Ejemplo n.º 1
 virtual pair<expr, constraint_seq> check_type(expr const & m, extension_context & ctx, bool infer_only) const {
     environment const & env = ctx.env();
     check_num_args(env, m);
     if (!infer_only)
         infer_type(macro_arg(m, 0), ctx, infer_only);
     expr l     = whnf(macro_arg(m, 0), ctx);
     expr not_l = whnf(mk_app(*g_not, l), ctx);
     expr C1    = infer_type(macro_arg(m, 1), ctx, infer_only);
     expr C2    = infer_type(macro_arg(m, 2), ctx, infer_only);
     return mk_pair(mk_resolvent(env, ctx, m, l, not_l, C1, C2), constraint_seq());
action_result no_confusion_action(hypothesis_idx hidx) {
    try {
        state & s       = curr_state();
        app_builder & b = get_app_builder();
        hypothesis const & h = s.get_hypothesis_decl(hidx);
        expr type = h.get_type();
        expr lhs, rhs;
        if (!is_eq(type, lhs, rhs))
            return action_result::failed();
        lhs = whnf(lhs);
        rhs = whnf(rhs);
        optional<name> c1 = is_constructor_app(env(), lhs);
        optional<name> c2 = is_constructor_app(env(), rhs);
        if (!c1 || !c2)
            return action_result::failed();
        expr A = whnf(infer_type(lhs));
        expr I = get_app_fn(A);
        if (!is_constant(I) || !inductive::is_inductive_decl(env(), const_name(I)))
            return action_result::failed();
        name nct_name(const_name(I), "no_confusion_type");
        if (!env().find(nct_name))
            return action_result::failed();
        expr target  = s.get_target();
        expr nct     = whnf(b.mk_app(nct_name, target, lhs, rhs));
        if (c1 == c2) {
            if (!is_pi(nct))
                return action_result::failed();
            if (s.has_target_forward_deps(hidx)) {
                // TODO(Leo): we currently do not handle this case.
                // To avoid non-termination we remove the given hypothesis, if there
                // forward dependencies, we would also have to remove them.
                // Remark: this is a low priority refinement since it will not happen
                // very often in practice.
                return action_result::failed();
            unsigned num_params  = *inductive::get_num_params(env(), const_name(I));
            unsigned cnstr_arity = get_arity(env().get(*c1).get_type());
            lean_assert(cnstr_arity >= num_params);
            unsigned num_new_eqs = cnstr_arity - num_params;
            s.push_proof_step(new no_confusion_proof_step_cell(const_name(I), target, h.get_self(), num_new_eqs));
            return action_result::new_branch();
        } else {
            name nc_name(const_name(I), "no_confusion");
            expr pr = b.mk_app(nc_name, {target, lhs, rhs, h.get_self()});
            return action_result::solved(pr);
    } catch (app_builder_exception &) {
        return action_result::failed();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 virtual optional<expr> expand(expr const & m, extension_context & ctx) const {
     environment const & env = ctx.env();
     check_num_args(env, m);
     expr l     = whnf(macro_arg(m, 0), ctx);
     expr not_l = whnf(mk_app(*g_not, l), ctx);
     expr H1    = macro_arg(m, 1);
     expr H2    = macro_arg(m, 2);
     expr C1    = infer_type(H1, ctx, true);
     expr C2    = infer_type(H2, ctx, true);
     expr R     = mk_resolvent(env, ctx, m, l, not_l, C1, C2);
     return some_expr(mk_or_elim_tree1(l, not_l, C1, H1, C2, H2, R, ctx));
Ejemplo n.º 4
optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>> projection_converter::reduce_projection(expr const & t) {
    projection_info const * info = is_projection(t);
    if (!info)
        return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>();
    buffer<expr> args;
    get_app_args(t, args);
    if (args.size() <= info->m_nparams) {
        return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>();
    unsigned mkidx  = info->m_nparams;
    expr const & mk = args[mkidx];
    pair<expr, constraint_seq> new_mk_cs = whnf(mk);
    expr new_mk     = new_mk_cs.first;
    expr const & new_mk_fn = get_app_fn(new_mk);
    if (!is_constant(new_mk_fn) || const_name(new_mk_fn) != info->m_constructor) {
        return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>();
    buffer<expr> mk_args;
    get_app_args(new_mk, mk_args);
    unsigned i = info->m_nparams + info->m_i;
    if (i >= mk_args.size()) {
        return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>();
    expr r = mk_args[i];
    r = mk_app(r, args.size() - mkidx - 1, args.data() + mkidx + 1);
    return optional<pair<expr, constraint_seq>>(r, new_mk_cs.second);
Ejemplo n.º 5
term* whnf(context *Sigma, typing_context* Delta, term* t) {
  if (t == NULL) return NULL;

  switch (t->tag) {
  case VAR:
      term* defn = context_lookup(t->var, Sigma);
      if (defn == NULL) {
        return term_dup(t);
      return whnf(Sigma, Delta, defn);
  case APP:
      term* l = whnf(Sigma, Delta, t->left);
      if (l->tag == LAM) {
        term* subs = substitute(l->var, t->right, l->right);
        return whnf_and_free(Sigma, Delta, subs);
      return make_app(l, term_dup(t->right));
  case ELIM:
      term* last = t->args[t->num_args - 1];
      term* nlast = whnf(Sigma, Delta, last);
      term* c = term_dup(t);
      free_term(c->args[c->num_args - 1]);
      c->args[c->num_args - 1] = nlast;
      if (nlast->tag == INTRO) {
        return whnf_and_free(Sigma, Delta, elim_over_intro(Delta, c));
      } else {
        return c;
  case HOLE:
  case DATATYPE:
  case TYPE:
  case LAM:
  case INTRO:
  case PI:
  case IMPLICIT:
    return term_dup(t);
Ejemplo n.º 6
optional<expr> projection_converter::is_stuck(expr const & e, type_checker & c) {
    projection_info const * info = is_projection(e);
    if (!info)
        return default_converter::is_stuck(e, c);
    buffer<expr> args;
    get_app_args(e, args);
    if (args.size() <= info->m_nparams)
        return none_expr();
    expr mk = whnf(args[info->m_nparams], c).first;
    return c.is_stuck(mk);
Ejemplo n.º 7
tactic intros_tactic(list<name> _ns, bool relax_main_opaque) {
    auto fn = [=](environment const & env, io_state const &, proof_state const & s) {
        list<name> ns    = _ns;
        goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
        if (empty(gs)) {
            return optional<proof_state>();
        goal const & g      = head(gs);
        name_generator ngen = s.get_ngen();
        auto tc             = mk_type_checker(env, ngen.mk_child(), relax_main_opaque);
        expr t              = g.get_type();
        expr m              = g.get_meta();
        bool gen_names      = empty(ns);
        try {
            while (true) {
                if (!gen_names && is_nil(ns))
                if (!is_pi(t)) {
                    if (!is_nil(ns)) {
                        t = tc->ensure_pi(t).first;
                    } else {
                        expr new_t = tc->whnf(t).first;
                        if (!is_pi(new_t))
                        t = new_t;
                name new_name;
                if (!is_nil(ns)) {
                    new_name = head(ns);
                    ns       = tail(ns);
                } else {
                    new_name = get_unused_name(binding_name(t), m);
                expr new_local = mk_local(ngen.next(), new_name, binding_domain(t), binding_info(t));
                t              = instantiate(binding_body(t), new_local);
                m              = mk_app(m, new_local);
            goal new_g(m, t);
            return some(proof_state(s, goals(new_g, tail(gs)), ngen));
        } catch (exception &) {
            return optional<proof_state>();
    return tactic01(fn);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    \brief Given
               C1 : H1,  where C1 contains l
               C2 : H2,  where C2 contains not_l
     Return a proof of the resolvent R of C1 and C2
 expr mk_or_elim_tree1(expr const & l, expr const & not_l, expr C1, expr const & H1, expr const & C2, expr const & H2,
                       expr const & R, extension_context & ctx) const {
     check_system("resolve macro");
     expr lhs, rhs;
     if (is_or(C1, lhs, rhs)) {
         return mk_or_elim_tree1(l, not_l, lhs, rhs, H1, C2, H2, R, ctx);
     } else {
         C1 = whnf(C1, ctx);
         if (is_or(C1, lhs, rhs)) {
             return mk_or_elim_tree1(l, not_l, lhs, rhs, H1, C2, H2, R, ctx);
         } else if (is_def_eq(C1, l, ctx)) {
             return mk_or_elim_tree2(C1, H1, not_l, C2, H2, R, ctx);
         } else {
             return mk_or_intro(C1, H1, R, ctx);
Ejemplo n.º 9
          l  : H
          C2 : H2, where C2 contains not_l
    produce a proof for R
 expr mk_or_elim_tree2(expr const & l, expr const & H, expr const & not_l, expr C2, expr const & H2,
                       expr const & R, extension_context & ctx) const {
     check_system("resolve macro");
     expr lhs, rhs;
     if (is_or(C2, lhs, rhs)) {
         return mk_or_elim_tree2(l, H, not_l, lhs, rhs, H2, R, ctx);
     } else {
         C2 = whnf(C2, ctx);
         if (is_or(C2, lhs, rhs)) {
             return mk_or_elim_tree2(l, H, not_l, lhs, rhs, H2, R, ctx);
         } else if (is_def_eq(C2, not_l, ctx)) {
             // absurd_elim {a : Prop} (b : Prop) (H1 : a) (H2 : ¬ a) : b
             return mk_app(*g_absurd_elim, l, R, H, H2);
         } else {
             return mk_or_intro(C2, H2, R, ctx);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 bool collect(expr cls, expr const & l, buffer<expr> & R, extension_context & ctx) const {
     check_system("resolve macro");
     expr lhs, rhs;
     if (is_or(cls, lhs, rhs)) {
         return collect(lhs, rhs, l, R, ctx);
     } else {
         cls = whnf(cls, ctx);
         if (is_or(cls, lhs, rhs)) {
             return collect(lhs, rhs, l, R, ctx);
         } else if (is_def_eq(cls, l, ctx)) {
             return true; // found literal l
         } else {
             if (!already_contains(cls, R, ctx))
             return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
tactic whnf_tactic(bool relax_main_opaque) {
    return tactic01([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & ps) {
            goals const & gs = ps.get_goals();
            if (empty(gs))
                return none_proof_state();
            name_generator ngen = ps.get_ngen();
            auto tc             = mk_type_checker(env, ngen.mk_child(), relax_main_opaque);
            goal  g             = head(gs);
            goals tail_gs       = tail(gs);
            expr  type          = g.get_type();
            auto t_cs           = tc->whnf(type);
            goals new_gs(goal(g.get_meta(), t_cs.first), tail_gs);
            proof_state new_ps(ps, new_gs, ngen);
            if (solve_constraints(env, ios, new_ps, t_cs.second)) {
                return some_proof_state(new_ps);
            } else {
                return none_proof_state();
action_result by_contradiction_action() {
    state &  s  = curr_state();
    expr target = whnf(s.get_target());
    if (!is_prop(target)) return action_result::failed();
    if (blast::is_false(target)) return action_result::failed();
    expr not_target;
    if (is_not(target, not_target)) {
        s.set_target(mk_arrow(not_target, mk_constant(get_false_name())));
        return intros_action(1);
    blast_tmp_type_context tmp_tctx;
    optional<expr> target_decidable = tmp_tctx->mk_class_instance(mk_app(mk_constant(get_decidable_name()), target));
    if (!target_decidable) return action_result::failed();
    expr href = s.mk_hypothesis(get_app_builder().mk_not(target));
    auto pcell = new by_contradiction_proof_step_cell(href);
    return action_result::new_branch();
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* Whnf + Eta */
expr simplifier::whnf_eta(expr const & e) {
    return try_eta(whnf(e));
Ejemplo n.º 14
term* whnf_and_free(context *Sigma, typing_context* Delta, term* t) {
  term* ans = whnf(Sigma, Delta, t);
  return ans;
Ejemplo n.º 15
tactic contradiction_tactic() {
    auto fn = [=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) {
        goals const & gs = s.get_goals();
        if (empty(gs)) {
            return optional<proof_state>();
        goal const & g      = head(gs);
        expr const & t      = g.get_type();
        substitution subst  = s.get_subst();
        auto tc             = mk_type_checker(env);
        auto conserv_tc     = mk_type_checker(env, UnfoldReducible);
        buffer<expr> hyps;
        for (expr const & h : hyps) {
            expr h_type = mlocal_type(h);
            h_type      = tc->whnf(h_type).first;
            expr lhs, rhs, arg;
            if (is_false(env, h_type)) {
                assign(subst, g, mk_false_rec(*tc, h, t));
                return some_proof_state(proof_state(s, tail(gs), subst));
            } else if (is_not(env, h_type, arg)) {
                optional<expr> h_pos;
                for (expr const & h_prime : hyps) {
                    constraint_seq cs;
                    if (conserv_tc->is_def_eq(arg, mlocal_type(h_prime), justification(), cs) && !cs) {
                        h_pos = h_prime;
                if (h_pos) {
                    assign(subst, g, mk_absurd(*tc, t, *h_pos, h));
                    return some_proof_state(proof_state(s, tail(gs), subst));
            } else if (is_eq(h_type, lhs, rhs)) {
                lhs = tc->whnf(lhs).first;
                rhs = tc->whnf(rhs).first;
                optional<name> lhs_c = is_constructor_app(env, lhs);
                optional<name> rhs_c = is_constructor_app(env, rhs);
                if (lhs_c && rhs_c && *lhs_c != *rhs_c) {
                    if (optional<name> I_name = inductive::is_intro_rule(env, *lhs_c)) {
                        name no_confusion(*I_name, "no_confusion");
                        try {
                            expr I      = tc->whnf(tc->infer(lhs).first).first;
                            buffer<expr> args;
                            expr I_fn   = get_app_args(I, args);
                            if (is_constant(I_fn)) {
                                level t_lvl = sort_level(tc->ensure_type(t).first);
                                expr V = mk_app(mk_app(mk_constant(no_confusion, cons(t_lvl, const_levels(I_fn))), args),
                                                t, lhs, rhs, h);
                                if (auto r = lift_down_if_hott(*tc, V)) {
                                    check_term(*tc, *r);
                                    assign(subst, g, *r);
                                    return some_proof_state(proof_state(s, tail(gs), subst));
                        } catch (kernel_exception & ex) {
                            regular(env, ios) << ex << "\n";
        return none_proof_state();
    return tactic01(fn);