Ejemplo n.º 1
 * \param source_p Pointer to allocated Client struct from which the message
 *                 originally comes from.  This can be a local or remote client.
 * \param parc     Integer holding the number of supplied arguments.
 * \param parv     Argument vector where parv[0] .. parv[parc-1] are non-NULL
 *                 pointers.
 * \note Valid arguments for this command are:
 *      - parv[0] = command
 *      - parv[1] = nickname
 *      - parv[2] = timestamp
static void
change_remote_nick(struct Client *source_p, char *parv[])
  int samenick = !irccmp(source_p->name, parv[1]);


  /* Client changing their nick */
  if (!samenick)
    DelUMode(source_p, UMODE_REGISTERED);
    watch_check_hash(source_p, RPL_LOGOFF);
    source_p->tsinfo = atol(parv[2]);
    assert(source_p->tsinfo > 0);

  sendto_common_channels_local(source_p, 1, 0, ":%s!%s@%s NICK :%s",
                               source_p->name, source_p->username,
                               source_p->host, parv[1]);

  whowas_add_history(source_p, 1);
  sendto_server(source_p, 0, 0, ":%s NICK %s :%lu",
                source_p->id, parv[1], (unsigned long)source_p->tsinfo);

  /* Set the new nick name */
  strlcpy(source_p->name, parv[1], sizeof(source_p->name));

  if (!samenick)
    watch_check_hash(source_p, RPL_LOGON);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* change_local_nick()
 * inputs       - pointer to server
 *              - pointer to client
 *              - nick
 * output       -
 * side effects - changes nick of a LOCAL user
static void
change_local_nick(struct Client *source_p, const char *nick)
  int samenick = 0;

  assert(source_p->name[0] && !EmptyString(nick));

   * Client just changing his/her nick. If he/she is
   * on a channel, send note of change to all clients
   * on that channel. Propagate notice to other servers.
  if ((source_p->connection->nick.last_attempt +
       ConfigGeneral.max_nick_time) < CurrentTime)
    source_p->connection->nick.count = 0;

  if (ConfigGeneral.anti_nick_flood &&
      !HasUMode(source_p, UMODE_OPER) &&
      source_p->connection->nick.count >
    sendto_one_numeric(source_p, &me, ERR_NICKTOOFAST, nick,

  source_p->connection->nick.last_attempt = CurrentTime;

  samenick = !irccmp(source_p->name, nick);

  if (!samenick)
    source_p->tsinfo = CurrentTime;
    watch_check_hash(source_p, RPL_LOGOFF);

    if (HasUMode(source_p, UMODE_REGISTERED))
      unsigned int oldmodes = source_p->umodes;
      char modebuf[IRCD_BUFSIZE] = "";

      DelUMode(source_p, UMODE_REGISTERED);
      send_umode(source_p, source_p, oldmodes, modebuf);

  sendto_realops_flags(UMODE_NCHANGE, L_ALL, SEND_NOTICE,
                       "Nick change: From %s to %s [%s@%s]",
                       source_p->name, nick, source_p->username, source_p->host);
  sendto_common_channels_local(source_p, 1, 0, ":%s!%s@%s NICK :%s",
                               source_p->name, source_p->username,
                               source_p->host, nick);
  whowas_add_history(source_p, 1);

  sendto_server(source_p, 0, 0, ":%s NICK %s :%lu",
                source_p->id, nick, (unsigned long)source_p->tsinfo);

  strlcpy(source_p->name, nick, sizeof(source_p->name));

  if (!samenick)
    watch_check_hash(source_p, RPL_LOGON);

  /* fd_desc is long enough */
  fd_note(&source_p->connection->fd, "Nick: %s", source_p->name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/*! \brief SVSNICK command handler
 * \param source_p Pointer to allocated Client struct from which the message
 *                 originally comes from.  This can be a local or remote client.
 * \param parc     Integer holding the number of supplied arguments.
 * \param parv     Argument vector where parv[0] .. parv[parc-1] are non-NULL
 *                 pointers.
 * \note Valid arguments for this command are:
 *      - parv[0] = command
 *      - parv[1] = old nickname
 *      - parv[2] = new nickname
 *      - parv[3] = timestamp
static int
ms_svsnick(struct Client *source_p, int parc, char *parv[])
  struct Client *target_p = NULL, *exists_p = NULL;

  if (!HasFlag(source_p, FLAGS_SERVICE) || !valid_nickname(parv[2], 1))
    return 0;

  if ((target_p = find_person(source_p, parv[1])) == NULL)
    return 0;

  if (!MyConnect(target_p))
    if (target_p->from == source_p->from)
      sendto_realops_flags(UMODE_DEBUG, L_ALL, SEND_NOTICE,
                           "Received wrong-direction SVSNICK "
                           "for %s (behind %s) from %s",
                           target_p->name, source_p->from->name,
                           get_client_name(source_p, HIDE_IP));
      return 0;

    sendto_one(target_p, ":%s SVSNICK %s %s %s", source_p->id,
               target_p->id, parv[2], parv[3]);
    return 0;

  if ((exists_p = hash_find_client(parv[2])))
    if (target_p == exists_p)
      if (!strcmp(target_p->name, parv[2]))
        return 0;
    else if (IsUnknown(exists_p))
      exit_client(exists_p, "SVSNICK Override");
      exit_client(target_p, "SVSNICK Collide");
      return 0;

  target_p->tsinfo = strtoimax(parv[3], NULL, 10);
  watch_check_hash(target_p, RPL_LOGOFF);

  if (HasUMode(target_p, UMODE_REGISTERED))
    const unsigned int oldmodes = target_p->umodes;
    char modebuf[IRCD_BUFSIZE] = "";

    DelUMode(target_p, UMODE_REGISTERED);
    send_umode(target_p, target_p, oldmodes, modebuf);

  sendto_common_channels_local(target_p, 1, 0, 0, ":%s!%s@%s NICK :%s",
                               target_p->name, target_p->username,
                               target_p->host, parv[2]);

  whowas_add_history(target_p, 1);

  sendto_server(NULL, 0, 0, ":%s NICK %s :%ju",
                target_p->id, parv[2], target_p->tsinfo);
  strlcpy(target_p->name, parv[2], sizeof(target_p->name));

  watch_check_hash(target_p, RPL_LOGON);

  fd_note(&target_p->connection->fd, "Nick: %s", target_p->name);
  return 0;