Ejemplo n.º 1
int GetWPos(int nnaxes, float pix[3], double ref[3], float refpix[3], 
   float inc[3], float rot[3], char type[3][9], double pos[3])
/* Determines World coordinates for a position of the first three axes */
/* takes pixel location (pix), FITS header info (ref, refpix, inc, rot */
/* type and returns coordinates as pos                                 */
/* returns 0 if successful otherwise:                                  */
/* 1 = angle too large for projection;                                 */
{  int i, j, naxes, iRet, Lonaxis=-1, Lataxis=-1, Othaxis[3]={1,1,1};
   char Lontypes[4][5]={"RA  ", "GLON", "ELON", "LL  "};
   int  Loncheck[4] = {2, 4, 4, 2};
   char Lattypes[4][5]={"DEC ", "GLAT", "ELAT", "MM  "};
   int  Latcheck[4] = {3, 4, 4, 2};
   naxes = nnaxes;
   if (naxes>3) naxes = 3;
/* find any Long axis */
   for (i=0;i<naxes;i++) {
      for (j=0;j<4;j++) 
	  if (!strncmp (type[i], Lontypes[j], Loncheck[j])) Lonaxis = i;}
/* find any Lat axis */
   for (i=0;i<naxes;i++) {
      for (j=0;j<4;j++) 
	 if (!strncmp (type[i], Lattypes[j], Latcheck[j])) Lataxis = i;}
/* get World coordinates for any position pair */
   if ((Lonaxis>=0) && (Lataxis>=0)) {
      iRet = worldpos(pix[Lonaxis], pix[Lataxis], 
	 ref[Lonaxis], ref[Lataxis], refpix[Lonaxis], refpix[Lataxis], 
	 inc[Lonaxis], inc[Lataxis], rot[Lataxis], 
	 &type[Lonaxis][4], &pos[Lonaxis], &pos[Lataxis]);}
   else { /* no position pair */
      Lonaxis = -1; Lataxis = -1; iRet = 0;}
   if (Lonaxis>=0) Othaxis[Lonaxis] = 0;
   if (Lataxis>=0) Othaxis[Lataxis] = 0;
/* do Other axes */
   for (i=0;i<naxes;i++){
      if (Othaxis[i]) pos[i] = ref[i] + inc[i] * (pix[i] - refpix[i]);
   return iRet;
} /* end of GetWPos */
Ejemplo n.º 2
void nemo_main() {
   int i,j,nentries,ncol,nsp;
   FILE *fp;               /* File pointer for output file */
   string outfile;         /* name of output file */
   string *sp;             /* used to read the command line argument "col" */
   string wcs_type;        /* WCS projection type (can be XXX or -XXX) */
   char type[5];           /* the real WCS for worldpos() ; needs to be '-XXX' */
   int nx,ny;              /* size of map in pixels for x,y directions */
   double index,rzero;     /* parameters for powerlaw */
   double crval1,crval2;   /* center RA and DEC */
   double cdelt1,cdelt2;   /* delta RA and delta DEC for pixels */
   double crpix1,crpix2;   /* reference pixel */
   double xpix, ypix;      /* current x and y pixel position in map */
   double ra,dec;          /* ra,dec of current pixel position in map */
   double flux;            /* computed flux for each pixel */
   double radius;          /* radius, in pixels */

   /* Read command line */
   index    = getdparam("index");
   rzero    = getdparam("rzero");
   outfile  = getparam("out");
   wcs_type = getparam("type");
   if (strlen(wcs_type)==3) { /* make sure type is '-XXX' */
      type[0] = '-';
   } else if (strlen(wcs_type)==4) {
      if (*wcs_type == '-')
         error("type=%s probably not legal, should be -XXX",wcs_type);
   } else
      error("type=%s must be a valid -XXX or XXX   WCS descriptor",wcs_type);
   sp  = burststring(getparam("crval")," ,");
   nsp = xstrlen(sp,sizeof(string))-1;
   if (nsp != 2)
      error("You must specify two values for the crval keyword!");
   crval1 = natof(sp[0]);
   crval2 = natof(sp[1]);

   sp  = burststring(getparam("naxis")," ,");
   nsp = xstrlen(sp,sizeof(string))-1;
   if (nsp != 2)
      error("You must specify two values for the naxis keyword!");
   nx = natoi(sp[0]);
   ny = natoi(sp[1]);
   crpix1 = nx/2.0+1;
   crpix2 = ny/2.0+1;
   cdelt2 = getdparam("cdelt")/3600.; 
   cdelt1 = -cdelt2;

   /* Test to make sure we can write to output file */
   fp = stropen(outfile,"w");
   fprintf(stderr,"nx,ny = %d,%d\n",nx,ny);
   fprintf(stderr,"wcs: %s\n",type);

   dprintf(1,"LL corner: %g %g\n",ra,dec);
   dprintf(1,"LR corner: %g %g\n",ra,dec);
   dprintf(1,"UR corner: %g %g\n",ra,dec);
   dprintf(1,"UL corner: %g %g\n",ra,dec);

   /* Write header for TABFITS to file */
   fp = stropen(getparam("out"),"w!");
   fprintf(fp,"# NAXIS1 = %d\n",nx);
   fprintf(fp,"# NAXIS2 = %d\n",ny);
   fprintf(fp,"# NAXIS3 = 1\n");
   fprintf(fp,"# CDELT1 = %lf\n",cdelt1);
   fprintf(fp,"# CDELT2 = %lf\n",cdelt2);
   fprintf(fp,"# CRVAL1 = %lf\n",crval1);
   fprintf(fp,"# CRVAL2 = %lf\n",crval2);
   fprintf(fp,"# CRPIX1 = %f\n",crpix1);
   fprintf(fp,"# CRPIX2 = %f\n",crpix2);
   fprintf(fp,"# CTYPE1 = 'RA--%s'\n",type);
   fprintf(fp,"# CTYPE2 = 'DEC-%s'\n",type);
   fprintf(fp,"# COMMENT index=%g / powerlaw index\n",index);
   fprintf(fp,"# COMMENT rzero=%g / rzero parameter\n",rzero);
   fprintf(fp,"# COMMENT out=%s   / output table\n",outfile);
   fprintf(fp,"# COMMENT crval=%f,%f / Center WCS coordinates\n",crval1,crval2);
   fprintf(fp,"# COMMENT naxis=%d,%d / Image size in pixels\n",nx,ny);
   fprintf(fp,"# COMMENT cdelt=%f    / pixel size in arcseconds\n",cdelt2*3600);
   fprintf(fp,"# COMMENT type=%s     / Projection type\n",type);
   fprintf(fp,"# COMMENT VERSION=%s  / Version number\n",getparam("VERSION"));

   for (i=0; i< ny; i++){
      ypix = i + 1.0;
      for (j=0; j< nx; j++){
         xpix = j + 1.0;
         radius = sqrt((xpix-crpix1)*(xpix-crpix1) + (ypix-crpix2)*(ypix-crpix2));
         flux = 1.0/(1.0 + pow(radius/rzero,index));
/*         if (radius <= 4)
            flux = 1.0;
            flux = 1.0/(1.0 + pow(radius-4,index)); */
         fprintf(fp,"%lf  %lf %4.2e\n",ra,dec,flux);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void yse_line_print(yse_line_list *line, yse_field_t *field, const char *filename, float flatness, int idx, double *keyval, int foutid)
	FILE *fp, *fpix, *fsky; // If you want to get xyfile, remove //

	int n=0, i=0, j=0, max_i, max_j;
	double a; // xy slope
	double asky; // sky slope
	float xmax, xmin;
	float ymax, ymin;
	int xpix, ypix;
	int rc=0;

	float max_length_xy=-1000.0, length;
	float max_length_sky;

	char buf[80];
	char fname[80], outnamexy[80], outnamesky[80], outnameskycen[80], outnamexycen[80];
	char fnamepix[80], fnamesky[80];

	type = "-TAN";

	xrefsky = keyval[0];
	yrefsky = keyval[1];
	xrefpix = keyval[2];
	yrefpix = keyval[3];
	xinc = keyval[4];
	yinc = keyval[5];
	rot = keyval[6];

	printf("xrefsky = %.10f\n", keyval[0]);
	printf("yrefsky = %.10f\n", keyval[1]);
	printf("xrefpix = %.10f\n", keyval[2]);
	printf("yrefpix = %.10f\n", keyval[3]);
	printf("cdelt1 = %.10f\n", keyval[4]);
	printf("cdelt2 = %.10f\n", keyval[5]);
	printf("rot = %.10f\n", keyval[6]);

	if ( foutid==1 ) sprintf(fname, "LP%05d", idx); // If you want to get xyfile, remove //

	if ( foutid==1 ) fp = fopen(fname, "w");	 // If you want to get xyfile, remove //
	while(line != NULL)
		x[n] = line->x;
		y[n] = line->y;
		if ( foutid==1 ) fprintf(fp, "%f %f\n", x[n], y[n]); // If you want to get xyfile, remove //
		rc = worldpos(x[n], y[n], xrefsky, yrefsky, xrefpix, yrefpix, xinc, yinc, rot, type, &tmpxsky, &tmpysky);
		xsky[n] = tmpxsky;
		ysky[n] = tmpysky;

		line = line->next;
	if ( foutid==1 ) fclose(fp); // If you want to get xyfile, remove //

	if ( n<MIN_NPIXEL ){
		if ( foutid==1 ) remove(fname); // If you want to get xyfile, remove //
		return ;

	for ( i=0 ; i<(n-1) ; i++ ){
		for ( j=(i+1) ; j<n ; j++ ){
			length = sqrt((x[i]-x[j])*(x[i]-x[j])+(y[i]-y[j])*(y[i]-y[j]));
			if ( length>max_length_xy ){
				max_length_xy = length;
				max_i = i;
				max_j = j;
	a = (y[max_j]-y[max_i])/(x[max_j]-x[max_i]);
	xmin = ( x[max_i]>x[max_j] ) ? x[max_j] : x[max_i];
	xmax = ( x[max_i]>x[max_j] ) ? x[max_i] : x[max_j];
	ymin = ( y[max_i]>y[max_j] ) ? y[max_j] : y[max_i];
	ymax = ( y[max_i]>y[max_j] ) ? y[max_i] : y[max_j];

	asky = (ysky[max_j]-ysky[max_i])/(xsky[max_j]-xsky[max_i])*cos((ysky[max_i]*D2R+ysky[max_j]*D2R)/2.0);
	xskymin = ( xsky[max_i]>xsky[max_j] ) ? xsky[max_j] : xsky[max_i];
	xskymax = ( xsky[max_i]>xsky[max_j] ) ? xsky[max_i] : xsky[max_j];
	yskymin = ( ysky[max_i]>ysky[max_j] ) ? ysky[max_j] : ysky[max_i];
	yskymax = ( ysky[max_i]>ysky[max_j] ) ? ysky[max_i] : ysky[max_j];

	if ( max_length_xy>MIN_STREAK_LENGTH ){
		max_length_sky = angular_sep(xskymin, yskymin, xskymax, yskymax);

		sprintf(fnamepix, "%s.sxy", filename);
		sprintf(fnamesky, "%s.ssky", filename);

		fpix = fopen(fnamepix, "a+");
		fsky = fopen(fnamesky, "a+");
		for ( i=0 ; i<n ; i++ ){
			xpix = (int)x[i];
			ypix = (int)y[i];
			fprintf(fpix, "%d %d 16000\n", xpix, ypix);
			fprintf(fsky, "%11.6f %11.6f 16000\n", xsky[i], ysky[i]);

		sprintf(outnamexy, "%s.strxy", filename);
		fp = fopen(outnamexy, "a+");
		if ( foutid==1 ){
			printf("XY  %s flatness= %11.6f a= %11.6f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f L= %11.6f\n",
	    			  fname, flatness, a, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, max_length_xy);
			fprintf(fp, "%11.6f %11.6f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %11.6f\n",
	    	             flatness, a, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, max_length_xy);
			printf("XY  flatness= %11.6f a= %11.6f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f L= %11.6f\n",
	    			     flatness, a, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, max_length_xy);
			fprintf(fp, "%11.6f %11.6f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %11.6f\n",
	    	             flatness, a, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, max_length_xy);

		sprintf(outnamesky, "%s.strsky", filename);
		fp = fopen(outnamesky, "a+");
		if ( foutid==1 ){
			printf("SKY %s flatness= %11.6f a= %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f L= %11.6f\n",
	    			  fname, flatness, asky, xskymin, yskymin, xskymax, yskymax, max_length_sky);
			fprintf(fp, "%11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n",
	    	             flatness, asky, xskymin, yskymin, xskymax, yskymax, max_length_sky);
			printf("SKY flatness= %11.6f a= %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f L= %11.6f\n",
	    			      flatness, asky, xskymin, yskymin, xskymax, yskymax, max_length_sky);
			fprintf(fp, "%11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n",
	    	             flatness, asky, xskymin, yskymin, xskymax, yskymax, max_length_sky);

		sprintf(outnameskycen, "%s.strskycen", filename);
		fp = fopen(outnameskycen, "a+");
		fprintf(fp, "%11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n",
	  	             flatness, asky, (xskymin+xskymax)/2.0, (yskymin+yskymax)/2.0, max_length_sky);
	  	             //flatness, asky, (xmin+xmax)/2.0, (ymin+ymax)/2.0, max_length_sky);

		sprintf(outnamexycen, "%s.strxycen", filename);
		fp = fopen(outnamexycen, "a+");
		fprintf(fp, "%11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n",
	  	             //flatness, asky, (xskymin+xskymax)/2.0, (yskymin+yskymax)/2.0, max_length_sky);
	  	             flatness, asky, (xmin+xmax)/2.0, (ymin+ymax)/2.0, max_length_sky);

	return ;