static jboolean android_net_wifi_getScanCapabilities(
        JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint iface, jobject capabilities) {

    wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(env, cls, iface);
    ALOGD("getting scan capabilities on interface[%d] = %p", iface, handle);

    wifi_gscan_capabilities c;
    memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c));
    int result = wifi_get_gscan_capabilities(handle, &c);
    if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) {
        ALOGD("failed to get capabilities : %d", result);
        return JNI_FALSE;

    setIntField(env, capabilities, "max_scan_cache_size", c.max_scan_cache_size);
    setIntField(env, capabilities, "max_scan_buckets", c.max_scan_buckets);
    setIntField(env, capabilities, "max_ap_cache_per_scan", c.max_ap_cache_per_scan);
    setIntField(env, capabilities, "max_rssi_sample_size", c.max_rssi_sample_size);
    setIntField(env, capabilities, "max_scan_reporting_threshold", c.max_scan_reporting_threshold);
    setIntField(env, capabilities, "max_hotlist_aps", c.max_hotlist_aps);
    setIntField(env, capabilities, "max_significant_wifi_change_aps",

    return JNI_TRUE;
static bool startScan( void (*pfnOnResultsAvailable)(wifi_request_id, unsigned),
                       int max_ap_per_scan, int base_period, int report_threshold) {

    /* Get capabilties */
    wifi_gscan_capabilities capabilities;
    int result = wifi_get_gscan_capabilities(wlan0Handle, &capabilities);
    if (result < 0) {
        printMsg("failed to get scan capabilities - %d\n", result);
        printMsg("trying scan anyway ..\n");
    } else {

    wifi_scan_cmd_params params;
    memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));

    if(num_channels > 0){
        params.max_ap_per_scan = max_ap_per_scan;
        params.base_period = base_period;                      // 5 second by default
        params.report_threshold = report_threshold;
        params.num_buckets = 1;

        params.buckets[0].bucket = 0;
        params.buckets[0].band = WIFI_BAND_UNSPECIFIED;
        params.buckets[0].period = base_period;
        params.buckets[0].num_channels = num_channels;

        for(int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++){
            params.buckets[0].channels[i].channel = channel_list[i];

    } else {

        /* create a schedule to scan channels 1, 6, 11 every 5 second and
         * scan 36, 40, 44, 149, 153, 157, 161 165 every 10 second */

      params.max_ap_per_scan = max_ap_per_scan;
      params.base_period = base_period;                      // 5 second
      params.report_threshold = report_threshold;
      params.num_buckets = 3;

      params.buckets[0].bucket = 0;
      params.buckets[0].band = WIFI_BAND_UNSPECIFIED;
      params.buckets[0].period = 5000;                // 5 second
      params.buckets[0].report_events = 0;
      params.buckets[0].num_channels = 2;

      params.buckets[0].channels[0].channel = 2412;
      params.buckets[0].channels[1].channel = 2437;

      params.buckets[1].bucket = 1;
      params.buckets[1].band = WIFI_BAND_A;
      params.buckets[1].period = 10000;               // 10 second
      params.buckets[1].report_events = 1;
      params.buckets[1].num_channels = 8;   // driver should ignore list since band is specified

      params.buckets[1].channels[0].channel = 5180;
      params.buckets[1].channels[1].channel = 5200;
      params.buckets[1].channels[2].channel = 5220;
      params.buckets[1].channels[3].channel = 5745;
      params.buckets[1].channels[4].channel = 5765;
      params.buckets[1].channels[5].channel = 5785;
      params.buckets[1].channels[6].channel = 5805;
      params.buckets[1].channels[7].channel = 5825;

      params.buckets[2].bucket = 2;
      params.buckets[2].band = WIFI_BAND_UNSPECIFIED;
      params.buckets[2].period = 15000;                // 15 second
      params.buckets[2].report_events = 2;
      params.buckets[2].num_channels = 1;

      params.buckets[2].channels[0].channel = 2462;


    wifi_scan_result_handler handler;
    memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler));
    handler.on_scan_results_available = pfnOnResultsAvailable;
    handler.on_scan_event = on_scan_event;

    scanCmdId = getNewCmdId();
    printMsg("Starting scan --->\n");
    return wifi_start_gscan(scanCmdId, wlan0Handle, params, handler) == WIFI_SUCCESS;