Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Looks at all the particles in block x,y,z that have moved significantly in the last iteration and updates
 * particle p's neighborlist
 * arguments:
 *      particles:      The spatially decomposed particle information
 *      x, y, z:        The indexes of the block in the particles array
 *      neighbor_list:  Particle p's neighborlist
 *      p:              The particle whose neighborlist is being built
 *      moved_list:     The list of all the particles that have moved significantly
 *      counts:         The number of particles in each moved list
void check_moved_particles(Particle* particles[XDiv][YDiv][ZDiv], int x, int y, int z, Neighbor* neighbor_list, Particle p, Particle** moved_list[XDiv][YDiv][ZDiv], int counts[XDiv][YDiv][ZDiv]) {
        // Wraps around to check for "neighboring" particles on the opposite side of the block
        x = (x+XDiv)%XDiv;
        y = (y+YDiv)%YDiv;
        z = (z+ZDiv)%ZDiv;
        int i, dist;
        int index = 0;
        Particle** list = moved_list[x][y][z];
        // Iterate through all the particles in the moved list to look for neighbors   
        for (i = 0; i < counts[x][y][z]; ++i){
            if (list[i]->index != -1) {
                dist = within_range(p, *list[i]);
                if (dist != 0){
                    //Iterate until we find an empty position in the neighborlist
                    // NOTE: We can't employ the same strategy of just keeping track of the next empty spot
                    // as we did above because we'll have gaps in the neighborlist
                    while(neighbor_list[index].index != -1){
                    neighbor_list[index].ptr = list[i];
                    neighbor_list[index].index = list[i]->index;
                    neighbor_list[index].list = dist;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Looks at all the particles in block x,y,z that have moved significantly in the last iteration and updates
 * particle p's neighborlist
 * arguments:
 *      particles:      The spatially decomposed particle information
 *      x, y, z:        The indexes of the block in the particles array
 *      neighbor_list:  Particle p's neighborlist
 *      p:              The particle whose neighborlist is being built
 *      moved_list:     The list of all the particles that have moved significantly
 *      counts:         The number of particles in each moved list
void check_moved_particles_center(Particle* particles[XDiv][YDiv][ZDiv], int x, int y, int z, Neighbor* neighbor_list, Particle *p, Particle** moved_list[XDiv][YDiv][ZDiv], int counts[XDiv][YDiv][ZDiv]) {
    //Iterate through all moved particles in list
    //Check if the particle is within the radius
    //Add to neighborlist
    int i; 
    int index = 0;
    Particle** list = moved_list[x][y][z];
    int dist;
    for (i = 0; i < counts[x][y][z]; ++i){ 
        if (list[i]->index != -1) {
            dist = within_range(*p, *list[i]);
            //Since this is for the block that the particle itself is in, it should only add particles that
            //are in array locations that are after the particle, to avoid double counting
            if (higher_index(list[i], p) && dist != 0){

                //Iterate until we find an empty position in the neighborlist
                while(neighbor_list[index].index != -1){
                neighbor_list[index].ptr = list[i];
                neighbor_list[index].index = list[i]->index;
                neighbor_list[index].list = dist;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void gevas_sprite_set_inter_frame_delays(
    GtkgEvasSprite* ev,
    gint base,
    GArray* times,
    gint    times_size)
    gint i = 0;
 	g_return_if_fail(ev    != NULL);
 	g_return_if_fail(times != NULL);
    ev->frame_delay_ms_base = base;
    ev->frame_delay_ms_size = times_size;

/*     printf("gevas_sprite_set_inter_frame_delays() base:%d times:%p size:%d\n", */
/*            base, times, times_size); */
    ev->frame_delay_ms = g_array_new(0,0,sizeof(gint));

    for (i = 0; i < times_size; i++)
        g_array_append_val(ev->frame_delay_ms, g_array_index (times, gint, i));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void gevas_sprite_set_current_frame( GtkgEvasSprite* ev, gint f )
 	g_return_if_fail(ev != NULL);

    ev->current_frame = f;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void gevas_sprite_advance_n( GtkgEvasSprite* ev, gint n )
    gint f = 0;
 	g_return_if_fail(ev != NULL);
    f = n + gevas_sprite_get_current_frame(ev);

Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    char strings[][73] = {  "$GPGGA,152606.000,3732.7200,N,07726.9881,W,1,4,1.56,159.0,M,-33.6,M,,*64",
                            "$PGTOP,11,2*6E" };
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        nmea_parse(strings[i], strlen(strings[i]));

    // Validate state
    within_range(get_latitude(), 37.545333, 0.00001f);
    within_range(get_longitude(), -77.449802, 0.00001f);
    within_range(get_altitude(), 159.0, 0.1f);
    validate_int(get_sat_count(), 4);
    validate_int(get_fix_type(), 3);

    nmea_parser_t *parser = nmea_parser_new();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        nmea_parse_r(strings[i], strlen(strings[i]), parser);
    within_range(get_latitude_r(parser), 37.545333, 0.00001f);
    within_range(get_longitude_r(parser), -77.449802, 0.00001f);
    within_range(get_altitude_r(parser), 159.0, 0.1f);
    validate_int(get_sat_count_r(parser), 4);
    validate_int(get_fix_type_r(parser), 3);
    assert(NULL == parser);
    return error;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Looks at all the particles within block x,y,z containing particle p and checks the distance
 * arguments:
 *      particles:      The spatially decomposed particle information
 *      x, y, z:        The indexes of the block in the particles array
 *      list_index:     The index of particle p in the block, x,y,z
 *      neighbor_list:  Particle p's neighborlist
 *      p:              The particle whose neighborlist is being built
 *      index:          The next empty spot in the neighborlist
void check_particles_center(Particle* particles[XDiv][YDiv][ZDiv], int x, int y, int z, int list_index, Neighbor* neighbor_list, Particle p, int *index) {
    int i, dist;
    Particle* list = particles[x][y][z];
    // Iterate through all the particles in the block to look for neighbors    
    for (i = list_index + 1; i < block_size; ++i){
        if (list[i].index != -1) {
            dist = within_range(p, list[i]);
            if (dist != 0){
                // Adds the neighbor to the next available index in the neighborlist
                neighbor_list[*index].ptr = &list[i];
                neighbor_list[*index].index = list[i].index;
                neighbor_list[*index].list = dist;
                *index = *index + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Looks at all the particles within a neighboring block, x,y,z and checks the distance against
 * given particle p
 * arguments:
 *      particles:      The spatially decomposed particle information
 *      x, y, z:        The indexes of the block in the particles array
 *      neighbor_list:  Particle p's neighborlist
 *      p:              The particle whose neighborlist is being built
 *      index:          The next empty spot in the neighborlist
void check_particles(Particle* particles[XDiv][YDiv][ZDiv], int x, int y, int z, Neighbor* neighbor_list, Particle p, int* index) {
    // Wraps around to check for "neighboring" particles on the opposite side of the block
    x = (x+XDiv)%XDiv;
    y = (y+YDiv)%YDiv;
    z = (z+ZDiv)%ZDiv;
    int i, dist;
    Particle* list = particles[x][y][z];
    // Iterate through all the particles in the block to look for neighbors
    for (i = 0; i < block_size; ++i){
        if (list[i].index != -1) { //If valid particles
            dist = within_range(p, list[i]); 
            if (dist != 0){
                // Adds the neighbor to the next available index in the neighborlist
                neighbor_list[*index].ptr = &list[i];
                neighbor_list[*index].index = list[i].index;
                neighbor_list[*index].list = dist;
                *index = *index + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void smart_object::follow(complex_object target)
Ejemplo n.º 10
void smart_object::watch(complex_object target)