Ejemplo n.º 1
yajl_alloc(const yajl_callbacks * callbacks,
           const yajl_parser_config * config,
           void * ctx)
    unsigned int allowComments = 0;
    unsigned int validateUTF8 = 0;
    yajl_handle hand = (yajl_handle) malloc(sizeof(struct yajl_handle_t));

    if (config != NULL) {
        allowComments = config->allowComments;
        validateUTF8 = config->checkUTF8;

    hand->callbacks = callbacks;
    hand->ctx = ctx;
    hand->lexer = yajl_lex_alloc(allowComments, validateUTF8);
    hand->errorOffset = 0;
    hand->decodeBuf = yajl_buf_alloc();
    hand->stateBuf = yajl_buf_alloc();

    yajl_state_push(hand, yajl_state_start);    

    return hand;
Ejemplo n.º 2
yajl_do_parse(yajl_handle hand, unsigned int * offset,
              const unsigned char * jsonText, unsigned int jsonTextLen)
    yajl_tok tok;
    const unsigned char * buf;
    unsigned int bufLen;

    switch (yajl_state_current(hand)) {
        case yajl_state_parse_complete:
            return yajl_status_ok;
        case yajl_state_lexical_error:
        case yajl_state_parse_error:            
            hand->errorOffset = *offset;
            return yajl_status_error;
        case yajl_state_start:
        case yajl_state_map_need_val:
        case yajl_state_array_need_val:
        case yajl_state_array_start: {
            /* for arrays and maps, we advance the state for this
             * depth, then push the state of the next depth.
             * If an error occurs during the parsing of the nesting
             * enitity, the state at this level will not matter.
             * a state that needs pushing will be anything other
             * than state_start */
            yajl_state stateToPush = yajl_state_start;

            tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen,
                               offset, &buf, &bufLen);

            switch (tok) {
                case yajl_tok_eof:
                    return yajl_status_insufficient_data;
                case yajl_tok_error:
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_lexical_error);
                    goto around_again;
                case yajl_tok_string:
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_string) {
                                                             buf, bufLen));
                case yajl_tok_string_with_escapes:
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_string) {
                        yajl_string_decode(hand->decodeBuf, buf, bufLen);
                                    hand->ctx, yajl_buf_data(hand->decodeBuf),
                case yajl_tok_bool: 
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_boolean) {
                                                              *buf == 't'));
                case yajl_tok_null: 
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_null) {
                case yajl_tok_left_bracket:
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_start_map) {
                    stateToPush = yajl_state_map_start;
                case yajl_tok_left_brace:
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_start_array) {
                    stateToPush = yajl_state_array_start;
                case yajl_tok_integer:
                     * note.  strtol does not respect the length of
                     * the lexical token.  in a corner case where the
                     * lexed number is a integer with a trailing zero,
                     * immediately followed by the end of buffer,
                     * sscanf could run off into oblivion and cause a
                     * crash.  for this reason we copy the integer
                     * (and doubles), into our parse buffer (the same
                     * one used for unescaping strings), before
                     * calling strtol.  yajl_buf ensures null padding,
                     * so we're safe.
                    if (hand->callbacks) {
                        if (hand->callbacks->yajl_number) {
                                                                 (char *) buf,
                        } else if (hand->callbacks->yajl_integer) {
                            long int i = 0;
                            yajl_buf_append(hand->decodeBuf, buf, bufLen);
                            buf = yajl_buf_data(hand->decodeBuf);
                            i = strtol((char *) buf, NULL, 10);
                            if ((i == LONG_MIN || i == LONG_MAX) &&
                                errno == ERANGE)
                                yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_error);
                                hand->parseError = "integer overflow" ;
                                /* try to restore error offset */
                                if (*offset >= bufLen) *offset -= bufLen;
                                else *offset = 0;
                                goto around_again;
                case yajl_tok_double:
                    if (hand->callbacks) {
                        if (hand->callbacks->yajl_number) {
                                                                 (char *) buf,
                        } else if (hand->callbacks->yajl_double) {
                            double d = 0.0;
                            yajl_buf_append(hand->decodeBuf, buf, bufLen);
                            buf = yajl_buf_data(hand->decodeBuf);
                            d = strtod((char *) buf, NULL);
                            if ((d == HUGE_VAL || d == -HUGE_VAL) &&
                                errno == ERANGE)
                                yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_error);
                                hand->parseError = "numeric (floating point) "
                                /* try to restore error offset */
                                if (*offset >= bufLen) *offset -= bufLen;
                                else *offset = 0;
                                goto around_again;
                case yajl_tok_right_brace: {
                    if (yajl_state_current(hand) == yajl_state_array_start) {
                        if (hand->callbacks &&
                        (void) yajl_state_pop(hand);
                        goto around_again;                        
                    /* intentional fall-through */
                case yajl_tok_colon: 
                case yajl_tok_comma: 
                case yajl_tok_right_bracket:                
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_error);
                    hand->parseError =
                        "unallowed token at this point in JSON text";
                    goto around_again;
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_error);
                    hand->parseError = "invalid token, internal error";
                    goto around_again;
            /* got a value.  transition depends on the state we're in. */
                yajl_state s = yajl_state_current(hand);
                if (s == yajl_state_start) {
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_complete);
                } else if (s == yajl_state_map_need_val) {
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_map_got_val);
                } else { 
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_array_got_val);
            if (stateToPush != yajl_state_start) {
                yajl_state_push(hand, stateToPush);

            goto around_again;
        case yajl_state_map_start: 
        case yajl_state_map_need_key: {
            /* only difference between these two states is that in
             * start '}' is valid, whereas in need_key, we've parsed
             * a comma, and a string key _must_ follow */
            tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen,
                               offset, &buf, &bufLen);
            switch (tok) {
                case yajl_tok_eof:
                    return yajl_status_insufficient_data;
                case yajl_tok_error:
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_lexical_error);
                    goto around_again;
                case yajl_tok_string_with_escapes:
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_map_key) {
                        yajl_string_decode(hand->decodeBuf, buf, bufLen);
                        buf = yajl_buf_data(hand->decodeBuf);
                        bufLen = yajl_buf_len(hand->decodeBuf);
                    /* intentional fall-through */
                case yajl_tok_string:
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_map_key) {
                        _CC_CHK(hand->callbacks->yajl_map_key(hand->ctx, buf,
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_map_sep);
                    goto around_again;
                case yajl_tok_right_bracket:
                    if (yajl_state_current(hand) == yajl_state_map_start) {
                        if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_end_map) {
                        (void) yajl_state_pop(hand);
                        goto around_again;                        
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_error);
                    hand->parseError =
                        "invalid object key (must be a string)"; 
                    goto around_again;
        case yajl_state_map_sep: {
            tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen,
                               offset, &buf, &bufLen);
            switch (tok) {
                case yajl_tok_colon:
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_map_need_val);
                    goto around_again;                    
                case yajl_tok_eof:
                    return yajl_status_insufficient_data;
                case yajl_tok_error:
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_lexical_error);
                    goto around_again;
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_error);
                    hand->parseError = "object key and value must "
                        "be separated by a colon (':')";
                    goto around_again;
        case yajl_state_map_got_val: {
            tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen,
                               offset, &buf, &bufLen);
            switch (tok) {
                case yajl_tok_right_bracket:
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_end_map) {
                    (void) yajl_state_pop(hand);
                    goto around_again;                        
                case yajl_tok_comma:
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_map_need_key);
                    goto around_again;                    
                case yajl_tok_eof:
                    return yajl_status_insufficient_data;
                case yajl_tok_error:
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_lexical_error);
                    goto around_again;
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_error);
                    hand->parseError = "after key and value, inside map, " 
                                       "I expect ',' or '}'"; 
                    /* try to restore error offset */
                    if (*offset >= bufLen) *offset -= bufLen;
                    else *offset = 0;
                    goto around_again;
        case yajl_state_array_got_val: {
            tok = yajl_lex_lex(hand->lexer, jsonText, jsonTextLen,
                               offset, &buf, &bufLen);
            switch (tok) {
                case yajl_tok_right_brace:
                    if (hand->callbacks && hand->callbacks->yajl_end_array) {
                    (void) yajl_state_pop(hand);
                    goto around_again;                        
                case yajl_tok_comma:
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_array_need_val);
                    goto around_again;                    
                case yajl_tok_eof:
                    return yajl_status_insufficient_data;
                case yajl_tok_error:
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_lexical_error);
                    goto around_again;
                    yajl_state_set(hand, yajl_state_parse_error);
                    hand->parseError =
                        "after array element, I expect ',' or ']'";
                    goto around_again;
    return yajl_status_error;