Ejemplo n.º 1
void GfxCompare::kernelBaseSetter(reg_t object) {
	if (lookupSelector(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brLeft), NULL, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) {
		int16 x = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(x));
		int16 y = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(y));
		int16 z = (SELECTOR(z) > -1) ? readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(z)) : 0;
		int16 yStep = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(yStep));
		GuiResourceId viewId = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(view));
		int16 loopNo = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(loop));
		int16 celNo = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(cel));
		uint16 scaleSignal = 0;
		if (getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_1_1)
			scaleSignal = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(scaleSignal));

		Common::Rect celRect;

		GfxView *tmpView = _cache->getView(viewId);
		if (!tmpView->isScaleable())
			scaleSignal = 0;

		if (scaleSignal & kScaleSignalDoScaling) {
			celRect = getNSRect(object);
		} else {
			tmpView->getCelRect(loopNo, celNo, x, y, z, celRect);

		celRect.bottom = y + 1;
		celRect.top = celRect.bottom - yStep;

		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brLeft), celRect.left);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brRight), celRect.right);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brTop), celRect.top);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brBottom), celRect.bottom);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void GuestAdditions::syncGK1StartupVolumeFromScummVM(const int index, const reg_t value) const {
	if (index == kGlobalVarGK1Music1 || index == kGlobalVarGK1Music2 ||
		index == kGlobalVarGK1DAC1 || index == kGlobalVarGK1DAC2 ||
		index == kGlobalVarGK1DAC3) {

		int16 volume;
		Selector selector;

		switch (readSelectorValue(_segMan, value, SELECTOR(type))) {
		case kSoundsMusicType: {
			volume = (ConfMan.getInt("music_volume") + 1) * MUSIC_VOLUME_MAX / Audio::Mixer::kMaxMixerVolume;
			selector = SELECTOR(musicVolume);

		case kSoundsSoundType: {
			volume = (ConfMan.getInt("sound_volume") + 1) * MUSIC_VOLUME_MAX / Audio::Mixer::kMaxMixerVolume;
			selector = SELECTOR(soundVolume);

			error("Unknown sound type");

		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, value, selector, volume);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, value, selector, volume);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void GuestAdditions::syncGK1VolumeFromScummVM(const int16 musicVolume, const int16 dacVolume) const {
	const reg_t soundsId = _state->variables[VAR_GLOBAL][kGlobalVarSounds];
	if (!soundsId.isNull()) {
		List *sounds = _segMan->lookupList(readSelector(_segMan, soundsId, SELECTOR(elements)));
		reg_t soundId = sounds->first;
		while (!soundId.isNull()) {
			Node *sound = _segMan->lookupNode(soundId);
			const int16 type = readSelectorValue(_segMan, sound->value, SELECTOR(type));
			int16 volume;

			if (type == kSoundsMusicType) {
				volume = ConfMan.getBool("mute") ? 0 : musicVolume;
				writeSelectorValue(_segMan, sound->value, SELECTOR(musicVolume), musicVolume);
			} else if (type == kSoundsSoundType) {
				volume = dacVolume;
				writeSelectorValue(_segMan, sound->value, SELECTOR(soundVolume), dacVolume);
			} else {
				error("Unknown sound type %d", type);

			// `setVolume` will set the `vol` property on the sound object;
			// if it did not do this, an invocation of the `setVol` selector
			// would need to be here (though doing so would result in
			// recursion, so don't)
			g_sci->_soundCmd->setVolume(sound->value, volume);
			soundId = sound->succ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SoundCommandParser::processStopSound(reg_t obj, bool sampleFinishedPlaying) {
	MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);
	if (!musicSlot) {
		warning("kDoSound(stop): Slot not found (%04x:%04x)", PRINT_REG(obj));

	if (_soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE) {
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(state), kSoundStopped);
	} else {
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(handle), 0);

	// Set signal selector in sound SCI0 games only, when the sample has
	// finished playing. If we don't set it at all, we get a problem when using
	// vaporizer on the 2 guys. If we set it all the time, we get no music in
	// sq3new and kq1.
	// FIXME: This *may* be wrong, it's impossible to find out in Sierra DOS
	//        SCI, because SCI0 under DOS didn't have sfx drivers included.
	// We need to set signal in sound SCI1+ games all the time.
	if ((_soundVersion > SCI_VERSION_0_LATE) || sampleFinishedPlaying)
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(signal), SIGNAL_OFFSET);

	musicSlot->dataInc = 0;
	musicSlot->signal = SIGNAL_OFFSET;
Ejemplo n.º 5
reg_t SoundCommandParser::kDoSoundSetPriority(int argc, reg_t *argv, reg_t acc) {
	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	int16 value = argv[1].toSint16();

	debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(setPriority): %04x:%04x, %d", PRINT_REG(obj), value);

	MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);
	if (!musicSlot) {
		debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(setPriority): Slot not found (%04x:%04x)", PRINT_REG(obj));
		return acc;

	if (value == -1) {
		uint16 resourceId = musicSlot->resourceId;

		// Set priority from the song data
		Resource *song = _resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeSound, resourceId), 0);
		if (song->data[0] == 0xf0)
			_music->soundSetPriority(musicSlot, song->data[1]);
			warning("kDoSound(setPriority): Attempt to unset song priority when there is no built-in value");

		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(flags), readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(flags)) & 0xFD);
	} else {
		// Scripted priority

		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(flags), readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(flags)) | 2);
	return acc;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void GfxAnimate::restoreAndDelete(int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	AnimateList::iterator it;
	const AnimateList::iterator end = _list.end();

	// This has to be done in a separate loop. At least in sq1 some .dispose
	// modifies FIXEDLOOP flag in signal for another object. In that case we
	// would overwrite the new signal with our version of the old signal.
	for (it = _list.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
		// Finally update signal
		writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(signal), it->signal);

	for (it = _list.legacy_reverse_begin(); it != end; --it) {
		// We read out signal here again, this is not by accident but to ensure
		// that we got an up-to-date signal
		it->signal = readSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(signal));

		if ((it->signal & (kSignalNoUpdate | kSignalRemoveView)) == 0) {
			_paint16->bitsRestore(readSelector(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(underBits)));
			writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(underBits), 0);

		if (it->signal & kSignalDisposeMe) {
			// Call .delete_ method of that object
			invokeSelector(_s, it->object, SELECTOR(delete_), argc, argv, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void SciEngine::setLauncherLanguage() {
	if (_gameDescription->flags & ADGF_ADDENGLISH) {
		// If game is multilingual
		Common::Language chosenLanguage = Common::parseLanguage(ConfMan.get("language"));
		uint16 languageToSet = 0;

		switch (chosenLanguage) {
		case Common::EN_ANY:
			// and English was selected as language
			languageToSet = K_LANG_ENGLISH;
		case Common::JA_JPN: {
			// Set Japanese for FM-Towns games
			// KQ5 on FM-Towns has no initial language set
			if (g_sci->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) {
				languageToSet = K_LANG_JAPANESE;

		if (languageToSet) {
			if (SELECTOR(printLang) != -1) // set text language
				writeSelectorValue(_gamestate->_segMan, _gameObjectAddress, SELECTOR(printLang), languageToSet);
			if (SELECTOR(parseLang) != -1) // and set parser language as well
				writeSelectorValue(_gamestate->_segMan, _gameObjectAddress, SELECTOR(parseLang), languageToSet);
Ejemplo n.º 8
reg_t kMapKeyToDir(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	SegManager *segMan = s->_segMan;

	if (readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type)) == SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD) { // Keyboard
		uint16 message = readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message));
		uint16 eventType = SCI_EVENT_DIRECTION;
		// Check if the game is using cursor views. These games allowed control
		// of the mouse cursor via the keyboard controls (the so called
		// "PseudoMouse" functionality in script 933).
		if (g_sci->_features->detectSetCursorType() == SCI_VERSION_1_1)
			eventType |= SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD;

		for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
			if (keyToDirMap[i].key == message) {
				writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(type), eventType);
				writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(message), keyToDirMap[i].direction);
				return TRUE_REG;	// direction mapped

		return NULL_REG;	// unknown direction

	return s->r_acc;	// no keyboard event to map, leave accumulator unchanged
Ejemplo n.º 9
void GfxAnimate::applyGlobalScaling(AnimateList::iterator entry, GfxView *view) {
	// Global scaling uses global var 2 and some other stuff to calculate scaleX/scaleY
	int16 maxScale = readSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, entry->object, SELECTOR(maxScale));
	int16 celHeight = view->getHeight(entry->loopNo, entry->celNo);
	int16 maxCelHeight = (maxScale * celHeight) >> 7;
	reg_t globalVar2 = _s->variables[VAR_GLOBAL][2]; // current room object
	int16 vanishingY = readSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, globalVar2, SELECTOR(vanishingY));

	int16 fixedPortY = _ports->getPort()->rect.bottom - vanishingY;
	int16 fixedEntryY = entry->y - vanishingY;
	if (!fixedEntryY)
		fixedEntryY = 1;

	if ((celHeight == 0) || (fixedPortY == 0))
		error("global scaling panic");

	entry->scaleY = ( maxCelHeight * fixedEntryY ) / fixedPortY;
	entry->scaleY = (entry->scaleY * 128) / celHeight;

	entry->scaleX = entry->scaleY;

	// and set objects scale selectors
	writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, entry->object, SELECTOR(scaleX), entry->scaleX);
	writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, entry->object, SELECTOR(scaleY), entry->scaleY);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void GfxAnimate::adjustInvalidCels(GfxView *view, AnimateList::iterator it) {
	// adjust loop and cel, if any of those is invalid
	//  this seems to be completely crazy code
	//  sierra sci checked signed int16 to be above or equal the counts and reseted to 0 in those cases
	//  later during view processing those are compared unsigned again and then set to maximum count - 1
	//  Games rely on this behavior. For example laura bow 1 has a knight standing around in room 37
	//   which has cel set to 3. This cel does not exist and the actual knight is 0
	//   In kq5 on the other hand during the intro, when the trunk is opened, cel is set to some real
	//   high number, which is negative when considered signed. This actually requires to get fixed to
	//   maximum cel, otherwise the trunk would be closed.
	int16 viewLoopCount = view->getLoopCount();
	if (it->loopNo >= viewLoopCount) {
		it->loopNo = 0;
		writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(loop), it->loopNo);
	} else if (it->loopNo < 0) {
		it->loopNo = viewLoopCount - 1;
		// not setting selector is right, sierra sci didn't do it during view processing as well
	int16 viewCelCount = view->getCelCount(it->loopNo);
	if (it->celNo >= viewCelCount) {
		it->celNo = 0;
		writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(cel), it->celNo);
	} else if (it->celNo < 0) {
		it->celNo = viewCelCount - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void SciEngine::setLauncherLanguage() {
	if (_gameDescription->flags & ADGF_ADDENGLISH) {
		// If game is multilingual
		if (Common::parseLanguage(ConfMan.get("language")) == Common::EN_ANY) {
			// and English was selected as language
			if (SELECTOR(printLang) != -1) // set text language to English
				writeSelectorValue(_gamestate->_segMan, _gameObjectAddress, SELECTOR(printLang), K_LANG_ENGLISH);
			if (SELECTOR(parseLang) != -1) // and set parser language to English as well
				writeSelectorValue(_gamestate->_segMan, _gameObjectAddress, SELECTOR(parseLang), K_LANG_ENGLISH);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void GuestAdditions::syncLSL6HiresUI(const int16 musicVolume) const {
	const reg_t musicDialId = _segMan->findObjectByName("volumeDial");
	if (!musicDialId.isNull()) {
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, musicDialId, SELECTOR(curPos), musicVolume);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, musicDialId, SELECTOR(cel), musicVolume);
		reg_t params[] = { make_reg(0, musicVolume) };
		invokeSelector(musicDialId, SELECTOR(update), 1, params);
		if (_segMan->getObject(musicDialId)->isInserted()) {
Ejemplo n.º 13
void SoundCommandParser::processPlaySound(reg_t obj) {
	MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);
	if (!musicSlot) {
		warning("kDoSound(play): Slot not found (%04x:%04x), initializing it manually", PRINT_REG(obj));
		// The sound hasn't been initialized for some reason, so initialize it
		// here. Happens in KQ6, room 460, when giving the creature (child) to
		// the bookworm. Fixes bugs #3413301 and #3421098.
		musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);
		if (!musicSlot)
			error("Failed to initialize uninitialized sound slot");

	int resourceId = getSoundResourceId(obj);

	if (musicSlot->resourceId != resourceId) { // another sound loaded into struct
		// Find slot again :)
		musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);

	writeSelector(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(handle), obj);

	if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY) {
		writeSelector(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(nodePtr), obj);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(min), 0);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(sec), 0);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(frame), 0);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(signal), 0);
	} else {
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(state), kSoundPlaying);

	musicSlot->loop = readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(loop));
	musicSlot->priority = readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(priority));
	// Reset hold when starting a new song. kDoSoundSetHold is always called after
	// kDoSoundPlay to set it properly, if needed. Fixes bug #3413589.
	musicSlot->hold = -1;
	if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY)
		musicSlot->volume = readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(vol));

	debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(play): %04x:%04x number %d, loop %d, prio %d, vol %d", PRINT_REG(obj),
			resourceId, musicSlot->loop, musicSlot->priority, musicSlot->volume);


	// Reset any left-over signals
	musicSlot->signal = 0;
	musicSlot->fadeStep = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void GfxCompare::kernelBaseSetter(reg_t object) {
	if (lookupSelector(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brLeft), NULL, NULL) == kSelectorVariable) {
		int16 x = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(x));
		int16 y = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(y));
		int16 z = (SELECTOR(z) > -1) ? readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(z)) : 0;
		int16 yStep = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(yStep));
		GuiResourceId viewId = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(view));
		int16 loopNo = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(loop));
		int16 celNo = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(cel));

		// HACK: Ignore invalid views for now (perhaps unimplemented text views?)
		if (viewId == 0xFFFF)	// invalid view

		uint16 scaleSignal = 0;
		if (getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
			scaleSignal = readSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(scaleSignal));

		Common::Rect celRect;

		GfxView *tmpView = _cache->getView(viewId);
		if (!tmpView->isScaleable())
			scaleSignal = 0;

		if (scaleSignal & kScaleSignalDoScaling) {
			celRect = getNSRect(object);
		} else {
			if (tmpView->isSci2Hires())
				tmpView->adjustToUpscaledCoordinates(y, x);

			tmpView->getCelRect(loopNo, celNo, x, y, z, celRect);

			if (tmpView->isSci2Hires()) {
				tmpView->adjustBackUpscaledCoordinates(celRect.top, celRect.left);
				tmpView->adjustBackUpscaledCoordinates(celRect.bottom, celRect.right);

		celRect.bottom = y + 1;
		celRect.top = celRect.bottom - yStep;

		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brLeft), celRect.left);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brRight), celRect.right);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brTop), celRect.top);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, object, SELECTOR(brBottom), celRect.bottom);
Ejemplo n.º 15
void GfxAnimate::fill(byte &old_picNotValid) {
	GfxView *view = NULL;
	AnimateList::iterator it;
	const AnimateList::iterator end = _list.end();

	for (it = _list.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
		// Get the corresponding view
		view = _cache->getView(it->viewId);

		adjustInvalidCels(view, it);
		processViewScaling(view, it);
		setNsRect(view, it);

		//warning("%s view %d, loop %d, cel %d, signal %x", _s->_segMan->getObjectName(curObject), it->viewId, it->loopNo, it->celNo, it->signal);

		// Calculate current priority according to y-coordinate
		if (!(it->signal & kSignalFixedPriority)) {
			it->priority = _ports->kernelCoordinateToPriority(it->y);
			writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(priority), it->priority);

		if (it->signal & kSignalNoUpdate) {
			if ((it->signal & (kSignalForceUpdate | kSignalViewUpdated))
				||   (it->signal & kSignalHidden  && !(it->signal & kSignalRemoveView))
				|| (!(it->signal & kSignalHidden) &&   it->signal & kSignalRemoveView)
				||   (it->signal & kSignalAlwaysUpdate))
			it->signal &= ~kSignalStopUpdate;
		} else {
			if ((it->signal & kSignalStopUpdate) || (it->signal & kSignalAlwaysUpdate))
			it->signal &= ~kSignalForceUpdate;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void SoundCommandParser::processInitSound(reg_t obj) {
	int resourceId = getSoundResourceId(obj);

	// Check if a track with the same sound object is already playing
	MusicEntry *oldSound = _music->getSlot(obj);
	if (oldSound)

	MusicEntry *newSound = new MusicEntry();
	newSound->resourceId = resourceId;
	newSound->soundObj = obj;
	newSound->loop = readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(loop));
	newSound->priority = readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(pri)) & 0xFF;
	if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY)
		newSound->volume = CLIP<int>(readSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(vol)), 0, MUSIC_VOLUME_MAX);
	newSound->reverb = -1;	// initialize to SCI invalid, it'll be set correctly in soundInitSnd() below

	debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(init): %04x:%04x number %d, loop %d, prio %d, vol %d", PRINT_REG(obj),
			resourceId,	newSound->loop, newSound->priority, newSound->volume);



	if (newSound->soundRes || newSound->pStreamAud) {
		// Notify the engine
		if (_soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE)
			writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(state), kSoundInitialized);
			writeSelector(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(nodePtr), obj);
Ejemplo n.º 17
reg_t SoundCommandParser::kDoSoundSetLoop(int argc, reg_t *argv, reg_t acc) {
	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	int16 value = argv[1].toSint16();

	debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(setLoop): %04x:%04x, %d", PRINT_REG(obj), value);

	MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);
	if (!musicSlot) {
		// Apparently, it's perfectly normal for a game to call cmdSetSoundLoop
		// before actually initializing the sound and adding it to the playlist
		// with cmdInitSound. Usually, it doesn't matter if the game doesn't
		// request to loop the sound, so in this case, don't throw any warning,
		// otherwise do, because the sound won't be looped.
		if (value == -1) {
			warning("kDoSound(setLoop): Slot not found (%04x:%04x) and the song was requested to be looped", PRINT_REG(obj));
		} else {
			// Doesn't really matter
		return acc;
	if (value == -1) {
		musicSlot->loop = 0xFFFF;
	} else {
		musicSlot->loop = 1; // actually plays the music once

	writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(loop), musicSlot->loop);
	return acc;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void SoundCommandParser::processDisposeSound(reg_t obj) {
	MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);
	if (!musicSlot) {
		warning("kDoSound(dispose): Slot not found (%04x:%04x)", PRINT_REG(obj));

	processStopSound(obj, false);

	writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(handle), 0);
	if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY)
		writeSelector(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(nodePtr), NULL_REG);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(state), kSoundStopped);
Ejemplo n.º 19
reg_t SoundCommandParser::kDoSoundSetVolume(int argc, reg_t *argv, reg_t acc) {
	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	int16 value = argv[1].toSint16();

	MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);
	if (!musicSlot) {
		// Do not throw a warning if the sound can't be found, as in some games
		// this is called before the actual sound is loaded (e.g. SQ4CD, with
		// the drum sounds of the energizer bunny at the beginning), so this is
		// normal behavior.
		//warning("cmdSetSoundVolume: Slot not found (%04x:%04x)", PRINT_REG(obj));
		return acc;

	debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(setVolume): %d", value);

	value = CLIP<int>(value, 0, MUSIC_VOLUME_MAX);

	if (musicSlot->volume != value) {
		musicSlot->volume = value;
		_music->soundSetVolume(musicSlot, value);
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, obj, SELECTOR(vol), value);
	return acc;
Ejemplo n.º 20
reg_t kLocalToGlobal(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	reg_t planeObject = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : NULL_REG; // SCI32
	SegManager *segMan = s->_segMan;

	if (obj.getSegment()) {
		int16 x = readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(x));
		int16 y = readSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(y));

		g_sci->_gfxCoordAdjuster->kernelLocalToGlobal(x, y, planeObject);

		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(x), x);
		writeSelectorValue(segMan, obj, SELECTOR(y), y);

	return s->r_acc;
Ejemplo n.º 21
reg_t SoundCommandParser::kDoSoundPause(int argc, reg_t *argv, reg_t acc) {
	if (argc == 1)
		debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(pause): %04x:%04x", PRINT_REG(argv[0]));
		debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(pause): %04x:%04x, %04x:%04x", PRINT_REG(argv[0]), PRINT_REG(argv[1]));

	if (_soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE) {
		// SCI0 games give us 0/1 for either resuming or pausing the current music
		//  this one doesn't count, so pausing 2 times and resuming once means here that we are supposed to resume
		uint16 value = argv[0].toUint16();
		MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getActiveSci0MusicSlot();
		switch (value) {
		case 1:
			if ((musicSlot) && (musicSlot->status == kSoundPlaying)) {
				writeSelectorValue(_segMan, musicSlot->soundObj, SELECTOR(state), kSoundPaused);
			return make_reg(0, 0);
		case 0:
			if ((musicSlot) && (musicSlot->status == kSoundPaused)) {
				writeSelectorValue(_segMan, musicSlot->soundObj, SELECTOR(state), kSoundPlaying);
				return make_reg(0, 1);
			return make_reg(0, 0);
			error("kDoSound(pause): parameter 0 is invalid for sound-sci0");

	reg_t obj = argv[0];
	uint16 value = argc > 1 ? argv[1].toUint16() : 0;
	if (!obj.segment) {		// pause the whole playlist
	} else {	// pause a playlist slot
		MusicEntry *musicSlot = _music->getSlot(obj);
		if (!musicSlot) {
			// This happens quite frequently
			debugC(kDebugLevelSound, "kDoSound(pause): Slot not found (%04x:%04x)", PRINT_REG(obj));
			return acc;

		_music->soundToggle(musicSlot, value);
	return acc;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void GuestAdditions::syncShivers1UI(const int16 dacVolume) const {
	const reg_t sliderId = _segMan->findObjectByName("spVolume");
	if (!sliderId.isNull()) {
		const int16 xPosition = dacVolume * 78 / Audio32::kMaxVolume + 32;
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, sliderId, SELECTOR(x), xPosition);
		if (_segMan->getObject(sliderId)->isInserted()) {
Ejemplo n.º 23
void SoundCommandParser::startNewSound(int number) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_music->_mutex);

	// Overwrite the first sound in the playlist
	MusicEntry *song = *_music->getPlayListStart();
	reg_t soundObj = song->soundObj;
	writeSelectorValue(_segMan, soundObj, SELECTOR(number), number);
Ejemplo n.º 24
void GfxAnimate::updateScreen(byte oldPicNotValid) {
	AnimateList::iterator it;
	const AnimateList::iterator end = _list.end();
	Common::Rect lsRect;
	Common::Rect workerRect;

	for (it = _list.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
		if (it->showBitsFlag || !(it->signal & (kSignalRemoveView | kSignalNoUpdate) ||
										(!(it->signal & kSignalRemoveView) && (it->signal & kSignalNoUpdate) && oldPicNotValid))) {
			lsRect.left = readSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(lsLeft));
			lsRect.top = readSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(lsTop));
			lsRect.right = readSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(lsRight));
			lsRect.bottom = readSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(lsBottom));

			workerRect = lsRect;

			if (!workerRect.isEmpty()) {
				workerRect = lsRect;
			} else {
				workerRect = it->celRect;
			writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(lsLeft), it->celRect.left);
			writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(lsTop), it->celRect.top);
			writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(lsRight), it->celRect.right);
			writeSelectorValue(_s->_segMan, it->object, SELECTOR(lsBottom), it->celRect.bottom);
			// may get used for debugging

			if (it->signal & kSignalHidden)
				it->signal |= kSignalRemoveView;
	// use this for debug purposes
	// _screen->copyToScreen();
Ejemplo n.º 25
reg_t SoundCommandParser::kDoSoundStopAll(int argc, reg_t *argv, reg_t acc) {
	// TODO: this can't be right, this gets called in kq1 - e.g. being in witch house, getting the note
	//  now the point jingle plays and after a messagebox they call this - and would stop the background effects with it
	//  this doesn't make sense, so i disable it for now
	return acc;


	const MusicList::iterator end = _music->getPlayListEnd();
	for (MusicList::iterator i = _music->getPlayListStart(); i != end; ++i) {
		if (_soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE) {
			writeSelectorValue(_segMan, (*i)->soundObj, SELECTOR(state), kSoundStopped);
		} else {
			writeSelectorValue(_segMan, (*i)->soundObj, SELECTOR(handle), 0);
			writeSelectorValue(_segMan, (*i)->soundObj, SELECTOR(signal), SIGNAL_OFFSET);

		(*i)->dataInc = 0;
	return acc;
Ejemplo n.º 26
reg_t kSort(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	SegManager *segMan = s->_segMan;
	reg_t source = argv[0];
	reg_t dest = argv[1];
	reg_t order_func = argv[2];

	int input_size = (int16)readSelectorValue(segMan, source, SELECTOR(size));
	reg_t input_data = readSelector(segMan, source, SELECTOR(elements));
	reg_t output_data = readSelector(segMan, dest, SELECTOR(elements));

	List *list;
	Node *node;

	if (!input_size)
		return s->r_acc;

	if (output_data.isNull()) {
		list = s->_segMan->allocateList(&output_data);
		list->first = list->last = NULL_REG;
		writeSelector(segMan, dest, SELECTOR(elements), output_data);

	writeSelectorValue(segMan, dest, SELECTOR(size), input_size);

	list = s->_segMan->lookupList(input_data);
	node = s->_segMan->lookupNode(list->first);

	sort_temp_t *temp_array = (sort_temp_t *)malloc(sizeof(sort_temp_t) * input_size);

	int i = 0;
	while (node) {
		reg_t params[1] = { node->value };
		invokeSelector(s, order_func, SELECTOR(doit), argc, argv, 1, params);
		temp_array[i].key = node->key;
		temp_array[i].value = node->value;
		temp_array[i].order = s->r_acc;
		node = s->_segMan->lookupNode(node->succ);

	qsort(temp_array, input_size, sizeof(sort_temp_t), sort_temp_cmp);

	for (i = 0;i < input_size;i++) {
		reg_t lNode = s->_segMan->newNode(temp_array[i].value, temp_array[i].key);
		addToEnd(s, output_data, lNode);


	return s->r_acc;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void GuestAdditions::syncTextSpeedFromScummVM() const {
	const int16 textSpeed = 8 - (ConfMan.getInt("talkspeed") + 1) * 8 / 255;

	_state->variables[VAR_GLOBAL][kGlobalVarTextSpeed] = make_reg(0, textSpeed);

	if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_GK1) {
		const reg_t textBarId = _segMan->findObjectByName("textBar");
		if (!textBarId.isNull()) {
			// Resetting the bar position to 0 causes the game to retrieve the
			// new text speed value and re-render
			writeSelectorValue(_segMan, textBarId, SELECTOR(position), 0);
Ejemplo n.º 28
void GuestAdditions::syncQFG4UI(const int16 musicVolume) const {
	const reg_t sliderId = _segMan->findObjectByName("volumeSlider");
	if (!sliderId.isNull()) {
		const int16 yPosition = 84 - musicVolume * 34 / 10;
		writeSelectorValue(_segMan, sliderId, SELECTOR(y), yPosition);

		// There does not seem to be any good way to learn whether the
		// volume slider is visible (and thus eligible for
		// kUpdateScreenItem)
		const reg_t planeId = readSelector(_segMan, sliderId, SELECTOR(plane));
		if (g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getPlanes().findByObject(planeId) != nullptr) {
Ejemplo n.º 29
reg_t kSaid(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	reg_t heap_said_block = argv[0];
	byte *said_block;
	int new_lastmatch;
	Vocabulary *voc = g_sci->getVocabulary();
	const int debug_parser = 1;
	const int debug_parser = 0;

	if (!heap_said_block.getSegment())
		return NULL_REG;

	said_block = (byte *)s->_segMan->derefBulkPtr(heap_said_block, 0);

	if (!said_block) {
		warning("Said on non-string, pointer %04x:%04x", PRINT_REG(heap_said_block));
		return NULL_REG;

		debugN("Said block: ");

	if (voc->parser_event.isNull() || (readSelectorValue(s->_segMan, voc->parser_event, SELECTOR(claimed)))) {
		return NULL_REG;

	new_lastmatch = said(said_block, debug_parser);
	if (new_lastmatch  != SAID_NO_MATCH) { /* Build and possibly display a parse tree */

		debugN("kSaid: Match.\n");

		s->r_acc = make_reg(0, 1);

		if (new_lastmatch != SAID_PARTIAL_MATCH)
			writeSelectorValue(s->_segMan, voc->parser_event, SELECTOR(claimed), 1);

	} else {
		return NULL_REG;
	return s->r_acc;
Ejemplo n.º 30
void GuestAdditions::syncGK1UI() const {
	const reg_t bars[] = { _segMan->findObjectByName("musicBar"),
						   _segMan->findObjectByName("soundBar") };

	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(bars); ++i) {
		const reg_t barId = bars[i];
		if (!barId.isNull()) {
			// Resetting the position to 0 causes the bar to refresh its
			// position when it next draws
			writeSelectorValue(_segMan, barId, SELECTOR(position), 0);

			// The `signal` property indicates bar visibility (for some
			// reason, the normal `-info-` flag is not used)
			if (readSelectorValue(_segMan, barId, SELECTOR(signal)) & 0x20) {
				// `show` pulls a new value from the underlying sound object
				// and refreshes the bar rendering
				invokeSelector(barId, SELECTOR(show));