static void _parse_paths(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, ice_config_t *configuration) { char *temp; aliases *alias, *current, *last; do { if (node == NULL) break; if (xmlIsBlankNode(node)) continue; if (strcmp(node->name, "basedir") == 0) { if (configuration->base_dir && configuration->base_dir != CONFIG_DEFAULT_BASE_DIR) xmlFree(configuration->base_dir); configuration->base_dir = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "logdir") == 0) { if (configuration->log_dir && configuration->log_dir != CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOG_DIR) xmlFree(configuration->log_dir); configuration->log_dir = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "pidfile") == 0) { if (configuration->pidfile) xmlFree(configuration->pidfile); configuration->pidfile = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "webroot") == 0) { if (configuration->webroot_dir && configuration->webroot_dir != CONFIG_DEFAULT_WEBROOT_DIR) xmlFree(configuration->webroot_dir); configuration->webroot_dir = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(configuration->webroot_dir[strlen(configuration->webroot_dir)-1] == '/') configuration->webroot_dir[strlen(configuration->webroot_dir)-1] = 0; } else if (strcmp(node->name, "adminroot") == 0) { if (configuration->adminroot_dir && configuration->adminroot_dir != CONFIG_DEFAULT_ADMINROOT_DIR) xmlFree(configuration->adminroot_dir); configuration->adminroot_dir = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if(configuration->adminroot_dir[strlen(configuration->adminroot_dir)-1] == '/') configuration->adminroot_dir[strlen(configuration->adminroot_dir)-1] = 0; } else if (strcmp(node->name, "alias") == 0) { alias = malloc(sizeof(aliases)); alias->next = NULL; alias->source = xmlGetProp(node, "source"); if(alias->source == NULL) { free(alias); continue; } alias->destination = xmlGetProp(node, "dest"); if(alias->destination == NULL) { xmlFree(alias->source); free(alias); continue; } temp = NULL; temp = xmlGetProp(node, "port"); if(temp != NULL) { alias->port = atoi(temp); xmlFree(temp); } else alias->port = -1; alias->bind_address = xmlGetProp(node, "bind-address"); current = configuration->aliases; last = NULL; while(current) { last = current; current = current->next; } if(last) last->next = alias; else configuration->aliases = alias; } } while ((node = node->next)); }
const char *libxmlutil_attr_as_string(const xmlNode *node, const char *name) { return (const char *)xmlGetProp((xmlNode *)node, (const xmlChar *)name); }
static void irc_network_manager_parse_irc_network (EmpathyIrcNetworkManager *self, xmlNodePtr node, gboolean user_defined) { EmpathyIrcNetworkManagerPriv *priv = GET_PRIV (self); EmpathyIrcNetwork *network; xmlNodePtr child; gchar *str; gchar *id, *name; id = xmlGetProp (node, "id"); if (xmlHasProp (node, "dropped")) { if (!user_defined) { DEBUG ("the 'dropped' attribute shouldn't be used in the global file"); } network = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->networks, id); if (network != NULL) { network->dropped = TRUE; network->user_defined = TRUE; } xmlFree (id); return; } if (!xmlHasProp (node, "name")) return; name = xmlGetProp (node, "name"); network = empathy_irc_network_new (name); if (xmlHasProp (node, "network_charset")) { gchar *charset; charset = xmlGetProp (node, "network_charset"); g_object_set (network, "charset", charset, NULL); xmlFree (charset); } add_network (self, network, id); DEBUG ("add network %s (id %s)", name, id); for (child = node->children; child; child = child->next) { gchar *tag; tag = (gchar *) child->name; str = (gchar *) xmlNodeGetContent (child); if (!str) continue; if (strcmp (tag, "servers") == 0) { irc_network_manager_parse_irc_server (network, child); } xmlFree (str); } network->user_defined = user_defined; g_object_unref (network); xmlFree (name); xmlFree (id); }
static int refresh_lists (void) { int n; n = virConnectNumOfDomains (conn); if (n < 0) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "reading number of domains"); return -1; } if (n > 0) { int i; int *domids; /* Get list of domains. */ domids = malloc (sizeof (int) * n); if (domids == 0) { ERROR (PLUGIN_NAME " plugin: malloc failed."); return -1; } n = virConnectListDomains (conn, domids, n); if (n < 0) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "reading list of domains"); sfree (domids); return -1; } free_block_devices (); free_interface_devices (); free_domains (); /* Fetch each domain and add it to the list, unless ignore. */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { virDomainPtr dom = NULL; const char *name; char *xml = NULL; xmlDocPtr xml_doc = NULL; xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctx = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj = NULL; int j; dom = virDomainLookupByID (conn, domids[i]); if (dom == NULL) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "virDomainLookupByID"); /* Could be that the domain went away -- ignore it anyway. */ continue; } name = virDomainGetName (dom); if (name == NULL) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "virDomainGetName"); goto cont; } if (il_domains && ignorelist_match (il_domains, name) != 0) goto cont; if (add_domain (dom) < 0) { ERROR (PLUGIN_NAME " plugin: malloc failed."); goto cont; } /* Get a list of devices for this domain. */ xml = virDomainGetXMLDesc (dom, 0); if (!xml) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "virDomainGetXMLDesc"); goto cont; } /* Yuck, XML. Parse out the devices. */ xml_doc = xmlReadDoc ((xmlChar *) xml, NULL, NULL, XML_PARSE_NONET); if (xml_doc == NULL) { VIRT_ERROR (conn, "xmlReadDoc"); goto cont; } xpath_ctx = xmlXPathNewContext (xml_doc); /* Block devices. */ xpath_obj = xmlXPathEval ((xmlChar *) "/domain/devices/disk/target[@dev]", xpath_ctx); if (xpath_obj == NULL || xpath_obj->type != XPATH_NODESET || xpath_obj->nodesetval == NULL) goto cont; for (j = 0; j < xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeNr; ++j) { xmlNodePtr node; char *path = NULL; node = xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[j]; if (!node) continue; path = (char *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *) "dev"); if (!path) continue; if (il_block_devices && ignore_device_match (il_block_devices, name, path) != 0) goto cont2; add_block_device (dom, path); cont2: if (path) xmlFree (path); } xmlXPathFreeObject (xpath_obj); /* Network interfaces. */ xpath_obj = xmlXPathEval ((xmlChar *) "/domain/devices/interface[target[@dev]]", xpath_ctx); if (xpath_obj == NULL || xpath_obj->type != XPATH_NODESET || xpath_obj->nodesetval == NULL) goto cont; xmlNodeSetPtr xml_interfaces = xpath_obj->nodesetval; for (j = 0; j < xml_interfaces->nodeNr; ++j) { char *path = NULL; char *address = NULL; xmlNodePtr xml_interface; xml_interface = xml_interfaces->nodeTab[j]; if (!xml_interface) continue; xmlNodePtr child = NULL; for (child = xml_interface->children; child; child = child->next) { if (child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (xmlStrEqual(child->name, (const xmlChar *) "target")) { path = (char *) xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar *) "dev"); if (!path) continue; } else if (xmlStrEqual(child->name, (const xmlChar *) "mac")) { address = (char *) xmlGetProp (child, (const xmlChar *) "address"); if (!address) continue; } } if (il_interface_devices && (ignore_device_match (il_interface_devices, name, path) != 0 || ignore_device_match (il_interface_devices, name, address) != 0)) goto cont3; add_interface_device (dom, path, address, j+1); cont3: if (path) xmlFree (path); if (address) xmlFree (address); } cont: if (xpath_obj) xmlXPathFreeObject (xpath_obj); if (xpath_ctx) xmlXPathFreeContext (xpath_ctx); if (xml_doc) xmlFreeDoc (xml_doc); sfree (xml); } sfree (domids); } return 0; }
static GPInstructLessonTestOrder * parse_order_test (xmlNode *node) { GPInstructLessonTestOrder *test = gpinstruct_lesson_test_order_new (); xmlNode *current_node; xmlChar *temp; temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "title"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_element_set_title (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (test), (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "id"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_set_id (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_TEST (test), (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "explain"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_set_explain (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_TEST (test), GCHAR_TO_GBOOLEAN ((gchar*) temp)); xmlFree (temp); } for (current_node = node->children; current_node != NULL; current_node = current_node->next) { if (current_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "directions")) { temp = xmlNodeGetContent (current_node); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_set_directions (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_TEST (test), (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } } else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "item")) { GPInstructLessonTestOrderItem *item = gpinstruct_lesson_test_order_item_new (); gpinstruct_lesson_test_order_add_item (test, item); temp = xmlGetProp (current_node, BAD_CAST "answer"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_order_item_set_answer (item, atoi ((gchar*) temp)); xmlFree (temp); } temp = xmlNodeGetContent (current_node); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_order_item_set_text (item, (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } } else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "explanation")) { temp = xmlNodeGetContent (current_node); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_order_set_explanation (test, (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } } } } return test; }
static GPInstructLessonElementGroup * parse_group (xmlNode *node) { GPInstructLessonElementGroup *group = gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_new (); xmlNode *current_node; xmlChar *temp; temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "title"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_element_set_title (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (group), (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "single-score"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_set_single_score (group, GCHAR_TO_GBOOLEAN ((gchar*) temp)); xmlFree (temp); } temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "single-directions"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_set_single_directions (group, GCHAR_TO_GBOOLEAN ((gchar*) temp)); xmlFree (temp); } for (current_node = node->children; current_node != NULL; current_node = current_node->next) { if (current_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "directions")) { temp = xmlNodeGetContent (current_node); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_set_directions (group, (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } } else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "test-multi-choice")) gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_add_lesson_element (group, GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (parse_multi_choice_test (current_node))); else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "test-word-pool")) gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_add_lesson_element (group, GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (parse_word_pool_test (current_node))); else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "test-order")) gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_add_lesson_element (group, GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (parse_order_test (current_node))); else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "test-text")) gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_add_lesson_element (group, GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (parse_text_test (current_node))); else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "test-scrambled")) gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_add_lesson_element (group, GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (parse_scrambled_test (current_node))); else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "discussion")) gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_add_lesson_element (group, GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (parse_discussion (current_node))); else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "reading")) gpinstruct_lesson_element_group_add_lesson_element (group, GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (parse_reading (current_node))); } } return group; }
int cloudfs_connect() { long response = -1; xmlNode *top_node = NULL, *service_node = NULL, *endpoint_node = NULL; xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlctx = NULL; char *postdata; if (reconnect_args.tenant[0]) { int count = asprintf(&postdata, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" "<auth xmlns=\"\" tenantName=\"%s\">" "<passwordCredentials username=\"%s\" password=\"%s\"/>" "</auth>", reconnect_args.tenant, reconnect_args.username, reconnect_args.password); if (count < 0) { debugf("Unable to asprintf"); abort(); } } pthread_mutex_lock(&pool_mut); debugf("Authenticating..."); storage_token[0] = storage_url[0] = '\0'; CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); curl_slist *headers = NULL; if (reconnect_args.tenant[0]) { add_header(&headers, "Content-Type", "application/xml"); add_header(&headers, "Accept", "application/xml"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postdata); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, strlen(postdata)); xmlctx = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(NULL, NULL, "", 0, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, xmlctx); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &xml_dispatch); } else { add_header(&headers, "X-Auth-User", reconnect_args.username); add_header(&headers, "X-Auth-Key", reconnect_args.password); } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, debug); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, reconnect_args.authurl); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, &header_dispatch); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, USER_AGENT); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, verify_ssl); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, verify_ssl); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, 1); curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response); curl_slist_free_all(headers); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); if (reconnect_args.tenant[0]) { free(postdata); xmlParseChunk(xmlctx, "", 0, 1); if (xmlctx->wellFormed && response >= 200 && response < 300) { xmlNode *root_element = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlctx->myDoc); for (top_node = root_element->children; top_node; top_node = top_node->next) { if ((top_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) && (!strcasecmp((const char *)top_node->name, "serviceCatalog"))) { for (service_node = top_node->children; service_node; service_node = service_node->next) if ((service_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) && (!strcasecmp((const char *)service_node->name, "service"))) { xmlChar * serviceType = xmlGetProp(service_node, "type"); int isObjectStore = serviceType && !strcasecmp(serviceType, "object-store"); xmlFree(serviceType); if (!isObjectStore) continue; for (endpoint_node = service_node->children; endpoint_node; endpoint_node = endpoint_node->next) if ((endpoint_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) && (!strcasecmp((const char *)endpoint_node->name, "endpoint"))) { xmlChar * publicURL = xmlGetProp(endpoint_node, "publicURL"); xmlChar * region = xmlGetProp(endpoint_node, "region"); debugf("Found endpoint in region %s, URL is %s",region, publicURL); if (publicURL) { // fix, copy is now int, not char. int copy = 1; if (reconnect_args.region[0]) { debugf("Region option defined, looking for region %s", reconnect_args.region); if(!strcasecmp(reconnect_args.region, region)) { debugf("Found region %s, using this URL %s", region, publicURL); } else { debugf("These are not the droids we are looking for... %s", region); copy=0; } } if (storage_url[0]) { if (strstr(publicURL, "cdn")) { copy = 0; debugf("Warning - found multiple object-store services; keeping %s, ignoring %s", storage_url, publicURL); } else { if(copy) { debugf("Warning - found multiple object-store services; using %s instead of %s", publicURL, storage_url); } else { debugf("Not copying, option override"); } } } if (copy) strncpy(storage_url, publicURL, sizeof(storage_url)); } xmlFree(publicURL); xmlFree(region); } debugf("Completed search for endpoint, result is %s", storage_url); } } if ((top_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) && (!strcasecmp((const char *)top_node->name, "token"))) { xmlChar * tokenId = xmlGetProp(top_node, "id"); if (tokenId) { if (storage_token[0]) debugf("Warning - found multiple authentication tokens."); strncpy(storage_token, tokenId, sizeof(storage_token)); } xmlFree(tokenId); } } } xmlFreeParserCtxt(xmlctx); } if (reconnect_args.use_snet && storage_url[0]) rewrite_url_snet(storage_url); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool_mut); return (response >= 200 && response < 300 && storage_token[0] && storage_url[0]); }
int ParseXML(xmlDocPtr xmlbuffer, GameInfo *game, ConfigSettings *cs) { xmlNode *root = NULL; xmlNode *node = NULL; xmlNode *child = NULL; int count; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(xmlbuffer); if (root == NULL) { sr_fprintf(stderr, "Empty xml buffer\n"); return -1; } for(node = root->children; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if (((node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) && ((xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar *) "game") == 0) || (xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar *) "machine") == 0)))) { char *name = NULL; char *type = NULL; char *width = NULL; char *height = NULL; char *refresh = NULL; char *orientation = NULL; name = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"name"); count++; for(child = node->children; child != NULL; child = child->next) { if ((node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) && (xmlStrcmp(child->name, (const xmlChar *) "display") == 0)) { type = (char *)xmlGetProp(child, (const xmlChar *)"type"); orientation = (char *)xmlGetProp(child, (const xmlChar *)"rotate"); width = (char *)xmlGetProp(child, (const xmlChar *)"width"); height = (char *)xmlGetProp(child, (const xmlChar *)"height"); refresh = (char *)xmlGetProp(child, (const xmlChar *)"refresh"); game->screens++; /* type */ if (type != NULL && !strcmp(type, "vector")) game->vector = 1; else game->vector = 0; /* Width */ if (width != NULL) { if (sscanf(width, "%d", &game->width) != 1) game->width = cs->vectorwidth; } else game->width = cs->vectorwidth; /* Height */ if (height != NULL) { if (sscanf(height, "%d", &game->height) != 1) game->height = cs->vectorheight; } else game->height = cs->vectorheight; /* Refresh */ if (refresh != NULL) { if (sscanf(refresh, "%lf", &game->refresh) != 1) game->refresh = 60.00; } else game->refresh = 60.00; if (cs->froggerfix) { if (game->width == 224 && game->height == 768) game->height = 256; else if (game->height == 224 && game->width == 768) game->width = 256; } game->o_width = game->width; game->o_height = game->height; game->o_refresh = game->refresh; game->o_aspect = (double)game->width / (double)game->height; /* Orientation */ if (orientation != NULL && !game->vector) { if ((strcmp(orientation, "90") == 0) || (strcmp(orientation, "270") == 0)) { // orientation = vertical int w = game->width; int h = game->height; game->orientation = 1; if (cs->morientation == 0) { game->width = h; game->height = w; } } else { // horizontal game->orientation = 0; if (cs->morientation == 1) { int w = game->width; int h = game->height; game->width = h; game->height = w; } } if ((game->orientation && !cs->morientation) || (!game->orientation && (cs->morientation == 1))) { double num, den; sscanf(cs->aspect, "%lf:%lf", &den, &num); game->width = Normalize((double)game->width * (4.0/3.0) / (num/den), 8); } } else { game->orientation = 0; } game->aspect = (double)game->width / (double)game->height; /* Dual screen games */ if (game->screens > 1) { game->height *= 2; game->width = game->aspect * (double)game->height; } game->width = Normalize(game->width, 8); game->height = Normalize(game->height, 8); } } } } return 0; }
/** Creates and fills in a gd_fs_entry_t from an <entry>...</entry> in xml. * * @xml the xml containing the entry * @node the node representing this <entry>...</entry> block * * @returns pointer to gd_fs_entry_t with fields filled in as needed */ struct gd_fs_entry_t* gd_fs_entry_from_xml(xmlDocPtr xml, xmlNodePtr node) { struct gd_fs_entry_t* entry; unsigned long inode = 0; entry = (struct gd_fs_entry_t*) malloc(sizeof(struct gd_fs_entry_t)); if(entry == NULL) {} // TODO: ERROR memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct gd_fs_entry_t)); size_t length; xmlNodePtr c1, c2; xmlChar *value = NULL; inode = get_free_inode(); for(c1 = node->children; c1 != NULL; c1 = c1->next) { char const *name = c1->name; switch(*name) { case 'a': // 'author' for(c2 = c1->children; c2 != NULL; c2 = c2->next) { name = c2->name; value = xmlNodeListGetString(xml, c2->children, 1); switch(*name) { case 'n': str_init_create(&entry->author, value, 0); break; case 'e': str_init_create(&entry->author_email, value, 0); break; default: break; } xmlFree(value); } break; case 'c': if(strcmp(name, "content") == 0) { value = xmlGetProp(c1, "src"); str_init_create(&entry->src, value, 0); xmlFree(value); } // file's type else if (strcmp(name, "category") == 0) { value = xmlGetProp(c1, "label"); if (strcmp(value, "folder")==0) { inodetable[inode].inode->mode = S_IFDIR | 0700; entry->mode = S_IFDIR | 0700; entry->shared = 0; } else if (strcmp(value, "shared")==0) { inodetable[inode].inode->mode = S_IFREG | 0600; entry->mode = S_IFREG | 0600; entry->shared = 1; } else { inodetable[inode].inode->mode = S_IFREG | 0600; entry->mode = S_IFREG | 0600; entry->shared = 0; } } break; case 'f': if(strcmp(name, "feedlink") == 0) { value = xmlGetProp(c1, "rel"); if(strcmp(value, "") == 0) { // Link for r/w access to ACLS for this entry // Do we care? // Can we expose this? } else if(strcmp(value, "") == 0) { // Link for r/w access to revisions // It would be cool if we can expose these somehow } } break; case 'l': if(strcmp(name, "lastModifiedBy") == 0) { for(c2 = c1->children; c2 != NULL; c2 = c2->next) { name = c2->name; value = xmlNodeListGetString(xml, c2->children, 1); switch(*name) { case 'n': str_init_create(&entry->lastModifiedBy, value, 0); break; case 'e': str_init_create(&entry->lastModifiedBy_email, value, 0); break; default: break; } xmlFree(value); } } else if(strcmp(name, "link") == 0) { value = xmlGetProp(c1, "rel"); if(strcmp(value, "") == 0) { xmlChar *value; value = xmlGetProp(c1, "title"); str_init_create(&entry->parent, value, 0); xmlFree(value); value = xmlGetProp(c1, "href"); str_init_create(&entry->parent_href, value, 0); xmlFree(value); // This entry is inside one (or more?) collections // These entries are the folders for this entry } else if(strcmp(value, "alternate") == 0) { // Link you can open this document in a web browser with // Do we care? } else if(strcmp(value, "self") == 0) { // Link to XML feed for just this entry // Might be useful for checking for updates instead of changesets xmlChar *href = xmlGetProp(c1, "href"); str_init_create(&entry->feed, href, 0); xmlFree(href); } else if(strcmp(value, "edit") == 0) { // For writes? } /* else if(strcmp(value, "edit-media") == 0) { // deprecated, use 'resumeable-edit-media' } */ else if(strcmp(value, "") == 0) { // For resumeable writes? // This may be the one we *really* want to use, rather than 'edit' } else if(strcmp(value, "") == 0) { // Might be a useful way to expose this for GUI file managers? } xmlFree(value); } break; case 'm': if(strcmp(name, "md5Checksum") == 0) { value = xmlNodeListGetString(xml, c1->children, 1); entry->md5set = 1; str_init_create(&entry->md5, value, 0); xmlFree(value); } break; case 't': // 'title' if(strcmp(name, "title") == 0) { value = xmlNodeListGetString(xml, c1->children, 1); str_init_create(&entry->filename, value, 0); entry->filename.str = filenameencode(value, &entry->filename.len); entry->filename.reserved = entry->filename.len; xmlFree(value); } break; case 's': if(strcmp(name, "size") == 0) { value = xmlNodeListGetString(xml, c1->children, 1); length = xmlStrlen(value); // TODO: errors? entry->size = strtol((char*)value, NULL, 10); xmlFree(value); } break; default: break; } } entry->inode = inode; inodetable[inode].num = inode; inodetable[inode].inode->node = entry; return entry; }
int Page::LoadXmlPageFile() { xmlNodePtr cur; xmlChar * value; wxFileName fullpath(file.GetFullPath()); if(file.IsRelative()) { fullpath.PrependDir(ws::curproj->GetProjPath()); } doc = xmlParseFile((const char*)fullpath.GetFullPath().mb_str()); if(doc == NULL) { std::cout << "Error parsing file " << (const char *)fullpath.GetFullPath().mb_str() << std::endl; return 0; } cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if(xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"page") != 0) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return 0; } cur = cur->children; while(cur != NULL) { if(!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"name")) { value = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1); wxString temp((const char*)value, wxConvUTF8); SetName(temp); std::cout << "Added name ..." << std::endl; xmlFree(value); } else if(!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"description")) { value = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1); wxString temp((const char*)value, wxConvUTF8); SetDescription(temp); std::cout << "Added description ..." << std::endl; xmlFree(value); } else if(!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"template")) { xmlChar *prop; if ((prop = xmlGetProp(cur, (const xmlChar*)"uri")) != NULL) { //do something } else { std::cout << "Couldn\'t find template" << std::endl; } } else if(!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"layout")) { xmlChar *prop; if ((prop = xmlGetProp(cur, (const xmlChar*)"uri")) != NULL) { //do something } else { std::cout << "Couldn\'t find layout" << std::endl; } } else if(!xmlStrcmp(cur->name,(const xmlChar *)"blocks")) { std::cout << "Processing blocks ..." << std::endl; ProcessBlocks(doc, cur); } cur = cur->next; } return 1; };
/* * Get metric from the xml buffer, value set in pmdef */ static int get_mdef(metric_disk *mdisk, private_metric *pmdef) { xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr obj; xmlNodePtr node; char *str; char *xpath; int ret = 0; ctxt = xmlXPathNewContext(mdisk->doc); if (!ctxt) { return -1; } /* Get the matching metric node type */ asprintf(&xpath, "//metrics/metric[name='%s'][@context='%s']", pmdef->name, pmdef->context); obj = xmlXPathEval(BAD_CAST xpath, ctxt); free(xpath); if ((obj == NULL) || (obj->type != XPATH_NODESET)) { libmsg("%s(): No metrics found that matches %s in context:%s or malformed definition\n", __func__, pmdef->name, pmdef->context); ret = -1; goto out; } if (xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(obj->nodesetval) != 1) { libmsg("%s(): No metrics found that matches %s in context:%s or malformed definition\n", __func__, pmdef->name, pmdef->context); ret = -1; goto out; } node = obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; if ((str = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "type")) == NULL) { libmsg("%s(): Metric type not specified\n", __func__); ret = -1; goto out; } metric_type_from_str((char *)str, &(pmdef->type)); free(str); xmlXPathFreeObject(obj); /* Get the matching metric node value */ asprintf(&xpath, "//metrics/metric[name='%s'][@context='%s']/value/text()", pmdef->name, pmdef->context); obj = xmlXPathEval( BAD_CAST xpath, ctxt); /* worked but no nodes */ free(xpath); if ((obj == NULL) || (obj->type != XPATH_NODESET)) { libmsg("%s(): No metrics value found!\n", __func__); ret = -1; goto out; } /* Get the nodes value content */ node = obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]; str = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(mdisk->doc, node, 1); pmdef->value = strdup(str); free(str); out: if (obj) xmlXPathFreeObject(obj); if (ctxt) xmlXPathFreeContext(ctxt); return ret; }
cheat_manager_t *cheat_manager_new(const char *path) { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctx; xmlNodePtr head, cur; xmlDocPtr doc; cheat_manager_t *handle; LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; pretro_cheat_reset(); ctx = NULL; doc = NULL; handle = (cheat_manager_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct cheat_manager)); if (!handle) return NULL; head = NULL; cur = NULL; handle->buf_size = 1; handle->cheats = (struct cheat*)calloc(handle->buf_size, sizeof(struct cheat)); if (!handle->cheats) { handle->buf_size = 0; goto error; } ctx = xmlNewParserCtxt(); if (!ctx) goto error; doc = xmlCtxtReadFile(ctx, path, NULL, 0); if (!doc) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to parse XML file: %s\n", path); goto error; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML2 if (ctx->valid == 0) { RARCH_ERR("Cannot validate XML file: %s\n", path); goto error; } #endif head = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); for (cur = head; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && strcmp((const char*)cur->name, "database") == 0) break; } if (!cur) goto error; for (cur = cur->children; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (strcmp((const char*)cur->name, "cartridge") == 0) { xmlChar *sha256 = xmlGetProp(cur, (const xmlChar*)"sha256"); if (!sha256) continue; if (*g_extern.sha256 && strcmp((const char*)sha256, g_extern.sha256) == 0) { xmlFree(sha256); break; } xmlFree(sha256); } } if (!cur) goto error; if (!xml_grab_cheats(handle, cur->children)) { RARCH_ERR("Failed to grab cheats. This should not happen.\n"); goto error; } if (handle->size == 0) { RARCH_ERR("Did not find any cheats in XML file: %s\n", path); goto error; } cheat_manager_load_config(handle, g_settings.cheat_settings_path, g_extern.sha256); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctx); return handle; error: cheat_manager_free(handle); if (doc) xmlFreeDoc(doc); if (ctx) xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctx); return NULL; }
int ltFunListInit(char *funconffile){ xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr node; xmlNodePtr childnode; xmlNodePtr tempRootNode; char *nodeMaxTime; char *nodeName; char *nodeDesc; char *nodeUrl; char *nodeType; char *nodeActive; char *nodeRightCheck; uint32 lFunCode; unsigned int i; unsigned int j; funList tmpFunList; for(i=0;i<NAS_MAX_FUNNUM;i++){ _ltfunList[i].lFunCode=0; _ltfunList[i].funFlag=0; sprintf(_ltfunList[i].strFunName,"%s",""); sprintf(_ltfunList[i].strFunUrl,"%s",""); _ltfunList[i].maxruntime=NAS_DEFAULT_FUNTIME; _ltfunList[i].op=NULL; } _ltfunList[0].lFunCode=ltMd5Code("ltsSysCheck",strlen("ltsSysCheck"),"LT");; _ltfunList[0].funFlag=0; sprintf(_ltfunList[0].strFunName,"%s","ltsSysCheck"); sprintf(_ltfunList[0].strFunUrl,"%s",""); _ltfunList[0].maxruntime=60; _ltfunList[0].op=ltsSysCheck; doc=xmlParseFile(funconffile); if(doc==NULL){ return -1; } i=1; tempRootNode=xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); for(node = tempRootNode->children; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if(node->name!=NULL){ /*begin core fun*/ if(!case_diffs(node->name,"corefun")){ for(childnode=node->children;childnode!=NULL;childnode=childnode->next){ nodeType=childnode->name; nodeName=xmlGetProp(childnode,"name"); nodeMaxTime=xmlGetProp(childnode,"maxtime"); nodeDesc=xmlGetProp(childnode,"desc"); nodeUrl=xmlGetProp(childnode,"url"); nodeActive=xmlGetProp(childnode,"activeflag"); nodeRightCheck=xmlGetProp(childnode,"rightflag"); if(nodeType!=NULL && nodeName!=NULL && nodeMaxTime!=NULL && nodeDesc!=NULL && nodeUrl!=NULL && nodeActive!=NULL && nodeRightCheck!=NULL ){ for(j=0;j<NAS_MAX_COREFUNNUM;j++){ if(strcmp(_ltcorefunList[j].strFunName,nodeName)==0){ lFunCode=ltMd5Code(nodeName,strlen(nodeName),"LT"); _ltfunList[i].lFunCode=lFunCode; _ltfunList[i].funFlag=0; snprintf(_ltfunList[i].strFunName,63,"%s",nodeName); sprintf(_ltfunList[i].strFunUrl,"%s",""); _ltfunList[i].maxruntime=atol(nodeMaxTime); _ltfunList[i].rightflag=atol(nodeRightCheck); _ltfunList[i].activeflag=atol(nodeActive); _ltfunList[i].op=_ltcorefunList[j].op; i++; break; } } } } } /*end core fun*/ /*begin sofun*/ if(!case_diffs(node->name,"sofun")){ for(childnode=node->children;childnode!=NULL;childnode=childnode->next){ nodeType=childnode->name; nodeName=xmlGetProp(childnode,"name"); nodeMaxTime=xmlGetProp(childnode,"maxtime"); nodeDesc=xmlGetProp(childnode,"desc"); nodeUrl=xmlGetProp(childnode,"url"); nodeActive=xmlGetProp(childnode,"activeflag"); nodeRightCheck=xmlGetProp(childnode,"rightflag"); if(nodeType!=NULL && nodeName!=NULL && nodeMaxTime!=NULL && nodeDesc!=NULL && nodeUrl!=NULL && nodeActive!=NULL && nodeRightCheck!=NULL ){ lFunCode=ltMd5Code(nodeName,strlen(nodeName),"LT"); _ltfunList[i].lFunCode=lFunCode; _ltfunList[i].funFlag=1; snprintf(_ltfunList[i].strFunName,63,"%s",nodeName); snprintf(_ltfunList[i].strFunUrl,127,"%s",nodeUrl); _ltfunList[i].maxruntime=atol(nodeMaxTime); _ltfunList[i].rightflag=atol(nodeRightCheck); _ltfunList[i].activeflag=atol(nodeActive); _ltfunList[i].op=NULL; i++; } } } /*end sofun*/ /*begin appfun*/ if(!case_diffs(node->name,"appfun")){ for(childnode=node->children;childnode!=NULL;childnode=childnode->next){ nodeType=childnode->name; nodeName=xmlGetProp(childnode,"name"); nodeMaxTime=xmlGetProp(childnode,"maxtime"); nodeDesc=xmlGetProp(childnode,"desc"); nodeUrl=xmlGetProp(childnode,"url"); nodeActive=xmlGetProp(childnode,"activeflag"); nodeRightCheck=xmlGetProp(childnode,"rightflag"); if(nodeType!=NULL && nodeName!=NULL && nodeMaxTime!=NULL && nodeDesc!=NULL && nodeUrl!=NULL && nodeActive!=NULL && nodeRightCheck!=NULL ){ lFunCode=ltMd5Code(nodeName,strlen(nodeName),"LT"); _ltfunList[i].lFunCode=lFunCode; _ltfunList[i].funFlag=3; snprintf(_ltfunList[i].strFunName,63,"%s",nodeName); snprintf(_ltfunList[i].strFunUrl,127,"%s",nodeUrl); _ltfunList[i].maxruntime=atol(nodeMaxTime); _ltfunList[i].rightflag=atol(nodeRightCheck); _ltfunList[i].activeflag=atol(nodeActive); _ltfunList[i].op=NULL; i++; } } } /*end appfun*/ } } _ltPubInfo->maxfuntonnum=i; /*排序 按照lFunCode升序排列*/ //模块注册 ltSetFunListN("msasTestApp3",msasTestApp3); ltSetFunListN("msasTestApp4",msasTestApp4); ltSetFunListN("msasReportList",msasReportList); ltSetFunListN("msasreportproc1",msasreportproc1); ltSetFunListN("msasreportproc2",msasreportproc2); ltSetFunListN("msasreportproc3",msasreportproc3); ltSetFunListN("msasreportproc4",msasreportproc4); ltSetFunListN("msasreportproc5",msasreportproc5); ltSetFunListN("nasCvtLongTime",nasCvtLongTime); ltSetFunListN("nasCvtStime",nasCvtStime); i=_ltPubInfo->maxfuntonnum; //printf("iiiiii:%d\n",i); //qsort(_ltfunList,i,sizeof(funList),nasSortFunList); xmlFreeDoc(doc); for(i=0;i<_ltPubInfo->maxfuntonnum-1;i++){ for(j=_ltPubInfo->maxfuntonnum-1;j>i;j--){ if( _ltfunList[j].lFunCode< _ltfunList[j-1].lFunCode){ memcpy(&tmpFunList,&_ltfunList[j],sizeof(funList)); memcpy(&_ltfunList[j],&_ltfunList[j-1],sizeof(funList)); memcpy(&_ltfunList[j-1],&tmpFunList,sizeof(funList)); } } } // for(i=0;i<_ltPubInfo->maxfuntonnum;i++){ // printf("%d lFunCode==%u %s\n",i,_ltfunList[i].lFunCode, _ltfunList[i].strFunName); // } return 0; }
bool Items::loadXMLInfos(std::string file) { char *tmp; xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlParseFile(file.c_str()); if (!doc) return false; xmlNodePtr root, itemNode; root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (xmlStrcmp(root->name, (const xmlChar*)"items")) { xmlFreeDoc(doc); return false; } itemNode = root->children; while (itemNode) { std::string elem = (char*)itemNode->name; if (elem == "item" && (tmp = (char*)xmlGetProp(itemNode, (xmlChar*)"id"))) { int id = atoi(tmp); xmlFreeOTSERV(tmp); ItemMap::iterator it = items.find(id); if ((it != items.end()) && (it->second != NULL)) { ItemType *itemtype = it->second; #ifdef YUR_ITEM_EXT tmp = (char*)xmlGetProp(itemNode, (xmlChar*)"questbox"); if (tmp) { itemtype->pickupable = false; itemtype->moveable = false; xmlFreeOTSERV(tmp); } #endif //YUR_ITEM_EXT #ifdef TLM_HOUSE_SYSTEM tmp = (char*)xmlGetProp(itemNode, (xmlChar*)"door"); if (tmp) { itemtype->isDoor = atoi(tmp)!=0; xmlFreeOTSERV(tmp); } #endif //TLM_HOUSE_SYSTEM #ifdef YUR_RINGS_AMULETS tmp = (char*)xmlGetProp(itemNode, (xmlChar*)"charges"); if (tmp) { itemtype->newCharges = atoi(tmp); xmlFreeOTSERV(tmp); } tmp = (char*)xmlGetProp(itemNode, (xmlChar*)"time"); if (tmp) { itemtype->newTime = atoi(tmp); xmlFreeOTSERV(tmp); } #endif //YUR_RINGS_AMULETS } else std::cout << "invalid item " << id << std::endl; } itemNode = itemNode->next; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); return true; }
static int xmlSecEncCtxEncDataNodeRead(xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx, xmlNodePtr node) { xmlNodePtr cur; int ret; xmlSecAssert2(encCtx != NULL, -1); xmlSecAssert2((encCtx->operation == xmlSecTransformOperationEncrypt) || (encCtx->operation == xmlSecTransformOperationDecrypt), -1); xmlSecAssert2(node != NULL, -1); switch(encCtx->mode) { case xmlEncCtxModeEncryptedData: if(!xmlSecCheckNodeName(node, xmlSecNodeEncryptedData, xmlSecEncNs)) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(node)), XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_INVALID_NODE, "expected=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeEncryptedData)); return(-1); } break; case xmlEncCtxModeEncryptedKey: if(!xmlSecCheckNodeName(node, xmlSecNodeEncryptedKey, xmlSecEncNs)) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(node)), XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_INVALID_NODE, "expected=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeEncryptedKey)); return(-1); } break; } /* first read node data */ xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->id == NULL, -1); xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->type == NULL, -1); xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->mimeType == NULL, -1); xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->encoding == NULL, -1); xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->recipient == NULL, -1); xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->carriedKeyName == NULL, -1); encCtx->id = xmlGetProp(node, xmlSecAttrId); encCtx->type = xmlGetProp(node, xmlSecAttrType); encCtx->mimeType = xmlGetProp(node, xmlSecAttrMimeType); encCtx->encoding = xmlGetProp(node, xmlSecAttrEncoding); if(encCtx->mode == xmlEncCtxModeEncryptedKey) { encCtx->recipient = xmlGetProp(node, xmlSecAttrRecipient); /* todo: check recipient? */ } cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(node->children); /* first node is optional EncryptionMethod, we'll read it later */ xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->encMethodNode == NULL, -1); if((cur != NULL) && (xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodeEncryptionMethod, xmlSecEncNs))) { encCtx->encMethodNode = cur; cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next); } /* next node is optional KeyInfo, we'll process it later */ xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->keyInfoNode == NULL, -1); if((cur != NULL) && (xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodeKeyInfo, xmlSecDSigNs))) { encCtx->keyInfoNode = cur; cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next); } /* next is required CipherData node */ if((cur == NULL) || (!xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodeCipherData, xmlSecEncNs))) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(cur)), XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_INVALID_NODE, "node=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeCipherData)); return(-1); } ret = xmlSecEncCtxCipherDataNodeRead(encCtx, cur); if(ret < 0) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, "xmlSecEncCtxCipherDataNodeRead", XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_XMLSEC_FAILED, XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE); return(-1); } cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next); /* next is optional EncryptionProperties node (we simply ignore it) */ if((cur != NULL) && (xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodeEncryptionProperties, xmlSecEncNs))) { cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next); } /* there are more possible nodes for the <EncryptedKey> node */ if(encCtx->mode == xmlEncCtxModeEncryptedKey) { /* next is optional ReferenceList node (we simply ignore it) */ if((cur != NULL) && (xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodeReferenceList, xmlSecEncNs))) { cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next); } /* next is optional CarriedKeyName node (we simply ignore it) */ if((cur != NULL) && (xmlSecCheckNodeName(cur, xmlSecNodeCarriedKeyName, xmlSecEncNs))) { encCtx->carriedKeyName = xmlNodeGetContent(cur); if(encCtx->carriedKeyName == NULL) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(cur)), XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_INVALID_NODE_CONTENT, "node=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeCipherData)); return(-1); } /* TODO: decode the name? */ cur = xmlSecGetNextElementNode(cur->next); } } /* if there is something left than it's an error */ if(cur != NULL) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(cur)), XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_UNEXPECTED_NODE, XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE); return(-1); } /* now read the encryption method node */ xmlSecAssert2(encCtx->encMethod == NULL, -1); if(encCtx->encMethodNode != NULL) { encCtx->encMethod = xmlSecTransformCtxNodeRead(&(encCtx->transformCtx), encCtx->encMethodNode, xmlSecTransformUsageEncryptionMethod); if(encCtx->encMethod == NULL) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, "xmlSecTransformCtxNodeRead", XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_XMLSEC_FAILED, "node=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecNodeGetName(encCtx->encMethodNode))); return(-1); } } else if(encCtx->defEncMethodId != xmlSecTransformIdUnknown) { encCtx->encMethod = xmlSecTransformCtxCreateAndAppend(&(encCtx->transformCtx), encCtx->defEncMethodId); if(encCtx->encMethod == NULL) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, "xmlSecTransformCtxAppend", XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_XMLSEC_FAILED, XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE); return(-1); } } else { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, NULL, XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_INVALID_DATA, "encryption method not specified"); return(-1); } encCtx->encMethod->operation = encCtx->operation; /* we have encryption method, find key */ ret = xmlSecTransformSetKeyReq(encCtx->encMethod, &(encCtx->keyInfoReadCtx.keyReq)); if(ret < 0) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, "xmlSecTransformSetKeyReq", XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_XMLSEC_FAILED, "transform=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecTransformGetName(encCtx->encMethod))); return(-1); } /* TODO: KeyInfo node != NULL and encKey != NULL */ if((encCtx->encKey == NULL) && (encCtx->keyInfoReadCtx.keysMngr != NULL) && (encCtx->keyInfoReadCtx.keysMngr->getKey != NULL)) { encCtx->encKey = (encCtx->keyInfoReadCtx.keysMngr->getKey)(encCtx->keyInfoNode, &(encCtx->keyInfoReadCtx)); } /* check that we have exactly what we want */ if((encCtx->encKey == NULL) || (!xmlSecKeyMatch(encCtx->encKey, NULL, &(encCtx->keyInfoReadCtx.keyReq)))) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, NULL, XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_KEY_NOT_FOUND, XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE); return(-1); } /* set the key to the transform */ ret = xmlSecTransformSetKey(encCtx->encMethod, encCtx->encKey); if(ret < 0) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, "xmlSecTransformSetKey", XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_XMLSEC_FAILED, "transform=%s", xmlSecErrorsSafeString(xmlSecTransformGetName(encCtx->encMethod))); return(-1); } /* if we need to write result to xml node then we need base64 encode it */ if((encCtx->operation == xmlSecTransformOperationEncrypt) && (encCtx->cipherValueNode != NULL)) { xmlSecTransformPtr base64Encode; /* we need to add base64 encode transform */ base64Encode = xmlSecTransformCtxCreateAndAppend(&(encCtx->transformCtx), xmlSecTransformBase64Id); if(base64Encode == NULL) { xmlSecError(XMLSEC_ERRORS_HERE, NULL, "xmlSecTransformCtxCreateAndAppend", XMLSEC_ERRORS_R_XMLSEC_FAILED, XMLSEC_ERRORS_NO_MESSAGE); return(-1); } base64Encode->operation = xmlSecTransformOperationEncode; encCtx->resultBase64Encoded = 1; } return(0); }
static void lj_entry_load_from_xml_node(LJEntry *entry, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) { xmlChar *itemid; xmlNodePtr cur; if ((itemid = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "itemid")) != NULL) { entry->itemid = atoi((char*)itemid); xmlFree(itemid); } cur = node->xmlChildrenNode; while (cur != NULL) { XML_ENTRY_META_GET(subject) else XML_ENTRY_META_GET(event) else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, BAD_CAST "mood") == 0) { xmlChar *id; entry->mood = (char*)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (entry->mood && strlen(entry->mood) == 0) { g_free(entry->mood); entry->mood = NULL; } if ((id = xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "modeid")) != NULL) { entry->moodid = atoi((char*)id); xmlFree(id); } } else XML_ENTRY_META_GET(music) else XML_ENTRY_META_GET(location) else XML_ENTRY_META_GET(taglist) else XML_ENTRY_META_GET(pickeyword) else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, BAD_CAST "preformatted") == 0) { entry->preformatted = TRUE; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, BAD_CAST "backdated") == 0) { entry->backdated = TRUE; } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, BAD_CAST "comments") == 0) { xmlChar *type; if ((type = xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "type")) != NULL) { if (xmlStrcmp(type, BAD_CAST "noemail") == 0) { entry->comments = LJ_COMMENTS_NOEMAIL; } else if (xmlStrcmp(type, BAD_CAST "disable") == 0) { entry->comments = LJ_COMMENTS_DISABLE; } xmlFree(type); } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, BAD_CAST "time") == 0) { xmlChar *date = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1); lj_ljdate_to_tm((char*)date, &entry->time); g_free(date); } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, BAD_CAST "security") == 0) { xmlChar *type, *mask; type = xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "type"); mask = xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "allowmask"); lj_security_from_strings(&entry->security, (char*)type, (char*)mask); xmlFree(type); xmlFree(mask); } cur = cur->next; } /* */ if (!entry->subject) entry->subject = g_strdup(""); if (!entry->event) entry->event = g_strdup(""); }
static gboolean convert_metadata_file (const gchar *filename) { ConvertData *data; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr cur; if (!g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return FALSE; doc = xmlParseFile (filename); if (!doc) { g_printerr ("Error loading metadata file %s\n", filename); return FALSE; } cur = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc); if (!cur) { g_printerr ("Metadata file %s is empty\n", filename); xmlFreeDoc (doc); return TRUE; } if (xmlStrcmp (cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "metadata")) { g_printerr ("File %s is not a valid atril metadata file\n", filename); xmlFreeDoc (doc); return FALSE; } data = g_new0 (ConvertData, 1); data->doc = doc; for (cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { xmlChar *uri; DocItem *item; if (xmlStrcmp (cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"document") != 0) continue; uri = xmlGetProp (cur, (const xmlChar *)"uri"); if (!uri) continue; item = g_new (DocItem, 1); item->uri = uri; item->cur = cur; data->items = g_list_prepend (data->items, item); } if (!data->items) { xmlFreeDoc (data->doc); g_free (data); return TRUE; } show_progress_dialog (data); data->current = data->items; g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, (GSourceFunc)convert_file, data, (GDestroyNotify)convert_finish); return TRUE; }
int process_node( dynamic_string *status, xmlNode *node) { char *attr_value; char *role_value; xmlNode *child; xmlNode *segments; xmlNode *segment_child; dynamic_string *features; char buf[MAXLINE]; int num_procs = 0; int avail_procs = 0; unsigned long memory = 0; unsigned long long mem_kb; char *rsv_id = NULL; if ((features = get_dynamic_string(-1, NULL)) == NULL) return(ENOMEM); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, "node="); attr_value = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)node_id); append_dynamic_string(status, attr_value); free(attr_value); /* check to see if the role is interactive - report these as down */ role_value = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)role); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, "ARCH="); attr_value = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)architecture); append_dynamic_string(status, attr_value); free(attr_value); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, "name="); attr_value = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)name); append_dynamic_string(status, attr_value); free(attr_value); /* process the children */ for (child = node->children; child != NULL; child = child->next) { if (!strcmp((const char *)child->name, segment_array)) { for (segments = child->children; segments != NULL; segments = segments->next) { for (segment_child = segments->children; segment_child != NULL; segment_child = segment_child->next) { if (!strcmp((const char *)segment_child->name, processor_array)) process_processor_array(segment_child, &num_procs, &avail_procs, &rsv_id); else if (!strcmp((const char *)segment_child->name, memory_array)) process_memory_array(segment_child, &memory); else if (!strcmp((const char *)segment_child->name, label_array)) process_label_array(features, segment_child); } } } else if (!strcmp((const char *)child->name, processor_array)) { process_processor_array(child, &num_procs, &avail_procs, &rsv_id); } else if (!strcmp((const char *)child->name, memory_array)) { process_memory_array(child, &memory); } else if (!strcmp((const char *)child->name, label_array)) { process_label_array(features, child); } else if (!strcmp((const char *)child->name, accelerator_array)) { process_accelerator_array(status, child); } } /* END the loop for processing the children */ /* once done, add the procs, available procs, memory info, reservation, and features */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CPROC=%d", num_procs); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "APROC=%d", avail_procs); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CMEMORY=%lu", memory); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, buf); mem_kb = memory * 1024; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "totmem=%llukb", mem_kb); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "physmem=%llukb", mem_kb); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, buf); if (rsv_id != NULL) { /* don't write the reservation id if we're in interactive mode */ if ((role_value == NULL) || (strcmp(role_value, interactive_caps))) { copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, "reservation_id="); append_dynamic_string(status, rsv_id); } free(rsv_id); /* if there's a reservation on this node, the state is busy */ copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, "state=BUSY"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "availmem=0kb"); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, buf); } else { /* no reservation, evaluate the state normally */ copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, "state="); attr_value = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)state); if ((role_value != NULL) && (!strcmp(role_value, interactive_caps))) { append_dynamic_string(status, "DOWN"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "availmem=0kb"); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, buf); } else { append_dynamic_string(status, attr_value); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "availmem=%llukb", mem_kb); copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, buf); } free(attr_value); } if (role_value != NULL) free(role_value); if (features->used > 0) { copy_to_end_of_dynamic_string(status, "feature_list="); append_dynamic_string(status, features->str); } free_dynamic_string(features); return(PBSE_NONE); } /* END process_node() */
static gboolean convert_file (ConvertData *data) { GFile *file; DocItem *item; const gchar *uri; xmlNodePtr node; xmlNodePtr cur; gint total, current; gchar *text; if (!data->current) return FALSE; item = (DocItem *) data->current->data; uri = (const gchar *)item->uri; node = item->cur; data->current = g_list_next (data->current); /* Update progress information */ total = g_list_length (data->items); current = ++(data->n_item); text = g_strdup_printf (_("Converting %s"), uri); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (data->label), text); g_free (text); text = g_strdup_printf (_("%d of %d documents converted"), current, total); gtk_progress_bar_set_text (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (data->progress), text); g_free (text); gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (data->progress), (gdouble)(current - 1) / total); file = g_file_new_for_uri (uri); if (!g_file_query_exists (file, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Uri %s does not exist\n", uri); g_object_unref (file); return data->current != NULL; } for (cur = node->xmlChildrenNode; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { xmlChar *key; xmlChar *value; if (xmlStrcmp (cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"entry") != 0) continue; key = xmlGetProp (cur, (const xmlChar *)"key"); value = xmlGetProp (cur, (const xmlChar *)"value"); if (key && value) { GFileInfo *info; gchar *gio_key; GError *error = NULL; info = g_file_info_new (); gio_key = g_strconcat (EV_METADATA_NAMESPACE"::", key, NULL); g_file_info_set_attribute_string (info, gio_key, (const gchar *)value); g_free (gio_key); if (!g_file_set_attributes_from_info (file, info, 0, NULL, &error)) { g_printerr ("Error setting metadata for %s: %s\n", uri, error->message); g_error_free (error); } g_object_unref (info); } if (key) xmlFree (key); if (value) xmlFree (value); } g_object_unref (file); return data->current != NULL; }
static GPInstructLessonTestScrambled * parse_scrambled_test (xmlNode *node) { GPInstructLessonTestScrambled *test = gpinstruct_lesson_test_scrambled_new (); xmlNode *current_node, *parent_node; xmlChar *temp; temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "title"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_element_set_title (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_ELEMENT (test), (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "id"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_set_id (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_TEST (test), (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } temp = xmlGetProp (node, BAD_CAST "explain"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_set_explain (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_TEST (test), GCHAR_TO_GBOOLEAN ((gchar*) temp)); xmlFree (temp); } for (current_node = node->children; current_node != NULL; current_node = current_node->next) { if (current_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "directions")) { temp = xmlNodeGetContent (current_node); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_set_directions (GPINSTRUCT_LESSON_TEST (test), (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } } else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "question")) { GPInstructLessonTestScrambledQuestion *question = gpinstruct_lesson_test_scrambled_question_new (); gpinstruct_lesson_test_scrambled_add_question (test, question); temp = xmlGetProp (current_node, BAD_CAST "answer"); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_scrambled_question_set_answer (question, (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } for (parent_node = current_node, current_node = current_node->children; current_node != NULL; current_node = current_node->next) { if (current_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "text")) { temp = xmlNodeGetContent (current_node); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_scrambled_question_set_text (question, (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } } else if (xmlStrEqual (current_node->name, BAD_CAST "explanation")) { temp = xmlNodeGetContent (current_node); if (temp) { gpinstruct_lesson_test_scrambled_question_set_explanation (question, (gchar*) temp); xmlFree (temp); } } } } current_node = parent_node; parent_node = current_node->parent; } } } return test; }
*name = g_strdup ((char *)val); xmlFree (val); } if (!*icon_data_uri && xmlStrcmp (child->name, (const xmlChar *)"Image") == 0) { xmlChar *val = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, child->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (val) *icon_data_uri = g_strdup ((char *)val); xmlFree (val); } if (!*url && xmlStrcmp (child->name, (const xmlChar *)"Url") == 0) { xmlChar *template; xmlChar *type; type = xmlGetProp(child, (const xmlChar *)"type"); if (!type) continue; if (xmlStrcmp (type, (const xmlChar *)"text/html") != 0) { xmlFree (type); continue; } xmlFree (type); template = xmlGetProp(child, (const xmlChar *)"template"); if (!template) continue; *url = g_strdup ((char *)template); xmlFree (template);
static void mailwatch_read_config(Control *c, xmlNodePtr node) { XfceMailwatchPlugin *mwp = c->data; xmlChar *value; gchar *cfgfile; gboolean reload_icon = TRUE; DBG("entering"); value = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"click_command"); if(value) { mwp->click_command = g_strdup(value); xmlFree(value); } value = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"new_messages_command"); if(value) { mwp->new_messages_command = g_strdup(value); xmlFree(value); } value = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"normal_icon"); if(value) { mwp->normal_icon = g_strdup(value); xmlFree(value); reload_icon = TRUE; } else mwp->normal_icon = g_strdup(DEFAULT_NORMAL_ICON); value = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"new_mail_icon"); if(value) { mwp->new_mail_icon = g_strdup(value); xmlFree(value); reload_icon = TRUE; } else mwp->new_mail_icon = g_strdup(DEFAULT_NEW_MAIL_ICON); if(reload_icon) mailwatch_set_size(c, settings.size); value = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"log_lines"); if(value) { mwp->log_lines = atoi(value); xmlFree(value); } else mwp->log_lines = DEFAULT_LOG_LINES; value = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"show_log_status"); if(value) { mwp->show_log_status = (*value == '0' ? FALSE : TRUE); xmlFree(value); } else mwp->show_log_status = TRUE; value = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"cfgfile_suffix"); if(!value) { GTimeVal gtv = { 0, 0 }; g_get_current_time(>v); cfgfile = g_strdup_printf("xfce4/panel/mailwatch/mailwatch.%ld.%ld.rc", gtv.tv_sec, gtv.tv_usec); } else { cfgfile = g_strdup_printf("xfce4/panel/mailwatch/mailwatch.%s.rc", value); xmlFree(value); } xfce_mailwatch_set_config_file(mwp->mailwatch, cfgfile); DBG("cfgfile = %s", cfgfile); xfce_mailwatch_load_config(mwp->mailwatch); g_free(cfgfile); }
static void _parse_root(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, ice_config_t *configuration) { char *tmp; do { if (node == NULL) break; if (xmlIsBlankNode(node)) continue; if (strcmp(node->name, "location") == 0) { if (configuration->location && configuration->location != CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOCATION) xmlFree(configuration->location); configuration->location = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "admin") == 0) { if (configuration->admin && configuration->admin != CONFIG_DEFAULT_ADMIN) xmlFree(configuration->admin); configuration->admin = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if(strcmp(node->name, "authentication") == 0) { _parse_authentication(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "source-password") == 0) { /* TODO: This is the backwards-compatibility location */ char *mount, *pass; if ((mount = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, "mount")) != NULL) { pass = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); /* FIXME: This is a placeholder for per-mount passwords */ } else { if (configuration->source_password && configuration->source_password != CONFIG_DEFAULT_SOURCE_PASSWORD) xmlFree(configuration->source_password); configuration->source_password = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } } else if (strcmp(node->name, "icelogin") == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); configuration->ice_login = atoi(tmp); if (tmp) xmlFree(tmp); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "fileserve") == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); configuration->fileserve = atoi(tmp); if (tmp) xmlFree(tmp); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "relays-on-demand") == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); configuration->on_demand = atoi(tmp); if (tmp) xmlFree(tmp); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "hostname") == 0) { if (configuration->hostname && configuration->hostname != CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME) xmlFree(configuration->hostname); configuration->hostname = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "listen-socket") == 0) { _parse_listen_socket(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "port") == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); configuration->port = atoi(tmp); configuration->listeners[0].port = atoi(tmp); if (tmp) xmlFree(tmp); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "bind-address") == 0) { if (configuration->listeners[0].bind_address) xmlFree(configuration->listeners[0].bind_address); configuration->listeners[0].bind_address = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "master-server") == 0) { if (configuration->master_server) xmlFree(configuration->master_server); configuration->master_server = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "master-username") == 0) { if (configuration->master_username) xmlFree(configuration->master_username); configuration->master_username = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "master-password") == 0) { if (configuration->master_password) xmlFree(configuration->master_password); configuration->master_password = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "master-server-port") == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); configuration->master_server_port = atoi(tmp); xmlFree (tmp); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "master-update-interval") == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); configuration->master_update_interval = atoi(tmp); xmlFree (tmp); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "shoutcast-mount") == 0) { if (configuration->shoutcast_mount && configuration->shoutcast_mount != CONFIG_DEFAULT_SHOUTCAST_MOUNT) xmlFree(configuration->shoutcast_mount); configuration->shoutcast_mount = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "limits") == 0) { _parse_limits(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "relay") == 0) { _parse_relay(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "mount") == 0) { _parse_mount(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "directory") == 0) { _parse_directory(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "paths") == 0) { _parse_paths(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "logging") == 0) { _parse_logging(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } else if (strcmp(node->name, "security") == 0) { _parse_security(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, configuration); } } while ((node = node->next)); }
static int _picasa_api_upload_photo( _picasa_api_context_t *ctx, char *mime , char *data, int size , char *caption, char *description, gint imgid ) { _buffer_t buffer; memset(&buffer,0,sizeof(_buffer_t)); char uri[4096]= {0}; gchar *entry = g_markup_printf_escaped ( "<entry xmlns=''>" "<title>%s</title>" "<summary>%s</summary>" "<category scheme=\"\"" " term=\"\"/>" "</entry>", caption,description); // Hack for nonform multipart post... gchar mpart1[4096]= {0}; gchar *mpart_format="Media multipart posting\n--END_OF_PART\nContent-Type: application/atom+xml\n\n%s\n--END_OF_PART\nContent-Type: %s\n\n"; sprintf(mpart1,mpart_format,entry,mime); int mpart1size=strlen(mpart1); int postdata_length=mpart1size+size+strlen("\n--END_OF_PART--"); gchar *postdata=g_malloc(postdata_length); memcpy( postdata, mpart1, mpart1size); memcpy( postdata+mpart1size, data, size); memcpy( postdata+mpart1size+size, "\n--END_OF_PART--",strlen("\n--END_OF_PART--") ); struct curl_slist *headers = NULL; headers = curl_slist_append(headers,ctx->authHeader); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,"Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"END_OF_PART\""); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,"MIME-version: 1.0"); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,"Expect:"); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,"GData-Version: 2"); sprintf(uri,"", ctx->current_album->id); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, uri); #ifdef _DEBUG curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); #else curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); #endif curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD,0); // A post request ! curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, postdata); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, postdata_length); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, _picasa_api_buffer_write_func); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &buffer); curl_easy_perform( ctx->curl_handle ); curl_slist_free_all(headers); long result; curl_easy_getinfo(ctx->curl_handle,CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE,&result ); // If we want to add tags let's do... if( result == 201 && imgid > 0 ) { // Image was created , fine.. and result have the fully created photo xml entry.. // Let's perform an update of the photos keywords with tags passed along to this function.. // and use picasa photo update api to add keywords to the photo... // Build the keywords content string gchar *keywords = NULL; keywords = dt_tag_get_list(imgid, ","); xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr entryNode; // Parse xml document if( ( doc = xmlParseDoc( (xmlChar *) ))==NULL) return 0; entryNode = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if( !xmlStrcmp(entryNode->name, (const xmlChar *) "entry") ) { // Let's get the gd:etag attribute of entry... // For now, we force update using "If-Match: *" /* if( !xmlHasProp(entryNode, (const xmlChar*)"gd:etag") ) return 0; xmlChar *etag = xmlGetProp(entryNode,(const xmlChar*)"gd:etag"); */ gchar *photo_id=NULL; gchar *updateUri=NULL; xmlNodePtr entryChilds = entryNode->xmlChildrenNode; if( entryChilds != NULL ) { do { if ((!xmlStrcmp(entryChilds->name, (const xmlChar *)"id")) ) { // Get the photo id used in uri for update xmlChar *id= xmlNodeListGetString(doc, entryChilds->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if( xmlStrncmp( id, (const xmlChar *)"http://",7) ) photo_id = g_strdup((const char *)id); xmlFree(id); } else if ((!xmlStrcmp(entryChilds->name, (const xmlChar *)"group")) ) { // Got the media:group entry lets find the child media:keywords xmlNodePtr mediaChilds = entryChilds->xmlChildrenNode; if(mediaChilds != NULL) { do { // Got the keywords tag, let's set the tags if ((!xmlStrcmp(mediaChilds->name, (const xmlChar *)"keywords")) ) xmlNodeSetContent(mediaChilds, (xmlChar *)keywords); } while( (mediaChilds = mediaChilds->next)!=NULL ); } } else if (( !xmlStrcmp(entryChilds->name,(const xmlChar*)"link")) ) { xmlChar *rel = xmlGetProp(entryChilds,(const xmlChar*)"rel"); if( !xmlStrcmp(rel,(const xmlChar *)"edit") ) { updateUri=(char *)xmlGetProp(entryChilds,(const xmlChar*)"href"); } xmlFree(rel); } } while( (entryChilds = entryChilds->next)!=NULL ); } // Let's update the photo struct curl_slist *headers = NULL; headers = curl_slist_append(headers,ctx->authHeader); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,"Content-Type: application/atom+xml"); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,"If-Match: *"); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,"Expect:"); headers = curl_slist_append(headers,"GData-Version: 2"); _buffer_t response; memset(&response,0,sizeof(_buffer_t)); // Setup data to send.. _buffer_t writebuffer; int datasize; xmlDocDumpMemory(doc,(xmlChar **)&, &datasize); writebuffer.size = datasize; writebuffer.offset=0; curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, updateUri); #ifdef _DEBUG curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); #else curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); #endif curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD,1); // A put request curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_READDATA,&writebuffer); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE,writebuffer.size); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION,_picasa_api_buffer_read_func); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, _picasa_api_buffer_write_func); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &response); curl_easy_perform( ctx->curl_handle ); xmlFree( updateUri ); xmlFree( ); if ( != NULL) g_free(; if (photo_id != NULL) g_free(photo_id); // FIXME: never used! curl_slist_free_all( headers ); } } return result; }
AgsScriptObject* ags_script_object_real_valueof(AgsScriptObject *script_object, GError **error) { AgsScriptObject *first_match, *last_match, *current; GList *node_list; guint retval_count; gchar *xpath; gchar **name; guint *index; guint index_length; guint name_length; xmlNode *node; guint i, j, k; guint z_index; guint current_node_count; gboolean is_node_after_first_match, is_node_after_last_match; /* entry */ xpath = xmlGetProp(script_object->node, "retval\0"); if((first_match = ags_script_object_find_flags_descending_first_match(script_object, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_LAUNCHED, strtoul(xmlGetProp(script_object->node, "z_index\0"), NULL, 10))) == NULL){ return(NULL); } last_match = ags_script_object_find_flags_descending_last_match(script_object, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_LAUNCHED, strtoul(xmlGetProp(script_object->node, "z_index\0"), NULL, 10)); retval_count = ags_script_object_count_retval(script_object); name = ags_script_object_split_xpath(xpath, &name_length); index = ags_script_object_read_index(xpath, &index_length); if(index_length > retval_count){ guint prefix_length; current = script_object; node_list = NULL; is_node_after_first_match = FALSE; is_node_after_last_match = TRUE; for(i = 0, j = 0; i < index_length; i++){ if(current == first_match){ is_node_after_first_match = TRUE; } if(current == NULL){ /* set error */ g_set_error(error, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_ERROR, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_INDEX_EXCEEDED, "can't access index because it doesn't exist: %d of %d\0", retval_count, retval_count); return(NULL); } /* find first - start */ if(name[i][1] == '/'){ prefix_length = 2; if(name[i][2] != '\0' && name[i][2] != '[' && name[i][2] != '@'){ while(current != NULL){ node = current->node; //FIXME:JK: strlen() not very safe if(!xmlStrncmp(node->name, &(name[i][prefix_length]), strlen(node->name))){ break; }else{ current = current->retval; j++; } } } if(current == NULL){ /* set error */ g_set_error(error, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_ERROR, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_INDEX_EXCEEDED, "named child doesn't exist\0"); return(NULL); } }else{ prefix_length = 1; if(!xmlStrcmp(node->name, &(name[i][prefix_length]))){ current = current->retval; node = current->node; j++; }else{ /* set error */ g_set_error(error, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_ERROR, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_INDEX_EXCEEDED, "named child doesn't exist\0"); } } /* position */ z_index = strtoul(xmlGetProp(node, "z_index\0"), NULL, 10); if(index[i] != AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_XPATH_NaN){ for(k = 0; k < index[i] && current != NULL; j++){ node = current->node; current = current->retval; //FIXME:JK: strlen() not very safe if(!xmlStrncmp(node->name, &(name[i][prefix_length]), strlen(node->name)) && z_index == strtoul(xmlGetProp(node, "z_index\0"), NULL, 10)){ k++; } } }else{ current = last_match; } node_list = g_list_prepend(node_list, node); if(index[i] != AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_XPATH_NaN && k != index[i]){ /* set error */ g_set_error(error, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_ERROR, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_INDEX_EXCEEDED, "can't access index because it doesn't exist: %d of %d\0", retval_count, retval_count); return(NULL); } } if(!is_node_after_first_match){ /* set error */ g_set_error(error, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_ERROR, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_INDEX_EXCEEDED, "can't access index because it doesn't exist: %d of %d\0", -1, index_length); return(NULL); } }else{ /* set error */ g_set_error(error, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_ERROR, AGS_SCRIPT_OBJECT_INDEX_EXCEEDED, "can't access index because it doesn't exist: %d of %d\0", -1, index_length); return(NULL); } if(j > 0){ return(current); }else{ return(first_match); } }
static void fetchSelectionDetails(const xmlNodePtr selectionNode, mdsSelection_t* selection) { mdsSelectionItem_t* item = NULL; int i; xmlChar* xcp; xmlNodePtr child = NULL; xmlNodePtr* p_node = NULL; xmlNodeSetPtr itemNodes = NULL; int itemNum; // number of items int itemIdx; // item index CL_LOGPRINTF("entry"); // get "id" attribute xcp = xmlGetProp(selectionNode, "id"); if (xcp == NULL) { xcp = xmlStrdup(""); } selection->id = xcp; // get "constant" attribute selection->constant = FALSE; xcp = xmlGetProp(selectionNode, "constant"); if (xcp) { if (xmlStrcmp(xcp, "true") == 0) { selection->constant = TRUE; } xmlFree(xcp); } // get "hide" attribute selection->hide = FALSE; xcp = xmlGetProp(selectionNode, "hide"); if (xcp) { if (xmlStrcmp(xcp, "true") == 0) { selection->hide = TRUE; } xmlFree(xcp); } // get "sequence" attribute selection->sequence = 0; xcp = xmlGetProp(selectionNode, "sequence"); if (xcp) { i = atoi(xcp); if (i >= 0) { selection->sequence = i; } xmlFree(xcp); } // get "display-as" value xcp = NULL; child = ermXmlGetChildNode(selectionNode, "display-as"); if (child) { xcp = xmlNodeGetContent(child); } if (xcp == NULL) { xcp = xmlStrdup(""); } selection->display_as = xcp; // get "title" value xcp = NULL; child = ermXmlGetChildNode(selectionNode, "title"); if (child) { xcp = xmlNodeGetContent(child); } if (xcp == NULL) { xcp = xmlStrdup(""); } selection->title = xcp; // get "instruction" value xcp = NULL; child = ermXmlGetChildNode(selectionNode, "instruction"); if (child) { xcp = xmlNodeGetContent(child); } if (xcp == NULL) { xcp = xmlStrdup(""); } selection->instruction = xcp; // get "min-selected" value selection->min_selected = 1; // default child = ermXmlGetChildNode(selectionNode, "min-selected"); if (child) { xcp = xmlNodeGetContent(child); i = atoi(xcp); if (i >= 0) { selection->min_selected = i; } xmlFree(xcp); } // get "max-selected" value selection->max_selected = 1; // default child = ermXmlGetChildNode(selectionNode, "max-selected"); if (child) { xcp = xmlNodeGetContent(child); i = atoi(xcp); if (i >= 0) { selection->max_selected = i; } xmlFree(xcp); } // get selection items selection->num_items = 0; child = ermXmlGetChildNode(selectionNode, "selection-item-list"); if (child) { itemNodes = ermXmlGetChildNodeSet(child, "selection-item"); itemNum = itemNodes->nodeNr; selection->num_items = itemNum; selection->items = g_new0(mdsSelectionItem_t, itemNum); p_node = itemNodes->nodeTab; item = (mdsSelectionItem_t*) selection->items; // const_cast for (itemIdx = 0 ; itemIdx < itemNum ; itemIdx++, p_node++, item++) { fetchSelectionItemDetails(*p_node, item); } } else { CL_ERRORPRINTF("No selection-item-list"); } // sort the selections qsort( (void*)selection->items, selection->num_items, sizeof(selection->items[0]), selectionItemCompareFunc ); // free temporary memory if (itemNodes) { xmlXPathFreeNodeSet(itemNodes); } }
/* process xml response */ static int __process_node_xml_response(xmlDoc * doc, xmlNode * node, int ent_id) { loginfo(_("node response for entity %d\n"), ent_id); char * str = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "id"); if (str) logdebug("node response id(job id) = %s\n", str); else { logerror(_("error in %s(%d)\n"), __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } int id = atoi(str); free(str); str = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "status"); if (str) logdebug("node response status = %s\n", str); else { logerror(_("error in %s(%d)\n"), __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } int status = atoi(str); free(str); int data_type = -1; node = node->children; for (; node; node = node->next) { if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { if (strcmp((char *)node->name, "result") == 0) { xmlNode * n = node->children; if (n && n->type == XML_TEXT_NODE && n->content) loginfo(_("response result: %s\n"), n->content); else loginfo(_("response no result message\n")); } else if (strcmp((char *)node->name, "data") == 0) { str = (char *) xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *) "type"); if (str) { logdebug("node response data type = %s\n", str); data_type = atoi(str); free(str); } else logwarn(_("response data no type\n")); } } } if (id != 0) { LYJobInfo * job = job_find(id); if (job == NULL) { logwarn(_("job(%d) not found waiting for node reply\n"), id); return 0; } if (job_update_status(job, status)) { logerror(_("error in %s(%d)\n"), __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } if (status != LY_S_FINISHED_SUCCESS || data_type < 0) return 0; } int ent_type = ly_entity_type(ent_id); if (ent_type == LY_ENTITY_NODE && data_type == DATA_INSTANCE_INFO) { if ( __instance_info_update(doc, node, ent_id, &status)) { logerror(_("error in %s(%d)\n"), __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } } if (ent_type == LY_ENTITY_NODE && data_type == DATA_NODE_INFO) { if ( __node_info_update(doc, node, ent_id, &status)) { logerror(_("error in %s(%d)\n"), __func__, __LINE__); return -1; } } return 0; }
static void parseModifyEnable(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur, clDisplayItem_t * displayItem, char *szContainerPath) { xmlChar* key; xmlNodePtr child; gboolean bDefault; gboolean bSpecific; // get default value bDefault = FALSE; key = xmlGetProp(cur, "default"); if (key) { if ( xmlStrcmp(key, "true") == 0 ) { bDefault = TRUE; } xmlFree(key); } displayItem->modifyEnable.bDefault = bDefault; // specific values as specified in child elements bSpecific = bDefault; child = ermXmlGetChildNode(cur, "delete-enable"); if (child) { key = xmlNodeGetContent(child); if (key) { if ( xmlStrcmp(key, "true") == 0 ) { bSpecific = TRUE; } else { // specific is "false" or invalid, // in both situations consider it "false" bSpecific = FALSE; } xmlFree(key); } } displayItem->modifyEnable.bDelete = bSpecific; // bSpecific = bDefault; child = ermXmlGetChildNode(cur, "scribble-enable"); if (child) { key = xmlNodeGetContent(child); if (key) { if ( xmlStrcmp(key, "true") == 0 ) { bSpecific = TRUE; } else { // specific is "false" or invalid, // in both situations consider it "false" bSpecific = FALSE; } xmlFree(key); } } displayItem->modifyEnable.bScribble = bSpecific; // bSpecific = bDefault; child = ermXmlGetChildNode(cur, "tagging-enable"); if (child) { key = xmlNodeGetContent(child); if (key) { if ( xmlStrcmp(key, "true") == 0 ) { bSpecific = TRUE; } else { // specific is "false" or invalid, // in both situations consider it "false" bSpecific = FALSE; } xmlFree(key); } } displayItem->modifyEnable.bTagging = bSpecific; }
int erClXmlParseManifest(char *szContainerPath, clDisplayItem_t * displayItem) { int ret = -1; // return value: 0 = ok, -1 = error xmlDoc *doc = NULL; xmlNode *rootElement = NULL; xmlNode *cur = NULL; xmlNode *symlinkElement = NULL; xmlChar *targetPath = NULL; xmlChar *key; int n = strlen(szContainerPath) + 1 + strlen(MANIFEST_FILENAME) + 1; char *szFilename = alloca(n); g_assert(szFilename != NULL); snprintf(szFilename, n, "%s/" MANIFEST_FILENAME, szContainerPath); LIBXML_TEST_VERSION doc = xmlParseFile(szFilename); if (doc == NULL) { CL_ERRORPRINTF("Document not parsed successfully"); return ret; } /* Get the root element node */ rootElement = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); // Check whether we have a document with the correct root (i.e. package) if (xmlStrcmp(rootElement->name, (const xmlChar *) "package")) { CL_ERRORPRINTF("Document of the wrong type, root node != package"); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return ret; } // Check whether this manifest actually is a symlink symlinkElement = ermXmlGetChildNode(rootElement, "symlink"); if (symlinkElement) { // check whether target must be extended with locale displayItem->fit = mdsFitManifestSymlink; key = xmlGetProp(symlinkElement, "add-locale"); if (key) { if (xmlStrcmp(key, "true") == 0) { displayItem->fit = mdsFitManifestSymlinkLocale; } xmlFree(key); } // get target details targetPath = xmlNodeGetContent(symlinkElement); szFilename = getVerifiedPath(targetPath, szContainerPath); CL_WARNPRINTF("symlink [%s] [%s] --> [%s]", szContainerPath, targetPath, szFilename); if (szFilename) { strcpy(displayItem->szFilename, szFilename); free(szFilename); } else { CL_ERRORPRINTF("directory [%s] [%s] is incorrect", szContainerPath, targetPath); // display as a folder without manifest strcpy(displayItem->szFilename, szContainerPath); displayItem->fit = mdsFitFolder; } } else { cur = rootElement->xmlChildrenNode; while (cur != NULL) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "metadata"))) { CL_LOGPRINTF("Found node metadata"); parseMetadata(doc, cur, displayItem, szContainerPath); } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "storage"))) { CL_LOGPRINTF("Found node storage"); parseStoragedata(doc, cur, displayItem, szContainerPath); //update the type of container, since this is a special type of container displayItem->fit = mdsFitStorage; } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "application"))) { CL_LOGPRINTF("Found node application"); parseApplicationdata(doc, cur, displayItem, szContainerPath); //update the type of container, since this is a special type of container displayItem->fit = mdsFitApplication; } if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "directory"))) { CL_LOGPRINTF("Found node directory"); parseDirectorydata(doc, cur, displayItem, szContainerPath); //update the type of container, since this is a special type of container displayItem->fit = mdsFitManifestDirectory; } cur = cur->next; } } /* free the document */ xmlFreeDoc(doc); /* Free the global variables that may have been allocated by the parser */ xmlCleanupParser(); return 0; }
/** * Reinit a program object using data from [cur] xmlNode and applying [locale] * When [cur]==0 the object is cleared, memory freed and the object is put to its * initial empty state */ static void reinit_program( program_t *pro, xmlNodePtr cur, xmlChar *locale ) { if( cur ) { xmlChar *start = xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "start" ); xmlChar *stop = xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "stop" ); xmlChar *lang; time_t start_time = 0; time_t end_time = 0; if( start ) { start_time = parse_xmltv_date( (char *) start ); xmlFree( start ); } if( stop ) { end_time = parse_xmltv_date( (char *) stop ); xmlFree( stop ); } else { end_time = start_time + 1800; } pro->start_time = start_time; pro->end_time = end_time; cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; while( cur ) { lang = xmlGetProp( cur, BAD_CAST "lang"); if( !xmlStrcasecmp( cur->name, BAD_CAST "title" ) ) { if( !lang || !locale ) { if ( pro->title ) xmlFree ( pro->title ); pro->title = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } else if( !xmlStrncasecmp( lang, locale, 2 ) ) { if ( pro->title_local ) xmlFree ( pro->title_local ); pro->title_local = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } else if( !pro->title ) { pro->title = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } } else if( !xmlStrcasecmp( cur->name, BAD_CAST "sub-title" ) ) { if( !lang || !locale ) { if ( pro->subtitle ) xmlFree ( pro->subtitle ); pro->subtitle = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } else if( !xmlStrncasecmp( lang, locale, 2 ) ) { if ( pro->subtitle_local ) xmlFree ( pro->subtitle_local ); pro->subtitle_local = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } else if( !pro->subtitle ) { pro->subtitle = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } } else if( !xmlStrcasecmp( cur->name, BAD_CAST "desc" ) ) { if( !lang || !locale ) { if ( pro->description ) xmlFree ( pro->description ); pro->description = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } else if( !xmlStrncasecmp( lang, locale, 2 ) ) { if ( pro->description_local ) xmlFree ( pro->description_local ); pro->description_local = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } else if( !pro->description ) { pro->description = xmlNodeGetContent( cur ); } } if( lang ) xmlFree( lang ); cur = cur->next; } } else { pro->title = pro->subtitle = pro->description = 0; pro->title_local = pro->subtitle_local = pro->description_local = 0; pro->start_time = 0; pro->end_time = 0; } }