Ejemplo n.º 1
void ChannelFillThread::run()
    std::cerr << "ChannelFillThread::run()" << std::endl;

    std::list<ChannelMsgSummary> msgs;
    std::list<ChannelMsgSummary>::iterator it;
    rsChannels->getChannelMsgList(channelId, msgs);


    int count = msgs.size();
    int pos = 0;

    for (it = msgs.begin(); it != msgs.end(); it++) {
        if (stopped) {

        emit addMsg(QString::fromStdString(channelId), QString::fromStdString(it->msgId), ++pos, count);

    std::cerr << "ChannelFillThread::run() stopped: " << (wasStopped() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void GxsForumsFillThread::run()
	RsTokenService *service = rsGxsForums->getTokenService();
	uint32_t msg_token;
	uint32_t grp_token;

	emit status(tr("Waiting"));

		/* get all messages of the forum */
		RsTokReqOptions opts;

		std::list<RsGxsGroupId> grpIds;

		std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() forum id " << mForumId << std::endl;

		service->requestMsgInfo(msg_token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_DATA, opts, grpIds);

		/* wait for the answer */
		uint32_t requestStatus = RsTokenService::PENDING;
		while (!wasStopped()) {
			requestStatus = service->requestStatus(msg_token);
			if (requestStatus == RsTokenService::FAILED ||
			        requestStatus == RsTokenService::COMPLETE) {

		if (requestStatus == RsTokenService::FAILED)

    // also get the forum meta data.
		RsTokReqOptions opts;

		std::list<RsGxsGroupId> grpIds;

		std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() forum id " << mForumId << std::endl;

		service->requestGroupInfo(grp_token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_DATA, opts, grpIds);

		/* wait for the answer */
		uint32_t requestStatus = RsTokenService::PENDING;
		while (!wasStopped()) {
			requestStatus = service->requestStatus(grp_token);
			if (requestStatus == RsTokenService::FAILED ||
			        requestStatus == RsTokenService::COMPLETE) {

		if (requestStatus == RsTokenService::FAILED)

	if (wasStopped())
		std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() thread stopped, cancel request" << std::endl;

		/* cancel request */

	emit status(tr("Retrieving"));

    std::vector<RsGxsForumGroup> forum_groups;

	if (!rsGxsForums->getGroupData(grp_token, forum_groups) || forum_groups.size() != 1)

    RsGxsForumGroup forum_group = *forum_groups.begin();

    std::cerr << "Retrieved group data: " << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  Group ID: " << forum_group.mMeta.mGroupId << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  Admin lst: " << forum_group.mAdminList.ids.size() << " elements." << std::endl;
    for(auto it(forum_group.mAdminList.ids.begin());it!=forum_group.mAdminList.ids.end();++it)
        std::cerr << "    " << *it << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  Pinned Post: " << forum_group.mPinnedPosts.ids.size() << " messages." << std::endl;
    for(auto it(forum_group.mPinnedPosts.ids.begin());it!=forum_group.mPinnedPosts.ids.end();++it)
        std::cerr << "    " << *it << std::endl;

	/* get messages */
	std::map<RsGxsMessageId,RsGxsForumMsg> msgs;

	{	// This forces to delete msgs_array after the conversion to std::map.

		std::vector<RsGxsForumMsg> msgs_array;

		if (!rsGxsForums->getMsgData(msg_token, msgs_array))

		// now put everything into a map in order to make search log(n)

		for(uint32_t i=0;i<msgs_array.size();++i)
            std::cerr << "Adding message " << msgs_array[i].mMeta.mMsgId << " with parent " << msgs_array[i].mMeta.mParentId << " to message map" << std::endl;
			msgs[msgs_array[i].mMeta.mMsgId] = msgs_array[i] ;

	emit status(tr("Loading"));

	int count = msgs.size();
	int pos = 0;
	int steps = count / PROGRESSBAR_MAX;
	int step = 0;

    // ThreadList contains the list of parent threads. The algorithm below iterates through all messages
    // and tries to establish parenthood relationships between them, given that we only know the
    // immediate parent of a message and now its children. Some messages have a missing parent and for them
    // a fake top level parent is generated.

    // In order to be efficient, we first create a structure that lists the children of every mesage ID in the list.
    // Then the hierarchy of message is build by attaching the kids to every message until all of them have been processed.
    // The messages with missing parents will be the last ones remaining in the list.

	std::list<std::pair< RsGxsMessageId, QTreeWidgetItem* > > threadStack;
    std::map<RsGxsMessageId,std::list<RsGxsMessageId> > kids_array ;
    std::set<RsGxsMessageId> missing_parents;

    // First of all, remove all older versions of posts. This is done by first adding all posts into a hierarchy structure
    // and then removing all posts which have a new versions available. The older versions are kept appart.

	std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() Collecting post versions" << std::endl;
    std::list<RsGxsMessageId> msg_stack ;

	for ( std::map<RsGxsMessageId,RsGxsForumMsg>::iterator msgIt = msgs.begin(); msgIt != msgs.end();++msgIt)
        if(!msgIt->second.mMeta.mOrigMsgId.isNull() && msgIt->second.mMeta.mOrigMsgId != msgIt->second.mMeta.mMsgId)
			std::cerr << "  Post " << msgIt->second.mMeta.mMsgId << " is a new version of " << msgIt->second.mMeta.mOrigMsgId << std::endl;
			std::map<RsGxsMessageId,RsGxsForumMsg>::iterator msgIt2 = msgs.find(msgIt->second.mMeta.mOrigMsgId);

			// Ensuring that the post exists allows to only collect the existing data.

			if(msgIt2 == msgs.end())
				continue ;

			// Make sure that the author is the same than the original message, or is a moderator. This should always happen when messages are constructed using
            // the UI but nothing can prevent a nasty user to craft a new version of a message with his own signature.

			if(msgIt2->second.mMeta.mAuthorId != msgIt->second.mMeta.mAuthorId)
				if( !IS_FORUM_MSG_MODERATION(msgIt->second.mMeta.mMsgFlags) )			// if authors are different the moderation flag needs to be set on the editing msg
					continue ;

				if( forum_group.mAdminList.ids.find(msgIt->second.mMeta.mAuthorId)==forum_group.mAdminList.ids.end())	// if author is not a moderator, continue
					continue ;

			// always add the post a self version

				mPostVersions[msgIt->second.mMeta.mOrigMsgId].push_back(QPair<time_t,RsGxsMessageId>(msgIt2->second.mMeta.mPublishTs,msgIt2->second.mMeta.mMsgId)) ;

			mPostVersions[msgIt->second.mMeta.mOrigMsgId].push_back(QPair<time_t,RsGxsMessageId>(msgIt->second.mMeta.mPublishTs,msgIt->second.mMeta.mMsgId)) ;

    // The following code assembles all new versions of a given post into the same array, indexed by the oldest version of the post.

    for(QMap<RsGxsMessageId,QVector<QPair<time_t,RsGxsMessageId> > >::iterator it(mPostVersions.begin());it!=mPostVersions.end();++it)
		QVector<QPair<time_t,RsGxsMessageId> >& v(*it) ;

        for(int32_t i=0;i<v.size();++i)
            if(v[i].second != it.key())
				RsGxsMessageId sub_msg_id = v[i].second ;

				QMap<RsGxsMessageId,QVector<QPair<time_t,RsGxsMessageId> > >::iterator it2 = mPostVersions.find(sub_msg_id);

				if(it2 != mPostVersions.end())
					for(int32_t j=0;j<(*it2).size();++j)
						if((*it2)[j].second != sub_msg_id)	// dont copy it, since it is already present at slot i
							v.append((*it2)[j]) ;

					mPostVersions.erase(it2) ;	// it2 is never equal to it

    // Now remove from msg ids, all posts except the most recent one. And make the mPostVersion be indexed by the most recent version of the post,
    // which corresponds to the item in the tree widget.

	std::cerr << "Final post versions: " << std::endl;
	QMap<RsGxsMessageId,QVector<QPair<time_t,RsGxsMessageId> > > mTmp;
    std::map<RsGxsMessageId,RsGxsMessageId> most_recent_versions ;

    for(QMap<RsGxsMessageId,QVector<QPair<time_t,RsGxsMessageId> > >::iterator it(mPostVersions.begin());it!=mPostVersions.end();++it)
        std::cerr << "Original post: " << it.key() << std::endl;
        // Finally, sort the posts from newer to older

        qSort((*it).begin(),(*it).end(),decreasing_time_comp) ;

		std::cerr << "   most recent version " << (*it)[0].first << "  " << (*it)[0].second << std::endl;
        for(int32_t i=1;i<(*it).size();++i)
			msgs.erase((*it)[i].second) ;

            std::cerr << "   older version " << (*it)[i].first << "  " << (*it)[i].second << std::endl;

        mTmp[(*it)[0].second] = *it ;	// index the versions map by the ID of the most recent post.

		// Now make sure that message parents are consistent. Indeed, an old post may have the old version of a post as parent. So we need to change that parent
		// to the newest version. So we create a map of which is the most recent version of each message, so that parent messages can be searched in it.

        for(int i=1;i<(*it).size();++i)
            most_recent_versions[(*it)[i].second] = (*it)[0].second ;
    mPostVersions = mTmp ;

    // The next step is to find the top level thread messages. These are defined as the messages without
    // any parent message ID.

    // this trick is needed because while we remove messages, the parents a given msg may already have been removed
    // and wrongly understand as a missing parent.

	std::map<RsGxsMessageId,RsGxsForumMsg> kept_msgs;

	for ( std::map<RsGxsMessageId,RsGxsForumMsg>::iterator msgIt = msgs.begin(); msgIt != msgs.end();++msgIt)

        if(mFlatView || msgIt->second.mMeta.mParentId.isNull())

			/* add all threads */
			if (wasStopped())

			const RsGxsForumMsg& msg = msgIt->second;

			std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() Adding TopLevel Thread: mId: " << msg.mMeta.mMsgId << std::endl;

			QTreeWidgetItem *item = mParent->convertMsgToThreadWidget(msg, mUseChildTS, mFilterColumn,NULL);

			if (!mFlatView)
				threadStack.push_back(std::make_pair(msg.mMeta.mMsgId,item)) ;

			calculateExpand(msg, item);


			if (++step >= steps) {
				step = 0;
				emit progress(++pos, PROGRESSBAR_MAX);
			std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() Storing kid " << msgIt->first << " of message " << msgIt->second.mMeta.mParentId << std::endl;
            // The same missing parent may appear multiple times, so we first store them into a unique container.

            RsGxsMessageId parent_msg = msgIt->second.mMeta.mParentId;

            if(msgs.find(parent_msg) == msgs.end())
                // also check that the message is not versionned

                std::map<RsGxsMessageId,RsGxsMessageId>::const_iterator mrit = most_recent_versions.find(parent_msg) ;

                if(mrit != most_recent_versions.end())
                    parent_msg = mrit->second ;

            kids_array[parent_msg].push_back(msgIt->first) ;
            kept_msgs.insert(*msgIt) ;

    msgs = kept_msgs;

    // Also create a list of posts by time, when they are new versions of existing posts. Only the last one will have an item created.

    // Add a fake toplevel item for the parent IDs that we dont actually have.

    for(std::set<RsGxsMessageId>::const_iterator it(missing_parents.begin());it!=missing_parents.end();++it)
		// add dummy parent item
		QTreeWidgetItem *parent = mParent->generateMissingItem(*it);
		mItems.append( parent );

		threadStack.push_back(std::make_pair(*it,parent)) ;
	std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() Processing stack:" << std::endl;
    // Now use a stack to go down the hierarchy

	while (!threadStack.empty())
		std::pair<RsGxsMessageId, QTreeWidgetItem*> threadPair = threadStack.front();

        std::map<RsGxsMessageId, std::list<RsGxsMessageId> >::iterator it = kids_array.find(threadPair.first) ;

		std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() Node: " << threadPair.first << std::endl;
        if(it == kids_array.end())
            continue ;

		if (wasStopped())

        for(std::list<RsGxsMessageId>::const_iterator it2(it->second.begin());it2!=it->second.end();++it2)
            // We iterate through the top level thread items, and look for which message has the current item as parent.
            // When found, the item is put in the thread list itself, as a potential new parent.

            std::map<RsGxsMessageId,RsGxsForumMsg>::iterator mit = msgs.find(*it2) ;

            if(mit == msgs.end())
				std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run()    Cannot find submessage " << *it2 << " !!!" << std::endl;
				continue ;

            const RsGxsForumMsg& msg(mit->second) ;
			std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run()    adding sub_item " << msg.mMeta.mMsgId << std::endl;

			QTreeWidgetItem *item = mParent->convertMsgToThreadWidget(msg, mUseChildTS, mFilterColumn, threadPair.second);
			calculateExpand(msg, item);

			/* add item to process list */
			threadStack.push_back(std::make_pair(msg.mMeta.mMsgId, item));

			if (++step >= steps) {
				step = 0;
				emit progress(++pos, PROGRESSBAR_MAX);


		std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() Erasing entry " << it->first << " from kids tab." << std::endl;
        kids_array.erase(it) ; // This is not strictly needed, but it improves performance by reducing the search space.

    std::cerr << "Kids array now has " << kids_array.size() << " elements" << std::endl;
    for(std::map<RsGxsMessageId,std::list<RsGxsMessageId> >::const_iterator it(kids_array.begin());it!=kids_array.end();++it)
        std::cerr << "Node " << it->first << std::endl;
        for(std::list<RsGxsMessageId>::const_iterator it2(it->second.begin());it2!=it->second.end();++it2)
            std::cerr << "  " << *it2 << std::endl;

	std::cerr << "GxsForumsFillThread::run() stopped: " << (wasStopped() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;