Data * QpGenSparseSeq::makeData( double c_[], int krowQ[], int jcolQ[], double dQ[], double xlow_[], char ixlow_[], double xupp_[], char ixupp_[], int krowA[], int jcolA[], double dA[], double b_[], int krowC[], int jcolC[], double dC[], double clow_[], char iclow_[], double cupp_[], char icupp_[] ) { // Objective funcition SimpleVectorHandle c( new SimpleVector( c_, nx ) ); nnzQ = krowQ[nx]; SparseSymMatrixHandle Q( new SparseSymMatrix( nx, nnzQ, krowQ, jcolQ, dQ ) ); // Bounds on variables SimpleVectorHandle xlow( new SimpleVector( xlow_, nx ) ); SimpleVectorHandle ixlow( new SimpleVector( nx ) ); ixlow->copyFromArray( ixlow_ ); SimpleVectorHandle xupp( new SimpleVector( xupp_, nx ) ); SimpleVectorHandle ixupp( new SimpleVector( nx ) ); ixupp->copyFromArray( ixupp_ ); // Equality constraints nnzA = 0; if( my > 0 ) nnzA = krowA[my]; SparseGenMatrixHandle A( new SparseGenMatrix( my, nx, nnzA, krowA, jcolA, dA ) ); SimpleVectorHandle b( new SimpleVector( b_, my ) ); // Inequality constraints nnzC = 0; if( mz > 0 ) nnzC = krowC[mz]; SparseGenMatrixHandle C( new SparseGenMatrix( mz, nx, nnzC, krowC, jcolC, dC ) ); SimpleVectorHandle clow( new SimpleVector( clow_, mz ) ); SimpleVectorHandle iclow( new SimpleVector( mz ) ); iclow->copyFromArray( iclow_ ); SimpleVectorHandle cupp( new SimpleVector( cupp_, mz ) ); SimpleVectorHandle icupp( new SimpleVector( mz ) ); icupp->copyFromArray( icupp_ ); QpGenData * data = new QpGenData( SparseLinearAlgebraPackage::soleInstance(), c, Q, xlow, ixlow, xupp, ixupp, A, b, C, clow, iclow, cupp, icupp ); return data; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "Usage: simpleBD h" << std::endl; exit(-1); } const unsigned int num_particles = 1; const double h_in = atof(argv[1]); const double end_time = 1.0; //const double dt = 0.0001; const double dt = h_in*h_in/PI; /* * Create Compartments (a structured grid from r = (0,0,0) to r = (1,0.1,0.1). resolution = h = h_in for all dimensions) */ StructuredGrid grid(Vect3d(0.25-h_in,0,0), Vect3d(0.75+h_in,1,1), Vect3d(h_in,h_in,h_in)); /* * Create "red" species with D=1. Fill with a uniform distribution of particles */ Species red(1, grid); /* * create diffusion operator and apply to red species */ Diffusion bd; bd.add_species(red); /* * Create simulation boundary planes */ xplane xlow(0,1),xhigh(1,-1); yplane ylow(0,1),yhigh(1,-1); zplane zlow(0,1),zhigh(1,-1); xplane couple_C_to_M_1(0.25,-1); xplane couple_C_to_M_2(0.75,1); xplane first_line_of_compartments(0.25-0.5*h_in,1); xplane second_line_of_compartments(0.25+0.5*h_in,1); xplane second_last_line_of_compartments(0.75-0.5*h_in,1); xplane last_line_of_compartments(0.75+0.5*h_in,1); /* * Create jump (periodic) boundaries */ JumpBoundaryWithCorrection<xplane> jb1(xlow,xhigh-xlow); jb1.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<yplane> jb2(ylow,yhigh-ylow); jb2.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<zplane> jb3(zlow,zhigh-zlow); jb3.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<yplane> jb4(yhigh,ylow-yhigh); jb4.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<zplane> jb5(zhigh,zlow-zhigh); jb5.add_species(red); /* * Create reflective boundary */ ReflectiveBoundary<xplane> rb(xhigh); rb.add_species(red); /* * create Next Subvolume Method operator. The constructor takes the compartment grid as input */ NextSubvolumeMethod nsm(red.grid); // add diffusion equations to nsm //nsm.add_diffusion(red); nsm.add_diffusion(red, red.D/pow(h_in,2)); /* * Setup reactions for coupling */ // nsm.remove_diffusion_between(red, second_line_of_compartments, first_line_of_compartments); // nsm.remove_diffusion_between(red, second_last_line_of_compartments, last_line_of_compartments); // nsm.add_diffusion_between(red, (2.0*h_in/sqrt(PI*red.D*dt))*(red.D/pow(h_in,2)), second_line_of_compartments, first_line_of_compartments); // nsm.add_diffusion_between(red, (2.0*h_in/sqrt(PI*red.D*dt))*(red.D/pow(h_in,2)), second_last_line_of_compartments, last_line_of_compartments); nsm.add_diffusion_between(red,red.D/pow(h_in,2),ylow, yhigh); nsm.add_diffusion_between(red,red.D/pow(h_in,2),yhigh, ylow); nsm.add_diffusion_between(red,red.D/pow(h_in,2),zlow, zhigh); nsm.add_diffusion_between(red,red.D/pow(h_in,2),zhigh, zlow); // nsm.clear_reactions(first_line_of_compartments); // nsm.clear_reactions(last_line_of_compartments); nsm.list_reactions(); /* * Create coupling boundaries between compartments and free-space */ Intersection<xplane,xplane> compartment_volume(couple_C_to_M_1, couple_C_to_M_2); CouplingBoundary_C_to_M<Intersection<xplane,xplane> > c_to_m(compartment_volume, nsm); c_to_m.add_species(red, dt); CouplingBoundary_M_to_C<Intersection<xplane,xplane> > m_to_c(compartment_volume, nsm); m_to_c.add_species(red); std::vector<int> bins_m, bins_c; const int num_bins = 100; bins_m.assign(num_bins,0); bins_c.assign(red.grid.get_cells_along_axes()[0],0); for (int i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) { std::cout << "doing iteration " << i << std::endl; red.fill_uniform(Vect3d(0,0,0),Vect3d(1.0,1,1),num_particles); // calculate next reaction times for all compartments nsm.reset_all_priorities(); /* * Run simulation until end_time with timestep dt */ run(red, end_time, dt, nsm, bd, jb1, jb2, jb3, jb4, jb5, rb, m_to_c, c_to_m); if (red.mols.size() > 0) { const double scaled_position = (red.mols.r[0][0])*num_bins; if ((scaled_position < 0) || (scaled_position > num_bins)) { printf("outside area: position = (%f %f %f)\n",red.mols.r[0][0],red.mols.r[0][1],red.mols.r[0][2]); } const int index = int(scaled_position); bins_m[index]++; red.mols.delete_molecule(0); } const int nc = red.grid.size(); for(int i = 0; i < nc; i++) { Vect3i cell_indices = red.grid.get_cell_indicies(i); bins_c[cell_indices[0]] += red.copy_numbers[i]; red.copy_numbers[i] = 0; } } std::ofstream f;"output/simpleBD_couple_single_mols_"+std::string(argv[1])+".dat").c_str()); f << end_time << ' '; int count = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(int x,bins_m) { f << x <<' '; count += x; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "Usage: simpleReactWithJumpCorrection num_particles" << std::endl; exit(-1); } const unsigned int num_particles = atoi(argv[1]); std::ofstream tf;"time_simpleReactWithJumpCorrection_"+std::string(argv[1])+".dat").c_str()); boost::progress_timer t(tf); const double end_time = 5.0; const double dt = 0.001; /* * Create "red" species with D=1 */ Species red(1); //red.fill_uniform(0.0,1.0,1); /* * create diffusion operator and apply to red species */ Diffusion bd; bd.add_species(red); /* * Create simulation boundary planes */ AxisAlignedPlane<0> xlow(0,1); AxisAlignedPlane<0> xhigh(1,-1); AxisAlignedPlane<1> ylow(0,1),yhigh(1,-1); AxisAlignedPlane<2> zlow(0,1),zhigh(1,-1); /* * Create input flux (0 -> red) boundary */ FluxBoundary fb(Vect3d(1,0,0),Vect3d(0,1,0),Vect3d(0,0,1),num_particles); fb.add_species(red); /* * Create jump (periodic) boundaries */ JumpBoundaryWithCorrection<AxisAlignedPlane<0> > jb1(xlow,Vect3d(1,0,0)); jb1.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<1> > jb2(ylow,Vect3d(0,1,0)); jb2.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<2> > jb3(zlow,Vect3d(0,0,1)); jb3.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<1> > jb4(yhigh,Vect3d(0,-1,0)); jb4.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<2> > jb5(zhigh,Vect3d(0,0,-1)); jb5.add_species(red); /* * Create reflective boundary */ ReflectiveBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<0> > rb(xhigh); rb.add_species(red); /* * Create unimolecular reaction operator (red -> 0) */ UniMolecularReaction dr(1,red >> 0); const double iterations = end_time/dt; const double num_out = 100; const int it_per_out = int(iterations/num_out); /* * Run simulation until end_time with timestep dt */ run(red, end_time, dt, bd, fb, jb1, jb2, jb3, jb4, jb5, rb, dr); std::vector<int> bins; make_histogram(bins,red,100, 0,1); std::ofstream f;"simpleReactWithJumpCorrection_"+std::string(argv[1])+".dat").c_str()); f << end_time << ' '; BOOST_FOREACH(int x,bins) { f << x <<' '; } f << std::endl; f.close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 3) { std::cout << "Usage: simpleBD num_particles h" << std::endl; exit(-1); } const unsigned int num_particles = atoi(argv[1]); const double h_in = atof(argv[2]); std::ofstream tf;"output/time_simpleBD_couple_"+std::string(argv[1])+"_"+std::string(argv[2])+".dat").c_str()); boost::progress_timer t(tf); const double end_time = 1.0; //const double dt = 0.0001; const double dt = h_in*h_in/PI; /* * Create Compartments (a structured grid from r = (0,0,0) to r = (1,0.1,0.1). resolution = h = h_in for all dimensions) */ StructuredGrid grid(Vect3d(0.25-h_in,0,0), Vect3d(0.75+h_in,1,1), Vect3d(h_in,h_in,h_in)); /* * Create "red" species with D=1. Fill with a uniform distribution of particles */ Species red(1, grid); red.fill_uniform(Vect3d(0,0,0),Vect3d(0.25,1,1),num_particles/4.0); red.fill_uniform(Vect3d(0.75,0,0),Vect3d(1.0,1,1),num_particles/4.0); //red.fill_uniform(Vect3d(0.75,0,0),Vect3d(1.0,0.1,0.1),1); red.fill_uniform(num_particles/2.0); /* * create diffusion operator and apply to red species */ Diffusion bd; bd.add_species(red); /* * Create simulation boundary planes */ xplane xlow(0,1),xhigh(1,-1); yplane ylow(0,1),yhigh(1,-1); zplane zlow(0,1),zhigh(1,-1); xplane couple_C_to_M_1(0.25,-1); xplane couple_C_to_M_2(0.75,1); xplane first_line_of_compartments(0.25-0.5*h_in,1); xplane second_line_of_compartments(0.25+0.5*h_in,1); xplane second_last_line_of_compartments(0.75-0.5*h_in,1); xplane last_line_of_compartments(0.75+0.5*h_in,1); /* * Create jump (periodic) boundaries */ JumpBoundaryWithCorrection<xplane> jb1(xlow,xhigh-xlow); jb1.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<yplane> jb2(ylow,yhigh-ylow); jb2.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<zplane> jb3(zlow,zhigh-zlow); jb3.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<yplane> jb4(yhigh,ylow-yhigh); jb4.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<zplane> jb5(zhigh,zlow-zhigh); jb5.add_species(red); /* * Create reflective boundary */ ReflectiveBoundary<xplane> rb(xhigh); rb.add_species(red); /* * create Next Subvolume Method operator. The constructor takes the compartment grid as input */ NextSubvolumeMethod nsm(red.grid); // add diffusion equations to nsm //nsm.add_diffusion(red); nsm.add_diffusion(red, red.D/pow(h_in,2)); /* * Setup reactions for coupling */ // nsm.remove_diffusion_between(red, second_line_of_compartments, first_line_of_compartments); // nsm.remove_diffusion_between(red, second_last_line_of_compartments, last_line_of_compartments); // nsm.add_diffusion_between(red, (2.0*h_in/sqrt(PI*red.D*dt))*(red.D/pow(h_in,2)), second_line_of_compartments, first_line_of_compartments); // nsm.add_diffusion_between(red, (2.0*h_in/sqrt(PI*red.D*dt))*(red.D/pow(h_in,2)), second_last_line_of_compartments, last_line_of_compartments); nsm.add_diffusion_between(red,red.D/pow(h_in,2),ylow, yhigh); nsm.add_diffusion_between(red,red.D/pow(h_in,2),yhigh, ylow); nsm.add_diffusion_between(red,red.D/pow(h_in,2),zlow, zhigh); nsm.add_diffusion_between(red,red.D/pow(h_in,2),zhigh, zlow); // nsm.clear_reactions(first_line_of_compartments); // nsm.clear_reactions(last_line_of_compartments); nsm.list_reactions(); // calculate next reaction times for all compartments nsm.reset_all_priorities(); /* * Create coupling boundaries between compartments and free-space */ Intersection<xplane,xplane> compartment_volume(couple_C_to_M_1, couple_C_to_M_2); CouplingBoundary_C_to_M<Intersection<xplane,xplane> > c_to_m(compartment_volume, nsm); c_to_m.add_species(red, dt); CouplingBoundary_M_to_C<Intersection<xplane,xplane> > m_to_c(compartment_volume, nsm); m_to_c.add_species(red); /* * Run simulation until end_time with timestep dt */ run(red, end_time, dt, nsm, bd, jb1, jb2, jb3, jb4, jb5, rb, m_to_c, c_to_m); //nsm(dt/2); //run(red, end_time, dt, nsm, c_to_m, bd, jb1, jb2, jb3, jb4, jb5, rb, m_to_c, output); std::vector<int> bins; make_histogram(bins,red,100, 0,1); std::ofstream f;"output/simpleBD_couple_mols_"+std::string(argv[1])+"_"+std::string(argv[2])+".dat").c_str()); f << end_time << ' '; int count = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(int x,bins) { f << x <<' '; count += x; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "Usage: simpleReact num_particles" << std::endl; exit(-1); } const unsigned int num_particles = atoi(argv[1]); std::ofstream tf;"output/time_simpleReact_"+std::string(argv[1])+".dat").c_str()); boost::progress_timer t(tf); const double end_time = 5.0; const double dt = 0.001; /* * Create "red" species with D=1 */ Species red(0.1); //red.fill_uniform(0.0,1.0,1); /* * create diffusion operator and apply to red species */ Diffusion bd; bd.add_species(red); /* * Create simulation boundary planes */ AxisAlignedPlane<0> xlow(0,1); AxisAlignedPlane<0> xhigh(1,-1); AxisAlignedPlane<1> ylow(0,1),yhigh(1,-1); AxisAlignedPlane<2> zlow(0,1),zhigh(1,-1); /* * Create input flux boundary */ FluxBoundary fb(Vect3d(1,0,0),Vect3d(0,1,0),Vect3d(0,0,1),num_particles); fb.add_species(red); /* * Create jump (periodic) boundaries */ //JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<0> > jb1(xlow,Vect3d(1,0,0)); jb1.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<1> > jb2(ylow,Vect3d(0,1,0)); jb2.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<2> > jb3(zlow,Vect3d(0,0,1)); jb3.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<1> > jb4(yhigh,Vect3d(0,-1,0)); jb4.add_species(red); JumpBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<2> > jb5(zhigh,Vect3d(0,0,-1)); jb5.add_species(red); /* * Create reflective boundary */ ReflectiveBoundary<AxisAlignedPlane<0> > rb(xhigh); rb.add_species(red); /* * Create unimolecular reaction operator (red -> 0) */ UniMolecularReaction dr(1,red >> 0); const double h_in = 0.1; StructuredGrid out_grid(Vect3d(0,0,0), Vect3d(1,1,1), Vect3d(h_in,1.0,1.0)); OutputConcentrations out_concen_1d("output/simpleReact_",end_time/100.0, out_grid);out_concen_1d.add_species(red); OutputCompareWithFunction<rmsError<MyFunction> > out_compare("output/simpleReact_error",end_time/100.0,0,1,out_grid, rmsError<MyFunction>(MyFunction(num_particles,red.D))); out_compare.add_species(red); Plot2d plot(0,out_concen_1d.get_data("x"),out_concen_1d.get_data("Concentration"),"x","Concentration","My first plot"); Visualisation vis(0);vis.add_species(red); vis.add_geometry(xlow); vis.add_geometry(xhigh); vis.add_geometry(ylow); vis.add_geometry(yhigh); vis.add_geometry(zlow); vis.add_geometry(zhigh); /* * Run simulation until end_time with timestep dt */ run(red, end_time, dt, bd, fb, jb2, jb3, jb4, jb5, rb, dr, out_concen_1d, out_compare, vis,plot); std::vector<int> bins; make_histogram(bins,red,100, 0,1); std::ofstream f;"output/simpleReact_"+std::string(argv[1])+".dat").c_str()); f << end_time << ' '; BOOST_FOREACH(int x,bins) { f << x <<' '; } f << std::endl; f.close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }