Ejemplo n.º 1
H264Encoder::H264Encoder(int width, int height, int fps)
: m_width(width), m_height(height), m_fps(fps)
    m_stride = width*4;

    /* Parametrize x264 for real-time */
    x264_param_default_preset(&m_param, "veryfast", "zerolatency");
    m_param.i_threads = 1;
    m_param.i_width = width;
    m_param.i_height = height;
    m_param.i_fps_num = fps;
    m_param.i_fps_den = 1;
    // Intra refres:
    m_param.i_keyint_max = fps;
    m_param.b_intra_refresh = 1;
    //Rate control:
    m_param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
    m_param.rc.f_rf_constant = 25;
    m_param.rc.f_rf_constant_max = 35;
    //For streaming:
    m_param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
    m_param.b_annexb = 1;
    x264_param_apply_profile(&m_param, "baseline");

Ejemplo n.º 2
void do_init_encoder(struct x264lib_ctx *ctx, int width, int height, int initial_quality, int supports_csc_option)
	ctx->quality = initial_quality;
	ctx->supports_csc_option = supports_csc_option;
	ctx->colour_sampling = get_x264_colour_sampling(ctx, initial_quality);
	ctx->x264_quality = get_x264_quality(initial_quality);
	ctx->csc_format = get_csc_format_for_x264_format(ctx->colour_sampling);
	ctx->encoding_preset = 2;
	ctx->preset = x264_preset_names[ctx->encoding_preset];
	ctx->profile = get_profile_for_quality(initial_quality);
	ctx->csc_algo = get_csc_algo_for_quality(initial_quality);
	//printf("do_init_encoder(%p, %i, %i, %i, %i) colour_sampling=%i, x264_quality=%f, profile=%s\n", ctx, width, height, initial_quality, supports_csc_option, ctx->colour_sampling, ctx->x264_quality, ctx->profile);

	x264_param_t param;
	x264_param_default_preset(&param, ctx->preset, "zerolatency");
	param.i_threads = 1;
	param.i_width = width;
	param.i_height = height;
	param.i_csp = ctx->colour_sampling;
	param.rc.f_rf_constant = ctx->x264_quality;
	param.i_log_level = 0;
	x264_param_apply_profile(&param, ctx->profile);
	ctx->encoder = x264_encoder_open(&param);
	ctx->width = width;
	ctx->height = height;
	ctx->rgb2yuv = init_encoder_csc(ctx);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void H264Encoder::init_(const int wid, const int hei) {
    // 0. building encoder parameters.
    x264_param_default_preset(&x264_opt_, "ultrafast", "zerolatency");

    x264_opt_.i_width = wid;
    x264_opt_.i_height = hei;
    x264_opt_.i_threads = 1;
    x264_opt_.b_repeat_headers = 1;
    x264_opt_.b_intra_refresh = 1;

    x264_opt_.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CQP;
    x264_opt_.rc.i_qp_constant = 24;
    x264_opt_.rc.i_qp_min = 24;
    x264_opt_.rc.i_qp_max = 24;
    x264_param_apply_profile(&x264_opt_, "baseline");

    // 1. Prepare the output buffer and target file
    x264_picture_alloc(&x264_picin_,  X264_CSP_NV12, x264_opt_.i_width, x264_opt_.i_height);
    x264_picture_alloc(&x264_picout_, X264_CSP_NV12, x264_opt_.i_width, x264_opt_.i_height);

    // 2. Building the encoder handler
    x264_hdl_ = x264_encoder_open(&x264_opt_);
    x264_encoder_parameters(x264_hdl_, &x264_opt_);
Ejemplo n.º 4
EncodeContext encode_context_create(int width, int height) {
    EncodeContext context;
    context.width = width;
    context.height = height;
    x264_param_t param;
    x264_param_default_preset(&param, "veryfast", "zerolatency");
    param.i_threads = 1;
    param.i_width = width;
    param.i_height = height;
    param.i_fps_num = 20; // the FPS doesn't matter
    param.i_fps_den = 1;
    // Intra refres:
    param.i_keyint_max = 20; // once every twenty frames
    param.b_intra_refresh = 1;
    //Rate control:
    param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
    param.rc.f_rf_constant = 25;
    param.rc.f_rf_constant_max = 35;
    //For streaming:
    param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
    param.b_annexb = 1;
    x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "baseline");
    context.encoder = x264_encoder_open(&param);
    context.converter = sws_getContext(width, height, PIX_FMT_RGB24,
                                       width, height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
                                       SWS_FAST_BILINEAR, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    return context;
Ejemplo n.º 5
EncoderVideoSource::EncoderVideoSource(UsageEnvironment& env, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int framerate,
		unsigned int bitrate, unsigned int keyinterval, VideoCodec codec, char *type):
	FramedSource(env), fp(NULL), fWidth(width), fHeight(height), fFramerate(framerate), fBitrate(bitrate), fKeyInterval(keyinterval),
	fCodec(codec), fConfigBytes(NULL), fStartTime(0), fEncoderHandle(NULL)
	memset(mediaType, 0, sizeof(mediaType));
	memcpy(mediaType, type, strlen(type));
	if(strcmp(type, "live") == 0 || strcmp(type, "livehd") == 0)
		fp = fopen(VIDEO_FILE, "rb");
	if(strcmp(type, "mobile") == 0)
		fp = fopen(VIDEO_FILE, "rb");
	Debug(ckite_log_message, "type = %s\n", type);
	if(strcmp(type, "store") == 0)
		Debug(ckite_log_message, "EncoderVideoSource store \n");
	fBuffer = new unsigned char[fWidth*fHeight*3/2];

#ifdef SDKH264
	x264_param_apply_profile(&m_param, "baseline");
	m_param.i_width = fWidth;
	m_param.i_height = fHeight;
	m_param.i_fps_num = 10; //
	m_param.i_fps_den = 1000;
	m_param.i_frame_reference = 1;
	//m_param.i_maxframes = 0;  // no find this parameter
	m_param.i_keyint_max = 250;
	m_param.i_bframe = 0;
	m_param.rc.i_bitrate = 1000; // the unit is kbps
	//m_param.rc.b_cbr = 0;
	m_param.rc.f_qcompress = 0;
	//m_param.rc.b_stat_write = 0;
	//m_param.analyse.inter = 0;
	m_param.analyse.b_psnr = 0;
	m_param.b_cabac = 0;
	m_param.rc.b_mb_tree = 0;
	//m_param.pf_log = NULL //if set NULL , it will segment fault
	x264_handle = x264_encoder_open(&m_param);
	//memset(p_nal, 0x0, sizeof (struct nal));
	fprintf(stderr, "x264_encoder_open x264_handle:%x\n", x264_handle);
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		more_nal[i] = NULL;
		more_nal_len[i] = 0;

#ifdef SDKMPEG4
	Debug(ckite_log_message, "xvid fWidth = %d, fHeight = %d\n", fWidth, fHeight);
	fEncoderHandle = xvid_enc_init(fWidth, fHeight, fBitrate, fFramerate, fKeyInterval, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static inline void apply_x264_profile(struct obs_x264 *obsx264,
		const char *profile)
	if (!obsx264->context && profile && *profile) {
		int ret = x264_param_apply_profile(&obsx264->params, profile);
		if (ret != 0)
			warn("Failed to set x264 profile '%s'", profile);
Ejemplo n.º 7
VideoEncoder* video_encoder_init(int width, int height, int fpsNum, int fpsDen, int maxWidth){
    printf("[arcade encoder init] %d x %d @ (%d / %d)\n",width,height,fpsNum,fpsDen);

    VideoEncoder *enc = (VideoEncoder*) malloc(sizeof(VideoEncoder));
    //TODO: this needs to become a parameter
    enc->in_fmt =  AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA;

    enc->width = width;
    enc->height = height;
    enc->max_width = maxWidth;

    printf("[arcade encoder] capping width at %dpx\n",enc->max_width);
    float aspectRatio = (float) enc->width / (float) enc->height;
    enc->out_width = enc->width > enc->max_width ? enc->max_width : enc->width;
    enc->out_height = (int) ((float) enc->out_width / aspectRatio);

    printf("[arcade encoder init]\n\t%d x %d --> %d x %d\n\t@ (%d / %d)\n",

    x264_param_t param;
    x264_param_default_preset(&param, "ultrafast", "zerolatency");
    param.i_threads = 1;
    param.i_width = enc->out_width;
    param.i_height = enc->out_height;
    param.i_fps_num = fpsNum;
    param.i_fps_den = fpsDen;
    // Intra refres:
    param.i_keyint_max = 30000;
    param.b_intra_refresh = 1;
    //Rate control:
    param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
    param.rc.f_rf_constant = 25;
    param.rc.f_rf_constant_max = 35;
    //For streaming:
    param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
    param.b_annexb = 1;
    x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "baseline");

    enc->encoder = x264_encoder_open(&param);
    x264_picture_alloc(&enc->pic_in, X264_CSP_I420, enc->out_width, enc->out_height);

    enc->output_buffer_size = (int)sizeof(uint8_t)*4096*1024;
    enc->output_buffer = malloc(enc->output_buffer_size);

    enc->sws = sws_getContext(enc->width, enc->height, enc->in_fmt,
			      enc->out_width, enc->out_height, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P,
    enc->num_frames = 0;

    return enc;

Ejemplo n.º 8
void rtspStream::initH264Encoder(int width,int height,int fps,int bitRate)
	frame_num = 0; 
	pX264Handle   = NULL;
	pX264Param = new x264_param_t;
	m_nFPS = 25;
	//* 配置参数
	//* 使用默认参数,在这里因为我的是实时网络传输,所以我使用了zerolatency的选项,使用这个选项之后就不会有delayed_frames,如果你使用的不是这样的话,还需要在编码完成之后得到缓存的编码帧
	x264_param_default_preset(pX264Param, "veryfast", "zerolatency");
	//* cpuFlags
	pX264Param->i_threads  = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO;//* 取空缓冲区继续使用不死锁的保证.
	//* 视频选项
	pX264Param->i_width   = width; //* 要编码的图像宽度.
	pX264Param->i_height  = height; //* 要编码的图像高度
	pX264Param->i_frame_total = 0; //* 编码总帧数.不知道用0.
	pX264Param->i_keyint_max = 10; 
	//* 流参数
	pX264Param->i_bframe  = 5;
	pX264Param->b_open_gop  = 0;
	pX264Param->i_bframe_pyramid = 0;
	pX264Param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;
	//* Log参数,不需要打印编码信息时直接注释掉就行
	// pX264Param->i_log_level  = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
	//* 速率控制参数
	pX264Param->rc.i_bitrate = bitRate;//* 码率(比特率,单位Kbps)
	//* muxing parameters
	pX264Param->i_fps_den  = 1; //* 帧率分母
	pX264Param->i_fps_num  = fps;//* 帧率分子
	pX264Param->i_timebase_den = pX264Param->i_fps_num;
	pX264Param->i_timebase_num = pX264Param->i_fps_den;
	//* 设置Profile.使用Baseline profile
	x264_param_apply_profile(pX264Param, x264_profile_names[0]);

	pNals = NULL;
	pPicIn = new x264_picture_t;
	pPicOut = new x264_picture_t;
	x264_picture_alloc(pPicIn, X264_CSP_I420, pX264Param->i_width, pX264Param->i_height);
	pPicIn->img.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;
	pPicIn->img.i_plane = 3;
	//* 打开编码器句柄,通过x264_encoder_parameters得到设置给X264
	//* 的参数.通过x264_encoder_reconfig更新X264的参数
	pX264Handle = x264_encoder_open(pX264Param);

	pPicIn->img.plane[0] = PYUVBuf;
	pPicIn->img.plane[1] = PYUVBuf + width *height;
	pPicIn->img.plane[2] = PYUVBuf + width * height * 5 / 4;
	pPicIn->img.plane[3] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void change_encoding_speed(struct x264lib_ctx *ctx, int increase)
	x264_param_t param;
	x264_encoder_parameters(ctx->encoder, &param);
	ctx->encoding_preset -= increase;
	if (ctx->encoding_preset < 0)
		ctx->encoding_preset = 0;
	if (ctx->encoding_preset > 5)
		ctx->encoding_preset = 5;
	x264_param_default_preset(&param, x264_preset_names[ctx->encoding_preset], "zerolatency");
	//printf("Setting encoding preset %s %d\n", x264_preset_names[ctx->encoding_preset], ctx->encoding_preset);
	x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "baseline");
	x264_encoder_reconfig(ctx->encoder, &param);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void set_encoding_speed(struct x264lib_ctx *ctx, int pct)
	x264_param_t param;
	x264_encoder_parameters(ctx->encoder, &param);
	int new_preset = 7-MAX(0, MIN(7, pct/12.5));
	if (new_preset==ctx->encoding_preset)
	ctx->encoding_preset = new_preset;
	//"tune" options: film, animation, grain, stillimage, psnr, ssim, fastdecode, zerolatency
	//Multiple tunings can be used if separated by a delimiter in ",./-+"
	//however multiple psy tunings cannot be used.
	//film, animation, grain, stillimage, psnr, and ssim are psy tunings.
	x264_param_default_preset(&param, x264_preset_names[ctx->encoding_preset], "zerolatency");
	x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "baseline");
	x264_encoder_reconfig(ctx->encoder, &param);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int CX264Encoder::set_param(x264_param_t* p)
	int ret = -1;
	ret = x264_param_default_preset(&param, "ultrafast", NULL);

	param.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;// X264_CSP_I420;// X264_CSP_RGB;
	param.i_width = width;
	param.i_height = height;
	param.b_vfr_input = 0;
	param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
	param.b_annexb = 1;
	param.i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_VBR;

	ret = x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "high");
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void x264Encoder::Initilize()
    x264_param_default_preset(&parameters, "veryfast", "zerolatency");
    parameters.i_log_level = X264_LOG_INFO;
    parameters.i_threads = 1;
    parameters.i_width = 512 / 2;
    parameters.i_height = 424 / 2;
    parameters.i_fps_num = _fps;
    parameters.i_fps_den = 1;
    parameters.i_keyint_max = 15;
    parameters.b_intra_refresh = 1;
    parameters.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
    parameters.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size = 1000000;
    parameters.rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate = 90000;
    parameters.rc.f_rf_constant = 25;
    parameters.rc.f_rf_constant_max = 35;
    parameters.i_sps_id = 7;
    // the following two value you should keep 1
    parameters.b_repeat_headers = 1;    // to get header before every I-Frame
    parameters.b_annexb = 1; // put start code in front of nal. we will remove start code later
    x264_param_apply_profile(&parameters, "baseline");

    encoder = x264_encoder_open(&parameters);

    x264_picture_alloc(&picture_in, X264_CSP_I420, 512 / 2, 424 / 2);
    picture_in.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
    picture_in.img.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;

    x264_picture_alloc(&picture_out, X264_CSP_I420, parameters.i_width, parameters.i_height);
    picture_out.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
    picture_out.img.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;

    // i have initilized my color space converter for BGR24 to YUV420 because my opencv 
    // video capture gives BGR24 image. You can initilize according to your input pixelFormat
    convertContext = sws_getContext(
        512 / 2,
        424 / 2,
        NULL, NULL, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void encode_init()
	// fill x264_param_t with default values and do CPU detection
	if(x264_param_default_preset(x264_encode.para, capg.preset,
			capg.tune) < 0)
		CAP_DBG_EXIT("x264_param_default_preset error!\n");

	// ricann debug
	CAP_DBG("-------------------after x264_param_default_preset\n");

	// Configure non-default params
	// real frame rate is i_fps_num/i_fps_den
	x264_encode.para->i_fps_num = capg.frame_rate;
	x264_encode.para->i_width = capg.width;
	x264_encode.para->i_height = capg.height;
	x264_encode.para->i_keyint_max = capg.gop_size;
	x264_encode.para->i_csp = x264_encode.colorspace;
	x264_encode.para->b_vfr_input = 0;
	x264_encode.para->b_repeat_headers = 1;

	// ricann debug
	CAP_DBG("-------------------after assign value\n");

	x264_encode.pic->img.i_csp = x264_encode.colorspace;
	x264_encode.pic->img.i_plane = 3;
	x264_encode.pic->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;

	if(x264_param_apply_profile(x264_encode.para, capg.profile) < 0)
		CAP_DBG_EXIT("x264_param_apply_profile error!\n");

	x264_encode.handle = x264_encoder_open(x264_encode.para);
		CAP_DBG_EXIT("x264_encoder_open error!\n");

	// ricann debug
	CAP_DBG("-------------------after x264_encoder_open\n");
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool init_x264_encoder(Encoder * enc,int width,int height)
	enc->param = (x264_param_t*)malloc(sizeof(x264_param_t));
	enc->picture = (x264_picture_t*)malloc(sizeof(x264_picture_t));	
	enc->picture->i_pts = 0 ; 
	// set default  param  	
	// todo improvements later  
	// set width and height 
	enc->param->i_width = width;
	enc->param->i_height = height ;

	enc->param->rc.i_lookahead = 0; 

	// set fps  
	enc->param->i_fps_num = 10 ; 
	enc->param->i_fps_den = 1 ;

	// set baseline  
	x264_param_apply_profile(enc->param, x264_profile_names[0]);

	 // open encoder 
	if( (enc->handle = x264_encoder_open(enc->param)) == 0 )
	 	SKY_LOG(1,(TAG_H264ENCODER,"Could not Open x264_encoder"));
	 	// will free when encoder close  or now 
	 	return false ;
	 // create a new picture   malloc enc->picture here  X264_CSP_I422   X264_CSP_YV16  X264_CSP_NV16
	//enc->picture->img.i_csp = X264_CSP_YV12 ; 	
	//enc->picture->img.i_csp = X264_CSP_NV12 ; 
	enc->picture->img.i_csp = X264_CSP_YV12 ; 
	enc->picture->img.i_plane = 3 ;   
	return true ; 
Ejemplo n.º 15
struct x264lib_ctx *init_encoder(int width, int height)
	struct x264lib_ctx *ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct x264lib_ctx));
	ctx->encoding_preset = 2;
	x264_param_t param;
	x264_param_default_preset(&param, x264_preset_names[ctx->encoding_preset], "zerolatency");
	param.i_threads = 1;
	param.i_width = width;
	param.i_height = height;
	param.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;
	param.i_log_level = 0;
	x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "baseline");
	ctx->encoder = x264_encoder_open(&param);
	ctx->width = width;
	ctx->height = height;
	ctx->rgb2yuv = sws_getContext(ctx->width, ctx->height, PIX_FMT_RGB24, ctx->width, ctx->height, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, SWS_SINC | SWS_ACCURATE_RND, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	return ctx;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void encode_init(Encoder *encoder, int img_width, int img_height)
//Set default x264 parameters
	encoder->param = (x264_param_t *) malloc(sizeof(x264_param_t));
	encoder->picture = (x264_picture_t *) malloc(sizeof(x264_picture_t));

encoder->param->i_width = img_width; //set frame width
encoder->param->i_height = img_height; //set frame height
encoder->param->rc.i_lookahead = 0; //表示i帧向前缓冲区
encoder->param->i_fps_num = 25; //帧率分子
encoder->param->i_fps_den = 1; //帧率分母
encoder->param->rc.i_lookahead = 0;
encoder->param->i_sync_lookahead = 0;
encoder->param->i_bframe = 0;
encoder->param->b_sliced_threads = 1;
encoder->param->b_vfr_input = 0;
encoder->param->rc.b_mb_tree = 0;

x264_param_apply_profile(encoder->param, x264_profile_names[0]);

encoder->handle = x264_encoder_open(encoder->param);

if (encoder->handle == 0) 
/* Create a new pic */

//encoder->picture->param->i_width = img_width;
//encoder->picture->param->i_height = img_height;

x264_picture_alloc(encoder->picture, X264_CSP_I420, 

encoder->picture->img.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;
encoder->picture->img.i_plane = 3;

g_H264_Buf = (uint8_t *) malloc(
sizeof(uint8_t) * g_ImgWidth * g_ImgHeight * 3); // 设置缓冲区

Ejemplo n.º 17
void init_encoder(void)

	x264_param_default_preset(&param, "veryfast", "zerolatency");

	//If param->b_annexb is set, Annex-B bytestream with startcode.
	//* This size is the size used in mp4/similar muxing; it is equal to ( i_payload-4 ) --> uint8_t *p_payload;
	printf("in  init_encoder function\n");

Ejemplo n.º 18
H264Exporter::H264Exporter(const exporter_settings& settings)
: _success{false}
, _settings(settings)
, _file{settings.path, std::ios::binary}
, _frame{0}
, _encoder{nullptr}
  x264_param_t param;
  // Best quality (0) -> "veryslow" (8); worst quality (4) -> "ultrafast" (0).
  auto quality = std::to_string(2 * (4 - settings.quality));
  if (x264_param_default_preset(&param, quality.c_str(), "film") < 0) {
    std::cerr << "couldn't get default preset" << std::endl;
  param.i_threads = settings.threads > 1 ? settings.threads - 1 : 1;
  param.i_lookahead_threads = settings.threads > 1 ? 1 : 0;

  param.i_width = settings.width;
  param.i_height = settings.height;
  param.i_fps_num = settings.fps;
  param.i_fps_den = 1;
  param.i_frame_total = settings.fps * settings.length;
  param.i_keyint_min = 0;
  param.i_keyint_max = settings.fps;
  if (x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "high") < 0) {
    std::cerr << "couldn't get apply profile" << std::endl;

  _encoder = x264_encoder_open(&param);
  if (!_encoder) {
    std::cerr << "couldn't create encoder" << std::endl;
  if (x264_picture_alloc(&_pic, X264_CSP_I420, _settings.width, _settings.height) < 0) {
    std::cerr << "couldn't allocate picture" << std::endl;
  _success = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
jlong Java_h264_com_H264Encoder_CompressBegin(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz,
		jint width, jint height) {
	Encoder * en = (Encoder *) malloc(sizeof(Encoder));
	en->param = (x264_param_t *) malloc(sizeof(x264_param_t));
	en->picture = (x264_param_t *) malloc(sizeof(x264_picture_t));
	x264_param_default(en->param); //set default param
	//en->param->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CQP;
	en->param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_NONE;
	en->param->i_width = width; //set frame width
	en->param->i_height = height; //set frame height
	en->param->rc.i_lookahead =0;

	en->param->i_fps_num =5;
	en->param->i_fps_den = 1;
	if ((en->handle = x264_encoder_open(en->param)) == 0) {
		return 0;
	/* Create a new pic */
	x264_picture_alloc(en->picture, X264_CSP_I420, en->param->i_width,
	return (jlong) en;
// See https://gist.github.com/roxlu/0f61a499df75e64b764d for an older version of this, with some rate control tests
// @todo - we should check if the supplied settings are valid for the current profile.. e.g. bframes are not supported by the baseline profile
bool VideoEncoder::initializeX264() {
  assert(settings.width > 0);
  assert(settings.height > 0);
  assert(settings.fps > 0);

  int r = 0;
  x264_param_t* p = &params;
  std::string preset = (settings.preset.size()) ? settings.preset : "superfast";
  std::string tune = (settings.tune.size()) ? settings.tune : "zerolatency";
  STREAMER_STATUS("x264 using preset: %s and tune: %s\n", preset.c_str(), tune.c_str());

  r = x264_param_default_preset(p, preset.c_str(), tune.c_str());
  if(r != 0) {
    STREAMER_ERROR("error: cannot set the default preset on x264.\n");
    return false;

  p->i_threads = settings.threads;
  p->i_width = settings.width;
  p->i_height = settings.height;
  p->i_fps_num = settings.fps;
  p->i_fps_den = 1;
  p->b_annexb = 0; // flv == no annexb, but strangely, when I disable it the generated flv cannot be played back, for raw h264 you'll need to set annexb to 1 when you want to play it in vlc (vlc isn't properly playing back flv)

  p->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_ABR;  // when you're limited to bandwidth you set the vbv_buffer_size and vbv_max_bitrate using the X264_RC_ABR rate control method. The vbv_buffer_size is a decoder option and tells the decoder how much data must be buffered before playback can start. When vbv_max_bitrate == vbv_buffer_size, then it will take one second before the playback might start. when vbv_buffer_size == vbv_max_bitrate * 0.5, it might start in 0.5 sec. 
  p->rc.i_bitrate = settings.bitrate;
  p->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size = (settings.vbv_buffer_size < 0) ? p->rc.i_bitrate : settings.vbv_buffer_size; 
  p->rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate = (settings.vbv_max_bitrate < 0) ? p->rc.i_bitrate : settings.vbv_max_bitrate;;

  if(settings.keyint_max > 0) {
    p->i_keyint_max = settings.keyint_max;
  if(settings.bframe > 0) {
    p->i_bframe = settings.bframe;

  if(settings.level_idc > 0) {
    p->i_level_idc = settings.level_idc;

#if !defined(NDEBUG)
  p->i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
  p->pf_log = videoencoder_x264_log;

  if(settings.profile.size()) {
    r = x264_param_apply_profile(p, settings.profile.c_str());
    if(r != 0) {
      STREAMER_ERROR("error: cannot set the baseline profile on x264.\n");
      return false;

  encoder = x264_encoder_open(p);
  if(!encoder) {
    STREAMER_ERROR("error: cannot create the encoder.\n");
    return false;

  x264_encoder_parameters(encoder, &params);  


  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    x264_param_t param;
    x264_t *h = NULL;
    x264_picture_t pic_in;
    x264_picture_t pic_out;
    x264_nal_t *nal;
    uint8_t *data = NULL;
    int widthXheight = width * height;
    int frame_size = width * height * 1.5;
    int read_sum = 0, write_sum = 0;
    int frames = 0;
    int i, rnum, i_size;
    x264_nal_t* pNals = NULL;

    param.i_width = width;
    param.i_height = height;
    param.i_bframe = 3;
    param.i_fps_num = 25;
    param.i_fps_den = 1;
    param.b_vfr_input = 0;
    param.i_keyint_max = 250;
    param.rc.i_bitrate = 1500;
    param.i_scenecut_threshold = 40;
    param.i_level_idc = 51;

    x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "high");

    h = x264_encoder_open( &param );

//    printf("param.rc.i_qp_min=%d, param.rc.i_qp_max=%d, param.rc.i_qp_step=%d param.rc.i_qp_constant=%d param.rc.i_rc_method=%d\n",
//            param.rc.i_qp_min, param.rc.i_qp_max, param.rc.i_qp_step, param.rc.i_qp_constant, param.rc.i_rc_method);
    printf("param:%s\n", x264_param2string(&param, 1));

    x264_picture_init( &pic_in );
    x264_picture_alloc(&pic_in, X264_CSP_YV12, width, height);
    pic_in.img.i_csp = X264_CSP_YV12;
    pic_in.img.i_plane = 3;

    data = (uint8_t*)malloc(0x400000);

    FILE* fpr = fopen(MFILE ".yuv", "rb");
    FILE* fpw1 = fopen(MFILE".szhu.h264", "wb");
//    FILE* fpw2 = fopen(MFILE".h264", "wb");

    if(!fpr || !fpw1 ) {
        printf("file open failed\n");
        return -1;

        rnum = fread(data, 1, frame_size, fpr);
        if(rnum != frame_size){
            printf("read file failed\n");
        memcpy(pic_in.img.plane[0], data, widthXheight);
        memcpy(pic_in.img.plane[1], data + widthXheight, widthXheight >> 2);
        memcpy(pic_in.img.plane[2], data + widthXheight + (widthXheight >> 2), widthXheight >> 2);
        read_sum += rnum;
        frames ++;
//        printf("read frames=%d %.2fMB write:%.2fMB\n", frames, read_sum * 1.0 / 0x100000, write_sum * 1.0 / 0x100000);
        int i_nal;
        int i_frame_size = 0;

        if(0 && frames % 12 == 0){
            pic_in.i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
            pic_in.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
        i_frame_size = x264_encoder_encode( h, &nal, &i_nal, &pic_in, &pic_out );

        if(i_frame_size <= 0){
            //printf("\t!!!FAILED encode frame \n");
            fwrite(nal[0].p_payload, 1, i_frame_size, fpw1);
//            printf("\t+++i_frame_size=%d\n", i_frame_size);
            write_sum += i_frame_size;
#if 0
        for(i = 0; i < i_nal; i ++){
            i_size = nal[i].i_payload;
//            fwrite(nal[i].p_payload, 1, nal[i].i_payload, fpw1);
            fwrite(nal[i].p_payload, 1, i_frame_size, fpw1);
            x264_nal_encode(h, data, &nal[i]);
            if(i_size != nal[i].i_payload){
                printf("\t\ti_size=%d nal[i].i_payload=%d\n", i_size, nal[i].i_payload);
            fwrite(data, 1, nal[i].i_payload, fpw2);

        h = NULL;
//    fclose(fpw2);
    printf("h=0x%X", h);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  int listenfd, connfd;
  int byterecv;
  int bytesum = 0;
  int ret = 0;
  struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
  char *buff;
  int width, height;
  x264_param_t param;
  x264_picture_t pic;
  x264_picture_t pic_out;
  x264_t *h;
  int i_frame = 0;
  int i_frame_size;
  x264_nal_t *nal;
  int i_nal;
  FILE *fout = NULL;

   /* Get default params for preset/tuning */
  if(x264_param_default_preset( &param, "medium", NULL ) < 0)
    goto fail;

  /* Configure non-default params */
  param.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;
  param.i_width  = WIDTH;
  param.i_height = HEIGHT;
  param.b_vfr_input = 0; //frame rate
  param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
  param.b_annexb = 1;

  /* Apply profile restrictions. */
  if(x264_param_apply_profile(&param, "baseline") < 0)
    goto fail;

  if(x264_picture_alloc(&pic, param.i_csp, param.i_width, param.i_height) < 0)
    goto fail;

#undef fail
#define fail fail2

  h = x264_encoder_open(&param);
    goto fail;
  printf("x264 encoder init successfully\n");

  int luma_size = width * height;
  int chroma_size = luma_size / 4;
  fout = fopen("test.264", "wb+");

#undef fail
#define fail fail3

  /* socket init*/
  if((listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1){
    printf("create socket error: %s(errno: %d)\n",strerror(errno),errno);

  memset(&servaddr, 0, sizeof(servaddr));
  servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
  servaddr.sin_port = htons(6666);

  if(bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)) == -1){
    printf("bind socket error: %s(errno: %d)\n",strerror(errno),errno);

  if(listen(listenfd, 10) == -1){
    printf("listen socket error: %s(errno: %d)\n",strerror(errno),errno);

  printf("======waiting for client's request======\n");
  if((connfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)NULL, NULL)) == -1){
    printf("accept socket error: %s(errno: %d)",strerror(errno),errno);

  /* malloc 5k buffer for recv raw data from client*/
  buff = (char *)malloc(5 * 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(char));
  while(1) {
    byterecv = recv(connfd, buff + bytesum, 32 * 1024, 0);
    if (byterecv > 0) {
      bytesum += byterecv;
      /* got one frame here, encode it*/
      if (bytesum >= RESOLUTION * 1.5) {
        pic.img.plane[0] = buff;
        pic.img.plane[1] = buff + luma_size;
        pic.img.plane[2] = buff + luma_size + chroma_size;
        pic.i_pts = i_frame;
        i_frame ++;

        i_frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(h, &nal, &i_nal, &pic, &pic_out);
        if(i_frame_size < 0)
          goto fail;
        else if(i_frame_size) {
          if(!fwrite( nal->p_payload, i_frame_size, 1, fout))
            goto fail;
          printf("encode frame %d\n", i_frame);
        bytesum = bytesum - RESOLUTION * 1.5;
        memcpy(buff, buff + (int)(RESOLUTION * 1.5), bytesum);
    else if((byterecv < 0) && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) {
    else {
      //printf("stop recv stream frome client, bytesum: %d, total: %d\n", bytesum, total);

  /* Flush delayed frames */
  while(x264_encoder_delayed_frames(h)) {
    i_frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(h, &nal, &i_nal, NULL, &pic_out);
    if(i_frame_size < 0)
      goto fail;
    else if(i_frame_size) {
      if(!fwrite( nal->p_payload, i_frame_size, 1, fout))
        goto fail;

  if (fout)


  return 0;

#undef fail
  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 23
void x264enc_set_param(const m_option_t* opt, char* arg)
    static int initialized = 0;
    int slow_firstpass = 0;
    char *preset = NULL, *tune = NULL, *profile = NULL;
    char *p, *copy, *name;

    if (!initialized) {
        initialized = 1;
    if (!arg) {
        mp_msg(MSGT_CFGPARSER, MSGL_ERR, "Option x264encopts: no options provided\n");
        parse_error = 1;
    } else if (!*arg)
        /* Empty arguments, just doing initialization of default parameters. */

    /* Step 1: look for initial preset/tune. */
    copy = p = strdup(arg);
    while ((name = strsep(&copy, ":"))) {
        char *value = strpbrk(name, "=:");
        if (!value)
        *value++ = 0;
        if (!strcasecmp(name, "preset"))
            preset = value;
        else if (!strcasecmp(name, "tune"))
            tune = value;
    if (x264_param_default_preset(&param, preset, tune) < 0) {
        mp_msg(MSGT_CFGPARSER, MSGL_ERR, "Option x264encopts: Invalid preset or tune.\n");
        parse_error = 1;

    /* Step 2: explicit user overrides */
    while ((name = strsep(&arg, ":")) && *name) {
        int ret = 0;
        char *value = strpbrk(name, "=:");

        if (value)
            *value++ = 0;
        if (!strcasecmp(name, "profile"))
            profile = value;
        else if (!strcasecmp(name, "turbo")) {
            mp_msg(MSGT_CFGPARSER, MSGL_WARN, "Option x264encopts: turbo option is deprecated; "
                                              "use slow_firstpass to disable turbo\n");
            if (value && *value == '0')
                slow_firstpass = 1;
        } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "slow_firstpass"))
            slow_firstpass = 1;
        else if (strcasecmp(name, "preset") && strcasecmp(name, "tune")) {
            ret = x264_param_parse(&param, name, value);
            if (ret == X264_PARAM_BAD_NAME)
                mp_msg(MSGT_CFGPARSER, MSGL_ERR, "Option x264encopts: Unknown suboption %s\n", name);
            if (ret == X264_PARAM_BAD_VALUE)
                mp_msg(MSGT_CFGPARSER, MSGL_ERR, "Option x264encopts: Bad argument %s=%s\n",
                       name, value ? value : "(null)");

        /* mark this option as done, so it's not reparsed if there's another -x264encopts */
        *name = 0;

        parse_error |= ret;

    /* Step 3: Apply fast first pass (turbo) options. */
    if (!slow_firstpass)

    /* Step 4: enforce profile */
    if (profile && x264_param_apply_profile(&param, profile) < 0)
        parse_error = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int obe_populate_avc_encoder_params( obe_t *h, int input_stream_id, x264_param_t *param )
    obe_int_input_stream_t *stream = get_input_stream( h, input_stream_id );
    if( !stream )
        fprintf( stderr, "Could not find stream \n" );
        return -1;

    if( stream->stream_type != STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO )
        fprintf( stderr, "Stream type is not video \n" );
        return -1;

    if( !param )
        fprintf( stderr, "Invalid parameter pointer \n" );
        return -1;

    if( h->obe_system == OBE_SYSTEM_TYPE_LOWEST_LATENCY || h->obe_system == OBE_SYSTEM_TYPE_LOW_LATENCY )
        x264_param_default_preset( param, "veryfast", "zerolatency" );
        x264_param_default( param );

    param->b_deterministic = 0;
    param->b_vfr_input = 0;
    param->b_pic_struct = 1;
    param->b_open_gop = 1;
    param->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_ABR;

    param->i_width = stream->width;
    param->i_height = stream->height;

    param->i_fps_num = stream->timebase_den;
    param->i_fps_den = stream->timebase_num;
    param->b_interlaced = stream->interlaced;
    if( param->b_interlaced )
        param->b_tff = stream->tff;

    /* A reasonable default. x264 won't go higher than this parameter irrespective of speedcontrol */
    if( h->obe_system == OBE_SYSTEM_TYPE_GENERIC )
        param->i_frame_reference = 4;

    if( stream->sar_num && stream->sar_den )
        param->vui.i_sar_width  = stream->sar_num;
        param->vui.i_sar_height = stream->sar_den;

    param->vui.i_overscan = 2;

    if( ( param->i_fps_num == 25 || param->i_fps_num == 50 ) && param->i_fps_den == 1 )
        param->vui.i_vidformat = 1; // PAL
        param->vui.i_colorprim = 5; // BT.470-2 bg
        param->vui.i_transfer  = 5; // BT.470-2 bg
        param->vui.i_colmatrix = 5; // BT.470-2 bg
        param->i_keyint_max = param->i_fps_num == 50 ? 48 : 24;
    else if( ( param->i_fps_num == 30000 || param->i_fps_num == 60000 ) && param->i_fps_den == 1001 )
        param->vui.i_vidformat = 2; // NTSC
        param->vui.i_colorprim = 6; // BT.601-6
        param->vui.i_transfer  = 6; // BT.601-6
        param->vui.i_colmatrix = 6; // BT.601-6
        param->i_keyint_max = param->i_fps_num / 1000;
        param->vui.i_vidformat = 5; // undefined
        param->vui.i_colorprim = 2; // undefined
        param->vui.i_transfer  = 2; // undefined
        param->vui.i_colmatrix = 2; // undefined

    /* Change to BT.709 for HD resolutions */
    if( param->i_width >= 1280 && param->i_height >= 720 )
        param->vui.i_colorprim = 1;
        param->vui.i_transfer  = 1;
        param->vui.i_colmatrix = 1;

    x264_param_apply_profile( param, X264_BIT_DEPTH == 10 ? "high10" : "high" );
    param->i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_FAKE_VBR;
    param->b_aud = 1;
    param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_INFO;

    //param->rc.f_vbv_buffer_init = 0.1;

    if( h->obe_system == OBE_SYSTEM_TYPE_GENERIC )
        param->sc.f_speed = 1.0;
        param->sc.b_alt_timer = 1;
        if( param->i_width >= 1280 && param->i_height >= 720 )
            param->sc.max_preset = 7; /* on the conservative side for HD */
            param->sc.max_preset = 10;

        param->rc.i_lookahead = param->i_keyint_max;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
    pNals = NULL;
    iNal = 0;

#if 0
    params.i_threads = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO;

	params.i_width 	= 640;
	params.i_height	= 480;

    params.i_frame_total = 0;

    // Set parameters
	params.i_keyint_max         = 25;
	params.i_keyint_min         = 1;

	params.i_bframe             = 0;
    params.b_open_gop = 0;

	params.i_bframe_pyramid = 0;
	params.i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;

	params.i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
	params.i_frame_reference    = 0;
	//params.rc.i_bitrate         = (int)( ( ((float)d->bitrate)*0.8)/1000.0);

	params.rc.i_bitrate         = 250000;
	params.rc.b_stat_write      = 0;

	//params.i_slice_max_size     = ms_get_payload_max_size()-100; /*arlready */
	params.i_slice_max_size     = 1340; /*arlready */
	params.rc.i_lookahead       = 0;
	params.b_annexb		    = 0;
	params.b_repeat_headers     = 1;

	params.rc.i_qp_min          = 2;
	params.rc.i_qp_max          = 31;
	params.rc.i_qp_step         = 29;

	params.i_fps_num 		= 25;
	params.i_fps_den 		= 1;
    params.i_threads = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO;	//* 取空缓冲区继续使用不死锁的保证.
//* video Properties
	params.i_width = 640;	//* 宽度.
	params.i_height = 480;	//* 高度
	params.i_frame_total = 0;	//* 编码总帧数.不知道用0.
	params.i_keyint_max = 10;
//* bitstream parameters
	params.i_bframe = 5;
	params.b_open_gop = 0;
	params.i_bframe_pyramid = 0;
	params.i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;

//* 宽高比,有效果,但不是想要的.
//pX264Param->vui.i_sar_width = 1080;
//pX264Param->vui.i_sar_height = 720;

//* Log
	params.i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
//* Rate control Parameters
	params.rc.i_bitrate = 1024 * 10;	//* 码率(比特率,单位Kbps)
//* muxing parameters
	params.i_fps_den = 1;	//* 帧率分母
	params.i_fps_num = 25;	//* 帧率分子
	params.i_timebase_den = params.i_fps_num;
	params.i_timebase_num = params.i_fps_den;

	// Set profile level constrains
	params.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_ABR;

    file = open("./file.h264", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
    if (file < 0) {
        printf("open video error\n");
        return ;

Ejemplo n.º 26
* OpenCodec
*	Abre el codec
int H264RtspEncoder::OpenCodec()
	x264_param_t    params;

	Log("-OpenCodec H264 [%dbps,%dfps]\n",bitrate,fps);

	// Check 
	if (opened)
		return Error("Codec already opened\n");

	// Reset default values

	// Use a defulat preset

	// Set log
	params.pf_log               = X264_log;
	params.i_log_level          = X264_LOG_WARNING;

	// Set encoding context size
	params.i_width 	= width;
	params.i_height	= height;

	// Set parameters
	params.i_keyint_max         = intraPeriod;
	params.i_keyint_min         = 1;
	params.b_cabac = 		1;
	params.i_frame_reference    = 0;
	params.rc.i_bitrate         = bitrate / 1024;
	params.rc.b_stat_write      = 0;
	params.i_slice_max_size     = RTPPAYLOADSIZE;
	params.b_sliced_threads	    = 0;
	params.rc.i_lookahead       = 0;
	params.i_bframe             = 0;
	//params.b_annexb		    = 0; 
	params.b_repeat_headers     = 1;
	params.i_threads	    = 0;
	params.b_vfr_input    = 0; 

	params.rc.i_qp_min          = qMin;
	params.rc.i_qp_max          = qMax;
	params.rc.i_qp_step         = qMax-qMin;

	params.i_fps_num 		= fps;
	params.i_fps_den 		= 2;

	// Set profile level constrains

	// Open encoder
	enc = x264_encoder_open(&params);

	//Check it is correct
	if (!enc)
		return Error("Could not open h264 codec\n");

	// Clean pictures

	//Set picture type
	pic.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
	// We are opened

	// Exit
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 27
bool X264Encoder::openX264Encoder()
        pParameter = (x264_param_t *)malloc(sizeof(x264_param_t));
        if (!pParameter) {
            return false;
        memset(pParameter, 0, sizeof(x264_param_t));
    int ret = x264_param_default_preset(pParameter, "ultrafast", "zerolatency");
    if (ret != 0) {
        return false;
    pParameter->i_threads = 1;
    pParameter->b_sliced_threads = 0;
    pParameter->i_sync_lookahead = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO;
    pParameter->i_width = width;
	pParameter->i_height = height;
	pParameter->i_frame_total = 0;
	pParameter->b_deterministic = 1;
	pParameter->i_frame_reference = 4;
	pParameter->i_bframe = 0;
	pParameter->i_bframe_pyramid = 0;
	pParameter->i_bframe_adaptive = 0;
	pParameter->b_intra_refresh = 0;
	pParameter->i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;
    pParameter->i_level_idc = 9;
    pParameter->i_keyint_min = 10;
    pParameter->i_keyint_max = 30;
    pParameter->b_repeat_headers = 1;
    pParameter->b_interlaced = 0;
    pParameter->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_FLAT;
    pParameter->psz_cqm_file = NULL;
    pParameter->b_aud = 0;
	pParameter->i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_NONE;
	pParameter->i_scenecut_threshold  = 40;
	pParameter->i_bframe_bias = 0;
    pParameter->i_fps_num = i_fps;
    pParameter->i_fps_den = 1;
    pParameter->i_timebase_num = 1;
    pParameter->i_timebase_den = 1000000;

    pParameter->analyse.i_weighted_pred = 0;
    pParameter->analyse.b_weighted_bipred = 0;
	pParameter->analyse.b_chroma_me = 1;
	pParameter->analyse.i_trellis = 1;
	pParameter->analyse.i_subpel_refine = 4;
	pParameter->analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 1;
	pParameter->analyse.i_me_range = 8;
	pParameter->analyse.i_me_method = X264_ME_UMH; //2
    pParameter->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred = X264_DIRECT_PRED_TEMPORAL; //2
    pParameter->analyse.intra = 0;
    pParameter->analyse.inter = 0;

    pParameter->b_cabac = 0;
    pParameter->b_vfr_input = 0;

    pParameter->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_ABR;//X264_RC_CQP;
    pParameter->rc.f_qcompress = 0.6f;  // 0.0 => cbr, 1.0 => constant qp
    pParameter->rc.i_lookahead = 0;
    pParameter->rc.b_mb_tree = 0;
    pParameter->rc.i_qp_min = 10;
    pParameter->rc.i_qp_max = 51;
    pParameter->rc.i_qp_step = 3;
    pParameter->rc.i_qp_constant = 10;
    pParameter->rc.f_rf_constant = 10;		  // 1pass VBR, nominal QP
    pParameter->rc.i_bitrate = 300;
    pParameter->rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate = 300;
    pParameter->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size = 300;
    pParameter->rc.f_vbv_buffer_init = 0.6f;
    pParameter->rc.f_rate_tolerance = 10 / 100.0f; // In CRF mode,maximum CRF as caused by VBV

    if(x264_param_apply_profile(pParameter, "baseline"))
        return false;

    if (!x264EncoderHandle) {
        x264EncoderHandle = x264_encoder_open(pParameter);
        assert(x264EncoderHandle != NULL);

    int	nal_count = 0;
	x264_nal_t* nals = NULL;
    x264_encoder_headers(x264EncoderHandle, &nals, &nal_count);
    assert(nal_count > 0);

    for (int index = 0; index < nal_count; ++index)
		if (nals[index].i_type == NAL_SPS) {
			spslen = createNalBuffer(sps, nals[index].p_payload, nals[index].i_payload);
		if (nals[index].i_type == NAL_PPS) {
			ppslen = createNalBuffer(pps, nals[index].p_payload, nals[index].i_payload);

    assert(spslen != 0);
    assert(ppslen != 0);

    if (!pOutput) {
        pOutput = (x264_picture_t *)malloc(sizeof(x264_picture_t));
        if (!pOutput) {
            return false;
    memset(pOutput, 0, sizeof(x264_picture_t));
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    X264Encoder(int fps, int width, int height, int quality, CTSTR preset, bool bUse444, ColorDescription &colorDesc, int maxBitrate, int bufferSize, bool bUseCFR)
        curPreset = preset;

        fps_ms = 1000/fps;

        StringList paramList;

        curProfile = AppConfig->GetString(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("X264Profile"), TEXT("high"));

        BOOL bUseCustomParams = AppConfig->GetInt(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("UseCustomSettings"));
            String strCustomParams = AppConfig->GetString(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("CustomSettings"));

                Log(TEXT("Using custom x264 settings: \"%s\""), strCustomParams.Array());

                strCustomParams.GetTokenList(paramList, ' ', FALSE);
                for(UINT i=0; i<paramList.Num(); i++)
                    String &strParam = paramList[i];
                    if(!schr(strParam, '='))

                    String strParamName = strParam.GetToken(0, '=');
                    String strParamVal  = strParam.GetTokenOffset(1, '=');

                        if(valid_x264_string(strParamVal, (const char**)x264_preset_names))
                            curPreset = strParamVal;
                            Log(TEXT("invalid preset: %s"), strParamVal.Array());

                    else if(strParamName.CompareI(TEXT("tune")))
                        if(valid_x264_string(strParamVal, (const char**)x264_tune_names))
                            curTune = strParamVal;
                            Log(TEXT("invalid tune: %s"), strParamVal.Array());

                    else if(strParamName.CompareI(TEXT("profile")))
                        if(valid_x264_string(strParamVal, (const char **)x264_profile_names))
                            curProfile = strParamVal;
                            Log(TEXT("invalid profile: %s"), strParamVal.Array());


        zero(&paramData, sizeof(paramData));

        LPSTR lpPreset = curPreset.CreateUTF8String();
        LPSTR lpTune = curTune.CreateUTF8String();

        if (x264_param_default_preset(&paramData, lpPreset, lpTune))
            Log(TEXT("Failed to set x264 defaults: %s/%s"), curPreset.Array(), curTune.Array());


        this->width  = width;
        this->height = height;

        paramData.b_deterministic       = false;

        bUseCBR = AppConfig->GetInt(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("UseCBR"), 1) != 0;
        bPadCBR = AppConfig->GetInt(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("PadCBR"), 1) != 0;
        this->bUseCFR = bUseCFR;

        SetBitRateParams(maxBitrate, bufferSize);

            if(bPadCBR) paramData.i_nal_hrd = X264_NAL_HRD_CBR;
            paramData.rc.i_rc_method    = X264_RC_ABR;
            paramData.rc.f_rf_constant  = 0.0f;
            paramData.rc.i_rc_method    = X264_RC_CRF;
            paramData.rc.f_rf_constant  = baseCRF+float(10-quality);

        UINT keyframeInterval = AppConfig->GetInt(TEXT("Video Encoding"), TEXT("KeyframeInterval"), 0);

        paramData.b_vfr_input           = !bUseCFR;
        paramData.i_width               = width;
        paramData.i_height              = height;
        paramData.vui.b_fullrange       = colorDesc.fullRange;
        paramData.vui.i_colorprim       = colorDesc.primaries;
        paramData.vui.i_transfer        = colorDesc.transfer;
        paramData.vui.i_colmatrix       = colorDesc.matrix;

        if (keyframeInterval)
            paramData.i_keyint_max      = fps*keyframeInterval;

        paramData.i_fps_num             = fps;
        paramData.i_fps_den             = 1;

        paramData.i_timebase_num        = 1;
        paramData.i_timebase_den        = 1000;

        paramData.pf_log                = get_x264_log;
        paramData.i_log_level           = X264_LOG_WARNING;

        for(UINT i=0; i<paramList.Num(); i++)
            String &strParam = paramList[i];
            if(!schr(strParam, '='))

            String strParamName = strParam.GetToken(0, '=');
            String strParamVal  = strParam.GetTokenOffset(1, '=');

            if( strParamName.CompareI(TEXT("fps")) || 
                Log(TEXT("The custom x264 command '%s' is unsupported, use the application settings instead"), strParam.Array());
                LPSTR lpParam = strParamName.CreateUTF8String();
                LPSTR lpVal   = strParamVal.CreateUTF8String();

                if(x264_param_parse(&paramData, lpParam, lpVal) != 0)
                    Log(TEXT("The custom x264 command '%s' failed"), strParam.Array());


        if(bUse444) paramData.i_csp = X264_CSP_I444;
        else paramData.i_csp = X264_CSP_I420;

        colorDesc.fullRange = paramData.vui.b_fullrange;
        colorDesc.primaries = paramData.vui.i_colorprim;
        colorDesc.transfer  = paramData.vui.i_transfer;
        colorDesc.matrix    = paramData.vui.i_colmatrix;

        if (curProfile)
            LPSTR lpProfile = curProfile.CreateUTF8String();

            if (x264_param_apply_profile (&paramData, lpProfile))
                Log(TEXT("Failed to set x264 profile: %s"), curProfile.Array());


        x264 = x264_encoder_open(&paramData);
            CrashError(TEXT("Could not initialize x264"));

        Log(TEXT("%s"), GetInfoString().Array());

        DataPacket packet;
Ejemplo n.º 29
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    int ret = 0;
    int y_size = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

    //Encode 50 frame
    //if set 0, encode all frame
    int frame_num = 50;
    int csp = X264_CSP_I420;
    int width = 640;
    int height = 360;

    int i_nal = 0;
    x264_nal_t *p_nals = NULL;
    x264_t *p_handle = NULL;
    x264_picture_t *p_pic_in = (x264_picture_t *) malloc(sizeof(x264_picture_t));
    x264_picture_t *p_pic_out = (x264_picture_t *) malloc(sizeof(x264_picture_t));
    x264_param_t *p_param = (x264_param_t *) malloc(sizeof(x264_param_t));

    //FILE* fp_src  = fopen("../cuc_ieschool_640x360_yuv444p.yuv", "rb");
    FILE *fp_src = fopen("../cuc_ieschool_640x360_yuv420p.yuv", "rb");

    FILE *fp_dst = fopen("cuc_ieschool.h264", "wb");

    if ((NULL == fp_src) || (NULL == fp_dst)) {
        lwlog_err("Open files error.");
        return -1;

    p_param->i_width = width;
    p_param->i_height = height;
    p_param->i_log_level  = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
    p_param->i_threads  = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO;
    p_param->i_frame_total = 0;
    p_param->i_keyint_max = 10;
    p_param->i_bframe  = 5;
    p_param->b_open_gop  = 0;
    p_param->i_bframe_pyramid = 0;
    p_param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;
    p_param->i_fps_den  = 1;
    p_param->i_fps_num  = 25;
    p_param->i_timebase_den = p_param->i_fps_num;
    p_param->i_timebase_num = p_param->i_fps_den;
    p_param->i_csp = csp;
    x264_param_apply_profile(p_param, x264_profile_names[5]);

    p_handle = x264_encoder_open(p_param);

    x264_picture_alloc(p_pic_in, csp, p_param->i_width, p_param->i_height);

    //ret = x264_encoder_headers(p_handle, &p_nals, &i_nal);

    y_size = p_param->i_width * p_param->i_height;
    //detect frame number
    if (0 == frame_num) {
        fseek(fp_src, 0, SEEK_END);
        switch (csp) {
        case X264_CSP_I444:
            frame_num = ftell(fp_src) / (y_size * 3);
        case X264_CSP_I420:
            frame_num = ftell(fp_src) / (y_size * 3 / 2);
            lwlog_err("Colorspace Not Support");
            return -1;
        fseek(fp_src, 0, SEEK_SET);

    //Loop to Encode
    for (i = 0; i < frame_num; ++i) {
        switch (csp) {
        case X264_CSP_I444: {
            fread(p_pic_in->img.plane[0], y_size, 1, fp_src);    //Y
            fread(p_pic_in->img.plane[1], y_size, 1, fp_src);    //U
            fread(p_pic_in->img.plane[2], y_size, 1, fp_src);    //V
        case X264_CSP_I420: {
            fread(p_pic_in->img.plane[0], y_size, 1, fp_src);    //Y
            fread(p_pic_in->img.plane[1], y_size / 4, 1, fp_src);    //U
            fread(p_pic_in->img.plane[2], y_size / 4, 1, fp_src);    //V
        default: {
            lwlog_err("Colorspace Not Support.\n");
            return -1;
        p_pic_in->i_pts = i;

        ret = x264_encoder_encode(p_handle, &p_nals, &i_nal, p_pic_in, p_pic_out);
        if (ret < 0) {
            lwlog_err("x264_encoder_encode error");
            return -1;

        lwlog_info("Succeed encode frame: %5d\n", i);

        for (j = 0; j < i_nal; ++j) {
            fwrite(p_nals[j].p_payload, 1, p_nals[j].i_payload, fp_dst);
    i = 0;
    //flush encoder
    while (1) {
        ret = x264_encoder_encode(p_handle, &p_nals, &i_nal, NULL, p_pic_out);
        if (0 == ret) {
        lwlog_info("Flush 1 frame.");
        for (j = 0; j < i_nal; ++j) {
            fwrite(p_nals[j].p_payload, 1, p_nals[j].i_payload, fp_dst);
    p_handle = NULL;



    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 30
int init_param(x264_param_t * x264_param, int width, int height, int fps, int bitrate)
    x264_param_default_preset(x264_param, "medium", NULL );
	x264_param_default_preset(x264_param, "veryfast", "zerolatency"); 
	//x264_param_default_preset(x264_param_, "veryfast", NULL); 
	// CPU flags 
    //x264_param_->i_threads  = X264_THREADS_AUTO; 
	x264_param->i_threads      = X264_SYNC_LOOKAHEAD_AUTO; 

	// Video Properties 
	x264_param->i_csp          = X264_CSP_I420;
	x264_param->i_width        = width; 
	x264_param->i_height       = height; 
	//x264_param_->i_frame_total = 0;  

	// Bitstream parameters
	//x264_param_->i_bframe  = 5;
	//x264_param_->b_open_gop  = 0;
	//x264_param_->i_bframe_pyramid = 0;
	//x264_param_->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS;
	//x264_param_->i_keyint_min = 0;
	//x264_param_->i_keyint_max = fps*10;

	// Rate control parameters
	//x264_param_->rc.i_qp_min = 0;
	//x264_param_->rc.i_qp_max = 20;
	//x264_param_->rc.i_qp_constant = 0;
	//x264_param_->rc.i_bitrate = 1024 * 100;
	//x264_param_->rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
	//x264_param_->rc.f_rf_constant  = 22.0+float(10-5);

	// muxing parameters
	x264_param->b_annexb           = 1;
	x264_param->b_repeat_headers   = 1;
	//x264_param_->i_fps_den  = 1; //* 帧率分母
	//x264_param_->i_fps_num  = 10;//* 帧率分子
	//x264_param_->i_timebase_den = x264_param_->i_fps_num;
	//x264_param_->i_timebase_num = x264_param_->i_fps_den;
	//x264_param_->b_vfr_input = 0;
	// OBS
	x264_param->i_fps_num      = fps;
	x264_param->i_keyint_max   = fps * 2;
	//x264_param_->b_deterministic = false;
	//x264_param_->b_vfr_input = 0;
	//x264_param_->i_fps_num =fps;//数值由客户端传下来,一般是15fps
	//x264_param_->i_timebase_num = 1;
	//x264_param_->i_timebase_den = 1000;

	//x264_param_->rc.i_qp_min = 16;
	//x264_param_->rc.i_qp_max = 20;
	//x264_param_->rc.i_qp_constant = 16;
	x264_param->rc.i_rc_method    = X264_RC_CRF;
	x264_param->rc.f_rf_constant  = (float)bitrate;

	x264_param_apply_profile(x264_param, "main");