static Optional<Size> deserialize_size(const utf8_string& str){
  wxString wxStr(to_wx(str));
  wxArrayString strs = wxSplit(to_wx(str), ',', '\0');
  if (strs.GetCount() != 2){
    return {};

  long width;
  if (!strs[0].ToLong(&width)){
    return {};
  if (width <= 0){
    return {};

  long height;
  if (!strs[1].ToLong(&height)){
    return {};
  if (height <= 0){
    return {};

  return {Size(static_cast<coord>(width), static_cast<coord>(height))};
Ejemplo n.º 2
wxString Utils::BytesToString(unsigned char *bytes)
	char asciihash[33];
	int p = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
		p += 2;
	asciihash[32] = '\0';
	return wxStr(std::string(asciihash));
Ejemplo n.º 3
wxString FindJavaPath(const wxString& def)
	// Open the JRE registry key.
	HKEY jreKey;
	std::string jreKeyName = "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment";
	if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, jreKeyName.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &jreKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		// Read the current JRE version from the registry.
		// This will be used to find the key that contains the JavaHome value.
		char *value = new char[0];
		DWORD valueSz = 0;
		if (RegQueryValueExA(jreKey, "CurrentVersion", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)value, &valueSz) == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
			value = new char[valueSz];
			RegQueryValueExA(jreKey, "CurrentVersion", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)value, &valueSz);


		// Now open the registry key for the JRE version that we just got.
		if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, jreKeyName.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &jreKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			// Read the JavaHome value to find where Java is installed.
			value = new char[0];
			valueSz = 0;
			if (RegQueryValueExA(jreKey, "JavaHome", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)value, &valueSz) == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
				value = new char[valueSz];
				RegQueryValueExA(jreKey, "JavaHome", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)value, &valueSz);


			wxString javaHome = wxStr(value);
			javaHome = Path::Combine(Path::Combine(javaHome, "bin"), "java.exe");
			return javaHome;
	return def;