	// Initiate a ping cycle;

	// No longer first time through mainloop.
	d_first_mainloop = 0;

    // If we are in the middle of a ping cycle...
    // Check if we've heard, if it has been long enough since we gave a warning or error (>= 1 sec).
    // If it has been three seconds or more since we sent our first ping,
    // start giving warnings.  If it has been ten seconds or more since we got one,
    // switch to errors.  New ping requests go out each second.

    if (d_unanswered_ping) {
        vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
        diff = vrpn_TimevalDiff(now, d_time_last_warned);
        if (diff.tv_sec >= 1) {
            // Send a new ping, since it has been a second since the last one
            d_connection->pack_message(0, now, d_ping_message_id, d_sender_id,
                                       NULL, vrpn_CONNECTION_RELIABLE);
            // Send another warning or error, and say if we're flatlined (10+ seconds)
            d_time_last_warned = now;
            if (!shutup) {
                diff = vrpn_TimevalDiff(now, d_time_first_ping);
                if (diff.tv_sec >= 10) {
                    send_text_message("No response from server for >= 10 seconds", now, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR, diff.tv_sec);
                    d_flatline = 1;
                } else if (diff.tv_sec >= 3) {
                    send_text_message("No response from server for >= 3 seconds", now, vrpn_TEXT_WARNING, diff.tv_sec);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// Declare a new text receiver (all objects are text senders)
	// and find out what connection it is using.
	r = new vrpn_Text_Receiver (argv[1]);
	c = r->connectionPtr();

	// Declare the same sender and message types that the BaseClass
	// will use for doing the ping/pong, so we can use the same
	// mechanism.  Register a handler for the pong message, so we
	// can deal with them.
	ping_message_id = c->register_message_type("Server, are you there?");
	pong_message_id = c->register_message_type("Server is here!");
	sender = c->register_sender(vrpn_copy_service_name(argv[1]));
	c->register_handler(pong_message_id, my_pong_handler, NULL, sender);

	// Let the user kill the program "nicely."
	signal(SIGINT, handle_cntl_c);

	// Wait a few seconds (spinning while we do) in order to allow the
	// real pong message to clear from the system.
	struct timeval	then, diff;
	vrpn_gettimeofday(&then, NULL);
	do {
		vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
		diff = vrpn_TimevalDiff(now, then);
	} while ( vrpn_TimevalMsecs(vrpn_TimevalNormalize(diff)) < 2000);

	// Send a new ping request to the server, and start counting how
	// long it takes to respond.
	vrpn_gettimeofday(&last_ping, NULL);
	c->pack_message(0, last_ping, ping_message_id, sender, NULL,

	// Loop forever.
	while (1) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
int VRPN_CALLBACK my_pong_handler(void *userdata, vrpn_HANDLERPARAM p)
    static int count = 0;
    static double min = 10000, max = 0, sum = 0;

    // See how long it has been between the ping request and
    // the pong response.
    struct timeval diff;
    vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
    double msecs;
    diff = vrpn_TimevalDiff(now, last_ping);
    msecs = vrpn_TimevalMsecs(vrpn_TimevalNormalize(diff));

    // Keep statistics on the length (min, max, average)
    if (msecs < min) {
        min = msecs;
    if (msecs > max) {
        max = msecs;
    sum += msecs;

    // Print and reset the statistics every once in a while
    if (++count == 500) {
        printf("Min = %4.2g, Max = %4.2g, Mean = %4.2g\n", min, max,
               sum / count);
        count = 0;
        min = 10000;
        max = sum = 0.0;

    // Send a new ping request, and record when we sent it.
    // REMEMBER not to call mainloop() within the handler.
    vrpn_gettimeofday(&last_ping, NULL);
    c->pack_message(0, last_ping, ping_message_id, sender, NULL,

    return 0;