Ejemplo n.º 1
boolean bedFilterString(char *value, enum stringFilterType sft, char **filterValues, boolean invert)
/* Return TRUE if value passes the filter. */
char *thisVal;

if (filterValues == NULL)
switch (sft)
    case (sftIgnore):
    case (sftSingleLiteral):
	return(sameString(value, *filterValues) ^ invert);
    case (sftMultiLiteral):
	while ((thisVal = *(filterValues++)) != NULL)
	    if (sameString(value, thisVal))
		return(TRUE ^ invert);
    case (sftSingleRegexp):
	return(wildMatch(*filterValues, value) ^ invert);
    case (sftMultiRegexp):
	while ((thisVal = *(filterValues++)) != NULL)
	    if (wildMatch(thisVal, value))
		return(TRUE ^ invert);
	errAbort("illegal stringFilterType: %d", sft);
return(FALSE ^ invert);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static boolean singleFilter(struct annoFilter *filter, char **row, int rowSize)
/* Apply one filter, using either filterFunc or type-based filter on column value.
 * Return TRUE if isExclude and filter passes, or if !isExclude and filter fails. */
boolean fail = FALSE;
if (filter->filterFunc != NULL)
    fail = filter->filterFunc(filter, row, rowSize);
else if (filter->op == afMatch)
    fail = !wildMatch((char *)(filter->values), row[filter->columnIx]);
else if (filter->op == afNotMatch)
    fail = wildMatch((char *)(filter->values), row[filter->columnIx]);
    // column is a number -- integer or floating point?
    enum asTypes type = filter->type;
    if (asTypesIsFloating(type))
	fail = annoFilterDouble(filter, sqlDouble(row[filter->columnIx]));
    else if (asTypesIsInt(type))
	fail = annoFilterLongLong(filter, sqlLongLong(row[filter->columnIx]));
	errAbort("annoFilterRowFails: unexpected enum asTypes %d for numeric filter op %d",
		 type, filter->op);
if ((filter->isExclude && !fail) || (!filter->isExclude && fail))
    return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void tellSubscribers(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *submitDir, char *submitFileName, unsigned id)
/* Tell subscribers that match about file of given id */
char query[256];
sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select tags from edwFile where id=%u", id);
char *tagsString = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
struct hash *tagHash=NULL;
struct cgiVar *tagList=NULL;
if (!isEmpty(tagsString))
    cgiParseInputAbort(tagsString, &tagHash, &tagList);

char **row;
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, "NOSQLINJ select * from edwSubscriber order by runOrder,id");
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    struct edwSubscriber *subscriber = edwSubscriberLoad(row);
    if (wildMatch(subscriber->filePattern, submitFileName)
        && wildMatch(subscriber->dirPattern, submitDir))
	/* Might have to check for tags match, which involves db load and a cgi vs. cgi compare */
	boolean tagsOk = TRUE;
	if (!isEmpty(subscriber->tagPattern))
	    if (tagHash == NULL)  // if we're nonempty they better be too
	        tagsOk = FALSE;
		if (!allTagsWildMatch(subscriber->tagPattern, tagHash))
		    tagsOk = FALSE;
	if (tagsOk)
	    int maxNumSize=16;	// more than enough digits base ten.
	    int maxCommandSize = strlen(subscriber->onFileEndUpload) + maxNumSize + 1;
	    char command[maxCommandSize];
	    safef(command, sizeof(command), subscriber->onFileEndUpload, id);
	    verbose(2, "system(%s)\n", command);
	    int err = system(command);
	    if (err != 0)
	        warn("err %d from system(%s)\n", err, command);

Ejemplo n.º 4
struct blastFile *blastFileOpenVerify(char *fileName)
/* Open file, read and verify header. */
struct blastFile *bf;
char *line;
char *words[16];
int wordCount;
struct lineFile *lf;

bf->lf = lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
bf->fileName = cloneString(fileName);

/* Parse first line - something like: */
line = bfNeedNextLine(bf);
wordCount = chopLine(line, words);
if (wordCount < 3)
bf->program = cloneString(words[0]);
bf->version = cloneString(words[1]);
bf->buildDate = cloneString(words[2]);
if (!wildMatch("*BLAST*", bf->program))
if (!isdigit(bf->version[0]))
if (bf->buildDate[0] != '[')
return bf;
Ejemplo n.º 5
struct slName *listDir(char *dir, char *pattern)
/* Return an alphabetized list of all files that match 
 * the wildcard pattern in directory. */
struct slName *list = NULL, *name;
struct dirent *de;
DIR *d;

if ((d = opendir(dir)) == NULL)
    return NULL;
while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL)
    char *fileName = de->d_name;
    if (differentString(fileName, ".") && differentString(fileName, ".."))
	if (pattern == NULL || wildMatch(pattern, fileName))
	    name = newSlName(fileName);
	    slAddHead(&list, name);
return list;
static void joinerValidateFields(struct joiner *joiner, struct hash *fieldHash,
                                 char *oneIdentifier)
/* Make sure that joiner refers to fields that exist at
 * least somewhere. */
    struct joinerSet *js;
    struct joinerField *jf;

    for (js=joiner->jsList; js != NULL; js = js->next)
        if (oneIdentifier == NULL || wildMatch(oneIdentifier, js->name))
            for (jf = js->fieldList; jf != NULL; jf = jf->next)
                if (!fieldExists(fieldHash, js, jf))
                    if (!js->expanded)
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error: ");
                        printField(jf, stderr);
                        fprintf(stderr, " not found in %s line %d of %s\n",
                                js->name, jf->lineIx, joiner->fileName);
Ejemplo n.º 7
boolean allTagsWildMatch(char *tagPattern, struct hash *tagHash)
/* Tag pattern is a cgi encoded list of tags with wild card values.  This routine returns TRUE
 * if every tag in tagPattern is also in tagHash,  and the value in tagHash is wildcard
 * compatible with tagPattern. */
boolean match = TRUE;
char *tagsString = cloneString(tagPattern);
struct cgiVar *pattern, *patternList=NULL;
struct hash *patternHash=NULL;

cgiParseInputAbort(tagsString, &patternHash, &patternList);
for (pattern = patternList; pattern != NULL; pattern = pattern->next)
    struct cgiVar *cv = hashFindVal(tagHash, pattern->name);
    char *val = cv->val;
    if (val == NULL)
        match = FALSE;
    if (!wildMatch(pattern->val, val))
	match = FALSE;

return match;
Ejemplo n.º 8
struct bed *bedFilterByWildNames(struct bed *bedList, struct slName *wildNames)
/* Given a bed list and a list of names that may include wildcard characters,
 * return the list of bed items whose name matches at least one wildName. */
struct bed *bedListOut = NULL, *bed=NULL;
struct slName *wildName=NULL;

for (bed=bedList;  bed != NULL;  bed=bed->next)
    for (wildName=wildNames;  wildName != NULL;  wildName=wildName->next)
	if (bed->name == NULL)
	    errAbort("bedFilterByWildNames: bed item at %s:%d-%d has no name.",
		     bed->chrom, bed->chromStart+1, bed->chromEnd);
	if (wildMatch(wildName->name, bed->name))
	    struct bed *newBed = cloneBed(bed);
	    slAddHead(&bedListOut, newBed);

return bedListOut;
void catDir(int dirCount, char *dirs[])
/* catDir - concatenate files in directory - for those times when too 
 * many files for cat to handle.. */
int i;
struct fileInfo *list, *el;

for (i=0; i<dirCount; ++i)
    list = listDirX(dirs[i], NULL, TRUE);
    for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
	char *name = el->name;
	if (el->isDir && recurse)
	    catDir(1, &name);
	else if (wildCard == NULL || wildMatch(wildCard, name))
	    if (suffix == NULL || endsWith(name, suffix))
Ejemplo n.º 10
boolean wildMatchAll(char *word, struct slName *wildList)
/* Return TRUE if word matches all things in wildList. */
struct slName *w;
for (w = wildList; w != NULL; w = w->next)
    if (!wildMatch(w->name, word) )
        return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 11
struct slName *getTableNames(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Return a list of names of tables that have not been excluded by 
 * command line options. */
char *query = hoursOld ? "NOSQLINJ show table status" : "NOSQLINJ show tables";
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct slName *tableList = NULL;
char **row = NULL;
int startTime = clock1();
int ageThresh = hoursOld * 3600;

while((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    struct slName *tableName = NULL;
    struct slName *pat = NULL;
    boolean gotMatch = FALSE;
    if (hoursOld)
	if (row[11] != NULL)
	    int tableUpdateTime = sqlDateToUnixTime(row[11]);
	    int ageInSeconds = startTime - tableUpdateTime;
	    if (ageInSeconds > ageThresh)
		    "Got NULL update time for table %s.%s with hoursOld=%d\n",
		    sqlGetDatabase(conn), row[0], hoursOld);
    for (pat = excludePatterns;  pat != NULL;  pat=pat->next)
	if (wildMatch(pat->name, row[0]))
	    gotMatch = TRUE;
    if (gotMatch)
    if (verboseLevel() >= 3 || justList)
	fprintf(stderr, "Adding %s\n", row[0]);
    tableName = newSlName(row[0]);
    slAddHead(&tableList, tableName);
if (justList)
return tableList;
static boolean wildAnyRefMatch(char *wild, struct slRef *refList)
/* Return true if any string-valued reference on list matches
 * wildcard. */
struct slRef *ref;
for (ref = refList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
    if (wildMatch(wild, ref->val))
        return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static boolean searchMatchToken(char *string, char *token)
// do this with regex ? Would require all sorts of careful parsing for ()., etc.
if (string == NULL)
    return (token == NULL);
if (token == NULL)
    return TRUE;

if (!strchr(token,'*') && !strchr(token,'?'))
    return (strcasestr(string,token) != NULL);

char wordWild[1024];
safef(wordWild,sizeof wordWild,"*%s*",token);
return wildMatch(wordWild, string);
Ejemplo n.º 14
struct fileInfo *listDirXExt(char *dir, char *pattern, boolean fullPath, boolean ignoreStatFailures)
/* Return list of files matching wildcard pattern with
 * extra info. If full path is true then the path will be
 * included in the name of each file. */
struct fileInfo *list = NULL, *el;
struct dirent *de;
DIR *d;
int dirNameSize = strlen(dir);
int fileNameOffset = dirNameSize+1;
char pathName[512];

if ((d = opendir(dir)) == NULL)
    return NULL;
memcpy(pathName, dir, dirNameSize);
pathName[dirNameSize] = '/';

while ((de = readdir(d)) != NULL)
    char *fileName = de->d_name;
    if (differentString(fileName, ".") && differentString(fileName, ".."))
	if (pattern == NULL || wildMatch(pattern, fileName))
	    struct stat st;
	    bool isDir = FALSE;
	    int statErrno = 0;
	    strcpy(pathName+fileNameOffset, fileName);
	    if (stat(pathName, &st) < 0)
		if (ignoreStatFailures)
		    statErrno = errno;
    		    errAbort("stat failed in listDirX");
	    if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
		isDir = TRUE;
	    if (fullPath)
		fileName = pathName;
	    el = newFileInfo(fileName, st.st_size, isDir, statErrno, st.st_atime);
	    slAddHead(&list, el);
slSort(&list, cmpFileInfo);
return list;
Ejemplo n.º 15
struct hashEl *wildHashLookup(struct hash *hash, char *name)
/* If wildcards are in hash, then look up var in "wildCardHash" bin. */
struct slPair *wild = hashFindVal(hash, WILD_CARD_HASH_BIN);
if (wild == NULL)  // Hasn't been made yet.
    wild = wildHashMakeList(hash);
if (wild == NULL
|| (slCount(wild) == 1 && sameString(wild->name,WILD_CARD_HASH_EMPTY)))
    return NULL; // Empty list means hash contains no names with wildcards

for ( ;wild != NULL; wild=wild->next)
    if (wildMatch(wild->name,name))
        return wild->val;

return NULL;
boolean matchName(char *seqHeader)
/* see if the sequence name matches */
    /* find end of name */
    char *nameSep = skipToSpaces(seqHeader);
    char sepChr = '\0';
    boolean isMatch = FALSE;

    if (nameSep != NULL)
        sepChr = *nameSep; /* terminate name */
        *nameSep = '\0';
    isMatch = wildMatch(namePat, seqHeader);
    if (nameSep != NULL)
        *nameSep = sepChr;
    return isMatch;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void eapAddStep(char *pattern)
/* eapAddStep - Add a step to eapStep and related tables.  This is just a small shortcut for doing 
 * it in SQL.  You can only add steps defined in C code.. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = eapConnectReadWrite();
int i;
for (i=0; i<ArraySize(steps); ++i)
    struct stepInit *init = &steps[i];
    if (wildMatch(pattern, init->name))
	if (clList)
	    initStep(conn, init);
Ejemplo n.º 18
void removeUserJobs(char *user, int argc, char *argv[])
/* Remove jobs associated with user. */
struct jobInfo *jobList = getJobList(), *job;
char *wildCard = NULL;
if (!sameString(user, userName) && !sameString("root", userName))
    errAbort("You can only remove your own jobs (unless you are root).");
if (argc > 0) wildCard = argv[0];
slReverse(&jobList);	/* Improves performance to remove from tail first. */
for (job = jobList; job != NULL; job = job->next)
    if (sameString(user, job->user) && 
    	(wildCard == NULL || wildMatch(wildCard, job->command)))
void joinerValidateKeys(struct joiner *joiner,
                        char *oneIdentifier, char *oneDatabase)
/* Validate all keys in joiner.  If oneDatabase is non-NULL then do it on
 * that database.  Otherwise do it on all databases. */
    struct joinerSet *js;
    int validations = 0;
    verbose(1, "Checking keys on database %s\n", oneDatabase);
    for (js = joiner->jsList; js != NULL; js = js->next)
        verbose(2, "identifier %s\n", js->name);
        if (oneIdentifier == NULL || wildMatch(oneIdentifier, js->name))
            jsValidateKeys(joiner, js, oneDatabase);
    if (validations < 1 && oneIdentifier)
        errAbort("Identifier %s not found in %s", oneIdentifier, joiner->fileName);
Ejemplo n.º 20
/* Go through the given tags and determine the union of flags. Also remove
 * any tags from the list that we don't know about */
unsigned int tagtransform::c_filter_basic_tags(OsmType type, const taglist_t &tags, int *polygon,
                                               int *roads, const export_list &exlist,
                                               taglist_t &out_tags, bool strict)
    //assume we dont like this set of tags
    int filter = 1;

    int flags = 0;
    int add_area_tag = 0;

    OsmType export_type;
    if (type == OSMTYPE_RELATION) {
        export_type = OSMTYPE_WAY;
    } else {
        export_type = type;
    const std::vector<taginfo> &infos = exlist.get(export_type);

    /* We used to only go far enough to determine if it's a polygon or not,
       but now we go through and filter stuff we don't need
       pop each tag off and keep it in the temp list if we like it */
    for (taglist_t::const_iterator item = tags.begin(); item != tags.end(); ++item) {
        //if we want to do more than the export list says
        if(!strict) {
            if (type == OSMTYPE_RELATION && "type" == item->key) {
                filter = 0;
            /* Allow named islands to appear as polygons */
            if ("natural" == item->key && "coastline" == item->value) {
                add_area_tag = 1;

                /* Discard natural=coastline tags (we render these from a shapefile instead) */
                if (!options->keep_coastlines) {

        //go through the actual tags found on the item and keep the ones in the export list
        size_t i = 0;
        for (; i < infos.size(); i++) {
            const taginfo &info = infos[i];
            if (wildMatch(info.name.c_str(), item->key.c_str())) {
                if (info.flags & FLAG_DELETE) {

                filter = 0;
                flags |= info.flags;


        // if we didn't find any tags that we wanted to export
        // and we aren't strictly adhering to the list
        if (i == infos.size() && !strict) {
            if (options->hstore_mode != HSTORE_NONE) {
                /* with hstore, copy all tags... */
                /* ... but if hstore_match_only is set then don't take this
                 as a reason for keeping the object */
                if (!options->hstore_match_only && "osm_uid" != item->key
                        && "osm_user" != item->key
                        && "osm_timestamp" != item->key
                        && "osm_version" != item->key
                        && "osm_changeset" != item->key)
                    filter = 0;
            } else if (options->hstore_columns.size() > 0) {
                /* does this column match any of the hstore column prefixes? */
                size_t j = 0;
                for(; j < options->hstore_columns.size(); ++j) {
                    size_t pos = item->key.find(options->hstore_columns[j]);
                    if (pos == 0) {
                        /* ... but if hstore_match_only is set then don't take this
                         as a reason for keeping the object */
                        if (!options->hstore_match_only
                                && "osm_uid" != item->key
                                && "osm_user" != item->key
                                && "osm_timestamp" != item->key
                                && "osm_version" != item->key
                                && "osm_changeset" != item->key)
                            filter = 0;

    if (polygon) {
        if (add_area_tag) {
            /* If we need to force this as a polygon, append an area tag */
            out_tags.push_dedupe(tag("area", "yes"));
            *polygon = 1;
        } else {
            *polygon = tags.get_bool("area", flags & FLAG_POLYGON);

    if (roads && !filter && (type == OSMTYPE_WAY)) {
        add_z_order(out_tags, roads);

    return filter;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static boolean rkeyEval(struct kvt *kvt, struct exp *exp)
/* Recursively evaluate expression. */
    if (exp == NULL)
        return TRUE;
    switch (exp->type)
    case kxMatch:
        char *key = exp->left;
        char *matcher = exp->right;
        char *val = kvtLookup(kvt, key);
        if (val == NULL)
            return sameWord(matcher, "null");
            return sameWord(matcher, val);
    case kxWildMatch:
        char *key = exp->left;
        char *matcher = exp->right;
        char *val = kvtLookup(kvt, key);
        if (val == NULL)
            return sameString(matcher, "*");
            return wildMatch(matcher, val);
    case kxGT:
        int left, right;
        getIntVals(kvt, exp, &left, &right);
        return left > right;
    case kxGE:
        int left, right;
        getIntVals(kvt, exp, &left, &right);
        return left >= right;
    case kxLT:
        int left, right;
        getIntVals(kvt, exp, &left, &right);
        return left < right;
    case kxLE:
        int left, right;
        getIntVals(kvt, exp, &left, &right);
        return left <= right;

    case kxNot:
        return !rkeyEval(kvt, exp->right);
    case kxAnd:
        return rkeyEval(kvt, exp->left) && rkeyEval(kvt, exp->right);
    case kxOr:
        return rkeyEval(kvt, exp->left) || rkeyEval(kvt, exp->right);
    case kxXor:
        return rkeyEval(kvt, exp->left) ^ rkeyEval(kvt, exp->right);
        errAbort("unknown expression type %d", exp->type);
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
/* Go through the given tags and determine the union of flags. Also remove
 * any tags from the list that we don't know about */
static unsigned int tagtransform_c_filter_basic_tags(enum OsmType type,
        struct keyval *tags, int *polygon, int * roads) {
    int i, filter = 1;
    int flags = 0;
    int add_area_tag = 0;
    enum OsmType export_type;

    const char *area;
    struct keyval *item;
    struct keyval temp;

    if (type == OSMTYPE_RELATION) {export_type = OSMTYPE_WAY;} else {export_type = type;}

    /* We used to only go far enough to determine if it's a polygon or not, but now we go through and filter stuff we don't need */
    while ((item = popItem(tags)) != NULL ) {
        if (type == OSMTYPE_RELATION && !strcmp("type", item->key)) {
            pushItem(&temp, item);
            item = NULL;
            filter = 0;
        /* Allow named islands to appear as polygons */
        if (!strcmp("natural", item->key)
                && !strcmp("coastline", item->value)) {
            add_area_tag = 1;

        /* Discard natural=coastline tags (we render these from a shapefile instead) */
        if (!options->keep_coastlines && !strcmp("natural", item->key)
                && !strcmp("coastline", item->value)) {
            item = NULL;

        for (i = 0; i < exportListCount[export_type]; i++) {
            if (wildMatch(exportList[export_type][i].name, item->key)) {
                if (exportList[export_type][i].flags & FLAG_DELETE) {
                    item = NULL;

                filter = 0;
                flags |= exportList[export_type][i].flags;

                pushItem(&temp, item);
                item = NULL;

        /** if tag not found in list of exports: */
        if (i == exportListCount[export_type]) {
            if (options->enable_hstore) {
                /* with hstore, copy all tags... */
                pushItem(&temp, item);
                /* ... but if hstore_match_only is set then don't take this 
                 as a reason for keeping the object */
                if (!options->hstore_match_only && strcmp("osm_uid", item->key)
                        && strcmp("osm_user", item->key)
                        && strcmp("osm_timestamp", item->key)
                        && strcmp("osm_version", item->key)
                        && strcmp("osm_changeset", item->key))
                    filter = 0;
            } else if (options->n_hstore_columns) {
                /* does this column match any of the hstore column prefixes? */
                int j;
                for (j = 0; j < options->n_hstore_columns; j++) {
                    char *pos = strstr(item->key, options->hstore_columns[j]);
                    if (pos == item->key) {
                        pushItem(&temp, item);
                        /* ... but if hstore_match_only is set then don't take this 
                         as a reason for keeping the object */
                        if (!options->hstore_match_only
                                && strcmp("osm_uid", item->key)
                                && strcmp("osm_user", item->key)
                                && strcmp("osm_timestamp", item->key)
                                && strcmp("osm_version", item->key)
                                && strcmp("osm_changeset", item->key))
                            filter = 0;
                /* if not, skip the tag */
                if (j == options->n_hstore_columns) {
            } else {
            item = NULL;

    /* Move from temp list back to original list */
    while ((item = popItem(&temp)) != NULL )
        pushItem(tags, item);

    *polygon = flags & FLAG_POLYGON;

    /* Special case allowing area= to override anything else */
    if ((area = getItem(tags, "area"))) {
        if (!strcmp(area, "yes") || !strcmp(area, "true") || !strcmp(area, "1"))
            *polygon = 1;
        else if (!strcmp(area, "no") || !strcmp(area, "false")
                || !strcmp(area, "0"))
            *polygon = 0;
    } else {
        /* If we need to force this as a polygon, append an area tag */
        if (add_area_tag) {
            addItem(tags, "area", "yes", 0);
            *polygon = 1;

    if (!filter && (type == OSMTYPE_WAY)) {

    return filter;
Ejemplo n.º 23
static void filterBed(struct track *tg, struct linkedFeatures **pLfList)
/* Apply filters if any to mRNA linked features. */
struct linkedFeatures *lf, *next, *newList = NULL, *oldList = NULL;
struct mrnaUiData *mud = tg->extraUiData;
struct mrnaFilter *fil;
char *type;
boolean anyFilter = FALSE;
boolean colorIx = 0;
boolean isExclude = FALSE;
boolean andLogic = TRUE;

if (*pLfList == NULL || mud == NULL)

/* First make a quick pass through to see if we actually have
 * to do the filter. */
for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
    fil->pattern = cartUsualStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, fil->suffix, "");
    if (fil->pattern[0] != 0)
        anyFilter = TRUE;
if (!anyFilter)

type = cartUsualStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, mud->filterTypeSuffix, "red");
if (sameString(type, "exclude"))
    isExclude = TRUE;
else if (sameString(type, "include"))
    isExclude = FALSE;
    colorIx = getFilterColor(type, MG_BLACK);
type = cartUsualStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, mud->logicTypeSuffix, "and");
andLogic = sameString(type, "and");

/* Make a pass though each filter, and start setting up search for
 * those that have some text. */
for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
    if (fil->pattern[0] != 0) // Already retrieved above.
	fil->hash = newHash(10);

/* Scan tables id/name tables to build up hash of matching id's. */
for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
    struct hash *hash = fil->hash;
    int wordIx, wordCount;
    char *words[128];

    if (hash != NULL)
	boolean anyWild;
	char *dupPat = cloneString(fil->pattern);
	wordCount = chopLine(dupPat, words);
	for (wordIx=0; wordIx <wordCount; ++wordIx)
	    char *pattern = cloneString(words[wordIx]);
	    if (lastChar(pattern) != '*')
		int len = strlen(pattern)+1;
		pattern = needMoreMem(pattern, len, len+1);
		pattern[len-1] = '*';
	    anyWild = (strchr(pattern, '*') != NULL || strchr(pattern, '?') != NULL);
	    for(lf = *pLfList; lf != NULL; lf=lf->next)
		char copy[SMALLBUF];
		boolean gotMatch;
		safef(copy, sizeof(copy), "%s", lf->name);
		if (anyWild)
		    gotMatch = wildMatch(pattern, copy);
		    gotMatch = sameString(pattern, copy);
		if (gotMatch)
		    hashAdd(hash, lf->name, NULL);

/* Scan through linked features coloring and or including/excluding ones that
 * match filter. */
for (lf = *pLfList; lf != NULL; lf = next)
    boolean passed = andLogic;
    next = lf->next;
    for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
	if (fil->hash != NULL)
	    if (hashLookup(fil->hash, lf->name) == NULL)
		if (andLogic)
		    passed = FALSE;
		if (!andLogic)
		    passed = TRUE;
    if (passed ^ isExclude)
	slAddHead(&newList, lf);
	if (colorIx > 0)
	    lf->filterColor = colorIx;
	slAddHead(&oldList, lf);

if (colorIx > 0)
   /* Draw stuff that passes filter first in full mode, last in dense. */
   if (tg->visibility == tvDense)
       newList = slCat(oldList, newList);
       newList = slCat(newList, oldList);
*pLfList = newList;
tg->limitedVisSet = FALSE;	/* Need to recalculate this after filtering. */

/* Free up hashes, etc. */
for (fil = mud->filterList; fil != NULL; fil = fil->next)
Ejemplo n.º 24
static void rCheck(struct tagStanza *stanzaList, char *fileName, 
    struct slRef *wildList, struct hash *hash, struct slRef *requiredList,
    struct dyString *scratch)
/* Recurse through tagStorm */
struct tagStanza *stanza;
struct dyString *csvScratch = dyStringNew(0);
for (stanza = stanzaList; stanza != NULL; stanza = stanza->next)
    struct slPair *pair;
    for (pair = stanza->tagList; pair != NULL; pair = pair->next)
	/* Break out tag and value */
	char *tag = tagSchemaFigureArrayName(pair->name, scratch);
	char *val = pair->val;

	/* Make sure val exists and is non-empty */
	if (isEmpty(val))
	    reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
		"%s tag has no value", tag);

	/* Check against SQL reserved words */
	if (gReservedHash != NULL)
	    if (sqlReservedCheck(gReservedHash, tag))
		reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
		    "%s in tag name is a SQL reserved word", tag);

	/* Find schema in hash or wildSchemaList */
	struct tagSchema *schema = hashFindVal(hash, tag);
	if (schema == NULL)
	    struct slRef *ref;
	    for (ref = wildList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
		struct tagSchema *s = ref->val;
		if (wildMatch(s->name, tag))
		    schema = s;

	/* Do checking on tag */
	if (schema == NULL)
	    reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, "Unrecognized tag %s", tag);
	    char type = schema->type;
	    char *pos = val;
	    char *oneVal;
	    while ((oneVal =csvParseNext(&pos, csvScratch)) != NULL)
		if (type == '#')
		    char *end;
		    long long v = strtoll(oneVal, &end, 10);
		    if (end == oneVal || *end != 0)	// oneVal is not integer
			reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			    "Non-integer value %s for %s", oneVal, tag);
		    else if (v < schema->minVal)
			reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			    "Value %s too low for %s", oneVal, tag);
		    else if (v > schema->maxVal)
			 reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			    "Value %s too high for %s", oneVal, tag);
		else if (type == '%')
		    char *end;
		    double v = strtod(oneVal, &end);
		    if (end == oneVal || *end != 0)	// val is not just a floating point number
			reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			    "Non-numerical value %s for %s", oneVal, tag);
		    else if (v < schema->minVal)
			reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			    "Value %s too low for %s", oneVal, tag);
		    else if (v > schema->maxVal)
			reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			    "Value %s too high for %s", oneVal, tag);
		    boolean gotMatch = FALSE;
		    struct slName *okVal;
		    for (okVal = schema->allowedVals; okVal != NULL; okVal = okVal->next)
			if (wildMatch(okVal->name, oneVal))
			    gotMatch = TRUE;
		    if (!gotMatch)
			reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			    "Unrecognized value '%s' for tag %s", oneVal, tag);

		struct hash *uniqHash = schema->uniqHash;
		if (uniqHash != NULL)
		    if (hashLookup(uniqHash, oneVal))
			reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			    "Non-unique value '%s' for tag %s", oneVal, tag);
			hashAdd(uniqHash, oneVal, NULL);
    if (stanza->children)
	rCheck(stanza->children, fileName, wildList, hash, requiredList, scratch);
	struct slRef *ref;
	for (ref = requiredList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
	    struct tagSchema *schema = ref->val;
	    if (schema->objArrayPieces != NULL)  // It's an array, complex to handle, needs own routine
		checkInAllArrayItems(fileName, stanza, schema, scratch);
		if (tagFindVal(stanza, schema->name) == NULL)
		    reportError(fileName, stanza->startLineIx, 
			"Missing required '%s' tag", schema->name);