Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Handle a systray request.
 * \param embed_win The window to embed.
 * \param phys_screen The physical monitor to display on.
 * \param info The embedding info
 * \return 0 on no error.
systray_request_handle(xcb_window_t embed_win, int phys_screen, xembed_info_t *info)
    xembed_window_t em;
    xcb_get_property_cookie_t em_cookie;
    const uint32_t select_input_val[] =

    /* check if not already trayed */
    if(xembed_getbywin(&globalconf.embedded, embed_win))
        return -1;

    p_clear(&em_cookie, 1);

        em_cookie = xembed_info_get_unchecked(globalconf.connection, embed_win);

    xcb_change_window_attributes(globalconf.connection, embed_win, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK,
    window_state_set(embed_win, XCB_ICCCM_WM_STATE_WITHDRAWN);

    /* we grab the window, but also make sure it's automatically reparented back
     * to the root window if we should die.
    xcb_change_save_set(globalconf.connection, XCB_SET_MODE_INSERT, embed_win);
    xcb_reparent_window(globalconf.connection, embed_win,
                        0, 0);

    em.win = embed_win;
    em.phys_screen = phys_screen;

        em.info = *info;
        xembed_info_get_reply(globalconf.connection, em_cookie, &em.info);

    xembed_embedded_notify(globalconf.connection, em.win,
                           MIN(XEMBED_VERSION, em.info.version));

    xembed_window_array_append(&globalconf.embedded, em);


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/** The unmap notify event handler.
 * \param ev The event.
static void
event_handle_unmapnotify(xcb_unmap_notify_event_t *ev)
    client_t *c;

    if((c = client_getbywin(ev->window)))
        client_unmanage(c, true);
        for(int i = 0; i < globalconf.embedded.len; i++)
            if(globalconf.embedded.tab[i].win == ev->window)
                xembed_window_array_take(&globalconf.embedded, i);
                xcb_change_save_set(globalconf.connection, XCB_SET_MODE_DELETE, ev->window);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Do some sanity checks and then reparent the window.
void manage_window(xcb_window_t window, xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t cookie,
                   bool needs_to_be_mapped) {
    xcb_drawable_t d = {window};
    xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t geomc;
    xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geom;
    xcb_get_window_attributes_reply_t *attr = NULL;

    xcb_get_property_cookie_t wm_type_cookie, strut_cookie, state_cookie,
        utf8_title_cookie, title_cookie,
        class_cookie, leader_cookie, transient_cookie,
        role_cookie, startup_id_cookie, wm_hints_cookie,
        wm_normal_hints_cookie, motif_wm_hints_cookie;

    geomc = xcb_get_geometry(conn, d);

    /* Check if the window is mapped (it could be not mapped when intializing and
       calling manage_window() for every window) */
    if ((attr = xcb_get_window_attributes_reply(conn, cookie, 0)) == NULL) {
        DLOG("Could not get attributes\n");
        xcb_discard_reply(conn, geomc.sequence);

    if (needs_to_be_mapped && attr->map_state != XCB_MAP_STATE_VIEWABLE) {
        xcb_discard_reply(conn, geomc.sequence);
        goto out;

    /* Don’t manage clients with the override_redirect flag */
    if (attr->override_redirect) {
        xcb_discard_reply(conn, geomc.sequence);
        goto out;

    /* Check if the window is already managed */
    if (con_by_window_id(window) != NULL) {
        DLOG("already managed (by con %p)\n", con_by_window_id(window));
        xcb_discard_reply(conn, geomc.sequence);
        goto out;

    /* Get the initial geometry (position, size, …) */
    if ((geom = xcb_get_geometry_reply(conn, geomc, 0)) == NULL) {
        DLOG("could not get geometry\n");
        goto out;

    uint32_t values[1];

    /* Set a temporary event mask for the new window, consisting only of
     * PropertyChange and StructureNotify. We need to be notified of
     * PropertyChanges because the client can change its properties *after* we
     * requested them but *before* we actually reparented it and have set our
     * final event mask.
     * We need StructureNotify because the client may unmap the window before
     * we get to re-parent it.
     * If this request fails, we assume the client has already unmapped the
     * window between the MapRequest and our event mask change. */
    xcb_void_cookie_t event_mask_cookie =
        xcb_change_window_attributes_checked(conn, window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
    if (xcb_request_check(conn, event_mask_cookie) != NULL) {
        LOG("Could not change event mask, the window probably already disappeared.\n");
        goto out;

#define GET_PROPERTY(atom, len) xcb_get_property(conn, false, window, atom, XCB_GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, len)

    wm_type_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, UINT32_MAX);
    state_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__NET_WM_STATE, UINT32_MAX);
    utf8_title_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__NET_WM_NAME, 128);
    title_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME, 128);
    class_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS, 128);
    role_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A_WM_WINDOW_ROLE, 128);
    startup_id_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__NET_STARTUP_ID, 512);
    wm_hints_cookie = xcb_icccm_get_wm_hints(conn, window);
    wm_normal_hints_cookie = xcb_icccm_get_wm_normal_hints(conn, window);
    motif_wm_hints_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__MOTIF_WM_HINTS, 5 * sizeof(uint64_t));

    DLOG("Managing window 0x%08x\n", window);

    i3Window *cwindow = scalloc(1, sizeof(i3Window));
    cwindow->id = window;
    cwindow->depth = get_visual_depth(attr->visual);

    /* We need to grab buttons 1-3 for click-to-focus and buttons 1-5
     * to allow for mouse bindings using --whole-window to work correctly. */
    xcb_grab_button(conn, false, window, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS,
                    XCB_GRAB_MODE_SYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, root, XCB_NONE,
                    XCB_BUTTON_MASK_ANY /* don’t filter for any modifiers */);

    /* update as much information as possible so far (some replies may be NULL) */
    window_update_class(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, class_cookie, NULL), true);
    window_update_name_legacy(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, title_cookie, NULL), true);
    window_update_name(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, utf8_title_cookie, NULL), true);
    window_update_leader(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, leader_cookie, NULL));
    window_update_transient_for(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, transient_cookie, NULL));
    window_update_strut_partial(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, strut_cookie, NULL));
    window_update_role(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, role_cookie, NULL), true);
    bool urgency_hint;
    window_update_hints(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, wm_hints_cookie, NULL), &urgency_hint);
    border_style_t motif_border_style = BS_NORMAL;
    window_update_motif_hints(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, motif_wm_hints_cookie, NULL), &motif_border_style);
    xcb_size_hints_t wm_size_hints;
    if (!xcb_icccm_get_wm_size_hints_reply(conn, wm_normal_hints_cookie, &wm_size_hints, NULL))
        memset(&wm_size_hints, '\0', sizeof(xcb_size_hints_t));
    xcb_get_property_reply_t *type_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, wm_type_cookie, NULL);
    xcb_get_property_reply_t *state_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, state_cookie, NULL);

    xcb_get_property_reply_t *startup_id_reply;
    startup_id_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, startup_id_cookie, NULL);
    char *startup_ws = startup_workspace_for_window(cwindow, startup_id_reply);
    DLOG("startup workspace = %s\n", startup_ws);

    /* check if the window needs WM_TAKE_FOCUS */
    cwindow->needs_take_focus = window_supports_protocol(cwindow->id, A_WM_TAKE_FOCUS);

    /* read the preferred _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE atom */
    cwindow->window_type = xcb_get_preferred_window_type(type_reply);

    /* Where to start searching for a container that swallows the new one? */
    Con *search_at = croot;

    if (xcb_reply_contains_atom(type_reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK)) {
        LOG("This window is of type dock\n");
        Output *output = get_output_containing(geom->x, geom->y);
        if (output != NULL) {
            DLOG("Starting search at output %s\n", output->name);
            search_at = output->con;

        /* find out the desired position of this dock window */
        if (cwindow->reserved.top > 0 && cwindow->reserved.bottom == 0) {
            DLOG("Top dock client\n");
            cwindow->dock = W_DOCK_TOP;
        } else if (cwindow->reserved.top == 0 && cwindow->reserved.bottom > 0) {
            DLOG("Bottom dock client\n");
            cwindow->dock = W_DOCK_BOTTOM;
        } else {
            DLOG("Ignoring invalid reserved edges (_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL), using position as fallback:\n");
            if (geom->y < (int16_t)(search_at->rect.height / 2)) {
                DLOG("geom->y = %d < rect.height / 2 = %d, it is a top dock client\n",
                     geom->y, (search_at->rect.height / 2));
                cwindow->dock = W_DOCK_TOP;
            } else {
                DLOG("geom->y = %d >= rect.height / 2 = %d, it is a bottom dock client\n",
                     geom->y, (search_at->rect.height / 2));
                cwindow->dock = W_DOCK_BOTTOM;

    DLOG("Initial geometry: (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", geom->x, geom->y, geom->width, geom->height);

    Con *nc = NULL;
    Match *match = NULL;
    Assignment *assignment;

    /* TODO: two matches for one container */

    /* See if any container swallows this new window */
    nc = con_for_window(search_at, cwindow, &match);
    if (nc == NULL) {
        /* If not, check if it is assigned to a specific workspace */
        if ((assignment = assignment_for(cwindow, A_TO_WORKSPACE))) {
            DLOG("Assignment matches (%p)\n", match);
            Con *assigned_ws = workspace_get(assignment->dest.workspace, NULL);
            nc = con_descend_tiling_focused(assigned_ws);
            DLOG("focused on ws %s: %p / %s\n", assigned_ws->name, nc, nc->name);
            if (nc->type == CT_WORKSPACE)
                nc = tree_open_con(nc, cwindow);
                nc = tree_open_con(nc->parent, cwindow);

            /* set the urgency hint on the window if the workspace is not visible */
            if (!workspace_is_visible(assigned_ws))
                urgency_hint = true;
        } else if (startup_ws) {
            /* If it’s not assigned, but was started on a specific workspace,
             * we want to open it there */
            DLOG("Using workspace on which this application was started (%s)\n", startup_ws);
            nc = con_descend_tiling_focused(workspace_get(startup_ws, NULL));
            DLOG("focused on ws %s: %p / %s\n", startup_ws, nc, nc->name);
            if (nc->type == CT_WORKSPACE)
                nc = tree_open_con(nc, cwindow);
                nc = tree_open_con(nc->parent, cwindow);
        } else {
            /* If not, insert it at the currently focused position */
            if (focused->type == CT_CON && con_accepts_window(focused)) {
                LOG("using current container, focused = %p, focused->name = %s\n",
                    focused, focused->name);
                nc = focused;
            } else
                nc = tree_open_con(NULL, cwindow);
    } else {
        /* M_BELOW inserts the new window as a child of the one which was
         * matched (e.g. dock areas) */
        if (match != NULL && match->insert_where == M_BELOW) {
            nc = tree_open_con(nc, cwindow);

        /* If M_BELOW is not used, the container is replaced. This happens with
         * "swallows" criteria that are used for stored layouts, in which case
         * we need to remove that criterion, because they should only be valid
         * once. */
        if (match != NULL && match->insert_where != M_BELOW) {
            DLOG("Removing match %p from container %p\n", match, nc);
            TAILQ_REMOVE(&(nc->swallow_head), match, matches);

    DLOG("new container = %p\n", nc);
    if (nc->window != NULL && nc->window != cwindow) {
        if (!restore_kill_placeholder(nc->window->id)) {
            DLOG("Uh?! Container without a placeholder, but with a window, has swallowed this to-be-managed window?!\n");
        } else {
            /* Remove remaining criteria, the first swallowed window wins. */
            while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&(nc->swallow_head))) {
                Match *first = TAILQ_FIRST(&(nc->swallow_head));
                TAILQ_REMOVE(&(nc->swallow_head), first, matches);
    nc->window = cwindow;

    nc->border_width = geom->border_width;

    char *name;
    sasprintf(&name, "[i3 con] container around %p", cwindow);
    x_set_name(nc, name);

    /* handle fullscreen containers */
    Con *ws = con_get_workspace(nc);
    Con *fs = (ws ? con_get_fullscreen_con(ws, CF_OUTPUT) : NULL);
    if (fs == NULL)
        fs = con_get_fullscreen_con(croot, CF_GLOBAL);

    if (xcb_reply_contains_atom(state_reply, A__NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN)) {
        /* If this window is already fullscreen (after restarting!), skip
         * toggling fullscreen, that would drop it out of fullscreen mode. */
        if (fs != nc)
            con_toggle_fullscreen(nc, CF_OUTPUT);
        fs = NULL;

    bool set_focus = false;

    if (fs == NULL) {
        DLOG("Not in fullscreen mode, focusing\n");
        if (!cwindow->dock) {
            /* Check that the workspace is visible and on the same output as
             * the current focused container. If the window was assigned to an
             * invisible workspace, we should not steal focus. */
            Con *current_output = con_get_output(focused);
            Con *target_output = con_get_output(ws);

            if (workspace_is_visible(ws) && current_output == target_output) {
                if (!match || !match->restart_mode) {
                    set_focus = true;
                } else
                    DLOG("not focusing, matched with restart_mode == true\n");
            } else
                DLOG("workspace not visible, not focusing\n");
        } else
            DLOG("dock, not focusing\n");
    } else {
        DLOG("fs = %p, ws = %p, not focusing\n", fs, ws);
        /* Insert the new container in focus stack *after* the currently
         * focused (fullscreen) con. This way, the new container will be
         * focused after we return from fullscreen mode */
        Con *first = TAILQ_FIRST(&(nc->parent->focus_head));
        if (first != nc) {
            /* We only modify the focus stack if the container is not already
             * the first one. This can happen when existing containers swallow
             * new windows, for example when restarting. */
            TAILQ_REMOVE(&(nc->parent->focus_head), nc, focused);
            TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&(nc->parent->focus_head), first, nc, focused);

    /* set floating if necessary */
    bool want_floating = false;
    if (xcb_reply_contains_atom(type_reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG) ||
        xcb_reply_contains_atom(type_reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY) ||
        xcb_reply_contains_atom(type_reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR) ||
        xcb_reply_contains_atom(type_reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH) ||
        xcb_reply_contains_atom(state_reply, A__NET_WM_STATE_MODAL) ||
        (wm_size_hints.flags & XCB_ICCCM_SIZE_HINT_P_MAX_SIZE &&
         wm_size_hints.flags & XCB_ICCCM_SIZE_HINT_P_MIN_SIZE &&
         wm_size_hints.min_height == wm_size_hints.max_height &&
         wm_size_hints.min_width == wm_size_hints.max_width)) {
        LOG("This window is a dialog window, setting floating\n");
        want_floating = true;

    if (xcb_reply_contains_atom(state_reply, A__NET_WM_STATE_STICKY))
        nc->sticky = true;


    if (cwindow->transient_for != XCB_NONE ||
        (cwindow->leader != XCB_NONE &&
         cwindow->leader != cwindow->id &&
         con_by_window_id(cwindow->leader) != NULL)) {
        LOG("This window is transient for another window, setting floating\n");
        want_floating = true;

        if (config.popup_during_fullscreen == PDF_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN &&
            fs != NULL) {
            LOG("There is a fullscreen window, leaving fullscreen mode\n");
            con_toggle_fullscreen(fs, CF_OUTPUT);
        } else if (config.popup_during_fullscreen == PDF_SMART &&
                   fs != NULL &&
                   fs->window != NULL) {
            i3Window *transient_win = cwindow;
            while (transient_win != NULL &&
                   transient_win->transient_for != XCB_NONE) {
                if (transient_win->transient_for == fs->window->id) {
                    LOG("This floating window belongs to the fullscreen window (popup_during_fullscreen == smart)\n");
                    set_focus = true;
                Con *next_transient = con_by_window_id(transient_win->transient_for);
                if (next_transient == NULL)
                /* Some clients (e.g. x11-ssh-askpass) actually set
                 * WM_TRANSIENT_FOR to their own window id, so break instead of
                 * looping endlessly. */
                if (transient_win == next_transient->window)
                transient_win = next_transient->window;

    /* dock clients cannot be floating, that makes no sense */
    if (cwindow->dock)
        want_floating = false;

    /* Plasma windows set their geometry in WM_SIZE_HINTS. */
    if ((wm_size_hints.flags & XCB_ICCCM_SIZE_HINT_US_POSITION || wm_size_hints.flags & XCB_ICCCM_SIZE_HINT_P_POSITION) &&
        (wm_size_hints.flags & XCB_ICCCM_SIZE_HINT_US_SIZE || wm_size_hints.flags & XCB_ICCCM_SIZE_HINT_P_SIZE)) {
        DLOG("We are setting geometry according to wm_size_hints x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d\n",
             wm_size_hints.x, wm_size_hints.y, wm_size_hints.width, wm_size_hints.height);
        geom->x = wm_size_hints.x;
        geom->y = wm_size_hints.y;
        geom->width = wm_size_hints.width;
        geom->height = wm_size_hints.height;

    /* Store the requested geometry. The width/height gets raised to at least
     * 75x50 when entering floating mode, which is the minimum size for a
     * window to be useful (smaller windows are usually overlays/toolbars/…
     * which are not managed by the wm anyways). We store the original geometry
     * here because it’s used for dock clients. */
    if (nc->geometry.width == 0)
        nc->geometry = (Rect){geom->x, geom->y, geom->width, geom->height};

    if (motif_border_style != BS_NORMAL) {
        DLOG("MOTIF_WM_HINTS specifies decorations (border_style = %d)\n", motif_border_style);
        if (want_floating) {
            con_set_border_style(nc, motif_border_style, config.default_floating_border_width);
        } else {
            con_set_border_style(nc, motif_border_style, config.default_border_width);

    if (want_floating) {
        DLOG("geometry = %d x %d\n", nc->geometry.width, nc->geometry.height);
        /* automatically set the border to the default value if a motif border
         * was not specified */
        bool automatic_border = (motif_border_style == BS_NORMAL);

        floating_enable(nc, automatic_border);

    /* explicitly set the border width to the default */
    if (nc->current_border_width == -1) {
        nc->current_border_width = (want_floating ? config.default_floating_border_width : config.default_border_width);

    /* to avoid getting an UnmapNotify event due to reparenting, we temporarily
     * declare no interest in any state change event of this window */
    values[0] = XCB_NONE;
    xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);

    xcb_void_cookie_t rcookie = xcb_reparent_window_checked(conn, window, nc->frame, 0, 0);
    if (xcb_request_check(conn, rcookie) != NULL) {
        LOG("Could not reparent the window, aborting\n");
        goto geom_out;

    xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);

    /* Put the client inside the save set. Upon termination (whether killed or
     * normal exit does not matter) of the window manager, these clients will
     * be correctly reparented to their most closest living ancestor (=
     * cleanup) */
    xcb_change_save_set(conn, XCB_SET_MODE_INSERT, window);

    /* Check if any assignments match */

    /* 'ws' may be invalid because of the assignments, e.g. when the user uses
     * "move window to workspace 1", but had it assigned to workspace 2. */
    ws = con_get_workspace(nc);

    /* If this window was put onto an invisible workspace (via assignments), we
     * render this workspace. It wouldn’t be rendered in our normal code path
     * because only the visible workspaces get rendered.
     * By rendering the workspace, we assign proper coordinates (read: not
     * width=0, height=0) to the window, which is important for windows who
     * actually use them to position their GUI elements, e.g. rhythmbox. */
    if (ws && !workspace_is_visible(ws)) {
        /* This is a bit hackish: we need to copy the content container’s rect
         * to the workspace, because calling render_con() on the content
         * container would also take the shortcut and not render the invisible
         * workspace at all. However, just calling render_con() on the
         * workspace isn’t enough either — it needs the rect. */
        ws->rect = ws->parent->rect;
        render_con(ws, true);
        /* Disable setting focus, otherwise we’d move focus to an invisible
         * workspace, which we generally prevent (e.g. in
         * con_move_to_workspace). */
        set_focus = false;
    render_con(croot, false);

    /* Send an event about window creation */
    ipc_send_window_event("new", nc);

    if (set_focus && assignment_for(cwindow, A_NO_FOCUS) != NULL) {
        /* The first window on a workspace should always be focused. We have to
         * compare with == 1 because the container has already been inserted at
         * this point. */
        if (con_num_children(ws) == 1) {
            DLOG("This is the first window on this workspace, ignoring no_focus.\n");
        } else {
            DLOG("no_focus was set for con = %p, not setting focus.\n", nc);
            set_focus = false;

    /* Defer setting focus after the 'new' event has been sent to ensure the
     * proper window event sequence. */
    if (set_focus && !nc->window->doesnt_accept_focus && nc->mapped) {
        DLOG("Now setting focus.\n");


    /* Windows might get managed with the urgency hint already set (Pidgin is
     * known to do that), so check for that and handle the hint accordingly.
     * This code needs to be in this part of manage_window() because the window
     * needs to be on the final workspace first. */
    con_set_urgency(nc, urgency_hint);

Ejemplo n.º 4
SNIProxy::SNIProxy(xcb_window_t wid, QObject* parent):
    //Work round a bug in our SNIWatcher with multiple SNIs per connection.
    //there is an undocumented feature that you can register an SNI by path, however it doesn't detect an object on a service being removed, only the entire service closing
    //instead lets use one DBus connection per SNI
    m_dbus(QDBusConnection::connectToBus(QDBusConnection::SessionBus, QStringLiteral("XembedSniProxy%1").arg(s_serviceCount++))),
    //create new SNI
    new StatusNotifierItemAdaptor(this);
    m_dbus.registerObject(QStringLiteral("/StatusNotifierItem"), this);

    auto statusNotifierWatcher = new org::kde::StatusNotifierWatcher(QStringLiteral(SNI_WATCHER_SERVICE_NAME), QStringLiteral(SNI_WATCHER_PATH), QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this);
    auto reply = statusNotifierWatcher->RegisterStatusNotifierItem(m_dbus.baseService());
    if (reply.isError()) {
        qCWarning(SNIPROXY) << "could not register SNI:" << reply.error().message();

    auto c = QX11Info::connection();

    auto cookie = xcb_get_geometry(c, m_windowId);
    QScopedPointer<xcb_get_geometry_reply_t> clientGeom(xcb_get_geometry_reply(c, cookie, Q_NULLPTR));

    //create a container window
    auto screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator (xcb_get_setup (c)).data;
    m_containerWid = xcb_generate_id(c);
    uint32_t             values[2];
    values[0] = screen->black_pixel; //draw a solid background so the embeded icon doesn't get garbage in it
    values[1] = true; //bypass wM
    xcb_create_window (c,                          /* connection    */
                    XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT,          /* depth         */
                     m_containerWid,               /* window Id     */
                     screen->root,                 /* parent window */
                     -500, 0,                       /* x, y          */
                     s_embedSize, s_embedSize,     /* width, height */
                     0,                           /* border_width  */
                     XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT,/* class         */
                     screen->root_visual,          /* visual        */
                     mask, values);                /* masks         */

        We need the window to exist and be mapped otherwise the child won't render it's contents

        We also need it to exist in the right place to get the clicks working as GTK will check sendEvent locations to see if our window is in the right place. So even though our contents are drawn via compositing we still put this window in the right place

        We can't composite it away anything parented owned by the root window (apparently)
        Stack Under works in the non composited case, but it doesn't seem to work in kwin's composited case (probably need set relevant NETWM hint)

        As a last resort set opacity to 0 just to make sure this container never appears

    const uint32_t stackBelowData[] = {XCB_STACK_MODE_BELOW};
    xcb_configure_window(c, m_containerWid, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE, stackBelowData);

    NETWinInfo wm(c, m_containerWid, screen->root, 0);


    xcb_map_window(c, m_containerWid);

    xcb_reparent_window(c, wid,
                        0, 0);

     * Render the embedded window offscreen
    xcb_composite_redirect_window(c, wid, XCB_COMPOSITE_REDIRECT_MANUAL);

    /* we grab the window, but also make sure it's automatically reparented back
     * to the root window if we should die.
    xcb_change_save_set(c, XCB_SET_MODE_INSERT, wid);

    //tell client we're embedding it
    xembed_message_send(wid, XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY, m_containerWid, 0, 0);

    //move window we're embedding
    const uint32_t windowMoveConfigVals[2] = { 0, 0 };

    xcb_configure_window(c, wid,
                             XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y,

    //if the window is a clearly stupid size resize to be something sensible
    //this is needed as chormium and such when resized just fill the icon with transparent space and only draw in the middle
    //however spotify does need this as by default the window size is 900px wide.
    //use an artbitrary heuristic to make sure icons are always sensible
    if (clientGeom->width < 12 || clientGeom->width > s_embedSize ||
        clientGeom->height < 12 || clientGeom->height > s_embedSize)
        const uint32_t windowMoveConfigVals[2] = { s_embedSize, s_embedSize };
        xcb_configure_window(c, wid,
                                XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT,

    //show the embedded window otherwise nothing happens
    xcb_map_window(c, wid);

    xcb_clear_area(c, 0, wid, 0, 0, qMin(clientGeom->width, s_embedSize), qMin(clientGeom->height, s_embedSize));


    //there's no damage event for the first paint, and sometimes it's not drawn immediately
    //not ideal, but it works better than nothing
    //test with xchat before changing
    QTimer::singleShot(500, this, &SNIProxy::update);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: manage.c Proyecto: Eelis/i3
 * Do some sanity checks and then reparent the window.
void manage_window(xcb_window_t window, xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t cookie,
                   bool needs_to_be_mapped) {
    xcb_drawable_t d = { window };
    xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t geomc;
    xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geom;
    xcb_get_window_attributes_reply_t *attr = NULL;

    xcb_get_property_cookie_t wm_type_cookie, strut_cookie, state_cookie,
                              utf8_title_cookie, title_cookie,
                              class_cookie, leader_cookie, transient_cookie,
                              role_cookie, startup_id_cookie, wm_hints_cookie;
#ifdef USE_ICONS                              
    xcb_get_property_cookie_t wm_icon_cookie;

    geomc = xcb_get_geometry(conn, d);
#define FREE_GEOMETRY() do { \
    if ((geom = xcb_get_geometry_reply(conn, geomc, 0)) != NULL) \
        free(geom); \
} while (0)

    /* Check if the window is mapped (it could be not mapped when intializing and
       calling manage_window() for every window) */
    if ((attr = xcb_get_window_attributes_reply(conn, cookie, 0)) == NULL) {
        DLOG("Could not get attributes\n");

    if (needs_to_be_mapped && attr->map_state != XCB_MAP_STATE_VIEWABLE) {
        goto out;

    /* Don’t manage clients with the override_redirect flag */
    if (attr->override_redirect) {
        goto out;

    /* Check if the window is already managed */
    if (con_by_window_id(window) != NULL) {
        DLOG("already managed (by con %p)\n", con_by_window_id(window));
        goto out;

    /* Get the initial geometry (position, size, …) */
    if ((geom = xcb_get_geometry_reply(conn, geomc, 0)) == NULL) {
        DLOG("could not get geometry\n");
        goto out;

    uint32_t values[1];

    /* Set a temporary event mask for the new window, consisting only of
     * PropertyChange and StructureNotify. We need to be notified of
     * PropertyChanges because the client can change its properties *after* we
     * requested them but *before* we actually reparented it and have set our
     * final event mask.
     * We need StructureNotify because the client may unmap the window before
     * we get to re-parent it.
     * If this request fails, we assume the client has already unmapped the
     * window between the MapRequest and our event mask change. */
    xcb_void_cookie_t event_mask_cookie =
        xcb_change_window_attributes_checked(conn, window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
    if (xcb_request_check(conn, event_mask_cookie) != NULL) {
        LOG("Could not change event mask, the window probably already disappeared.\n");
        goto out;

#define GET_PROPERTY(atom, len) xcb_get_property(conn, false, window, atom, XCB_GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, len)

    wm_type_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, UINT32_MAX);
    state_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__NET_WM_STATE, UINT32_MAX);
    utf8_title_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__NET_WM_NAME, 128);
    title_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME, 128);
    class_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS, 128);
    role_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A_WM_WINDOW_ROLE, 128);
    startup_id_cookie = GET_PROPERTY(A__NET_STARTUP_ID, 512);
    wm_hints_cookie = xcb_icccm_get_wm_hints(conn, window);
#ifdef USE_ICONS
    wm_icon_cookie = xcb_get_property_unchecked(conn, false, window, A__NET_WM_ICON, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 0, UINT32_MAX);
    /* TODO: also get wm_normal_hints here. implement after we got rid of xcb-event */

    DLOG("Managing window 0x%08x\n", window);

    i3Window *cwindow = scalloc(sizeof(i3Window));
    cwindow->id = window;
    cwindow->depth = get_visual_depth(attr->visual);

    /* We need to grab the mouse buttons for click to focus */
    xcb_grab_button(conn, false, window, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS,
                    XCB_GRAB_MODE_SYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, root, XCB_NONE,
                    1 /* left mouse button */,
                    XCB_BUTTON_MASK_ANY /* don’t filter for any modifiers */);

    xcb_grab_button(conn, false, window, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS,
                    XCB_GRAB_MODE_SYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, root, XCB_NONE,
                    2 /* middle mouse button */,
                    XCB_BUTTON_MASK_ANY /* don’t filter for any modifiers */);

    xcb_grab_button(conn, false, window, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS,
                    XCB_GRAB_MODE_SYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, root, XCB_NONE,
                    3 /* right mouse button */,
                    XCB_BUTTON_MASK_ANY /* don’t filter for any modifiers */);

    /* update as much information as possible so far (some replies may be NULL) */
    window_update_class(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, class_cookie, NULL), true);
    window_update_name_legacy(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, title_cookie, NULL), true);
    window_update_name(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, utf8_title_cookie, NULL), true);
    window_update_leader(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, leader_cookie, NULL));
    window_update_transient_for(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, transient_cookie, NULL));
    window_update_strut_partial(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, strut_cookie, NULL));
    window_update_role(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, role_cookie, NULL), true);
    window_update_hints(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, wm_hints_cookie, NULL));
#ifdef USE_ICONS
    window_update_icon(cwindow, xcb_get_property_reply(conn, wm_icon_cookie, NULL));

    xcb_get_property_reply_t *startup_id_reply;
    startup_id_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, startup_id_cookie, NULL);
    char *startup_ws = startup_workspace_for_window(cwindow, startup_id_reply);
    DLOG("startup workspace = %s\n", startup_ws);

    /* check if the window needs WM_TAKE_FOCUS */
    cwindow->needs_take_focus = window_supports_protocol(cwindow->id, A_WM_TAKE_FOCUS);

    /* Where to start searching for a container that swallows the new one? */
    Con *search_at = croot;

    xcb_get_property_reply_t *reply = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, wm_type_cookie, NULL);
    if (xcb_reply_contains_atom(reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK)) {
        LOG("This window is of type dock\n");
        Output *output = get_output_containing(geom->x, geom->y);
        if (output != NULL) {
            DLOG("Starting search at output %s\n", output->name);
            search_at = output->con;

        /* find out the desired position of this dock window */
        if (cwindow->reserved.top > 0 && cwindow->reserved.bottom == 0) {
            DLOG("Top dock client\n");
            cwindow->dock = W_DOCK_TOP;
        } else if (cwindow->reserved.top == 0 && cwindow->reserved.bottom > 0) {
            DLOG("Bottom dock client\n");
            cwindow->dock = W_DOCK_BOTTOM;
        } else {
            DLOG("Ignoring invalid reserved edges (_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL), using position as fallback:\n");
            if (geom->y < (search_at->rect.height / 2)) {
                DLOG("geom->y = %d < rect.height / 2 = %d, it is a top dock client\n",
                     geom->y, (search_at->rect.height / 2));
                cwindow->dock = W_DOCK_TOP;
            } else {
                DLOG("geom->y = %d >= rect.height / 2 = %d, it is a bottom dock client\n",
                     geom->y, (search_at->rect.height / 2));
                cwindow->dock = W_DOCK_BOTTOM;

    DLOG("Initial geometry: (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", geom->x, geom->y, geom->width, geom->height);

    Con *nc = NULL;
    Match *match = NULL;
    Assignment *assignment;

    /* TODO: two matches for one container */

    /* See if any container swallows this new window */
    nc = con_for_window(search_at, cwindow, &match);
    if (nc == NULL) {
        /* If not, check if it is assigned to a specific workspace / output */
        if ((assignment = assignment_for(cwindow, A_TO_WORKSPACE | A_TO_OUTPUT))) {
            DLOG("Assignment matches (%p)\n", match);
            if (assignment->type == A_TO_WORKSPACE) {
                nc = con_descend_tiling_focused(workspace_get(assignment->dest.workspace, NULL));
                DLOG("focused on ws %s: %p / %s\n", assignment->dest.workspace, nc, nc->name);
                if (nc->type == CT_WORKSPACE)
                    nc = tree_open_con(nc, cwindow);
                else nc = tree_open_con(nc->parent, cwindow);
        /* TODO: handle assignments with type == A_TO_OUTPUT */
        } else if (startup_ws) {
            /* If it’s not assigned, but was started on a specific workspace,
             * we want to open it there */
            DLOG("Using workspace on which this application was started (%s)\n", startup_ws);
            nc = con_descend_tiling_focused(workspace_get(startup_ws, NULL));
            DLOG("focused on ws %s: %p / %s\n", startup_ws, nc, nc->name);
            if (nc->type == CT_WORKSPACE)
                nc = tree_open_con(nc, cwindow);
            else nc = tree_open_con(nc->parent, cwindow);
        } else {
            /* If not, insert it at the currently focused position */
            if (focused->type == CT_CON && con_accepts_window(focused)) {
                LOG("using current container, focused = %p, focused->name = %s\n",
                                focused, focused->name);
                nc = focused;
            } else nc = tree_open_con(NULL, cwindow);
    } else {
        /* M_BELOW inserts the new window as a child of the one which was
         * matched (e.g. dock areas) */
        if (match != NULL && match->insert_where == M_BELOW) {
            nc = tree_open_con(nc, cwindow);

    DLOG("new container = %p\n", nc);
    nc->window = cwindow;

    nc->border_width = geom->border_width;

    char *name;
    sasprintf(&name, "[i3 con] container around %p", cwindow);
    x_set_name(nc, name);

    Con *ws = con_get_workspace(nc);
    Con *fs = (ws ? con_get_fullscreen_con(ws, CF_OUTPUT) : NULL);
    if (fs == NULL)
        fs = con_get_fullscreen_con(croot, CF_GLOBAL);

    if (fs == NULL) {
        DLOG("Not in fullscreen mode, focusing\n");
        if (!cwindow->dock) {
            /* Check that the workspace is visible and on the same output as
             * the current focused container. If the window was assigned to an
             * invisible workspace, we should not steal focus. */
            Con *current_output = con_get_output(focused);
            Con *target_output = con_get_output(ws);

            if (workspace_is_visible(ws) && current_output == target_output) {
                if (!match || !match->restart_mode) {
                } else DLOG("not focusing, matched with restart_mode == true\n");
            } else DLOG("workspace not visible, not focusing\n");
        } else DLOG("dock, not focusing\n");
    } else {
        DLOG("fs = %p, ws = %p, not focusing\n", fs, ws);
        /* Insert the new container in focus stack *after* the currently
         * focused (fullscreen) con. This way, the new container will be
         * focused after we return from fullscreen mode */
        Con *first = TAILQ_FIRST(&(nc->parent->focus_head));
        if (first != nc) {
            /* We only modify the focus stack if the container is not already
             * the first one. This can happen when existing containers swallow
             * new windows, for example when restarting. */
            TAILQ_REMOVE(&(nc->parent->focus_head), nc, focused);
            TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&(nc->parent->focus_head), first, nc, focused);

    /* set floating if necessary */
    bool want_floating = false;
    if (xcb_reply_contains_atom(reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG) ||
        xcb_reply_contains_atom(reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY) ||
        xcb_reply_contains_atom(reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR) ||
        xcb_reply_contains_atom(reply, A__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH)) {
        LOG("This window is a dialog window, setting floating\n");
        want_floating = true;


    if (cwindow->transient_for != XCB_NONE ||
        (cwindow->leader != XCB_NONE &&
         cwindow->leader != cwindow->id &&
         con_by_window_id(cwindow->leader) != NULL)) {
        LOG("This window is transient for another window, setting floating\n");
        want_floating = true;

        if (config.popup_during_fullscreen == PDF_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN &&
            fs != NULL) {
            LOG("There is a fullscreen window, leaving fullscreen mode\n");
            con_toggle_fullscreen(fs, CF_OUTPUT);
        } else if (config.popup_during_fullscreen == PDF_SMART &&
                   fs != NULL &&
                   fs->window != NULL) {
            i3Window *transient_win = cwindow;
            while (transient_win != NULL &&
                   transient_win->transient_for != XCB_NONE) {
                if (transient_win->transient_for == fs->window->id) {
                    LOG("This floating window belongs to the fullscreen window (popup_during_fullscreen == smart)\n");
                Con *next_transient = con_by_window_id(transient_win->transient_for);
                if (next_transient == NULL)
                transient_win = next_transient->window;

    /* dock clients cannot be floating, that makes no sense */
    if (cwindow->dock)
        want_floating = false;

    /* Store the requested geometry. The width/height gets raised to at least
     * 75x50 when entering floating mode, which is the minimum size for a
     * window to be useful (smaller windows are usually overlays/toolbars/…
     * which are not managed by the wm anyways). We store the original geometry
     * here because it’s used for dock clients. */
    nc->geometry = (Rect){ geom->x, geom->y, geom->width, geom->height };

    if (want_floating) {
        DLOG("geometry = %d x %d\n", nc->geometry.width, nc->geometry.height);
        floating_enable(nc, true);

    /* to avoid getting an UnmapNotify event due to reparenting, we temporarily
     * declare no interest in any state change event of this window */
    values[0] = XCB_NONE;
    xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);

    xcb_void_cookie_t rcookie = xcb_reparent_window_checked(conn, window, nc->frame, 0, 0);
    if (xcb_request_check(conn, rcookie) != NULL) {
        LOG("Could not reparent the window, aborting\n");
        goto geom_out;

    xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);

    reply = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, state_cookie, NULL);
    if (xcb_reply_contains_atom(reply, A__NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN))
        con_toggle_fullscreen(nc, CF_OUTPUT);


    /* Put the client inside the save set. Upon termination (whether killed or
     * normal exit does not matter) of the window manager, these clients will
     * be correctly reparented to their most closest living ancestor (=
     * cleanup) */
    xcb_change_save_set(conn, XCB_SET_MODE_INSERT, window);

    /* Check if any assignments match */

    /* 'ws' may be invalid because of the assignments, e.g. when the user uses
     * "move window to workspace 1", but had it assigned to workspace 2. */
    ws = con_get_workspace(nc);

    /* If this window was put onto an invisible workspace (via assignments), we
     * render this workspace. It wouldn’t be rendered in our normal code path
     * because only the visible workspaces get rendered.
     * By rendering the workspace, we assign proper coordinates (read: not
     * width=0, height=0) to the window, which is important for windows who
     * actually use them to position their GUI elements, e.g. rhythmbox. */
    if (ws && !workspace_is_visible(ws)) {
        /* This is a bit hackish: we need to copy the content container’s rect
         * to the workspace, because calling render_con() on the content
         * container would also take the shortcut and not render the invisible
         * workspace at all. However, just calling render_con() on the
         * workspace isn’t enough either — it needs the rect. */
        ws->rect = ws->parent->rect;
        render_con(ws, true);

    /* Send an event about window creation */

Ejemplo n.º 6
void Client::complete()
    WindowManager *wm = WindowManager::instance();
    xcb_connection_t* conn = wm->connection();
    xcb_ewmh_connection_t* ewmhConn = wm->ewmhConnection();
    if (mEwmhState.contains(ewmhConn->_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY)) {
        // don't put in layout
#warning support strut windows in layouts (reserved space)
#warning support partial struts
        Rect rect = wm->rect(mScreenNumber);
        if (mStrut.left) {
            if (mRect.width != static_cast<int>(mStrut.left))
                mRect.width = mStrut.left;
            mRect.x = rect.x;
            rect.x += mRect.width;
            rect.width -= mRect.width;
        } else if (mStrut.right) {
            if (mRect.width != static_cast<int>(mStrut.right))
                mRect.width = mStrut.right;
            mRect.x = rect.x + rect.width - mStrut.right;
            rect.width -= mStrut.right;
        } else if (mStrut.top) {
            if (mRect.height != static_cast<int>(mStrut.top))
                mRect.height = mStrut.top;
            mRect.y = rect.y;
            rect.y += mRect.height;
            rect.height -= mRect.height;
        } else if (mStrut.bottom) {
            if (mRect.height != static_cast<int>(mStrut.bottom))
                mRect.height = mStrut.bottom;
            mRect.y = rect.y + rect.height - mStrut.bottom;
            rect.height -= mStrut.bottom;
        wm->setRect(rect, mScreenNumber);
        warning() << "fixed at" << mRect;
    } else {
        if (shouldLayout()) {
            warning() << "laid out at" << mRect;
#warning do startup-notification stuff here
    if (!mOwned)
        xcb_change_save_set(conn, XCB_SET_MODE_INSERT, mWindow);
    xcb_screen_t* scr = screen();
    mFrame = xcb_generate_id(conn);
    const uint32_t values[] = {
    warning() << "creating frame window" << mRect;
    xcb_create_window(conn, XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT, mFrame, scr->root,
                      mRect.x, mRect.y, mRect.width, mRect.height, 0,
                      | XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT | XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
        ServerGrabScope grabScope(conn);
        const uint32_t noValue[] = { 0 };
        xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, scr->root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, noValue);
        xcb_reparent_window(conn, mWindow, mFrame, 0, 0);
        const uint32_t rootEvent[] = { Types::RootEventMask };
        xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, scr->root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, rootEvent);
        xcb_grab_button(conn, false, mWindow, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS,
                        XCB_GRAB_MODE_SYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, scr->root,
                        XCB_NONE, 1, XCB_BUTTON_MASK_ANY);
        const uint32_t windowEvent[] = { Types::ClientInputMask };
        xcb_change_window_attributes(conn, mWindow, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, windowEvent);

        uint32_t windowValues[3];
        int i = 0;
        windowValues[i++] = mRect.width;
        windowValues[i++] = mRect.height;
        windowValues[i++] = 0;
        xcb_configure_window(conn, mWindow, windowMask, windowValues);

#warning do xinerama placement
    const uint32_t stateMode[] = { XCB_ICCCM_WM_STATE_NORMAL, XCB_NONE };
    xcb_change_property(conn, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, mWindow, Atoms::WM_STATE, Atoms::WM_STATE, 32, 2, stateMode);

    warning() << "created and mapped parent client for frame" << mFrame << "with window" << mWindow;