FUNCTION VOID BRIDGE2_NAME(xrstr) ( TAEINT *block, /* in: parameter block */ FORSTR *name, /* in: parameter name */ TAEINT *dimen, /* in: dimension of string */ FORSTR *string, /* out: FOR-77 string(s) */ TAEINT length[], /* out: length of each string */ TAEINT *n, /* out: number of strings */ TAEINT *status /* out: status code */ ) { IMPORT TEXT pm_dim[],pk_dim[],pm_type[],pk_type[]; struct PARBLK *parblk; struct VARIABLE *v; TEXT **s; /* ptr to value vector in block */ TEXT c_name[STRINGSIZ+1]; /* name in C string format */ COUNT i; CODE code; parblk = (struct PARBLK *) block; s_for2c(name, c_name, 0); /* convert name to C string */ s_strip(c_name); /* remove trailing blanks */ *n = 0; /* caution in case error */ v = p_find(parblk, c_name); if (v == NULL) goto p__bnerr; if ((*v).v_type != V_STRING) goto p__bterr; /* error if not string */ s = (TEXT **) (*v).v_cvp; /* value pointer */ *status = SUCCESS; *n = (*v).v_count; /* number of strings */ for (i=0; i < (*v).v_count && i < *dimen; i++) { length[i] = s_length(s[i]); /* pass this length to caller */ code = s_c2for(s[i], string, i); /* copy string to caller */ if (code != SUCCESS) { x_error((*parblk).mode, "String size overflows buffer", "TAE-OVER", 0, 0, 0); *status = P_OVER; return; } } if ((*v).v_count > *dimen) { x_error((*parblk).mode, pm_dim, pk_dim,(uintptr_t) c_name, 0, 0); *status = P_BADCOUNT; /* bad count */ } return; p__bnerr: *status = P_BADNAME; return; p__bterr: *status = P_BADTYPE; x_error((*parblk).mode, pm_type, pk_type, (uintptr_t) c_name, 0, 0); return; }
/* * XRINTG. Get integer parameters/variables. */ FUNCTION VOID BRIDGE2_NAME(xrintg) ( TAEINT *block, /* in: parameter block */ FORSTR *name, /* in: parameter name */ TAEINT *dimen, /* in: max # of values(dim of intg) */ int intg[], /* out: array with intger var */ TAEINT *n, /* out: integer value count */ TAEINT *status /* out: status code */ ) { IMPORT TEXT pm_dim[],pk_dim[],pm_type[],pk_type[]; struct PARBLK *parblk; struct VARIABLE *v; TEXT c_name[STRINGSIZ+1]; /* name in C string format */ COUNT i; parblk = (struct PARBLK *) block; s_for2c(name, c_name, 0); /* convert name to C string */ s_strip(c_name); /* remove trailing blanks */ *n = 0; /* caution in case error */ v = p_find(parblk, c_name); if (v == NULL) goto p__bnerr; if ((*v).v_type != V_INTEGER) goto p__bterr; if ((*v).v_count > *dimen) goto p__bcerr; *n = (*v).v_count; for (i = 0; i < (*v).v_count; i++) intg[i] = IVAL(*v, i); *status = SUCCESS; return; p__bnerr: *status = P_BADNAME; return; p__bterr: *status = P_BADTYPE; x_error((*parblk).mode, pm_type, pk_type, (uintptr_t) c_name, 0, 0); return; p__bcerr: *status = P_BADCOUNT; x_error((*parblk).mode, pm_dim, pk_dim, (uintptr_t) c_name, 0, 0); return; }
static int dx_alloc_buffers(char **b1, char **b2) { DWORD ddrval; DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; int i; currentbuff = 0; memset(surface, 0, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC) * 2); memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC)); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); if (IDirectDrawSurface_GetSurfaceDesc(lpSurfaces[0], &ddsd) != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to get pixel format"); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_CAPS; ddsd.dwWidth = displayX; ddsd.dwHeight = displayY; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN | DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY; ddrval = IDirectDraw_CreateSurface(lpDD, &ddsd, &BackSurface[i], NULL); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to create back surface"); return 0; } } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { surface[i].dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC); ddrval = IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(BackSurface[i], NULL, surface + i, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_fatalerror("Failed to lock offscreen surfaces"); } } buffer1 = *b1 = (char *) surface[0].lpSurface; buffer2 = *b2 = (char *) surface[1].lpSurface; lineSize = surface[0].u1.lPitch; initialized = 1; return lineSize; }
void win32_help(struct uih_context *c, CONST char *name) { #ifdef HTML_HELP FILE *f; char *n; if (helpname == NULL) { if (directX == DXFULLSCREEN) ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE); n = xio_fixpath("\01\\help\\xaoshelp.chm"); if ((f = fopen(n, "r"))) { fclose(f); } else { free(n); n = xio_fixpath("\01\\..\\help\\xaoshelp.chm"); if ((f = fopen(n, "r"))) { fclose(f); } else n = strdup("..\\help\\xaoshelp.chm"); } helpname = n; } HH_AKLINK link; link.cbStruct = sizeof(HH_AKLINK) ; link.fReserved = FALSE ; link.pszKeywords = name ; link.pszUrl = NULL ; link.pszMsgText = NULL ; link.pszMsgTitle = NULL ; link.pszWindow = NULL ; link.fIndexOnFail = TRUE ; if (!HtmlHelp(hWnd, helpname, HH_ALINK_LOOKUP, (DWORD) &link)) { x_error("Could not display help for topic %s from file %s", name, helpname); } #else x_error("Help support not included in this executable."); #endif }
static void win32_copy(struct uih_context *uih) { char *c = ui_getpos(); HANDLE hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, strlen(c) + 1); char *data; if (!hData) { x_error("Out of memory"); free(c); return; } if (!(data = GlobalLock(hData))) { x_error("Out of memory"); free(c); return; } memcpy(hData, c, strlen(c) + 1); GlobalUnlock(hData); if (OpenClipboard(hWnd)) { EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData(clipboard_format, hData); } free(c); }
static int dx_imgparams(void) { DDSURFACEDESC s; memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); s.dwSize = sizeof(s); if (IDirectDrawSurface_GetSurfaceDesc(lpSurfaces[0], &s) != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to get pixel format"); return 0; } switch (s.ddpfPixelFormat.u1.dwRGBBitCount) { case 8: dxw_driver.imagetype = UI_C256; dxf_driver.imagetype = UI_C256; break; case 16: case 15: dxw_driver.imagetype = UI_TRUECOLOR16; dxf_driver.imagetype = UI_TRUECOLOR16; break; case 24: dxw_driver.imagetype = UI_TRUECOLOR24; dxf_driver.imagetype = UI_TRUECOLOR24; break; case 32: dxw_driver.imagetype = UI_TRUECOLOR; dxf_driver.imagetype = UI_TRUECOLOR; break; default: x_fatalerror ("Unsupported bit depth! Only 8bpp, 16bpp, 24bpp and 32bpp modes supported\n"); return 0; } dxw_driver.rmask = s.ddpfPixelFormat.u2.dwRBitMask; dxw_driver.gmask = s.ddpfPixelFormat.u3.dwGBitMask; dxw_driver.bmask = s.ddpfPixelFormat.u4.dwBBitMask; dxf_driver.rmask = s.ddpfPixelFormat.u2.dwRBitMask; dxf_driver.gmask = s.ddpfPixelFormat.u3.dwGBitMask; dxf_driver.bmask = s.ddpfPixelFormat.u4.dwBBitMask; dxf_driver.textwidth = fontWidth; dxf_driver.textheight = fontHeight; dxw_driver.textwidth = fontWidth; dxw_driver.textheight = fontHeight; return 1; }
static void win32_paste(void) { if (OpenClipboard(hWnd)) { HANDLE hClipData; char *text; if (!(hClipData = GetClipboardData(clipboard_format))) { CloseClipboard(); return; } if (!(text = GlobalLock(hClipData))) { x_error("Out of memory"); CloseClipboard(); } ui_loadstr(strdup(text)); GlobalUnlock(hClipData); CloseClipboard(); } }
FUNCTION CODE old_Co_WriteFile ( Id c, /* in: collection of Vm objects */ TEXT *filespec /* in: file specification */ ) { CODE code; struct SFILE f; code = f_opnspc (&f, 1, filespec, "", "", "res", F_WRITE); if (code != SUCCESS) { x_error(P_CONT, "Error opening resource file '%s'. %s.", "TAE-PFOPN", (uintptr_t)filespec, (uintptr_t)f.errmsg, 0); return (FAIL); } f_write (&f, AR_SENTINEL); /* archive sentinel string */ code = old_Co_ForEach ((struct COLLECTION *)c, (coFunction)writeVmToFile, (GENPTR)&f); f_close (&f, F_KEEP); if (code != 0) return (FAIL); /* premature Co_ForEach termination */ return (SUCCESS); }
FUNCTION FILE *z_init ( #ifdef LARGE_PARBLK_FIX struct LARGE_PARBLK *block, /* out: parameter block */ #else struct PARBLK *block, /* out: parameter block */ #endif FUNINT mode /* in: mode: P_ABORT or P_CONT */ ) { IMPORT FILE *stdo_file; /* pointer to stdout file */ IMPORT BOOL term_std; /* true if terminal is stdout */ IMPORT CODE applic_type; /* application type ('c') */ IMPORT TEXT pm_type[], pk_type[]; struct VARIABLE *v; CODE termtype; COUNT termlines; COUNT termcols; TEXT msgbuf[STRINGSIZ+1]; TEXT **stdr_ptr = 0; /* stdrec string vector pointer */ COUNT len; CODE code; TEXT filemode[2]; /* create or append */ FILE *stdo_ptr; t_init(&termlines, &termcols, &termtype); /* initialize terminal pkg */ #ifdef LARGE_PARBLK_FIX code = p_inim((struct PARBLK *)block, sizeof(struct LARGE_PARBLK), mode); #else code = p_inim(block, sizeof(struct PARBLK), mode); #endif /* receive parblk from TM */ if (code != SUCCESS) return (NULL); z_call ((struct PARBLK *)block); /* application init */ v = p_find ((struct PARBLK *)block, "_STDOUT"); /* get the string */ if ((*v).v_type != V_STRING) x_error ((*block).mode, pm_type, pk_type, (uintptr_t) "_STDOUT", 0, 0); else stdr_ptr = (TEXT **) (*v).v_cvp; /* get value pointer */ term_std = (s_equal(TERMINAL, stdr_ptr[0])); /* filename = terminal ? */ #ifdef VICAR_BATCH_LOG #ifdef VAX_VMS if (s_equal("SYS$OUTPUT:.;", stdr_ptr[0])) /* alternate form of terminal */ term_std = TRUE; #endif #endif s_copy("w", filemode); /* assume create */ if (!s_equal(stdr_ptr[1] , "CREATE")) s_copy("a", filemode); #ifdef UNIX s_lower(stdr_ptr[0]); /* make file name lower case */ #endif stdo_ptr = fopen(stdr_ptr[0], filemode); /* open the file */ if (stdo_ptr == NULL) { if (mode == P_ABORT) { len = s_copy("Could not open standard output file ", msgbuf); s_bcopy(stdr_ptr[0], &msgbuf[len], STRINGSIZ); t_write(msgbuf, T_STDCC); /* errmsg to terminal*/ z_exit(-1, "TAE-STDOPEN"); /* set SFI, SKEY */ } stdo_ptr = stdout; /* Allow running with no terminal! */ /* (without triggering shell-vicar) */ } else stdo_file = stdo_ptr; /* save stdout ptr globally */ applic_type = C_TYPE; /* 'c' language application */ return (stdo_ptr); }
FUNCTION VOID BRIDGE2_NAME(xrfile) ( TAEINT *block, /* in: parameter block */ FORSTR *name, /* in: parameter name */ TAEINT *dimen, /* in: dimension of string */ FORSTR *tae_file, /* out: FOR-77 tae file string(s) */ TAEINT tae_length[], /* out: length of each tae file string */ FORSTR *host_file, /* out: FOR-77 host file string(s) */ TAEINT host_length[], /* out: length of each host file string */ TAEINT *n, /* out: number of strings */ TAEINT *status /* out: status code */ ) { struct PARBLK *parblk; TEXT **s; /* ptr to value vector in block */ TEXT c_name[STRINGSIZ+1]; /* name in C string format */ COUNT i; struct VARIABLE *v; /* variable in parm block */ TEXT temp[FSPECSIZ+1]; TAEINT filemode; CODE code; parblk = (struct PARBLK *) block; s_for2c(name, c_name, 0); /* convert name to C string */ s_strip(c_name); /* remove trailing blanks */ *n = 0; /* caution in case error */ v = p_find(parblk, c_name); /* get string */ if (v == NULL) goto p__bnerr; /* check for name error */ if ((*v).v_type != V_STRING) goto p__bterr; /* check for type error */ s = (TEXT **) (*v).v_cvp; /* value pointer */ if (!(*v).v_file) goto p__bterr; filemode = (*v).v_filemode; *status = SUCCESS; *n = (*v).v_count; /* number of strings */ for (i=0; i < (*v).v_count && i < *dimen; i++) /* get all tae & host files */ { tae_length[i] = s_length(s[i]); /* pass this length to caller */ code = s_c2for(s[i], tae_file, i); /* copy tae file to caller*/ if (code != SUCCESS) { x_error((*parblk).mode, "File name longer than buffer size.", "TAE-OVER", 0, 0, 0); *status = P_OVER; return; } xzhost(s[i], temp, &filemode, status); /* get host spec */ if (*status != SUCCESS) { x_error((*parblk).mode, (TEXT *) pm_trans, (TEXT *) pk_trans, (uintptr_t) s[i], 0, 0); *status = P_FAIL; /* failed to translate */ return; } host_length[i] = s_length(temp); /* pass this length to caller */ s_c2for(temp, host_file, i); /* copy host file to caller */ } if ((*v).v_count > *dimen) *status = P_BADCOUNT; /* bad count */ return; p__bnerr: *status = P_BADNAME; return; p__bterr: x_error((*parblk).mode, (TEXT *) pm_type, (TEXT *) pk_type, (uintptr_t) (*v).v_name, 0, 0); *status = P_BADTYPE; return; }
/* init DirectX */ static int InitDD(int fullscreen) { HRESULT ddrval; HDC hDC; directX = fullscreen ? DXFULLSCREEN : DXWINDOWED; if (!hModule) hModule = LoadLibrary("ddraw"); if (!hModule) { /*x_error ("Unable to load DirectX (ddraw.dll)"); */ return 0; } /* DirectDraw don't support 16 color modes. Don't even try to initialize it then. Also avoid unsupported bit depths in the windowed driver */ hDC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); bitDepth = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL); DeleteDC(hDC); if (!DXSUPPORTEDDEPTH(fullscreen, bitDepth)) return 0; DirectDrawCreatePtr = (ddrawcreateptr) GetProcAddress(hModule, "DirectDrawCreate"); if (!DirectDrawCreatePtr) { x_error ("Unable to get hook DirectDrawCreate in ddraw.dll. Check your DirectX installation"); return 0; } lpDD = NULL; lpDD2 = NULL; lpSurfaces[0] = NULL; lpSurfaces[1] = NULL; buffer1 = buffer2 = NULL; bitDepth = 8; InitWindow(); UpdateWindow(hWnd); SetFocus(hWnd); /* contact DirectX */ ddrval = DirectDrawCreatePtr(NULL, &lpDD, NULL); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to create DirectDraw object"); return 0; } /* get IDirectDraw2 interface */ ddrval = IDirectDraw_QueryInterface(lpDD, &IID_IDirectDraw2, (LPVOID *) & lpDD2); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to get DirectDraw2 object"); return 0; } /* enumerate modes */ #ifdef DDRAW_DRIVER if (!nresolutions && directX == DXFULLSCREEN) IDirectDraw2_EnumDisplayModes(lpDD2, 0, NULL, NULL, EnumModesCallback); #endif if (!ResizeDD(fullscreen)) return 0; if (fullscreen) { SetCapture(hWnd); // make sure no other windows get mouse messages captured = 1; } return 1; }
static int ResizeDD(int fullscreen) { HRESULT ddrval; DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; /*DDCAPS2 ddscaps; */ LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER pClipper; int dxwidth; int dxheight; int dxbpp; // free DirectX objects if (lpSurfaces[0]) IDirectDrawSurface_Release(lpSurfaces[0]); lpSurfaces[0] = NULL; if (dxPalette) IDirectDrawPalette_Release(dxPalette); dxPalette = NULL; /* Set cooperative level */ ddrval = IDirectDraw2_SetCooperativeLevel(lpDD2, hWnd, fullscreen ? (DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_ALLOWREBOOT) : DDSCL_NORMAL); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to set cooperative level"); return 0; } if (fullscreen) { if (sscanf(dxsize, "%ix%ix%i", &dxwidth, &dxheight, &dxbpp) != 3) { dxwidth = DXWIDTH; dxheight = DXHEIGHT; dxbpp = DXBPP; } displayX = dxwidth; displayY = dxheight; bitDepth = dxbpp; if (bitDepth < 10) bitDepth = 8; if (bitDepth >= 10 && bitDepth < 20) bitDepth = 16; if (bitDepth >= 20 && bitDepth < 28) bitDepth = 24; if (bitDepth >= 32 && bitDepth < 32) bitDepth = 32; /* set resolution and bit depth */ ddrval = IDirectDraw2_SetDisplayMode(lpDD2, displayX, displayY, bitDepth, 0, 0); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { /* The display mode cannot be changed. The mode is either not supported or another application has exclusive mode. Try 320x200x256 and 640x480x256 modes before giving up */ displayX = 320; displayY = 200; bitDepth = 8; ddrval = IDirectDraw2_SetDisplayMode(lpDD2, displayX, displayY, bitDepth, 0, 0); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { displayY = 240; if (ddrval != DD_OK) { displayX = 640; displayY = 480; ddrval = IDirectDraw2_SetDisplayMode(lpDD2, displayX, displayY, bitDepth, 0, 0); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { /* Bad luck... give up. */ DeInitDD(); return 0; } } } } SetRect(&rcViewport, 0, 0, displayX, displayY); rcScreen = rcViewport; } else { /* Get the dimensions of the viewport and screen bounds */ GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcViewport); GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcScreen); ClientToScreen(hWnd, (POINT *) & rcScreen.left); ClientToScreen(hWnd, (POINT *) & rcScreen.right); /*bitDepth = GetDeviceCaps (hDC, BITSPIXEL); */ /* Create clipper object for window */ ddrval = IDirectDraw_CreateClipper(lpDD, 0, &pClipper, NULL); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to create clipper object"); return 0; } /* Asociate it */ IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(pClipper, 0, hWnd); } /* Create the primary surface with one back buffer */ CalculateBITMAPINFO(); // calculate BITMAPINFO structure memset(&ddsd, 0, sizeof(ddsd)); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE; ddrval = IDirectDraw_CreateSurface(lpDD, &ddsd, &lpSurfaces[0], NULL); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to create flipping surface"); return 0; } if (!fullscreen) { IDirectDrawSurface_SetClipper(lpSurfaces[0], pClipper); IDirectDrawClipper_Release(pClipper); if (IDirectDrawSurface_GetSurfaceDesc(lpSurfaces[0], &ddsd) != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to get pixel format"); return 0; } bitDepth = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.u1.dwRGBBitCount; } if (bitDepth == 8) { /* create palette */ ddrval = IDirectDraw_CreatePalette(lpDD, DDPCAPS_8BIT, (LPPALETTEENTRY) bmp->bmiColors, &dxPalette, NULL); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { DeInitDD(); x_error("Failed to create palette"); return 0; } /* set palette */ IDirectDrawSurface_SetPalette(lpSurfaces[0], dxPalette); } if (fullscreen) SetCursor(NULL); needredraw = 1; return 1; }
/*Create Xaos Window. It is either used for normal window mode or as basis for DirectX */ static int InitWindow(void) { int width = CW_USEDEFAULT, height = CW_USEDEFAULT; int xpos = CW_USEDEFAULT, ypos = CW_USEDEFAULT; LOGPALETTE *logPalette; WNDCLASS wndClass; LOGFONT logFont; ATOM a; HDC hDC; TEXTMETRIC textMetric; HGLOBAL oldFont; RECT r; closeFlag = FALSE; altPressed = arrowsPressed = 0; if (hIcon == NULL) hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, "BIG"); mouseButtons = 0; mouseX = 0; mouseY = 0; { static FARPROC proc; if (hModule2 == NULL) { hModule2 = LoadLibrary("user32"); proc = GetProcAddress(hModule2, "RegisterClassExA"); } if (proc != NULL) { WNDCLASSEX ExWndClass; memset(&ExWndClass, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)); if (hIconSm == NULL) hIconSm = LoadIcon(hInstance, "SMALL"); ExWndClass.hIconSm = hIconSm; memset(&ExWndClass, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)); = CS_OWNDC; ExWndClass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); ExWndClass.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc; ExWndClass.hInstance = hInstance; ExWndClass.hIcon = hIcon; ExWndClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); ExWndClass.lpszClassName = "XaosWindow"; ExWndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); a = (ATOM) proc(&ExWndClass); } else { memset(&wndClass, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASS)); = CS_OWNDC; wndClass.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc; wndClass.hInstance = hInstance; wndClass.hIcon = hIcon; wndClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wndClass.lpszClassName = "XaosWindow"; wndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); a = RegisterClass(&wndClass); } } if (!a) { x_error("Unable to create windows class"); return 0; } /* First time use defaut size, otherwise use saved sizes */ if (sscanf(size, "%ix%ix", &width, &height) != 2) { width = WWIDTH; height = WHEIGHT; } if (windowpos) { xpos = rcWindow.left; ypos =; width = rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left; height = rcWindow.bottom -; } /* create main window */ if (directX == DXFULLSCREEN) hWnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, "XaoSWindow", "XaoS", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); else hWnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "XaoSWindow", "XaoS", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR, xpos, ypos, width, height, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); if (!hWnd) { x_error("Unable to create app window"); return 0; } clipboard_format = RegisterClipboardFormat("image/x-xaos.position"); /* create font */ memset(&logFont, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); hDC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); logFont.lfHeight = -MulDiv(12, GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72); logFont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH; strcpy(logFont.lfFaceName, "Courier"); hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&logFont); oldFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont); GetTextMetrics(hDC, &textMetric); SelectObject(hDC, oldFont); DeleteDC(hDC); fontHeight = textMetric.tmHeight; fontWidth = textMetric.tmAveCharWidth; ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_NORMAL); GetClientRect(hWnd, &r); displayX = r.right; displayY = r.bottom; /* create palette */ CalculateBITMAPINFO(); /* calculate BITMAPINFO structure */ logPalette = malloc(sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + 4 * 256); logPalette->palVersion = 0x300; logPalette->palNumEntries = 256; memcpy(logPalette->palPalEntry, bmp->bmiColors, 4 * 256); hPalette = CreatePalette(logPalette); free(logPalette); /* select and realize palette */ hDC = GetDC(hWnd); SelectPalette(hDC, hPalette, FALSE); RealizePalette(hDC); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); // increase priority of XaoS SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL); MyHelpMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(HELPMSGSTRING); return 1; }
void Plot1D::setThePlot_error(string fileName, string fileName_ex, int gridSize) { // function for plotting the error setWindowTitle("Error PLot"); QVector<double> x(gridSize), y(gridSize); QVector<double> x_ex(gridSize), y_ex(gridSize); QVector<double> x_error(gridSize), y_error(gridSize); ifstream inFile,inFile_ex; double maxX, minX, maxY, minY; maxX = 0; minX = 0; maxY = 0; minY = 0;;; string firstLine, firstLine_ex; getline(inFile, firstLine); getline(inFile_ex, firstLine_ex); for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { inFile >> x[i]; inFile_ex >> x_ex[i]; // update the minX if (x[i] < minX) { minX = x[i]; } // update the maxX if (x[i] > maxX) { maxX = x[i]; } inFile >> y[i]; inFile_ex >> y_ex[i]; y_error[i] = y[i] - y_ex[i]; // update the minY if (y_error[i] < minY) { minY = y_error[i]; } // update the maxY if (y_error[i] > maxY) { maxY = y_error[i]; } } // create graph and assign data to it: ui->customPlot->addGraph(); ui->customPlot->graph(0)->setData(x, y_error); ui->customPlot->graph(0)->setName("Error"); // define the properties of the plot QPen pen; pen.setColor(QColor(255, 0, 0, 255)); ui->customPlot->graph()->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); ui->customPlot->graph()->setPen(pen); // give the axes some labels: ui->customPlot->xAxis->setLabel("r"); ui->customPlot->yAxis->setLabel("Phi"); // set axes ranges, so we see all data: ui->customPlot->xAxis->setRange(minX, maxX); ui->customPlot->yAxis->setRange(minY, maxY); ui->customPlot->setInteraction(QCP::iRangeDrag, true); ui->customPlot->setInteraction(QCP::iRangeZoom, true); ui->customPlot->setInteraction(QCP::iSelectPlottables, true); ui->customPlot->setInteraction(QCP::iMultiSelect, true); ui->customPlot->setInteraction(QCP::iSelectAxes, true); ui->customPlot->replot(); }
FUNCTION CODE old_Co_ReadFile ( Id c, /* in: existing collection */ TEXT *filespec, /* in: name of file to read */ CODE mode /* in: mode for the vm objs */ ) { struct SFILE f; union { struct PARHDR ph; /* standard header */ TEXT padding[300]; /* in case reading new file */ } headBuffer; CODE code; COUNT recsize; Id vm; TEXT record [STRINGSIZ+2]; BOOL archive; TEXT fullSpec[STRINGSIZ+1]; struct FSBLOCK fsblock; /* to dig out file name */ TEXT errstr[STRINGSIZ+1]; COUNT islash; #ifdef UNIX union { TEXT record [STRINGSIZ+1]; /* padding for long records */ struct ar_hdr header; /* the real archive header */ } hdrRecord; #endif code = f_opnspc (&f, 1, filespec, "", "", "res", F_READ); if (code != SUCCESS) { x_error(mode, "Unable to open resource file '%s'. %s.", "TAE-PFOPN", (uintptr_t)filespec, (uintptr_t)f.errmsg, 0); return (FAIL); } /* determine whether file is concatenated or archive format */ code = f_read (&f, record); if (code == SUCCESS && s_equal (record, AR_SENTINEL)) archive = TRUE; else { archive = FALSE; f_rewind (&f); /* re-start at beginning */ } /* read each Vm object from the file */ while (FOREVER) { if (archive) /* skip header */ { #ifdef UNIX code = f_read (&f, (TEXT *)&hdrRecord); /* read hdr or pad */ if (code == SUCCESS && hdrRecord.record[0] == EOS) code = f_read (&f, (TEXT *)&hdrRecord); /* skip EOF padding */ if (code == F_EOF) { code = SUCCESS; break; } else if (code != SUCCESS) { f_close(&f, F_KEEP); x_error (mode, "File '%s' not correctly formatted.", "TAE-RESFORMAT", (uintptr_t)filespec, 0, 0); return (FAIL); } #ifdef AIX s_bcopy (hdrRecord.header._ar_name.ar_name, fullSpec, sizeof(hdrRecord.header._ar_name.ar_name)); #else s_bcopy (hdrRecord.header.ar_name, fullSpec, sizeof(hdrRecord.header.ar_name)); #endif s_strip (fullSpec); /* remove trailing blanks */ islash = s_index (fullSpec, '/'); /* HP (and others?) */ if (islash >= 0) /* term with slash */ fullSpec[islash] = EOS; /* clip at slash */ f_crack (fullSpec, "", "", "", &fsblock, errstr); /* dig name */ #else x_error (mode, "File '%s' not correctly formatted.", "TAE-RESFORMAT", filespec, 0, 0); return (FAIL); #endif } code = f_bread (&f, (GENPTR)&headBuffer, sizeof (headBuffer), &recsize); if (code == F_EOF) { code = SUCCESS; /* normal end-of-file */ break; } else if (code == SUCCESS && s_equal (, "<<new par-file>>")) { f_close(&f, F_KEEP); x_error(mode, "Resource file '%s' has already been converted.", "TAE-VNEWFORMAT", (uintptr_t)filespec, 0, 0); return (FAIL); } else if(code != SUCCESS || !s_equal(, P_SENTINEL)) { f_close(&f, F_KEEP); x_error(mode, "Error reading resource file '%s'. %s.", "TAE-PFRD", (uintptr_t)filespec, (uintptr_t)f.errmsg, 0); return (FAIL); } vm = Vm_New (mode); /* create new vm object */ code = Vm_ReadVm ((struct VM_STRUCT *)vm, &f); /* read parblk records */ if (code != SUCCESS) break; /* x_error already called */ if (archive) old_Co_Add ((struct COLLECTION *)c, vm,, C_VM); else old_Co_Add ((struct COLLECTION *)c, vm,, C_VM); } f_close (&f, F_KEEP); return (code); }