static int apply_objects_internal(bContext *C, ReportList *reports, bool apply_loc, bool apply_rot, bool apply_scale) { Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); float rsmat[3][3], obmat[3][3], iobmat[3][3], mat[4][4], scale; bool changed = true; /* first check if we can execute */ CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_editable_objects) { if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_MESH, OB_ARMATURE, OB_LATTICE, OB_MBALL, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF, OB_FONT)) { ID *obdata = ob->data; if (ID_REAL_USERS(obdata) > 1) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot apply to a multi user: Object \"%s\", %s \"%s\", aborting", ob-> + 2, BKE_idcode_to_name(GS(obdata->name)), obdata->name + 2); changed = false; } if (obdata->lib) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot apply to library data: Object \"%s\", %s \"%s\", aborting", ob-> + 2, BKE_idcode_to_name(GS(obdata->name)), obdata->name + 2); changed = false; } } if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF)) { ID *obdata = ob->data; Curve *cu; cu = ob->data; if (((ob->type == OB_CURVE) && !(cu->flag & CU_3D)) && (apply_rot || apply_loc)) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Rotation/Location can't apply to a 2D curve: Object \"%s\", %s \"%s\", aborting", ob-> + 2, BKE_idcode_to_name(GS(obdata->name)), obdata->name + 2); changed = false; } if (cu->key) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't apply to a curve with shape-keys: Object \"%s\", %s \"%s\", aborting", ob-> + 2, BKE_idcode_to_name(GS(obdata->name)), obdata->name + 2); changed = false; } } if (ob->type == OB_FONT) { if (apply_rot || apply_loc) { BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Font's can only have scale applied: \"%s\"", ob-> + 2); changed = false; } } } CTX_DATA_END; if (!changed) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; changed = false; /* now execute */ CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_editable_objects) { /* calculate rotation/scale matrix */ if (apply_scale && apply_rot) BKE_object_to_mat3(ob, rsmat); else if (apply_scale) BKE_object_scale_to_mat3(ob, rsmat); else if (apply_rot) { float tmat[3][3], timat[3][3]; /* simple rotation matrix */ BKE_object_rot_to_mat3(ob, rsmat, true); /* correct for scale, note mul_m3_m3m3 has swapped args! */ BKE_object_scale_to_mat3(ob, tmat); invert_m3_m3(timat, tmat); mul_m3_m3m3(rsmat, timat, rsmat); mul_m3_m3m3(rsmat, rsmat, tmat); } else unit_m3(rsmat); copy_m4_m3(mat, rsmat); /* calculate translation */ if (apply_loc) { copy_v3_v3(mat[3], ob->loc); if (!(apply_scale && apply_rot)) { float tmat[3][3]; /* correct for scale and rotation that is still applied */ BKE_object_to_mat3(ob, obmat); invert_m3_m3(iobmat, obmat); mul_m3_m3m3(tmat, rsmat, iobmat); mul_m3_v3(tmat, mat[3]); } } /* apply to object data */ if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { Mesh *me = ob->data; if (apply_scale) multiresModifier_scale_disp(scene, ob); /* adjust data */ BKE_mesh_transform(me, mat, true); /* update normals */ BKE_mesh_calc_normals(me); } else if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { ED_armature_apply_transform(ob, mat); } else if (ob->type == OB_LATTICE) { Lattice *lt = ob->data; BKE_lattice_transform(lt, mat, true); } else if (ob->type == OB_MBALL) { MetaBall *mb = ob->data; BKE_mball_transform(mb, mat); } else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF)) { Curve *cu = ob->data; scale = mat3_to_scale(rsmat); BKE_curve_transform_ex(cu, mat, true, scale); } else if (ob->type == OB_FONT) { Curve *cu = ob->data; int i; scale = mat3_to_scale(rsmat); for (i = 0; i < cu->totbox; i++) { TextBox *tb = &cu->tb[i]; tb->x *= scale; tb->y *= scale; tb->w *= scale; tb->h *= scale; } cu->fsize *= scale; } else if (ob->type == OB_CAMERA) { MovieClip *clip = BKE_object_movieclip_get(scene, ob, false); /* applying scale on camera actually scales clip's reconstruction. * of there's clip assigned to camera nothing to do actually. */ if (!clip) continue; if (apply_scale) BKE_tracking_reconstruction_scale(&clip->tracking, ob->size); } else if (ob->type == OB_EMPTY) { /* It's possible for empties too, even though they don't * really have obdata, since we can simply apply the maximum * scaling to the empty's drawsize. * * Core Assumptions: * 1) Most scaled empties have uniform scaling * (i.e. for visibility reasons), AND/OR * 2) Preserving non-uniform scaling is not that important, * and is something that many users would be willing to * sacrifice for having an easy way to do this. */ if ((apply_loc == false) && (apply_rot == false) && (apply_scale == true)) { float max_scale = max_fff(fabsf(ob->size[0]), fabsf(ob->size[1]), fabsf(ob->size[2])); ob->empty_drawsize *= max_scale; } } else { continue; } if (apply_loc) zero_v3(ob->loc); if (apply_scale) ob->size[0] = ob->size[1] = ob->size[2] = 1.0f; if (apply_rot) { zero_v3(ob->rot); unit_qt(ob->quat); unit_axis_angle(ob->rotAxis, &ob->rotAngle); } BKE_object_where_is_calc(scene, ob); if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { BKE_pose_where_is(scene, ob); /* needed for bone parents */ } ignore_parent_tx(bmain, scene, ob); DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA); changed = true; } CTX_DATA_END; if (!changed) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_WARNING, "Objects have no data to transform"); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, NULL); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; }
static void make_duplis_font(const DupliContext *ctx) { Object *par = ctx->object; GHash *family_gh; Object *ob; Curve *cu; struct CharTrans *ct, *chartransdata = NULL; float vec[3], obmat[4][4], pmat[4][4], fsize, xof, yof; int text_len, a; size_t family_len; const wchar_t *text = NULL; bool text_free = false; /* font dupliverts not supported inside groups */ if (ctx->group) return; copy_m4_m4(pmat, par->obmat); /* in par the family name is stored, use this to find the other objects */ BKE_vfont_to_curve_ex(G.main, par, FO_DUPLI, NULL, &text, &text_len, &text_free, &chartransdata); if (text == NULL || chartransdata == NULL) { return; } cu = par->data; fsize = cu->fsize; xof = cu->xof; yof = cu->yof; ct = chartransdata; /* cache result */ family_len = strlen(cu->family); family_gh = BLI_ghash_int_new_ex(__func__, 256); /* advance matching BLI_strncpy_wchar_from_utf8 */ for (a = 0; a < text_len; a++, ct++) { ob = find_family_object(cu->family, family_len, (unsigned int)text[a], family_gh); if (ob) { vec[0] = fsize * (ct->xof - xof); vec[1] = fsize * (ct->yof - yof); vec[2] = 0.0; mul_m4_v3(pmat, vec); copy_m4_m4(obmat, par->obmat); if (UNLIKELY(ct->rot != 0.0f)) { float rmat[4][4]; zero_v3(obmat[3]); unit_m4(rmat); rotate_m4(rmat, 'Z', -ct->rot); mul_m4_m4m4(obmat, obmat, rmat); } copy_v3_v3(obmat[3], vec); make_dupli(ctx, ob, obmat, a, false, false); } } if (text_free) { MEM_freeN((void *)text); } BLI_ghash_free(family_gh, NULL, NULL); MEM_freeN(chartransdata); }
BLI_INLINE void cloth_calc_spring_force(ClothModifierData *clmd, ClothSpring *s, float time) { Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject; ClothSimSettings *parms = clmd->sim_parms; Implicit_Data *data = cloth->implicit; ClothVertex *verts = cloth->verts; bool no_compress = parms->flags & CLOTH_SIMSETTINGS_FLAG_NO_SPRING_COMPRESS; zero_v3(s->f); zero_m3(s->dfdx); zero_m3(s->dfdv); s->flags &= ~CLOTH_SPRING_FLAG_NEEDED; // calculate force of structural + shear springs if ((s->type & CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_STRUCTURAL) || (s->type & CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_SHEAR) || (s->type & CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_SEWING) ) { #ifdef CLOTH_FORCE_SPRING_STRUCTURAL float k, scaling; s->flags |= CLOTH_SPRING_FLAG_NEEDED; scaling = parms->structural + s->stiffness * fabsf(parms->max_struct - parms->structural); k = scaling / (parms->avg_spring_len + FLT_EPSILON); if (s->type & CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_SEWING) { // TODO: verify, half verified (couldn't see error) // sewing springs usually have a large distance at first so clamp the force so we don't get tunnelling through colission objects BPH_mass_spring_force_spring_linear(data, s->ij, s->kl, s->restlen, k, parms->Cdis, no_compress, parms->max_sewing, s->f, s->dfdx, s->dfdv); } else { BPH_mass_spring_force_spring_linear(data, s->ij, s->kl, s->restlen, k, parms->Cdis, no_compress, 0.0f, s->f, s->dfdx, s->dfdv); } #endif } else if (s->type & CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_GOAL) { #ifdef CLOTH_FORCE_SPRING_GOAL float goal_x[3], goal_v[3]; float k, scaling; s->flags |= CLOTH_SPRING_FLAG_NEEDED; // current_position = xold + t * (newposition - xold) /* divide by time_scale to prevent goal vertices' delta locations from being multiplied */ interp_v3_v3v3(goal_x, verts[s->ij].xold, verts[s->ij].xconst, time / parms->time_scale); sub_v3_v3v3(goal_v, verts[s->ij].xconst, verts[s->ij].xold); // distance covered over dt==1 scaling = parms->goalspring + s->stiffness * fabsf(parms->max_struct - parms->goalspring); k = verts[s->ij].goal * scaling / (parms->avg_spring_len + FLT_EPSILON); BPH_mass_spring_force_spring_goal(data, s->ij, goal_x, goal_v, k, parms->goalfrict * 0.01f, s->f, s->dfdx, s->dfdv); #endif } else if (s->type & CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_BENDING) { /* calculate force of bending springs */ #ifdef CLOTH_FORCE_SPRING_BEND float kb, cb, scaling; s->flags |= CLOTH_SPRING_FLAG_NEEDED; scaling = parms->bending + s->stiffness * fabsf(parms->max_bend - parms->bending); kb = scaling / (20.0f * (parms->avg_spring_len + FLT_EPSILON)); // Fix for [#45084] for cloth stiffness must have cb proportional to kb cb = kb * parms->bending_damping; BPH_mass_spring_force_spring_bending(data, s->ij, s->kl, s->restlen, kb, cb, s->f, s->dfdx, s->dfdv); #endif } else if (s->type & CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_BENDING_ANG) { #ifdef CLOTH_FORCE_SPRING_BEND float kb, cb, scaling; s->flags |= CLOTH_SPRING_FLAG_NEEDED; /* XXX WARNING: angular bending springs for hair apply stiffness factor as an overall factor, unlike cloth springs! * this is crap, but needed due to cloth/hair mixing ... * max_bend factor is not even used for hair, so ... */ scaling = s->stiffness * parms->bending; kb = scaling / (20.0f * (parms->avg_spring_len + FLT_EPSILON)); // Fix for [#45084] for cloth stiffness must have cb proportional to kb cb = kb * parms->bending_damping; /* XXX assuming same restlen for ij and jk segments here, this can be done correctly for hair later */ BPH_mass_spring_force_spring_bending_angular(data, s->ij, s->kl, s->mn, s->target, kb, cb); #if 0 { float x_kl[3], x_mn[3], v[3], d[3]; BPH_mass_spring_get_motion_state(data, s->kl, x_kl, v); BPH_mass_spring_get_motion_state(data, s->mn, x_mn, v); BKE_sim_debug_data_add_dot(clmd->debug_data, x_kl, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, "target", 7980, s->kl); BKE_sim_debug_data_add_line(clmd->debug_data, x_kl, x_mn, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, "target", 7981, s->kl); copy_v3_v3(d, s->target); BKE_sim_debug_data_add_vector(clmd->debug_data, x_kl, d, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2, "target", 7982, s->kl); // copy_v3_v3(d, s->target_ij); // BKE_sim_debug_data_add_vector(clmd->debug_data, x, d, 1, 0.4, 0.4, "target", 7983, s->kl); } #endif #endif } }
static void distribute_grid(DerivedMesh *dm, ParticleSystem *psys) { ParticleData *pa=NULL; float min[3], max[3], delta[3], d; MVert *mv, *mvert = dm->getVertDataArray(dm,0); int totvert=dm->getNumVerts(dm), from=psys->part->from; int i, j, k, p, res=psys->part->grid_res, size[3], axis; /* find bounding box of dm */ if (totvert > 0) { mv=mvert; copy_v3_v3(min, mv->co); copy_v3_v3(max, mv->co); mv++; for (i = 1; i < totvert; i++, mv++) { minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, mv->co); } } else { zero_v3(min); zero_v3(max); } sub_v3_v3v3(delta, max, min); /* determine major axis */ axis = axis_dominant_v3_single(delta); d = delta[axis]/(float)res; size[axis] = res; size[(axis+1)%3] = (int)ceil(delta[(axis+1)%3]/d); size[(axis+2)%3] = (int)ceil(delta[(axis+2)%3]/d); /* float errors grrr.. */ size[(axis+1)%3] = MIN2(size[(axis+1)%3],res); size[(axis+2)%3] = MIN2(size[(axis+2)%3],res); size[0] = MAX2(size[0], 1); size[1] = MAX2(size[1], 1); size[2] = MAX2(size[2], 1); /* no full offset for flat/thin objects */ min[0]+= d < delta[0] ? d/2.f : delta[0]/2.f; min[1]+= d < delta[1] ? d/2.f : delta[1]/2.f; min[2]+= d < delta[2] ? d/2.f : delta[2]/2.f; for (i=0,p=0,pa=psys->particles; i<res; i++) { for (j=0; j<res; j++) { for (k=0; k<res; k++,p++,pa++) { pa->fuv[0] = min[0] + (float)i*d; pa->fuv[1] = min[1] + (float)j*d; pa->fuv[2] = min[2] + (float)k*d; pa->flag |= PARS_UNEXIST; pa->hair_index = 0; /* abused in volume calculation */ } } } /* enable particles near verts/edges/faces/inside surface */ if (from==PART_FROM_VERT) { float vec[3]; pa=psys->particles; min[0] -= d/2.0f; min[1] -= d/2.0f; min[2] -= d/2.0f; for (i=0,mv=mvert; i<totvert; i++,mv++) { sub_v3_v3v3(vec,mv->co,min); vec[0]/=delta[0]; vec[1]/=delta[1]; vec[2]/=delta[2]; pa[((int)(vec[0] * (size[0] - 1)) * res + (int)(vec[1] * (size[1] - 1))) * res + (int)(vec[2] * (size[2] - 1))].flag &= ~PARS_UNEXIST; } } else if (ELEM(from,PART_FROM_FACE,PART_FROM_VOLUME)) { float co1[3], co2[3]; MFace *mface= NULL, *mface_array; float v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[4], lambda; int a, a1, a2, a0mul, a1mul, a2mul, totface; int amax= from==PART_FROM_FACE ? 3 : 1; totface=dm->getNumTessFaces(dm); mface=mface_array=dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm,CD_MFACE); for (a=0; a<amax; a++) { if (a==0) { a0mul=res*res; a1mul=res; a2mul=1; } else if (a==1) { a0mul=res; a1mul=1; a2mul=res*res; } else { a0mul=1; a1mul=res*res; a2mul=res; } for (a1=0; a1<size[(a+1)%3]; a1++) { for (a2=0; a2<size[(a+2)%3]; a2++) { mface= mface_array; pa = psys->particles + a1*a1mul + a2*a2mul; copy_v3_v3(co1, pa->fuv); co1[a] -= d < delta[a] ? d/2.f : delta[a]/2.f; copy_v3_v3(co2, co1); co2[a] += delta[a] + 0.001f*d; co1[a] -= 0.001f*d; struct IsectRayPrecalc isect_precalc; float ray_direction[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(ray_direction, co2, co1); isect_ray_tri_watertight_v3_precalc(&isect_precalc, ray_direction); /* lets intersect the faces */ for (i=0; i<totface; i++,mface++) { copy_v3_v3(v1, mvert[mface->v1].co); copy_v3_v3(v2, mvert[mface->v2].co); copy_v3_v3(v3, mvert[mface->v3].co); bool intersects_tri = isect_ray_tri_watertight_v3(co1, &isect_precalc, v1, v2, v3, &lambda, NULL); if (intersects_tri) { if (from==PART_FROM_FACE) (pa+(int)(lambda*size[a])*a0mul)->flag &= ~PARS_UNEXIST; else /* store number of intersections */ (pa+(int)(lambda*size[a])*a0mul)->hair_index++; } if (mface->v4 && (!intersects_tri || from==PART_FROM_VOLUME)) { copy_v3_v3(v4, mvert[mface->v4].co); if (isect_ray_tri_watertight_v3( co1, &isect_precalc, v1, v3, v4, &lambda, NULL)) { if (from==PART_FROM_FACE) (pa+(int)(lambda*size[a])*a0mul)->flag &= ~PARS_UNEXIST; else (pa+(int)(lambda*size[a])*a0mul)->hair_index++; } } } if (from==PART_FROM_VOLUME) { int in=pa->hair_index%2; if (in) pa->hair_index++; for (i=0; i<size[0]; i++) { if (in || (pa+i*a0mul)->hair_index%2) (pa+i*a0mul)->flag &= ~PARS_UNEXIST; /* odd intersections == in->out / out->in */ /* even intersections -> in stays same */ in=(in + (pa+i*a0mul)->hair_index) % 2; } } } } } } if (psys->part->flag & PART_GRID_HEXAGONAL) { for (i=0,p=0,pa=psys->particles; i<res; i++) { for (j=0; j<res; j++) { for (k=0; k<res; k++,p++,pa++) { if (j%2) pa->fuv[0] += d/2.f; if (k%2) { pa->fuv[0] += d/2.f; pa->fuv[1] += d/2.f; } } } } } if (psys->part->flag & PART_GRID_INVERT) { for (i=0; i<size[0]; i++) { for (j=0; j<size[1]; j++) { pa=psys->particles + res*(i*res + j); for (k=0; k<size[2]; k++, pa++) { pa->flag ^= PARS_UNEXIST; } } } } if (psys->part->grid_rand > 0.f) { float rfac = d * psys->part->grid_rand; for (p=0,pa=psys->particles; p<psys->totpart; p++,pa++) { if (pa->flag & PARS_UNEXIST) continue; pa->fuv[0] += rfac * (psys_frand(psys, p + 31) - 0.5f); pa->fuv[1] += rfac * (psys_frand(psys, p + 32) - 0.5f); pa->fuv[2] += rfac * (psys_frand(psys, p + 33) - 0.5f); } } }
int BKE_mesh_validate_arrays(Mesh *mesh, MVert *mverts, unsigned int totvert, MEdge *medges, unsigned int totedge, MFace *mfaces, unsigned int totface, MLoop *mloops, unsigned int totloop, MPoly *mpolys, unsigned int totpoly, MDeformVert *dverts, /* assume totvert length */ const bool do_verbose, const bool do_fixes) { # define REMOVE_EDGE_TAG(_me) { _me->v2 = _me->v1; do_edge_free = true; } (void)0 # define IS_REMOVED_EDGE(_me) (_me->v2 == _me->v1) # define REMOVE_LOOP_TAG(_ml) { _ml->e = INVALID_LOOP_EDGE_MARKER; do_polyloop_free = true; } (void)0 # define REMOVE_POLY_TAG(_mp) { _mp->totloop *= -1; do_polyloop_free = true; } (void)0 MVert *mv = mverts; MEdge *me; MLoop *ml; MPoly *mp; unsigned int i, j; int *v; bool do_edge_free = false; bool do_face_free = false; bool do_polyloop_free = false; /* This regroups loops and polys! */ bool verts_fixed = false; bool vert_weights_fixed = false; bool msel_fixed = false; bool do_edge_recalc = false; EdgeHash *edge_hash = BLI_edgehash_new(); BLI_assert(!(do_fixes && mesh == NULL)); PRINT("%s: verts(%u), edges(%u), loops(%u), polygons(%u)\n", __func__, totvert, totedge, totloop, totpoly); if (totedge == 0 && totpoly != 0) { PRINT("\tLogical error, %u polygons and 0 edges\n", totpoly); do_edge_recalc = do_fixes; } for (i = 1; i < totvert; i++, mv++) { int fix_normal = TRUE; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (!finite(mv->co[j])) { PRINT("\tVertex %u: has invalid coordinate\n", i); if (do_fixes) { zero_v3(mv->co); verts_fixed = TRUE; } } if (mv->no[j] != 0) fix_normal = FALSE; } if (fix_normal) { PRINT("\tVertex %u: has zero normal, assuming Z-up normal\n", i); if (do_fixes) { mv->no[2] = SHRT_MAX; verts_fixed = TRUE; } } } for (i = 0, me = medges; i < totedge; i++, me++) { int remove = FALSE; if (me->v1 == me->v2) { PRINT("\tEdge %u: has matching verts, both %u\n", i, me->v1); remove = do_fixes; } if (me->v1 >= totvert) { PRINT("\tEdge %u: v1 index out of range, %u\n", i, me->v1); remove = do_fixes; } if (me->v2 >= totvert) { PRINT("\tEdge %u: v2 index out of range, %u\n", i, me->v2); remove = do_fixes; } if (BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2)) { PRINT("\tEdge %u: is a duplicate of %d\n", i, GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2))); remove = do_fixes; } if (remove == FALSE) { BLI_edgehash_insert(edge_hash, me->v1, me->v2, SET_INT_IN_POINTER(i)); } else { REMOVE_EDGE_TAG(me); } } if (mfaces && !mpolys) { # define REMOVE_FACE_TAG(_mf) { _mf->v3 = 0; do_face_free = TRUE; } (void)0 # define CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(a, b) \ if (mf->a == mf->b) { \ PRINT(" face %u: verts invalid, " STRINGIFY(a) "/" STRINGIFY(b) " both %u\n", i, mf->a); \ remove = do_fixes; \ } (void)0 # define CHECK_FACE_EDGE(a, b) \ if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, mf->a, mf->b)) { \ PRINT(" face %u: edge " STRINGIFY(a) "/" STRINGIFY(b) \ " (%u,%u) is missing egde data\n", i, mf->a, mf->b); \ do_edge_recalc = TRUE; \ } (void)0 MFace *mf; MFace *mf_prev; SortFace *sort_faces = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SortFace) * totface, "search faces"); SortFace *sf; SortFace *sf_prev; unsigned int totsortface = 0; PRINT("No Polys, only tesselated Faces\n"); for (i = 0, mf = mfaces, sf = sort_faces; i < totface; i++, mf++) { int remove = FALSE; int fidx; unsigned int fv[4]; fidx = mf->v4 ? 3 : 2; do { fv[fidx] = *(&(mf->v1) + fidx); if (fv[fidx] >= totvert) { PRINT("\tFace %u: 'v%d' index out of range, %u\n", i, fidx + 1, fv[fidx]); remove = do_fixes; } } while (fidx--); if (remove == FALSE) { if (mf->v4) { CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v2); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v3); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v4); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v2, v3); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v2, v4); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v3, v4); } else { CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v2); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v1, v3); CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX(v2, v3); } if (remove == FALSE) { if (totedge) { if (mf->v4) { CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v1, v2); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v2, v3); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v3, v4); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v4, v1); } else { CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v1, v2); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v2, v3); CHECK_FACE_EDGE(v3, v1); } } sf->index = i; if (mf->v4) { edge_store_from_mface_quad(sf->es, mf); qsort(sf->es, 4, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp); } else { edge_store_from_mface_tri(sf->es, mf); qsort(sf->es, 3, sizeof(int64_t), int64_cmp); } totsortface++; sf++; } } if (remove) { REMOVE_FACE_TAG(mf); } } qsort(sort_faces, totsortface, sizeof(SortFace), search_face_cmp); sf = sort_faces; sf_prev = sf; sf++; for (i = 1; i < totsortface; i++, sf++) { int remove = FALSE; /* on a valid mesh, code below will never run */ if (memcmp(sf->es, sf_prev->es, sizeof(sf_prev->es)) == 0) { mf = mfaces + sf->index; if (do_verbose) { mf_prev = mfaces + sf_prev->index; if (mf->v4) { PRINT("\tFace %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u,%u)\n", sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf->v4, mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3, mf_prev->v4); } else { PRINT("\tFace %u & %u: are duplicates (%u,%u,%u) (%u,%u,%u)\n", sf->index, sf_prev->index, mf->v1, mf->v2, mf->v3, mf_prev->v1, mf_prev->v2, mf_prev->v3); } } remove = do_fixes; } else { sf_prev = sf; } if (remove) { REMOVE_FACE_TAG(mf); } } MEM_freeN(sort_faces); # undef REMOVE_FACE_TAG # undef CHECK_FACE_VERT_INDEX # undef CHECK_FACE_EDGE } /* Checking loops and polys is a bit tricky, as they are quite intricated... * * Polys must have: * - a valid loopstart value. * - a valid totloop value (>= 3 and loopstart+totloop < me.totloop). * * Loops must have: * - a valid v value. * - a valid e value (corresponding to the edge it defines with the next loop in poly). * * Also, loops not used by polys can be discarded. * And "intersecting" loops (i.e. loops used by more than one poly) are invalid, * so be sure to leave at most one poly per loop! */ { SortPoly *sort_polys = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SortPoly) * totpoly, "mesh validate's sort_polys"); SortPoly *prev_sp, *sp = sort_polys; int prev_end; for (i = 0, mp = mpolys; i < totpoly; i++, mp++, sp++) { sp->index = i; if (mp->loopstart < 0 || mp->totloop < 3) { /* Invalid loop data. */ PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid (loopstart: %u, totloop: %u)\n", sp->index, mp->loopstart, mp->totloop); sp->invalid = TRUE; } else if (mp->loopstart + mp->totloop > totloop) { /* Invalid loop data. */ PRINT("\tPoly %u uses loops out of range (loopstart: %u, loopend: %u, max nbr of loops: %u)\n", sp->index, mp->loopstart, mp->loopstart + mp->totloop - 1, totloop - 1); sp->invalid = TRUE; } else { /* Poly itself is valid, for now. */ int v1, v2; /* v1 is prev loop vert idx, v2 is current loop one. */ sp->invalid = FALSE; sp->verts = v = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int) * mp->totloop, "Vert idx of SortPoly"); sp->numverts = mp->totloop; sp->loopstart = mp->loopstart; /* Test all poly's loops' vert idx. */ for (j = 0, ml = &mloops[sp->loopstart]; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++, v++) { if (ml->v >= totvert) { /* Invalid vert idx. */ PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid vert reference (%u)\n", sp->loopstart + j, ml->v); sp->invalid = TRUE; } mverts[ml->v].flag |= ME_VERT_TMP_TAG; *v = ml->v; } /* is the same vertex used more than once */ if (!sp->invalid) { v = sp->verts; for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, v++) { if ((mverts[*v].flag & ME_VERT_TMP_TAG) == 0) { PRINT("\tPoly %u has duplicate vert reference at corner (%u)\n", i, j); sp->invalid = TRUE; } mverts[*v].flag &= ~ME_VERT_TMP_TAG; } } if (sp->invalid) continue; /* Test all poly's loops. */ for (j = 0, ml = &mloops[sp->loopstart]; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++) { v1 = ml->v; v2 = mloops[sp->loopstart + (j + 1) % mp->totloop].v; if (!BLI_edgehash_haskey(edge_hash, v1, v2)) { /* Edge not existing. */ PRINT("\tPoly %u needs missing edge (%u, %u)\n", sp->index, v1, v2); if (do_fixes) do_edge_recalc = TRUE; else sp->invalid = TRUE; } else if (ml->e >= totedge) { /* Invalid edge idx. * We already know from previous text that a valid edge exists, use it (if allowed)! */ if (do_fixes) { int prev_e = ml->e; ml->e = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, v1, v2)); PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid edge reference (%u), fixed using edge %u\n", sp->loopstart + j, prev_e, ml->e); } else { PRINT("\tLoop %u has invalid edge reference (%u)\n", sp->loopstart + j, ml->e); sp->invalid = TRUE; } } else { me = &medges[ml->e]; if (IS_REMOVED_EDGE(me) || !((me->v1 == v1 && me->v2 == v2) || (me->v1 == v2 && me->v2 == v1))) { /* The pointed edge is invalid (tagged as removed, or vert idx mismatch), * and we already know from previous test that a valid one exists, use it (if allowed)! */ if (do_fixes) { int prev_e = ml->e; ml->e = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, v1, v2)); PRINT("\tPoly %u has invalid edge reference (%u), fixed using edge %u\n", sp->index, prev_e, ml->e); } else { PRINT("\tPoly %u has invalid edge reference (%u)\n", sp->index, ml->e); sp->invalid = TRUE; } } } } /* Now check that that poly does not use a same vertex more than once! */ if (!sp->invalid) { int *prev_v = v = sp->verts; j = sp->numverts; qsort(sp->verts, j, sizeof(int), int_cmp); for (j--, v++; j; j--, v++) { if (*v != *prev_v) { int dlt = v - prev_v; if (dlt > 1) { PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid, it multi-uses vertex %u (%u times)\n", sp->index, *prev_v, dlt); sp->invalid = TRUE; } prev_v = v; } } if (v - prev_v > 1) { /* Don't forget final verts! */ PRINT("\tPoly %u is invalid, it multi-uses vertex %u (%u times)\n", sp->index, *prev_v, (int)(v - prev_v)); sp->invalid = TRUE; } } } } /* Second check pass, testing polys using the same verts. */ qsort(sort_polys, totpoly, sizeof(SortPoly), search_poly_cmp); sp = prev_sp = sort_polys; sp++; for (i = 1; i < totpoly; i++, sp++) { int p1_nv = sp->numverts, p2_nv = prev_sp->numverts; int *p1_v = sp->verts, *p2_v = prev_sp->verts; short p1_sub = TRUE, p2_sub = TRUE; if (sp->invalid) break; /* Test same polys. */ #if 0 /* NOTE: This performs a sub-set test. */ /* XXX This (and the sort of verts list) is better than systematic * search of all verts of one list into the other if lists have * a fair amount of elements. * Not sure however it's worth it in this case? * But as we also need sorted vert list to check verts multi-used * (in first pass of checks)... */ /* XXX If we consider only "equal" polys (i.e. using exactly same set of verts) * as invalid, better to replace this by a simple memory cmp... */ while ((p1_nv && p2_nv) && (p1_sub || p2_sub)) { if (*p1_v < *p2_v) { if (p1_sub) p1_sub = FALSE; p1_nv--; p1_v++; } else if (*p2_v < *p1_v) { if (p2_sub) p2_sub = FALSE; p2_nv--; p2_v++; } else { /* Equality, both next verts. */ p1_nv--; p2_nv--; p1_v++; p2_v++; } } if (p1_nv && p1_sub) p1_sub = FALSE; else if (p2_nv && p2_sub) p2_sub = FALSE; if (p1_sub && p2_sub) { PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u use same vertices, considering poly %u as invalid.\n", prev_sp->index, sp->index, sp->index); sp->invalid = TRUE; } /* XXX In fact, these might be valid? :/ */ else if (p1_sub) { PRINT("\t%u is a sub-poly of %u, considering it as invalid.\n", sp->index, prev_sp->index); sp->invalid = TRUE; } else if (p2_sub) { PRINT("\t%u is a sub-poly of %u, considering it as invalid.\n", prev_sp->index, sp->index); prev_sp->invalid = TRUE; prev_sp = sp; /* sp is new reference poly. */ } #else if (0) { p1_sub += 0; p2_sub += 0; } if ((p1_nv == p2_nv) && (memcmp(p1_v, p2_v, p1_nv * sizeof(*p1_v)) == 0)) { if (do_verbose) { PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u use same vertices (%u", prev_sp->index, sp->index, *p1_v); for (j = 1; j < p1_nv; j++) PRINT(", %u", p1_v[j]); PRINT("), considering poly %u as invalid.\n", sp->index); } sp->invalid = TRUE; } #endif else { prev_sp = sp; } } /* Third check pass, testing loops used by none or more than one poly. */ qsort(sort_polys, totpoly, sizeof(SortPoly), search_polyloop_cmp); sp = sort_polys; prev_sp = NULL; prev_end = 0; for (i = 0; i < totpoly; i++, sp++) { /* Free this now, we don't need it anymore, and avoid us another loop! */ if (sp->verts) MEM_freeN(sp->verts); /* Note above prev_sp: in following code, we make sure it is always valid poly (or NULL). */ if (sp->invalid) { if (do_fixes) { REMOVE_POLY_TAG((&mpolys[sp->index])); /* DO NOT REMOVE ITS LOOPS!!! * As already invalid polys are at the end of the SortPoly list, the loops they * were the only users have already been tagged as "to remove" during previous * iterations, and we don't want to remove some loops that may be used by * another valid poly! */ } } /* Test loops users. */ else { /* Unused loops. */ if (prev_end < sp->loopstart) { for (j = prev_end, ml = &mloops[prev_end]; j < sp->loopstart; j++, ml++) { PRINT("\tLoop %u is unused.\n", j); if (do_fixes) REMOVE_LOOP_TAG(ml); } prev_end = sp->loopstart + sp->numverts; prev_sp = sp; } /* Multi-used loops. */ else if (prev_end > sp->loopstart) { PRINT("\tPolys %u and %u share loops from %u to %u, considering poly %u as invalid.\n", prev_sp->index, sp->index, sp->loopstart, prev_end, sp->index); if (do_fixes) { REMOVE_POLY_TAG((&mpolys[sp->index])); /* DO NOT REMOVE ITS LOOPS!!! * They might be used by some next, valid poly! * Just not updating prev_end/prev_sp vars is enough to ensure the loops * effectively no more needed will be marked as "to be removed"! */ } } else { prev_end = sp->loopstart + sp->numverts; prev_sp = sp; } } } /* We may have some remaining unused loops to get rid of! */ if (prev_end < totloop) { for (j = prev_end, ml = &mloops[prev_end]; j < totloop; j++, ml++) { PRINT("\tLoop %u is unused.\n", j); if (do_fixes) REMOVE_LOOP_TAG(ml); } } MEM_freeN(sort_polys); } BLI_edgehash_free(edge_hash, NULL); /* fix deform verts */ if (dverts) { MDeformVert *dv; for (i = 0, dv = dverts; i < totvert; i++, dv++) { MDeformWeight *dw; for (j = 0, dw = dv->dw; j < dv->totweight; j++, dw++) { /* note, greater then max defgroups is accounted for in our code, but not < 0 */ if (!finite(dw->weight)) { PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, group %d has weight: %f\n", i, dw->def_nr, dw->weight); if (do_fixes) { dw->weight = 0.0f; vert_weights_fixed = TRUE; } } else if (dw->weight < 0.0f || dw->weight > 1.0f) { PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, group %d has weight: %f\n", i, dw->def_nr, dw->weight); if (do_fixes) { CLAMP(dw->weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); vert_weights_fixed = TRUE; } } if (dw->def_nr < 0) { PRINT("\tVertex deform %u, has invalid group %d\n", i, dw->def_nr); if (do_fixes) { defvert_remove_group(dv, dw); if (dv->dw) { /* re-allocated, the new values compensate for stepping * within the for loop and may not be valid */ j--; dw = dv->dw + j; vert_weights_fixed = TRUE; } else { /* all freed */ break; } } } } } } # undef REMOVE_EDGE_TAG # undef IS_REMOVED_EDGE # undef REMOVE_LOOP_TAG # undef REMOVE_POLY_TAG if (mesh) { if (do_face_free) { BKE_mesh_strip_loose_faces(mesh); } if (do_polyloop_free) { BKE_mesh_strip_loose_polysloops(mesh); } if (do_edge_free) { BKE_mesh_strip_loose_edges(mesh); } if (do_edge_recalc) { BKE_mesh_calc_edges(mesh, true, false); } } if (mesh && mesh->mselect) { MSelect *msel; int free_msel = FALSE; for (i = 0, msel = mesh->mselect; i < mesh->totselect; i++, msel++) { int tot_elem = 0; if (msel->index < 0) { PRINT("\tMesh select element %d type %d index is negative, " "resetting selection stack.\n", i, msel->type); free_msel = TRUE; break; } switch (msel->type) { case ME_VSEL: tot_elem = mesh->totvert; break; case ME_ESEL: tot_elem = mesh->totedge; break; case ME_FSEL: tot_elem = mesh->totface; break; } if (msel->index > tot_elem) { PRINT("\tMesh select element %d type %d index %d is larger than data array size %d, " "resetting selection stack.\n", i, msel->type, msel->index, tot_elem); free_msel = TRUE; break; } } if (free_msel) { MEM_freeN(mesh->mselect); mesh->mselect = NULL; mesh->totselect = 0; } } PRINT("%s: finished\n\n", __func__); return (verts_fixed || vert_weights_fixed || do_polyloop_free || do_edge_free || do_edge_recalc || msel_fixed); }
/* 0 == do center, 1 == center new, 2 == center cursor */ void ED_armature_origin_set(Scene *scene, Object *ob, float cursor[3], int centermode, int around) { Object *obedit = scene->obedit; // XXX get from context EditBone *ebone; bArmature *arm = ob->data; float cent[3]; /* Put the armature into editmode */ if (ob != obedit) { ED_armature_to_edit(ob); obedit = NULL; /* we cant use this so behave as if there is no obedit */ } /* Find the centerpoint */ if (centermode == 2) { copy_v3_v3(cent, cursor); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->obmat); mul_m4_v3(ob->imat, cent); } else { if (around == V3D_CENTROID) { int total = 0; zero_v3(cent); for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) { total += 2; add_v3_v3(cent, ebone->head); add_v3_v3(cent, ebone->tail); } if (total) { mul_v3_fl(cent, 1.0f / (float)total); } } else { float min[3], max[3]; INIT_MINMAX(min, max); for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) { minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, ebone->head); minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, ebone->tail); } mid_v3_v3v3(cent, min, max); } } /* Do the adjustments */ for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) { sub_v3_v3(ebone->head, cent); sub_v3_v3(ebone->tail, cent); } /* Turn the list into an armature */ if (obedit == NULL) { ED_armature_from_edit(ob); ED_armature_edit_free(ob); } /* Adjust object location for new centerpoint */ if (centermode && obedit == NULL) { mul_mat3_m4_v3(ob->obmat, cent); /* ommit translation part */ add_v3_v3(ob->loc, cent); } }
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *derivedData, ModifierApplyFlag flag) { DerivedMesh *dm = derivedData; DerivedMesh *result; ScrewModifierData *ltmd = (ScrewModifierData *) md; const int useRenderParams = flag & MOD_APPLY_RENDER; int *origindex; int mpoly_index = 0; unsigned int step; unsigned int i, j; unsigned int i1, i2; unsigned int step_tot = useRenderParams ? ltmd->render_steps : ltmd->steps; const bool do_flip = ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_FLIP ? 1 : 0; const int quad_ord[4] = { do_flip ? 3 : 0, do_flip ? 2 : 1, do_flip ? 1 : 2, do_flip ? 0 : 3, }; const int quad_ord_ofs[4] = { do_flip ? 2 : 0, do_flip ? 1 : 1, do_flip ? 0 : 2, do_flip ? 3 : 3, }; unsigned int maxVerts = 0, maxEdges = 0, maxPolys = 0; const unsigned int totvert = (unsigned int)dm->getNumVerts(dm); const unsigned int totedge = (unsigned int)dm->getNumEdges(dm); const unsigned int totpoly = (unsigned int)dm->getNumPolys(dm); unsigned int *edge_poly_map = NULL; /* orig edge to orig poly */ unsigned int *vert_loop_map = NULL; /* orig vert to orig loop */ /* UV Coords */ const unsigned int mloopuv_layers_tot = (unsigned int)CustomData_number_of_layers(&dm->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV); MLoopUV **mloopuv_layers = BLI_array_alloca(mloopuv_layers, mloopuv_layers_tot); float uv_u_scale; float uv_v_minmax[2] = {FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX}; float uv_v_range_inv; float uv_axis_plane[4]; char axis_char = 'X'; bool close; float angle = ltmd->angle; float screw_ofs = ltmd->screw_ofs; float axis_vec[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float tmp_vec1[3], tmp_vec2[3]; float mat3[3][3]; float mtx_tx[4][4]; /* transform the coords by an object relative to this objects transformation */ float mtx_tx_inv[4][4]; /* inverted */ float mtx_tmp_a[4][4]; unsigned int vc_tot_linked = 0; short other_axis_1, other_axis_2; const float *tmpf1, *tmpf2; unsigned int edge_offset; MPoly *mpoly_orig, *mpoly_new, *mp_new; MLoop *mloop_orig, *mloop_new, *ml_new; MEdge *medge_orig, *med_orig, *med_new, *med_new_firstloop, *medge_new; MVert *mvert_new, *mvert_orig, *mv_orig, *mv_new, *mv_new_base; ScrewVertConnect *vc, *vc_tmp, *vert_connect = NULL; const char mpoly_flag = (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_SMOOTH_SHADING) ? ME_SMOOTH : 0; /* don't do anything? */ if (!totvert) return CDDM_from_template(dm, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); switch (ltmd->axis) { case 0: other_axis_1 = 1; other_axis_2 = 2; break; case 1: other_axis_1 = 0; other_axis_2 = 2; break; default: /* 2, use default to quiet warnings */ other_axis_1 = 0; other_axis_2 = 1; break; } axis_vec[ltmd->axis] = 1.0f; if (ltmd->ob_axis) { /* calc the matrix relative to the axis object */ invert_m4_m4(mtx_tmp_a, ob->obmat); copy_m4_m4(mtx_tx_inv, ltmd->ob_axis->obmat); mul_m4_m4m4(mtx_tx, mtx_tmp_a, mtx_tx_inv); /* calc the axis vec */ mul_mat3_m4_v3(mtx_tx, axis_vec); /* only rotation component */ normalize_v3(axis_vec); /* screw */ if (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_OFFSET) { /* find the offset along this axis relative to this objects matrix */ float totlen = len_v3(mtx_tx[3]); if (totlen != 0.0f) { float zero[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float cp[3]; screw_ofs = closest_to_line_v3(cp, mtx_tx[3], zero, axis_vec); } else { screw_ofs = 0.0f; } } /* angle */ #if 0 /* cant incluide this, not predictable enough, though quite fun. */ if (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_ANGLE) { float mtx3_tx[3][3]; copy_m3_m4(mtx3_tx, mtx_tx); float vec[3] = {0, 1, 0}; float cross1[3]; float cross2[3]; cross_v3_v3v3(cross1, vec, axis_vec); mul_v3_m3v3(cross2, mtx3_tx, cross1); { float c1[3]; float c2[3]; float axis_tmp[3]; cross_v3_v3v3(c1, cross2, axis_vec); cross_v3_v3v3(c2, axis_vec, c1); angle = angle_v3v3(cross1, c2); cross_v3_v3v3(axis_tmp, cross1, c2); normalize_v3(axis_tmp); if (len_v3v3(axis_tmp, axis_vec) > 1.0f) angle = -angle; } } #endif } else { /* exis char is used by i_rotate*/ axis_char = (char)(axis_char + ltmd->axis); /* 'X' + axis */ /* useful to be able to use the axis vec in some cases still */ zero_v3(axis_vec); axis_vec[ltmd->axis] = 1.0f; } /* apply the multiplier */ angle *= (float)ltmd->iter; screw_ofs *= (float)ltmd->iter; uv_u_scale = 1.0f / (float)(step_tot); /* multiplying the steps is a bit tricky, this works best */ step_tot = ((step_tot + 1) * ltmd->iter) - (ltmd->iter - 1); /* will the screw be closed? * Note! smaller then FLT_EPSILON * 100 gives problems with float precision so its never closed. */ if (fabsf(screw_ofs) <= (FLT_EPSILON * 100.0f) && fabsf(fabsf(angle) - ((float)M_PI * 2.0f)) <= (FLT_EPSILON * 100.0f)) { close = 1; step_tot--; if (step_tot < 3) step_tot = 3; maxVerts = totvert * step_tot; /* -1 because we're joining back up */ maxEdges = (totvert * step_tot) + /* these are the edges between new verts */ (totedge * step_tot); /* -1 because vert edges join */ maxPolys = totedge * step_tot; screw_ofs = 0.0f; } else { close = 0; if (step_tot < 3) step_tot = 3; maxVerts = totvert * step_tot; /* -1 because we're joining back up */ maxEdges = (totvert * (step_tot - 1)) + /* these are the edges between new verts */ (totedge * step_tot); /* -1 because vert edges join */ maxPolys = totedge * (step_tot - 1); } if ((ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_UV_STRETCH_U) == 0) { uv_u_scale = (uv_u_scale / (float)ltmd->iter) * (angle / ((float)M_PI * 2.0f)); } result = CDDM_from_template(dm, (int)maxVerts, (int)maxEdges, 0, (int)maxPolys * 4, (int)maxPolys); /* copy verts from mesh */ mvert_orig = dm->getVertArray(dm); medge_orig = dm->getEdgeArray(dm); mvert_new = result->getVertArray(result); mpoly_new = result->getPolyArray(result); mloop_new = result->getLoopArray(result); medge_new = result->getEdgeArray(result); if (!CustomData_has_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX)) { CustomData_add_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX, CD_CALLOC, NULL, (int)maxPolys); } origindex = CustomData_get_layer(&result->polyData, CD_ORIGINDEX); DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, (int)totvert); /* copy first otherwise this overwrites our own vertex normals */ if (mloopuv_layers_tot) { float zero_co[3] = {0}; plane_from_point_normal_v3(uv_axis_plane, zero_co, axis_vec); } if (mloopuv_layers_tot) { unsigned int uv_lay; for (uv_lay = 0; uv_lay < mloopuv_layers_tot; uv_lay++) { mloopuv_layers[uv_lay] = CustomData_get_layer_n(&result->loopData, CD_MLOOPUV, (int)uv_lay); } if (ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_UV_STRETCH_V) { for (i = 0, mv_orig = mvert_orig; i < totvert; i++, mv_orig++) { const float v = dist_squared_to_plane_v3(mv_orig->co, uv_axis_plane); uv_v_minmax[0] = min_ff(v, uv_v_minmax[0]); uv_v_minmax[1] = max_ff(v, uv_v_minmax[1]); } uv_v_minmax[0] = sqrtf_signed(uv_v_minmax[0]); uv_v_minmax[1] = sqrtf_signed(uv_v_minmax[1]); } uv_v_range_inv = uv_v_minmax[1] - uv_v_minmax[0]; uv_v_range_inv = uv_v_range_inv ? 1.0f / uv_v_range_inv : 0.0f; } /* Set the locations of the first set of verts */ mv_new = mvert_new; mv_orig = mvert_orig; /* Copy the first set of edges */ med_orig = medge_orig; med_new = medge_new; for (i = 0; i < totedge; i++, med_orig++, med_new++) { med_new->v1 = med_orig->v1; med_new->v2 = med_orig->v2; med_new->crease = med_orig->crease; med_new->flag = med_orig->flag & ~ME_LOOSEEDGE; } /* build polygon -> edge map */ if (totpoly) { MPoly *mp_orig; mpoly_orig = dm->getPolyArray(dm); mloop_orig = dm->getLoopArray(dm); edge_poly_map = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edge_poly_map) * totedge, __func__); memset(edge_poly_map, 0xff, sizeof(*edge_poly_map) * totedge); vert_loop_map = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*vert_loop_map) * totvert, __func__); memset(vert_loop_map, 0xff, sizeof(*vert_loop_map) * totvert); for (i = 0, mp_orig = mpoly_orig; i < totpoly; i++, mp_orig++) { unsigned int loopstart = (unsigned int)mp_orig->loopstart; unsigned int loopend = loopstart + (unsigned int)mp_orig->totloop; MLoop *ml_orig = &mloop_orig[loopstart]; unsigned int k; for (k = loopstart; k < loopend; k++, ml_orig++) { edge_poly_map[ml_orig->e] = i; vert_loop_map[ml_orig->v] = k; /* also order edges based on faces */ if (medge_new[ml_orig->e].v1 != ml_orig->v) { SWAP(unsigned int, medge_new[ml_orig->e].v1, medge_new[ml_orig->e].v2); } } } }
static DerivedMesh *applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *derivedData, int useRenderParams, int UNUSED(isFinalCalc)) { DerivedMesh *dm= derivedData; DerivedMesh *result; ScrewModifierData *ltmd= (ScrewModifierData*) md; int *origindex; int mface_index=0; int step; int i, j; int i1,i2; int step_tot= useRenderParams ? ltmd->render_steps : ltmd->steps; const int do_flip = ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_FLIP ? 1 : 0; int maxVerts=0, maxEdges=0, maxFaces=0; int totvert= dm->getNumVerts(dm); int totedge= dm->getNumEdges(dm); char axis_char= 'X', close; float angle= ltmd->angle; float screw_ofs= ltmd->screw_ofs; float axis_vec[3]= {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float tmp_vec1[3], tmp_vec2[3]; float mat3[3][3]; float mtx_tx[4][4]; /* transform the coords by an object relative to this objects transformation */ float mtx_tx_inv[4][4]; /* inverted */ float mtx_tmp_a[4][4]; int vc_tot_linked= 0; short other_axis_1, other_axis_2; float *tmpf1, *tmpf2; MFace *mface_new, *mf_new; MEdge *medge_orig, *med_orig, *med_new, *med_new_firstloop, *medge_new; MVert *mvert_new, *mvert_orig, *mv_orig, *mv_new, *mv_new_base; ScrewVertConnect *vc, *vc_tmp, *vert_connect= NULL; /* dont do anything? */ if (!totvert) return CDDM_from_template(dm, 0, 0, 0); switch(ltmd->axis) { case 0: other_axis_1=1; other_axis_2=2; break; case 1: other_axis_1=0; other_axis_2=2; break; default: /* 2, use default to quiet warnings */ other_axis_1=0; other_axis_2=1; break; } axis_vec[ltmd->axis]= 1.0f; if (ltmd->ob_axis) { /* calc the matrix relative to the axis object */ invert_m4_m4(mtx_tmp_a, ob->obmat); copy_m4_m4(mtx_tx_inv, ltmd->ob_axis->obmat); mul_m4_m4m4(mtx_tx, mtx_tx_inv, mtx_tmp_a); /* calc the axis vec */ mul_mat3_m4_v3(mtx_tx, axis_vec); /* only rotation component */ normalize_v3(axis_vec); /* screw */ if(ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_OFFSET) { /* find the offset along this axis relative to this objects matrix */ float totlen = len_v3(mtx_tx[3]); if(totlen != 0.0f) { float zero[3]= {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float cp[3]; screw_ofs= closest_to_line_v3(cp, mtx_tx[3], zero, axis_vec); } else { screw_ofs= 0.0f; } } /* angle */ #if 0 // cant incluide this, not predictable enough, though quite fun,. if(ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_OBJECT_ANGLE) { float mtx3_tx[3][3]; copy_m3_m4(mtx3_tx, mtx_tx); float vec[3] = {0,1,0}; float cross1[3]; float cross2[3]; cross_v3_v3v3(cross1, vec, axis_vec); mul_v3_m3v3(cross2, mtx3_tx, cross1); { float c1[3]; float c2[3]; float axis_tmp[3]; cross_v3_v3v3(c1, cross2, axis_vec); cross_v3_v3v3(c2, axis_vec, c1); angle= angle_v3v3(cross1, c2); cross_v3_v3v3(axis_tmp, cross1, c2); normalize_v3(axis_tmp); if(len_v3v3(axis_tmp, axis_vec) > 1.0f) angle= -angle; } } #endif } else { /* exis char is used by i_rotate*/ axis_char += ltmd->axis; /* 'X' + axis */ /* useful to be able to use the axis vec in some cases still */ zero_v3(axis_vec); axis_vec[ltmd->axis]= 1.0f; } /* apply the multiplier */ angle *= ltmd->iter; screw_ofs *= ltmd->iter; /* multiplying the steps is a bit tricky, this works best */ step_tot = ((step_tot + 1) * ltmd->iter) - (ltmd->iter - 1); /* will the screw be closed? * Note! smaller then FLT_EPSILON*100 gives problems with float precision so its never closed. */ if (fabsf(screw_ofs) <= (FLT_EPSILON*100.0f) && fabsf(fabsf(angle) - ((float)M_PI * 2.0f)) <= (FLT_EPSILON*100.0f)) { close= 1; step_tot--; if(step_tot < 3) step_tot= 3; maxVerts = totvert * step_tot; /* -1 because we're joining back up */ maxEdges = (totvert * step_tot) + /* these are the edges between new verts */ (totedge * step_tot); /* -1 because vert edges join */ maxFaces = totedge * step_tot; screw_ofs= 0.0f; } else { close= 0; if(step_tot < 3) step_tot= 3; maxVerts = totvert * step_tot; /* -1 because we're joining back up */ maxEdges = (totvert * (step_tot-1)) + /* these are the edges between new verts */ (totedge * step_tot); /* -1 because vert edges join */ maxFaces = totedge * (step_tot-1); } result= CDDM_from_template(dm, maxVerts, maxEdges, maxFaces); /* copy verts from mesh */ mvert_orig = dm->getVertArray(dm); medge_orig = dm->getEdgeArray(dm); mvert_new = result->getVertArray(result); mface_new = result->getFaceArray(result); medge_new = result->getEdgeArray(result); origindex= result->getFaceDataArray(result, CD_ORIGINDEX); DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, 0, 0, totvert); /* copy first otherwise this overwrites our own vertex normals */ /* Set the locations of the first set of verts */ mv_new= mvert_new; mv_orig= mvert_orig; /* Copy the first set of edges */ med_orig= medge_orig; med_new= medge_new; for (i=0; i < totedge; i++, med_orig++, med_new++) { med_new->v1= med_orig->v1; med_new->v2= med_orig->v2; med_new->crease= med_orig->crease; med_new->flag= med_orig->flag & ~ME_LOOSEEDGE; } if(ltmd->flag & MOD_SCREW_NORMAL_CALC) { /* * Normal Calculation (for face flipping) * Sort edge verts for correct face flipping * NOT REALLY NEEDED but face flipping is nice. * * */ /* Notice! * * Since we are only ordering the edges here it can avoid mallocing the * extra space by abusing the vert array berfore its filled with new verts. * The new array for vert_connect must be at least sizeof(ScrewVertConnect) * totvert * and the size of our resulting meshes array is sizeof(MVert) * totvert * 3 * so its safe to use the second 2 thrids of MVert the array for vert_connect, * just make sure ScrewVertConnect struct is no more then twice as big as MVert, * at the moment there is no chance of that being a problem, * unless MVert becomes half its current size. * * once the edges are ordered, vert_connect is not needed and it can be used for verts * * This makes the modifier faster with one less alloc. */ vert_connect= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ScrewVertConnect) * totvert, "ScrewVertConnect"); //vert_connect= (ScrewVertConnect *) &medge_new[totvert]; /* skip the first slice of verts */ vc= vert_connect; /* Copy Vert Locations */ /* - We can do this in a later loop - only do here if no normal calc */ if (!totedge) { for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, mv_orig++, mv_new++) { copy_v3_v3(mv_new->co, mv_orig->co); normalize_v3_v3(vc->no, mv_new->co); /* no edges- this is really a dummy normal */ } } else { /*printf("\n\n\n\n\nStarting Modifier\n");*/ /* set edge users */ med_new= medge_new; mv_new= mvert_new; if (ltmd->ob_axis) { /*mtx_tx is initialized early on */ for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, mv_new++, mv_orig++, vc++) { vc->co[0]= mv_new->co[0]= mv_orig->co[0]; vc->co[1]= mv_new->co[1]= mv_orig->co[1]; vc->co[2]= mv_new->co[2]= mv_orig->co[2]; vc->flag= 0; vc->e[0]= vc->e[1]= NULL; vc->v[0]= vc->v[1]= -1; mul_m4_v3(mtx_tx, vc->co); /* length in 2d, dont sqrt because this is only for comparison */ vc->dist = vc->co[other_axis_1]*vc->co[other_axis_1] + vc->co[other_axis_2]*vc->co[other_axis_2]; /* printf("location %f %f %f -- %f\n", vc->co[0], vc->co[1], vc->co[2], vc->dist);*/ } } else { for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, mv_new++, mv_orig++, vc++) { vc->co[0]= mv_new->co[0]= mv_orig->co[0]; vc->co[1]= mv_new->co[1]= mv_orig->co[1]; vc->co[2]= mv_new->co[2]= mv_orig->co[2]; vc->flag= 0; vc->e[0]= vc->e[1]= NULL; vc->v[0]= vc->v[1]= -1; /* length in 2d, dont sqrt because this is only for comparison */ vc->dist = vc->co[other_axis_1]*vc->co[other_axis_1] + vc->co[other_axis_2]*vc->co[other_axis_2]; /* printf("location %f %f %f -- %f\n", vc->co[0], vc->co[1], vc->co[2], vc->dist);*/ } } /* this loop builds connectivity info for verts */ for (i=0; i<totedge; i++, med_new++) { vc= &vert_connect[med_new->v1]; if (vc->v[0] == -1) { /* unused */ vc->v[0]= med_new->v2; vc->e[0]= med_new; } else if (vc->v[1] == -1) { vc->v[1]= med_new->v2; vc->e[1]= med_new; } else { vc->v[0]= vc->v[1]= -2; /* erro value - dont use, 3 edges on vert */ } vc= &vert_connect[med_new->v2]; /* same as above but swap v1/2 */ if (vc->v[0] == -1) { /* unused */ vc->v[0]= med_new->v1; vc->e[0]= med_new; } else if (vc->v[1] == -1) { vc->v[1]= med_new->v1; vc->e[1]= med_new; } else { vc->v[0]= vc->v[1]= -2; /* erro value - dont use, 3 edges on vert */ } } /* find the first vert */ vc= vert_connect; for (i=0; i < totvert; i++, vc++) { /* Now do search for connected verts, order all edges and flip them * so resulting faces are flipped the right way */ vc_tot_linked= 0; /* count the number of linked verts for this loop */ if (vc->flag == 0) { int v_best=-1, ed_loop_closed=0; /* vert and vert new */ ScrewVertIter lt_iter; int ed_loop_flip= 0; /* compiler complains if not initialized, but it should be initialized below */ float fl= -1.0f; /*printf("Loop on connected vert: %i\n", i);*/ for(j=0; j<2; j++) { /*printf("\tSide: %i\n", j);*/ screwvert_iter_init(<_iter, vert_connect, i, j); if (j == 1) { screwvert_iter_step(<_iter); } while (lt_iter.v_poin) { /*printf("\t\tVERT: %i\n", lt_iter.v);*/ if (lt_iter.v_poin->flag) { /*printf("\t\t\tBreaking Found end\n");*/ //endpoints[0]= endpoints[1]= -1; ed_loop_closed= 1; /* circle */ break; } lt_iter.v_poin->flag= 1; vc_tot_linked++; /*printf("Testing 2 floats %f : %f\n", fl, lt_iter.v_poin->dist);*/ if (fl <= lt_iter.v_poin->dist) { fl= lt_iter.v_poin->dist; v_best= lt_iter.v; /*printf("\t\t\tVERT BEST: %i\n", v_best);*/ } screwvert_iter_step(<_iter); if (!lt_iter.v_poin) { /*printf("\t\t\tFound End Also Num %i\n", j);*/ /*endpoints[j]= lt_iter.v_other;*/ /* other is still valid */ break; } } } /* now we have a collection of used edges. flip their edges the right way*/ /*if (v_best != -1) - */ /*printf("Done Looking - vc_tot_linked: %i\n", vc_tot_linked);*/ if (vc_tot_linked>1) { float vf_1, vf_2, vf_best; vc_tmp= &vert_connect[v_best]; tmpf1= vert_connect[vc_tmp->v[0]].co; tmpf2= vert_connect[vc_tmp->v[1]].co; /* edge connects on each side! */ if ((vc_tmp->v[0] > -1) && (vc_tmp->v[1] > -1)) { /*printf("Verts on each side (%i %i)\n", vc_tmp->v[0], vc_tmp->v[1]);*/ /* find out which is higher */ vf_1= tmpf1[ltmd->axis]; vf_2= tmpf2[ltmd->axis]; vf_best= vc_tmp->co[ltmd->axis]; if (vf_1 < vf_best && vf_best < vf_2) { ed_loop_flip= 0; } else if (vf_1 > vf_best && vf_best > vf_2) { ed_loop_flip= 1; } else { /* not so simple to work out which edge is higher */ sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec1, tmpf1, vc_tmp->co); sub_v3_v3v3(tmp_vec2, tmpf2, vc_tmp->co); normalize_v3(tmp_vec1); normalize_v3(tmp_vec2); if (tmp_vec1[ltmd->axis] < tmp_vec2[ltmd->axis]) { ed_loop_flip= 1; } else { ed_loop_flip= 0; } } } else if (vc_tmp->v[0] >= 0) { /*vertex only connected on 1 side */ /*printf("Verts on ONE side (%i %i)\n", vc_tmp->v[0], vc_tmp->v[1]);*/ if (tmpf1[ltmd->axis] < vc_tmp->co[ltmd->axis]) { /* best is above */ ed_loop_flip= 1; } else { /* best is below or even... in even case we cant know whet to do. */ ed_loop_flip= 0; } }/* else { printf("No Connected ___\n"); }*/ /*printf("flip direction %i\n", ed_loop_flip);*/ /* switch the flip option if set * note: flip is now done at face level so copying vgroup slizes is easier */ /* if (do_flip) ed_loop_flip= !ed_loop_flip; */ if (angle < 0.0f) ed_loop_flip= !ed_loop_flip; /* if its closed, we only need 1 loop */ for(j=ed_loop_closed; j<2; j++) { /*printf("Ordering Side J %i\n", j);*/ screwvert_iter_init(<_iter, vert_connect, v_best, j); /*printf("\n\nStarting - Loop\n");*/ lt_iter.v_poin->flag= 1; /* so a non loop will traverse the other side */ /* If this is the vert off the best vert and * the best vert has 2 edges connected too it * then swap the flip direction */ if (j == 1 && (vc_tmp->v[0] > -1) && (vc_tmp->v[1] > -1)) ed_loop_flip= !ed_loop_flip; while (lt_iter.v_poin && lt_iter.v_poin->flag != 2) { /*printf("\tOrdering Vert V %i\n", lt_iter.v);*/ lt_iter.v_poin->flag= 2; if (lt_iter.e) { if (lt_iter.v == lt_iter.e->v1) { if (ed_loop_flip == 0) { /*printf("\t\t\tFlipping 0\n");*/ SWAP(int, lt_iter.e->v1, lt_iter.e->v2); }/* else { printf("\t\t\tFlipping Not 0\n"); }*/ } else if (lt_iter.v == lt_iter.e->v2) { if (ed_loop_flip == 1) { /*printf("\t\t\tFlipping 1\n");*/ SWAP(int, lt_iter.e->v1, lt_iter.e->v2); }/* else { printf("\t\t\tFlipping Not 1\n"); }*/ }/* else { printf("\t\tIncorrect edge topology"); }*/ }/* else { printf("\t\tNo Edge at this point\n"); }*/ screwvert_iter_step(<_iter); } }
static void rna_Object_ray_cast(Object *ob, bContext *C, ReportList *reports, float origin[3], float direction[3], float distance, PointerRNA *rnaptr_depsgraph, bool *r_success, float r_location[3], float r_normal[3], int *r_index) { bool success = false; if (ob->runtime.mesh_eval == NULL && (ob = eval_object_ensure(ob, C, reports, rnaptr_depsgraph)) == NULL) { return; } /* Test BoundBox first (efficiency) */ BoundBox *bb = BKE_object_boundbox_get(ob); float distmin; normalize_v3( direction); /* Needed for valid distance check from isect_ray_aabb_v3_simple() call. */ if (!bb || (isect_ray_aabb_v3_simple(origin, direction, bb->vec[0], bb->vec[6], &distmin, NULL) && distmin <= distance)) { BVHTreeFromMesh treeData = {NULL}; /* No need to managing allocation or freeing of the BVH data. * This is generated and freed as needed. */ BKE_bvhtree_from_mesh_get(&treeData, ob->runtime.mesh_eval, BVHTREE_FROM_LOOPTRI, 4); /* may fail if the mesh has no faces, in that case the ray-cast misses */ if (treeData.tree != NULL) { BVHTreeRayHit hit; hit.index = -1; hit.dist = distance; if (BLI_bvhtree_ray_cast(treeData.tree, origin, direction, 0.0f, &hit, treeData.raycast_callback, &treeData) != -1) { if (hit.dist <= distance) { *r_success = success = true; copy_v3_v3(r_location,; copy_v3_v3(r_normal,; *r_index = mesh_looptri_to_poly_index(ob->runtime.mesh_eval, &treeData.looptri[hit.index]); } } free_bvhtree_from_mesh(&treeData); } } if (success == false) { *r_success = false; zero_v3(r_location); zero_v3(r_normal); *r_index = -1; } }
static void pointdensity_cache_psys(Render *re, PointDensity *pd, Object *ob, ParticleSystem *psys) { DerivedMesh* dm; ParticleKey state; ParticleCacheKey *cache; ParticleSimulationData sim= {NULL}; ParticleData *pa=NULL; float cfra = BKE_scene_frame_get(re->scene); int i /*, childexists*/ /* UNUSED */; int total_particles, offset=0; int data_used = point_data_used(pd); float partco[3]; float obview[4][4]; /* init everything */ if (!psys || !ob || !pd) return; mul_m4_m4m4(obview, ob->obmat, re->viewinv); /* Just to create a valid rendering context for particles */ psys_render_set(ob, psys, re->viewmat, re->winmat, re->winx, re->winy, 0); dm = mesh_create_derived_render(re->scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH|CD_MASK_MTFACE|CD_MASK_MCOL); if ( !psys_check_enabled(ob, psys)) { psys_render_restore(ob, psys); return; } sim.scene= re->scene; sim.ob= ob; sim.psys= psys; /* in case ob->imat isn't up-to-date */ invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->obmat); total_particles = psys->totpart+psys->totchild; psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim); pd->point_tree = BLI_bvhtree_new(total_particles, 0.0, 4, 6); alloc_point_data(pd, total_particles, data_used); pd->totpoints = total_particles; if (data_used & POINT_DATA_VEL) offset = pd->totpoints*3; #if 0 /* UNUSED */ if (psys->totchild > 0 && !(psys->part->draw & PART_DRAW_PARENT)) childexists = 1; #endif for (i=0, pa=psys->particles; i < total_particles; i++, pa++) { if (psys->part->type == PART_HAIR) { /* hair particles */ if (i < psys->totpart && psys->pathcache) cache = psys->pathcache[i]; else if (i >= psys->totpart && psys->childcache) cache = psys->childcache[i - psys->totpart]; else continue; cache += cache->segments; /* use endpoint */ copy_v3_v3(, cache->co); zero_v3(state.vel); state.time = 0.0f; } else { /* emitter particles */ state.time = cfra; if (!psys_get_particle_state(&sim, i, &state, 0)) continue; if (data_used & POINT_DATA_LIFE) { if (i < psys->totpart) { state.time = (cfra - pa->time)/pa->lifetime; } else { ChildParticle *cpa= (psys->child + i) - psys->totpart; float pa_birthtime, pa_dietime; state.time = psys_get_child_time(psys, cpa, cfra, &pa_birthtime, &pa_dietime); } } } copy_v3_v3(partco,; if (pd->psys_cache_space == TEX_PD_OBJECTSPACE) mul_m4_v3(ob->imat, partco); else if (pd->psys_cache_space == TEX_PD_OBJECTLOC) { sub_v3_v3(partco, ob->loc); } else { /* TEX_PD_WORLDSPACE */ } BLI_bvhtree_insert(pd->point_tree, i, partco, 1); if (data_used & POINT_DATA_VEL) { pd->point_data[i*3 + 0] = state.vel[0]; pd->point_data[i*3 + 1] = state.vel[1]; pd->point_data[i*3 + 2] = state.vel[2]; } if (data_used & POINT_DATA_LIFE) { pd->point_data[offset + i] = state.time; } } BLI_bvhtree_balance(pd->point_tree); dm->release(dm); if (psys->lattice_deform_data) { end_latt_deform(psys->lattice_deform_data); psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL; } psys_render_restore(ob, psys); }
static void bake_shade(void *handle, Object *ob, ShadeInput *shi, int UNUSED(quad), int x, int y, float UNUSED(u), float UNUSED(v), float *tvn, float *ttang) { BakeShade *bs = handle; ShadeSample *ssamp = &bs->ssamp; ShadeResult shr; VlakRen *vlr = shi->vlr; shade_input_init_material(shi); if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_AO) { ambient_occlusion(shi); if (R.r.bake_flag & R_BAKE_NORMALIZE) { copy_v3_v3(shr.combined, shi->ao); } else { zero_v3(shr.combined); environment_lighting_apply(shi, &shr); } } else { if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_SHADOW) /* Why do shadows set the color anyhow?, ignore material color for baking */ shi->r = shi->g = shi->b = 1.0f; shade_input_set_shade_texco(shi); /* only do AO for a full bake (and obviously AO bakes) * AO for light bakes is a leftover and might not be needed */ if (ELEM3(bs->type, RE_BAKE_ALL, RE_BAKE_AO, RE_BAKE_LIGHT)) shade_samples_do_AO(ssamp); if (shi->mat->nodetree && shi->mat->use_nodes) { ntreeShaderExecTree(shi->mat->nodetree, shi, &shr); shi->mat = vlr->mat; /* shi->mat is being set in nodetree */ } else shade_material_loop(shi, &shr); if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_NORMALS) { float nor[3]; copy_v3_v3(nor, shi->vn); if (R.r.bake_normal_space == R_BAKE_SPACE_CAMERA) { /* pass */ } else if (R.r.bake_normal_space == R_BAKE_SPACE_TANGENT) { float mat[3][3], imat[3][3]; /* bitangent */ if (tvn && ttang) { copy_v3_v3(mat[0], ttang); cross_v3_v3v3(mat[1], tvn, ttang); mul_v3_fl(mat[1], ttang[3]); copy_v3_v3(mat[2], tvn); } else { copy_v3_v3(mat[0], shi->nmaptang); cross_v3_v3v3(mat[1], shi->nmapnorm, shi->nmaptang); mul_v3_fl(mat[1], shi->nmaptang[3]); copy_v3_v3(mat[2], shi->nmapnorm); } invert_m3_m3(imat, mat); mul_m3_v3(imat, nor); } else if (R.r.bake_normal_space == R_BAKE_SPACE_OBJECT) mul_mat3_m4_v3(ob->imat_ren, nor); /* ob->imat_ren includes viewinv! */ else if (R.r.bake_normal_space == R_BAKE_SPACE_WORLD) mul_mat3_m4_v3(R.viewinv, nor); normalize_v3(nor); /* in case object has scaling */ /* The invert of the red channel is to make * the normal map compliant with the outside world. * It needs to be done because in Blender * the normal used in the renderer points inward. It is generated * this way in calc_vertexnormals(). Should this ever change * this negate must be removed. */ shr.combined[0] = (-nor[0]) / 2.0f + 0.5f; shr.combined[1] = nor[1] / 2.0f + 0.5f; shr.combined[2] = nor[2] / 2.0f + 0.5f; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_TEXTURE) { copy_v3_v3(shr.combined, &shi->r); shr.alpha = shi->alpha; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_SHADOW) { copy_v3_v3(shr.combined, shr.shad); shr.alpha = shi->alpha; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_SPEC_COLOR) { copy_v3_v3(shr.combined, &shi->specr); shr.alpha = 1.0f; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_SPEC_INTENSITY) { copy_v3_fl(shr.combined, shi->spec); shr.alpha = 1.0f; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_MIRROR_COLOR) { copy_v3_v3(shr.combined, &shi->mirr); shr.alpha = 1.0f; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_MIRROR_INTENSITY) { copy_v3_fl(shr.combined, shi->ray_mirror); shr.alpha = 1.0f; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_ALPHA) { copy_v3_fl(shr.combined, shi->alpha); shr.alpha = 1.0f; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_EMIT) { copy_v3_fl(shr.combined, shi->emit); shr.alpha = 1.0f; } else if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_VERTEX_COLORS) { copy_v3_v3(shr.combined, shi->vcol); shr.alpha = shi->vcol[3]; } } if (bs->rect_float && !bs->vcol) { float *col = bs->rect_float + 4 * (bs->rectx * y + x); copy_v3_v3(col, shr.combined); if (bs->type == RE_BAKE_ALL || bs->type == RE_BAKE_TEXTURE || bs->type == RE_BAKE_VERTEX_COLORS) { col[3] = shr.alpha; } else { col[3] = 1.0; } } else { /* Target is char (LDR). */ unsigned char col[4]; if (ELEM(bs->type, RE_BAKE_ALL, RE_BAKE_TEXTURE)) { float rgb[3]; copy_v3_v3(rgb, shr.combined); if (R.scene_color_manage) { /* Vertex colors have no way to specify color space, so they * default to sRGB. */ if (!bs->vcol) IMB_colormanagement_scene_linear_to_colorspace_v3(rgb, bs->rect_colorspace); else linearrgb_to_srgb_v3_v3(rgb, rgb); } rgb_float_to_uchar(col, rgb); } else { rgb_float_to_uchar(col, shr.combined); } if (ELEM3(bs->type, RE_BAKE_ALL, RE_BAKE_TEXTURE, RE_BAKE_VERTEX_COLORS)) { col[3] = FTOCHAR(shr.alpha); } else { col[3] = 255; } if (bs->vcol) { /* Vertex color baking. Vcol has no useful alpha channel (it exists * but is used only for vertex painting). */ bs->vcol->r = col[0]; bs->vcol->g = col[1]; bs->vcol->b = col[2]; } else { unsigned char *imcol = (unsigned char *)(bs->rect + bs->rectx * y + x); copy_v4_v4_char((char *)imcol, (char *)col); } } if (bs->rect_mask) { bs->rect_mask[bs->rectx * y + x] = FILTER_MASK_USED; } if (bs->do_update) { *bs->do_update = true; } }
static bool initFlyInfo(bContext *C, FlyInfo *fly, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event) { wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C); rctf viewborder; float upvec[3]; /* tmp */ float mat[3][3]; fly->rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C); fly->v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C); fly->ar = CTX_wm_region(C); fly->scene = CTX_data_scene(C); #ifdef NDOF_FLY_DEBUG puts("\n-- fly begin --"); #endif /* sanity check: for rare but possible case (if lib-linking the camera fails) */ if ((fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) && (fly->v3d->camera == NULL)) { fly->rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP; } if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB && ID_IS_LINKED(fly->v3d->camera)) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly a camera from an external library"); return false; } if (ED_view3d_offset_lock_check(fly->v3d, fly->rv3d)) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly when the view offset is locked"); return false; } if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB && fly->v3d->camera->constraints.first) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly an object with constraints"); return false; } fly->state = FLY_RUNNING; fly->speed = 0.0f; fly->axis = 2; fly->pan_view = false; fly->xlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF; fly->zlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF; fly->xlock_momentum = 0.0f; fly->zlock_momentum = 0.0f; fly->grid = 1.0f; fly->use_precision = false; fly->use_freelook = false; #ifdef NDOF_FLY_DRAW_TOOMUCH fly->redraw = 1; #endif zero_v3(fly->dvec_prev); fly->timer = WM_event_add_timer(CTX_wm_manager(C), win, TIMER, 0.01f); copy_v2_v2_int(fly->mval, event->mval); #ifdef WITH_INPUT_NDOF fly->ndof = NULL; #endif fly->time_lastdraw = fly->time_lastwheel = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); fly->draw_handle_pixel = ED_region_draw_cb_activate(fly->ar->type, drawFlyPixel, fly, REGION_DRAW_POST_PIXEL); fly->rv3d->rflag |= RV3D_NAVIGATING; /* detect whether to start with Z locking */ copy_v3_fl3(upvec, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); copy_m3_m4(mat, fly->rv3d->viewinv); mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); if (fabsf(upvec[2]) < 0.1f) { fly->zlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_IDLE; } fly->v3d_camera_control = ED_view3d_cameracontrol_acquire( fly->scene, fly->v3d, fly->rv3d, (U.uiflag & USER_CAM_LOCK_NO_PARENT) == 0); /* calculate center */ if (fly->scene->camera) { ED_view3d_calc_camera_border(fly->scene, fly->ar, fly->v3d, fly->rv3d, &viewborder, false); fly->width = BLI_rctf_size_x(&viewborder); fly->height = BLI_rctf_size_y(&viewborder); fly->center_mval[0] = viewborder.xmin + fly->width / 2; fly->center_mval[1] = viewborder.ymin + fly->height / 2; } else { fly->width = fly->ar->winx; fly->height = fly->ar->winy; fly->center_mval[0] = fly->width / 2; fly->center_mval[1] = fly->height / 2; } /* center the mouse, probably the UI mafia are against this but without its quite annoying */ WM_cursor_warp(win, fly->ar->winrct.xmin + fly->center_mval[0], fly->ar->winrct.ymin + fly->center_mval[1]); fly_update_header(C, op, fly); return 1; }
/** * \return a face index in \a faces and set \a r_is_flip * if the face is flipped away from the center. */ static int recalc_face_normals_find_index(BMesh *bm, BMFace **faces, const int faces_len, bool *r_is_flip) { const float eps = FLT_EPSILON; float cent_area_accum = 0.0f; float cent[3]; const float cent_fac = 1.0f / (float)faces_len; bool is_flip = false; int f_start_index; int i; /** Search for the best loop. Members are compared in-order defined here. */ struct { /** * Squared distance from the center to the loops vertex 'l->v'. * The normalized direction between the center and this vertex * is also used for the dot-products below. */ float dist_sq; /** * Signed dot product using the normalized edge vector, * (best of 'l->prev->v' or 'l->next->v'). */ float edge_dot; /** * Unsigned dot product using the loop-normal * (sign is used to check if we need to flip). */ float loop_dot; } best, test; UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(bm); zero_v3(cent); /* first calculate the center */ for (i = 0; i < faces_len; i++) { float f_cent[3]; const float f_area = BM_face_calc_area(faces[i]); BM_face_calc_center_median_weighted(faces[i], f_cent); madd_v3_v3fl(cent, f_cent, cent_fac * f_area); cent_area_accum += f_area; BLI_assert(BMO_face_flag_test(bm, faces[i], FACE_TEMP) == 0); BLI_assert(BM_face_is_normal_valid(faces[i])); } if (cent_area_accum != 0.0f) { mul_v3_fl(cent, 1.0f / cent_area_accum); } /* Distances must start above zero, * or we can't do meaningful calculations based on the direction to the center */ best.dist_sq = eps; best.edge_dot = best.loop_dot = -FLT_MAX; /* used in degenerate cases only */ f_start_index = 0; /** * Find the outer-most vertex, comparing distance to the center, * then the outer-most loop attached to that vertex. * * Important this is correctly detected, * where casting a ray from the center wont hit any loops past this one. * Otherwise the result may be incorrect. */ for (i = 0; i < faces_len; i++) { BMLoop *l_iter, *l_first; l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(faces[i]); do { bool is_best_dist_sq; float dir[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(dir, l_iter->v->co, cent); test.dist_sq = len_squared_v3(dir); is_best_dist_sq = (test.dist_sq > best.dist_sq); if (is_best_dist_sq || (test.dist_sq == best.dist_sq)) { float edge_dir_pair[2][3]; mul_v3_fl(dir, 1.0f / sqrtf(test.dist_sq)); sub_v3_v3v3(edge_dir_pair[0], l_iter->next->v->co, l_iter->v->co); sub_v3_v3v3(edge_dir_pair[1], l_iter->prev->v->co, l_iter->v->co); if ((normalize_v3(edge_dir_pair[0]) > eps) && (normalize_v3(edge_dir_pair[1]) > eps)) { bool is_best_edge_dot; test.edge_dot = max_ff(dot_v3v3(dir, edge_dir_pair[0]), dot_v3v3(dir, edge_dir_pair[1])); is_best_edge_dot = (test.edge_dot > best.edge_dot); if (is_best_dist_sq || is_best_edge_dot || (test.edge_dot == best.edge_dot)) { float loop_dir[3]; cross_v3_v3v3(loop_dir, edge_dir_pair[0], edge_dir_pair[1]); if (normalize_v3(loop_dir) > eps) { float loop_dir_dot; /* Highly unlikely the furthest loop is also the concave part of an ngon, * but it can be contrived with _very_ non-planar faces - so better check. */ if (UNLIKELY(dot_v3v3(loop_dir, l_iter->f->no) < 0.0f)) { negate_v3(loop_dir); } loop_dir_dot = dot_v3v3(dir, loop_dir); test.loop_dot = fabsf(loop_dir_dot); if (is_best_dist_sq || is_best_edge_dot || (test.loop_dot > best.loop_dot)) { best = test; f_start_index = i; is_flip = (loop_dir_dot < 0.0f); } } } } } } while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first); } *r_is_flip = is_flip; return f_start_index; }
/* determines the velocity the boid wants to have */ void boid_brain(BoidBrainData *bbd, int p, ParticleData *pa) { BoidRule *rule; BoidSettings *boids = bbd->part->boids; BoidValues val; BoidState *state = get_boid_state(boids, pa); BoidParticle *bpa = pa->boid; ParticleSystem *psys = bbd->sim->psys; int rand; //BoidCondition *cond; if (bpa-> <= 0.0f) { pa->alive = PARS_DYING; pa->dietime = bbd->cfra; return; } //planned for near future //cond = state->conditions.first; //for (; cond; cond=cond->next) { // if (boid_condition_is_true(cond)) { // pa->boid->state_id = cond->state_id; // state = get_boid_state(boids, pa); // break; /* only first true condition is used */ // } //} zero_v3(bbd->wanted_co); bbd->wanted_speed = 0.0f; /* create random seed for every particle & frame */ rand = (int)(psys_frand(psys, psys->seed + p) * 1000); rand = (int)(psys_frand(psys, (int)bbd->cfra + rand) * 1000); set_boid_values(&val, bbd->part->boids, pa); /* go through rules */ switch (state->ruleset_type) { case eBoidRulesetType_Fuzzy: { for (rule = state->rules.first; rule; rule = rule->next) { if (apply_boid_rule(bbd, rule, &val, pa, state->rule_fuzziness)) break; /* only first nonzero rule that comes through fuzzy rule is applied */ } break; } case eBoidRulesetType_Random: { /* use random rule for each particle (always same for same particle though) */ rule = BLI_findlink(&state->rules, rand % BLI_listbase_count(&state->rules)); apply_boid_rule(bbd, rule, &val, pa, -1.0); break; } case eBoidRulesetType_Average: { float wanted_co[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, wanted_speed = 0.0f; int n = 0; for (rule = state->rules.first; rule; rule=rule->next) { if (apply_boid_rule(bbd, rule, &val, pa, -1.0f)) { add_v3_v3(wanted_co, bbd->wanted_co); wanted_speed += bbd->wanted_speed; n++; zero_v3(bbd->wanted_co); bbd->wanted_speed = 0.0f; } } if (n > 1) { mul_v3_fl(wanted_co, 1.0f/(float)n); wanted_speed /= (float)n; } copy_v3_v3(bbd->wanted_co, wanted_co); bbd->wanted_speed = wanted_speed; break; } } /* decide on jumping & liftoff */ if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_OnLand) { /* fuzziness makes boids capable of misjudgement */ float mul = 1.0f + state->rule_fuzziness; if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT && bbd->wanted_co[2] > 0.0f) { float cvel[3], dir[3]; copy_v3_v3(dir, pa->prev_state.ave); normalize_v2(dir); copy_v3_v3(cvel, bbd->wanted_co); normalize_v2(cvel); if (dot_v2v2(cvel, dir) > 0.95f / mul) bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Liftoff; } else if (val.jump_speed > 0.0f) { float jump_v[3]; int jump = 0; /* jump to get to a location */ if (bbd->wanted_co[2] > 0.0f) { float cvel[3], dir[3]; float z_v, ground_v, cur_v; float len; copy_v3_v3(dir, pa->prev_state.ave); normalize_v2(dir); copy_v3_v3(cvel, bbd->wanted_co); normalize_v2(cvel); len = len_v2(pa->prev_state.vel); /* first of all, are we going in a suitable direction? */ /* or at a suitably slow speed */ if (dot_v2v2(cvel, dir) > 0.95f / mul || len <= state->rule_fuzziness) { /* try to reach goal at highest point of the parabolic path */ cur_v = len_v2(pa->prev_state.vel); z_v = sasqrt(-2.0f * bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] * bbd->wanted_co[2]); ground_v = len_v2(bbd->wanted_co)*sasqrt(-0.5f * bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] / bbd->wanted_co[2]); len = sasqrt((ground_v-cur_v)*(ground_v-cur_v) + z_v*z_v); if (len < val.jump_speed * mul || bbd->part->boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT) { jump = 1; len = MIN2(len, val.jump_speed); copy_v3_v3(jump_v, dir); jump_v[2] = z_v; mul_v3_fl(jump_v, ground_v); normalize_v3(jump_v); mul_v3_fl(jump_v, len); add_v2_v2v2(jump_v, jump_v, pa->prev_state.vel); } } } /* jump to go faster */ if (jump == 0 && val.jump_speed > val.max_speed && bbd->wanted_speed > val.max_speed) { } if (jump) { copy_v3_v3(pa->prev_state.vel, jump_v); bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling; } } } }
static int walkApply(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, WalkInfo *walk) { #define WALK_ROTATE_FAC 2.2f /* more is faster */ #define WALK_TOP_LIMIT DEG2RADF(85.0f) #define WALK_BOTTOM_LIMIT DEG2RADF(-80.0f) #define WALK_MOVE_SPEED base_speed #define WALK_BOOST_FACTOR ((void)0, walk->speed_factor) /* walk mode - Ctrl+Shift+F * a walk loop where the user can move move the view as if they are in a walk game */ RegionView3D *rv3d = walk->rv3d; ARegion *ar = walk->ar; float mat[3][3]; /* 3x3 copy of the view matrix so we can move along the view axis */ float dvec[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; /* this is the direction that's added to the view offset per redraw */ /* Camera Uprighting variables */ float upvec[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; /* stores the view's up vector */ int moffset[2]; /* mouse offset from the views center */ float tmp_quat[4]; /* used for rotating the view */ #ifdef NDOF_WALK_DEBUG { static unsigned int iteration = 1; printf("walk timer %d\n", iteration++); } #endif { /* mouse offset from the center */ copy_v2_v2_int(moffset, walk->moffset); /* apply moffset so we can re-accumulate */ walk->moffset[0] = 0; walk->moffset[1] = 0; /* revert mouse */ if (walk->is_reversed) { moffset[1] = -moffset[1]; } /* Should we redraw? */ if ((walk->active_directions) || moffset[0] || moffset[1] || walk->teleport.state == WALK_TELEPORT_STATE_ON || walk->gravity_state != WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_OFF) { float dvec_tmp[3]; /* time how fast it takes for us to redraw, * this is so simple scenes don't walk too fast */ double time_current; float time_redraw; #ifdef NDOF_WALK_DRAW_TOOMUCH walk->redraw = 1; #endif time_current = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); time_redraw = (float)(time_current - walk->time_lastdraw); walk->time_lastdraw = time_current; /* base speed in m/s */ walk->speed = WALK_MOVE_SPEED; if (walk->is_fast) { walk->speed *= WALK_BOOST_FACTOR; } else if (walk->is_slow) { walk->speed *= 1.0f / WALK_BOOST_FACTOR; } copy_m3_m4(mat, rv3d->viewinv); { /* rotate about the X axis- look up/down */ if (moffset[1]) { float angle; float y; /* relative offset */ y = (float) moffset[1] / ar->winy; /* speed factor */ y *= WALK_ROTATE_FAC; /* user adjustement factor */ y *= walk->mouse_speed; /* clamp the angle limits */ /* it ranges from 90.0f to -90.0f */ angle = -asinf(rv3d->viewmat[2][2]); if (angle > WALK_TOP_LIMIT && y > 0.0f) y = 0.0f; else if (angle < WALK_BOTTOM_LIMIT && y < 0.0f) y = 0.0f; copy_v3_fl3(upvec, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); /* Rotate about the relative up vec */ axis_angle_to_quat(tmp_quat, upvec, -y); mul_qt_qtqt(rv3d->viewquat, rv3d->viewquat, tmp_quat); } /* rotate about the Y axis- look left/right */ if (moffset[0]) { float x; /* if we're upside down invert the moffset */ copy_v3_fl3(upvec, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); if (upvec[2] < 0.0f) moffset[0] = -moffset[0]; /* relative offset */ x = (float) moffset[0] / ar->winx; /* speed factor */ x *= WALK_ROTATE_FAC; /* user adjustement factor */ x *= walk->mouse_speed; copy_v3_fl3(upvec, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); /* Rotate about the relative up vec */ axis_angle_normalized_to_quat(tmp_quat, upvec, x); mul_qt_qtqt(rv3d->viewquat, rv3d->viewquat, tmp_quat); } } /* WASD - 'move' translation code */ if ((walk->active_directions) && (walk->gravity_state == WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_OFF)) { short direction; zero_v3(dvec); if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_FORWARD) || (walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_BACKWARD)) { direction = 0; if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_FORWARD)) direction += 1; if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_BACKWARD)) direction -= 1; copy_v3_fl3(dvec_tmp, 0.0f, 0.0f, direction); mul_m3_v3(mat, dvec_tmp); if (walk->navigation_mode == WALK_MODE_GRAVITY) { dvec_tmp[2] = 0.0f; } normalize_v3(dvec_tmp); add_v3_v3(dvec, dvec_tmp); } if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_LEFT) || (walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_RIGHT)) { direction = 0; if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_LEFT)) direction += 1; if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_RIGHT)) direction -= 1; dvec_tmp[0] = direction * rv3d->viewinv[0][0]; dvec_tmp[1] = direction * rv3d->viewinv[0][1]; dvec_tmp[2] = 0.0f; normalize_v3(dvec_tmp); add_v3_v3(dvec, dvec_tmp); } if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_UP) || (walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_DOWN)) { if (walk->navigation_mode == WALK_MODE_FREE) { direction = 0; if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_UP)) direction -= 1; if ((walk->active_directions & WALK_BIT_DOWN)) direction = 1; copy_v3_fl3(dvec_tmp, 0.0f, 0.0f, direction); add_v3_v3(dvec, dvec_tmp); } } /* apply movement */ mul_v3_fl(dvec, walk->speed * time_redraw); } /* stick to the floor */ if (walk->navigation_mode == WALK_MODE_GRAVITY && ELEM(walk->gravity_state, WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_OFF, WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_START)) { bool ret; float ray_distance; float difference = -100.0f; float fall_distance; ret = walk_floor_distance_get(C, rv3d, walk, dvec, &ray_distance); if (ret) { difference = walk->view_height - ray_distance; } /* the distance we would fall naturally smoothly enough that we * can manually drop the object without activating gravity */ fall_distance = time_redraw * walk->speed * WALK_BOOST_FACTOR; if (fabsf(difference) < fall_distance) { /* slope/stairs */ dvec[2] -= difference; /* in case we switched from FREE to GRAVITY too close to the ground */ if (walk->gravity_state == WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_START) walk->gravity_state = WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_OFF; } else { /* hijack the teleport variables */ walk->teleport.initial_time = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); walk->gravity_state = WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_ON; walk->teleport.duration = 0.0f; copy_v3_v3(walk->teleport.origin, walk->rv3d->viewinv[3]); copy_v2_v2(walk->teleport.direction, dvec); } } /* Falling or jumping) */ if (ELEM(walk->gravity_state, WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_ON, WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_JUMP)) { float t; float z_cur, z_new; bool ret; float ray_distance, difference = -100.0f; /* delta time */ t = (float)(PIL_check_seconds_timer() - walk->teleport.initial_time); /* keep moving if we were moving */ copy_v2_v2(dvec, walk->teleport.direction); z_cur = walk->rv3d->viewinv[3][2]; z_new = walk->teleport.origin[2] - getFreeFallDistance(walk->gravity, t) * walk->grid; /* jump */ z_new += t * walk->speed_jump * walk->grid; /* duration is the jump duration */ if (t > walk->teleport.duration) { /* check to see if we are landing */ ret = walk_floor_distance_get(C, rv3d, walk, dvec, &ray_distance); if (ret) { difference = walk->view_height - ray_distance; } if (difference > 0.0f) { /* quit falling, lands at "view_height" from the floor */ dvec[2] -= difference; walk->gravity_state = WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_OFF; walk->speed_jump = 0.0f; } else { /* keep falling */ dvec[2] = z_cur - z_new; } } else { /* keep going up (jump) */ dvec[2] = z_cur - z_new; } } /* Teleport */ else if (walk->teleport.state == WALK_TELEPORT_STATE_ON) { float t; /* factor */ float new_loc[3]; float cur_loc[3]; /* linear interpolation */ t = (float)(PIL_check_seconds_timer() - walk->teleport.initial_time); t /= walk->teleport.duration; /* clamp so we don't go past our limit */ if (t >= 1.0f) { t = 1.0f; walk->teleport.state = WALK_TELEPORT_STATE_OFF; walk_navigation_mode_set(C, op, walk, walk->teleport.navigation_mode); } mul_v3_v3fl(new_loc, walk->teleport.direction, t); add_v3_v3(new_loc, walk->teleport.origin); copy_v3_v3(cur_loc, walk->rv3d->viewinv[3]); sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, cur_loc, new_loc); } if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) { Object *lock_ob = ED_view3d_cameracontrol_object_get(walk->v3d_camera_control); if (lock_ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_LOCX) dvec[0] = 0.0f; if (lock_ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_LOCY) dvec[1] = 0.0f; if (lock_ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_LOCZ) dvec[2] = 0.0f; } /* scale the movement to the scene size */ mul_v3_v3fl(dvec_tmp, dvec, walk->grid); add_v3_v3(rv3d->ofs, dvec_tmp); if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) { const bool do_rotate = (moffset[0] || moffset[1]); const bool do_translate = (walk->speed != 0.0f); walkMoveCamera(C, walk, do_rotate, do_translate); } } else { /* we're not redrawing but we need to update the time else the view will jump */ walk->time_lastdraw = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); } /* end drawing */ copy_v3_v3(walk->dvec_prev, dvec); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; #undef WALK_ROTATE_FAC #undef WALK_ZUP_CORRECT_FAC #undef WALK_ZUP_CORRECT_ACCEL #undef WALK_SMOOTH_FAC #undef WALK_TOP_LIMIT #undef WALK_BOTTOM_LIMIT #undef WALK_MOVE_SPEED #undef WALK_BOOST_FACTOR }
static int apply_objects_internal(bContext *C, ReportList *reports, int apply_loc, int apply_rot, int apply_scale) { Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); float rsmat[3][3], tmat[3][3], obmat[3][3], iobmat[3][3], mat[4][4], scale; int a, change = 1; /* first check if we can execute */ CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_editable_objects) { if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { if (ID_REAL_USERS(ob->data) > 1) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't apply to a multi user mesh, doing nothing"); change = 0; } } else if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { if (ID_REAL_USERS(ob->data) > 1) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't apply to a multi user armature, doing nothing"); change = 0; } } else if (ob->type == OB_LATTICE) { if (ID_REAL_USERS(ob->data) > 1) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't apply to a multi user lattice, doing nothing"); change = 0; } } else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF)) { Curve *cu; if (ID_REAL_USERS(ob->data) > 1) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't apply to a multi user curve, doing nothing"); change = 0; } cu = ob->data; if (!(cu->flag & CU_3D) && (apply_rot || apply_loc)) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Neither rotation nor location could be applied to a 2d curve, doing nothing"); change = 0; } if (cu->key) { BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Can't apply to a curve with vertex keys, doing nothing"); change = 0; } } } CTX_DATA_END; if (!change) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; change = 0; /* now execute */ CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_editable_objects) { /* calculate rotation/scale matrix */ if (apply_scale && apply_rot) BKE_object_to_mat3(ob, rsmat); else if (apply_scale) BKE_object_scale_to_mat3(ob, rsmat); else if (apply_rot) { float tmat[3][3], timat[3][3]; /* simple rotation matrix */ BKE_object_rot_to_mat3(ob, rsmat); /* correct for scale, note mul_m3_m3m3 has swapped args! */ BKE_object_scale_to_mat3(ob, tmat); invert_m3_m3(timat, tmat); mul_m3_m3m3(rsmat, timat, rsmat); mul_m3_m3m3(rsmat, rsmat, tmat); } else unit_m3(rsmat); copy_m4_m3(mat, rsmat); /* calculate translation */ if (apply_loc) { copy_v3_v3(mat[3], ob->loc); if (!(apply_scale && apply_rot)) { /* correct for scale and rotation that is still applied */ BKE_object_to_mat3(ob, obmat); invert_m3_m3(iobmat, obmat); mul_m3_m3m3(tmat, rsmat, iobmat); mul_m3_v3(tmat, mat[3]); } } /* apply to object data */ if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { Mesh *me = ob->data; MVert *mvert; multiresModifier_scale_disp(scene, ob); /* adjust data */ mvert = me->mvert; for (a = 0; a < me->totvert; a++, mvert++) mul_m4_v3(mat, mvert->co); if (me->key) { KeyBlock *kb; for (kb = me->key->block.first; kb; kb = kb->next) { float *fp = kb->data; for (a = 0; a < kb->totelem; a++, fp += 3) mul_m4_v3(mat, fp); } } /* update normals */ BKE_mesh_calc_normals_mapping(me->mvert, me->totvert, me->mloop, me->mpoly, me->totloop, me->totpoly, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } else if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { ED_armature_apply_transform(ob, mat); } else if (ob->type == OB_LATTICE) { Lattice *lt = ob->data; BPoint *bp = lt->def; int a = lt->pntsu * lt->pntsv * lt->pntsw; while (a--) { mul_m4_v3(mat, bp->vec); bp++; } } else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF)) { Curve *cu = ob->data; Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; BezTriple *bezt; scale = mat3_to_scale(rsmat); for (nu = cu->nurb.first; nu; nu = nu->next) { if (nu->type == CU_BEZIER) { a = nu->pntsu; for (bezt = nu->bezt; a--; bezt++) { mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[0]); mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[1]); mul_m4_v3(mat, bezt->vec[2]); bezt->radius *= scale; } BKE_nurb_handles_calc(nu); } else { a = nu->pntsu * nu->pntsv; for (bp = nu->bp; a--; bp++) mul_m4_v3(mat, bp->vec); } } } else continue; if (apply_loc) zero_v3(ob->loc); if (apply_scale) ob->size[0] = ob->size[1] = ob->size[2] = 1.0f; if (apply_rot) { zero_v3(ob->rot); unit_qt(ob->quat); unit_axis_angle(ob->rotAxis, &ob->rotAngle); } BKE_object_where_is_calc(scene, ob); if (ob->type == OB_ARMATURE) { BKE_pose_where_is(scene, ob); /* needed for bone parents */ } ignore_parent_tx(bmain, scene, ob); DAG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA); change = 1; } CTX_DATA_END; if (!change) return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_TRANSFORM, NULL); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; }
static void do_physical_effector(EffectorCache *eff, EffectorData *efd, EffectedPoint *point, float *total_force) { PartDeflect *pd = eff->pd; RNG *rng = pd->rng; float force[3] = {0, 0, 0}; float temp[3]; float fac; float strength = pd->f_strength; float damp = pd->f_damp; float noise_factor = pd->f_noise; if (noise_factor > 0.0f) { strength += wind_func(rng, noise_factor); if (ELEM(pd->forcefield, PFIELD_HARMONIC, PFIELD_DRAG)) damp += wind_func(rng, noise_factor); } copy_v3_v3(force, efd->vec_to_point); switch (pd->forcefield) { case PFIELD_WIND: copy_v3_v3(force, efd->nor); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->falloff); break; case PFIELD_FORCE: normalize_v3(force); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->falloff); break; case PFIELD_VORTEX: /* old vortex force */ if (pd->shape == PFIELD_SHAPE_POINT) { cross_v3_v3v3(force, efd->nor, efd->vec_to_point); normalize_v3(force); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->distance * efd->falloff); } else { /* new vortex force */ cross_v3_v3v3(temp, efd->nor2, efd->vec_to_point2); mul_v3_fl(temp, strength * efd->falloff); cross_v3_v3v3(force, efd->nor2, temp); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->falloff); madd_v3_v3fl(temp, point->vel, -point->vel_to_sec); add_v3_v3(force, temp); } break; case PFIELD_MAGNET: if (eff->pd->shape == PFIELD_SHAPE_POINT) /* magnetic field of a moving charge */ cross_v3_v3v3(temp, efd->nor, efd->vec_to_point); else copy_v3_v3(temp, efd->nor); normalize_v3(temp); mul_v3_fl(temp, strength * efd->falloff); cross_v3_v3v3(force, point->vel, temp); mul_v3_fl(force, point->vel_to_sec); break; case PFIELD_HARMONIC: mul_v3_fl(force, -strength * efd->falloff); copy_v3_v3(temp, point->vel); mul_v3_fl(temp, -damp * 2.0f * sqrtf(fabsf(strength)) * point->vel_to_sec); add_v3_v3(force, temp); break; case PFIELD_CHARGE: mul_v3_fl(force, point->charge * strength * efd->falloff); break; case PFIELD_LENNARDJ: fac = pow((efd->size + point->size) / efd->distance, 6.0); fac = - fac * (1.0f - fac) / efd->distance; /* limit the repulsive term drastically to avoid huge forces */ fac = ((fac>2.0f) ? 2.0f : fac); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * fac); break; case PFIELD_BOID: /* Boid field is handled completely in boids code. */ return; case PFIELD_TURBULENCE: if (pd->flag & PFIELD_GLOBAL_CO) { copy_v3_v3(temp, point->loc); } else { add_v3_v3v3(temp, efd->vec_to_point2, efd->nor2); } force[0] = -1.0f + 2.0f * BLI_gTurbulence(pd->f_size, temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], 2, 0, 2); force[1] = -1.0f + 2.0f * BLI_gTurbulence(pd->f_size, temp[1], temp[2], temp[0], 2, 0, 2); force[2] = -1.0f + 2.0f * BLI_gTurbulence(pd->f_size, temp[2], temp[0], temp[1], 2, 0, 2); mul_v3_fl(force, strength * efd->falloff); break; case PFIELD_DRAG: copy_v3_v3(force, point->vel); fac = normalize_v3(force) * point->vel_to_sec; strength = MIN2(strength, 2.0f); damp = MIN2(damp, 2.0f); mul_v3_fl(force, -efd->falloff * fac * (strength * fac + damp)); break; case PFIELD_SMOKEFLOW: zero_v3(force); if (pd->f_source) { float density; if ((density = smoke_get_velocity_at(pd->f_source, point->loc, force)) >= 0.0f) { float influence = strength * efd->falloff; if (pd->flag & PFIELD_SMOKE_DENSITY) influence *= density; mul_v3_fl(force, influence); /* apply flow */ madd_v3_v3fl(total_force, point->vel, -pd->f_flow * influence); } } break; } if (pd->flag & PFIELD_DO_LOCATION) { madd_v3_v3fl(total_force, force, 1.0f/point->vel_to_sec); if (ELEM(pd->forcefield, PFIELD_HARMONIC, PFIELD_DRAG, PFIELD_SMOKEFLOW)==0 && pd->f_flow != 0.0f) { madd_v3_v3fl(total_force, point->vel, -pd->f_flow * efd->falloff); } } if (point->ave) zero_v3(point->ave); if (pd->flag & PFIELD_DO_ROTATION && point->ave && point->rot) { float xvec[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float dave[3]; mul_qt_v3(point->rot, xvec); cross_v3_v3v3(dave, xvec, force); if (pd->f_flow != 0.0f) { madd_v3_v3fl(dave, point->ave, -pd->f_flow * efd->falloff); } add_v3_v3(point->ave, dave); } }
static void meshdeformModifier_do( ModifierData *md, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, float (*vertexCos)[3], int numVerts) { MeshDeformModifierData *mmd = (MeshDeformModifierData *) md; struct Mesh *me = (mmd->object) ? mmd->object->data : NULL; BMEditMesh *em = me ? me->edit_btmesh : NULL; DerivedMesh *tmpdm, *cagedm; MDeformVert *dvert = NULL; MDefInfluence *influences; int *offsets; float imat[4][4], cagemat[4][4], iobmat[4][4], icagemat[3][3], cmat[4][4]; float weight, totweight, fac, co[3], (*dco)[3], (*bindcagecos)[3]; int a, b, totvert, totcagevert, defgrp_index; float (*cagecos)[3]; if (!mmd->object || (!mmd->bindcagecos && !mmd->bindfunc)) return; /* get cage derivedmesh */ if (em) { tmpdm = editbmesh_get_derived_cage_and_final(md->scene, ob, em, &cagedm, 0); if (tmpdm) tmpdm->release(tmpdm); } else cagedm = mmd->object->derivedFinal; /* if we don't have one computed, use derivedmesh from data * without any modifiers */ if (!cagedm) { cagedm = get_dm(mmd->object, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (cagedm) cagedm->needsFree = 1; } if (!cagedm) { modifier_setError(md, "Cannot get mesh from cage object"); return; } /* compute matrices to go in and out of cage object space */ invert_m4_m4(imat, mmd->object->obmat); mult_m4_m4m4(cagemat, imat, ob->obmat); mult_m4_m4m4(cmat, mmd->bindmat, cagemat); invert_m4_m4(iobmat, cmat); copy_m3_m4(icagemat, iobmat); /* bind weights if needed */ if (!mmd->bindcagecos) { static int recursive = 0; /* progress bar redraw can make this recursive .. */ if (!recursive) { recursive = 1; mmd->bindfunc(md->scene, mmd, (float *)vertexCos, numVerts, cagemat); recursive = 0; } } /* verify we have compatible weights */ totvert = numVerts; totcagevert = cagedm->getNumVerts(cagedm); if (mmd->totvert != totvert) { modifier_setError(md, "Verts changed from %d to %d", mmd->totvert, totvert); cagedm->release(cagedm); return; } else if (mmd->totcagevert != totcagevert) { modifier_setError(md, "Cage verts changed from %d to %d", mmd->totcagevert, totcagevert); cagedm->release(cagedm); return; } else if (mmd->bindcagecos == NULL) { modifier_setError(md, "Bind data missing"); cagedm->release(cagedm); return; } cagecos = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*cagecos) * totcagevert, "meshdeformModifier vertCos"); /* setup deformation data */ cagedm->getVertCos(cagedm, cagecos); influences = mmd->bindinfluences; offsets = mmd->bindoffsets; bindcagecos = (float(*)[3])mmd->bindcagecos; dco = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*dco) * totcagevert, "MDefDco"); for (a = 0; a < totcagevert; a++) { /* get cage vertex in world space with binding transform */ copy_v3_v3(co, cagecos[a]); if (G.debug_value != 527) { mul_m4_v3(mmd->bindmat, co); /* compute difference with world space bind coord */ sub_v3_v3v3(dco[a], co, bindcagecos[a]); } else copy_v3_v3(dco[a], co); } modifier_get_vgroup(ob, dm, mmd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index); /* do deformation */ fac = 1.0f; for (b = 0; b < totvert; b++) { if (mmd->flag & MOD_MDEF_DYNAMIC_BIND) if (!mmd->dynverts[b]) continue; if (dvert) { fac = defvert_find_weight(&dvert[b], defgrp_index); if (mmd->flag & MOD_MDEF_INVERT_VGROUP) { fac = 1.0f - fac; } if (fac <= 0.0f) { continue; } } if (mmd->flag & MOD_MDEF_DYNAMIC_BIND) { /* transform coordinate into cage's local space */ mul_v3_m4v3(co, cagemat, vertexCos[b]); totweight = meshdeform_dynamic_bind(mmd, dco, co); } else { totweight = 0.0f; zero_v3(co); for (a = offsets[b]; a < offsets[b + 1]; a++) { weight = influences[a].weight; madd_v3_v3fl(co, dco[influences[a].vertex], weight); totweight += weight; } } if (totweight > 0.0f) { mul_v3_fl(co, fac / totweight); mul_m3_v3(icagemat, co); if (G.debug_value != 527) add_v3_v3(vertexCos[b], co); else copy_v3_v3(vertexCos[b], co); } } /* release cage derivedmesh */ MEM_freeN(dco); MEM_freeN(cagecos); cagedm->release(cagedm); }
/* clear rotation of object */ static void object_clear_rot(Object *ob) { /* clear rotations that aren't locked */ if (ob->protectflag & (OB_LOCK_ROTX|OB_LOCK_ROTY|OB_LOCK_ROTZ|OB_LOCK_ROTW)) { if (ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROT4D) { /* perform clamping on a component by component basis */ if (ob->rotmode == ROT_MODE_AXISANGLE) { if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTW) == 0) ob->rotAngle= ob->drotAngle= 0.0f; if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTX) == 0) ob->rotAxis[0]= ob->drotAxis[0]= 0.0f; if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTY) == 0) ob->rotAxis[1]= ob->drotAxis[1]= 0.0f; if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTZ) == 0) ob->rotAxis[2]= ob->drotAxis[2]= 0.0f; /* check validity of axis - axis should never be 0,0,0 (if so, then we make it rotate about y) */ if (IS_EQF(ob->rotAxis[0], ob->rotAxis[1]) && IS_EQF(ob->rotAxis[1], ob->rotAxis[2])) ob->rotAxis[1] = 1.0f; if (IS_EQF(ob->drotAxis[0], ob->drotAxis[1]) && IS_EQF(ob->drotAxis[1], ob->drotAxis[2])) ob->drotAxis[1]= 1.0f; } else if (ob->rotmode == ROT_MODE_QUAT) { if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTW) == 0) ob->quat[0]= ob->dquat[0]= 1.0f; if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTX) == 0) ob->quat[1]= ob->dquat[1]= 0.0f; if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTY) == 0) ob->quat[2]= ob->dquat[2]= 0.0f; if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTZ) == 0) ob->quat[3]= ob->dquat[3]= 0.0f; // TODO: does this quat need normalising now? } else { /* the flag may have been set for the other modes, so just ignore the extra flag... */ if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTX) == 0) ob->rot[0]= ob->drot[0]= 0.0f; if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTY) == 0) ob->rot[1]= ob->drot[1]= 0.0f; if ((ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTZ) == 0) ob->rot[2]= ob->drot[2]= 0.0f; } } else { /* perform clamping using euler form (3-components) */ // FIXME: deltas are not handled for these cases yet... float eul[3], oldeul[3], quat1[4] = {0}; if (ob->rotmode == ROT_MODE_QUAT) { copy_qt_qt(quat1, ob->quat); quat_to_eul(oldeul, ob->quat); } else if (ob->rotmode == ROT_MODE_AXISANGLE) { axis_angle_to_eulO(oldeul, EULER_ORDER_DEFAULT, ob->rotAxis, ob->rotAngle); } else { copy_v3_v3(oldeul, ob->rot); } eul[0]= eul[1]= eul[2]= 0.0f; if (ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTX) eul[0]= oldeul[0]; if (ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTY) eul[1]= oldeul[1]; if (ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_ROTZ) eul[2]= oldeul[2]; if (ob->rotmode == ROT_MODE_QUAT) { eul_to_quat(ob->quat, eul); /* quaternions flip w sign to accumulate rotations correctly */ if ((quat1[0]<0.0f && ob->quat[0]>0.0f) || (quat1[0]>0.0f && ob->quat[0]<0.0f)) { mul_qt_fl(ob->quat, -1.0f); } } else if (ob->rotmode == ROT_MODE_AXISANGLE) { eulO_to_axis_angle(ob->rotAxis, &ob->rotAngle,eul, EULER_ORDER_DEFAULT); } else { copy_v3_v3(ob->rot, eul); } } } // Duplicated in source/blender/editors/armature/editarmature.c else { if (ob->rotmode == ROT_MODE_QUAT) { unit_qt(ob->quat); unit_qt(ob->dquat); } else if (ob->rotmode == ROT_MODE_AXISANGLE) { unit_axis_angle(ob->rotAxis, &ob->rotAngle); unit_axis_angle(ob->drotAxis, &ob->drotAngle); } else { zero_v3(ob->rot); zero_v3(ob->drot); } } }
static void rotateDifferentialCoordinates(LaplacianSystem *sys) { float alpha, beta, gamma; float pj[3], ni[3], di[3]; float uij[3], dun[3], e2[3], pi[3], fni[3], vn[4][3]; int i, j, lvin, num_fni, k, fi; int *fidn; for (i = 0; i < sys->total_verts; i++) { copy_v3_v3(pi, sys->co[i]); copy_v3_v3(ni, sys->no[i]); k = sys->unit_verts[i]; copy_v3_v3(pj, sys->co[k]); sub_v3_v3v3(uij, pj, pi); mul_v3_v3fl(dun, ni, dot_v3v3(uij, ni)); sub_v3_v3(uij, dun); normalize_v3(uij); cross_v3_v3v3(e2, ni, uij); copy_v3_v3(di, sys->delta[i]); alpha = dot_v3v3(ni, di); beta = dot_v3v3(uij, di); gamma = dot_v3v3(e2, di); pi[0] = nlGetVariable(0, i); pi[1] = nlGetVariable(1, i); pi[2] = nlGetVariable(2, i); zero_v3(ni); num_fni = 0; num_fni = sys->ringf_map[i].count; for (fi = 0; fi < num_fni; fi++) { const unsigned int *vin; fidn = sys->ringf_map[i].indices; vin = sys->faces[fidn[fi]]; lvin = vin[3] ? 4 : 3; for (j = 0; j < lvin; j++) { vn[j][0] = nlGetVariable(0, vin[j]); vn[j][1] = nlGetVariable(1, vin[j]); vn[j][2] = nlGetVariable(2, vin[j]); if (vin[j] == sys->unit_verts[i]) { copy_v3_v3(pj, vn[j]); } } if (lvin == 3) { normal_tri_v3(fni, vn[0], vn[1], vn[2]); } else if (lvin == 4) { normal_quad_v3(fni, vn[0], vn[1], vn[2], vn[3]); } add_v3_v3(ni, fni); } normalize_v3(ni); sub_v3_v3v3(uij, pj, pi); mul_v3_v3fl(dun, ni, dot_v3v3(uij, ni)); sub_v3_v3(uij, dun); normalize_v3(uij); cross_v3_v3v3(e2, ni, uij); fni[0] = alpha * ni[0] + beta * uij[0] + gamma * e2[0]; fni[1] = alpha * ni[1] + beta * uij[1] + gamma * e2[1]; fni[2] = alpha * ni[2] + beta * uij[2] + gamma * e2[2]; if (len_squared_v3(fni) > FLT_EPSILON) { nlRightHandSideSet(0, i, fni[0]); nlRightHandSideSet(1, i, fni[1]); nlRightHandSideSet(2, i, fni[2]); } else { nlRightHandSideSet(0, i, sys->delta[i][0]); nlRightHandSideSet(1, i, sys->delta[i][1]); nlRightHandSideSet(2, i, sys->delta[i][2]); } } }
static void brush_defaults(Brush *brush) { brush->blend = 0; brush->flag = 0; brush->ob_mode = OB_MODE_ALL_PAINT; /* BRUSH SCULPT TOOL SETTINGS */ brush->weight = 1.0f; /* weight of brush 0 - 1.0 */ brush->size = 35; /* radius of the brush in pixels */ brush->alpha = 0.5f; /* brush strength/intensity probably variable should be renamed? */ brush->autosmooth_factor = 0.0f; brush->crease_pinch_factor = 0.5f; brush->sculpt_plane = SCULPT_DISP_DIR_AREA; brush->plane_offset = 0.0f; /* how far above or below the plane that is found by averaging the faces */ brush->plane_trim = 0.5f; brush->clone.alpha = 0.5f; brush->normal_weight = 0.0f; brush->fill_threshold = 0.2f; brush->flag |= BRUSH_ALPHA_PRESSURE; /* BRUSH PAINT TOOL SETTINGS */ brush->rgb[0] = 1.0f; /* default rgb color of the brush when painting - white */ brush->rgb[1] = 1.0f; brush->rgb[2] = 1.0f; zero_v3(brush->secondary_rgb); /* BRUSH STROKE SETTINGS */ brush->flag |= (BRUSH_SPACE | BRUSH_SPACE_ATTEN); brush->spacing = 10; /* how far each brush dot should be spaced as a percentage of brush diameter */ brush->smooth_stroke_radius = 75; brush->smooth_stroke_factor = 0.9f; brush->rate = 0.1f; /* time delay between dots of paint or sculpting when doing airbrush mode */ brush->jitter = 0.0f; /* BRUSH TEXTURE SETTINGS */ BKE_texture_mtex_default(&brush->mtex); BKE_texture_mtex_default(&brush->mask_mtex); brush->texture_sample_bias = 0; /* value to added to texture samples */ brush->texture_overlay_alpha = 33; brush->mask_overlay_alpha = 33; brush->cursor_overlay_alpha = 33; brush->overlay_flags = 0; /* brush appearance */ brush->add_col[0] = 1.00; /* add mode color is light red */ brush->add_col[1] = 0.39; brush->add_col[2] = 0.39; brush->sub_col[0] = 0.39; /* subtract mode color is light blue */ brush->sub_col[1] = 0.39; brush->sub_col[2] = 1.00; brush->stencil_pos[0] = 256; brush->stencil_pos[1] = 256; brush->stencil_dimension[0] = 256; brush->stencil_dimension[1] = 256; }
/** * Makes an NGon from an un-ordered set of verts * * assumes... * - that verts are only once in the list. * - that the verts have roughly planer bounds * - that the verts are roughly circular * there can be concave areas but overlapping folds from the center point will fail. * * a brief explanation of the method used * - find the center point * - find the normal of the vcloud * - order the verts around the face based on their angle to the normal vector at the center point. * * \note Since this is a vcloud there is no direction. */ void BM_verts_sort_radial_plane(BMVert **vert_arr, int len) { struct SortIntByFloat *vang = BLI_array_alloca(vang, len); BMVert **vert_arr_map = BLI_array_alloca(vert_arr_map, len); float totv_inv = 1.0f / (float)len; int i = 0; float cent[3], nor[3]; const float *far = NULL, *far_cross = NULL; float far_vec[3]; float far_cross_vec[3]; float sign_vec[3]; /* work out if we are pos/neg angle */ float far_dist_sq, far_dist_max_sq; float far_cross_dist, far_cross_best = 0.0f; /* get the center point and collect vector array since we loop over these a lot */ zero_v3(cent); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { madd_v3_v3fl(cent, vert_arr[i]->co, totv_inv); } /* find the far point from cent */ far_dist_max_sq = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { far_dist_sq = len_squared_v3v3(vert_arr[i]->co, cent); if (far_dist_sq > far_dist_max_sq || far == NULL) { far = vert_arr[i]->co; far_dist_max_sq = far_dist_sq; } } sub_v3_v3v3(far_vec, far, cent); // far_dist = len_v3(far_vec); /* real dist */ /* UNUSED */ /* --- */ /* find a point 90deg about to compare with */ far_cross_best = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (far == vert_arr[i]->co) { continue; } sub_v3_v3v3(far_cross_vec, vert_arr[i]->co, cent); far_cross_dist = normalize_v3(far_cross_vec); /* more of a weight then a distance */ far_cross_dist = (/* first we want to have a value close to zero mapped to 1 */ 1.0f - fabsf(dot_v3v3(far_vec, far_cross_vec)) * /* second we multiply by the distance * so points close to the center are not preferred */ far_cross_dist); if (far_cross_dist > far_cross_best || far_cross == NULL) { far_cross = vert_arr[i]->co; far_cross_best = far_cross_dist; } } sub_v3_v3v3(far_cross_vec, far_cross, cent); /* --- */ /* now we have 2 vectors we can have a cross product */ cross_v3_v3v3(nor, far_vec, far_cross_vec); normalize_v3(nor); cross_v3_v3v3(sign_vec, far_vec, nor); /* this vector should match 'far_cross_vec' closely */ /* --- */ /* now calculate every points angle around the normal (signed) */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { vang[i].sort_value = angle_signed_on_axis_v3v3v3_v3(far, cent, vert_arr[i]->co, nor); vang[i].data = i; vert_arr_map[i] = vert_arr[i]; } /* sort by angle and magic! - we have our ngon */ qsort(vang, len, sizeof(*vang), BLI_sortutil_cmp_float); /* --- */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { vert_arr[i] = vert_arr_map[vang[i].data]; } }
static bool snap_curs_to_sel_ex(bContext *C, float cursor[3]) { Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C); Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); View3D *v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C); TransVertStore tvs = {NULL}; TransVert *tv; float bmat[3][3], vec[3], min[3], max[3], centroid[3]; int count, a; count = 0; INIT_MINMAX(min, max); zero_v3(centroid); if (obedit) { if (ED_transverts_check_obedit(obedit)) ED_transverts_create_from_obedit(&tvs, obedit, TM_ALL_JOINTS | TM_SKIP_HANDLES); if (tvs.transverts_tot == 0) { return false; } copy_m3_m4(bmat, obedit->obmat); tv = tvs.transverts; for (a = 0; a < tvs.transverts_tot; a++, tv++) { copy_v3_v3(vec, tv->loc); mul_m3_v3(bmat, vec); add_v3_v3(vec, obedit->obmat[3]); add_v3_v3(centroid, vec); minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, vec); } if (v3d->around == V3D_AROUND_CENTER_MEAN) { mul_v3_fl(centroid, 1.0f / (float)tvs.transverts_tot); copy_v3_v3(cursor, centroid); } else { mid_v3_v3v3(cursor, min, max); } ED_transverts_free(&tvs); } else { Object *obact = CTX_data_active_object(C); if (obact && (obact->mode & OB_MODE_POSE)) { bArmature *arm = obact->data; bPoseChannel *pchan; for (pchan = obact->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan = pchan->next) { if (arm->layer & pchan->bone->layer) { if (pchan->bone->flag & BONE_SELECTED) { copy_v3_v3(vec, pchan->pose_head); mul_m4_v3(obact->obmat, vec); add_v3_v3(centroid, vec); minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, vec); count++; } } } } else { CTX_DATA_BEGIN (C, Object *, ob, selected_objects) { copy_v3_v3(vec, ob->obmat[3]); /* special case for camera -- snap to bundles */ if (ob->type == OB_CAMERA) { /* snap to bundles should happen only when bundles are visible */ if (v3d->flag2 & V3D_SHOW_RECONSTRUCTION) { bundle_midpoint(scene, ob, vec); } } add_v3_v3(centroid, vec); minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, vec); count++; } CTX_DATA_END; } if (count == 0) { return false; } if (v3d->around == V3D_AROUND_CENTER_MEAN) { mul_v3_fl(centroid, 1.0f / (float)count); copy_v3_v3(cursor, centroid); } else { mid_v3_v3v3(cursor, min, max); } }
static bool initFlyInfo(bContext *C, FlyInfo *fly, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event) { wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C); float upvec[3]; /* tmp */ float mat[3][3]; fly->rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C); fly->v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C); fly->ar = CTX_wm_region(C); fly->scene = CTX_data_scene(C); #ifdef NDOF_FLY_DEBUG puts("\n-- fly begin --"); #endif /* sanity check: for rare but possible case (if lib-linking the camera fails) */ if ((fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) && (fly->v3d->camera == NULL)) { fly->rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP; } if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB && fly->v3d->camera->id.lib) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly a camera from an external library"); return false; } if (ED_view3d_offset_lock_check(fly->v3d, fly->rv3d)) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly when the view offset is locked"); return false; } if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB && fly->v3d->camera->constraints.first) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot fly an object with constraints"); return false; } fly->state = FLY_RUNNING; fly->speed = 0.0f; fly->axis = 2; fly->pan_view = false; fly->xlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF; fly->zlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF; fly->xlock_momentum = 0.0f; fly->zlock_momentum = 0.0f; fly->grid = 1.0f; fly->use_precision = false; fly->use_freelook = false; #ifdef NDOF_FLY_DRAW_TOOMUCH fly->redraw = 1; #endif zero_v3(fly->dvec_prev); fly->timer = WM_event_add_timer(CTX_wm_manager(C), win, TIMER, 0.01f); copy_v2_v2_int(fly->mval, event->mval); fly->ndof = NULL; fly->time_lastdraw = fly->time_lastwheel = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); fly->draw_handle_pixel = ED_region_draw_cb_activate(fly->ar->type, drawFlyPixel, fly, REGION_DRAW_POST_PIXEL); fly->rv3d->rflag |= RV3D_NAVIGATING; /* so we draw the corner margins */ /* detect weather to start with Z locking */ upvec[0] = 1.0f; upvec[1] = 0.0f; upvec[2] = 0.0f; copy_m3_m4(mat, fly->rv3d->viewinv); mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); if (fabsf(upvec[2]) < 0.1f) { fly->zlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_IDLE; } upvec[0] = 0; upvec[1] = 0; upvec[2] = 0; fly->persp_backup = fly->rv3d->persp; fly->dist_backup = fly->rv3d->dist; /* check for flying ortho camera - which we cant support well * we _could_ also check for an ortho camera but this is easier */ if ((fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) && (fly->rv3d->is_persp == false)) { ((Camera *)fly->v3d->camera->data)->type = CAM_PERSP; fly->is_ortho_cam = true; } if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) { Object *ob_back; if ((U.uiflag & USER_CAM_LOCK_NO_PARENT) == 0 && (fly->root_parent = fly->v3d->camera->parent)) { while (fly->root_parent->parent) fly->root_parent = fly->root_parent->parent; ob_back = fly->root_parent; } else { ob_back = fly->v3d->camera; } /* store the original camera loc and rot */ fly->obtfm = BKE_object_tfm_backup(ob_back); BKE_object_where_is_calc(fly->scene, fly->v3d->camera); negate_v3_v3(fly->rv3d->ofs, fly->v3d->camera->obmat[3]); fly->rv3d->dist = 0.0; } else { /* perspective or ortho */ if (fly->rv3d->persp == RV3D_ORTHO) fly->rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP; /* if ortho projection, make perspective */ copy_qt_qt(fly->rot_backup, fly->rv3d->viewquat); copy_v3_v3(fly->ofs_backup, fly->rv3d->ofs); /* the dist defines a vector that is infront of the offset * to rotate the view about. * this is no good for fly mode because we * want to rotate about the viewers center. * but to correct the dist removal we must * alter offset so the view doesn't jump. */ fly->rv3d->dist = 0.0f; upvec[2] = fly->dist_backup; /* x and y are 0 */ mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); sub_v3_v3(fly->rv3d->ofs, upvec); /* Done with correcting for the dist */ } /* center the mouse, probably the UI mafia are against this but without its quite annoying */ WM_cursor_warp(win, fly->ar->winrct.xmin + fly->ar->winx / 2, fly->ar->winrct.ymin + fly->ar->winy / 2); return 1; }
unsigned int BLI_scanfill_calc_ex(ScanFillContext *sf_ctx, const int flag, const float nor_proj[3]) { /* * - fill works with its own lists, so create that first (no faces!) * - for vertices, put in ->tmp.v the old pointer * - struct elements xs en ys are not used here: don't hide stuff in it * - edge flag ->f becomes 2 when it's a new edge * - mode: & 1 is check for crossings, then create edges (TO DO ) * - returns number of triangle faces added. */ ListBase tempve, temped; ScanFillVert *eve; ScanFillEdge *eed, *eed_next; PolyFill *pflist, *pf; float *min_xy_p, *max_xy_p; unsigned int totfaces = 0; /* total faces added */ unsigned short a, c, poly = 0; bool ok; float mat_2d[3][3]; BLI_assert(!nor_proj || len_squared_v3(nor_proj) > FLT_EPSILON); #ifdef DEBUG for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) { /* these values used to be set, * however they should always be zero'd so check instead */ BLI_assert(eve->f == 0); BLI_assert(sf_ctx->poly_nr || eve->poly_nr == 0); BLI_assert(eve->edge_tot == 0); } #endif #if 0 if (flag & BLI_SCANFILL_CALC_QUADTRI_FASTPATH) { const int totverts = BLI_countlist(&sf_ctx->fillvertbase); if (totverts == 3) { eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; addfillface(sf_ctx, eve, eve->next, eve->next->next); return 1; } else if (totverts == 4) { float vec1[3], vec2[3]; eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; /* no need to check 'eve->next->next->next' is valid, already counted */ /* use shortest diagonal for quad */ sub_v3_v3v3(vec1, eve->co, eve->next->next->co); sub_v3_v3v3(vec2, eve->next->co, eve->next->next->next->co); if (dot_v3v3(vec1, vec1) < dot_v3v3(vec2, vec2)) { addfillface(sf_ctx, eve, eve->next, eve->next->next); addfillface(sf_ctx, eve->next->next, eve->next->next->next, eve); } else { addfillface(sf_ctx, eve->next, eve->next->next, eve->next->next->next); addfillface(sf_ctx, eve->next->next->next, eve, eve->next); } return 2; } } #endif /* first test vertices if they are in edges */ /* including resetting of flags */ for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed->next) { BLI_assert(sf_ctx->poly_nr != SF_POLY_UNSET || eed->poly_nr == SF_POLY_UNSET); eed->v1->f = SF_VERT_AVAILABLE; eed->v2->f = SF_VERT_AVAILABLE; } for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) { if (eve->f == SF_VERT_AVAILABLE) { break; } } if (UNLIKELY(eve == NULL)) { return 0; } else { float n[3]; if (nor_proj) { copy_v3_v3(n, nor_proj); } else { /* define projection: with 'best' normal */ /* Newell's Method */ /* Similar code used elsewhere, but this checks for double ups * which historically this function supports so better not change */ /* warning: this only gives stable direction with single polygons, * ideally we'd calcualte connectivity and calculate each polys normal, see T41047 */ const float *v_prev; zero_v3(n); eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.last; v_prev = eve->co; for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) { if (LIKELY(!compare_v3v3(v_prev, eve->co, SF_EPSILON))) { add_newell_cross_v3_v3v3(n, v_prev, eve->co); v_prev = eve->co; } } } if (UNLIKELY(normalize_v3(n) == 0.0f)) { return 0; } axis_dominant_v3_to_m3(mat_2d, n); } /* STEP 1: COUNT POLYS */ if (sf_ctx->poly_nr != SF_POLY_UNSET) { poly = (unsigned short)(sf_ctx->poly_nr + 1); sf_ctx->poly_nr = SF_POLY_UNSET; } if (flag & BLI_SCANFILL_CALC_POLYS && (poly == 0)) { for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) { mul_v2_m3v3(eve->xy, mat_2d, eve->co); /* get first vertex with no poly number */ if (eve->poly_nr == SF_POLY_UNSET) { unsigned int toggle = 0; /* now a sort of select connected */ ok = true; eve->poly_nr = poly; while (ok) { ok = false; toggle++; for (eed = (toggle & 1) ? sf_ctx->filledgebase.first : sf_ctx->filledgebase.last; eed; eed = (toggle & 1) ? eed->next : eed->prev) { if (eed->v1->poly_nr == SF_POLY_UNSET && eed->v2->poly_nr == poly) { eed->v1->poly_nr = poly; eed->poly_nr = poly; ok = true; } else if (eed->v2->poly_nr == SF_POLY_UNSET && eed->v1->poly_nr == poly) { eed->v2->poly_nr = poly; eed->poly_nr = poly; ok = true; } else if (eed->poly_nr == SF_POLY_UNSET) { if (eed->v1->poly_nr == poly && eed->v2->poly_nr == poly) { eed->poly_nr = poly; ok = true; } } } } poly++; } } /* printf("amount of poly's: %d\n", poly); */ } else if (poly) { /* we pre-calculated poly_nr */ for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) { mul_v2_m3v3(eve->xy, mat_2d, eve->co); } } else { poly = 1; for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) { mul_v2_m3v3(eve->xy, mat_2d, eve->co); eve->poly_nr = 0; } for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed->next) { eed->poly_nr = 0; } } /* STEP 2: remove loose edges and strings of edges */ if (flag & BLI_SCANFILL_CALC_LOOSE) { unsigned int toggle = 0; for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed->next) { if (eed->v1->edge_tot++ > 250) break; if (eed->v2->edge_tot++ > 250) break; } if (eed) { /* otherwise it's impossible to be sure you can clear vertices */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("No vertices with 250 edges allowed!\n"); #endif return 0; } /* does it only for vertices with (->edge_tot == 1) */ testvertexnearedge(sf_ctx); ok = true; while (ok) { ok = false; toggle++; for (eed = (toggle & 1) ? sf_ctx->filledgebase.first : sf_ctx->filledgebase.last; eed; eed = eed_next) { eed_next = (toggle & 1) ? eed->next : eed->prev; if (eed->v1->edge_tot == 1) { eed->v2->edge_tot--; BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->fillvertbase, eed->v1); BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, eed); ok = true; } else if (eed->v2->edge_tot == 1) { eed->v1->edge_tot--; BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->fillvertbase, eed->v2); BLI_remlink(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, eed); ok = true; } } } if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&sf_ctx->filledgebase)) { /* printf("All edges removed\n"); */ return 0; } } else { /* skip checks for loose edges */ for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed->next) { eed->v1->edge_tot++; eed->v2->edge_tot++; } #ifdef DEBUG /* ensure we're right! */ for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed->next) { BLI_assert(eed->v1->edge_tot != 1); BLI_assert(eed->v2->edge_tot != 1); } #endif } /* CURRENT STATUS: * - eve->f :1 = available in edges * - eve->poly_nr :polynumber * - eve->edge_tot :amount of edges connected to vertex * - eve->tmp.v :store! original vertex number * * - eed->f :1 = boundary edge (optionally set by caller) * - eed->poly_nr :poly number */ /* STEP 3: MAKE POLYFILL STRUCT */ pflist = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*pflist) * (size_t)poly, "edgefill"); pf = pflist; for (a = 0; a < poly; a++) { pf->edges = pf->verts = 0; pf->min_xy[0] = pf->min_xy[1] = 1.0e20f; pf->max_xy[0] = pf->max_xy[1] = -1.0e20f; pf->f = SF_POLY_NEW; pf->nr = a; pf++; } for (eed = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; eed; eed = eed->next) { pflist[eed->poly_nr].edges++; } for (eve = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; eve; eve = eve->next) { pflist[eve->poly_nr].verts++; min_xy_p = pflist[eve->poly_nr].min_xy; max_xy_p = pflist[eve->poly_nr].max_xy; min_xy_p[0] = (min_xy_p[0]) < (eve->xy[0]) ? (min_xy_p[0]) : (eve->xy[0]); min_xy_p[1] = (min_xy_p[1]) < (eve->xy[1]) ? (min_xy_p[1]) : (eve->xy[1]); max_xy_p[0] = (max_xy_p[0]) > (eve->xy[0]) ? (max_xy_p[0]) : (eve->xy[0]); max_xy_p[1] = (max_xy_p[1]) > (eve->xy[1]) ? (max_xy_p[1]) : (eve->xy[1]); if (eve->edge_tot > 2) { pflist[eve->poly_nr].f = SF_POLY_VALID; } } /* STEP 4: FIND HOLES OR BOUNDS, JOIN THEM * ( bounds just to divide it in pieces for optimization, * the edgefill itself has good auto-hole detection) * WATCH IT: ONLY WORKS WITH SORTED POLYS!!! */ if ((flag & BLI_SCANFILL_CALC_HOLES) && (poly > 1)) { unsigned short *polycache, *pc; /* so, sort first */ qsort(pflist, (size_t)poly, sizeof(PolyFill), vergpoly); #if 0 pf = pflist; for (a = 0; a < poly; a++) { printf("poly:%d edges:%d verts:%d flag: %d\n", a, pf->edges, pf->verts, pf->f); PRINT2(f, f, pf->min[0], pf->min[1]); pf++; } #endif polycache = pc = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*polycache) * (size_t)poly, "polycache"); pf = pflist; for (a = 0; a < poly; a++, pf++) { for (c = (unsigned short)(a + 1); c < poly; c++) { /* if 'a' inside 'c': join (bbox too) * Careful: 'a' can also be inside another poly. */ if (boundisect(pf, pflist + c)) { *pc = c; pc++; } /* only for optimize! */ /* else if (pf->max_xy[0] < (pflist+c)->min[cox]) break; */ } while (pc != polycache) { pc--; mergepolysSimp(sf_ctx, pf, pflist + *pc); } } MEM_freeN(polycache); } #if 0 printf("after merge\n"); pf = pflist; for (a = 0; a < poly; a++) { printf("poly:%d edges:%d verts:%d flag: %d\n", a, pf->edges, pf->verts, pf->f); pf++; } #endif /* STEP 5: MAKE TRIANGLES */ tempve.first = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.first; tempve.last = sf_ctx->fillvertbase.last; temped.first = sf_ctx->filledgebase.first; temped.last = sf_ctx->filledgebase.last; BLI_listbase_clear(&sf_ctx->fillvertbase); BLI_listbase_clear(&sf_ctx->filledgebase); pf = pflist; for (a = 0; a < poly; a++) { if (pf->edges > 1) { splitlist(sf_ctx, &tempve, &temped, pf->nr); totfaces += scanfill(sf_ctx, pf, flag); } pf++; } BLI_movelisttolist(&sf_ctx->fillvertbase, &tempve); BLI_movelisttolist(&sf_ctx->filledgebase, &temped); /* FREE */ MEM_freeN(pflist); return totfaces; }
static int flyApply(bContext *C, FlyInfo *fly) { #define FLY_ROTATE_FAC 2.5f /* more is faster */ #define FLY_ZUP_CORRECT_FAC 0.1f /* amount to correct per step */ #define FLY_ZUP_CORRECT_ACCEL 0.05f /* increase upright momentum each step */ /* fly mode - Shift+F * a fly loop where the user can move move the view as if they are flying */ RegionView3D *rv3d = fly->rv3d; ARegion *ar = fly->ar; float mat[3][3]; /* 3x3 copy of the view matrix so we can move along the view axis */ float dvec[3] = {0, 0, 0}; /* this is the direction thast added to the view offset per redraw */ /* Camera Uprighting variables */ float upvec[3] = {0, 0, 0}; /* stores the view's up vector */ float moffset[2]; /* mouse offset from the views center */ float tmp_quat[4]; /* used for rotating the view */ // int cent_orig[2], /* view center */ //XXX- can avoid using // cent[2], /* view center modified */ int xmargin, ymargin; /* x and y margin are define the safe area where the mouses movement wont rotate the view */ #ifdef NDOF_FLY_DEBUG { static unsigned int iteration = 1; printf("fly timer %d\n", iteration++); } #endif xmargin = ar->winx / 20.0f; ymargin = ar->winy / 20.0f; // UNUSED // cent_orig[0] = ar->winrct.xmin + ar->winx / 2; // cent_orig[1] = ar->winrct.ymin + ar->winy / 2; { /* mouse offset from the center */ moffset[0] = fly->mval[0] - ar->winx / 2; moffset[1] = fly->mval[1] - ar->winy / 2; /* enforce a view margin */ if (moffset[0] > xmargin) moffset[0] -= xmargin; else if (moffset[0] < -xmargin) moffset[0] += xmargin; else moffset[0] = 0; if (moffset[1] > ymargin) moffset[1] -= ymargin; else if (moffset[1] < -ymargin) moffset[1] += ymargin; else moffset[1] = 0; /* scale the mouse movement by this value - scales mouse movement to the view size * moffset[0] / (ar->winx-xmargin * 2) - window size minus margin (same for y) * * the mouse moves isn't linear */ if (moffset[0]) { moffset[0] /= ar->winx - (xmargin * 2); moffset[0] *= fabsf(moffset[0]); } if (moffset[1]) { moffset[1] /= ar->winy - (ymargin * 2); moffset[1] *= fabsf(moffset[1]); } /* Should we redraw? */ if ((fly->speed != 0.0f) || moffset[0] || moffset[1] || (fly->zlock != FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF) || (fly->xlock != FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF) || dvec[0] || dvec[1] || dvec[2]) { float dvec_tmp[3]; /* time how fast it takes for us to redraw, * this is so simple scenes don't fly too fast */ double time_current; float time_redraw; float time_redraw_clamped; #ifdef NDOF_FLY_DRAW_TOOMUCH fly->redraw = 1; #endif time_current = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); time_redraw = (float)(time_current - fly->time_lastdraw); time_redraw_clamped = min_ff(0.05f, time_redraw); /* clamp redraw time to avoid jitter in roll correction */ fly->time_lastdraw = time_current; /* Scale the time to use shift to scale the speed down- just like * shift slows many other areas of blender down */ if (fly->use_precision) fly->speed = fly->speed * (1.0f - time_redraw_clamped); copy_m3_m4(mat, rv3d->viewinv); if (fly->pan_view == true) { /* pan only */ dvec_tmp[0] = -moffset[0]; dvec_tmp[1] = -moffset[1]; dvec_tmp[2] = 0; if (fly->use_precision) { dvec_tmp[0] *= 0.1f; dvec_tmp[1] *= 0.1f; } mul_m3_v3(mat, dvec_tmp); mul_v3_fl(dvec_tmp, time_redraw * 200.0f * fly->grid); } else { float roll; /* similar to the angle between the camera's up and the Z-up, * but its very rough so just roll */ /* rotate about the X axis- look up/down */ if (moffset[1]) { upvec[0] = 1; upvec[1] = 0; upvec[2] = 0; mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); /* Rotate about the relative up vec */ axis_angle_to_quat(tmp_quat, upvec, (float)moffset[1] * time_redraw * -FLY_ROTATE_FAC); mul_qt_qtqt(rv3d->viewquat, rv3d->viewquat, tmp_quat); if (fly->xlock != FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF) fly->xlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_ACTIVE; /* check for rotation */ if (fly->zlock != FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF) fly->zlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_ACTIVE; fly->xlock_momentum = 0.0f; } /* rotate about the Y axis- look left/right */ if (moffset[0]) { /* if we're upside down invert the moffset */ upvec[0] = 0.0f; upvec[1] = 1.0f; upvec[2] = 0.0f; mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); if (upvec[2] < 0.0f) moffset[0] = -moffset[0]; /* make the lock vectors */ if (fly->zlock) { upvec[0] = 0.0f; upvec[1] = 0.0f; upvec[2] = 1.0f; } else { upvec[0] = 0.0f; upvec[1] = 1.0f; upvec[2] = 0.0f; mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); } /* Rotate about the relative up vec */ axis_angle_to_quat(tmp_quat, upvec, (float)moffset[0] * time_redraw * FLY_ROTATE_FAC); mul_qt_qtqt(rv3d->viewquat, rv3d->viewquat, tmp_quat); if (fly->xlock != FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF) fly->xlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_ACTIVE; /* check for rotation */ if (fly->zlock != FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF) fly->zlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_ACTIVE; } if (fly->zlock == FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_ACTIVE) { upvec[0] = 1.0f; upvec[1] = 0.0f; upvec[2] = 0.0f; mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); /* make sure we have some z rolling */ if (fabsf(upvec[2]) > 0.00001f) { roll = upvec[2] * 5.0f; upvec[0] = 0.0f; /* rotate the view about this axis */ upvec[1] = 0.0f; upvec[2] = 1.0f; mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); /* Rotate about the relative up vec */ axis_angle_to_quat(tmp_quat, upvec, roll * time_redraw_clamped * fly->zlock_momentum * FLY_ZUP_CORRECT_FAC); mul_qt_qtqt(rv3d->viewquat, rv3d->viewquat, tmp_quat); fly->zlock_momentum += FLY_ZUP_CORRECT_ACCEL; } else { fly->zlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_IDLE; /* don't check until the view rotates again */ fly->zlock_momentum = 0.0f; } } /* only apply xcorrect when mouse isn't applying x rot */ if (fly->xlock == FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_ACTIVE && moffset[1] == 0) { upvec[0] = 0; upvec[1] = 0; upvec[2] = 1; mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); /* make sure we have some z rolling */ if (fabsf(upvec[2]) > 0.00001f) { roll = upvec[2] * -5.0f; upvec[0] = 1.0f; /* rotate the view about this axis */ upvec[1] = 0.0f; upvec[2] = 0.0f; mul_m3_v3(mat, upvec); /* Rotate about the relative up vec */ axis_angle_to_quat(tmp_quat, upvec, roll * time_redraw_clamped * fly->xlock_momentum * 0.1f); mul_qt_qtqt(rv3d->viewquat, rv3d->viewquat, tmp_quat); fly->xlock_momentum += 0.05f; } else { fly->xlock = FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_IDLE; /* see above */ fly->xlock_momentum = 0.0f; } } if (fly->axis == -1) { /* pause */ zero_v3(dvec_tmp); } else if (!fly->use_freelook) { /* Normal operation */ /* define dvec, view direction vector */ zero_v3(dvec_tmp); /* move along the current axis */ dvec_tmp[fly->axis] = 1.0f; mul_m3_v3(mat, dvec_tmp); } else { normalize_v3_v3(dvec_tmp, fly->dvec_prev); if (fly->speed < 0.0f) { negate_v3(dvec_tmp); } } mul_v3_fl(dvec_tmp, fly->speed * time_redraw * 0.25f); } /* impose a directional lag */ interp_v3_v3v3(dvec, dvec_tmp, fly->dvec_prev, (1.0f / (1.0f + (time_redraw * 5.0f)))); if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) { Object *lock_ob = fly->root_parent ? fly->root_parent : fly->v3d->camera; if (lock_ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_LOCX) dvec[0] = 0.0; if (lock_ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_LOCY) dvec[1] = 0.0; if (lock_ob->protectflag & OB_LOCK_LOCZ) dvec[2] = 0.0; } add_v3_v3(rv3d->ofs, dvec); if (rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) { const bool do_rotate = ((fly->xlock != FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF) || (fly->zlock != FLY_AXISLOCK_STATE_OFF) || ((moffset[0] || moffset[1]) && !fly->pan_view)); const bool do_translate = (fly->speed != 0.0f || fly->pan_view); flyMoveCamera(C, rv3d, fly, do_rotate, do_translate); } } else { /* we're not redrawing but we need to update the time else the view will jump */ fly->time_lastdraw = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); } /* end drawing */ copy_v3_v3(fly->dvec_prev, dvec); } return OPERATOR_FINISHED; }
static bool collision_response(ClothModifierData *clmd, CollisionModifierData *collmd, CollPair *collpair, float dt, float restitution, float r_impulse[3]) { Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject; int index = collpair->ap1; bool result = false; float v1[3], v2_old[3], v2_new[3], v_rel_old[3], v_rel_new[3]; float epsilon2 = BLI_bvhtree_get_epsilon(collmd->bvhtree); float margin_distance = (float)collpair->distance - epsilon2; float mag_v_rel; zero_v3(r_impulse); if (margin_distance > 0.0f) return false; /* XXX tested before already? */ /* only handle static collisions here */ if ( collpair->flag & COLLISION_IN_FUTURE ) return false; /* velocity */ copy_v3_v3(v1, cloth->verts[index].v); collision_get_collider_velocity(v2_old, v2_new, collmd, collpair); /* relative velocity = velocity of the cloth point relative to the collider */ sub_v3_v3v3(v_rel_old, v1, v2_old); sub_v3_v3v3(v_rel_new, v1, v2_new); /* normal component of the relative velocity */ mag_v_rel = dot_v3v3(v_rel_old, collpair->normal); /* only valid when moving toward the collider */ if (mag_v_rel < -ALMOST_ZERO) { float v_nor_old, v_nor_new; float v_tan_old[3], v_tan_new[3]; float bounce, repulse; /* Collision response based on * "Simulating Complex Hair with Robust Collision Handling" (Choe, Choi, Ko, ACM SIGGRAPH 2005) * */ v_nor_old = mag_v_rel; v_nor_new = dot_v3v3(v_rel_new, collpair->normal); madd_v3_v3v3fl(v_tan_old, v_rel_old, collpair->normal, -v_nor_old); madd_v3_v3v3fl(v_tan_new, v_rel_new, collpair->normal, -v_nor_new); bounce = -v_nor_old * restitution; repulse = -margin_distance / dt; /* base repulsion velocity in normal direction */ /* XXX this clamping factor is quite arbitrary ... * not sure if there is a more scientific approach, but seems to give good results */ CLAMP(repulse, 0.0f, 4.0f * bounce); if (margin_distance < -epsilon2) { mul_v3_v3fl(r_impulse, collpair->normal, max_ff(repulse, bounce) - v_nor_new); } else { bounce = 0.0f; mul_v3_v3fl(r_impulse, collpair->normal, repulse - v_nor_new); } result = true; } return result; }
static bool initWalkInfo(bContext *C, WalkInfo *walk, wmOperator *op) { wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C); walk->rv3d = CTX_wm_region_view3d(C); walk->v3d = CTX_wm_view3d(C); walk->ar = CTX_wm_region(C); walk->scene = CTX_data_scene(C); #ifdef NDOF_WALK_DEBUG puts("\n-- walk begin --"); #endif /* sanity check: for rare but possible case (if lib-linking the camera fails) */ if ((walk->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) && (walk->v3d->camera == NULL)) { walk->rv3d->persp = RV3D_PERSP; } if (walk->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB && walk->v3d->camera->id.lib) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot navigate a camera from an external library"); return false; } if (ED_view3d_offset_lock_check(walk->v3d, walk->rv3d)) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot navigate when the view offset is locked"); return false; } if (walk->rv3d->persp == RV3D_CAMOB && walk->v3d->camera->constraints.first) { BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot navigate an object with constraints"); return false; } walk->state = WALK_RUNNING; if (fabsf(U.walk_navigation.walk_speed - userdef_speed) > 0.1f) { base_speed = U.walk_navigation.walk_speed; userdef_speed = U.walk_navigation.walk_speed; } walk->speed = 0.0f; walk->is_fast = false; walk->is_slow = false; walk->grid = (walk->scene->unit.system == USER_UNIT_NONE) ? 1.f : 1.f / walk->scene->unit.scale_length; /* user preference settings */ walk->teleport.duration = U.walk_navigation.teleport_time; walk->mouse_speed = U.walk_navigation.mouse_speed; if ((U.walk_navigation.flag & USER_WALK_GRAVITY)) walk_navigation_mode_set(C, op, walk, WALK_MODE_GRAVITY); else walk_navigation_mode_set(C, op, walk, WALK_MODE_FREE); walk->view_height = U.walk_navigation.view_height; walk->jump_height = U.walk_navigation.jump_height; walk->speed = U.walk_navigation.walk_speed; walk->speed_factor = U.walk_navigation.walk_speed_factor; walk->gravity_state = WALK_GRAVITY_STATE_OFF; if ((walk->scene->physics_settings.flag & PHYS_GLOBAL_GRAVITY)) { walk->gravity = fabsf(walk->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2]); } else { walk->gravity = 9.80668f; /* m/s2 */ } walk->is_reversed = ((U.walk_navigation.flag & USER_WALK_MOUSE_REVERSE) != 0); #ifdef USE_TABLET_SUPPORT walk->is_cursor_first = true; walk->is_cursor_absolute = false; #endif walk->active_directions = 0; #ifdef NDOF_WALK_DRAW_TOOMUCH walk->redraw = 1; #endif zero_v3(walk->dvec_prev); walk->timer = WM_event_add_timer(CTX_wm_manager(C), win, TIMER, 0.01f); walk->ndof = NULL; walk->time_lastdraw = PIL_check_seconds_timer(); walk->draw_handle_pixel = ED_region_draw_cb_activate(walk->ar->type, drawWalkPixel, walk, REGION_DRAW_POST_PIXEL); walk->rv3d->rflag |= RV3D_NAVIGATING; walk->v3d_camera_control = ED_view3d_cameracontrol_acquire( walk->scene, walk->v3d, walk->rv3d, (U.uiflag & USER_CAM_LOCK_NO_PARENT) == 0); /* center the mouse */ walk->center_mval[0] = walk->ar->winx * 0.5f; walk->center_mval[1] = walk->ar->winy * 0.5f; #ifdef USE_PIXELSIZE_NATIVE_SUPPORT walk->center_mval[0] += walk->ar->winrct.xmin; walk->center_mval[1] += walk->ar->winrct.ymin; WM_cursor_compatible_xy(win, &walk->center_mval[0], &walk->center_mval[1]); walk->center_mval[0] -= walk->ar->winrct.xmin; walk->center_mval[1] -= walk->ar->winrct.ymin; #endif copy_v2_v2_int(walk->prev_mval, walk->center_mval); WM_cursor_warp(win, walk->ar->winrct.xmin + walk->center_mval[0], walk->ar->winrct.ymin + walk->center_mval[1]); /* remove the mouse cursor temporarily */ WM_cursor_modal_set(win, CURSOR_NONE); return 1; }
/* XXX this is nasty: cloth meshes do not explicitly store * the order of hair segments! * We have to rely on the spring build function for now, * which adds structural springs in reverse order: * (3,4), (2,3), (1,2) * This is currently the only way to figure out hair geometry inside this code ... */ static LinkNode *cloth_continuum_add_hair_segments(HairGrid *grid, const float cell_scale, const float cell_offset[3], Cloth *cloth, LinkNode *spring_link) { Implicit_Data *data = cloth->implicit; LinkNode *next_spring_link = NULL; /* return value */ ClothSpring *spring1, *spring2, *spring3; // ClothVertex *verts = cloth->verts; // ClothVertex *vert3, *vert4; float x1[3], v1[3], x2[3], v2[3], x3[3], v3[3], x4[3], v4[3]; float dir1[3], dir2[3], dir3[3]; spring1 = NULL; spring2 = NULL; spring3 = (ClothSpring *)spring_link->link; zero_v3(x1); zero_v3(v1); zero_v3(dir1); zero_v3(x2); zero_v3(v2); zero_v3(dir2); // vert3 = &verts[spring3->kl]; cloth_get_grid_location(data, cell_scale, cell_offset, spring3->kl, x3, v3); // vert4 = &verts[spring3->ij]; cloth_get_grid_location(data, cell_scale, cell_offset, spring3->ij, x4, v4); sub_v3_v3v3(dir3, x4, x3); normalize_v3(dir3); while (spring_link) { /* move on */ spring1 = spring2; spring2 = spring3; // vert3 = vert4; copy_v3_v3(x1, x2); copy_v3_v3(v1, v2); copy_v3_v3(x2, x3); copy_v3_v3(v2, v3); copy_v3_v3(x3, x4); copy_v3_v3(v3, v4); copy_v3_v3(dir1, dir2); copy_v3_v3(dir2, dir3); /* read next segment */ next_spring_link = spring_link->next; spring_link = hair_spring_next(spring_link); if (spring_link) { spring3 = (ClothSpring *)spring_link->link; // vert4 = &verts[spring3->ij]; cloth_get_grid_location(data, cell_scale, cell_offset, spring3->ij, x4, v4); sub_v3_v3v3(dir3, x4, x3); normalize_v3(dir3); } else { spring3 = NULL; // vert4 = NULL; zero_v3(x4); zero_v3(v4); zero_v3(dir3); } BPH_hair_volume_add_segment(grid, x1, v1, x2, v2, x3, v3, x4, v4, spring1 ? dir1 : NULL, dir2, spring3 ? dir3 : NULL); } return next_spring_link; }
static void CalcSnapGeometry(TransInfo *t, float *UNUSED(vec)) { if (t->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D) { float loc[3]; float no[3]; float mval[2]; bool found = false; float dist_px = SNAP_MIN_DISTANCE; // Use a user defined value here mval[0] = t->mval[0]; mval[1] = t->mval[1]; if (t->tsnap.mode == SCE_SNAP_MODE_VOLUME) { found = peelObjectsTransform( t, mval, (t->settings->snap_flag & SCE_SNAP_PEEL_OBJECT) != 0, loc, no, NULL); } else { zero_v3(no); /* objects won't set this */ found = snapObjectsTransform( t, mval, &dist_px, loc, no); } if (found == true) { copy_v3_v3(t->tsnap.snapPoint, loc); copy_v3_v3(t->tsnap.snapNormal, no); t->tsnap.status |= POINT_INIT; } else { t->tsnap.status &= ~POINT_INIT; } } else if (t->spacetype == SPACE_IMAGE && t->obedit != NULL && t->obedit->type == OB_MESH) { /* same as above but for UV's */ Image *ima = ED_space_image(t->sa->spacedata.first); float co[2]; UI_view2d_region_to_view(&t->ar->v2d, t->mval[0], t->mval[1], &co[0], &co[1]); if (ED_uvedit_nearest_uv(t->scene, t->obedit, ima, co, t->tsnap.snapPoint)) { t->tsnap.snapPoint[0] *= t->aspect[0]; t->tsnap.snapPoint[1] *= t->aspect[1]; t->tsnap.status |= POINT_INIT; } else { t->tsnap.status &= ~POINT_INIT; } } else if (t->spacetype == SPACE_NODE) { float loc[2]; float dist_px = SNAP_MIN_DISTANCE; // Use a user defined value here char node_border; if (snapNodesTransform(t, t->mval, t->tsnap.modeSelect, loc, &dist_px, &node_border)) { copy_v2_v2(t->tsnap.snapPoint, loc); t->tsnap.snapNodeBorder = node_border; t->tsnap.status |= POINT_INIT; } else { t->tsnap.status &= ~POINT_INIT; } } }