Ejemplo n.º 1
void PCDMgui::slotStartLogin(QString displayname, QString password){
  //Get user inputs
  QString username = Backend::getUsernameFromDisplayname(displayname);
  QString desktop;
    desktop = loginW->currentDE();
    desktop = deSwitcher->currentItem();
  QString devPassword;
  bool anonymous = loginW->isAnonymous();
  if(!anonymous && pcCurrent.contains(username)){
    //personacrypt user - also pull device password
    devPassword = loginW->currentDevicePassword();
  QLocale currLocale = this->locale();
  QString lang = currLocale.name();
  //Disable user input while confirming login
  if(!simpleDESwitcher){ deSwitcher->setEnabled(false); }
  //Try to login
  emit xLoginAttempt(username, password, desktop, lang , devPassword,anonymous);
  //Return signals are connected to the slotLogin[Success/Failure] functions
Ejemplo n.º 2
void PCDMgui::slotStartLogin(QString displayname, QString password){
  //Get user inputs
  QString username = Backend::getUsernameFromDisplayname(displayname);
  QString desktop;
    desktop = loginW->currentDE();
    desktop = deSwitcher->currentItem();
  QLocale currLocale = this->locale();
  QString lang = currLocale.name();
  //Disable user input while confirming login
  if(!simpleDESwitcher){ deSwitcher->setEnabled(false); }
  //Try to login
  emit xLoginAttempt(username, password, desktop, lang);
  //Return signals are connected to the slotLogin[Success/Failure] functions
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: KdeOs/pcbsd
int runSingleSession(int argc, char *argv[]){
  //QTime clock;
  Backend::checkLocalDirs();  // Create and fill "/usr/local/share/PCDM" if needed
  //qDebug() << "Backend Checks Finished:" << QString::number(clock.elapsed())+" ms";
  //Check for the flag to try and auto-login
  bool ALtriggered = FALSE;
  if(QFile::exists(TMPAUTOLOGINFILE)){ ALtriggered=TRUE; QFile::remove(TMPAUTOLOGINFILE); }
  QString changeLang; 
  // Load the configuration file
  QString confFile = "/usr/local/etc/pcdm.conf";
    qDebug() << "PCDM: Configuration file missing:"<<confFile<<"\n  - Using default configuration";
    confFile = ":samples/pcdm.conf"; 
  //qDebug() << "Config File Loaded:" << QString::number(clock.elapsed())+" ms";
  // Startup the main application
  QApplication a(argc,argv); 
  // Show our splash screen, so the user doesn't freak that that it takes a few seconds to show up
  QSplashScreen splash;
    splash.setPixmap( QPixmap(Config::splashscreen()) ); //load the splashscreen file
  QCoreApplication::processEvents(); //Process the splash screen event immediately
  //qDebug() << "SplashScreen Started:" << QString::number(clock.elapsed())+" ms";
  //Initialize the xprocess
  XProcess desktop;
  bool goodAL = FALSE; //Flag for whether the autologin was successful
  // Start the autologin procedure if applicable
  if( ALtriggered && Config::useAutoLogin() ){
    //Setup the Auto Login
    QString user = Backend::getALUsername();
    QString pwd = Backend::getALPassword();
    QString dsk = Backend::getLastDE(user);
    if( user.isEmpty() || dsk.isEmpty() ){
	desktop.loginToXSession(user,pwd, dsk);
	  goodAL=TRUE; //flag this as a good login to skip the GUI
  //qDebug() << "AutoLogin Finished:" << QString::number(clock.elapsed())+" ms";
    // ------START THE PCDM GUI-------
    // Check what directory our app is in
    QString appDir = "/usr/local/share/PCDM";
    // Load the translator
    QTranslator translator;
    QLocale mylocale;
    QString langCode = mylocale.name();
    //Check for a language change detected
    if ( ! changeLang.isEmpty() )       
       langCode = changeLang;
    //Load the proper locale for the translator
    if ( QFile::exists(appDir + "/i18n/PCDM_" + langCode + ".qm" ) ) {
      translator.load( QString("PCDM_") + langCode, appDir + "/i18n/" );
      Backend::log("Loaded Translation:" + appDir + "/i18n/PCDM_" + langCode + ".qm");
    } else {
      Backend::log("Could not find: " + appDir + "/i18n/PCDM_" + langCode + ".qm");
      langCode = "";
    //qDebug() << "Translation Finished:" << QString::number(clock.elapsed())+" ms";

    Backend::log("Starting up PCDM interface");
    PCDMgui w;
    //qDebug() << "Main GUI Created:" << QString::number(clock.elapsed())+" ms";
    splash.finish(&w); //close the splash when the GUI starts up

    // Set full-screen dimensions
    QRect dimensions = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry();
    int wid = dimensions.width();     // returns desktop width
    int hig = dimensions.height();    // returns desktop height
    w.setGeometry(0, 0, wid, hig);

    //Set the proper size on the Application
    w.setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnBottomHint);
    w.setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized); //Qt::WindowFullScreen);

    //Setup the signals/slots to startup the desktop session
    if(USECLIBS){ QObject::connect( &w,SIGNAL(xLoginAttempt(QString,QString,QString)), &desktop,SLOT(setupDesktop(QString,QString,QString))); }
    else{ QObject::connect( &w,SIGNAL(xLoginAttempt(QString,QString,QString)), &desktop,SLOT(loginToXSession(QString,QString,QString)) ); }
    //Setup the signals/slots for return information for the GUI
    QObject::connect( &desktop, SIGNAL(InvalidLogin()), &w, SLOT(slotLoginFailure()) );
    QObject::connect( &desktop, SIGNAL(started()), &w, SLOT(slotLoginSuccess()) );
    QObject::connect( &desktop, SIGNAL(ValidLogin()), &w, SLOT(slotLoginSuccess()) );
    //qDebug() << "Showing GUI:" << QString::number(clock.elapsed())+" ms";
  }  // end of PCDM GUI running
  int retcode = 0;
  //Wait for the desktop session to finish before exiting
  if(USECLIBS){ desktop.startDesktop(); }
  else{ desktop.waitForSessionClosed(); }
  splash.show(); //show the splash screen again
  splash.showMessage(QObject::tr("System Shutting Down"), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, Qt::white);
  //check for shutdown process
    //Pause for a few seconds to prevent starting a new session during a shutdown
    QTime wTime = QTime::currentTime().addSecs(30);
    while( QTime::currentTime() < wTime ){ 
      //Keep processing events during the wait (for splashscreen)
      QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); 
    //set the return code for a shutdown
    retcode = -1; //make sure it does not start a new session
  //Clean up Code
  delete &desktop;
  delete &a;
  delete &splash;
  return retcode;