Ejemplo n.º 1
// Called by the world update start event
void GazeboWindPlugin::OnUpdate(const common::UpdateInfo& _info) {
  // Get the current simulation time.
  common::Time now = world_->GetSimTime();

  // Constant wind
  double wind_strength = wind_force_mean_;
  math::Vector3 wind = wind_strength * wind_direction_;
  // Apply a force from the constant wind to the link
  this->link_->AddForceAtRelativePosition(wind, xyz_offset_);

  math::Vector3 wind_gust(0, 0, 0);
  // Wind Gusts
  if (now >= wind_gust_start_ && now < wind_gust_end_) {
    double wind_gust_strength = wind_gust_force_mean_;
    wind_gust = wind_gust_strength * wind_gust_direction_;
    // Apply a force from the wind gust to the link
    this->link_->AddForceAtRelativePosition(wind_gust, xyz_offset_);

  geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped wrench_msg;

  wrench_msg.header.frame_id = frame_id_;
  wrench_msg.header.stamp.sec = now.sec;
  wrench_msg.header.stamp.nsec = now.nsec;
  wrench_msg.wrench.force.x = wind.x + wind_gust.x;
  wrench_msg.wrench.force.y = wind.y + wind_gust.y;
  wrench_msg.wrench.force.z = wind.z + wind_gust.z;
  wrench_msg.wrench.torque.x = 0;
  wrench_msg.wrench.torque.y = 0;
  wrench_msg.wrench.torque.z = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 2
// This gets called by the world update start event.
void GazeboWindPlugin::OnUpdate(const common::UpdateInfo& _info) {
  // Get the current simulation time.
  common::Time now = world_->GetSimTime();

  // Establish Random Number Generator
  unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
  std::default_random_engine generator (seed);
  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> direction_distribution(-1,1);
  std::normal_distribution<double> force_distribution(wind_force_mean_,sqrt(wind_force_variance_));
  std::normal_distribution<double> gust_force_distribution(wind_gust_force_mean_,sqrt(wind_gust_force_variance_));
  std::normal_distribution<double> wind_change_distribution(1000,500);

  // Calculate the wind force

  if (wind_change_delay==wind_change_value)
      wind_strength = force_distribution(generator);
      wind_x = direction_distribution(generator);
      wind_y = direction_distribution(generator);
      wind_z = direction_distribution(generator);
      wind_change_value = ceil(abs(wind_change_distribution(generator)));

  //Vary the wind direction
  wind_direction={wind_x, wind_y, wind_z};

  math::Vector3 wind = wind_strength * wind_direction;
  // Apply a force from the wind to the link.
  link_->AddForceAtRelativePosition(wind, xyz_offset_);

  //Wind Gust

  math::Vector3 wind_gust(0, 0, 0);
  // Calculate the wind gust force.
  if (now >= wind_gust_start_ && now < wind_gust_end_) {
    double wind_gust_strength = gust_force_distribution(generator);
    wind_gust = wind_gust_strength * wind_gust_direction_;
    // Apply a force from the wind gust to the link.
    link_->AddForceAtRelativePosition(wind_gust, xyz_offset_);

  geometry_msgs::Vector3 wind_msg;

  wind_msg.x = wind.x + wind_gust.x;
  wind_msg.y = wind.y + wind_gust.y;
  wind_msg.z = wind.z + wind_gust.z;

// This gets called by the world update start event.
void GazeboWindPlugin::OnUpdate(const common::UpdateInfo& _info) {
  if (kPrintOnUpdates) {
    gzdbg << __FUNCTION__ << "() called." << std::endl;

  if (!pubs_and_subs_created_) {
    pubs_and_subs_created_ = true;

  // Get the current simulation time.
  common::Time now = world_->GetSimTime();
  math::Vector3 wind_velocity(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

  // Choose user-specified method for calculating wind velocity.
  if (!use_custom_static_wind_field_) {
    // Calculate the wind force.
    double wind_strength = wind_force_mean_;
    math::Vector3 wind = wind_strength * wind_direction_;
    // Apply a force from the constant wind to the link.
    link_->AddForceAtRelativePosition(wind, xyz_offset_);

    math::Vector3 wind_gust(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    // Calculate the wind gust force.
    if (now >= wind_gust_start_ && now < wind_gust_end_) {
      double wind_gust_strength = wind_gust_force_mean_;
      wind_gust = wind_gust_strength * wind_gust_direction_;
      // Apply a force from the wind gust to the link.
      link_->AddForceAtRelativePosition(wind_gust, xyz_offset_);


    wrench_stamped_msg_.mutable_wrench()->mutable_force()->set_x(wind.x +
    wrench_stamped_msg_.mutable_wrench()->mutable_force()->set_y(wind.y +
    wrench_stamped_msg_.mutable_wrench()->mutable_force()->set_z(wind.z +

    // No torque due to wind, set x,y and z to 0.


    // Calculate the wind speed.
    wind_velocity = wind_speed_mean_ * wind_direction_;
  } else {
    // Get the current position of the aircraft in world coordinates.
    math::Vector3 link_position = link_->GetWorldPose().pos;

    // Calculate the x, y index of the grid points with x, y-coordinate 
    // just smaller than or equal to aircraft x, y position.
    std::size_t x_inf = floor((link_position.x - min_x_) / res_x_);
    std::size_t y_inf = floor((link_position.y - min_y_) / res_y_);

    // In case aircraft is on one of the boundary surfaces at max_x or max_y,
    // decrease x_inf, y_inf by one to have x_sup, y_sup on max_x, max_y.
    if (x_inf == n_x_ - 1u) {
      x_inf = n_x_ - 2u;
    if (y_inf == n_y_ - 1u) {
      y_inf = n_y_ - 2u;

    // Calculate the x, y index of the grid points with x, y-coordinate just
    // greater than the aircraft x, y position. 
    std::size_t x_sup = x_inf + 1u;
    std::size_t y_sup = y_inf + 1u;

    // Save in an array the x, y index of each of the eight grid points 
    // enclosing the aircraft.
    constexpr unsigned int n_vertices = 8;
    std::size_t idx_x[n_vertices] = {x_inf, x_inf, x_sup, x_sup, x_inf, x_inf, x_sup, x_sup};
    std::size_t idx_y[n_vertices] = {y_inf, y_inf, y_inf, y_inf, y_sup, y_sup, y_sup, y_sup};

    // Find the vertical factor of the aircraft in each of the four surrounding 
    // grid columns, and their minimal/maximal value.
    constexpr unsigned int n_columns = 4;
    float vertical_factors_columns[n_columns];
    for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < n_columns; ++i) {
      vertical_factors_columns[i] = (
        link_position.z - bottom_z_[idx_x[2u * i] + idx_y[2u * i] * n_x_]) /
        (top_z_[idx_x[2u * i] + idx_y[2u * i] * n_x_] - bottom_z_[idx_x[2u * i] + idx_y[2u * i] * n_x_]);
    // Find maximal and minimal value amongst vertical factors.
    float vertical_factors_min = std::min(std::min(std::min(
      vertical_factors_columns[0], vertical_factors_columns[1]),
      vertical_factors_columns[2]), vertical_factors_columns[3]);
    float vertical_factors_max = std::max(std::max(std::max(
      vertical_factors_columns[0], vertical_factors_columns[1]),
      vertical_factors_columns[2]), vertical_factors_columns[3]);

    // Check if aircraft is out of wind field or not, and act accordingly.
    if (x_inf >= 0u && y_inf >= 0u && vertical_factors_max >= 0u && 
        x_sup <= (n_x_ - 1u) && y_sup <= (n_y_ - 1u) && vertical_factors_min <= 1u) {
      // Find indices in z-direction for each of the vertices. If link is not 
      // within the range of one of the columns, set to lowest or highest two.
      std::size_t idx_z[n_vertices] = {0u, static_cast<int>(vertical_spacing_factors_.size()) - 1u,
                              0u, static_cast<int>(vertical_spacing_factors_.size()) - 1u,
                              0u, static_cast<int>(vertical_spacing_factors_.size()) - 1u,
                              0u, static_cast<int>(vertical_spacing_factors_.size()) - 1u};
      for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < n_columns; ++i) {
        if (vertical_factors_columns[i] < 0u) {
          // Link z-position below lowest grid point of that column.
          idx_z[2u * i + 1u] = 1u;
        } else if (vertical_factors_columns[i] >= 1u) {
          // Link z-position above highest grid point of that column.
          idx_z[2u * i] = vertical_spacing_factors_.size() - 2u;
        } else {
          // Link z-position between two grid points in that column.
          for (std::size_t j = 0u; j < vertical_spacing_factors_.size() - 1u; ++j) {
            if (vertical_spacing_factors_[j] <= vertical_factors_columns[i] && 
                vertical_spacing_factors_[j + 1u] > vertical_factors_columns[i]) {
              idx_z[2u * i] = j;
              idx_z[2u * i + 1u] = j + 1u;

      // Extract the wind velocities corresponding to each vertex.
      math::Vector3 wind_at_vertices[n_vertices];
      for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < n_vertices; ++i) {
        wind_at_vertices[i].x = u_[idx_x[i] + idx_y[i] * n_x_ + idx_z[i] * n_x_ * n_y_];
        wind_at_vertices[i].y = v_[idx_x[i] + idx_y[i] * n_x_ + idx_z[i] * n_x_ * n_y_];
        wind_at_vertices[i].z = w_[idx_x[i] + idx_y[i] * n_x_ + idx_z[i] * n_x_ * n_y_];

      // Extract the relevant coordinate of every point needed for trilinear 
      // interpolation (first z-direction, then x-direction, then y-direction).
      constexpr unsigned int n_points_interp_z = 8;
      constexpr unsigned int n_points_interp_x = 4;
      constexpr unsigned int n_points_interp_y = 2;
      double interpolation_points[n_points_interp_x + n_points_interp_y + n_points_interp_z];
      for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < n_points_interp_x + n_points_interp_y + n_points_interp_z; ++i) {
        if (i < n_points_interp_z) {
          interpolation_points[i] = (
            top_z_[idx_x[i] + idx_y[i] * n_x_] - bottom_z_[idx_x[i] + idx_y[i] * n_x_])
            * vertical_spacing_factors_[idx_z[i]] + bottom_z_[idx_x[i] + idx_y[i] * n_x_];
        } else if (i >= n_points_interp_z && i < n_points_interp_x + n_points_interp_z) {
          interpolation_points[i] = min_x_ + res_x_ * idx_x[2u * (i - n_points_interp_z)];
        } else {
          interpolation_points[i] = min_y_ + res_y_ * idx_y[4u * (i - n_points_interp_z - n_points_interp_x)];

      // Interpolate wind velocity at aircraft position.
      wind_velocity = TrilinearInterpolation(
        link_position, wind_at_vertices, interpolation_points);
    } else {
      // Set the wind velocity to the default constant value specified by user.
      wind_velocity = wind_speed_mean_ * wind_direction_;

