Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Checks if should add the refuel button and does if needed.
void land_checkAddRefuel (void)
   unsigned int w;

   /* Check to see if fuel conditions are met. */
   if (!planet_hasService(land_planet, PLANET_SERVICE_REFUEL)) {
      if (!widget_exists( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" ))
         window_addText( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + (LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20) + 20,
                  200, gl_defFont.h, 1, "txtRefuel",
                  &gl_defFont, &cBlack, "No refueling services." );

   /* Full fuel. */
   if (player.p->fuel >= player.p->fuel_max) {
      if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" ))
         window_destroyWidget( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
      if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" ))
         window_destroyWidget( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel" );

   /* Autorefuel. */
   if (conf.autorefuel) {
      spaceport_refuel( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
      w = land_getWid( LAND_WINDOW_EQUIPMENT );
      if (w > 0)
         equipment_updateShips( w, NULL ); /* Must update counter. */
      if (player.p->fuel >= player.p->fuel_max)

   /* Just enable button if it exists. */
   if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" )) {
      window_enableButton( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel");
      credits2str( cred, player.p->credits, 2 );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Credits: %s", cred );
      window_modifyText( land_windows[0], "txtRefuel", buf );
   /* Else create it. */
   else {
      /* Refuel button. */
      credits2str( cred, refuel_price(), 2 );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Refuel %s", cred );
      window_addButton( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + (LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20),
            buf, spaceport_refuel );
      /* Player credits. */
      credits2str( cred, player.p->credits, 2 );
      snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Credits: %s", cred );
      window_addText( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + 2*(LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20),
            LAND_BUTTON_WIDTH, gl_smallFont.h, 1, "txtRefuel",
            &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, buf );

   /* Make sure player can click it. */
   if (!player_hasCredits( refuel_price() ))
      window_disableButton( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Updates the missions in the spaceport bar.
 *    @param wid Window to update the outfits in.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void bar_update( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   (void) str;
   int pos;
   int w, h, iw, ih, bw, bh, dh;

   /* Get dimensions. */
   bar_getDim( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, &bw, &bh );
   dh = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w - iw - 60, land_planet->bar_description );

   /* Get array. */
   pos = toolkit_getImageArrayPos( wid, "iarMissions" );

   /* See if is news. */
   if (pos==0) { /* News selected. */
      if (!widget_exists(wid, "cstNews")) {
         /* Destroy portrait. */
         if (widget_exists(wid, "imgPortrait")) {
            window_destroyWidget(wid, "imgPortrait");

         /* Disable button. */
         window_disableButton( wid, "btnApproach" );

         /* Clear text. */
         window_modifyText(  wid, "txtPortrait", NULL );
         window_modifyText(  wid, "txtMission",  NULL );

         /* Create news. */
         news_widget( wid, iw + 60, -40 - (40 + dh),
               w - iw - 100, h - 40 - (dh+20) - 40 - bh - 20 );

   /* Shift to ignore news now. */

   /* Destroy news widget if needed. */
   if (widget_exists(wid, "cstNews")) {
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "cstNews" );

   /* Create widgets if needed. */
   if (!widget_exists(wid, "imgPortrait")) {
      window_addImage( wid, iw + 40 + (w-iw-60-PORTRAIT_WIDTH)/2,
            -(40 + dh + 40 + gl_defFont.h + 20 + PORTRAIT_HEIGHT),
            0, 0, "imgPortrait", NULL, 1 );

   /* Enable button. */
   window_enableButton( wid, "btnApproach" );

   /* Set portrait. */
   window_modifyText(  wid, "txtPortrait", npc_getName( pos ) );
   window_modifyImage( wid, "imgPortrait", npc_getTexture( pos ), 0, 0 );

   /* Set mission description. */
   window_modifyText(  wid, "txtMission", npc_getDesc( pos ));
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: info.c Proyecto: AvanWolf/naev
 * @brief Generates the weapons list.
static void weapons_genList( unsigned int wid )
   const char *str;
   char **buf;
   int i;
   int w, h;

   /* Get the dimensions. */
   window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h );

   /* Destroy widget if needed. */
   if (widget_exists( wid, "lstWeapSets" ))
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "lstWeapSets" );

   /* List */
   buf = malloc( sizeof(char*) * PILOT_WEAPON_SETS );
   for (i=0; i<PILOT_WEAPON_SETS; i++) {
      str = pilot_weapSetName( info_eq_weaps.selected, i );
      if (str == NULL) {
         buf[i] = malloc( sizeof(char) * PATH_MAX );
         snprintf( buf[i], PATH_MAX, "Weapon Set %d", (i+1)%10 );
      else {
         buf[i] = strdup( str );
   window_addList( wid, 20+180+20, -40,
         w - (20+180+20+20), 160,
         "lstWeapSets", buf, PILOT_WEAPON_SETS,
         0, weapons_update );

   /* Update. */
   weapons_update( wid, NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Kinniken/naev
 * @brief Adds the "Buy Local Map" button if needed.
void land_checkAddMap (void)
   Outfit *o;

   /* Maps are only offered if the planet provides fuel. */
   if (!planet_hasService(land_planet, PLANET_SERVICE_REFUEL))

   o = outfit_get( LOCAL_MAP_NAME );
   if (o == NULL) {
      WARN("Outfit '%s' does not exist!", LOCAL_MAP_NAME);

   /* Just enable button if it exists. */
   if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnMap" ))
      window_enableButton( land_windows[0], "btnMap");
   /* Else create it. */
   else {
      /* Refuel button. */
      credits2str( cred, o->price, 2 );
      nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Buy Local Map (%s)", cred );
      window_addButtonKey( land_windows[0], -20, 20 + (LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 20),
            buf, spaceport_buyMap, SDLK_b );

   /* Make sure player can click it. */
   if (!outfit_canBuy(LOCAL_MAP_NAME, land_planet))
      window_disableButtonSoft( land_windows[0], "btnMap" );
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Generates the mission list for the bar.
 *    @param wid Window to create mission list for.
static int bar_genList( unsigned int wid )
   glTexture **portraits;
   char **names, *focused;
   int w, h, iw, ih, bw, bh;
   int n;

   /* Get dimensions. */
   bar_getDim( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, &bw, &bh );

   /* Save focus. */
   focused = strdup(window_getFocus(wid));

   /* Destroy widget if already exists. */
   if (widget_exists( wid, "iarMissions" ))
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "iarMissions" );

   /* We sort just in case. */

   /* Set up missions. */
   if (mission_portrait == NULL)
      mission_portrait = gl_newImage( PORTRAIT_GFX_PATH"news.png", 0 );
   n = npc_getArraySize();
   if (n <= 0) {
      n            = 1;
      portraits    = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*));
      portraits[0] = mission_portrait;
      names        = malloc(sizeof(char*));
      names[0]     = strdup("News");
   else {
      n            = n+1;
      portraits    = malloc( sizeof(glTexture*) * n );
      portraits[0] = mission_portrait;
      npc_getTextureArray( &portraits[1], n-1 );
      names        = malloc( sizeof(char*) * n );
      names[0]     = strdup("News");
      npc_getNameArray( &names[1], n-1 );
   window_addImageArray( wid, 20, -40,
         iw, ih, "iarMissions", 100, 75,
         portraits, names, n, bar_update, NULL );

   /* write the outfits stuff */
   bar_update( wid, NULL );

   /* Restore focus. */
   window_setFocus( wid, focused );

   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Refuels the player.
 *    @param wid Land window.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void spaceport_refuel( unsigned int wid, char *str )
   credits_t price;

   price = refuel_price();

   if (!player_hasCredits( price )) { /* player is out of money after landing */
      dialogue_alert("You seem to not have enough credits to refuel your ship." );

   player_modCredits( -price );
   player.p->fuel      = player.p->fuel_max;
   if (widget_exists( land_windows[0], "btnRefuel" )) {
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "btnRefuel" );
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "txtRefuel" );
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: info.c Proyecto: AvanWolf/naev
 * @brief Generates the cargo list.
static void cargo_genList( unsigned int wid )
   char **buf;
   int nbuf;
   int i;
   int w, h;

   /* Get the dimensions. */
   window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h );

   /* Destroy widget if needed. */
   if (widget_exists( wid, "lstCargo" ))
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "lstCargo" );

   /* List */
   if (player.p->ncommodities==0) {
      /* No cargo */
      buf = malloc(sizeof(char*));
      buf[0] = strdup("None");
      nbuf = 1;
   else {
      /* List the player's cargo */
      buf = malloc(sizeof(char*)*player.p->ncommodities);
      for (i=0; i<player.p->ncommodities; i++) {
         buf[i] = malloc(sizeof(char)*128);
         snprintf(buf[i],128, "%s%s %d",
               (player.p->commodities[i].id != 0) ? "*" : "",
      nbuf = player.p->ncommodities;
   window_addList( wid, 20, -40,
         w - 40, h - BUTTON_HEIGHT - 80,
         "lstCargo", buf, nbuf, 0, cargo_update );

   cargo_update(wid, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * @brief Generates the weapons list.
static void weapons_genList( unsigned int wid )
   const char *str;
   char **buf, tbuf[256];
   int i, n;
   int w, h;

   /* Get the dimensions. */
   window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h );

   /* Destroy widget if needed. */
   if (widget_exists( wid, "lstWeapSets" )) {
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "lstWeapSets" );
      n = toolkit_getListPos( wid, "lstWeapSets" );
      n = -1;

   /* List */
   buf = malloc( sizeof(char*) * PILOT_WEAPON_SETS );
   for (i=0; i<PILOT_WEAPON_SETS; i++) {
      str = pilot_weapSetName( info_eq_weaps.selected, i );
      if (str == NULL)
         snprintf( tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%d - ??", (i+1)%10 );
         snprintf( tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%d - %s", (i+1)%10, str );
      buf[i] = strdup( tbuf );
   window_addList( wid, 20+180+20, -40,
         w - (20+180+20+20), 160,
         "lstWeapSets", buf, PILOT_WEAPON_SETS,
         0, weapons_update );

   /* Restore position. */
   if (n >= 0)
      toolkit_setListPos( wid, "lstWeapSets", n );