Ejemplo n.º 1
  *     Unacquire : frees the mouse
    SysMouseImpl *This = impl_from_IDirectInputDevice8W(iface);
    HRESULT res;


    if ((res = IDirectInputDevice2WImpl_Unacquire(iface)) != DI_OK) return res;

    if (This->base.dwCoopLevel & DISCL_EXCLUSIVE)
        ShowCursor(TRUE); /* show cursor */
        This->clipped = FALSE;

    /* And put the mouse cursor back where it was at acquire time */
    if (This->base.dwCoopLevel & DISCL_EXCLUSIVE || This->warp_override == WARP_FORCE_ON)
        TRACE("warping mouse back to %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point(&This->org_coords));
        SetCursorPos(This->org_coords.x, This->org_coords.y);

    return DI_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE UI_ShowContextMenu(IDocHostUIHandler *iface, DWORD dwID, POINT *ppt, IUnknown *pcmdtReserved, IDispatch *pdispReserved)
    WebBrowserContainer *This = impl_from_IDocHostUIHandler(iface);
    DWORD cmdid, menu_id = 0;
    HMENU menu, submenu;

    TRACE("(%p)->(%d %s)\n", This, dwID, wine_dbgstr_point(ppt));

    menu = LoadMenuW(hhctrl_hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(MENU_WEBBROWSER));
    if (!menu)
        return S_OK;

    /* FIXME: Support more menu types. */
        menu_id = 1;

    submenu = GetSubMenu(menu, menu_id);

    cmdid = TrackPopupMenu(submenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD,
            ppt->x, ppt->y, 0, This->hwndWindow, NULL);

    switch(cmdid) {
    case IDTB_BACK:
        DoPageAction(This, WB_GOBACK);
    case IDTB_FORWARD:
        DoPageAction(This, WB_GOFORWARD);
        IWebBrowser2_ExecWB(This->web_browser, OLECMDID_SELECTALL, 0, NULL, NULL);
        FIXME("View source\n");
    case IDTB_PRINT:
        DoPageAction(This, WB_PRINT);
    case IDTB_REFRESH:
        DoPageAction(This, WB_REFRESH);
    case MIID_COPY:
        IWebBrowser2_ExecWB(This->web_browser, OLECMDID_COPY, 0, NULL, NULL);
    case MIID_PASTE:
        IWebBrowser2_ExecWB(This->web_browser, OLECMDID_PASTE, 0, NULL, NULL);
    case MIID_CUT:
        IWebBrowser2_ExecWB(This->web_browser, OLECMDID_CUT, 0, NULL, NULL);

    return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static HRESULT WINAPI DragSourceHelper_InitializeFromWindow(IDragSourceHelper *iface, HWND hwnd,
    POINT *pt, IDataObject *object)
    dragdrophelper *This = impl_from_IDragSourceHelper(iface);

    FIXME("(%p)->(%p, %s, %p): stub\n", This, hwnd, wine_dbgstr_point(pt), object);

    return E_NOTIMPL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Helper function that blits the front buffer contents to the target window. */
void x11_copy_to_screen(const struct wined3d_swapchain *swapchain, const RECT *rect)
    struct wined3d_surface *front;
    POINT offset = {0, 0};
    HDC src_dc, dst_dc;
    RECT draw_rect;
    HWND window;

    TRACE("swapchain %p, rect %s.\n", swapchain, wine_dbgstr_rect(rect));

    front = surface_from_resource(wined3d_texture_get_sub_resource(swapchain->front_buffer, 0));
    if (swapchain->palette)
        wined3d_palette_apply_to_dc(swapchain->palette, front->hDC);

    if (front->resource.map_count)
        ERR("Trying to blit a mapped surface.\n");

    TRACE("Copying surface %p to screen.\n", front);

    surface_load_location(front, NULL, WINED3D_LOCATION_DIB);

    src_dc = front->hDC;
    window = swapchain->win_handle;
    dst_dc = GetDCEx(window, 0, DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_CACHE);

    /* Front buffer coordinates are screen coordinates. Map them to the
     * destination window if not fullscreened. */
    if (swapchain->desc.windowed)
        ClientToScreen(window, &offset);

    TRACE("offset %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_point(&offset));

    draw_rect.left = 0;
    draw_rect.right = front->resource.width;
    draw_rect.top = 0;
    draw_rect.bottom = front->resource.height;

    if (rect)
        IntersectRect(&draw_rect, &draw_rect, rect);

    BitBlt(dst_dc, draw_rect.left - offset.x, draw_rect.top - offset.y,
            draw_rect.right - draw_rect.left, draw_rect.bottom - draw_rect.top,
            src_dc, draw_rect.left, draw_rect.top, SRCCOPY);
    ReleaseDC(window, dst_dc);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Helper function that blits the front buffer contents to the target window. */
void x11_copy_to_screen(const struct wined3d_swapchain *swapchain, const RECT *rect)
    const struct wined3d_surface *front;
    POINT offset = {0, 0};
    HDC src_dc, dst_dc;
    RECT draw_rect;
    HWND window;

    TRACE("swapchain %p, rect %s.\n", swapchain, wine_dbgstr_rect(rect));

    front = swapchain->front_buffer;
    if (!(front->resource.usage & WINED3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET))

    if (front->flags & SFLAG_LOCKED)
        ERR("Trying to blit a mapped surface.\n");

    TRACE("Copying surface %p to screen.\n", front);

    src_dc = front->hDC;
    window = swapchain->win_handle;
    dst_dc = GetDCEx(window, 0, DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_CACHE);

    /* Front buffer coordinates are screen coordinates. Map them to the
     * destination window if not fullscreened. */
    if (swapchain->desc.windowed)
        ClientToScreen(window, &offset);

    TRACE("offset %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_point(&offset));

    draw_rect.left = 0;
    draw_rect.right = front->resource.width;
    draw_rect.top = 0;
    draw_rect.bottom = front->resource.height;

    if (rect)
        IntersectRect(&draw_rect, &draw_rect, rect);

    BitBlt(dst_dc, draw_rect.left - offset.x, draw_rect.top - offset.y,
            draw_rect.right - draw_rect.left, draw_rect.bottom - draw_rect.top,
            src_dc, draw_rect.left, draw_rect.top, SRCCOPY);
    ReleaseDC(window, dst_dc);
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: input.c Proyecto: mikekap/wine
static void CALLBACK TrackMouseEventProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent,
                                         DWORD dwTime)
    POINT pos;
    INT hoverwidth = 0, hoverheight = 0, hittest;

    TRACE("hwnd %p, msg %04x, id %04lx, time %u\n", hwnd, uMsg, idEvent, dwTime);

    hwnd = WINPOS_WindowFromPoint(hwnd, pos, &hittest);

    TRACE("point %s hwnd %p hittest %d\n", wine_dbgstr_point(&pos), hwnd, hittest);

    SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERWIDTH, 0, &hoverwidth, 0);
    SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERHEIGHT, 0, &hoverheight, 0);

    TRACE("tracked pos %s, current pos %s, hover width %d, hover height %d\n",
           wine_dbgstr_point(&tracking_info.pos), wine_dbgstr_point(&pos),
           hoverwidth, hoverheight);

    /* see if this tracking event is looking for TME_LEAVE and that the */
    /* mouse has left the window */
    if (tracking_info.tme.dwFlags & TME_LEAVE)
        check_mouse_leave(hwnd, hittest);

    if (tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack != hwnd)
        /* mouse is gone, stop tracking mouse hover */
        tracking_info.tme.dwFlags &= ~TME_HOVER;

    /* see if we are tracking hovering for this hwnd */
    if (tracking_info.tme.dwFlags & TME_HOVER)
        /* has the cursor moved outside the rectangle centered around pos? */
        if ((abs(pos.x - tracking_info.pos.x) > (hoverwidth / 2)) ||
            (abs(pos.y - tracking_info.pos.y) > (hoverheight / 2)))
            /* record this new position as the current position */
            tracking_info.pos = pos;
            if (hittest == HTCLIENT)
                ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pos);
                TRACE("client cursor pos %s\n", wine_dbgstr_point(&pos));

                PostMessageW(tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack, WM_MOUSEHOVER,
                             get_key_state(), MAKELPARAM( pos.x, pos.y ));
                if (tracking_info.tme.dwFlags & TME_NONCLIENT)
                    PostMessageW(tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack, WM_NCMOUSEHOVER,
                                 hittest, MAKELPARAM( pos.x, pos.y ));

            /* stop tracking mouse hover */
            tracking_info.tme.dwFlags &= ~TME_HOVER;

    /* stop the timer if the tracking list is empty */
    if (!(tracking_info.tme.dwFlags & (TME_HOVER | TME_LEAVE)))
        KillSystemTimer(tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack, timer);
        timer = 0;
        tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack = 0;
        tracking_info.tme.dwFlags = 0;
        tracking_info.tme.dwHoverTime = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: input.c Proyecto: mikekap/wine
TrackMouseEvent (TRACKMOUSEEVENT *ptme)
    HWND hwnd;
    POINT pos;
    DWORD hover_time;
    INT hittest;

    TRACE("%x, %x, %p, %u\n", ptme->cbSize, ptme->dwFlags, ptme->hwndTrack, ptme->dwHoverTime);

    if (ptme->cbSize != sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT)) {
        WARN("wrong TRACKMOUSEEVENT size from app\n");
        return FALSE;

    /* fill the TRACKMOUSEEVENT struct with the current tracking for the given hwnd */
    if (ptme->dwFlags & TME_QUERY )
        *ptme = tracking_info.tme;
        /* set cbSize in the case it's not initialized yet */
        ptme->cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT);

        return TRUE; /* return here, TME_QUERY is retrieving information */

    if (!IsWindow(ptme->hwndTrack))
        return FALSE;

    hover_time = ptme->dwHoverTime;

    /* if HOVER_DEFAULT was specified replace this with the systems current value.
     * TME_LEAVE doesn't need to specify hover time so use default */
    if (hover_time == HOVER_DEFAULT || hover_time == 0 || !(ptme->dwHoverTime&TME_HOVER))
        SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME, 0, &hover_time, 0);

    hwnd = WINPOS_WindowFromPoint(ptme->hwndTrack, pos, &hittest);
    TRACE("point %s hwnd %p hittest %d\n", wine_dbgstr_point(&pos), hwnd, hittest);

    if (ptme->dwFlags & ~(TME_CANCEL | TME_HOVER | TME_LEAVE | TME_NONCLIENT))
        FIXME("Unknown flag(s) %08x\n", ptme->dwFlags & ~(TME_CANCEL | TME_HOVER | TME_LEAVE | TME_NONCLIENT));

    if (ptme->dwFlags & TME_CANCEL)
        if (tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack == ptme->hwndTrack)
            tracking_info.tme.dwFlags &= ~(ptme->dwFlags & ~TME_CANCEL);

            /* if we aren't tracking on hover or leave remove this entry */
            if (!(tracking_info.tme.dwFlags & (TME_HOVER | TME_LEAVE)))
                KillSystemTimer(tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack, timer);
                timer = 0;
                tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack = 0;
                tracking_info.tme.dwFlags = 0;
                tracking_info.tme.dwHoverTime = 0;
    } else {
        /* In our implementation it's possible that another window will receive a
         * WM_MOUSEMOVE and call TrackMouseEvent before TrackMouseEventProc is
         * called. In such a situation post the WM_MOUSELEAVE now */
        if (tracking_info.tme.dwFlags & TME_LEAVE && tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack != NULL)
            check_mouse_leave(hwnd, hittest);

        if (timer)
            KillSystemTimer(tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack, timer);
            timer = 0;
            tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack = 0;
            tracking_info.tme.dwFlags = 0;
            tracking_info.tme.dwHoverTime = 0;

        if (ptme->hwndTrack == hwnd)
            /* Adding new mouse event to the tracking list */
            tracking_info.tme = *ptme;
            tracking_info.tme.dwHoverTime = hover_time;

            /* Initialize HoverInfo variables even if not hover tracking */
            tracking_info.pos = pos;

            timer = SetSystemTimer(tracking_info.tme.hwndTrack, (UINT_PTR)&tracking_info.tme, hover_time, TrackMouseEventProc);

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: updown.c Proyecto: devyn/wine
 *           UPDOWN_HandleMouseEvent
 * Handle a mouse event for the updown.
 * 'pt' is the location of the mouse event in client or
 * windows coordinates.
static void UPDOWN_HandleMouseEvent (UPDOWN_INFO *infoPtr, UINT msg, INT x, INT y)
    POINT pt = { x, y };
    RECT rect;
    int temp, arrow;

    TRACE("msg %04x point %s\n", msg, wine_dbgstr_point(&pt));

        case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:  /* Initialise mouse tracking */

            /* If the buddy is an edit, will set focus to it */
	    if (UPDOWN_IsBuddyEdit(infoPtr)) SetFocus(infoPtr->Buddy);

            /* Now see which one is the 'active' arrow */
            arrow = UPDOWN_GetArrowFromPoint (infoPtr, &rect, pt);

            /* Update the flags if we are in/out */
            infoPtr->Flags &= ~(FLAG_MOUSEIN | FLAG_ARROW);
            if (arrow)
                infoPtr->Flags |= FLAG_MOUSEIN | arrow;
                if (infoPtr->AccelIndex != -1) infoPtr->AccelIndex = 0;

	    if (infoPtr->Flags & FLAG_ARROW) {

            	/* Update the CurVal if necessary */
            	UPDOWN_GetBuddyInt (infoPtr);

            	/* Set up the correct flags */
            	infoPtr->Flags |= FLAG_PRESSED;

            	/* repaint the control */
	    	InvalidateRect (infoPtr->Self, NULL, FALSE);

            	/* process the click */
		temp = (infoPtr->AccelCount && infoPtr->AccelVect) ? infoPtr->AccelVect[0].nInc : 1;
            	UPDOWN_DoAction (infoPtr, temp, infoPtr->Flags & FLAG_ARROW);

            	/* now capture all mouse messages */
            	SetCapture (infoPtr->Self);

            	/* and startup the first timer */
            	SetTimer(infoPtr->Self, TIMER_AUTOREPEAT, INITIAL_DELAY, 0);

            /* save the flags to see if any got modified */
            temp = infoPtr->Flags;

            /* Now see which one is the 'active' arrow */
            arrow = UPDOWN_GetArrowFromPoint (infoPtr, &rect, pt);

            /* Update the flags if we are in/out */
	    infoPtr->Flags &= ~(FLAG_MOUSEIN | FLAG_ARROW);
            if(arrow) {
	        infoPtr->Flags |=  FLAG_MOUSEIN | arrow;
            } else {
	        if(infoPtr->AccelIndex != -1) infoPtr->AccelIndex = 0;

            /* If state changed, redraw the control */
            if(temp != infoPtr->Flags)
		 InvalidateRect (infoPtr->Self, NULL, FALSE);

            /* Set up tracking so the mousein flags can be reset when the 
             * mouse leaves the control */
            tme.cbSize = sizeof( tme );
            tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE;
            tme.hwndTrack = infoPtr->Self;
            TrackMouseEvent (&tme);

        case WM_MOUSELEAVE:
	    infoPtr->Flags &= ~(FLAG_MOUSEIN | FLAG_ARROW);
            InvalidateRect (infoPtr->Self, NULL, FALSE);

	    ERR("Impossible case (msg=%x)!\n", msg);

Ejemplo n.º 9
/* Helper function that blits the front buffer contents to the target window. */
void x11_copy_to_screen(const struct wined3d_swapchain *swapchain, const RECT *rect)
    const struct wined3d_surface *front;
    POINT offset = {0, 0};
    HDC src_dc, dst_dc;
    RECT draw_rect;
    HWND window;

    TRACE("swapchain %p, rect %s.\n", swapchain, wine_dbgstr_rect(rect));

    front = swapchain->front_buffer;
    if (!(front->resource.usage & WINED3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET))

    TRACE("Copying surface %p to screen.\n", front);

    src_dc = front->hDC;
    window = swapchain->win_handle;
    dst_dc = GetDCEx(window, 0, DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_CACHE);

    /* Front buffer coordinates are screen coordinates. Map them to the
     * destination window if not fullscreened. */
    if (swapchain->presentParms.Windowed)
        ClientToScreen(window, &offset);

    TRACE("offset %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_point(&offset));

#if 0
    /* FIXME: This doesn't work... if users really want to run
     * X in 8bpp, then we need to call directly into display.drv
     * (or Wine's equivalent), and force a private colormap
     * without default entries. */
    if (front->palette)
        SelectPalette(dst_dc, front->palette->hpal, FALSE);
        RealizePalette(dst_dc); /* sends messages => deadlocks */

    draw_rect.left = 0;
    draw_rect.right = front->resource.width;
    draw_rect.top = 0;
    draw_rect.bottom = front->resource.height;

#if 0
    /* TODO: Support clippers. */
    if (front->clipper)
        RECT xrc;
        HWND hwnd = front->clipper->hWnd;
        if (hwnd && GetClientRect(hwnd,&xrc))
            OffsetRect(&xrc, offset.x, offset.y);
            IntersectRect(&draw_rect, &draw_rect, &xrc);

    if (!rect)
        /* Only use this if the caller did not pass a rectangle, since
         * due to double locking this could be the wrong one... */
        if (front->lockedRect.left != front->lockedRect.right)
            IntersectRect(&draw_rect, &draw_rect, &front->lockedRect);
        IntersectRect(&draw_rect, &draw_rect, rect);

    BitBlt(dst_dc, draw_rect.left - offset.x, draw_rect.top - offset.y,
            draw_rect.right - draw_rect.left, draw_rect.bottom - draw_rect.top,
            src_dc, draw_rect.left, draw_rect.top, SRCCOPY);
    ReleaseDC(window, dst_dc);