Ejemplo n.º 1
bool CppCheck::AppExecute(const wxString& app, const wxString& CommandLine, wxArrayString& Output, wxArrayString& Errors)
    wxWindowDisabler disableAll;
    wxBusyInfo running(_("Running ") + app + _T("... please wait (this may take several minutes)..."),

    if ( -1 == wxExecute(CommandLine, Output, Errors, wxEXEC_SYNC) )
        wxString msg = _("Failed to launch ") + app + _T(".\n"
                         "Please setup the ") + app + _T(" executable accordingly in the settings\n"
                        "and make sure its also in the path so ") + app + _T(" resources are found.");
        cbMessageBox(msg, _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow());
        if (!m_PATH.IsEmpty()) wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"), m_PATH); // Restore
        return false;

    int Count = Output.GetCount();
    for (int idxCount = 0; idxCount < Count; ++idxCount)

    Count = Errors.GetCount();
    for (int idxCount = 0; idxCount < Count; ++idxCount)

    if (!m_PATH.IsEmpty()) wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"), m_PATH); // Restore
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    m_envars = RheiaManager::Get()->GetConfigurationManager( wxT("environement_manger") )->ReadStringStringMap( wxT("/variables") );
    m_libpaths = RheiaManager::Get()->GetConfigurationManager( wxT("environement_manger") )->ReadArrayString( wxT("/libs") );

    RheiaStringStringMap::iterator it = m_envars.begin();

    for ( ; it != m_envars.end() ; ++it )
        wxSetEnv( it->first , it->second );

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_libpaths.GetCount() ; ++i )
        wxString env;
#if defined( WIN32 )
        wxGetEnv( wxT("PATH") , &env );
        env += wxT(";") + m_libpaths[i];
        wxSetEnv( wxT("PATH") , env );
#elif defined( LINUX )
        wxGetEnv( wxT("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") , &env );
        env += m_libpaths[i] + wxT(":");
        wxSetEnv( wxT("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") , env );
#elif defined( MACOSX )
        wxGetEnv( wxT("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") , &env );
        env += m_libpaths[i] + wxT(":");
        wxSetEnv( wxT("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") , env );

    RheiaEventsManager* pm = RheiaEventsManager::Get();
    pm->RegisterEventMethod(RheiaEVT_FRAME_CLOSING, new RheiaEventFunctor<RheiaEnvironementManager>(this, RheiaFrameEventHandler(RheiaEnvironementManager::OnCloseFrame)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool RheiaEnvironementManager::AddPath( const wxString& path )
    int index = m_libpaths.Index( path );
    if ( index != wxNOT_FOUND )
        return false;

    m_libpaths.Add( path );
    RheiaManager::Get()->GetConfigurationManager( wxT("environement_manger") )->Write( wxT("/libs") , m_libpaths );

    wxString env;
#if defined( WIN32 )
    wxGetEnv( wxT("PATH") , &env );
    env += wxT(";") + path;
    wxSetEnv( wxT("PATH") , env );
#elif defined( LINUX )
    wxGetEnv( wxT("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") , &env );
    env += path + wxT(":");
    wxSetEnv( wxT("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") , env );
#elif defined( MACOSX )
    wxGetEnv( wxT("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") , &env );
    env += path + wxT(":");
    wxSetEnv( wxT("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") , env );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool CSG_Module_Library::Create(const CSG_String &File_Name)

	TSG_PFNC_MLB_Initialize		MLB_Initialize;
	TSG_PFNC_MLB_Get_Interface	MLB_Get_Interface;

	wxString	sPath;
	wxFileName	fName(File_Name.c_str());

	m_File_Name		= fName.GetFullPath();

	if( wxGetEnv(ENV_LIB_PATH, &sPath) && sPath.Length() > 0 )
		wxSetEnv(ENV_LIB_PATH, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%s%c%s"), sPath.c_str(), ENV_LIB_SEPA, SG_File_Get_Path(m_File_Name).c_str()));
		wxSetEnv(ENV_LIB_PATH, SG_File_Get_Path(m_File_Name).c_str());

	if(	m_pLibrary->Load(m_File_Name.c_str())
	&&	(MLB_Get_Interface	= (TSG_PFNC_MLB_Get_Interface)	m_pLibrary->GetSymbol(SYMBOL_MLB_Get_Interface)) != NULL
	&&	(MLB_Initialize		= (TSG_PFNC_MLB_Initialize)		m_pLibrary->GetSymbol(SYMBOL_MLB_Initialize)   ) != NULL
	&&	 MLB_Initialize(m_File_Name) )
		m_pInterface	= MLB_Get_Interface();

	if( sPath.Length() > 0 )
		wxSetEnv(ENV_LIB_PATH, sPath);

	if( Get_Count() > 0 )
		for(int i=0; i<Get_Count(); i++)

		return( true );


	return( false );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CrtTestCase::SetGetEnv()
    wxString val;
    wxSetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), _T("value"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), &val) == true );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( val == _T("value") );
    wxSetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), _T("something else"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), &val) );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( val == _T("something else") );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxUnsetEnv(_T("TESTVAR")) );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), NULL) == false );
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool LadspaEffectsModule::RegisterPlugin(PluginManagerInterface & pm, const wxString & path)
   // Since we now have builtin VST support, ignore the VST bridge as it
   // causes duplicate menu entries to appear.
   wxFileName f(path);
   if (f.GetName().CmpNoCase(wxT("vst-bridge")) == 0) {
      return false;

   // As a courtesy to some plug-ins that might be bridges to
   // open other plug-ins, we set the current working
   // directory to be the plug-in's directory.
   wxString envpath;
   bool hadpath = wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), &envpath);
   wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"), f.GetPath() + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + envpath);
   wxString saveOldCWD = f.GetCwd();
   int index = 0;
   LADSPA_Descriptor_Function mainFn = NULL;
   wxDynamicLibrary lib;
   if (lib.Load(path, wxDL_NOW)) {
      wxLogNull logNo;

      mainFn = (LADSPA_Descriptor_Function) lib.GetSymbol(wxT("ladspa_descriptor"));
      if (mainFn) {
         const LADSPA_Descriptor *data;

         for (data = mainFn(index); data; data = mainFn(++index)) {
            LadspaEffect effect(path, index);
            if (effect.SetHost(NULL)) {
               pm.RegisterPlugin(this, &effect);

   if (lib.IsLoaded()) {
      // PRL:  I suspect Bug1257 -- Crash when enabling Amplio2 -- is the fault of a timing-
      // dependent multi-threading bug in the Amplio2 library itself, in case the unload of the .dll
      // comes too soon after the load.  I saw the bug in Release builds but not Debug.
      // A sleep of even 1 ms was enough to fix the problem for me, but let's be even more generous.

   hadpath ? wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"), envpath) : wxUnsetEnv(wxT("PATH"));

   return index > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool EDA_APP::SetFootprintLibTablePath()
    wxString    path;
    wxString    kisysmod( wxT( KISYSMOD ) );

    // Set the KISYSMOD environment variable for the current process if it is not already
    // defined in the user's environment.  This is required to expand the global footprint
    // library table paths.
    if( wxGetEnv( kisysmod, &path ) && wxFileName::DirExists( path ) )
        return true;

    // Set the KISYSMOD environment variable to the path defined in the user's configuration
    // if it is defined and the path exists.
    if( m_commonSettings->Read( kicadFpLibPath, &path ) && wxFileName::DirExists( path ) )
        wxSetEnv( kisysmod, path );
        return true;

    // Attempt to determine where the footprint libraries were installed using the legacy
    // library search paths.
    if( !GetLibraryPathList().IsEmpty() )
        unsigned      modFileCount = 0;
        wxString      bestPath;
        wxArrayString tmp;

        for( unsigned i = 0;  i < GetLibraryPathList().GetCount();  i++ )
            unsigned cnt = wxDir::GetAllFiles( GetLibraryPathList()[i], &tmp, wxT( "*.mod" ),
                                               wxDIR_FILES );

            if( cnt > modFileCount )
                modFileCount = cnt;
                bestPath = GetLibraryPathList()[i];

        if( modFileCount != 0 )
            wxSetEnv( kisysmod, bestPath );
            return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
AutoDetectResult CompilerOW::AutoDetectInstallationDir()
    /* Following code is Not necessary as OpenWatcom does not write to
       Registry anymore */
    /*wxRegKey key; // defaults to HKCR
    key.SetName(wxT("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Open Watcom\\c_1.0"));
    if (key.Open())
        // found; read it
        key.QueryValue(wxT("Install Location"), m_MasterPath);*/

    if (m_MasterPath.IsEmpty())
        // just a guess; the default installation dir
        m_MasterPath = wxT("C:\\watcom");

    if (!m_MasterPath.IsEmpty())
        AddIncludeDir(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("h"));
        AddIncludeDir(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("h") + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("nt"));
        AddLibDir(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("lib386"));
        AddLibDir(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("lib386") + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("nt"));
        AddResourceIncludeDir(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("h"));
        AddResourceIncludeDir(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("h") + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("nt"));
        m_ExtraPaths.Add(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("binnt"));
        m_ExtraPaths.Add(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("binw"));
    wxSetEnv(wxT("WATCOM"), m_MasterPath);

    return wxFileExists(m_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("binnt") + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + m_Programs.C) ? adrDetected : adrGuessed;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool Springsettings::OnInit()
	wxSetEnv( _T("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY"), _T("0") );
    //this triggers the Cli Parser amongst other stuff
    if (!wxApp::OnInit())
        return false;

	const wxString configdir = TowxString(SlPaths::GetConfigfileDir());
	if ( !wxDirExists(configdir) )

	if (!m_crash_handle_disable) {
		wxHandleFatalExceptions( true );
	#if defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(ENABLE_DEBUG_REPORT)
		//this undocumented function acts as a workaround for the dysfunctional
		// wxUSE_ON_FATAL_EXCEPTION on msw when mingw is used (or any other non SEH-capable compiler )

    //initialize all loggers
	//TODO non-constant parameters
	wxLogChain* logchain  = 0;
	wxLogWindow* loggerwin = InitializeLoggingTargets( 0, m_log_console, m_log_file_path, m_log_window_show, m_log_verbosity, logchain );
	//this needs to called _before_ mainwindow instance is created

#ifdef __WXMSW__
	wxString path = wxPathOnly( wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() ) + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + _T("locale");
	#if defined(LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR)
		wxString path ( _T(LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR) );
		// use a dummy name here, we're only interested in the base path
		wxString path = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetLocalizedResourcesDir(_T("noneWH"),wxStandardPaths::ResourceCat_Messages);
		path = path.Left( path.First(_T("noneWH") ) );
	m_translationhelper = new wxTranslationHelper( GetAppName().Lower(), path );

    SetSettingsStandAlone( true );

	// configure unitsync paths before trying to load

	//unitsync first load, NEEDS to be blocking

	settings_frame* frame = new settings_frame(NULL,GetAppName());

    if ( loggerwin ) { // we got a logwindow, lets set proper parent win
        loggerwin->GetFrame()->SetParent( frame );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/// Extend LIB_ENV_VAR list with the directory from which I came, prepending it.
static void set_lib_env_var( const wxString& aAbsoluteArgv0 )
    // POLICY CHOICE 2: Keep same path, so that installer MAY put the
    // "subsidiary DSOs" in the same directory as the kiway top process modules.
    // A subsidiary shared library is one that is not a top level DSO, but rather
    // some shared library that a top level DSO needs to even be loaded.  It is
    // a static link to a shared object from a top level DSO.

    // This directory POLICY CHOICE 2 is not the only dir in play, since LIB_ENV_VAR
    // has numerous path options in it, as does DSO searching on linux, windows, and OSX.
    // See "man ldconfig" on linux. What's being done here is for quick installs
    // into a non-standard place, and especially for Windows users who may not
    // know what the PATH environment variable is or how to set it.

    wxFileName  fn( aAbsoluteArgv0 );

    wxString    ld_path( LIB_ENV_VAR );
    wxString    my_path   = fn.GetPath();
    wxString    new_paths = PrePendPath( ld_path, my_path );

    wxSetEnv( ld_path, new_paths );

#if defined(DEBUG)
        wxString    test;
        wxGetEnv( ld_path, &test );
        printf( "LIB_ENV_VAR:'%s'\n", TO_UTF8( test ) );
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool wxApp::Initialize(int& argc, wxChar **argv)
#ifdef __DJGPP__
    // VS: disable long filenames under DJGPP as the very first thing,
    //     since SciTech MGL doesn't like them much...
    wxSetEnv(wxT("LFN"), wxT("N"));

    // intialize MGL before creating wxFontsManager since it uses MGL funcs
    if ( MGL_init(".", NULL) == 0 )
        wxLogError(_("Cannot initialize SciTech MGL!"));
        return false;

    // must do it before calling wxAppBase::Initialize(), because fonts are
    // needed by stock lists which are created there
    wxTheFontsManager = new wxFontsManager;

    if ( !wxAppBase::Initialize(argc, argv) )
        delete wxTheFontsManager;
        wxTheFontsManager = NULL;
        return false;

#if wxUSE_INTL

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void PROJECT::SetProjectFullName( const wxString& aFullPathAndName )
    // Compare paths, rather than inodes, to be less surprising to the user.
    // Create a temporary wxFileName to normalize the path
    wxFileName candidate_path( aFullPathAndName );

    // Edge transitions only.  This is what clears the project
    // data using the Clear() function.
    if( m_project_name.GetFullPath() != candidate_path.GetFullPath() )
        Clear();            // clear the data when the project changes.

        wxLogTrace( tracePathsAndFiles, "%s: old:'%s' new:'%s'", __func__,
                    TO_UTF8( GetProjectFullName() ), TO_UTF8( aFullPathAndName ) );

        m_project_name = aFullPathAndName;

        wxASSERT( m_project_name.IsAbsolute() );

        wxASSERT( m_project_name.GetExt() == ProjectFileExtension );

        // until multiple projects are in play, set an environment variable for the
        // the project pointer.
            wxString path = m_project_name.GetPath();

            wxSetEnv( PROJECT_VAR_NAME, path );
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool LadspaEffectsModule::RegisterPlugin(PluginManagerInterface & pm, const wxString & path)
   // Since we now have builtin VST support, ignore the VST bridge as it
   // causes duplicate menu entries to appear.
   wxFileName f(path);
   if (f.GetName().CmpNoCase(wxT("vst-bridge")) == 0) {
      return false;

   // As a courtesy to some plug-ins that might be bridges to
   // open other plug-ins, we set the current working
   // directory to be the plug-in's directory.
   wxString envpath;
   bool hadpath = wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), &envpath);
   wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"), f.GetPath() + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + envpath);
   wxString saveOldCWD = f.GetCwd();
   int index = 0;
   LADSPA_Descriptor_Function mainFn = NULL;
   wxDynamicLibrary lib;
   if (lib.Load(path, wxDL_NOW)) {
      wxLogNull logNo;

      mainFn = (LADSPA_Descriptor_Function) lib.GetSymbol(wxT("ladspa_descriptor"));
      if (mainFn) {
         const LADSPA_Descriptor *data;

         for (data = mainFn(index); data; data = mainFn(++index)) {
            LadspaEffect effect(path, index);
            if (effect.SetHost(NULL)) {
               pm.RegisterPlugin(this, &effect);

   if (lib.IsLoaded()) {

   hadpath ? wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"), envpath) : wxUnsetEnv(wxT("PATH"));

   return index > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
wxString CppCheck::GetAppExecutable(const wxString& app, const wxString& app_cfg)
    ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("cppcheck"));
    wxString Executable = ConfigPanel::GetDefaultCppCheckExecutableName();
    if (cfg)
        Executable = cfg->Read(app_cfg, Executable);

    AppendToLog(wxString::Format(_("Executable ") + app + _T(": '%s'."),

    // Make sure file is accessible, otherwise add path to cppcheck to PATH envvar
    wxFileName fn(Executable);
    if (fn.IsOk() && fn.FileExists())
        wxString AppPath = fn.GetPath();
        AppendToLog(wxString::Format(_("Path to ") + app + _T(": '%s'."),

        if ( AppPath.Trim().IsEmpty() )
            return Executable; // Nothing to do, lets hope it works and cppcheck is in the PATH

        bool PrependPath = true;
        wxString NewPathEnvVar = wxEmptyString;

        wxPathList PathList;
        for (size_t i=0; i<PathList.GetCount(); ++i)
            wxString PathItem = PathList.Item(i);
            if ( PathItem.IsSameAs(AppPath, (platform::windows ? false : true)) )
                AppendToLog(_("Executable of cppcheck is in the path."));
                PrependPath = false;
                break; // Exit for-loop

            if ( !NewPathEnvVar.IsEmpty() )
                NewPathEnvVar << wxPATH_SEP;
            NewPathEnvVar << PathItem;

        if (m_PATH.IsEmpty())
            m_PATH = NewPathEnvVar;

        if (PrependPath)
            NewPathEnvVar = NewPathEnvVar.Prepend(wxPATH_SEP);
            NewPathEnvVar = NewPathEnvVar.Prepend(AppPath);
            wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"), NewPathEnvVar); // Don't care about return value
            AppendToLog(wxString::Format(_("Updated PATH environment to include path to ") + app + _T(": '%s' ('%s')."),
                                         AppPath.wx_str(), NewPathEnvVar.wx_str()));

    return Executable;
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool RheiaEnvironementManager::Change( const wxString& name , const wxString& value )
    m_envars[name] = value;
    wxSetEnv( name , value );

    RheiaManager::Get()->GetConfigurationManager( wxT("environement_manger") )->Write( wxT("/variables") , m_envars );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void sysProcess::SetEnvironment(const wxArrayString &environment)
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0 ; i < environment.GetCount() ; i++)
		wxString str = environment.Item(i);
		wxSetEnv(str.BeforeFirst('='), str.AfterFirst('='));
Ejemplo n.º 17
void CrtTestCase::SetGetEnv()
    wxString val;
    wxSetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), _T("value"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), &val) == true );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( val == _T("value") );
    wxSetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), _T("something else"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), &val) );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( val == _T("something else") );

    // this test doesn't work under Unix systems without setenv(): putenv() can
    // only be used to add or modify environment variables but not to unset
    // them
#if !defined(__UNIX__) || defined(HAVE_SETENV)
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxUnsetEnv(_T("TESTVAR")) );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT( wxGetEnv(_T("TESTVAR"), NULL) == false );
Ejemplo n.º 18
void MainFrame::SetSystemTrayIcon(const wxString& icon, const wxString& tooltip)
        wxIcon i = wxIcon(icon,wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO_RESOURCE,g_iconSize,g_iconSize);
            etrace("system tray icon setup failed");
Ejemplo n.º 19
void EnvTestCase::GetSet()
    const wxChar *var = wxT("wxTestVar");
    wxString contents;

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!wxGetEnv(var, &contents));

    wxSetEnv(var, wxT("value for wxTestVar"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(wxGetEnv(var, &contents));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(contents == wxT("value for wxTestVar"));

    wxSetEnv(var, wxT("another value"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(wxGetEnv(var, &contents));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(contents == wxT("another value"));

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!wxGetEnv(var, &contents));
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool nsEnvVars::EnvvarApply(const wxString& key, const wxString& value)
#if defined(TRACE_ENVVARS)

  // Replace all macros the user might have setup for the key
  wxString the_key = key;
  if (the_key.Trim().IsEmpty()) return false;

  // Value: First, expand stuff like:
  //        set PATH=%PATH%;C:\NewPath OR export PATH=$PATH:/new_path
  //        After, replace all macros the user might have used in addition
  wxString value_set;
  bool     is_set    = wxGetEnv(the_key, &value_set);
  wxString the_value = value;
  if (is_set)
    std::map<wxString,wxString>::iterator it = nsEnvVars::EnvVarsStack.find(the_key);
    if (it==nsEnvVars::EnvVarsStack.end()) // envvar not already on the stack
      nsEnvVars::EnvVarsStack[the_key] = value_set; // remember the old value

    // Avoid endless recursion if the value set contains e.g. $PATH, too
    if (nsEnvVars::EnvvarIsRecursive(the_key,the_value))
      if (nsEnvVars::EnvvarIsRecursive(the_key,value_set))
        EV_DBGLOG(_T("EnvVars: Setting environment variable '%s' failed "
                     "due to unresolvable recursion."), the_key.wx_str());
        return false;
      // Restore original value in case of recursion before
      if (it!=nsEnvVars::EnvVarsStack.end())
        value_set = nsEnvVars::EnvVarsStack[the_key];
      // Resolve recursion now (if any)
      wxString recursion;
      if (platform::windows) recursion = _T("%")+the_key+_("%");
      else                   recursion = _T("$")+the_key;
      the_value.Replace(recursion.wx_str(), value_set.wx_str());
  // Replace all macros the user might have setup for the value

  EV_DBGLOG(_T("EnvVars: Trying to set environment variable '%s' to value '%s'..."), the_key.wx_str(), the_value.wx_str());
  if (!wxSetEnv(the_key, the_value)) // set the envvar as computed
    EV_DBGLOG(_T("EnvVars: Setting environment variable '%s' failed."), the_key.wx_str());
    return false;

  return true;
}// EnvvarApply
Ejemplo n.º 21
    APP_KICAD(): wxApp()
        // Disable proxy menu in Unity window manager. Only usual menubar works with wxWidgets (at least <= 3.1)
        // When the proxy menu menubar is enable, some important things for us do not work: menuitems UI events and shortcuts.
        wxString wm;

        if( wxGetEnv( wxT( "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" ), &wm ) && wm.CmpNoCase( wxT( "Unity" ) ) == 0 )
            wxSetEnv ( wxT("UBUNTU_MENUPROXY" ), wxT( "0" ) );
Ejemplo n.º 22
//right now this is equivalent to Job.cpp @ void MainFrame::OnStartJob(wxCommandEvent& event)
void MainFrame::QueryClusters(wxCommandEvent& event){
    wxString filtertext,itemtext;
    int id = event.GetId();
    m_queryThread->m_qp = new udefrag_query_parameters();
//Launched from Menu:
    if (id == ID_QueryClusters){
        itemtext = m_filesList->GetListItem().GetText();
        long i = m_filesList->GetFirstSelected();
        while(i != -1){
            wxString selitem = m_filesList->GetItemText(i);
            i = m_filesList->GetNextSelected(i);
//Launched from Tab
    else if (id == ID_PERFORMQUERY){
        itemtext = WxFilePickerCtrl1->GetPath();
    //set the Analysis Mode to SINGLE file mode.
    // This probably can't work for all queries, but is fast.
    m_queryThread->singlefile = TRUE;
    m_queryThread->m_flags |= UD_JOB_CONTEXT_MENU_HANDLER;

    m_queryThread->m_querypath = (wchar_t *)itemtext.fn_str();
    m_queryThread->m_qp->path = m_queryThread->m_querypath;
    m_queryThread->m_letter = (char)(itemtext[0]); //find the drive-letter of the fragmented files tab.
    m_queryThread->m_mapSize = getmapsize();
    case ID_QueryClusters:
        m_queryThread->m_qType = QUERY_GET_VCNLIST;
    case ID_QueryClusters+1:
        m_queryThread->m_qType = QUERY_GET_FREE_REGIONS;
    m_busy = true; m_paused = false; m_stopped = false;
    m_queryThread->m_startquery = true; //BEGIN LAUNCH.
Ejemplo n.º 23
void CrtTestCase::SetGetEnv()

    wxString val;
    wxSetEnv(TESTVAR_NAME, wxT("value"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "value", val );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "value", wxString(wxGetenv(TESTVAR_NAME)) );

    wxSetEnv(TESTVAR_NAME, wxT("something else"));
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "something else", val );
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( "something else", wxString(wxGetenv(TESTVAR_NAME)) );


Ejemplo n.º 24
void QMakePlugin::OnBuildStarting(clBuildEvent& event)
    // call Skip() to allow the standard compilation to take place

    QmakePluginData::BuildConfPluginData bcpd;
    wxString  project = event.GetProjectName();
    wxString  config  = event.GetConfigurationName();

    if ( !DoGetData(project, config, bcpd) ) {

    if ( !bcpd.m_enabled ) {

    wxString errMsg;
    ProjectPtr p = m_mgr->GetWorkspace()->FindProjectByName(project, errMsg);
    if ( !p ) {
    QMakeProFileGenerator generator(m_mgr, project, config);

    // regenrate the .pro file
    bool needRegeneration = generator.Generate();

    wxString qmake_exe = m_conf->Read(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/qmake"),     bcpd.m_qmakeConfig.c_str()));
    wxString qmakespec = m_conf->Read(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/qmakespec"), bcpd.m_qmakeConfig.c_str()));
    wxString qtdir     = m_conf->Read(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/qtdir"),     bcpd.m_qmakeConfig.c_str()));

    // Create qmake comand
    wxString qmake_exe_line;

    // Set QTDIR
    DirSaver ds;

        wxSetWorkingDirectory ( p->GetFileName().GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR|wxPATH_GET_VOLUME) );
        wxSetEnv(wxT("QTDIR"), qtdir);
        qmake_exe_line << wxT("\"") << qmake_exe << wxT("\" -spec ") << qmakespec << wxT(" ") << generator.GetProFileName();

        if ( needRegeneration ) {
            wxArrayString output;
            ProcUtils::SafeExecuteCommand(qmake_exe_line, output);

Ejemplo n.º 25
bool RheiaEnvironementManager::Add( const wxString& name , const wxString& value )
    RheiaStringStringMap::iterator it = m_envars.find( name );

    if ( it != m_envars.end() )
        return false;

    m_envars[name] = value;
    wxSetEnv( name , value );

    RheiaManager::Get()->GetConfigurationManager( wxT("environement_manger") )->Write( wxT("/variables") , m_envars );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool EDA_APP::OnInit()
    wxFileName      fn;
    PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame = NULL;
    wxString        msg;

    InitEDA_Appl( wxT( "Pcbnew" ), APP_PCBNEW_T );

#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    // force python environment under Windows:
    const wxString python_us("python27_us");

    // Build our python path inside kicad
    wxString kipython = m_BinDir + python_us;

    // If our python install is existing inside kicad, use it
    if( wxDirExists( kipython ) )
        wxString ppath;
        if( !wxGetEnv( wxT( "PYTHONPATH" ), &ppath ) || !ppath.Contains( python_us ) )
            ppath << kipython << wxT("/pylib;");
            ppath << kipython << wxT("/lib;");
            ppath << kipython << wxT("/dll");
            wxSetEnv( wxT( "PYTHONPATH" ), ppath );
            DBG( std::cout << "set PYTHONPATH to "  << TO_UTF8(ppath) << "\n"; )

            // Add python executable path:
            wxGetEnv( wxT( "PATH" ), &ppath );
            if( !ppath.Contains( python_us ) )
                kipython << wxT(";") << ppath;
                wxSetEnv( wxT( "PATH" ), kipython );
                DBG( std::cout << "set PATH to " << TO_UTF8(kipython) << "\n"; )
Ejemplo n.º 27
bool PGM_BASE::SetLocalEnvVariable( const wxString& aName, const wxString& aValue )
    wxString env;

    // Check to see if the environment variable is already set.
    if( wxGetEnv( aName, &env ) )
        wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, wxT( "Environment variable %s already set to %s." ),
                    GetChars( aName ), GetChars( env ) );
        return env == aValue;

    wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, wxT( "Setting local environment variable %s to %s." ),
                GetChars( aName ), GetChars( aValue ) );

    return wxSetEnv( aName, aValue );
Ejemplo n.º 28
void PGM_BASE::SetLocalEnvVariables( const ENV_VAR_MAP& aEnvVarMap )
    m_local_env_vars = aEnvVarMap;

    if( m_common_settings )
        m_common_settings->DeleteGroup( pathEnvVariables );


    // Overwrites externally defined environment variable until the next time the application
    // is run.
    for( ENV_VAR_MAP_ITER it = m_local_env_vars.begin(); it != m_local_env_vars.end(); ++it )
        wxLogTrace( traceEnvVars, wxT( "Setting local environment variable %s to %s." ),
                    GetChars( it->first ), GetChars( it->second.GetValue() ) );
        wxSetEnv( it->first, it->second.GetValue() );
Ejemplo n.º 29
void PROJECT::SetProjectFullName( const wxString& aFullPathAndName )
    m_project_name = aFullPathAndName;

    wxASSERT(  m_project_name.GetName() == NAMELESS_PROJECT || m_project_name.IsAbsolute() );
#if 0
    wxASSERT( m_project_name.GetExt() == ProjectFileExtension )
    m_project_name.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );

    // until multiple projects are in play, set an environment variable for the
    // the project pointer.
        wxString path = m_project_name.GetPath();

        // wxLogDebug( wxT( "Setting env %s to '%s'." ),  PROJECT_VAR_NAME, GetChars( path ) );

        wxSetEnv( PROJECT_VAR_NAME, path );
Ejemplo n.º 30
bool ecUtils::AddToPath(const ecFileName & strFolder, bool bAtFront)
    wxString strPath,strOldPath;
    if (wxGetEnv(wxT("PATH"), & strOldPath))
        // Place the user tools folders at the head or tail of the new path
            strPath.Printf(wxT("%s;%s"), (const wxChar*) strFolder.ShortName(), (const wxChar*) strOldPath);
        } else
            strPath.Printf(wxT("%s;%s"), (const wxChar*) strOldPath, (const wxChar*) strFolder.ShortName());
    } else
        // unlikely, but ...
        strPath = strFolder;
    return (TRUE == wxSetEnv(wxT("PATH"),strPath));