Ejemplo n.º 1
static const bsreq* write_key(io::stream& e, const void* object, const bsreq* type) {
	auto f = type->getkey();
	auto v = "";
		v = (const char*)f->get(f->ptr(object));
	if(v && v[0])
		write_identifier(e, v);
	else {
		auto pd = bsdata::findbyptr(object);
			return 0;
		write_number(e, pd->indexof(object));
	return f;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void receiver_msg2(int* socket, havege_state* havege_state,
                   pk_context* s_context, int receiver,
                   char* s_nonce, char* r_nonce)
  /*@ requires GENERAL_PRE(receiver) &*&
               pk_context_with_key(?r_context, pk_private,
                                   receiver, ?r_id, 8 * KEY_SIZE)  &*&
               pk_context_with_key(s_context, pk_public,
                                   ?sender, ?s_id, 8 * KEY_SIZE) &*&
               RECEIVER_INTER &*&
               cryptogram(r_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, ?r_nonce_ccs, ?r_nonce_cg) &*&
                 r_nonce_cg == cg_nonce(receiver, _) &*&
                 cg_info(r_nonce_cg) == int_pair(2, int_pair(sender,
                               int_pair(p_inst, int_pair(p_orig, c_orig)))); @*/
  /*@ ensures  GENERAL_POST(receiver) &*&
               pk_context_with_key(r_context, pk_private,
                                   receiver, r_id, 8 * KEY_SIZE)  &*&
               pk_context_with_key(s_context, pk_public,
                                   sender, s_id, 8 * KEY_SIZE) &*&
                  col || bad(p_inst) || bad(receiver) ?
                    chars(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, ?s_nonce_cs) &*&
                    s_nonce_ccs == cs_to_ccs(s_nonce_cs)
                    cryptogram(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, s_nonce_ccs, s_nonce_cg)
               ) &*&
               cryptogram(r_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, r_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_cg); @*/
  //@ open principal(receiver, _);
  unsigned int size;
  char message[MSG2_SIZE];
  char encrypted[KEY_SIZE];
  //@ open receiver_inter(p_orig, c_orig, p_inst, s_nonce_ccs, s_nonce_cg);

  // Construct the message
  write_identifier(message, receiver);
  //@ list<crypto_char> rid_ccs = cs_to_ccs(identifier(receiver));
  //@ assert crypto_chars(normal, message, ID_SIZE, rid_ccs);
  //@ cs_to_ccs_crypto_chars(message, identifier(receiver));
  //@ public_chars(message, ID_SIZE);
  //@ chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(message, ID_SIZE);
  //@ bool condition =  col || bad(p_inst) || bad(receiver);
  /*@ if (!condition)
        open cryptogram(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, s_nonce_ccs, s_nonce_cg);
        crypto_chars_to_chars(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE);
        public_chars(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE);
        chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE);
  //@ open cryptogram(r_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, r_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_cg);
  memcpy((void*) message + ID_SIZE, s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE);
  memcpy((void*) message + ID_SIZE + NONCE_SIZE, r_nonce, NONCE_SIZE);
  //@ crypto_chars_join(message);
  //@ crypto_chars_join(message);
  //@ list<crypto_char> msg2 = append(rid_ccs, append(s_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_ccs));
  //@ append_assoc(rid_ccs, s_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_ccs);
  //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, message, MSG2_SIZE, msg2);

  // Encrypt the message
  /*@ produce_function_pointer_chunk random_function(random_stub_nsl)
                    (havege_state_initialized)(state, out, len) { call(); } @*/
  //@ close random_state_predicate(havege_state_initialized);
  if (pk_encrypt(s_context, message, MSG2_SIZE, encrypted, &size,
                  KEY_SIZE, random_stub_nsl, havege_state) != 0)
  //@ assert u_integer(&size, ?size_val);
  //@ assert cryptogram(encrypted, size_val, ?cs_enc, ?cg_enc);
  //@ take_append(ID_SIZE, rid_ccs, append(s_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_ccs));
  //@ drop_append(ID_SIZE, rid_ccs, append(s_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_ccs));
  //@ take_append(NONCE_SIZE, s_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_ccs);
  //@ drop_append(NONCE_SIZE, s_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_ccs);

  // Proof the message is public
  /*@ if (col || bad(sender) || bad(receiver))
        assert crypto_chars(secret, message, MSG2_SIZE, msg2);
        crypto_chars_split(message, ID_SIZE);
        crypto_chars_split((void*) message + ID_SIZE, NONCE_SIZE);
        public_crypto_chars((void*) message, ID_SIZE);
        public_crypto_chars((void*) message + ID_SIZE, NONCE_SIZE);
        close nsl_pub(r_nonce_cg);
        leak nsl_pub(r_nonce_cg);
        close cryptogram((void*) message + ID_SIZE + NONCE_SIZE, NONCE_SIZE,
                         r_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_cg);
        public_cryptogram((void*) message + ID_SIZE + NONCE_SIZE, r_nonce_cg);
        assert chars((void*) message, ID_SIZE, ?rid_cs);
        assert chars((void*) message + ID_SIZE, NONCE_SIZE, ?s_nonce_cs);
        assert chars((void*) message + ID_SIZE + NONCE_SIZE, NONCE_SIZE, ?r_nonce_cs);        
        cs_to_ccs_append(rid_cs, s_nonce_cs);
        cs_to_ccs_append(append(rid_cs, s_nonce_cs), r_nonce_cs);

        public_chars(message, MSG2_SIZE);
        chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(message, MSG2_SIZE);
        close nsl_pub_msg2(sender, receiver, s_nonce_cg, s_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_cg,
                           p_inst, p_orig, c_orig, condition);
  //@ close nsl_pub_msg_sender(receiver);
  //@ leak nsl_pub_msg_sender(receiver);
  //@ close nsl_pub(cg_enc);
  //@ leak nsl_pub(cg_enc);
  //@ public_cryptogram(encrypted, cg_enc);

  // Send the message
  net_send(socket, encrypted, size);
  zeroize(message, MSG2_SIZE);

  /*@ if (!condition)
        close cryptogram(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, s_nonce_ccs, s_nonce_cg);
        public_crypto_chars(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE);
  //@ close cryptogram(r_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, r_nonce_ccs, r_nonce_cg);
  //@ close principal(receiver, _);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void sender_msg1(int* socket, havege_state* havege_state, pk_context* r_context,
                 int sender, char* s_nonce)
  /*@ requires GENERAL_PRE(sender) &*&
               pk_context_with_key(r_context, pk_public,
                                   ?receiver, ?r_id, 8 * KEY_SIZE) &*&
               cryptogram(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, ?s_nonce_ccs, ?s_nonce_cg) &*&
                 s_nonce_cg == cg_nonce(sender, _) &*&
                 cg_info(s_nonce_cg) == int_pair(1, int_pair(receiver, r_id)); @*/
  /*@ ensures  GENERAL_POST(sender) &*&
               pk_context_with_key(r_context, pk_public,
                                   receiver, r_id, 8 * KEY_SIZE) &*&
               cryptogram(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, s_nonce_ccs, s_nonce_cg); @*/
  //@ open principal(sender, _);
  unsigned int size;
  char message[MSG1_SIZE];
  char encrypted[KEY_SIZE];

  // Construct the message
  write_identifier(message, sender);
  //@ list<crypto_char> sid_ccs = cs_to_ccs(identifier(sender));
  //@ assert crypto_chars(normal, message, ID_SIZE, sid_ccs);
  //@ cs_to_ccs_crypto_chars(message, identifier(sender));
  //@ public_chars(message, ID_SIZE);
  //@ chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(message, ID_SIZE);

  //@ open cryptogram(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, s_nonce_ccs, s_nonce_cg);
  memcpy((void*) message + ID_SIZE, s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE);
  //@ crypto_chars_join(message);
  //@ list<crypto_char> msg1 = append(sid_ccs, s_nonce_ccs);
  //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, message, MSG1_SIZE, msg1);

   // Encrypt the message
  /*@ produce_function_pointer_chunk random_function(random_stub_nsl)
                    (havege_state_initialized)(state, out, len) { call(); } @*/
  //@ close random_state_predicate(havege_state_initialized);
  if (pk_encrypt(r_context, message, MSG1_SIZE, encrypted, &size,
                  KEY_SIZE, random_stub_nsl, havege_state) != 0)
  //@ assert u_integer(&size, ?size_val);
  //@ assert cryptogram(encrypted, size_val, ?cs_enc, ?cg_enc);

  // Proof the message is public
  //@ take_append(ID_SIZE, sid_ccs, s_nonce_ccs);
  //@ drop_append(ID_SIZE, sid_ccs, s_nonce_ccs);
  //@ close nsl_pub_msg_sender(sender);
  //@ leak nsl_pub_msg_sender(sender);
  /*@ if (col || bad(sender) || bad(receiver))
        assert crypto_chars(secret, message, MSG1_SIZE, msg1);
        crypto_chars_split(message, ID_SIZE);
        public_crypto_chars(message, ID_SIZE);
        assert chars(message, ID_SIZE, ?sid_cs);
        cs_to_ccs_inj(sid_cs, identifier(sender));
        assert chars(message, ID_SIZE, identifier(sender));
        close nsl_pub(s_nonce_cg);
        leak nsl_pub(s_nonce_cg);

        close cryptogram((void*) message + ID_SIZE, NONCE_SIZE,
                          s_nonce_ccs, s_nonce_cg);
        public_cryptogram((void*) message + ID_SIZE, s_nonce_cg);
        assert chars((void*) message + ID_SIZE, NONCE_SIZE, ?s_nonce_cs');
        cs_to_ccs_append(identifier(sender), s_nonce_cs');
        public_chars(message, MSG1_SIZE);
        chars_to_crypto_chars(message, MSG1_SIZE);
        close nsl_pub_msg1(sender, receiver, s_nonce_cg);
  //@ close nsl_pub(cg_enc);
  //@ leak nsl_pub(cg_enc);
  //@ public_cryptogram(encrypted, cg_enc);

  // Send the message
  net_send(socket, encrypted, size);
  zeroize(message, MSG1_SIZE);
  //@ close cryptogram(s_nonce, NONCE_SIZE, s_nonce_ccs, s_nonce_cg);
  //@ close principal(sender, _);