static ErrNo StringToNumbericArr(PCTSTR szBuffer,PCTSTR seps,int *n_arr,const int n) { TCHAR *pstr_t; int nLength,nCount; TCHAR *pstr,*pnext_token = NULL; nLength = _tcslen(szBuffer); if(!(pstr_t = new TCHAR [nLength+1])) return ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FAIL; for(int i=0;i<=nLength;i++) pstr_t[i] = szBuffer[i]; //复制字符串 nCount = 0; pstr = wcstok_s(pstr_t,seps,&pnext_token); while(pstr != NULL) { if(!CharacterJudgement(pstr)) return INCORRECT_DATA; if(nCount > n) return NOT_MATCH; //n_arr[nCount] = wcstod(pstr,&ptemp); n_arr[nCount] = _wtoi(pstr); pstr = wcstok_s(NULL,seps,&pnext_token); nCount++; } if(nCount != n) return NOT_MATCH; delete [] pstr_t; return 0; }
// Should be robust enough to catch most edge cases. bool DNS::IsIPv4(LPWSTR s) { DWORD i; DWORD places = 0; DWORD octets = 0; LPWSTR parts[4]; WCHAR *token = NULL; WCHAR *tmpString = new WCHAR[lstrlen(s)+1]; WCHAR *context = NULL; ZeroMemory(tmpString, lstrlen(s)+1); for(i = 0; i < (DWORD)lstrlen(s); i++) { if((s[i] < 0x30 && s[i] != 0x2E) || (s[i] > 0x39 && s[i] != 0x2E)) { return false; } if(s[i] >= 0x30 && s[i] <= 0x39) { places++; } if(s[i] == 0x2E) { octets++; places = 0; } if(places > 3 || octets > 4) { return false; } } lstrcpy(tmpString, s); token = wcstok_s(tmpString, L".", &context); while(token != NULL) { DWORD num = 0; num = _wtoi(token); if(num < 0 || num > 255) { return false; } token = wcstok_s(NULL, L".", &context); } delete(tmpString); return true; }
STDMETHODIMP Profile::get_Languages(SAFEARRAY ** pVal) { try { WCHAR * pResult = gSkypeQueue.RetrieveProperty(L"PROFILE", L"", L"LANGUAGES"); long lTotal=0, lCtr=0; HRESULT hr; BSTR * pItems; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pItem = wcstok_s(pResult, L" ", &next_token); while(pItem != NULL) { if(wcslen(pItem) > 0) { if(i == 0) { lTotal++; } else { pItems[lCtr++] = SysAllocString(pItem); } } pItem = wcstok_s(NULL, L" ", &next_token); } if(i == 0) { SAFEARRAYBOUND sba; sba.cElements = lTotal; sba.lLbound = 0; *pVal = SafeArrayCreateEx(VT_BSTR, 1, & sba, NULL); if((*pVal) == NULL) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to create array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } hr = SafeArrayLock(*pVal); if(FAILED(hr)) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to lock array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } pItems = (BSTR *) (*pVal)->pvData; } else { hr = SafeArrayUnlock(*pVal); if(FAILED(hr)) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to unlock array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } } } free(pResult); return S_OK; } catch (const WCHAR * err) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), err, GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } }
// Need String, String (char), Integer extern "C" long _declspec(dllexport) _stdcall Split(int nNumArgs, FormulaAddInData *pArgs, FormulaAddInData *pReturnValue) { pReturnValue->nVarType = 2; // Check Input Parameters if (nNumArgs != 3 || pArgs[0].nVarType != 2 || pArgs[1].nVarType != 2 || pArgs[2].nVarType != 1) { const wchar_t* errorMessage = L"Syntax: Syntax, Delimiter, Token Number."; SetString(pReturnValue, errorMessage); pReturnValue->isNull = 1; return 0; } // Check for Nulls if (pArgs[0].isNull || pArgs[2].isNull || pArgs[2].dVal < 0 || pArgs[1].isNull || wcslen(pArgs[1].pVal) == 0) { SetString(pReturnValue, pArgs[0].pVal); ResetIsNull(nNumArgs, pArgs); return 1; } // Copy the string size_t nLen = wcslen(pArgs[0].pVal); if (nLen == 0) { pReturnValue->isNull = true; return 1; } wchar_t *input = new wchar_t[nLen + 1]; wcscpy(input, pArgs[0].pVal); // Split the String wchar_t* buffer = NULL; wchar_t *token = NULL; token = wcstok_s(input, pArgs[1].pVal, &buffer); int count = 1; while (token != NULL && count < pArgs[2].dVal) { token = wcstok_s(NULL, pArgs[1].pVal, &buffer); count++; } if (token == NULL) { pReturnValue->isNull = true; } else { SetString(pReturnValue, token); } delete input; return 1; }
// 設定をロードする std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> loadSettings(LPCWSTR fileName, LPCWSTR sectionName) { std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> settings; TCHAR wcFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR wcSettings[32767]; TCHAR *lpwcCurrent; TCHAR *lpwcString; TCHAR *lpwcContext; size_t len; std::wstring key; std::wstring value; GetFullPathName(fileName, MAX_PATH, wcFilePath, NULL); GetPrivateProfileSection(sectionName, wcSettings, 32767, wcFilePath); lpwcCurrent = wcSettings; while (*lpwcCurrent) { len = wcslen(lpwcCurrent); lpwcString = wcstok_s(lpwcCurrent, _T("="), &lpwcContext); key = std::wstring(lpwcString); value = std::wstring(lpwcString + wcslen(lpwcString) + 1); settings[key] = value; lpwcCurrent += len + 1; } return settings; }
static int find_env_config_value(FILE * env_file, const wchar_t * key, wchar_t * value) { int result = 0; /* meaning not found */ char buffer[MAXPATHLEN*2+1]; /* allow extra for key, '=', etc. */ fseek(env_file, 0, SEEK_SET); while (!feof(env_file)) { char * p = fgets(buffer, MAXPATHLEN*2, env_file); wchar_t tmpbuffer[MAXPATHLEN*2+1]; PyObject * decoded; size_t n; if (p == NULL) break; n = strlen(p); if (p[n - 1] != '\n') { /* line has overflowed - bail */ break; } if (p[0] == '#') /* Comment - skip */ continue; decoded = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(buffer, n, "surrogateescape"); if (decoded != NULL) { Py_ssize_t k; k = PyUnicode_AsWideChar(decoded, tmpbuffer, MAXPATHLEN * 2); Py_DECREF(decoded); if (k >= 0) { wchar_t * context = NULL; wchar_t * tok = wcstok_s(tmpbuffer, L" \t\r\n", &context); if ((tok != NULL) && !wcscmp(tok, key)) { tok = wcstok_s(NULL, L" \t", &context); if ((tok != NULL) && !wcscmp(tok, L"=")) { tok = wcstok_s(NULL, L"\r\n", &context); if (tok != NULL) { wcsncpy(value, tok, MAXPATHLEN); result = 1; break; } } } } } } return result; }
void DNS::IPToHostname(LPWSTR ip, std::wstring *hostname) { PDNS_RECORD dnsInfo; DWORD ret; WCHAR *token; WCHAR *context; std::wstring address; std::vector<LPWSTR> octets; LPWSTR tmpString = new WCHAR[lstrlen(ip)+1]; ZeroMemory(tmpString, lstrlen(ip)+1); lstrcpy(tmpString, ip); hostname->clear(); // Gotta flip the IP around for reverse DNS lookups. token = wcstok_s(tmpString, L".", &context); while(token != NULL) { octets.push_back(token); token = wcstok_s(NULL, L".", &context); } address.append(octets[3]); address.append(L"."); address.append(octets[2]); address.append(L"."); address.append(octets[1]); address.append(L"."); address.append(octets[0]); address.append(L""); if((ret = DnsQuery((PWCHAR)address.c_str(), DNS_TYPE_PTR, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, NULL, &dnsInfo, NULL)) != 0) { Util::Error(ret, L"DnsQuery()"); wprintf(L"ret = %x\n", ret); } else { hostname->append(dnsInfo->Data.PTR.pNameHost); DnsRecordListFree(dnsInfo); } delete(tmpString); }
void ChatMessageCollection::SetItemList(LPCWSTR ItemList) { try { m_itemList.clear(); WCHAR * list = _wcsdup(ItemList); WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pItem = wcstok_s(list, L", ", &next_token); while(pItem) { long lID = _wtol(pItem); if(lID > 0) { m_itemList.push_back(lID); } pItem = wcstok_s(NULL, L", ", &next_token); } free(list); } catch(...) { } }
void parse_headers_string(_Inout_z_ utf16char* headersStr, http_headers& headers) { utf16char* context = nullptr; utf16char* line = wcstok_s(headersStr, CRLF, &context); while (line != nullptr) { const utility::string_t header_line(line); const size_t colonIndex = header_line.find_first_of(_XPLATSTR(":")); if (colonIndex != utility::string_t::npos) { utility::string_t key = header_line.substr(0, colonIndex); utility::string_t value = header_line.substr(colonIndex + 1, header_line.length() - colonIndex - 1); http::details::trim_whitespace(key); http::details::trim_whitespace(value); headers.add(key, value); } line = wcstok_s(nullptr, CRLF, &context); } }
void CSkypeMessageQueue::InternalRebuildUserList() { m_bNeedRebuildUserList = false; m_listUsers.clear(); try { WCHAR * pStrUsers = gSkypeQueue.ExecuteBlockingCommand(L"SEARCH FRIENDS", L"USERS"); WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pItem = wcstok_s(pStrUsers, L", ", &next_token); while(pItem) { if(wcslen(pItem) > 0) { m_listUsers[std::wstring(pItem)] = olsUnknown; } pItem = wcstok_s(NULL, L", ", &next_token); } free(pStrUsers); } catch(const WCHAR * err) { } }
wchar_t *find_on_path(wchar_t *name) { wchar_t *pathext; size_t varsize; wchar_t *context = NULL; wchar_t *extension; wchar_t *result = NULL; DWORD len; errno_t rc; /* Return value storage - we don't need to be re-entrant */ static wchar_t path_buf[MAX_PATH]; if (wcschr(name, L'.') != NULL) { /* assume it has an extension. */ len = SearchPathW(NULL, name, NULL, MAX_PATH, path_buf, NULL); if (len) { result = path_buf; } } else { /* No extension - search using registered extensions. */ rc = _wdupenv_s(&pathext, &varsize, L"PATHEXT"); if (rc == 0) { extension = wcstok_s(pathext, L";", &context); while (extension) { len = SearchPathW(NULL, name, extension, MAX_PATH, path_buf, NULL); if (len) { result = path_buf; break; } extension = wcstok_s(NULL, L";", &context); } free(pathext); } } if (result) { /* We just want the directory */ wchar_t *end = wcsrchr(result, L'\\'); *end = L'\0'; } return result; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------- void CPUTConfigEntry::ValueAsFloatArray(float *pFloats, int count) { cString valueCopy = szValue; TCHAR *szOrigValue = (TCHAR*)valueCopy.c_str(); TCHAR *szNewValue = NULL; TCHAR *szCurrValue = wcstok_s(szOrigValue, _L(" "), &szNewValue); for(int clear = 0; clear < count; clear++) { pFloats[clear] = 0.0f; } for(int ii=0;ii<count;++ii) { if(szCurrValue == NULL) return; swscanf_s(szCurrValue, _L("%f"), pFloats+ii); szCurrValue = wcstok_s(NULL, _L(" "), &szNewValue); } }
BOOL IsDeleteFile(LPCTSTR lpszFilePath, LPCTSTR lpszExtList) { DWORD dwSize = lstrlen(lpszExtList); LPTSTR lpszExtList2 = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(0, (dwSize + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); lstrcpy(lpszExtList2, lpszExtList); LPCTSTR seps = TEXT(";"); TCHAR *next; LPTSTR token = wcstok_s(lpszExtList2, seps, &next); while (token != NULL) { if (PathMatchSpec(lpszFilePath, token)) { GlobalFree(lpszExtList2); return TRUE; } token = wcstok_s(0, seps, &next); } GlobalFree(lpszExtList2); return FALSE; }
PWSTR XmlParseToken( _In_ PWSTR XmlString, _In_ PWSTR XmlTokenName ) { PWSTR xmlTokenNext = NULL; PWSTR xmlStringData; PWSTR xmlTokenString; xmlStringData = PhDuplicateStringZ(XmlString); xmlTokenString = wcstok_s( xmlStringData, L"<>", &xmlTokenNext ); while (xmlTokenString) { if (PhEqualStringZ(xmlTokenString, XmlTokenName, TRUE)) { // We found the value. xmlTokenString = wcstok_s(NULL, L"<>", &xmlTokenNext); break; } xmlTokenString = wcstok_s(NULL, L"<>", &xmlTokenNext); } if (xmlTokenString) { PWSTR xmlStringDup = PhDuplicateStringZ(xmlTokenString); PhFree(xmlStringData); return xmlStringDup; } PhFree(xmlStringData); return NULL; }
void CSkypeMessageQueue::InternalRebuildCallList() { m_bNeedRebuildCallList = false; m_listCalls.clear(); try { WCHAR * pStrCalls = gSkypeQueue.ExecuteBlockingCommand(L"SEARCH CALLS", L"CALLS"); WCHAR * list = pStrCalls; WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pItem = wcstok_s(list, L", ", &next_token); while(pItem) { long lID = _wtol(pItem); if(lID > 0) { m_listCalls[lID] = prgUnknown; } pItem = wcstok_s(NULL, L", ", &next_token); } free(pStrCalls); } catch(const WCHAR * err) { } }
ContentType WBPassthruSink::GetContentTypeFromURL(const std::wstring& src) { std::wstring schemeAndHierarchicalPart = GetSchemeAndHierarchicalPart(src); auto contentType = GetContentTypeFromString(schemeAndHierarchicalPart); if (contentType == ContentType::CONTENT_TYPE_OTHER && AdblockPlus::IE::InstalledMajorVersion() == 8) { std::wstring queryString = GetQueryString(src); wchar_t* nextToken = nullptr; const wchar_t* token = wcstok_s(&queryString[0], L"&=", &nextToken); while (token != nullptr) { contentType = GetContentTypeFromString(token); if (contentType != ContentType::CONTENT_TYPE_OTHER) { return contentType; } token = wcstok_s(nullptr, L"&=", &nextToken); } } return contentType; }
void ConfigParser::ParseRegistryKey(HKEY hk, CmdLineArgsParser &parser) { #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwValue; #if ENABLE_DEBUG_CONFIG_OPTIONS char16 regBuffer[MaxRegSize]; dwSize = sizeof(regBuffer); if (NOERROR == RegGetValueW(hk, nullptr, _u("JScript9"), RRF_RT_REG_SZ, nullptr, (LPBYTE)regBuffer, &dwSize)) { LPWSTR regValue = regBuffer, nextValue = nullptr; regValue = wcstok_s(regBuffer, _u(" "), &nextValue); while (regValue != nullptr) { int err = 0; if ((err = parser.Parse(regValue)) != 0) { break; } regValue = wcstok_s(nullptr, _u(" "), &nextValue); } } #endif // MemSpect - This setting controls whether MemSpect instrumentation is enabled. // The value is treated as a bit field with the following bits: // 0x01 - Track Arena memory // 0x02 - Track Recycler memory // 0x04 - Track Page allocations dwValue = 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (NOERROR == ::RegGetValueW(hk, nullptr, _u("MemSpect"), RRF_RT_DWORD, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize)) { if (dwValue & 0x01) { ArenaMemoryTracking::Activate(); } if (dwValue & 0x02) { RecyclerMemoryTracking::Activate(); } if (dwValue & 0x04) { PageTracking::Activate(); } } // JScriptJIT - This setting controls the JIT/interpretation of Jscript code. // The legal values are as follows: // 1- Force JIT code to be generated for everything. // 2- Force interpretation without profiling (turn off JIT) // 3- Default // 4- Interpreter, simple JIT, and full JIT run a predetermined number of times. Requires >= 3 calls to functions. // 5- Interpreter, simple JIT, and full JIT run a predetermined number of times. Requires >= 4 calls to functions. // 6- Force interpretation with profiling // // This reg key is present in released builds. The QA team's tests use these switches to // get reliable JIT coverage in servicing runs done by IE/Windows. Because this reg key is // released, the number of possible values is limited to reduce surface area. dwValue = 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (NOERROR == RegGetValueW(hk, nullptr, _u("JScriptJIT"), RRF_RT_DWORD, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize)) { Js::ConfigFlagsTable &configFlags = Js::Configuration::Global.flags; switch (dwValue) { case 1: configFlags.Enable(Js::ForceNativeFlag); configFlags.ForceNative = true; break; case 6: configFlags.Enable(Js::ForceDynamicProfileFlag); configFlags.ForceDynamicProfile = true; // fall through case 2: configFlags.Enable(Js::NoNativeFlag); configFlags.NoNative = true; break; case 3: break; case 4: configFlags.Enable(Js::AutoProfilingInterpreter0LimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::ProfilingInterpreter0LimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::AutoProfilingInterpreter1LimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::SimpleJitLimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::ProfilingInterpreter1LimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::EnforceExecutionModeLimitsFlag); configFlags.AutoProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0; configFlags.AutoProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0; if ( #if ENABLE_DEBUG_CONFIG_OPTIONS configFlags.NewSimpleJit #else DEFAULT_CONFIG_NewSimpleJit #endif ) { configFlags.ProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0; configFlags.SimpleJitLimit = 0; configFlags.ProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 2; } else { configFlags.ProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 1; configFlags.SimpleJitLimit = 1; configFlags.ProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0; } configFlags.EnforceExecutionModeLimits = true; break; case 5: configFlags.Enable(Js::AutoProfilingInterpreter0LimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::ProfilingInterpreter0LimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::AutoProfilingInterpreter1LimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::SimpleJitLimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::ProfilingInterpreter1LimitFlag); configFlags.Enable(Js::EnforceExecutionModeLimitsFlag); configFlags.AutoProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0; configFlags.ProfilingInterpreter0Limit = 0; configFlags.AutoProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 1; if ( #if ENABLE_DEBUG_CONFIG_OPTIONS configFlags.NewSimpleJit #else DEFAULT_CONFIG_NewSimpleJit #endif ) { configFlags.SimpleJitLimit = 0; configFlags.ProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 2; } else { configFlags.SimpleJitLimit = 2; configFlags.ProfilingInterpreter1Limit = 0; } configFlags.EnforceExecutionModeLimits = true; break; } } // EnumerationCompat // This setting allows disabling a couple of changes to enumeration: // - A change that causes deleted property indexes to be reused for new properties, thereby changing the order in which // properties are enumerated // - A change that creates a true snapshot of the type just before enumeration, and enumerating only those properties. A // property that was deleted before enumeration and is added back during enumeration will not be enumerated. // Values: // 0 - Default // 1 - Compatibility mode for enumeration order (disable changes described above) // This FCK does not apply to WWAs. WWAs should use the RC compat mode to disable these changes. dwValue = 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (NOERROR == RegGetValueW(hk, nullptr, _u("EnumerationCompat"), RRF_RT_DWORD, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize)) { if(dwValue == 1) { Js::Configuration::Global.flags.EnumerationCompat = true; } } #ifdef ENABLE_PROJECTION // FailFastIfDisconnectedDelegate // This setting allows enabling fail fast if the delegate invoked is disconnected // 0 - Default return the error RPC_E_DISCONNECTED if disconnected delegate is invoked // 1 - Fail fast if disconnected delegate dwValue = 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (NOERROR == RegGetValueW(hk, nullptr, _u("FailFastIfDisconnectedDelegate"), RRF_RT_DWORD, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize)) { if(dwValue == 1) { Js::Configuration::Global.flags.FailFastIfDisconnectedDelegate = true; } } #endif // ES6 feature control // This setting allows enabling\disabling es6 features // 0 - Enable ES6 flag - Also default behavior // 1 - Disable ES6 flag dwValue = 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (NOERROR == RegGetValueW(hk, nullptr, _u("DisableES6"), RRF_RT_DWORD, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize)) { Js::ConfigFlagsTable &configFlags = Js::Configuration::Global.flags; if (dwValue == 1) { configFlags.Enable(Js::ES6Flag); configFlags.SetAsBoolean(Js::ES6Flag, false); } } // Asmjs feature control // This setting allows enabling\disabling asmjs compilation // 0 - Disable Asmjs phase - Also default behavior // 1 - Enable Asmjs phase dwValue = 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); if (NOERROR == RegGetValueW(hk, nullptr, _u("EnableAsmjs"), RRF_RT_DWORD, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize)) { if (dwValue == 1) { Js::Configuration::Global.flags.Asmjs = true; } } #endif // _WIN32 }
void TestMove_s( void ) { wchar_t buf[128]; wchar_t s2[] = L"VALUE"; wchar_t str[] = L"VALUE"; wchar_t src1[100] = L"hello"; wchar_t src2[7] = L"goodbye"; wchar_t dst1[6], dst2[5], dst3[5]; wchar_t sc1[100] = L"good"; wchar_t sc2[6] = L"hello"; wchar_t sc3[6] = L"hello"; wchar_t sc4[7] = L"abc"; wchar_t sc5[1000] = L"bye"; int violations = NumViolations; /* wcstok_s */ static wchar_t str1[] = L"?a???b,,,#c"; static wchar_t str2[] = L"\t \t"; static wchar_t str3[] = L"?a???b,,,#c"; wchar_t *t, *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3; rsize_t max1 = ARRAYCOUNT( str1 ); rsize_t max2 = ARRAYCOUNT( str2 ); rsize_t max3 = ARRAYCOUNT( str3 ); /***********************************************************************/ /* set constraint-handler */ /***********************************************************************/ set_constraint_handler_s( my_constraint_handler ); /***********************************************************************/ /* memcpy_s */ /***********************************************************************/ // printf( "Test memcpys (%s).\n", ProgramName ); /* Test the "good" case */ VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 0 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, wcslen( s2 ) + 2, s2, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcslen( buf ) == wcslen( L"VALUE" ) ); VERIFY( wcscmp( buf, L"VALUE" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == violations ); /* Test various failing cases */ /* Test runtime-constraint violations */ VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, 3, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( buf[0] == L'\0' ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( NULL, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), NULL, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, sizeof( buf ) / sizeof( buf[0] )+ 1 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), buf + 1, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #if RSIZE_MAX != SIZE_MAX VERIFY( wmemcpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, ~0 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #endif /***********************************************************************/ /* memmove_s */ /***********************************************************************/ // printf( "Test memmove (%s).\n", ProgramName ); /* Test the "good" cases */ VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 0 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), buf + 1, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, 1 + wcslen( s2 ), s2, 1 + wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcslen( buf ) == wcslen( L"VALUE" ) ); VERIFY( wcscmp( buf, L"VALUE" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == violations ); /* Test various failing cases */ /* Test runtime-constraint violations */ VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, 3, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( buf[0] == L'\0' ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wmemmove_s( NULL, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), NULL, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ) + 1 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #if RSIZE_MAX != SIZE_MAX VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ~0, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wmemmove_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, ~0 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #endif /***********************************************************************/ /* wcscpy_s */ /***********************************************************************/ // printf( "Test memcpy (%s).\n", ProgramName ); /* Test the "good" cases */ VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, wcslen( s2 ) + 1, s2 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcslen( buf ) == wcslen( L"VALUE" ) ); VERIFY( wcscmp( buf, L"VALUE" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == violations ); /* Test various failing cases */ /* Test runtime-constraint violations */ VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, 3, s2 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( buf[0] == L'\0' ); VERIFY( wcscpy_s( NULL, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), NULL ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, 5, s2 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), buf + 1 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #if RSIZE_MAX != SIZE_MAX VERIFY( wcscpy_s( buf, ~0, s2 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #endif /***********************************************************************/ /* wcscat_s */ /***********************************************************************/ // printf( "Test wcscat (%s).\n", ProgramName ); wcscpy( sc1,src1 ); VERIFY( wcscmp( sc1,src1 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcscat_s( sc1, 100, sc5 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcscmp( sc1, L"hellobye") == 0 ); VERIFY( wcscat_s( sc2, 6, L"" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcscat_s( sc3, 6, L"X" ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( sc3[0] == L'\0'); VERIFY( wcscat_s(sc4, 7, L"defghijklmn") != 0); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wcscmp(sc4, L"" ) == 0); /***********************************************************************/ /* wcsnlen_s */ /***********************************************************************/ // printf( "Test wcsnlen (%s).\n", ProgramName ); /* Test the "good" case */ VERIFY( wcsnlen_s( str, ARRAYCOUNT( str ) ) == wcslen( str ) ); VERIFY( wcsnlen_s( str, 4 ) == 4 ); VERIFY( wcsnlen_s( str, 0 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcsnlen_s( NULL, 1000 ) == 0 ); /* Test various failing cases */ /* No runtime-constraint violations to test */ VERIFY( NumViolations == violations ); /***********************************************************************/ /* wcsncpy_s */ /***********************************************************************/ // printf( "Test wcsncpy (%s).\n", ProgramName ); /* Test the "good" case */ VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, 0 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, wcslen( s2 ) + 1, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcslen( buf ) == wcslen( L"VALUE" ) ); VERIFY( wcscmp( buf, L"VALUE" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == violations ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( dst1, 6, src1, 100 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcscmp( dst1, src1 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( dst3, 5, src2, 4 ) == 0 ); /* Test various failing cases */ /* Test runtime-constraint violations */ VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, 3, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( buf[0] == '\0' ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( NULL, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), NULL, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), buf + 1, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( dst2, 5, src2, 7 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #if RSIZE_MAX != SIZE_MAX VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ~0, s2, wcslen( s2 ) ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( wcsncpy_s( buf, ARRAYCOUNT( buf ), s2, ~0 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #endif /***********************************************************************/ /* wcsncat_s */ /***********************************************************************/ // printf( "Test wcsncat (%s).\n", ProgramName ); wcscpy( sc1, L"good" ); wcscpy( sc2, L"hello" ); wcscpy( sc3, L"hello" ); wcscpy( sc4, L"abc" ); VERIFY( wcsncat_s( sc1, 100, sc5, 1000 ) == 0); VERIFY( wcscmp( sc1, L"goodbye" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcsncat_s( sc2, 6, L"", 1 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcsncat_s( sc4, 7, L"defghijklmn", 3 ) == 0 ); VERIFY( wcscmp( sc4, L"abcdef" ) == 0 ); /* Test runtime-constraint violations */ VERIFY( wcsncat_s( sc3, 6, L"XXX", 3 ) != 0 ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( sc3[0] == L'\0'); /***********************************************************************/ /* wcstok_s */ /***********************************************************************/ // printf( "Test wcstok (%s).\n", ProgramName ); VERIFY( (t = wcstok_s( str1, &max1, L"?", &ptr1 )) != NULL ); /* points to the token "a" */ VERIFY( wcscmp( t, L"a" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( (t = wcstok_s( NULL, &max1, L",", &ptr1 )) != NULL ); /* points to the token "??b" */ VERIFY( wcscmp( t, L"??b" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str2, &max2, L" \t", &ptr2 ) ); /* null pointer */ VERIFY( NumViolations == violations ); VERIFY( (t = wcstok_s( NULL, &max1, L"#,", &ptr1 )) != NULL ); /* points to the token "c" */ VERIFY( wcscmp( t, L"c" ) == 0 ); VERIFY( ptr1 != NULL ); VERIFY( NumViolations == violations ); VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( NULL, &max1, L"#,", &ptr1 ) ); /* at the end */ wcscpy( str1, str3 ); max1 = ARRAYCOUNT( str1 ); VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str1, &max1, str3, &ptr3 ) ); /* only delimiter chars */ // printf( "Test wcstok rtc (%s).\n", ProgramName ); /* Test runtime-constraint violations */ ptr1 = NULL; VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( NULL, &max1, L"?", &ptr1 ) ); /* null pointer */ VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str3, NULL, L"?", &ptr1 ) ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str3, &max3, NULL, &ptr1 ) ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str3, &max3, L"?", NULL ) ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); ptr3 = NULL; VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( NULL, &max3, L"?", &ptr3 ) ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #if RSIZE_MAX != SIZE_MAX max1 = ~0; VERIFY( NULL == wcstok_s( str3, &max1, L"?", &ptr1 ) ); VERIFY( NumViolations == ++violations ); #endif }
BOOL CViewReport::OnInitDialog() { std::vector<UINT> vibottombtns; vibottombtns.push_back(IDOK); vibottombtns.push_back(IDC_REPORT2CLIPBOARD); vibottombtns.push_back(IDCANCEL); AddMainCtrlID(IDC_EDITREPORT); AddBtnsCtrlIDs(vibottombtns, 2); UINT statustext[1] = {IDS_BLANK}; SetStatusBar(&statustext[0], 1, false); CPWResizeDialog::OnInitDialog(); if (GetParent() == NULL) GetDlgItem(IDC_REPORT2CLIPBOARD)->EnableWindow(FALSE); // Get new edit string (as per MS doc.) HLOCAL h = ::LocalAlloc(LHND, m_dwDatasize + sizeof(wchar_t)); if (h == NULL) { pws_os::Trace(L"ViewReport: Unable to allocate memory. Can't do this properly!\n"); m_editreport.SetWindowText(m_pString.c_str()); return FALSE; } m_bMemoryAllocOK = true; LPCWSTR lpszText = (LPCWSTR)::LocalLock(h); memcpy((void *)lpszText, m_pString.c_str(), m_dwDatasize); // Now work out maximum size of dialog CClientDC dc(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDITREPORT)); //get the size of the text CRect textRect(0, 0, 32767, 32767); CFont *pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(m_editreport.GetFont()); // Get Height dc.DrawText(lpszText, (int)m_pString.length(), &textRect, DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOCLIP); // Get width of longest line - ignores tabs - but no issue as edit control has // horizontal scroll bars wchar_t pSeps[] = L"\r\n"; int iMaxWidth(-1); // Capture individual lines: wchar_t *next_token; wchar_t *token = wcstok_s((LPWSTR)lpszText, pSeps, &next_token); while(token) { CSize sz = dc.GetTextExtent(token, (int)wcslen(token)); if ( > iMaxWidth) iMaxWidth =; token = wcstok_s(NULL, pSeps, &next_token); } dc.SelectObject(pOldFont); //get the size of the edit control and the dialog CRect editRect, dlgRect; m_editreport.GetClientRect(&editRect); GetClientRect(&dlgRect); // Get height and width of characters TEXTMETRIC tm; dc.GetTextMetrics(&tm); // Set size based on current size (add spare in case) int iAdditionalHeight(0), iAdditionalWidth(0); if (iMaxWidth > editRect.Width()) iAdditionalWidth = (iMaxWidth - editRect.Width()) + 2 * tm.tmMaxCharWidth; if (textRect.Height() > editRect.Height()) iAdditionalHeight = (textRect.Height() - editRect.Height()) + 2 * tm.tmHeight; // Set it SetMaxHeightWidth(dlgRect.Height() + iAdditionalHeight, dlgRect.Width() + iAdditionalWidth); // Refresh data as _wcstok trashes it! memcpy((void *)lpszText, m_pString.c_str(), m_dwDatasize); ::LocalUnlock(h); // Free original handle ::LocalFree(m_editreport.GetHandle()); // Set ours m_editreport.SetHandle(h); return FALSE; }
bool CPluginFilter::IsElementHidden(const std::wstring& tag, IHTMLElement* pEl, const std::wstring& domain, const std::wstring& indent) const { std::wstring id; CComBSTR idBstr; if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->get_id(&idBstr)) && idBstr) { id = ToWstring(idBstr); } std::wstring classNames; CComBSTR classNamesBstr; if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->get_className(&classNamesBstr)) && classNamesBstr) { classNames = ToWstring(classNamesBstr); } CriticalSection::Lock filterEngineLock(s_criticalSectionFilterMap); { // Search tag/id filters if (!id.empty()) { auto idItEnum = m_elementHideTagsId.equal_range(std::make_pair(tag, id)); for (auto idIt = idItEnum.first; idIt != idItEnum.second; ++idIt) { if (idIt->second.IsMatchFilterElementHide(pEl)) { #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_RESULT DEBUG_HIDE_EL(indent + L"HideEl::Found (tag/id) filter:" + idIt->second.m_filterText); CPluginDebug::DebugResultHiding(tag, L"id:" + id, idIt->second.m_filterText); #endif return true; } } // Search general id idItEnum = m_elementHideTagsId.equal_range(std::make_pair(L"", id)); for (auto idIt = idItEnum.first; idIt != idItEnum.second; ++idIt) { if (idIt->second.IsMatchFilterElementHide(pEl)) { #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_RESULT DEBUG_HIDE_EL(indent + L"HideEl::Found (?/id) filter:" + idIt->second.m_filterText); CPluginDebug::DebugResultHiding(tag, L"id:" + id, idIt->second.m_filterText); #endif return true; } } } // Search tag/className filters if (!classNames.empty()) { wchar_t* nextToken = nullptr; const wchar_t* token = wcstok_s(&classNames[0], L" \t\n\r", &nextToken); while (token != nullptr) { std::wstring className(token); auto classItEnum = m_elementHideTagsClass.equal_range(std::make_pair(tag, className)); for (auto classIt = classItEnum.first; classIt != classItEnum.second; ++classIt) { if (classIt->second.IsMatchFilterElementHide(pEl)) { #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_RESULT DEBUG_HIDE_EL(indent + L"HideEl::Found (tag/class) filter:" + classIt->second.m_filterText); CPluginDebug::DebugResultHiding(tag, L"class:" + className, classIt->second.m_filterText); #endif return true; } } // Search general class name classItEnum = m_elementHideTagsClass.equal_range(std::make_pair(L"", className)); for (auto classIt = classItEnum.first; classIt != classItEnum.second; ++ classIt) { if (classIt->second.IsMatchFilterElementHide(pEl)) { #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_RESULT DEBUG_HIDE_EL(indent + L"HideEl::Found (?/class) filter:" + classIt->second.m_filterText); CPluginDebug::DebugResultHiding(tag, L"class:" + className, classIt->second.m_filterText); #endif return true; } } token = wcstok_s(nullptr, L" \t\n\r", &nextToken); } } // Search tag filters auto tagItEnum = m_elementHideTags.equal_range(tag); for (auto tagIt = tagItEnum.first; tagIt != tagItEnum.second; ++tagIt) { if (tagIt->second.IsMatchFilterElementHide(pEl)) { #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG_RESULT DEBUG_HIDE_EL(indent + L"HideEl::Found (tag) filter:" + tagIt->second.m_filterText); CPluginDebug::DebugResultHiding(tag, L"-", tagIt->second.m_filterText); #endif return true; } } } return false; }
static ErrNo GetMatrix(const HWND hwndEdit,double **pMatrix,const int nRows,const int nColumns) { TCHAR szBuffer_t[MAXSIZE]; bool data = false; TCHAR seps[] = TEXT(" \t"); TCHAR *ptemp,*pstr,*pnext_token = NULL,*szBuffer = NULL; int iLine,iLength,iStart,iCount; int iMax = nColumns*20; //缺憾 获取数据还是有限定的 每行字符个数不能超过iMax个 szBuffer = new TCHAR[iMax]; //存储每一行获得的字符 iLine = Edit_GetLineCount(hwndEdit); if(iLine == 1) //判断是否没有输入数据 { if(!(iLength = Edit_GetText(hwndEdit,szBuffer,iMax))) { return NO_DATA_INPUT; } } else if(iLine<nRows) { return WRONG_MATRIX; } data = false; for(int i=0;i<iLine;i++) { iLength = Edit_GetLine(hwndEdit,i,szBuffer_t,MAXSIZE); if(iLength) //找出第一个有数据的行 { for(int j=0;j<iLength;j++) { if((szBuffer_t[j] >= TEXT('0') && szBuffer_t[j] <= TEXT('9')) || szBuffer_t[j] == TEXT('.')) { iStart = i; data = true; break; } } if(data) break; } } for(int i=iStart,k=0;i<iStart+nRows;i++,k++) //获取每行数据 { iCount = 0; iLength = Edit_GetLine(hwndEdit,i,szBuffer,iMax-1); szBuffer[iLength]=TEXT('\0'); //字符串分割 pstr = wcstok_s(szBuffer,seps,&pnext_token); while(pstr!=NULL) { if(*pstr == TEXT('+')) //判断是否有分割行 return WRONG_MATRIX; else if(!CharacterJudgement(pstr)) //判断是否非法字符输入 return INCORRECT_DATA; if(iCount >= nColumns) //判断每行输入数据个数是否超出限定矩阵维数 return WRONG_MATRIX; pMatrix[k][iCount] = wcstod(pstr,&ptemp); pstr = wcstok_s(NULL,seps,&pnext_token); iCount++; } if(iCount != nColumns) return WRONG_MATRIX; } delete szBuffer; szBuffer = NULL; return 0; }
// Parse the command line for the parameters // Only parameters that are specified on the command line are updated, if there // are no parameters for a value, the previous WindowParams settings passed in // are preserved //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPUTResult CPUT_DX11::CPUTParseCommandLine(cString commandLine, CPUTWindowCreationParams *pWindowParams, cString *pFilename) { ASSERT( (NULL!=pWindowParams), _L("Required command line parsing parameter is NULL")); ASSERT( (NULL!=pFilename), _L("Required command line parsing parameter is NULL")); // there are no command line parameters, just return if(0==commandLine.size()) { return CPUT_SUCCESS; } // we do have parameters, so parse them. #if defined (UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) // convert command line to lowercase version cString CommandLineParams(commandLine); std::transform(CommandLineParams.begin(), CommandLineParams.end(), CommandLineParams.begin(), ::tolower); // special case - double-clicked on a file // In the case someone has associated .set files with CPUT, then the target set file comes in surrounded // by quote marks (i.e. "c:\SoftwareOcclusionCulling\Asset\City.set"). If the first char is a quote mark, we're in this // special case if('"' == CommandLineParams[0]) { pFilename->assign(&CommandLineParams[1]); // remove the leading " char (*pFilename)[pFilename->size()-1] = '\0'; // remove the trailing " char return CPUT_SUCCESS; } wchar_t separators[] = L" \t\n"; wchar_t* nextToken = NULL; wchar_t* token = wcstok_s((wchar_t*)CommandLineParams.c_str(), separators, &nextToken); while(token) { if('-' == token[0]) { // parameter - get next token for which one cString ParameterName(&token[1]); if(0!=ParameterName.size()) { if("width"))) { // get the next value token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); ASSERT(token, _L("-width command line parameter missing required numerical value")); pWindowParams->windowWidth = _wtoi(token); } else if("height"))) { // get the next value token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); ASSERT(token, _L("-height command line parameter missing required numerical value")); pWindowParams->windowHeight = _wtoi(token); } else if("fullscreen"))) { // get the bool token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); cString boolString(token); if("true"))) { pWindowParams->startFullscreen = true; } } else if("vsync"))) { // get the bool token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); cString boolString(token); if( ("on"))) || ("true"))) ) { // vsync set to 30 FPS pWindowParams->deviceParams.refreshRate = 30; } if( ("off"))) || ("false"))) ) { pWindowParams->deviceParams.refreshRate = 0; } } else if("xpos"))) { // get the next value token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); ASSERT(token, _L("-xpos command line parameter missing required numerical value")); pWindowParams->windowPositionX = _wtoi(token); } else if("ypos"))) { // get the next value token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); ASSERT(token, _L("-ypos command line parameter missing required numerical value")); pWindowParams->windowPositionY = _wtoi(token); } else if("file"))) { // get the filename token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); pFilename->assign(token); } else { // we don't know what the string was, but all specified ones should be of the form // '-<keyword> <value>' // so skip over the <value> part token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); } // we don't know what this parameter is, let user parse it } } // advance to next token token = wcstok_s(NULL, separators, &nextToken); } #else ASSERT(false, _L("CPUT_DX11::CPUTParseCommandLine non-UNICODE version not written yet - need to write if we want to support multi-byte")); #endif return CPUT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL freerdp_client_parse_rdp_file_buffer_unicode(rdpFile* file, BYTE* buffer, size_t size) { int length; WCHAR* line; WCHAR* type; WCHAR* context; WCHAR *d1, *d2; WCHAR *beg, *end; WCHAR *name, *value; line = wcstok_s((WCHAR*) buffer, CR_LF_STR_W, &context); while (line != NULL) { length = _wcslen(line); if (length > 1) { beg = line; end = &line[length - 1]; if (beg[0] == '/') { /* FreeRDP option */ freerdp_client_parse_rdp_file_option_unicode(file, line); goto next_line; } d1 = _wcschr(line, ':'); if (!d1) goto next_line; /* not first delimiter */ type = &d1[1]; d2 = _wcschr(type, ':'); if (!d2) goto next_line; /* no second delimiter */ if ((d2 - d1) != 2) goto next_line; /* improper type length */ if (d2 == end) goto next_line; /* no value */ *d1 = 0; *d2 = 0; name = beg; value = &d2[1]; if (*type == 'i') { /* integer type */ freerdp_client_parse_rdp_file_integer_unicode(file, name, value); } else if (*type == 's') { /* string type */ freerdp_client_parse_rdp_file_string_unicode(file, name, value); } else if (*type == 'b') { /* binary type */ } } next_line: line = wcstok_s(NULL, CR_LF_STR_W, &context); } return TRUE; }
STDMETHODIMP Profile::get_ForwardingRules(SAFEARRAY ** pVal) { try { WCHAR * pResult = gSkypeQueue.RetrieveProperty(L"PROFILE", L"", L"CALL_FORWARD_RULES"); size_t sz = wcslen(pResult) + 1; WCHAR * pCopy = new WCHAR[sz]; long lTotal=0, lCtr=0; HRESULT hr; ForwardingRule * pItems; for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { wcscpy_s(pCopy, sz, pResult); WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pItem = wcstok_s(pCopy, L" ", &next_token); while(pItem != NULL) { size_t iLen = wcslen(pItem); if(iLen > 0) { LONG start; LONG end; WCHAR * name = new WCHAR[iLen]; bool bValid = swscanf_s(pItem, L"%d,%d,%s", & start, & end, name, iLen) == 3; if(bValid) { if(i == 0) { lTotal++; } else { pItems[lCtr].StartTime = start; pItems[lCtr].EndTime = end; pItems[lCtr].Handle = SysAllocString(name); lCtr++; } } delete(name); } pItem = wcstok_s(NULL, L" ", &next_token); } if(i == 0) { SAFEARRAYBOUND sba; sba.cElements = lTotal; sba.lLbound = 0; CComPtr<IRecordInfo> *ptrRecInfo; hr = GetRecordInfoFromGuids(CAtlModule::m_libid, 1, 0, 0x409, __uuidof(ForwardingRule), (IRecordInfo**) & ptrRecInfo); if(FAILED(hr)) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to retrieve structure info", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } *pVal = SafeArrayCreateEx(VT_RECORD, 1, & sba, ptrRecInfo); if((*pVal) == NULL) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to create array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } hr = SafeArrayLock(*pVal); if(FAILED(hr)) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to lock array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } pItems = (ForwardingRule *) (*pVal)->pvData; } else { hr = SafeArrayUnlock(*pVal); if(FAILED(hr)) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to unlock array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } } } free(pResult); return S_OK; } catch (const WCHAR * err) { return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), err, GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); } return S_OK; }
void GraphicsInterface::DisplayStatus(wstring wstrText, int display_time) { GraphicsEngineOptions geo; RECT rcScreen; CMonitors cm; POINT pt = { 0, 0 }; Color cNull = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Color cTemp; Color cOutline; Color cDropShadow; REAL rTemp; if (!m_ssSettings.bVisualFeedback) return; if (m_ssSettings.bNoDisplayWhenActive && m_ITCom->IsActiveWindow()) return; EnterCriticalSection(&_csCreateDisplay); _nDisplayType = 1; // Configure geo.nDisplayAlpha = m_ssSettings.nOSDAlpha; geo.bDisplayTopMost = m_ssSettings.bOSDTopMost; geo.nMaxWidth = m_ssSettings.nOSDMaxWidth; geo.nArtScaleMode = m_ssSettings.nArtMode == 3 ? ART_SCALEMODEHEIGHT : ART_SCALEMODESIZE; geo.saAlign = (Gdiplus::StringAlignment)m_ssSettings.nOSDTextJustify; geo.bForceToWidth = m_ssSettings.bOSDForceWidth; for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->SetOptions(geo); // Begin render process ge->BeginRender(5); } // Set background and borders rTemp = (REAL)m_ssSettings.nOSDBorderSize; cOutline = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBorderColor), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBorderColor), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBorderColor)); cTemp = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBkColorRef), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBkColorRef), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBkColorRef)); cDropShadow = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lDropShadowColor), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lDropShadowColor), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lDropShadowColor)); for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->SetDisplayBorder(m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cNull : cOutline, rTemp); ge->SetDisplayBackground(m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cNull : cTemp); } // Cache text height for shapes REAL text_height =>GetTextHeight(m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle); // Break string into lines, add to display wchar_t *lpToken = NULL; wchar_t *lpContext = NULL; wchar_t *lpRating = NULL; wchar_t *lpVolume = NULL; wchar_t *lpBeforeRating = NULL; cTemp = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDColorRef), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDColorRef), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDColorRef)); Color cShapeFill = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeFill), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeFill), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeFill)); Color cShapeOutline = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeOutline), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeOutline), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeOutline)); lpToken = wcstok_s(const_cast<wchar_t*>(wstrText.c_str()), L"\n", &lpContext); while (NULL != lpToken && m_ssSettings.nDisplayLayout != 4) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->BeginLine(); } // check for %rating% in string, replace with img rating lpRating = wcsstr(lpToken, L"%rating%"); lpVolume = wcsstr(lpToken, L"%volume%"); if (NULL != lpVolume) { // Break up line lpBeforeRating = new wchar_t[lpVolume - lpToken + 1]; wcsncpy_s(lpBeforeRating, lpVolume - lpToken + 1, lpToken, lpVolume - lpToken); // Add text before rating for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddString(lpBeforeRating, false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } // Add rating unsigned int lVolume = m_ITCom->GetVolumeLevel(); RectF rfShape = RectF(0, 0, text_height*10.0f, text_height*1.5f); for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddShape(ShapeVolume, FillCustom, rfShape, false, cShapeOutline, 3.0, cShapeFill, lVolume); // Add text after rating ge->AddString(lpVolume + 8, false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } delete[] lpBeforeRating; } else if (NULL != lpRating) { // Break up line lpBeforeRating = new wchar_t[lpRating - lpToken + 1]; wcsncpy_s(lpBeforeRating, lpRating - lpToken + 1, lpToken, lpRating - lpToken); // Add text before rating for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddString(lpBeforeRating, false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } // Add rating long lRating = m_ITCom->GetTrackRating(); long lWhole = (lRating - (lRating % 20)) / 20; lRating = lRating - lWhole * 20; long lHalf = (lRating - (lRating % 10)) / 10; long lEmpty = 5 - lWhole - lHalf; RectF rfShape = RectF(0, 0, text_height, text_height); for (int i = 0; i < lWhole; i++) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { if (m_ssSettings.nRatingType == 1) ge->AddImage(m_ssSettings.wcRatingFullPath); else ge->AddShape((ShapeType)m_ssSettings.nRatingShapeType, FillAll, rfShape, false, cShapeOutline, 3.0, cShapeFill); } } for (int i = 0; i < lHalf; i++) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { if (m_ssSettings.nRatingType == 1) ge->AddImage(m_ssSettings.wcRatingHalfPath); else ge->AddShape((ShapeType)m_ssSettings.nRatingShapeType, (ShapeStyle)(m_ssSettings.nRatingShapeStyle + 2), rfShape, false, cShapeOutline, 3.0, cShapeFill); } } for (int i = 0; i < lEmpty; i++) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { if (m_ssSettings.nRatingType == 1) ge->AddImage(m_ssSettings.wcRatingEmptyPath); else ge->AddShape((ShapeType)m_ssSettings.nRatingShapeType, FillNone, rfShape, false, cShapeOutline, 3.0, cShapeFill); } } // Add text after rating for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddString(lpRating + 8, false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } delete[] lpBeforeRating; } else { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddString(lpToken, false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } } for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->EndLine(); } lpToken = wcstok_s(NULL, L"\n", &lpContext); } // Position display if (!cm.GetMonitorRect(m_ssSettings.nOSDMonitor, rcScreen)) SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcScreen, 0); pt.x = rcScreen.left + (LONG)ceilf((m_ssSettings.nOSDHoriz / 100.0f) * (rcScreen.right - rcScreen.left)); pt.y = + (LONG)ceilf((m_ssSettings.nOSDVert / 100.0f) * (rcScreen.bottom -; // Show display, start timer if (m_ssSettings.bOSDAllMonitors) { int monitor = 1; for (const auto& ge : _ges) { // Position display cm.GetMonitorRect(monitor, rcScreen); pt.x = rcScreen.left + (LONG)ceilf((m_ssSettings.nOSDHoriz / 100.0f) * (rcScreen.right - rcScreen.left)); pt.y = + (LONG)ceilf((m_ssSettings.nOSDVert / 100.0f) * (rcScreen.bottom -; ge->EndRender(pt, rcScreen); ++monitor; } } else { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->EndRender(pt, rcScreen); } } // Display should be shown for xx seconds, then hidden if (NULL != _hDisplayTimer) DeleteTimerQueueTimer(_hTimerQueue, _hDisplayTimer, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); _hDisplayTimer = NULL; CreateTimerQueueTimer(&_hDisplayTimer, _hTimerQueue, DisplayTimerCallback, (PVOID)this, display_time, 0, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE); DisplayShow(); LeaveCriticalSection(&_csCreateDisplay); return; }
HTTPAPI_RESULT HTTPAPI_ExecuteRequest(HTTP_HANDLE handle, HTTPAPI_REQUEST_TYPE requestType, const char* relativePath, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE httpHeadersHandle, const unsigned char* content, size_t contentLength, unsigned int* statusCode, HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE responseHeadersHandle, BUFFER_HANDLE responseContent) { HTTPAPI_RESULT result; HTTP_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = (HTTP_HANDLE_DATA*)handle; if ((handleData == NULL) || (relativePath == NULL) || (httpHeadersHandle == NULL)) { result = HTTPAPI_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { wchar_t* requestTypeString = NULL; switch (requestType) { default: break; case HTTPAPI_REQUEST_GET: requestTypeString = L"GET"; break; case HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST: requestTypeString = L"POST"; break; case HTTPAPI_REQUEST_PUT: requestTypeString = L"PUT"; break; case HTTPAPI_REQUEST_DELETE: requestTypeString = L"DELETE"; break; case HTTPAPI_REQUEST_PATCH: requestTypeString = L"PATCH"; break; } if (requestTypeString == NULL) { result = HTTPAPI_INVALID_ARG; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { wchar_t relativePathTemp[1024]; char headers[1024]; wchar_t headersTemp[1024]; result = ConstructHeadersString(httpHeadersHandle, headers, sizeof(headers)); if (result == HTTPAPI_OK) { if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, relativePath, -1, relativePathTemp, sizeof(relativePathTemp) / sizeof(relativePathTemp[0])) == 0) { result = HTTPAPI_STRING_PROCESSING_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, headers, -1, headersTemp, sizeof(headersTemp) / sizeof(headersTemp[0])) == 0) { result = HTTPAPI_STRING_PROCESSING_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { PCWSTR rgpszAcceptTypes[] = { L"text/*", NULL }; HINTERNET requestHandle = HttpOpenRequestW( handleData->ConnectionHandle, requestTypeString, relativePathTemp, NULL, NULL, rgpszAcceptTypes, INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE, 0); if (requestHandle == NULL) { result = HTTPAPI_OPEN_REQUEST_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { unsigned long int timeout = 55000; if (!InternetSetOption( requestHandle, INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, /*Sets or retrieves an unsigned long integer value that contains the time-out value, in milliseconds, to receive a response to a request.*/ &timeout, sizeof(timeout))) { result = HTTPAPI_SET_TIMEOUTS_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { DWORD dwSecurityFlags = 0; if (!InternetSetOption( requestHandle, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, &dwSecurityFlags, sizeof(dwSecurityFlags))) { result = HTTPAPI_SET_OPTION_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { if (!HttpSendRequestW( requestHandle, headersTemp, -1, (void*)content, contentLength)) { result = HTTPAPI_SEND_REQUEST_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { DWORD dwStatusCode = 0; DWORD dwBufferLength = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD responseBytesAvailable; if (responseHeadersHandle != NULL) { wchar_t responseHeadersTemp[16384]; DWORD responseHeadersTempLength = sizeof(responseHeadersTemp); if (HttpQueryInfo( requestHandle, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF, responseHeadersTemp, &responseHeadersTempLength, 0)) { wchar_t *next_token; wchar_t* token = wcstok_s(responseHeadersTemp, L"\r\n", &next_token); while ((token != NULL) && (token[0] != L'\0')) { char tokenTemp[1024]; if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, token, -1, tokenTemp, sizeof(tokenTemp), NULL, NULL) > 0) { /*breaking the token in 2 parts: everything before the first ":" and everything after the first ":"*/ /* if there is no such character, then skip it*/ /*if there is a : then replace is by a '\0' and so it breaks the original string in name and value*/ char* whereIsColon = strchr(tokenTemp, ':'); if (whereIsColon != NULL) { *whereIsColon = '\0'; HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(responseHeadersHandle, tokenTemp, whereIsColon + 1); } } token = wcstok_s(NULL, L"\r\n", &next_token); } } } if (!HttpQueryInfo( requestHandle, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &dwStatusCode, &dwBufferLength, 0)) { result = HTTPAPI_QUERY_HEADERS_FAILED; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { BUFFER_HANDLE useToReadAllResponse = (responseContent != NULL) ? responseContent : BUFFER_new(); /*HTTP status code (dwStatusCode) can be either ok (<HTTP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS) or "not ok (>=HTTP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS)*/ if (useToReadAllResponse == NULL) { result = HTTPAPI_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } else { int goOnAndReadEverything = 1; /*set the response code*/ if (statusCode != NULL) { *statusCode = dwStatusCode; } do { /*from MSDN: If there is currently no data available and the end of the file has not been reached, the request waits until data becomes available*/ if (!InternetQueryDataAvailable(requestHandle, &responseBytesAvailable, 0, 0)) { result = HTTPAPI_QUERY_DATA_AVAILABLE_FAILED; LogError("InternetQueryDataAvailable failed (result = %s) GetLastError = %d\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result), GetLastError()); goOnAndReadEverything = 0; } else if (responseBytesAvailable == 0) { /*end of the stream, go out*/ if (dwStatusCode >= HTTP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS) { LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); } result = HTTPAPI_OK; goOnAndReadEverything = 0; } else { /*add the needed space to the buffer*/ if (BUFFER_enlarge(useToReadAllResponse, responseBytesAvailable) != 0) { result = HTTPAPI_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goOnAndReadEverything = 0; } else { unsigned char* bufferContent; size_t bufferSize; /*add the data to the buffer*/ if (BUFFER_content(useToReadAllResponse, &bufferContent) != 0) { result = HTTPAPI_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goOnAndReadEverything = 0; } else if (BUFFER_size(useToReadAllResponse, &bufferSize) != 0) { result = HTTPAPI_ERROR; LogError("(result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goOnAndReadEverything = 0; } else { DWORD bytesReceived; if (!InternetReadFile(requestHandle, bufferContent + bufferSize - responseBytesAvailable, responseBytesAvailable, &bytesReceived)) { result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("InternetReadFile failed (result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goOnAndReadEverything = 0; } else { /*if for some reason bytesReceived is zero, MSDN says To ensure all data is retrieved, an application must continue to call the InternetReadFile function until the function returns TRUE and the lpdwNumberOfBytesRead parameter equals zero*/ if (bytesReceived == 0) { /*end of everything, but this looks like an error still, or a non-conformance between InternetQueryDataAvailable and InternetReadFile*/ result = HTTPAPI_READ_DATA_FAILED; LogError("InternetReadFile failed (result = %s)\r\n", ENUM_TO_STRING(HTTPAPI_RESULT, result)); goOnAndReadEverything = 0; } else { /*all is fine, keep going*/ } } } } } } while (goOnAndReadEverything != 0); if (responseContent == NULL) { BUFFER_delete(useToReadAllResponse); } } } } } } (void)InternetCloseHandle(requestHandle); } } } } } } return result; }
void MultiFace::ParseCmdString(PWSTR lpCmdLine) { const WCHAR KEY_USERS[] = L"-Users"; const WCHAR KEY_DEPTH[] = L"-Depth"; const WCHAR KEY_COLOR[] = L"-Color"; const WCHAR KEY_NEAR_MODE[] = L"-NearMode"; const WCHAR KEY_SEATED_SKELETON_MODE[] = L"-SeatedSkeleton"; const WCHAR STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH[] = L"DEPTH"; const WCHAR STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH_AND_PLAYER_INDEX[] = L"PLAYERID"; const WCHAR STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR[] = L"RGB"; const WCHAR STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR_YUV[] = L"YUV"; const WCHAR STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_80x60[] = L"80x60"; const WCHAR STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_320x240[] = L"320x240"; const WCHAR STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_640x480[] = L"640x480"; const WCHAR STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_1280x960[] = L"1280x960"; enum TOKEN_ENUM { TOKEN_ERROR, TOKEN_USERS, TOKEN_DEPTH, TOKEN_COLOR, TOKEN_NEARMODE, TOKEN_SEATEDSKELETON }; int argc = 0; LPWSTR *argv = CommandLineToArgvW(lpCmdLine, &argc); for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { NUI_IMAGE_TYPE* pType = NULL; NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION* pRes = NULL; TOKEN_ENUM tokenType = TOKEN_ERROR; PWCHAR context = NULL; PWCHAR token = wcstok_s(argv[i], L":", &context); if(0 == wcsncmp(token, KEY_DEPTH, ARRAYSIZE(KEY_DEPTH))) { tokenType = TOKEN_DEPTH; pType = &m_depthType; pRes = &m_depthRes; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, KEY_USERS, ARRAYSIZE(KEY_USERS))) { tokenType = TOKEN_USERS; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, KEY_COLOR, ARRAYSIZE(KEY_COLOR))) { tokenType = TOKEN_COLOR; pType = &m_colorType; pRes = &m_colorRes; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, KEY_NEAR_MODE, ARRAYSIZE(KEY_NEAR_MODE))) { tokenType = TOKEN_NEARMODE; m_bNearMode = TRUE; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, KEY_SEATED_SKELETON_MODE, ARRAYSIZE(KEY_NEAR_MODE))) { tokenType = TOKEN_SEATEDSKELETON; m_bSeatedSkeletonMode = TRUE; } if(tokenType == TOKEN_USERS) { while((token = wcstok_s(NULL, L":", &context)) != NULL) { UINT users = _wtoi(token); if(users > m_nbUsers) { m_nbUsers = users; break; } } } else if(tokenType == TOKEN_DEPTH || tokenType == TOKEN_COLOR) { _ASSERT(pType != NULL && pRes != NULL); while((token = wcstok_s(NULL, L":", &context)) != NULL) { if(0 == wcsncmp(token, STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH, ARRAYSIZE(STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH))) { *pType = NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH_AND_PLAYER_INDEX, ARRAYSIZE(STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH_AND_PLAYER_INDEX))) { *pType = NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_DEPTH_AND_PLAYER_INDEX; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR, ARRAYSIZE(STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR))) { *pType = NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR_YUV, ARRAYSIZE(STR_NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR_YUV))) { *pType = NUI_IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR_YUV; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_80x60, ARRAYSIZE(STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_80x60))) { *pRes = NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_80x60; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_320x240, ARRAYSIZE(STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_320x240))) { *pRes = NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_320x240; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_640x480, ARRAYSIZE(STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_640x480))) { *pRes = NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_640x480; } else if(0 == wcsncmp(token, STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_1280x960, ARRAYSIZE(STR_NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_1280x960))) { *pRes = NUI_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_1280x960; } } } } if(argv) LocalFree(argv); }
void GraphicsInterface::DisplayInfo(wstring wstrText, bool bArtwork, wchar_t *wcArt, int display_time, bool bUpdateOnly) { GraphicsEngineOptions geo; RECT rcScreen; CMonitors cm; POINT pt = { 0, 0 }; Color cNull = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Color cTemp; Color cOutline; Color cArtOutline; Color cDropShadow; REAL rTemp; if (!m_ssSettings.bVisualFeedback) return; if (m_ssSettings.bNoDisplayWhenActive && m_ITCom->IsActiveWindow()) return; if (bUpdateOnly && (_nDisplayType == 1 || !IsDisplayVisible())) return; EnterCriticalSection(&_csCreateDisplay); _nDisplayType = 0; // Configure geo.nDisplayAlpha = m_ssSettings.nOSDAlpha; geo.bDisplayTopMost = m_ssSettings.bOSDTopMost; geo.nMaxWidth = m_ssSettings.nOSDMaxWidth; geo.nArtScaleMode = m_ssSettings.nArtMode == 3 ? ART_SCALEMODEHEIGHT : ART_SCALEMODESIZE; geo.saAlign = (Gdiplus::StringAlignment)m_ssSettings.nOSDTextJustify; geo.bForceToWidth = m_ssSettings.bOSDForceWidth; if (!bArtwork || NULL == wcArt || 0 == wcscmp(wcArt, L"")) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->SetOptions(geo); ge->BeginRender(5); } } else { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->SetOptions(geo); ge->BeginRender(m_ssSettings.nDisplayLayout); } } // Set background and borders rTemp = (REAL)m_ssSettings.nOSDBorderSize; cOutline = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBorderColor), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBorderColor), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBorderColor)); cTemp = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBkColorRef), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBkColorRef), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDBkColorRef)); cDropShadow = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lDropShadowColor), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lDropShadowColor), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lDropShadowColor)); cArtOutline = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lArtBorderColor), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lArtBorderColor), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lArtBorderColor)); for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->SetDisplayBorder(m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cNull : cOutline, rTemp); ge->SetDisplayBackground(m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cNull : cTemp); } // Add album art if needed if (bArtwork && m_ssSettings.bShowArtwork) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddArt(wcArt, false, cArtOutline, 1.5f, (float)m_ssSettings.nArtConstSize, m_ssSettings.nArtMode == 3 ? IMG_SCALENONE : IMG_SCALEALL); } } // Cache text height for shapes static REAL text_height; if (!bUpdateOnly) text_height =>GetTextHeight(m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle); // Break string into lines, add to display wchar_t *lpToken = NULL; wchar_t *lpContext = NULL; std::wstring line; size_t current_position = 0; size_t next_rating = 0; size_t next_format = 0; int old_font_style = m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle; cTemp = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDColorRef), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDColorRef), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lOSDColorRef)); Color cShapeFill = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeFill), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeFill), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeFill)); Color cShapeOutline = Color(GetRValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeOutline), GetGValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeOutline), GetBValue(m_ssSettings.lRatingShapeOutline)); lpToken = wcstok_s(const_cast<wchar_t*>(wstrText.c_str()), L"\n", &lpContext); while (NULL != lpToken && m_ssSettings.nDisplayLayout != 4) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->BeginLine(); } line = lpToken; current_position = 0; do { next_rating = line.find(L"%rating%", current_position); next_format = line.find(L"<", current_position); if ((next_rating == std::wstring::npos && next_format != std::wstring::npos) || (next_format != std::wstring::npos && next_rating != std::wstring::npos && next_format < next_rating)) { // format if ((next_format - current_position) > 0) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddString(line.substr(current_position, next_format - current_position).c_str(), false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } } if (, 3, L"<b>") == 0) { m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle |= FontStyleBold; current_position = next_format + 3; } else if (, 3, L"<i>") == 0) { m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle |= FontStyleItalic; current_position = next_format + 3; } else if (, 4, L"</b>") == 0) { m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle &= ~FontStyleBold; current_position = next_format + 4; } else if (, 4, L"</i>") == 0) { m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle &= ~FontStyleItalic; current_position = next_format + 4; } else { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddString(line.substr(next_format, 1).c_str(), false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } current_position = next_format + 1; } } else if ((next_format == std::wstring::npos && next_rating != std::wstring::npos) || (next_format != std::wstring::npos && next_rating != std::wstring::npos && next_rating < next_format)) { // rating if ((next_rating - current_position) > 0) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddString(line.substr(current_position, next_rating - current_position).c_str(), false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } } // Add rating long lRating = m_ITCom->GetTrackRating(); long lWhole = (lRating - (lRating % 20)) / 20; lRating = lRating - lWhole * 20; long lHalf = (lRating - (lRating % 10)) / 10; long lEmpty = 5 - lWhole - lHalf; RectF rfShape = RectF(0, 0, text_height, text_height); for (int i = 0; i < lWhole; i++) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { if (m_ssSettings.nRatingType == 1) ge->AddImage(m_ssSettings.wcRatingFullPath); else ge->AddShape((ShapeType)m_ssSettings.nRatingShapeType, FillAll, rfShape, false, cShapeOutline, 3.0, cShapeFill); } } for (int i = 0; i < lHalf; i++) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { if (m_ssSettings.nRatingType == 1) ge->AddImage(m_ssSettings.wcRatingHalfPath); else ge->AddShape((ShapeType)m_ssSettings.nRatingShapeType, (ShapeStyle)(m_ssSettings.nRatingShapeStyle + 2), rfShape, false, cShapeOutline, 3.0, cShapeFill); } } for (int i = 0; i < lEmpty; i++) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { if (m_ssSettings.nRatingType == 1) ge->AddImage(m_ssSettings.wcRatingEmptyPath); else ge->AddShape((ShapeType)m_ssSettings.nRatingShapeType, FillNone, rfShape, false, cShapeOutline, 3.0, cShapeFill); } } current_position = next_rating + 8; } else { // no special processing needed if (line.substr(current_position, std::wstring::npos).length() > 0) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->AddString(line.substr(current_position, std::wstring::npos).c_str(), false, m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle, (float)m_ssSettings.nOSDFontPoint, cTemp, m_ssSettings.wcFontFace, m_ssSettings.bOSDOutlineMode ? cOutline : cNull, 1.5f, m_ssSettings.bUseDropShadow ? m_ssSettings.fDropShadowOffset : 0.0f, cDropShadow); } } } } while (next_format != std::wstring::npos || next_rating != std::wstring::npos); for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->EndLine(); } lpToken = wcstok_s(NULL, L"\n", &lpContext); } // Restore font style m_ssSettings.nOSDFontStyle = old_font_style; // Show display, start timer if (_bmInfo) { delete _bmInfo; _bmInfo = NULL; } if (m_ssSettings.bOSDAllMonitors) { bool has_track_pos = (NULL != wcsstr(m_ssSettings.wcOSDFormat, L"%track_position%")); int monitor = 1; for (const auto& ge : _ges) { // Position display cm.GetMonitorRect(monitor, rcScreen); pt.x = rcScreen.left + (LONG)ceilf((m_ssSettings.nOSDHoriz / 100.0f) * (rcScreen.right - rcScreen.left)); pt.y = + (LONG)ceilf((m_ssSettings.nOSDVert / 100.0f) * (rcScreen.bottom -; if (has_track_pos) ge->EndRender(pt, rcScreen); else ge->EndRender(pt, rcScreen, m_ssSettings.bOSDAlwaysUp, &_bmInfo); ++monitor; } } else { // Position display if (!cm.GetMonitorRect(m_ssSettings.nOSDMonitor, rcScreen)) SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcScreen, 0); pt.x = rcScreen.left + (LONG)ceilf((m_ssSettings.nOSDHoriz / 100.0f) * (rcScreen.right - rcScreen.left)); pt.y = + (LONG)ceilf((m_ssSettings.nOSDVert / 100.0f) * (rcScreen.bottom -; if (NULL != wcsstr(m_ssSettings.wcOSDFormat, L"%track_position%")) { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->EndRender(pt, rcScreen); } } else { for (const auto& ge : _ges) { ge->EndRender(pt, rcScreen, m_ssSettings.bOSDAlwaysUp, &_bmInfo); } } } // Display should be shown for xx seconds, then hidden if (!bUpdateOnly) { if (!m_ssSettings.bOSDAlwaysUp) { if (NULL != _hDisplayTimer) DeleteTimerQueueTimer(_hTimerQueue, _hDisplayTimer, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); _hDisplayTimer = NULL; CreateTimerQueueTimer(&_hDisplayTimer, _hTimerQueue, DisplayTimerCallback, (PVOID)this, display_time, 0, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE); } DisplayShow(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&_csCreateDisplay); return; }
HRESULT TFunctionInstanceInfo::CreateInstance( __in GUID* pDeviceId, __in_opt TDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo, __in SOCKADDR_STORAGE* pFromAddr, INT FromAddrLen, ULONG InterfaceIndex, __deref_out TFunctionInstanceInfo** ppFunctionInstanceInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TFunctionInstanceInfo* pFunctionInstanceInfo = NULL; MIB_IPNET_ROW2 IpNetRow2 = {0}; int err = 0; static const WCHAR szDelimeters[] = L" ,;"; PWSTR pszToken = NULL; PWSTR pszNextToken = NULL; ULONG iCategoryIndex = 0; *ppFunctionInstanceInfo = NULL; // Create new Function Instance info if (S_OK == hr) { pFunctionInstanceInfo = new(std::nothrow) TFunctionInstanceInfo(); if (!pFunctionInstanceInfo) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } // Get the MAC address for the From address if (S_OK == hr) { memcpy( &IpNetRow2.Address, pFromAddr, (FromAddrLen <= sizeof(IpNetRow2.Address)) ? FromAddrLen : sizeof(IpNetRow2.Address)); IpNetRow2.InterfaceIndex = InterfaceIndex; err = GetIpNetEntry2(&IpNetRow2); if (NO_ERROR != err) { // Could not find the MAC address in the cache, lets hit the wire. err = ResolveIpNetEntry2(&IpNetRow2, NULL); } if (NO_ERROR == err) { memcpy(pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_PhysicalAddress, IpNetRow2.PhysicalAddress, IpNetRow2.PhysicalAddressLength); pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_PhysicalAddressLength = IpNetRow2.PhysicalAddressLength; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); } } // Convert the From Address to String form. if (S_OK == hr) { err = GetNameInfo( (PSOCKADDR) pFromAddr, FromAddrLen, pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_szIPAddress, ARRAYSIZE(pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_szIPAddress), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NOFQDN); if (err != 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(WSAGetLastError()); } } // Convert the GUID into String Form if (S_OK == hr) { err = UuidToString( pDeviceId, (RPC_WSTR*) &pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_pszDeviceId); if (RPC_S_OK != err) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } // Copy device info if (S_OK == hr) { if (pDeviceInfo) { pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_DeviceInfo = *pDeviceInfo; } } // Create an array of device categories if ( (S_OK == hr) && *pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_DeviceInfo.szDeviceCategory) { // Count the number of delimeters in the string pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_cDeviceCategoriesCount = 1; pszToken = pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_DeviceInfo.szDeviceCategory; while (*pszToken) { if (wcschr(szDelimeters, *pszToken)) { ++pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_cDeviceCategoriesCount; } ++pszToken; } // Allocate an array to hold the string pointers pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_ppszDeviceCategories = (PWSTR*) malloc(pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_cDeviceCategoriesCount * sizeof(PWSTR)); if (pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_ppszDeviceCategories) { // Tokenize the device categories and save the pointers pszToken = wcstok_s(pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_DeviceInfo.szDeviceCategory, szDelimeters, &pszNextToken); while ( pszToken && (iCategoryIndex < pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_cDeviceCategoriesCount)) { pFunctionInstanceInfo->m_ppszDeviceCategories[iCategoryIndex] = pszToken; ++iCategoryIndex; pszToken = wcstok_s( NULL, szDelimeters, &pszNextToken); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } // Cleanup if (S_OK == hr) { *ppFunctionInstanceInfo = pFunctionInstanceInfo; } else { delete pFunctionInstanceInfo; } return hr; } // TFunctionInstanceInfo::CreateInstance
void CSkypeMessageQueue::ProcessQueue() { std::wstring strFull; std::wstring str; std::wstring strID; // Retrieve the next change in status if(! m_queueStatus.empty()) { SkypeAPIAttachmentStatus status = m_queueStatus.front(); m_queueStatus.pop(); for(CSkypeMessageSinkList::iterator it = m_MessageSinks.begin(); it != m_MessageSinks.end(); it++) { (*it)->ProcessAPIStatusChange(status); } } // Retrieve the next response, if there is one if(! m_queueIncoming.empty()) { strFull = m_queueIncoming.front(); str = strFull; strID = L""; m_queueIncoming.pop(); if(str[0] == L'#') { size_t iSpace = str.find(L" "); if(iSpace != -1) { strID = str.substr(0, iSpace + 1); str = str.substr(iSpace + 1, str.length() - iSpace); } } if(_wcsicmp(str.c_str(), L"CONNSTATUS LOGGEDOUT") == 0) { // When connection status is logged out, start rechecking for skype gSkypeQueue.DeleteAllBinaryTransfers(); RestartTimer(); } if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"PROTOCOL ", 9) == 0) { if(str.length() > 8) { bool bSendProtocol = (m_lSupportedProtocol == -1); m_lSupportedProtocol = _wtol(& str.c_str()[9]); if(bSendProtocol) { WCHAR strMsg[16]; swprintf_s(strMsg, 16, L"PROTOCOL %d", SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL); InternalProcessCommand(strMsg); } } } #ifndef _NO_USE_LIST if(! m_bNeedRebuildCallList) { if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"CALL", 4) == 0) { WCHAR * ptrStatus; WCHAR * ptrStatusInd = wcsstr(str.c_str(), L" STATUS "); if(ptrStatusInd != NULL) { ptrStatus = & ptrStatusInd[8]; if(ptrStatus != NULL) { long lCallID = 0; if(swscanf_s(str.c_str(), L"CALL %d STATUS", & lCallID) == 1) { if(lCallID > 0) { SkypeCallProgress progress = TextToSkypeCallProgress(ptrStatus); UpdateCallProgress(lCallID, progress); } } } } } } if(! m_bNeedRebuildUserList) { if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"USER", 4) == 0) { WCHAR * ptrOnlineStatus; WCHAR * ptrOnlineStatusInd = wcsstr(str.c_str(), L" ONLINESTATUS "); if(ptrOnlineStatusInd != NULL) { ptrOnlineStatus = & ptrOnlineStatusInd[14]; if(ptrOnlineStatus != NULL) { WCHAR userID[_MAX_LINE]; if(swscanf_s(str.c_str(), L"USER %s ONLINESTATUS", userID, _MAX_LINE) == 1) { if(wcslen(userID) > 0) { SkypeOnlineStatus status = TextToSkypeOnlineStatus(ptrOnlineStatus); UpdateUserOnlineStatus(userID, status); } } } } } } #endif bool bProcessCallbacks = ! m_bBlocking; bool bMatch = false; // If we are waiting on a blocking call, set up the response if(m_bBlocking) { if((m_strDesiredResult.empty()) && (! m_blockingCommandID)) { m_strCommandResult = str; } else { if(m_blockingCommandID) { if(_wcsicmp(strID.c_str(), m_strCommandID) == 0) { m_strCommandResult = str; ATLTRACE(L"Response received: %s\n", strID.c_str()); bMatch = true; // イベントのブロックを解除 if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"ERROR", 5) == 0) { ATLTRACE(L"Error for %s detected: %s\n", strID.c_str(), str.c_str()); m_bBlockingError = true; } } } else { WCHAR * pCopy = _wcsdup(m_strDesiredResult.c_str()); WCHAR *next_token = NULL; WCHAR * pSearch = wcstok_s(pCopy, L"|", &next_token); while(pSearch && (! bMatch)) { if(wcsstr(str.c_str(), pSearch) != NULL) { m_strCommandResult = str; bMatch = true; break; } pSearch = wcstok_s(NULL, L"|", &next_token); } try { free(pCopy); } catch(...) { } if(! bMatch) { if(_wcsnicmp(str.c_str(), L"ERROR", 5) == 0) { m_strCommandResult = str; m_bBlockingError = true; bMatch = true; } } } } } // Let the blocking routine know if a match was found if(m_bBlocking) { m_bBlocking = ! bMatch; } // paak // ブロックコマンド実行中のイベントの抑制は行わない。 // イベントは常に発生させ、コールバック内で有効性をチェックすべき。 bProcessCallbacks = true; // Trigger the response event sinks for(CSkypeMessageSinkList::iterator it = m_MessageSinks.begin(); it != m_MessageSinks.end(); it++) { (*it)->ProcessResponse(strFull.c_str(), bProcessCallbacks); } } if((! m_queueOutgoing.empty()) && (m_hWndSkype != NULL)) { str = m_queueOutgoing.front(); m_queueOutgoing.pop(); InternalProcessCommand(str.c_str()); } }