Ejemplo n.º 1
void ParticleSparkUpdate() {
	if(g_sparkParticlesCount == 0) {
	const GameInstant now = g_gameTime.now();
	RenderMaterial sparkMaterial;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < g_sparkParticlesMax; i++) {

		SparkParticle & spark = g_sparkParticles[i];
		if(spark.m_duration == 0) {

		long framediff = spark.timcreation + spark.m_duration - toMsi(now);
		long framediff2 = toMsi(now) - spark.timcreation;
		if(framediff2 < 0) {
		if(framediff <= 0) {
			spark.m_duration = 0;
		float val = (spark.m_duration - framediff) * 0.01f;
		Vec3f in = spark.m_pos + spark.move * val;
		Vec3f tailDirection = glm::normalize(-spark.move);
		TexturedVertex tv[3];
		tv[0].color = spark.rgb;
		tv[1].color = Color::gray(0.4f).toRGBA();
		tv[2].color = Color::black.toRGBA();
		worldToClipSpace(in, tv[0]);
		if(tv[0].w < 0 || tv[0].p.z > g_camera->cdepth * fZFogEnd * tv[0].w) {
		Vec3f temp1 = in + Vec3f(Random::getf(0.f, 0.5f), 0.8f, Random::getf(0.f, 0.5f));
		Vec3f temp2 = in + tailDirection * spark.m_tailLength;
		worldToClipSpace(temp1, tv[1]);
		worldToClipSpace(temp2, tv[2]);
		g_renderBatcher.add(sparkMaterial, tv);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void ComputeLight2DPos(EERIE_LIGHT * _pL) {
	Vec4f p = worldToClipSpace(_pL->pos);
	if(p.w <= 0.f) {
	Vec3f pos2d = Vec3f(p) / p.w;
	if(pos2d.z > 0.f && pos2d.z < 1000.f) {
		float siz = 50;
		float fMaxdist = player.m_telekinesis ? 850 : 300;
		float t = siz * (1.0f - 1.0f * p.w / fMaxdist) + 10;

		_pL->m_screenRect = Rectf(pos2d.x - t, pos2d.y - t, pos2d.x + t, pos2d.y + t);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool Label::updateScreenTransform(const glm::mat4& _mvp, const glm::vec2& _screenSize, bool _testVisibility) {

    glm::vec2 screenPosition;
    float rot = 0;

    glm::vec2 ap1, ap2;

    switch (m_type) {
        case Type::debug:
        case Type::point:
            glm::vec4 v1 = worldToClipSpace(_mvp, glm::vec4(m_transform.modelPosition1, 0.0, 1.0));

            if (_testVisibility && (v1.w <= 0)) {
                return false;

            screenPosition = clipToScreenSpace(v1, _screenSize);

            ap1 = ap2 = screenPosition;

        case Type::line:
            // project label position from mercator world space to clip coordinates
            glm::vec4 v1 = worldToClipSpace(_mvp, glm::vec4(m_transform.modelPosition1, 0.0, 1.0));
            glm::vec4 v2 = worldToClipSpace(_mvp, glm::vec4(m_transform.modelPosition2, 0.0, 1.0));

            // check whether the label is behind the camera using the perspective division factor
            if (_testVisibility && (v1.w <= 0 || v2.w <= 0)) {
                return false;

            // project to screen space
            glm::vec2 p1 = clipToScreenSpace(v1, _screenSize);
            glm::vec2 p2 = clipToScreenSpace(v2, _screenSize);

            rot = angleBetweenPoints(p1, p2) + M_PI_2;

            if (rot > M_PI_2 || rot < -M_PI_2) { // un-readable labels
                rot += M_PI;
            } else {
                std::swap(p1, p2);

            float length = glm::length(p2 - p1);

            float exceedHeuristic = 30; // default heuristic : 30%

            if (_testVisibility && (m_dim.x > length)) {
                float exceed = (1 - (length / m_dim.x)) * 100;
                if (exceed > exceedHeuristic) {
                    return false;

            ap1 = p1;
            ap2 = p2;


    align(screenPosition, ap1, ap2);

    // update screen position
    glm::vec2 offset = m_options.offset;

    if (m_transform.state.rotation != 0.f) {
        offset = glm::rotate(offset, m_transform.state.rotation);

    glm::vec2 newScreenPos = screenPosition + offset;
    if (newScreenPos != m_transform.state.screenPos) {
        m_transform.state.screenPos = newScreenPos;
        m_dirty = true;

    // update screen rotation
    if (m_transform.state.rotation != rot) {
        m_transform.state.rotation = rot;
        m_dirty = true;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
glm::vec2 worldToScreenSpace(const glm::mat4& _mvp, const glm::vec4& _worldPosition, const glm::vec2& _screenSize) {
    return clipToScreenSpace(worldToClipSpace(_mvp, _worldPosition), _screenSize);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void updateLightFlares() {
	Entity * pTableIO[256];
	size_t nNbInTableIO = 0;
	float temp_increase = toMs(g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration()) * 0.004f;
	const Vec3f camPos = g_camera->m_pos;
	bool bComputeIO = false;

	Vec4f zFar = g_preparedCamera.m_viewToScreen * Vec4f(0.f, 0.f, g_camera->cdepth * fZFogEnd, 1.f);
	float fZFar = zFar.z / zFar.w;

	for(size_t i = 0; i < g_culledDynamicLightsCount; i++) {
		EERIE_LIGHT * el = g_culledDynamicLights[i];
		if(!ACTIVEBKG->isInActiveTile(el->pos)) {
			el->m_isVisible = false;
		if(el->extras & EXTRAS_FLARE) {
			Vec3f lv = el->pos;
			Vec4f p = worldToClipSpace(lv);
			Vec3f pos2d = Vec3f(p) / p.w;
			el->m_flareFader -= temp_increase;

			if(p.w > 0.f && pos2d.x > 0.f && pos2d.x < g_size.width()
			   && pos2d.y > (cinematicBorder.CINEMA_DECAL * g_sizeRatio.y)
				 && pos2d.y < (g_size.height() - (cinematicBorder.CINEMA_DECAL * g_sizeRatio.y))) {
				Vec3f vector = lv - camPos;
				lv -= vector * (50.f / glm::length(vector));
				Vec3f ee3dlv = lv;
				Vec2s ees2dlv(checked_range_cast<short>(pos2d.x), checked_range_cast<short>(pos2d.y));
				if(!bComputeIO) {
					GetFirstInterAtPos(ees2dlv, 2, &ee3dlv, pTableIO, &nNbInTableIO);
					bComputeIO = true;
				if(   pos2d.z > fZFar
				   || RaycastLightFlare(camPos, el->pos)
				   || GetFirstInterAtPos(ees2dlv, 3, &ee3dlv, pTableIO, &nNbInTableIO)
				) {
					el->m_flareFader -= temp_increase * 2.f;
				} else {
					el->m_flareFader += temp_increase * 2.f;

			el->m_flareFader = glm::clamp(el->m_flareFader, 0.f, .8f);