Ejemplo n.º 1
void AutoCheck(uint8_t test_mode) {
  /* (test_mode & 0x0f) == 0 , only calibration without T1-T7 */
  /* (test_mode & 0x0f) == 1 , calibration and additional T1-T7 */
  /* (test_mode & 0xf0) == 0 , check for shorted probes, if unshorted, return */
  /* (test_mode & 0xf0) == 0x10 , ask for shorted probes */

 uint8_t ww;		// counter for repeating the tests
 int  adcmv[7];
  uint16_t u680;	// 3 * (Voltage at 680 Ohm)
  uint8_t taste;	// ist key pressed? 0 = no
  #ifndef NO_TEST_T1_T7
  #warning "Selftest without extended tests T1 to T7!"
 #if defined(EXTENDED_TESTS) || defined(WITH_MENU)
  uint8_t tt;		// number of running test

 #ifdef FREQUENCY_50HZ
  uint8_t ff50;		// loop counter for 2s

// define the maximum count of repetitions MAX_REP
#define MAX_REP 4

 #ifdef AUTO_CAL
uint8_t cap_found;	// counter for found capacitor
int8_t udiff;		// difference between ADC Voltage with VCC or Bandgap reference
int8_t udiff2;
PartFound = PART_NONE;		// no part found before
if ((test_mode & 0xf0) == 0) {
  // probed should be shorted already to begin selftest
  if (AllProbesShorted() != 3) return;
  lcd_MEM_string(SELFTEST);		// "Selftest mode.."
  lcd_data('?');			// wait for key pressed for confirmation
  if (wait_for_key_ms(2000) > 10) goto begin_selftest;	// key is pressed again
 #ifdef WITH_MENU
} else {
  // report to user, that probes should be shorted
  ww = 0;
  for (tt=0;tt<150;tt++) {	/* wait about 30 seconds for shorted probes */
    lcd_MEM2_string(SHORT_PROBES_str);	// message "Short probes!" to LCD
    if (AllProbesShorted() == 3) {
       ww++;	// all probes now shorted
    } else {
       ww = 0;	// connection not stable, retry
    if (ww > 3) break;	// connection seems to be stable
    lcd_refresh();		// write the pixels to display, ST7920 only
    wait_about200ms();			// wait 200ms and try again
  }  /* end for (tt...) */
  if (tt < 150) goto begin_selftest;		// is shorted before time limit
  goto no_zero_resistance;			// skip measuring of the zero resistance
// no key pressed for 2s
lcd_MEM_string(VERSION_str);	//"Version ..."

lcd_MEM2_string(R0_str);		// "R0="
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)(&EE_ESR_ZEROtab[2]), (uint8_t)0);	// clear zero offset
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)(&EE_ESR_ZEROtab[3]), (uint8_t)0);	// clear zero offset
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)(&EE_ESR_ZEROtab[1]), (uint8_t)0);	// clear zero offset

adcmv[0] = GetESR(TP3, TP1);
adcmv[1] = GetESR(TP3, TP2);
adcmv[2] = GetESR(TP2, TP1);
DisplayValue16(adcmv[0],-2,' ',3);
DisplayValue16(adcmv[1],-2,' ',3);
if (adcmv[0] >= 90) {
  adcmv[0] = ESR_ZERO;	// set back to default value
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)(&EE_ESR_ZEROtab[2]), (uint8_t)adcmv[0]);	// fix zero offset
if (adcmv[1] >= 90) {
  adcmv[1] = ESR_ZERO;	// set back to default value
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)(&EE_ESR_ZEROtab[3]), (uint8_t)adcmv[1]);	// fix zero offset
if (adcmv[2] >= 90) {
  adcmv[2] = ESR_ZERO;	// set back to default value
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)(&EE_ESR_ZEROtab[1]), (uint8_t)adcmv[2]);	// fix zero offset
last_line_used = 2;
wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2

 #ifdef WITH_MENU
#define TEST_COUNT 8
if((test_mode & 0x0f) == 1) {  /* full test requested */

for(tt=1;tt<TEST_COUNT;tt++) {		// loop for all Tests
for(ww=0;ww<MAX_REP;ww++) {	// repeat the test MAX_REP times
   lcd_clear_line2();		// clear total line 2
   lcd_clear_line1();		// clear total line 1
   lcd_data('T');			//output the Testmode "T"
   u2lcd(tt);		//lcd_string(utoa(tt, outval, 10));	//output Test number
   if (tt == 1) {   // output of reference voltage and factors for capacity measurement
      lcd_MEM2_string(URef_str);	//"URef="
      Calibrate_UR();		// get Reference voltage, Pin resistance
      lcd_line2();			//Cursor to column 1, row 2
      lcd_MEM2_string(RHfakt_str);	//"RHf="
      u2lcd(RHmultip);	//lcd_string(utoa(RHmultip, outval, 10));
      ADCconfig.Samples = R_ANZ_MESS;	// set number of ADC reads near to maximum
   if (tt == 2) { // how equal are the RL resistors? 
      u680 = ((long)ADCconfig.U_AVCC * (PIN_RM + R_L_VAL) / (PIN_RM + R_L_VAL + R_L_VAL + PIN_RP));
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RL1;		//RL1 to VCC
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RL1) | (1<<PIN_RL2);	//RL2 to -
      adcmv[0] = W20msReadADC(TP1);
      adcmv[0] -= u680;
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RL1) | (1<<PIN_RL3);	//RL3 to -
      adcmv[1] = W20msReadADC(TP1);
      adcmv[1] -= u680;
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RL2;		//RL2 to VCC
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RL2) | (1<<PIN_RL3);	//RL3 to -
      adcmv[2] = W20msReadADC(TP2);
      adcmv[2] -= u680;
      lcd_MEM_string(RLRL_str);	// "RLRL"
   if (tt == 3) { // how equal are the RH resistors
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH1;		//RH1 to VCC
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RH1) | (1<<PIN_RH2);	//RH2 to -
      adcmv[0] = W20msReadADC(TP1);
      adcmv[3] = ADCconfig.U_AVCC / 2;
      adcmv[0] -= adcmv[3];
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RH1) | (1<<PIN_RH3);	//RH3 to -
      adcmv[1] = W20msReadADC(TP1);
      adcmv[1] -= adcmv[3];
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH2;		//RH2 to VCC
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RH2) | (1<<PIN_RH3);	//RH3 to -
      adcmv[2] = W20msReadADC(TP2);
      adcmv[2] -= adcmv[3];
      lcd_MEM_string(RHRH_str);	// "RHRH"
   if (tt == 4) { // Text release probes
      lcd_MEM_string(RELPROBE);	// "Release Probes"
      if (AllProbesShorted() != 0) ww = MAX_REP-2;
   if (tt == 5) { // can we switch the ADC pins to GND across R_H resistor?
      R_PORT = 0;
      R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH1;		//Pin 1 over R_H to GND
      adcmv[0] = W20msReadADC(TP1);

      R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH2;		//Pin 2 over R_H to GND
      adcmv[1] = W20msReadADC(TP2);

      R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH3;		//Pin 3 over R_H to GND
      adcmv[2] = W20msReadADC(TP3);
      lcd_MEM_string(RH1L_str);	// "RH_Lo="
   if (tt == 6) { // can we switch the ADC pins to VCC across the R_H resistor?
      R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH1;		//Pin 1 over R_H to VCC
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH1;
      adcmv[0] = W20msReadADC(TP1) - ADCconfig.U_AVCC;
      R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH2;		//Pin 2 over R_H to VCC
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH2;
      adcmv[1] = W20msReadADC(TP2) - ADCconfig.U_AVCC;
      R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH3;		//Pin 3 over R_H to VCC
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH3;
      adcmv[2] = W20msReadADC(TP3) - ADCconfig.U_AVCC;
      lcd_MEM_string(RH1H_str);	// "RH_Hi="
   if (tt == 7) { // is the voltage of all R_H / R_L dividers correct?
      u680 = ((long)ADCconfig.U_AVCC * (PIN_RM + R_L_VAL) / (PIN_RM + R_L_VAL + (unsigned long)R_H_VAL*100));
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH1;		//RH1 to VCC
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RH1) | (1<<PIN_RL1);	//RH1 to +, RL1 to -
      adcmv[0] = W20msReadADC(TP1);
      adcmv[0] -= u680;
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH2;		//RH2 to VCC
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RH2) | (1<<PIN_RL2);	//RH2 to +, RL2 to -
      adcmv[1] = W20msReadADC(TP2);
      adcmv[1] -= u680;
      R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH3;		//RH3 to VCC
      R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RH3) | (1<<PIN_RL3);	//RH3 to +, RL3 to -
      adcmv[2] = W20msReadADC(TP3);
      adcmv[2] -= u680;
      lcd_MEM_string(RHRL_str);	// "RH/RL"
   if (tt > 1) {	// output 3 voltages 
      lcd_line2();			//Cursor to column 1, row 2
      i2lcd(adcmv[0]);		// lcd_string(itoa(adcmv[0], outval, 10));	//output voltage 1
      i2lcd(adcmv[1]);		// lcd_string(itoa(adcmv[1], outval, 10));	//output voltage 2
      i2lcd(adcmv[2]);		// lcd_string(itoa(adcmv[2], outval, 10));	//output voltage 3
   ADC_DDR =  TXD_MSK;		// all-Pins to Input
   ADC_PORT = TXD_VAL;		// all ADC-Ports to GND
   R_DDR = 0;			// all R-Ports to Input
   R_PORT = 0;
   taste = wait_for_key_ms(1000);	// wait up to 1 second or key is pressed
   if ((tt != 4) && (taste > 10)) {
      // don't finish repetition  for T4 with pressed key
      break; // if key is pressed, don't repeat
} //end for ww
wait_for_key_ms(1000);	// wait up to 1 second or key is pressed
} //end for tt
  #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ADC_DDR = (1<<TP1) | TXD_MSK;
R_PORT = (1<<PIN_RL1);
R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RL1);
adcmv[0] = W5msReadADC(TP1);
ADCSRB = (1<<MUX5);		// switch to upper 8 MUX inputs
adcmv[1] = ReadADC(PIN_RL1);
ADCSRB = 0;			// switch back to lower 8 MUX inputs
ResistorVal[0] = (adcmv[0] * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[1] - adcmv[0]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ResistorVal[1] = ((ADCconfig.U_AVCC - adcmv[1]) * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[1] - adcmv[0]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ADC_PORT = (1<<TP1) | TXD_VAL;
R_PORT = 0;
adcmv[0] = W5msReadADC(TP1);
ADCSRB = (1<<MUX5);		// switch to upper 8 MUX inputs
adcmv[1] = ReadADC(PIN_RL1);
ADCSRB = 0;			// switch back to lower 8 MUX inputs
ResistorVal[1] = ((ADCconfig.U_AVCC - adcmv[0]) * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[0] - adcmv[1]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ResistorVal[0] = (adcmv[1] * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[0] - adcmv[1]);
wait_about1s();			// only for mega1280
last_line_used = 2;
wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ADC_DDR = (1<<TP2) | TXD_MSK;
R_PORT = (1<<PIN_RL2);
R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RL2);
adcmv[0] = W5msReadADC(TP2);
ADCSRB = (1<<MUX5);		// switch to upper 8 MUX inputs
adcmv[1] = ReadADC(PIN_RL2);
ADCSRB = 0;			// switch back to lower 8 MUX inputs
ResistorVal[0] = (adcmv[0] * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[1] - adcmv[0]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ResistorVal[1] = ((ADCconfig.U_AVCC - adcmv[1]) * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[1] - adcmv[0]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ADC_PORT = (1<<TP2) | TXD_VAL;
R_PORT = 0;
adcmv[0] = W5msReadADC(TP2);
ADCSRB = (1<<MUX5);		// switch to upper 8 MUX inputs
adcmv[1] = ReadADC(PIN_RL2);
ADCSRB = 0;			// switch back to lower 8 MUX inputs
ResistorVal[1] = ((ADCconfig.U_AVCC - adcmv[0]) * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[0] - adcmv[1]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ResistorVal[0] = (adcmv[1] * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[0] - adcmv[1]);
wait_about1s();			// only for mega1280
last_line_used = 2;
wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ADC_DDR = (1<<TP3) | TXD_MSK;
R_PORT = (1<<PIN_RL3);
R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RL3);
adcmv[0] = W5msReadADC(TP3);
ADCSRB = (1<<MUX5);		// switch to upper 8 MUX inputs
adcmv[1] = ReadADC(PIN_RL3);
ResistorVal[0] = (adcmv[0] * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[1] - adcmv[0]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ResistorVal[1] = ((ADCconfig.U_AVCC - adcmv[1]) * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[1] - adcmv[0]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ADC_PORT = (1<<TP3) | TXD_VAL;
R_PORT = 0;
adcmv[0] = W5msReadADC(TP3);
ADCSRB = (1<<MUX5);		// switch to upper 8 MUX inputs
adcmv[1] = ReadADC(PIN_RL3);
ADCSRB = 0;			// switch back to lower 8 MUX inputs
ResistorVal[1] = ((ADCconfig.U_AVCC - adcmv[0]) * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[0] - adcmv[1]);
lcd_equal();			// lcd_data('=');
ResistorVal[0] = (adcmv[1] * (unsigned long)R_L_VAL) / (adcmv[0] - adcmv[1]);
wait_about1s();			// only for mega1280
last_line_used = 2;
wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2
  #endif	/* PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280 */
}	/* end if((test_mode & 0x0f) == 1) */
 #endif		/* end EXTENDED_TESTS */

for (ww=0;ww<120;ww++) {
  // wait up to 1 minute for releasing the probes
  if (AllProbesShorted() == 0) break;
  lcd_clear_line2();		// clear total line2
  lcd_MEM_string(RELPROBE);	// "Release Probes"
  lcd_refresh();		// write the pixels to display, ST7920 only

lcd_MEM_string(RIHI_str);	// "RiHi="
lcd_MEM_string(RILO_str);	// "RiLo="
last_line_used = 2;
wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2

//measure Zero offset for Capacity measurement
PartFound = PART_NONE;
lcd_MEM_string(C0_str);			//output "C0 "
ReadCapacity(TP3, TP1);
adcmv[5] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw;	//save capacity value of empty Pin 1:3
ReadCapacity(TP3, TP2);
adcmv[6] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw;	//save capacity value of empty Pin 2:3
ReadCapacity(TP2, TP1);
adcmv[2] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw;	//save capacity value of empty Pin 1:2
ReadCapacity(TP1, TP3);
adcmv[1] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw;	//save capacity value of empty Pin 3:1
ReadCapacity(TP2, TP3);
adcmv[4] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw;	//save capacity value of empty Pin 3:2
ReadCapacity(TP1, TP2);
adcmv[0] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw;	//save capacity value of empty Pin 2:1
 #ifdef WITH_MENU
if (((test_mode & 0x0f) == 1) || (UnCalibrated == 2))
if (UnCalibrated == 2)
  adcmv[3] = adcmv[0] + 2;		// mark as uncalibrated until Cap > 100nF has success
} else {
  adcmv[3] = adcmv[0];			// mark as calibrated, short calibration is finished
  UnCalibrated = 0;			// clear the UnCalibrated Flag
  lcd_cursor_off();			// switch cursor off
u2lcd_space(adcmv[5]);	//DisplayValue(adcmv[5],0,' ',3);		//output cap0 1:3
u2lcd_space(adcmv[6]);	//DisplayValue(adcmv[6],0,' ',3);		//output cap0 2:3
DisplayValue(adcmv[2],-12,'F',3);		//output cap0 1:2
 #ifdef AUTO_CAL
for (ww=0;ww<7;ww++) {			//checking loop
if ((adcmv[ww] > 190) || (adcmv[ww] < 10)) goto no_c0save;
for (ww=0;ww<7;ww++) {
  // write all zero offsets to the EEprom 
  (void) eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)(&c_zero_tab[ww]),adcmv[ww]+(COMP_SLEW1 / (CC0 + CABLE_CAP + COMP_SLEW2)));
lcd_MEM_string(OK_str);		// output "OK"
last_line_used = 2;
wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2

#ifdef SamplingADC
  sampling_cap_calibrate();		// measure zero capacity for samplingADC

 #ifdef AUTO_CAL
  #ifdef WITH_MENU
if (((test_mode & 0x0f) == 1) || (UnCalibrated == 2))
// without menu function the capacitor is requested every time,
// because there is no way to request recaltbration again
// With menu function the capacitor is only requested for first time 
// calibration (UnCalibrated = 2) or for the full selftest call (test_mode = 1) 
// of the menu function, not with the automatically call (test_mode = 1).
// for full test or first time calibration, use external capacitor
// Message C > 100nF at TP1 and TP3
cap_found = 0;
for (ww=0;ww<64;ww++) {
  #if (TPCAP >= 0)
  CalibrationCap();	// measure with internal calibration capacitor
  lcd_MEM_string(CapZeich);	// "-||-"
  lcd_MEM2_string(MinCap_str); // " >100nF!"
  PartFound = PART_NONE;
  ReadCapacity(TP3, TP1);	// look for capacitor > 100nF
  while (cap.cpre < -9) {
   cap.cval /= 10;
  if ((cap.cpre == -9) && (cap.cval > 95) && (cap.cval < 22000) &&
    (load_diff > -150) && (load_diff < 150)) {
  } else {
   cap_found = 0;		// wait for stable connection
  if (cap_found > 4) {
     // value of capacitor is correct
     (void) eeprom_write_word((uint16_t *)(&ref_offset), load_diff);	// hold zero offset + slew rate dependend offset
     lcd_MEM2_string(REF_C_str);	// "REF_C="
     i2lcd(load_diff);		// lcd_string(itoa(load_diff, outval, 10));	//output REF_C_KORR
     RefVoltage();			// new ref_mv_offs and RHmultip
  #if 0
   // Test for switching level of the digital input of port TP3
   for (tt=0;tt<8;tt++) {
     ADC_PORT =  TXD_VAL;	//ADC-Port 1 to GND
     ADC_DDR = 1<<TP1 | TXD_MSK;	//ADC-Pin  1 to output 0V
     R_PORT = 1<<PIN_RH3;		//Pin 3 over R_H to VCC
     R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH3;		//Pin 3 over R_H to VCC
     while (1) {
        if ((ADC_PIN&(1<<TP3)) == (1<<TP3)) break;
     R_DDR = 0;		//Pin 3 without current
     R_PORT = 0;
     adcmv[0] = ReadADC(TP3);
     R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH3;		//Pin 3 over R_H to GND
     while (1) {
        if ((ADC_PIN&(1<<TP3)) != (1<<TP3)) break;
     R_DDR = 0;		//Pin 3 without current
     adcmv[0] = ReadADC(TP3);
     last_line_used = 2;
     wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2
   #if (TPCAP >= 0)
    #define CAP_ADC TPCAP	/* Cap >100nF is integrated at TPCAP */
   TCAP_PORT &= ~(1<<TCAP_RH);	// 470k resistor to GND
   TCAP_DDR |= (1<<TCAP_RH);	// enable output
    #define CAP_ADC TP3		/* Cap >100nF at TP3 */
   ADC_PORT =  TXD_VAL;	//ADC-Port 1 to GND
   ADC_DDR = 1<<TP1 | TXD_MSK;	//ADC-Pin  1 to output 0V
   R_DDR = 1<<PIN_RH3;		//Pin 3 over R_H to GND
   do {
      adcmv[0] = ReadADC(CAP_ADC);
   } while (adcmv[0] > 980);
   #if (TPCAP >= 0)
   TCAP_DDR &= ~(1<<TCAP_RH);	// 470k resistor port to input mode
   R_DDR = 0;		//all Pins to input 
   ADCconfig.U_Bandgap = 0;	// do not use internal Ref
   adcmv[0] = ReadADC(CAP_ADC);  // get cap voltage with VCC reference
   ADCconfig.U_Bandgap = adc_internal_reference;
   adcmv[1] = ReadADC(CAP_ADC);	// get cap voltage with internal reference
   adcmv[1] += adcmv[1];		// double the value
   ADCconfig.U_Bandgap = 0;	// do not use internal Ref
   adcmv[2] = ReadADC(CAP_ADC);  // get cap voltage with VCC reference
   ADCconfig.U_Bandgap = adc_internal_reference;
   udiff = (int8_t)(((signed long)(adcmv[0] + adcmv[2] - adcmv[1])) * adc_internal_reference / adcmv[1])+REF_R_KORR;
   lcd_MEM2_string(REF_R_str);	// "REF_R="
   udiff2 = udiff + (int8_t)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *)(&RefDiff));
   (void) eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)(&RefDiff), (uint8_t)udiff2);	// hold offset for true reference Voltage
   i2lcd(udiff2);		// output correction voltage
   RefVoltage();			// set new ADCconfig.U_Bandgap
  #endif	/* end AUTOSCALE_ADC */
   last_line_used = 2;
   wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2
   UnCalibrated = 0;		// clear the UnCalibrated Flag
   lcd_cursor_off();		// switch cursor off
   cap_found = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *)&c_zero_tab[0]);	// read first capacity zero offset
   eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *)&c_zero_tab[3], cap_found);	// mark as calibrated permanent
   break;			// leave the ww for loop
  }  /* end if (cap_found > 4) */
  lcd_refresh();		// write the pixels to display, ST7920 only
  wait_about200ms();			// wait additional time
} // end for ww
}	/* end if((test_mode & 0x0f) == 1) */
 #endif  /* end AUTO_CAL */

ADCconfig.Samples = ANZ_MESS;	// set to configured number of ADC samples

#ifdef SamplingADC
  sampling_lc_calibrate();	// Cap for L-meas

 #ifdef FREQUENCY_50HZ
//#define TEST_SLEEP_MODE	/* only select for checking the sleep delay */
 lcd_MEM_string(T50HZ);	//" 50Hz"
 lcd_refresh();		// write the pixels to display, ST7920 only
 ADC_DDR = 1<<TP1 | TXD_MSK;	// Pin 1 to GND
 R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RL3) | (1<<PIN_RL2);
 for(ww=0;ww<30;ww++) {	// repeat the signal up to 30 times (1 minute)
   for (ff50=0;ff50<100;ff50++) {	// for 2 s generate 50 Hz
      R_PORT = (1<<PIN_RL2);	// Pin 2 over R_L to VCC, Pin 3 over R_L to GND
      sleep_5ms(2); 		// test of timing of sleep mode call 
      wait10ms();		// normal delay
      R_PORT = (1<<PIN_RL3);	// Pin 3 over R_L to VCC, Pin 2 over R_L to GND
      sleep_5ms(2); 		// test of timing of sleep mode call 
      wait10ms();		// normal delay
   } /* end for ff50 */
   if (!(RST_PIN_REG & (1<<RST_PIN))) {
      // if key is pressed, don't repeat
 } /* end for ww */
 #endif		/* end FREQUENCY_50HZ */
lcd_MEM_string(VERSION_str);	//"Version ..."
lcd_MEM_string(ATE);		//"Selftest End"
PartFound = PART_NONE;
     last_line_used = 2;
wait_for_key_5s_line2();		// wait up to 5 seconds and clear line 2
} /* end AutoCheck */ 
Ejemplo n.º 2
uint16_t MeasureESR(Capacitor_Type *Cap)
  uint16_t          ESR = 0;       /* return value */
  uint16_t          U_1;           /* voltage at probe 1 with pos. pulse unloaded */
  uint16_t          U_2;           /* voltage at probe 2 with pos. pulse loaded */
  uint16_t          U_3;           /* voltage at probe 2 with neg. pulse unloaded */
  uint16_t          U_4;           /* voltage at probe 1 with neg. pulse loaded */
  uint8_t           Probe1;        /* probe #1 */
  uint8_t           Probe2;        /* probe #2 */
  uint8_t           ADC_Mask;      /* bit mask for ADC */
  uint8_t           n;             /* counter */
  uint8_t           muCycles;      /* MCU cycles per µs */
  uint8_t           PulseCycles;   /* MCU cycles for a half pulse */
  uint32_t          Sum_1;         /* sum #1 */
  uint32_t          Sum_2;         /* sum #2 */
  uint32_t          Value;

  #define LOOP_RUNS      255

  /* check for a capacitor >= 0.18µF */
  if ((Cap == NULL) ||
      (CmpValue(Cap->Value, Cap->Scale, 180, -9) < 0)) return ESR;

   *  init stuff

  DischargeProbes();                    /* try to discharge probes */
  if (Check.Found == COMP_ERROR) return ESR;   /* skip on error */

  Probe1 = Cap->A;       /* probe facing Gnd */
  Probe2 = Cap->B;       /* probe facing Vcc */

  UpdateProbes(Probe1, Probe2, 0);      /* update probes */

  /* init variables */
  Sum_1 = 1;             /* 1 to prevent division by zero */
  Sum_2 = 1;             /* 1 to prevent division by zero */

  Probe1 |= (1 << REFS1) | (1 << REFS0);     /* select bandgap reference */
  Probe2 |= (1 << REFS1) | (1 << REFS0);     /* select bandgap reference */

  /* bitmask to enable and start ADC (ADC clock: 125kHz / 8µs) */
  ADC_Mask = (1 << ADSC) | (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADIF) | ADC_CLOCK_DIV;

  /* delay for pulse */
  muCycles = (CPU_FREQ / 1000000);      /* MCU cycles per µs */

   *  We have to create a delay to shift the middle of the puls to the ADC's
   *  S&H. S&H happens at 1.5 ADC clock cycles after starting the conversion.
   *  We synchronize to a dummy conversion done directly before, so we'll got
   *  2.5 ADC clock cycles to S&H. The time between the completed dummy
   *  conversion and S&H of the next conversion is:
   *    2.5 ADC clock cycles (2.5 * 1/125kHz = 20µs)
   *    - MCU cycles for waiting loop for completion of dummy conversion (4)
   *    - MCU cycles for starting next conversion (2)
   *    - 5µs delay
   *    - MCU cycles for enabling pulse (4)
   *  That time is the first half of the puls. So we have to double the time
   *  for a full pulse. Half pulse for 8MHz MCU clock is about 13.5µs.

  PulseCycles = muCycles * 15;          /* MCU cycles for 15µs (20µs S/H - 5µs delay) */
  PulseCycles -= 10;                    /* substract other cycles */

  /* setup delay timer */
  if (SetupDelayTimer(PulseCycles) == 0) return ESR;   /* skip on error */

   *  charge capacitor with a negative pulse of half length
   *  pulse: GND -- probe 2 / probe 1 -- Rl -- 5V

  ADC_PORT = 0;               /* set ADC port to low */
  ADMUX = Probe1;             /* set input channel to probe 1 & set bandgap ref */
  wait10ms();                 /* time for voltage stabilization */
  ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;     /* pull down probe 2 directly */
  R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;       /* pull up probe 1 via Rl */
  R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;        /* enable resistor */
  DelayTimer();               /* wait 1/2 pulse */
  R_PORT = 0;                 /* set resistor port to low */
  R_DDR = 0;                  /* set resistor port to HiZ */

   *  measurement loop:
   *  - simulate AC by positive and negative pulses
   *  - measure start voltage (no load)
   *  - measure pulse voltage (with load)

  n = LOOP_RUNS;
  while (n > 0)
     *  forward mode, probe 1 only (probe 2 in HiZ mode)
     *  get voltage at probe 1 (facing Gnd)
     *  set probes: GND -- probe 1 -- Rl -- 5V / probe 2 -- HiZ

    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;        /* pull down probe 1 directly to GND */
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;          /* pull up probe 1 via Rl */
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;           /* enable resistor */
    ADMUX = Probe1;                /* set input channel to probe 1 & set bandgap ref */
    wdt_reset();                   /* reset watchdog */
    /* run dummy conversion for ADMUX change */
    ADCSRA = ADC_Mask;             /* start conversion */
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));  /* wait until conversion is done */
    /* real conversion */
    ADCSRA = ADC_Mask;             /* start conversion */
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));  /* wait until conversion is done */
    U_1 = ADCW;                    /* save ADC value */

     *  forward mode, positive charging pulse
     *  get voltage at probe 2 (facing Vcc)
     *  set probes: GND -- probe 1 / probe 2 -- Rl -- 5V

    ADMUX = Probe2;                /* set input channel to probe 2 & set bandgap ref */
    /* run dummy conversion for ADMUX change */
    ADCSRA = ADC_Mask;             /* start conversion */
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));  /* wait until conversion is done */

    /* read ADC in the mid of a positive charging pulse */
    ADCSRA = ADC_Mask;             /* start conversion with next ADC clock cycle */
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_2;          /* pull up probe 2 via Rl */
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2;           /* enable resistor */
    DelayTimer();                  /* wait 1/2 pulse */
    DelayTimer();                  /* wait another 1/2 pulse */
    R_PORT = 0;                    /* set resistor port to low */
    R_DDR = 0;                     /* set resistor port to HiZ */
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));  /* wait until conversion is done */
    U_2 = ADCW;                    /* save ADC value */

     *  reverse mode, probe 2 only (probe 1 in HiZ mode)
     *  get voltage at probe 2 (facing Gnd)
     *  set probes: GND -- probe 2 -- Rl -- 5V / probe 1 -- HiZ

    ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_2;        /* pull down probe 2 directly */
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_2;          /* pull up probe 2 via Rl */
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2;           /* enable resistor */
    ADMUX = Probe2;                /* set input channel to probe 2 & set bandgap ref */
    wdt_reset();                   /* reset watchdog */
    /* run dummy conversion for ADMUX change */
    ADCSRA = ADC_Mask;             /* start conversion */
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));  /* wait until conversion is done */
    /* real conversion */
    ADCSRA = ADC_Mask;             /* start conversion */
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));  /* wait until conversion is done */
    U_3 = ADCW;                    /* save ADC value */

     *  reverse mode, negative charging pulse
     *  get voltage at probe 1 (facing Vcc)
     *  set probes: GND -- probe 2 / probe 1 -- Rl -- 5V

    ADMUX = Probe1;                /* set input channel to probe 1 & set bandgap ref */
    /* run dummy conversion for ADMUX change */
    ADCSRA = ADC_Mask;             /* start conversion */
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));  /* wait until conversion is done */

    /* read ADC in the mid of a negatve charging pulse */
    ADCSRA = ADC_Mask;             /* start conversion with next ADC clock cycle */
    R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;          /* pull up probe 1 via Rl */
    R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;           /* enable resistor */
    DelayTimer();                  /* wait 1/2 pulse */
    DelayTimer();                  /* wait another 1/2 pulse */
    R_PORT = 0;                    /* set resistor port to low */
    R_DDR = 0;                     /* set resistor port to HiZ */
    while (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC));  /* wait until conversion is done */
    U_4 = ADCW;                    /* save ADC value */

     *  manage measured values

    U_1 += U_3;          /* sum of both measurements without pulses/load */
    Sum_1 += U_1;        /* add to total no-load sum */
    U_2 += U_4;          /* sum of both measurements with pulses/load */
    Sum_2 += U_2;        /* add to total with-load sum */

     *  prevent runaway of cap's charge

    if (U_4 <= 100)           /* <= 107mV */
      /* charge cap a little bit more (negative pulse) */

      /* set probes: GND -- probe 2 / probe 1 -- Rl -- 5V */
      /* probe 2 is still pulled down directly */
      R_PORT = Probes.Rl_1;        /* pull up probe 1 via Rl */
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_1;         /* enable pull up */
      R_DDR = 0;                   /* disable any pull up */      
      R_PORT = 0;                  /* reset probe resistors */

    if (U_2 <= 100)
      /* charge cap a little bit more (positive pulse) */

      /* set probes: GND -- probe 1 / probe 2 -- Rl -- 5V */
      ADC_DDR = Probes.ADC_1;      /* pull down probe 1 directly */
      R_PORT = Probes.Rl_2;        /* pull up probe 2 via Rl */
      R_DDR = Probes.Rl_2;         /* enable pull up */
      DelayTimer();                /* wait 1/2 pulse */
      DelayTimer();                /* wait another 1/2 pulse */
      R_DDR = 0;                   /* disable any pull up */      
      R_PORT = 0;                  /* reset probe resistors */

    n--;                 /* next loop run */

   *  process measurements

  /* calculate voltage across the DUT */
  if (Sum_2 > Sum_1)               /* valid measurement */
    Sum_2 -= Sum_1;                /* subtract voltage at DUT's low side (RiL) */
  else                             /* invalid measurement */
    Sum_2 = 0;

   *  calculate ESR
   *  - ESR = U_ESR / I_ESR
   *    with U_ESR = (U2 or U4) and I_ESR = (U1 or U3)/RiL
   *    ESR = (U2 or U4) * RiL / (U1 or U3)
   *  - since we devide (U2 or U4) by (U1 or U3) we don't need to convert
   *    the ADC value into a voltage and desample the sums.
   *  - so ESR = Sum_2 * RiL / Sum_1
   *  - for a resolution of 0.01 Ohms we have to scale RiL to 0.01 Ohms

  Value = (uint32_t)(NV.RiL * 10);      /* RiL in 0.01 Ohms */
  Value *= Sum_2;
  Value /= Sum_1;
  U_1 = (uint16_t)Value;

  /* consider probe resistance */
  if (U_1 > NV.RZero)
    U_1 -= NV.RZero;               /* subtract offset */
    ESR = U_1;                     /* we got a valid result */

  /* update Uref flag for next ADC run */
  Config.RefFlag = (1 << REFS1);        /* set REFS1 bit flag */

  return ESR;

  #undef LOOP_RUNS 