int patch_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) { int opts; int reverse, state = 0; char *oldname = NULL, *newname = NULL; char *opt_p, *opt_i; long oldlen = oldlen; /* for compiler */ long newlen = newlen; /* for compiler */ INIT_TT(); opts = getopt32(argv, FLAG_STR, &opt_p, &opt_i); argv += optind; reverse = opts & FLAG_REVERSE; TT.prefix = (opts & FLAG_PATHLEN) ? xatoi(opt_p) : 0; // can be negative! TT.filein = TT.fileout = -1; if (opts & FLAG_INPUT) { xmove_fd(xopen_stdin(opt_i), STDIN_FILENO); } else { if (argv[0] && argv[1]) { xmove_fd(xopen_stdin(argv[1]), STDIN_FILENO); } } if (argv[0]) { oldname = xstrdup(argv[0]); newname = xstrdup(argv[0]); } // Loop through the lines in the patch for(;;) { char *patchline; patchline = xmalloc_fgetline(stdin); if (!patchline) break; // Other versions of patch accept damaged patches, // so we need to also. if (!*patchline) { free(patchline); patchline = xstrdup(" "); } // Are we assembling a hunk? if (state >= 2) { if (*patchline==' ' || *patchline=='+' || *patchline=='-') { dlist_add(&TT.current_hunk, patchline); if (*patchline != '+') oldlen--; if (*patchline != '-') newlen--; // Context line? if (*patchline==' ' && state==2) TT.context++; else state=3; // If we've consumed all expected hunk lines, apply the hunk. if (!oldlen && !newlen) state = apply_one_hunk(); continue; } fail_hunk(); state = 0; continue; } // Open a new file? if (!strncmp("--- ", patchline, 4) || !strncmp("+++ ", patchline, 4)) { char *s, **name = reverse ? &newname : &oldname; int i; if (*patchline == '+') { name = reverse ? &oldname : &newname; state = 1; } finish_oldfile(); if (!argv[0]) { free(*name); // Trim date from end of filename (if any). We don't care. for (s = patchline+4; *s && *s!='\t'; s++) if (*s=='\\' && s[1]) s++; i = atoi(s); if (i>1900 && i<=1970) *name = xstrdup("/dev/null"); else { *s = 0; *name = xstrdup(patchline+4); } } // We defer actually opening the file because svn produces broken // patches that don't signal they want to create a new file the // way the patch man page says, so you have to read the first hunk // and _guess_. // Start a new hunk? Usually @@ -oldline,oldlen +newline,newlen @@ // but a missing ,value means the value is 1. } else if (state == 1 && !strncmp("@@ -", patchline, 4)) { int i; char *s = patchline+4; // Read oldline[,oldlen] +newline[,newlen] TT.oldlen = oldlen = TT.newlen = newlen = 1; TT.oldline = strtol(s, &s, 10); if (*s == ',') TT.oldlen = oldlen = strtol(s+1, &s, 10); TT.newline = strtol(s+2, &s, 10); if (*s == ',') TT.newlen = newlen = strtol(s+1, &s, 10); if (oldlen < 1 && newlen < 1) bb_error_msg_and_die("Really? %s", patchline); TT.context = 0; state = 2; // If this is the first hunk, open the file. if (TT.filein == -1) { int oldsum, newsum, empty = 0; char *name; oldsum = TT.oldline + oldlen; newsum = TT.newline + newlen; name = reverse ? oldname : newname; // We're deleting oldname if new file is /dev/null (before -p) // or if new hunk is empty (zero context) after patching if (!strcmp(name, "/dev/null") || !(reverse ? oldsum : newsum)) { name = reverse ? newname : oldname; empty++; } // handle -p path truncation. for (i=0, s = name; *s;) { if ((option_mask32 & FLAG_PATHLEN) && TT.prefix == i) break; if (*s++ != '/') continue; while (*s == '/') s++; i++; name = s; } if (empty) { // File is empty after the patches have been applied state = 0; if (option_mask32 & FLAG_RMEMPTY) { // If flag -E or --remove-empty-files is set printf("removing %s\n", name); xunlink(name); } else { printf("patching file %s\n", name); xclose(xopen(name, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC)); } // If we've got a file to open, do so. } else if (!(option_mask32 & FLAG_PATHLEN) || i <= TT.prefix) { struct stat statbuf; // If the old file was null, we're creating a new one. if (!strcmp(oldname, "/dev/null") || !oldsum) { printf("creating %s\n", name); s = strrchr(name, '/'); if (s) { *s = 0; bb_make_directory(name, -1, FILEUTILS_RECUR); *s = '/'; } TT.filein = xopen(name, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_RDWR); } else { printf("patching file %s\n", name); TT.filein = xopen(name, O_RDONLY); } TT.tempname = xasprintf("%sXXXXXX", name); TT.fileout = xmkstemp(TT.tempname); // Set permissions of output file fstat(TT.filein, &statbuf); fchmod(TT.fileout, statbuf.st_mode); TT.linenum = 0; TT.hunknum = 0; } } TT.hunknum++; continue; } // If we didn't continue above, discard this line. free(patchline); } finish_oldfile(); if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) { free(oldname); free(newname); } return TT.exitval; }
int split_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) { unsigned suffix_len = 2; char *pfx; char *count_p; const char *sfx; off_t cnt = 1000; off_t remaining = 0; unsigned opt; ssize_t bytes_read, to_write; char *src; opt_complementary = "?2:a+"; /* max 2 args; -a N */ opt = getopt32(argv, "l:b:a:", &count_p, &count_p, &suffix_len); if (opt & SPLIT_OPT_l) cnt = XATOOFF(count_p); if (opt & SPLIT_OPT_b) // FIXME: also needs XATOOFF cnt = xatoull_sfx(count_p, IF_FEATURE_SPLIT_FANCY(split_suffixes) IF_NOT_FEATURE_SPLIT_FANCY(km_suffixes) ); sfx = "x"; argv += optind; if (argv[0]) { int fd; if (argv[1]) sfx = argv[1]; fd = xopen_stdin(argv[0]); xmove_fd(fd, STDIN_FILENO); } else { argv[0] = (char *) bb_msg_standard_input; } if (NAME_MAX < strlen(sfx) + suffix_len) bb_error_msg_and_die("suffix too long"); { char *char_p = xzalloc(suffix_len + 1); memset(char_p, 'a', suffix_len); pfx = xasprintf("%s%s", sfx, char_p); if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) free(char_p); } while (1) { bytes_read = safe_read(STDIN_FILENO, read_buffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!bytes_read) break; if (bytes_read < 0) bb_simple_perror_msg_and_die(argv[0]); src = read_buffer; do { if (!remaining) { if (!pfx) bb_error_msg_and_die("suffixes exhausted"); xmove_fd(xopen(pfx, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC), 1); pfx = next_file(pfx, suffix_len); remaining = cnt; } if (opt & SPLIT_OPT_b) { /* split by bytes */ to_write = (bytes_read < remaining) ? bytes_read : remaining; remaining -= to_write; } else { /* split by lines */ /* can be sped up by using _memrchr_ * and writing many lines at once... */ char *end = memchr(src, '\n', bytes_read); if (end) { --remaining; to_write = end - src + 1; } else { to_write = bytes_read; } } xwrite(STDOUT_FILENO, src, to_write); bytes_read -= to_write; src += to_write; } while (bytes_read); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int dpkg_deb_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv) { archive_handle_t *ar_archive; archive_handle_t *tar_archive; llist_t *control_tar_llist = NULL; unsigned opt; const char *extract_dir; /* Setup the tar archive handle */ tar_archive = init_handle(); /* Setup an ar archive handle that refers to the gzip sub archive */ ar_archive = init_handle(); ar_archive->dpkg__sub_archive = tar_archive; ar_archive->filter = filter_accept_list_reassign; llist_add_to(&ar_archive->accept, (char*)"data.tar"); llist_add_to(&control_tar_llist, (char*)"control.tar"); #if ENABLE_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_GZ llist_add_to(&ar_archive->accept, (char*)"data.tar.gz"); llist_add_to(&control_tar_llist, (char*)"control.tar.gz"); #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_BZ2 llist_add_to(&ar_archive->accept, (char*)"data.tar.bz2"); llist_add_to(&control_tar_llist, (char*)"control.tar.bz2"); #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_LZMA llist_add_to(&ar_archive->accept, (char*)"data.tar.lzma"); llist_add_to(&control_tar_llist, (char*)"control.tar.lzma"); #endif #if ENABLE_FEATURE_SEAMLESS_XZ llist_add_to(&ar_archive->accept, (char*)"data.tar.xz"); llist_add_to(&control_tar_llist, (char*)"control.tar.xz"); #endif /* Must have 1 or 2 args */ opt_complementary = "-1:?2:c--efXx:e--cfXx:f--ceXx:X--cefx:x--cefX"; opt = getopt32(argv, "cefXx"); argv += optind; //argc -= optind; extract_dir = argv[1]; if (opt & DPKG_DEB_OPT_CONTENTS) { // -c tar_archive->action_header = header_verbose_list; if (extract_dir) bb_show_usage(); } if (opt & DPKG_DEB_OPT_FIELD) { // -f /* Print the entire control file */ //TODO: standard tool accepts an optional list of fields to print ar_archive->accept = control_tar_llist; llist_add_to(&(tar_archive->accept), (char*)"./control"); tar_archive->filter = filter_accept_list; tar_archive->action_data = data_extract_to_stdout; if (extract_dir) bb_show_usage(); } if (opt & DPKG_DEB_OPT_CONTROL) { // -e ar_archive->accept = control_tar_llist; tar_archive->action_data = data_extract_all; if (!extract_dir) extract_dir = "./DEBIAN"; } if (opt & (DPKG_DEB_OPT_EXTRACT_VERBOSE | DPKG_DEB_OPT_EXTRACT)) { // -Xx if (opt & DPKG_DEB_OPT_EXTRACT_VERBOSE) tar_archive->action_header = header_list; tar_archive->action_data = data_extract_all; if (!extract_dir) bb_show_usage(); } /* Standard tool supports "-" */ tar_archive->src_fd = ar_archive->src_fd = xopen_stdin(argv[0]); if (extract_dir) { mkdir(extract_dir, 0777); /* bb_make_directory(extract_dir, 0777, 0) */ xchdir(extract_dir); } /* Do it */ unpack_ar_archive(ar_archive); /* Cleanup */ if (ENABLE_FEATURE_CLEAN_UP) close(ar_archive->src_fd); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }