Ejemplo n.º 1
/******************************************************************************* fn-zorba-xml:canonicalize
bool FnZorbaCanonicalizeIterator::nextImpl(store::Item_t& result, PlanState& planState) const
  zstring lDocString;
  xmlDocPtr lDoc;
  xmlChar* lResult;
  std::istream* lInstream = NULL;
  char buf[1024];
  store::Item_t tempItem;

  FnZorbaCanonicalizeIteratorState* state;
  DEFAULT_STACK_INIT(FnZorbaCanonicalizeIteratorState, state, planState);
  // Read the XML string
  // if the XML string is a streamable string it will have to be materialized
  // since the libxml2 xmlReadMemory functions can't work with streamable strings
  consumeNext(result, theChildren[0].getp(), planState);

  // read options
  if (theChildren.size() == 2)
    consumeNext(tempItem, theChildren[1].getp(), planState);
    zorba::processOptions(tempItem, state->theProperties, theSctx, loc);

   if (result->isStreamable())
      lInstream = &result->getStream();
      while (lInstream->good())
        lInstream->read(buf, 1024);
        lDocString.append(buf, static_cast<zstring::size_type>(lInstream->gcount()));
   int lOptions = XML_PARSE_NOERROR | state->theProperties.toLibXmlOptions();
   lDoc = xmlReadMemory(lDocString.c_str(), lDocString.size(), "input.xml", NULL, lOptions);
    if (!lDoc)
      zstring lErrorMsg;
      lErrorMsg = "\"" + lDocString + "\"";
      throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION(err::FOCZ0001, ERROR_PARAMS("x:canonicalize()", lErrorMsg ), ERROR_LOC(loc));

    xmlC14NDocDumpMemory(lDoc, NULL, 2/*XML_C14N_1_1*/, NULL, 1, &lResult);
    lDocString = zstring((char*)lResult);    
  catch ( std::exception const& )
      zstring lErrorMsg;
      lErrorMsg = "\"" + lDocString + "\"";
      throw XQUERY_EXCEPTION(err::FOCZ0001, ERROR_PARAMS("x:canonicalize()", lErrorMsg ), ERROR_LOC(loc));
  STACK_PUSH(GENV_ITEMFACTORY->createString(result, lDocString), state);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * :call-seq:
  *   document.canonicalize -> String
  *   document.canonicalize(options) -> String
  * Returns a string containing the canonicalized form of the document.
  * Implemented to include all of the functionality of the libxml2
  * {xmlC14NDocDumpMemory}[http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-c14n.html#xmlC14NDocDumpMemory]
  * method.
  * === Options
  * [comments]
  *   * *Type:* Boolean
  *   * *Default:* false
  *   Specifies if comments should be output.
  *   * Must be boolean, otherwise defaults to false.
  * [inclusive_ns_prefixes]
  *   * *Type:* Array of strings
  *   * *Default:* empty array
  *   Array of namespace prefixes to include in exclusive canonicalization only.
  *   * The last item in the list is reserved for a NULL value because the C method demands it, therefore
  *     up to the first 255 valid entries will be used.
  *   * <em>Only used for *XML_C14N_EXCLUSIVE_1_0* mode. Ignored otherwise.</em>
  * [mode]
  *   * *Type:* XML::Document Constant
  *   * *Default:* XML_C14N_1_0
  *   Specifies the mode of canonicalization.
  *   * *NOTE:* XML_C14N_1_1 may not be fully implemented upon compilation due to C library compatibility.
  *     Please check if XML_C14N_1_0 and XML_C14N_1_1 are the same value prior to using XML_C14N_1_1.
  * [nodes]
  *   * *Type:* Array of XML::Node objects
  *   * *Default:* empty array
  *   XML::Nodes to include in the canonicalization process
  *   * For large lists of more than 256 valid namespaces, up to the first 256 valid entries will be used.
static VALUE
  int argc,
  VALUE *argv,
  VALUE self
) {
  int length;
  xmlDocPtr xdoc;
  xmlChar *buffer = NULL;
  VALUE option_hash = Qnil;

  // :comments option
  VALUE comments = Qfalse;
  // :mode option
  int c14n_mode = XML_C14N_1_0;
  // :inclusive_ns_prefixes option (ARRAY)
#define C14N_NS_LIMIT 256
  xmlChar * inc_ns_prefixes_ptr[C14N_NS_LIMIT];
  /* At least one NULL value must be defined in the array or the extension will
   * segfault when using XML_C14N_EXCLUSIVE_1_0 mode.
   * API docs: "list of inclusive namespace prefixes ended with a NULL"
  inc_ns_prefixes_ptr[0] = NULL;

  // :nodes option (ARRAY)
#define C14N_NODESET_LIMIT 256
  xmlNodePtr  node_ptr_array[C14N_NODESET_LIMIT];
  xmlNodeSet nodeset = {

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &option_hash);
  // Do stuff if ruby hash passed as argument
  if (!NIL_P(option_hash)) {
    Check_Type(option_hash, T_HASH);

    VALUE o_comments = rb_hash_aref(option_hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("comments")));
    comments = (RTEST(o_comments) ? 1 : 0);

    VALUE o_mode = rb_hash_aref(option_hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("mode")));
    if (!NIL_P(o_mode)) {
      Check_Type(o_mode, T_FIXNUM);
      c14n_mode = NUM2INT(o_mode);
      //TODO: clean this up
      //if (c14n_mode > 2) { c14n_mode = 0; }
      //mode_int = (NUM2INT(o_mode) > 2 ? 0 : NUM2INT(o_mode));

    VALUE o_i_ns_prefixes = rb_hash_aref(option_hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("inclusive_ns_prefixes")));
    if (!NIL_P(o_i_ns_prefixes)) {
      Check_Type(o_i_ns_prefixes, T_ARRAY);

      VALUE * list_in = RARRAY(o_i_ns_prefixes)->ptr;
      int list_size = RARRAY(o_i_ns_prefixes)->len;
      int i;
      int p = 0; //pointer array index

      if (list_size > 0) {
        for(i=0; i < list_size; ++i) {
          if (p >= C14N_NS_LIMIT) { break; }

          if (RTEST(list_in[i])) {
            if (TYPE(list_in[i]) == T_STRING) {
              inc_ns_prefixes_ptr[p] = (xmlChar *)StringValueCStr(list_in[i]);

      // ensure p is not out of bound
      p = (p >= C14N_NS_LIMIT ? (C14N_NS_LIMIT-1) : p);

      // API docs: "list of inclusive namespace prefixes ended with a NULL"
      // Set last element to NULL
      inc_ns_prefixes_ptr[p] = NULL;
    //o_ns_prefixes will free at end of block

    VALUE o_nodes = rb_hash_aref(option_hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("nodes")));
    if (!NIL_P(o_nodes)) {
      Check_Type(o_nodes, T_ARRAY);

      VALUE * list_in = RARRAY(o_nodes)->ptr;
      int node_list_size = RARRAY(o_nodes)->len;
      int i;
      int p = 0; // index of pointer array

      for(i=0; i < node_list_size; ++i){
        if (p >= C14N_NODESET_LIMIT) { break; }

        if (RTEST(list_in[i])) {
          xmlNodePtr node_ptr;
          Data_Get_Struct(list_in[i], xmlNode, node_ptr);
          node_ptr_array[p] = node_ptr;

      // Need to set values in nodeset struct
      nodeset.nodeNr = (node_list_size > C14N_NODESET_LIMIT ?
                        C14N_NODESET_LIMIT :
      nodeset.nodeTab = node_ptr_array;

  Data_Get_Struct(self, xmlDoc, xdoc);
  length = xmlC14NDocDumpMemory(
    (nodeset.nodeNr == 0 ? NULL : &nodeset),

  VALUE result = Qnil;
  if (buffer) {
    result = rxml_new_cstr((const char*) buffer, NULL);

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int 
test_c14n(const char* xml_filename, int with_comments, int exclusive,
	const char* xpath_filename, xmlChar **inclusive_namespaces) {
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath = NULL; 
    xmlChar *result = NULL;
    int ret;

     * build an XML tree from a the file; we need to add default
     * attributes and resolve all character and entities references
    xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = XML_DETECT_IDS | XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS;

    doc = xmlReadFile(xml_filename, NULL, XML_PARSE_DTDATTR | XML_PARSE_NOENT);
    if (doc == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to parse file \"%s\"\n", xml_filename);
     * Check the document is of the right kind
    if(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Error: empty document for file \"%s\"\n", xml_filename);

     * load xpath file if specified 
    if(xpath_filename) {
	xpath = load_xpath_expr(doc, xpath_filename);
	if(xpath == NULL) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"Error: unable to evaluate xpath expression\n");

     * Canonical form
    /* fprintf(stderr,"File \"%s\" loaded: start canonization\n", xml_filename); */
    ret = xmlC14NDocDumpMemory(doc, 
	    (xpath) ? xpath->nodesetval : NULL, 
	    exclusive, inclusive_namespaces,
	    with_comments, &result);
    if(ret >= 0) {
	if(result != NULL) {
	    write(1, result, ret);
    } else {
	fprintf(stderr,"Error: failed to canonicalize XML file \"%s\" (ret=%d)\n", xml_filename, ret);
	if(result != NULL) xmlFree(result);
     * Cleanup
    if(xpath != NULL) xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath);
